Assumption College Catholic High School THE GRAPEVINE ......MIP – Nick Scali MDP – Uygur Tepe,...


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Assumption College Catholic High School — “THE GRAPEVINE”

Alumni Newsletter 100th Edition

Special Edition


Thank you for your

continued support over the years.

Jodi St.Louis wins the "Outstanding Female Golfer Award" at the 2015 Assumption Alumni Golf Tourna-ment. This is Jodi's first ever golf trophy, very ironic since her brother, Matt, is one of Ontario's greatest amateur golfers ever, and her son, David, won TV's "Big Break" and is currently on the Ca-nadian Pro Tour. Hunt Hool is pic-tured with Jodi here. Congratula-tions on a great Tournament!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! COME ONE,

COME ALL! Tradition or Change? That is the question.

Assumption College High is “Tradition”, with a capital “T”. What would you expect from a school that was founded in 1870? Well, times change, and so does the ACH Reunion. The tra-ditional annual Reunion is now changing to every five years. So mark your calendars for Sat-urday, November 7, 2015. Cancel other plans, contact your classmates and other ACH Alumni, and come to the 145th Anniversary ACH Reun-ion. Should you ask “Why?”, here are the reasons. The ACH Alumni Committee has seen a steady decline in attendance at the annual even, which translates into an increasing lack of interest. This could be due to the classes attending every five years seeing the same other classes every time. Now, you and your classmates will be able to socialize with ALL the other classes, contain-ing family and friends in the classes four years ahead and behind. This opens the Reunion to be a new, more complete and exciting experience for all. The next Reunion, in 2020 will mark the 150th Anniversary of Assumption College. Your Alumni Committee will begin planning

for the landmark even immediately after this year, in collaboration with the University of Windsor. The ACH Alumni Committee realize that all alumni functions such as the Newsletter, Golf Tournaments, and the Reunions will NOT last forever. As previously mentions, the Alumni database is diminishing rapidly every year due to disinterest, alumnus moving and being lost, deaths and lastly the uninterested Graduates from the 90’s to the present. There-fore, your Committee will continue operating fully as we always have, supporting teams, fundraisers, and financial requests helping our beloved school until we are unable to do so. I would like to thank ALL ACH Basilian Fathers, the Sisters of Holy Name of Mary, Graduates, Staff etc., for years of contribu-tions, support and participation at ACH, the greatest High School ever in Windsor. Thank You! Lastly, I would like to thank Mike Gibb, ‘85 to the Alumni Committee as a new writer for the Newsletter. Great to have you. Just a re-minder, anyone is welcome to join. Please contact us. Purple Raiders Forever!

Hunt Hool

Assumption College Catholic High School — “THE GRAPEVINE”


In honour of all students who have walked the halls of Assumption College Catholic High School. Memories made, long-lasting friendships, and tradition at it’s best. Thank you to the Basilian Fa-thers for instilling what it means to live out the Gospel Teachings through Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge. This dedication plaque has been placed and dedicated to the As-sumption Community and can be seen in the front of the school on the Huron Line Entrance.

Assumption College Catholic High School — “THE GRAPEVINE”

Boniferro/Landry Golf Outing

The 8th Annual Guy Boniferro/Mark Landry Memorial Golf Outing took

place on Saturday, May 9, 2015, at Kingsville Golf & Country Club. Dino

Latella once again organized a fantastic day of golf and fellowship.

Cliff and Doug Robinson took top honours, winning the scramble event, one

stroke better than Carlo and Aldo Boniferro. However, Dino discovered that

both cards had substantial erasing on them, therefore, declaring himself the

winner! Congrats Dino!

Approximately $600 was raised for charity, Big Brothers and Sisters. See

you next year. Everyone is welcome. Family and Friends at the Boniferro Golf Outing

Assumption College Catholic High School — “THE GRAPEVINE”

Thank you for your continued support!

