Association Approved CBA Final (2018.05.16) (1) · $ ohdyh pd\ frqvlvw ri d frpelqdwlrq ri sdlg dqg...


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A Professionally Negotiated Agreement


Prairie Grove Teachers’ Association (IEA/NEA)

and the

Board of Education

Prairie Grove Consolidated School District No. 46

for the years

2018-2019 & 2019-2020

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Table of Contents

1. Preamble.................................................................................................... 3 2. Recognition ............................................................................................... 3 3. Definitions ................................................................................................. 3 4. Teacher Right and Benefits ...................................................................... 4 5. School Environment ............................................................................... 14 6. Professional Growth and Staff Development ......................................... 17 7. Teacher Evaluation ................................................................................. 20 8. Grievance Procedures ............................................................................. 21 9. Negotiation Procedures ........................................................................... 23 10. Compensation ......................................................................................... 23 11. Effect of Agreement ................................................................................ 25 12. Insurance ................................................................................................. 25 13. Extra Duty ............................................................................................... 27 14. Internal Substitution ................................................................................ 28 15. Appendix A ............................................................................................. 29 16. Appendix B ............................................................................................. 30 17. Appendix C ............................................................................................. 31 18. Appendix D ............................................................................................. 32 19. Appendix E ............................................................................................. 33

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1. Preamble

1.1. This Agreement between the Board of Education, Prairie Grove Consolidated School District #46, McHenry County, Crystal Lake, Illinois, and the Prairie Grove Teachers’ Association, an affiliate of the Illinois Education Association and the National Education Association (IEA/NEA), incorporates a number of understandings, which derive from the parties’ mutual beliefs that each student is entitled to an education of the highest quality.

2. Recognition

2.1. The Board of Education, Prairie Grove Consolidated School District #46, McHenry County, Crystal Lake, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the “BOARD”, recognizes the Prairie Grove Teachers’ Association, an affiliate of the IEA/NEA, hereinafter referenced to as the “Association” as the sole negotiating agent for all fully licensed staff members employed as Classroom Teachers, Learning Behavior Specialists, Library Media Specialists, Technology Integrationists, Instructional Coaches, Speech and Language Pathologists, School Psychologists, School Social Workers and School Nurses, in matters defined as negotiable in this Agreement and hereinafter referred to as the “TEACHERS”.

3. Definitions

3.1. ASSOCIATION: The term “ASSOCIATION”, when used in this Agreement, shall refer to the Prairie Grove Teachers’ Association.

3.2. TEACHER: The term “TEACHER”, when used in this Agreement, shall refer to all TEACHERS represented by the ASSOCIATION and as defined in Article 2.0.

3.3. BOARD: The term “BOARD”, when used in this Agreement, shall refer to the Board of Education for Prairie Grove Consolidated School District #46.

3.4. ADMINISTRATION: The term “ADMINISTRATION”, when used in this Agreement, shall refer to the District Office personnel that are assigned to supervise and administer the policies of the BOARD to include, Superintendent, Chief School Business Official, Principal, Assistant Principal, Director of Student Services, and Technology Systems Manager.

3.5. DAYS: The term “Days”, when used in this Agreement, shall refer to TEACHER workdays, except during the summer break when it shall mean Days that the District Office is posted as open, unless specifically stated otherwise.

3.6. The bargaining agreement will contain specific references to the staff handbook. A staff handbook will be used to communicate procedures for routine TEACHER obligations, committees, and information and descriptions of extra duty positions. The purpose of the handbook is to get procedures in place that involve employees so that there is consistency in all the different happenings that occur in a school building. Only those items listed in 3.6.1 shall be considered part of the negotiated agreement.

3.6.1. TEACHER evaluation

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3.7. A committee consisting of three (3) TEACHERS selected by the ASSOCIATION and three (3) Administrators will develop the handbook. In subsequent years, the committee shall review the handbook on an as needed basis throughout the school year, discussing any necessary changes, and making needed revisions for the following school year that are in the best interest of the district. Any changes will be agreed upon by the committee before the end of the third trimester.

4. TEACHER Rights and Benefits

4.1. Right to Join

4.1.1. TEACHERS shall have the right to join, to assist professional employees’ organizations, to participate in professional negotiations with the BOARD through representatives selected by the ASSOCIATION, and to engage in other activities for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, protecting, or improving conditions of professional service and other educational standards.

