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Everything about a Technicon -Lab-aid file is designed tospeed the work and improve filing efficiency. For example,the unique (patented) spring slide-spacers. Holding slidesupright with plenty of air-space for quicker drying, they'restill supple enough to spread like this, so you can easilyfile or find a slide. If you 'want more capacity for clo.se-packed, permanent storage,-, you simply remove the spacer,which gives you room for approximately 6500 slides in asingle 19" x .19" x 5" unit- up to 450. more capacity.

To find out more about this efricient system for labora-tory filing, send the coupon below.

These same Cabinets are manufactured,by our FrenchCorporation: COMPAGNIE TECHNICON, 7 rue GeorgesVille, Paris.


; § 4~~~~~~~ l1Inmg system

THE TECHNICON COMPANY215 East 149th St., New York 51, N. Y.

Send me particulars of the "LAB-AID" fi'ling system.



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The New T E C H N I - F R E E Z E Refrigerating Unit

UInstant FreezingAction

Lower 4Costs

For Use with Freezing Microtome

Techni-Freeze is a refrigerating unit of high perfection for every modern hospitalkclinic, or laboratory. It is used for freezing tissue for histologic diagnosis.

The cost of operating the electrically-poweredTechni-Freeze Unit compares roughly to thecost of lighting a 50 - watt incandescentlight bulb.

Techni-Freeze operates with quick, quiet,a clean efficiency. A snap of the compressor

switch in the morning places the unit in astate of constant readiness. The Techni-Freeze

Dperating refrigerant, Freon, circulates throughout theunit and will hold temperatures ranging from

* -200F. to -40°F.

Elimination of (O2Tank HandlingProblems

Techni-Freeze eliminates many disadvantageswhich are well known to pathologists using theold CO2 refrigerating method. Serious delaysdue to low pressure and tank switch-over areavoided by use of Techni-Freeze, whichclearly registers temperatures.

The introduction of Techni-Freeze to thepathological laboratory results in new effi-ciencies which are readily appreciated bytechnicians. Awkward CO2 tank handling isno longer necessary; disturbing CO2 gaspressure noises are obviated by use of theTechni-Freeze; contamination of air andinstruments is completely eliminated onceTechni-Freeze is placed into service.

Housed in a sturdy enameled steel cabinet,the Techni-Freeze has all controls convenientlylocated with gauges and controls on the frontpanel. The freezing head is designed to fit allmicrotomes in common use, such as: Bausch& Lomb, American Optical, Spencer andSartorius.

Scientific Proucts visionANeMYERhIiCAN HSC P ITAoL S U PPLY COWiOR DRAT I O N

New York - Chicago * Kansas City * Minneapolis . Atlanta . Washington - Dallas * Los Angeles * Son Francisco

11 I BRIiItUARY 1.955, IA



9 *~~~~~~,ilanine (DOPA); Dipyridyl; Edestin; Emulsin; Ery-thritol; N-Ethylpiperidine; Fibroin; Folic Acid;Galacturonic Acid; Gentisic Acid; Girard Reagents P * Nowindowabsorption *2 igeom.and T; Gliadin; Glucose Pentaacetate; Glucuronic etry * Full yield a counting * Differ-Acid; Glyceraldehyde; Glyceric Acid; Heparin; Horde- entiatesbetweenaand$Negligiblenine; Hyaluronidase; Hydrindene; 2-Hydroxyadipalde- - e between a ahyde; Humulon; Indan; Isoascorbic Acid; Isopropyl- resolution loss 0 Adapts any scalerarterenol; Kojic Acid; Kynurenic Acid; Lanthionine; to proportional counting * RapidLipase; Lysozyme; Lyxose; Malononitrile; Maltase;deotmninMelezitose; Mesobilirubinogen; Muscle Adenylic Acid;p-Nitrophenylphosphate; Nucleoprotein; Orcinol; Pan-creatin; Pantothenyl Alcohol; Penicillinase; Peroxidase; MODEL PC C-10Phenazine; Phenylpyruvic Acid; Phloridzin; Phosphory-lase; Piperin; Porphyrindine; Protamines; Protoporphy-rin; Pyridoxal; Pyridoxamine; Pyrocatechuic Acid; $ 385.0Pyruvic Aldehyde; Ribonuclease; Saccharic Acid; Sal-mine; Serine Phosphoric Acid; Spermidine; Spermine; . 0 BThioacetic Acid; Thiocytosine; Thyroxine; Trigonelline;Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride; Tripyridyl; Trypsino- FREE CATALOGgen; Tyrosinase; Tyrothricin; Urease; Uricase; Uri-dine; Vitellin; Xanthosine. Catalog S-8 covers NMC's

complete line of nuclearAsk us for others! instruments.