The Century Club is composed of those former students and friends who

have contributed $100.00 or more within a given year to the Alumni Fund

to sponsor Alumni Activities, including the Newsletter. The following

are individuals who have generously made a contribution. Thank you for

your donation.

Donations can be sent to:

Assumption College Catholic High School

1100 Huron Church Rd., Windsor Ontario N9C 2K7

Attention: Alumni Association

Century Club Donations

Joseph Alessi, Ken Antaya, Michael Birch, Denis B Blondin,

Domenic Aversa William F Chisholm, Julius Cicchini, Lois Comartin,

John Devine, Eric Dionne, Judge Richard Harold Donald

Mrs. Mary L. Dondero Michael Duchene, Judge Thomas Edward Fitzgerald

Dr. John M. F R C P Haggarty, Charles Ed Hickey, Bert Hubbard,

Patrick Jr. Hucker, Ronald Klamt, Donald Kummer,

Alex Kurosky, Catherine M. (Beneteau) Lee, Bruno Limarzi,

Bernard J McNamara, William McTavish, Jerry M Norcia

Paula (Philbin)Numes Dave Paron, Delbert Ruth,

Gary C. & Mary Ryan, Mark K Scherer, Brad Vollmer

Other Contributors

Norm Adam, Sean Broughten, Pietro Caira, Joseph Condari, John Hanna, Edward Henri, Lawrence G.Marentette,

Joe Matz, Ray Souliere, Thomas Winkle

Alumni Reunion

November 7th, 2015

Grad Years Ending in 5 or 0

Calling all former students, friends of

Assumption, their wives, husbands,

etc., to the Alumni Reunion on

November 7, 2015

Join us for Mass at 7:00p.m. with our

Celebrant Fr. Q. Johnson

150th ACS Alumni Reunion

2020 Help is needed!

If you are interested in being on the

planning committee please contact:

Assumption College Catholic High School — “THE GRAPEVINE”


Can be made payable to:

ACS Alumni

1100 Huron Church

Windsor, ON

N9C 2K7

Dear Respected Father Q. Johnson;

I would first like to begin with thanking you as I

am truly honoured and grateful for having received

this award. The Assumption Community are truly in-

debted to you for this generous award that you have

been kindly offering for many years, and I assure you

that it will be put to good use in my post-secondary

education. Furthermore, I guarantee that I am de-

serving of this award as science isn’t just another sub-

ject for me, but a true passion which I admire and

strive to succeed in. I hope to put this award to great

use in funding my post-secondary education as I pur-

sue studies in the science field. Additionally, I would

personally be ashamed and disappointed with myself

had I not used this award to fund my education as it

would be dishonouring all that you have worked for

and represented not only as academic excellence in sci-

ence, but an excellent moral character as well. Once

more, I am truly honoured and am at a loss for words

to express my appreciation for your gratitude. By of-

fering me this award, but as well as allowing me to

represent the ongoing legacy of Father Q. Johnson,

which is something I cannot put a price on. Thank you

for this award and I rest assure you, it shall be put to

the proper use.


Arundeep Kanwal

Souliere, Ray '49 - writes that he is always so happy to get an edition of the newsletter. God Bless!

Ohlman, Ray '54 writes: "Please keep the news coming and thanks to the staff for their past efforts. We really enjoyed my 60th reunion last fall. We have been blessed with 53 years of marriage and are celebrat-ing our first great grandchild, a girl, born June 26, 2015. Ray & Toni Ohlman.

We Remember those who have died.