4.1.2. Each TEACHER, as a condition of employment, on or before thirty (30) days from the first date of duties or the effective day of this Agreement, whichever is later, shall join the ASSOCIATION or pay a fair share fee to the ASSOCIATION equivalent to the amount of dues uniformly required of members of the ASSOCIATION including local, state, and national dues.

4.1.3. The BOARD, upon notification by the ASSOCIATION, agrees to deduct from each pay period, September through August, the employees ASSOCIATION dues from his/her pay and remit such deduction to the Treasurer of the local ASSOCIATION no more than ten (10) working days after the payday for which the deduction is made. The ASSOCIATION shall certify the amount of the bi-weekly ASSOCIATION dues to be deducted. Dues deduction shall continue in effect from year to year unless terminated by written notification to the ASSOCIATION and the BOARD before September 1 of school year or upon termination of an employee’s employment.

4.1.4. In the event of any legal action against the BOARD brought in a court or administrative agency because of its compliance with this Article, the ASSOCIATION agrees to defend such action, at its own expense and through its own counsel, provided: The BOARD gives immediate notices (within two business days) of such action in writing to the ASSOCIATION, permits the ASSOCIATION intervention as a party if it so desires; and, The BOARD gives full and complete cooperation to the ASSOCIATION and its counsel in securing and giving evidence, obtaining witnesses and making relevant information available at both trial and all appellate levels.

4.1.5. The ASSOCIATION agrees that in any action so defended, it will indemnify and hold harmless the BOARD from any liability for damages and costs imposed by a final judgment of a court or administrative agency as a direct consequence of the BOARD’S compliance with this Article. It is expressly understood that this hold harmless provision will not apply to any claim, demand, suit, or other form of liability which may arise as a

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result of any type of willful misconduct by the BOARD or the BOARD’S imperfect execution of the obligations imposed on it by this Article.

4.1.6. The obligation to pay a fair share fee will not apply to any TEACHER who, on the basis of a bona fide religious tenet or teaching of a church or religious body of which such TEACHER is a member, objects to the payment of a fair share fee to the ASSOCIATION. Upon proper substantiation and collection of the entire fee, the ASSOCIATION will make payment in behalf of the TEACHER to a mutually agreeable non-religious charitable organization as per ASSOCIATION policy and the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board. TEACHER who choose this option forfeit their rights to attend meetings and vote, with the exception of meetings and voting related to contract negotiations/ratification.

4.1.7. The ASSOCIATION President or designee shall be permitted reasonable use of the interschool mail, email, and voicemail systems and access to TEACHER’S mailboxes for delivery of legitimate ASSOCIATION material.

4.1.8. With prior approval of the Superintendent or designee, the ASSOCIATION may use district equipment and facilities, provided said approval shall not be unreasonably denied. Such use shall in no case take precedence over school needs or district events.

4.2. Personnel File: To review upon reasonable request, in the District Office, the contents of the TEACHER’S own personnel file. It is understood that only one personnel file is to be maintained for each TEACHER. Any material shall be placed in said file no later than thirty (30) days from the date of occurrence or knowledge of the occurrence. The TEACHER shall be notified in writing within five (5) days of any material placed in the file. The TEACHER has thirty (30) days from the notification to submit a written rebuttal to the material that was placed in the file.

4.3. Payroll

4.3.1. A TEACHER may elect to have a given sum deducted from each paycheck to be sent by the BOARD, paid within ten (10) days following the deduction, in the name of said TEACHER to: Teachers’ credit union or Tax-sheltered annuity of the TEACHER’S choice from the District’s approved vendor list. Any other authorized deduction (i.e., IRA), shall require the approval of the ADMINISTRATION.

4.3.2. Payroll checks will be issued bi-weekly on Friday beginning August 24, 2018 (Payroll #1). In the event a payday falls on a holiday in which the District Office is closed payroll will be issued on the last District Office working day preceding the holiday.

4.3.3. All TEACHERS shall be enrolled in the direct deposit of their paychecks.

4.3.4. A key that explains the required and optional deductions shall be provided in the staff handbook.

4.3.5. Every reasonable effort will be made to separate line items on the pay stubs for extra duties that are paid on an hourly basis and those that are paid by a flat stipend amount.