Nuclear Measurements Corp.2460 N. ARLINGTON AVE. * INDIANAPOLIS 18, IND.


When first introduced a number of years ago, theSERVALL Refrigerated Centrifuge featured innovationis

.f; in construction and design which immediately cauglht theeye of laboratory workers and manufacturers alike. Toname a few: the easy-to-clean stainless steel evaporator,the unique dual temperature controls, the simplicity ofthe drive mechanism all tailor-made for the unequaledSERVALL Superspeed type SS-1 rotor (capacity 400 ml.,

A summing up of its performance record in the fieldreveals with unmistakable clarity that the SERVALLRefrigerated Centrifuge is living up to the higlh stand-ards characteristic of other SERVALL LaboratoryInstruments.

Write for Free Bulletin- SC-21 R

Inn ,Sorvall,s . P. O. BOX 230, Norwalk, Conn.2A SCIEN CE, VOL. 'I 2 1

For radiation mecasurements* ultraviolet

* visible


If you have a problem in radiation measurement, there is aBuilding Block combination to help you. Building Blocks are

unitized components; covering a wide spectral range, thatcan be assembled into an infinite number of combinations,

each designed to meet particular problems.For example, with standard Perkin-Elmer parts it is possible to construct

universal spectrometers covering the visible, ultra-violet and infraredregions; micro-spectrophotometers; high resolution gratingspectrometers; Rapid Scan Monochromators; Raman, and manyother instruments utilizing monochromatic radiation.Write us your problem in radiation measurements-or choose

your building blocks from the list below.The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 840 Main Avenue, Norwalk, Conn.

Standard Building BlocksSources AmplifiersHydrogen lamp (2100 A-3600 A) and Thermocouple Proomplifier

Power Supply Photocell PreamplifierTungsten Ribbon Filament (0.350 micron- Model 81-A 13 cps Amplifier

2.7 microns) and Power Supply External 13 cps chopper and rectifier assemblyGlobar (11micron 40 microns) and

Power SupplySource Focusing AssembliesSingle Beam Glober Source AssemblyMultiple Source AssemblyGeneral purpose source assemblyDirect ratio twin boom source assemblyMonochromators (Prism or Grating)Model 99 double passModel 83 single passDetectorsPhotomultiplier Tube (2100 A-7000 A)Lead Sulfide Cell (0.4 micron-2.7 microns)High-speed thermocouple (1 micron-

40 microns)Detector and Exit OpticsExternal PbS and Thermocouple MountExternal Photomultiplier MountInternal Photomultiplier MountCassegrain Condensing SystemGeneral purpose exit optics assembly

Automatic OperationWavelength drive and control systemElectronic Servo Slit programming systemString slit drive

Miscellaneous AccessoriesInfrared Polarizer and Rotable Coll MountSpecular Reflectance AttachmentInfrared Microscope Attachment

Mirrors and MountsStandard Spectrometers Mirrors and MountsOff-axis paraboloids (14°, 18' and 21°)

Special Sampling AccessoriesAdiustable long path gas cell (10 motors)Horizontal cell mount with heated stage

and power supplyHigh pressure cellsEvacuable KBr pellet dieMicrocells

For Optical Design

PERKINElectro-Optical Instruments


SCIENCE is published weekly by the AAAS, 1515 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington 5, D. C. Entered at the Lancaster, Pa., Post Office as secondelass matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Annual subscriptions: $7.50; foreign postage, ouitside the Pan-American Union, $1; Canadian postage, 50¢.