Arundine, Ottavio - father of Nadia '85, Nick '86, Claudio '88, & Danny '93 Catrina, Michael '48 DiGioia, Rick - father of Enzo '86, Lisa '89 Mailloux, Fr. Thomas '45 Moll, Donald '46 Shanahan, Mary (Bisetto) '75 Varacalli, Venessa (Lepera) '89 Wydrzynski, Chris - father of Chet '94, Adam '98 Coughlin, Tim—husband of Marie Rochon, father to Monique, Collette and

Assumption College Catholic High School — “THE GRAPEVINE”

Alumni Reunion

November 7th, 2015

Grad Years Ending in 5 or 0

Calling all former students, friends


Assumption, their wives, husbands,

etc., to the Alumni Reunion on

November 7, 2015

Join us for Mass at 7:00p.m. with

our Celebrant Fr. Q. Johnson

Our Journey To Holiness

Congratulations Assumption College Catholic High School Students

We believe that the Catholic Tradition teaches us to be true to God. Our

faith teaches us to be Christ for others. The virtues evident in this practice are Integrity

and Discipleship and it is these virtues that are the focus in Grade nine and ten.

Students must exemplify integrity and discipleship.

Integrity and Discipleship Award to Jonathan Ozorak, Grade 10 student

We believe that the message of Jesus prevails within secular and interfaith communities.

Our roll in the world is to embrace Catholic Social Teaching as we journey toward

Holiness, we learn humility, which in turn teaches us justice.

Students must exemplify humility and justice.

Humility and Justice Award to Bethany Viray, Grade 12 student

“What does God ask of you but to do justice, and love

tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God?”

150th ACS Alumni Reunion

2020 Help is needed!

If you are interested in being on

the planning committee

please contact:

Assumption College Catholic High School — “THE GRAPEVINE”

Raider Athletics 2014/15

Fall Teams Highlights

Tennis – Mr. Bottos MVPs – Claudia Pecoraro, Rory Sutcliffe,

Ben Langlois Cross Country – Mr. Conlon, Ms. Lukas

MIP – Nick Scali MDP – Uygur Tepe, Aidan Snively

MVP – Daniela Papac, Nathan Drouillard, Jacob Rothera, Hailey Guertin

Sr Boys Volleyball – Mrs. Trudell, Dereck Willar

MIP – Archer Zhang MDP – Anthony Tannous

MVP – Dico Angelo Jr Girls Basketball – Coach Anson and

Coach Tanisha MIP – Nyagoa Jock

MDP – Katie Schwab MVP – Aleena Malik

Sr Girls Basketball – Mr. Daoust and Coach Lennie MIP – Angela Abendanio

MVP – Lexus Wilson, Adang Asouth Jr. Football – Mr. Bauer

MIP – Jordan Emond MDP – Chase Shady

MVP – Elijah Boow-Guilbeault Sr Football – Mr. Bauer, Mr Bauer and Mr. Idone

MIP – Matt Tran, Naekwon Wilson Coaches’ Award – Bilal Khan, Jacob Schwab

Thank you to the coaches! Congratulations Raiders

on a great season!

Where are they now…

Louise Kelly: Retired in June, 1991 after

teaching at the Elementary level, followed

by Secondary level in General Science. She

has travelled to China, Japan, Australia and

the Maritime Provinces; in the interim she

has volunteered at MET Hospital. Quilting

and sewing have been some of her pas-

times. Louise, Barb Gambriel and Lucille

Caron have shared their interests in Strat-

ford plays and Symphony performances.

“Work has no appeal for me” quoted

Louise; but working the Alumni Reunions is

a pleasant task when she sees the students

who have passed through the doors of her


Gil Grossutti: Gil retired in 1985 and has

taught Music at all levels; music continues

to occupy him with private tutoring, the oc-

casional performance and providing music

at Mass at Corpus Christi Parish. His chil-

dren now have children of their own (ages

4 to 17) and are within driving distance.

Daughter Gina is a site administrator and

counsellor at St. Michaels’s Adult Campus.

Gil’s travels have taken him to Florida,

Europe and Banff., Alberta. Grand parent-

ing is a joy: Emma, the oldest, is Prime

Minister at Holy Names and Dana is in

Grade 10. Gil says retirement” all good”

and meets frequently with past colleagues

and students involved in music.

Teach me Goodness,

Discipline and Knowledge!