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4.4. Leaves

4.4.1. General Conditions A leave may consist of a combination of paid and unpaid leave. A TEACHER may use whatever portion of accumulated sick leave days that he/she chooses prior to the beginning of unpaid leave. A TEACHER’S health insurance benefits remain in effect throughout the entire usage of paid leave and for the first sixty (60) work days of FMLA for full-time TEACHERS. A TEACHER may elect to pay the full insurance premium amount to maintain his/her insurance throughout any unpaid portion of the leave. All leave applications are to be in writing, in sufficient detail to describe the nature of the desired leave and submitted in advance to the Superintendent. This application shall include a statement regarding the TEACHER’S intent to return or not return to the district following the leave. Whenever possible, a TEACHER who qualifies for paid or unpaid leave shall advise the Superintendent of his/her intent to take a paid or unpaid leave no later than sixty (60) days prior to the intended beginning of the leave. TEACHERS are encouraged to give as much advance notice as possible to assist in the planning and continuation of curriculum. Unpaid leaves are granted at the sole discretion of the BOARD. The granting of an unpaid leave in one instance shall not constitute a precedent for any other application. All leave applications are to be in writing, in sufficient detail to describe the nature of the desired leave and submitted in advance to the Superintendent. The BOARD or designee will provide a written response to the request for an unpaid leave. For any denied request, reasons for denial will be included in this written response. The written response will be provided within thirty (30) days of the request. The Superintendent and the TEACHER by mutual agreement may waive any provisions of this section, and any such waiver shall not be precedential in any respect. In the event that legislation changes in the sick leave and/or leave for the birth and care of a child under the age of one, the adoption of a child and foster care placement statutes, the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION shall bargain the impact of such changes. Any request for an unpaid leave based upon personal medical reasons, other than for parental leave, may require a physician’s statement indicating the nature, extent and anticipated duration of the medical disability. A physical examination may be required of TEACHERS returning from leaves for personal medical reasons. Any medical examination requiring a BOARD-designated physician shall be at the Board’s expense. During a leave for medical reasons the BOARD may require that the TEACHER submit a physician’s statement(s) indicating his/her condition and prognosis.

Association Approved CBA Final (2018.05.16) (1) 7 Any tenured TEACHER who has been credited with ninety-three (93) or more paid days of the school year in which such leave begins shall be allowed advancement on the salary matrix as she/he would have had if the leave had not been granted. If the leave exceeds the school year in which it begins the second school year shall not be considered for advancement on the salary matrix. For non-tenured TEACHERS, such leave shall not be considered in computing full time employment under Section 24-11 of the “Illinois School Code” for the purposes of the continuous employment necessary to attain contractual continued service status.

4.4.2. Sick Days At the beginning of each school year, each full-time TEACHER shall be credited with twelve (12) sick days at full pay. If sick days are not used, the unused days shall accumulate. Sick days shall be interpreted to mean personal or immediate family illness, quarantine at home, or serious illness or death in the immediate family or household, doctor and dental appointments or parental leave. Immediate family shall include parents, spouse, brothers, sisters, children, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, and legal guardians. Part-time TEACHERS shall be granted the same sick day benefits prorated to their assigned teaching time based on the number of days the TEACHER is scheduled to work in a “normal” work week. The BOARD may require an examination by a mutually agreed upon physician as a basis for pay during sick days after an absence of three (3) consecutive days, except during a parental leave, unless an unexpected medical condition requires an extension of the originally requested leave, or as may be deemed necessary in other special cases. The TEACHER’S health insurance benefits remain in effect throughout the entire usage of sick days for TEACHERS who qualify for health insurance benefits. If the summer is at the beginning or ending of a sick day, the district will pay the district’s share of all benefits for the June, July and August payments.

4.4.3. Parental Leave A TEACHER may use accumulated sick and personal days prior to the beginning of unpaid leave. If the parental leave begins in the first semester, the leave shall not last beyond the school year in which it commences. If the parental leave begins in the second semester, the leave shall not extend beyond the first semester of the following school year. A TEACHER, returning from parental leave, shall be reinstated to his/her former position or its equivalent and shall suffer no reduction of status by virtue of the leave. Whenever possible, a TEACHER who qualifies for parental leave shall advise the Superintendent or designee of his/her intent to take a parental leave no later than sixty

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(60) days prior to the intended commencement of the leave. TEACHERS are encouraged to give as much advance notice as possible to assist in the planning and continuation of curriculum. A doctor’s note will not be required during a parental leave, which includes the birth and care of a child under the age of one, the adoption of a child and foster care placement, unless an unexpected medical condition requires an extension of the originally requested leave.