11 FEBRUARY 195-5 3A


SOUTHWESTERN AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN DIVISIONUniversity of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 26-29

Southwestern Field Trip, Albuquerque-El Paso and return, April 30-May 1Featuring a Symposium on What is the Future of Arid Lands? Public evening lectures, April 26, 27 and 28 by

Homer L. Shantz, Charles E. Kellogg, and 13. T. Dickson (Australia), and Technical Sessions:Morning, April 27-Variability and Predictability of Water Supply in Arid Regions-Speakers: Reed W.Bailey, C. W. Thornthwaite, Jean Tixeront (Tunisia), Luna Leopold, F. Dixey (England), C. C. Wallen(Sweden), John H. Dorroh, T. L. Smiley.Afternoon, April 27-Better Use of Present Resources-Speakers: Kanwar Sain (India), R. 0. Whyte (Italy),L. N. McClellan, Hilgard O'R. Stemnberg (Brazil), L. A. Richards, Cyril Luker, Raymond Price, PedroArmillas (Mexico).Morning, April 28-Prospects for Additional Water Sources-Speakers: E. J. Workman, Edward Bowen(Australia), Sheppard T. Powell, W. F. J. M. Krul (Holland), Vincent J. Shaefer, Glenn W. Brier, H. E.Hayward, Louis Koenig.Afternoon, April 28-Better Adaptation of Plants and Animals to Arid Conditions-Speakers: Olaf S.Aamodt, Colonel Omar Draz (Egypt), R. Merton Love, Knut Schmidt-Nielsen, Enrique Beltrafn (Mexico),B. P. Uvarov (England), Michael Evenari (Israel), L. M. Pultz.

Discussion Group Sessions, April 29 (See SCIENCE of February 11, 1955, or THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLYof March, 1955, or write to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1515 Massachusetts Ave-nue, N.W., Washington 5, D. C., U.S.A., for details. Cable Address: Advancesci, Washington, D. C.)

HousingReservation - International Arid Lands Meetings Housing BureauChamber of Commerce, Albuquerque, New MexicoPlease send requests directly to the Bureau to save time. Confirmation in two weeks in order received.

Single rooms may become scarce; if possible share a twin-bedded room-and also save. Be sure to indicate ifyou need a room the night of May 1 on return from the Field Trip. Deadline for receipt of reservations, April 1 5.Hotels Single with bath Double with bath Twin-bedded with bathHILTON ........... .......... $7.50 $9.00 $10.00FRANCISCAN ....... ......... 5.50 6.60 9.50ALVARADO ......... ......... 5.50-9.00 (only a few 5.50) ...... 8.50-12.00EL FIDEL ................... 4.50 5.00-6.00 8.00

(a few 3.50 & 4.00 (a few 3.50 & 4.50 (a few 5.00 & 7.00without bath) without bath) without bath)

Motels (all with bath) $4.00-$5.00 $5.00-$6.00 $7.00-$10.00All of the above prices subject to 2% state tax.

Please reserve the following accommodations: Date of Application:..State name of hotel or insert "Motel" if this is your preference:First Choice .......S... Second Choice .................Third Choice. ...............

............ Single room with bath Desired rate ................. Maximum rate.

............ Double-bedded room with bath Desired rate ................. Maximum rate.

............ Twin-bedded room with bath Desired rate ................. Maximum rate .The name and address of each person, including yourself, must be listed (attach list if necessary.) ....................

Date and time of arrival . .............................Date andt ime of departure.Mode of Transportation .........................................................................................

Name .......................................................................(Please print or type name of individual making this request.)

Address .............................................................an,

on ..............................Addess(Street) (Cit.y and Zone) (State)Enclose deposit of $10.00 (refunded if cancelled before April 15.)Make checks payable to Berl Huffman, Secretary, Albuquerque Chtimber of Commerce.

Registration Form - International Arid Lands Meetings(All Registration by Mail in Advance. No fee.)Name (Dr., Miss, etc.) ........................................................(Please print or type) (Last) (FInitial)Academic, Professional or Business Connection and Title ...........................................................

Offilce or Home Address (Mail Address) ...........................................................................

Field of Interest ...............................................................................................

Probable Discussion Group Preference (by number) ................(You will be free to change or to attend more than one.)