4.4.4. Personal Leave All TEACHERS shall be granted four (4) days of leave at full pay which shall be used for personal business. TEACHERS who work less than full-time shall receive the personal days, pro-rated, to their assigned teaching time. Unused personal days shall be added to accumulated sick days. If more than ten percent (10%) of the TEACHERS request any one day, the request may be denied. In all circumstances, requests shall be granted on a first come, first served basis. A TEACHER shall notify the District sub finder program and building administrator at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to said leave, if possible.

4.4.5. ASSOCIATION Leave In the event the ASSOCIATION desires to send representatives to local, state, or national conferences or on other business pertinent to ASSOCIATION affairs, these representatives shall be excused from teaching duties limited to three (3) days per individual unless approved by Superintendent and aggregate total ASSOCIATION leave of nine (9) days. Whenever possible, advance written request for such leave shall be given to the Superintendent not less than five (5) days before the date of such leave. The District assumes full costs for the individual TEACHER’S salary and the ASSOCIATION assumes the costs for the substitute TEACHER. Reimbursement of such monies shall be made directly to the District by the ASSOCIATION within thirty (30) days of the date(s) of leave.

4.4.6. Discretionary Leave: Each TEACHER shall be entitled to one (1) discretionary personal day per year for use in the event the TEACHER exhausts his/her four (4) personal days. This discretionary day is paid, but not cumulative as a personal day or sick day. The TEACHER must provide notice and reasons and the grant of a discretionary day is subject to the approval by the Superintendent or designee.

4.4.7. Court Duty: The District will pay full salary during the time an employee is on court duty or, pursuant to a subpoena, serves as a witness or has a deposition taken in any school-related matter pending in court. A TEACHER who has been subpoenaed as a witness shall be entitled to one (1) day of leave without loss of pay. Daily rates received for such

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duties shall be reimbursed to the District only for those working days when the employee was absent and does not include any compensation received for food and travel.

4.4.8. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) TEACHERS who have been employed by the BOARD for at least a total of twelve (12) months and have worked at least 1,250 hours over the prior twelve (12) months are entitled to take twelve (12) weeks of unpaid, job-protected family/medical leave each year for specified family and medical reasons. TEACHERS may take FMLA all at once, intermittently or on a reduced schedule. In such circumstances, the TEACHER may be transferred temporarily to an alternative position to better accommodate the reduced work schedule. Family/medical leave shall include leaves to care for an immediate family (child, spouse, parent) or household member with a serious health condition, to take leave when the TEACHER is unable to work because of a serious health condition, and for the birth and care of a child under the age of one, the adoption of a child and foster care placement. FMLA leave may not be taken intermittently for childbirth or adoption or on a reduced leave schedule unless the TEACHER and the District otherwise agree. TEACHERS may elect to use their accumulated paid sick leave days for the reasons stated above in lieu of or prior to taking unpaid family/medical leave. FMLA leave and paid sick leave do not run concurrently. When the need is foreseeable, the TEACHER shall provide the Superintendent or designee at least sixty (60) days advance notice of his/her intention to take FMLA Leave. TEACHERS are encouraged to give as much advance notice as possible to assist in the planning and continuation of curriculum. The BOARD shall comply with the provisions of the Family/Medical Leave Act of 1993 and any subsequent amendments in granting leaves of absence. The benefits stated in the Agreement between the BOARD and ASSOCIATION remain available to TEACHERS within the limit of the law. Updated information regarding the Family/Medical Leave Act will be reflected in Board of Education Policy 5:185. The District shall provide information directly to a TEACHER about his/her rights and responsibilities under FMLA, including specific information in response to a TEACHER’S notice of the need for FMLA leave. A TEACHER returning from Family/Medical Leave shall be reinstated to his/her former position or its equivalent and shall suffer no reduction of status by virtue of the leave. TEACHERS as described herein, are eligible for an unpaid twelve (12) week FMLA leave if they have completed continuous full-time teaching service in the previous twelve (12) month period. Provided under exceptional circumstance, the BOARD may grant additional leave in its sole and absolute discretion. This granting or withholding of such leave shall be without precedential effect.

Association Approved CBA Final (2018.05.16) (1) 10 Days when TEACHERS are not expected to report to work (school holidays, inclement weather, etc.) are not counted against the TEACHER’S FMLA leave entitlement. It is the TEACHER’S responsibility to request a modification in the FMLA leave for any changes to school holidays and/or inclement weather. FMLA leave shall not be counted as a break in service for the purpose of acquiring tenure, vesting or eligibility to participate in benefit programs subject to tenure provisions of Illinois School Code.

4.4.9. Unpaid Leaves Whenever possible, a TEACHER requesting an unpaid leave of absence shall put the request in writing to the BOARD at least sixty (60) days in advance of the intended commencement of the leave. Such leaves may include, but are not limited to, leaves for child-rearing, pursuing additional coursework, a temporary family transfer, and/or caring for an ill family member. After consultation with the TEACHER, the Superintendent or designee, shall prepare a plan for the beginning and ending of such leave, taking into consideration the continuity of instruction. The leave shall not exceed the balance of the school year in which it begins and one (1) additional school year. Every effort shall be made to have such leave terminate immediately prior to the start of a new school year. Such leave shall begin upon the date agreed upon by the Superintendent or designee and the TEACHER. The Superintendent or designee and the TEACHER by mutual agreement may waive any of the provisions of this section, and any such waiver shall not be precedential in any respect. Eligibility to apply for another unpaid leave shall not require a return to full-time employment. In order to be eligible to apply for another unpaid leave of more than two (2) weeks for the birth and care of a child under the age of one, the adoption of a child and foster care placement, and insure reinstatement to the TEACHER’S former position or its equivalent, the TEACHER must return to service for a minimum of one school year (August-June). Under extraordinary circumstances, the BOARD may grant an additional unpaid leave. Granting of such leave shall not constitute a precedent for any other application for an additional leave. If the summer is at the beginning of an unpaid leave, the BOARD will pay the BOARD share of all benefits for the June, July and August payments. A TEACHER may elect to pay the full insurance premium amount to maintain his/her insurance throughout any unpaid portion of the leave. Provided that a replacement TEACHER has not signed a contract, the TEACHER has the right to cancel such leave if anything should happen enabling the TEACHER to return to work. The TEACHER shall notify the Superintendent or designee in writing of such a request.

Association Approved CBA Final (2018.05.16) (1) 11 A TEACHER returning from unpaid leave shall be reinstated to his/her former position or its equivalent and shall suffer no reduction of status by virtue of the leave if a position still exists, subject to tenure provisions of Illinois School Code. In all instances where a TEACHER is granted an unpaid leave of eight (8) months or more, as a condition thereof, he/she shall advise the Superintendent or designee in writing of his or her intent to return by March 1st if the leave extends to the end of the school year. Failure to advise the Superintendent or designee of intent to return as required by this Section shall be treated as a resignation from the District. While on leave, a TEACHER shall, at his/her own expense, have the option to remain an active participant in the State of Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System and further, at his/her own expense, participate in the insurance programs of the District, subject to the approval of the insurance carriers and the retirement system.

4.4.10. Military Leaves: The district will abide by and coordinate military leaves pursuant to all applicable federal and state laws including, but not limited to, Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) and the Illinois Local Government Employees Benefit Continuation Act.

4.5. Sick Leave Bank

4.5.1. The purpose of the Sick Leave Bank is to provide a substantial number of sick days to be used by TEACHERS when the need for sick days exceeds the number of individually accumulated sick days.

4.5.2. All TEACHERS are eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Bank.

4.5.3. Membership is available in September only and an initial donation of two (2) days will be required for participation, with an additional required donation of one (1) day per year for four (4) consecutive years. A TEACHER who has reached the maximum accumulated sick leave days may donate excess days to the Sick Leave Bank.

4.5.4. The Sick Leave Bank will be managed by a Board of Trustees consisting of three (3) TEACHERS. Decisions regarding the granting of days from the Bank will be made by the Board of Trustees based upon the rules contained herein. The Board of Trustees will submit a statement of membership and days accumulated and withdrawn to members each October.

4.5.5. Should the total number of days accumulated drop below 100, the Board of Trustees may request each participant TEACHER donate one (1) additional day.

4.5.6. All donated days are recorded as consumed on the official school record of the individual TEACHER. Days donated to the Sick Leave Bank may not be rescinded under any circumstances. Once a TEACHER has joined the Sick Leave Bank, the TEACHER is obligated to complete the subsequent annual donations required for participation.

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4.5.7. A TEACHER must use all individual accumulated sick leave days before receiving a grant of days from the Sick Leave Bank, unless a TEACHER is in their retirement year, he/she may apply for up to a maximum of sixteen (16) days from the Sick Leave Bank.