Field Trip Reservation (limited to first 222 applicants-deadline April 5)Yes.No.($20.00 for trip, lodging, and meals must accompany reservation. Refunds up to April 15.)

Send to: Dr. E. F, Castetter, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U. S. A.

4A Somma, vob. 121


PRICE LIST V rite for

this usefulGBI atalog

which lists a wide range ofready-to-use special prod-ucts for research.


Amino Acids, Peptides and Related Compounds, Crystalline Vitamins, VitaminSupplements, Carbohydrates and Related Compounds, Adenylates, Nucleates, Purinesand Pyrimidines, Enzymes, Hormones, Sterols end Hormone Intermediates, Lipids,Indicators, Reagents and Stains, Research Chemicals, Microbiological Media andIngredients, Test Diets and Ingredients.

GBI products, suitably packaged and economically priced,are offered as a special service to investigators for biological-and microbiological procedures. They will save time, trouble,and expense in your laboratory.


11 FEBRUARY 1955


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G.A.B. Interference Filters(Made in Switzerland)

for isolating narrow spectral bands

'E~1ILI UI:ruiLt! ~ LI I1I.LIII.i: I I Lnmmmz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I^~~~~~~~~~~~~I I IIH

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Spectral Range: 400-900 millimicronsSpectral Width: 12-15 m,, Transm.: 45-50%

Size: 2" x 2". Other sizes on order.ForFlame Photometry and. Color Densitometry

Microscopy and PhotomicrographyColorimetry and Fluorimetry

also In reflectometry, light scattering measurements,microcolorimetry, refractometry, polarimetry, and in allother fields requiring monochromatic light in the visibleand near-infrared range.

Write for Bulletin #180 to

PHOTOVOLT CORP.95 Madison Ave. New York 16, N. Y.


Mod. 520-M

For the exact measurement of light values as low as1/10,000 microlumen . . . for absorption and flamephotometry, colorimetry through microscopes, scintilla-tion measurements, fluorescence trace analysis, etc.

Write for Bulletin #360 to

PHOTOVOLT CORP.95 Madison Ave. New York 16, N. Y.

LaMOTTE pH BLOCK COMPARATOR`.M ~~This improved LaMotte

4 Unit greatly facilitatesSimplet accurate, HydrogenIon t~ontroL. It is espe-ciaily recommended for theuse of individual operatorson any step of a processwhere a definite pH valuemust be maintained. Evenwith highly colored orturbid solutions determina-tions can easily be madewith accuracy.The new plastic block

comparator is non corrodible, moisture-resistant. and hasmore sharply defined color fields.

Complete with any one set of LaMotte Permanent ColorStandards, together with a supply of the correspondingindicator solution, measuring pipette and marked test tubes.LaMOTTE WATER SOLUBLE pH INDICATORS

(Sulfon-phthaloin series) pH 0.2-9.6

These products were originally developed in the LaMottelaboratories and are of the same supeior quality as theacid form indicators hitherto available for pH work.They have the distinct advantage of being instantly solu-

ble in distilled water, hence are easy to convert to solutionform. Use of alkali, as required m the older technic, iseliminated, and no heating is necessary.The clean quick way to prepare indicator solutiom for

acrate pH work.LaMotte Chemical Products CompanyDept. "H" Towson 4, Md.



NoB'S III to I if an Ito In I I


"-.Tracerlab's unique CE-1 Liquid Scintillation De-tector is designed primarily for counting samplesof low energy beta emitters such as C-14 and-__.Tritium, which can be prepared in liquid form.Efficiencies of approximately 75% for C-14 and20 to 25% for Tritium can be obtained with thisunit. The total sample volume is 50 cc and samplepreparation is extremely simple.An extremely low background of only 200 to

250 CPM is obtained by refrigeration of the pho-totubes, use of a dual-channel coincidence ampli-fier which passes only pulses which occur at thesame time, and an overpulse rejection circuit.The two photomultiplier tubes with preampli-fiers and a scintillation cell are mounted inside alead shield in a small refrigerator. Samples maybe stored in the dark before counting and a gloveport permits transferring samples without ex-posure to light.

Booklet TL 59 contains complete details andwill be sent upon request.