4.5.8. A doctor’s certification of continued illness and/or inability to perform his/her job function must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent or designee before any days shall be granted from the Sick Leave Bank. The Superintendent or designee will notify the Board of Trustees of the certification.

4.5.9. Requests for a grant of days from the Sick Leave Bank must be made in writing to the Board of Trustees by the TEACHER or an immediate family member.

4.5.10. Before or after the birth and care of a child under the age of one, the adoption of a child and foster care placement, a TEACHER may apply to access the Sick Leave Bank only in extenuating circumstances.

4.6. Right to Representation: Whenever any TEACHER is required to appear before the BOARD involving a hearing concerning the continuation of that TEACHER’S employment, position, or salary, the TEACHER shall have the right, but not the obligation, to be represented by one or two person(s) of his/her choice. Twenty-four (24) hours notification of the names of the representatives shall be furnished by both parties to each other.

4.7. Vacancies

4.7.1. A vacancy is an open position, which cannot be filled by a TEACHER who has been subject to a reduction in force pursuant to the Illinois School Code and the provisions contained in this Agreement or by making a reasonable effort to return a TEACHER who has been involuntarily transferred (other than for performance related reasons) in the past and is still seeking to return to their prior position.

4.7.2. A vacancy occurs when one or more of the following occurs: the BOARD creates a new position; the Superintendent receives notification of resignation from a TEACHER and the BOARD intends to fill that position; a TEACHER is terminated and the BOARD intends to fill that position; a TEACHER retires and the BOARD intends to fill that position; a teaching position is created due to a realignment of existing teaching positions.

4.7.3. When a decision to fill a vacancy occurs, the Superintendent or designee shall post a vacancy notice via District email and in the school offices for five (5) working days prior to posting the position on external locations.

4.7.4. Internal candidates, that meet posting requirements, will be interviewed during the established interview process.

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4.7.5. In addition, when vacancies occur after August 1st and prior to the start of the school year, notification will be given to ASSOCIATION Leadership via telephone.

4.7.6. The BOARD’S decision to fill a vacancy shall not be subject to the grievance procedures as contained in this Agreement.

4.7.7. A TEACHER who has applied for a vacancy will be notified of the decision regarding the vacancy prior to any public announcement or employment.

4.8. Seniority

4.8.1. Seniority shall be defined as the length of a tenured TEACHERS continuous service within the District. Said service shall be computed from the first day of employment. Service as a part-time TEACHER shall accumulate on a pro-rata basis.

4.8.2. Seniority shall not accrue during an unpaid leave.

4.8.3. In the event seniority is equal between TEACHERS, the following procedures are to be utilized as a tiebreaker: Previous experience credit inside and outside the District which is allowed for credit on the salary matrix; Education beyond the bachelor’s degree.

4.8.4. A seniority list shall be prepared by the BOARD or designee as provided by law.

4.8.5. The seniority list will be distributed to the ASSOCIATION by February 1st of each school year.

4.9. Reduction in Force/Recall

4.9.1. If the BOARD decides it is necessary to reduce the number of tenured TEACHERS due to economic reasons, the BOARD or its designee shall discuss reduction in force with the ASSOCIATION prior to taking formal action.

4.9.2. The ASSOCIATION shall be provided an opportunity to suggest alternatives to such reduction in force.

4.9.3. Any reduction in force or recall of TEACHERS that occurs during the term of this Agreement will be governed by the Illinois School Code provisions in effect at the time of the reductions in force and recalls, as well as the provisions contained in this Agreement.

4.9.4. The BOARD shall establish, in consultation with the ASSOCIATION, the sequence of honorable dismissal list in accordance with Section 24-12 of the Illinois School Code. A key will be used to protect individual TEACHERS confidentiality.

4.9.5. A TEACHER so recalled retains his/her status and all accumulated seniority; however, the period such tenured TEACHER did not teach shall not be counted toward seniority.

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4.9.6. To be eligible for recall, a TEACHER who was subject to a reduction in force must provide the BOARD, in writing prior to the last day of the school term of dismissal, with the address where such TEACHER may be reached.

4.9.7. A TEACHER must also notify the BOARD in writing by certified letter, return receipt requested, within fourteen (14) days of mailing or within seven (7) days of receipt of the offer, whichever occurs first, of the acceptance of any vacant position offered to the TEACHER during the recall period.

4.9.8. Failure to notify the BOARD of acceptance shall constitute rejection of the offer of employment.

4.9.9. If a recalled TEACHER refuses to accept a vacancy for which they were qualified to hold, that TEACHER shall forfeit their rights to future vacancies.

4.10. TEACHER Protection

4.10.1. Assault Upon TEACHER Procedure: Any case of assault upon a TEACHER on school property shall be promptly reported by the TEACHER, designee or ASSOCIATION official to the ADMINISTRATION, BOARD and/or designee.

4.10.2. Protection from Suit: The BOARD shall indemnify and protect TEACHERS against death and bodily injury and property damage claims and suits, including defense thereof, when damages are sought for negligent or wrongful acts alleged to have been committed in the scope of employment or under the directions of the BOARD. Such indemnification and protection shall extend to persons who were TEACHERS at the time of the incident from which a claim arises.

4.10.3. TEACHER Protection: In no event shall the BOARD’S duty to indemnify TEACHERS in this section extend to demands for punitive damages, alleged violations of civil/criminal statutes, ordinances or regulations, willful and wanton conduct or actions outside the scope of employment or direction of the ADMINISTRATION or BOARD.

5. School Environment

5.1. Teaching and Learning Environment

5.1.1. The BOARD recognizes that TEACHERS and students deserve school environments that are safe, supportive and conducive to teaching and learning. The BOARD and TEACHERS recognize that creating a supportive school climate requires close attention to the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students. Both parties recognize the importance of protecting the rights of students to an education. Nothing in this article shall be construed to support arbitrary, capricious, or willful denial of the rights of any student to educational opportunities.

5.1.2. All teaching environments shall be ready for preparation seven (7) days prior to the beginning of the TEACHER’S work year or Professional Extra Duty compensation may be applied for as in Article 13.0. All classrooms will be equipped with the following: two-way communication, tornado/emergency warnings, blinds and/or blackout window coverings, posted escape plans and doors that lock.

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5.2. Assignments

5.2.1. The BOARD, while reserving the right to employ and make assignments at its discretion, recognizes the importance of not making teaching assignments outside the area of the TEACHERS professional licensure. The Superintendent or designee shall notify TEACHERS (including those TEACHERS returning from leave), in writing, of their tentative program assignment for the coming year. The Superintendent or designee shall give written notice of job duties, title, tentative room, grade level, and content area. TEACHERS who have time built into their day to assist and support other staff will be presented with specific expectations by the Superintendent or designee. These notifications will occur no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the end of the current year.

5.2.2. “Transfer”. A transfer, when used in this Agreement, shall mean any relocation of building assignment and/or reassignment to a grade level or team within a building or any change from one department to another.

5.2.3. “Voluntary Transfer”. A TEACHER may apply for voluntary transfer to another position at any time utilizing a District established procedure. The Superintendent or designee shall provide written acknowledgement of the receipt of such request.

5.2.4. “Involuntary Transfer”. An involuntary transfer, when used in this Agreement, shall mean any relocation of building assignment and/or reassignment to a grade level or team within a building or any change from one department to another that is not initiated by a TEACHER.

5.2.5. A TEACHER who is to be involuntarily transferred shall be given an opportunity to meet with the Superintendent or designee, in advance, to review the reason(s) for such a transfer. An involuntary transfer shall not be arbitrary or capricious.

5.2.6. An involuntarily transferred TEACHER shall, at their request, be given consideration for comparable vacant positions.

5.2.7. No TEACHER shall be subjected to an involuntary transfer more than one (1) time during a three (3) year period of continuous service, unless one of the following circumstances is true: a first year probationary TEACHER is the only TEACHER who can be transferred or enrollment and scheduling modifications dictate the transfer.

5.2.8. A TEACHER subject to a professional development plan or remediation plan shall not be transferred for the duration of the professional development plan or remediation plan unless it shall be in the best interest of the District.

5.3. Preparation Time

5.3.1. The ADMINISTRATION will provide each full-time TEACHER with five preparation periods per week with a minimum of one (1) per day. The District will make every effort to establish a yearly schedule to incorporate daily individual preparation time, or the equivalent thereof per week, and team preparation time during the workday.

5.3.2. If planning time needs to be reduced, team planning time will be reduced and eliminated, if necessary, before reductions to individual planning time will take place.

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5.3.3. The District will make every effort to equalize plan time proportionately between the schools.

5.3.4. TEACHERS shall be permitted to leave the building for school business purposes, when necessary, subject to approval of the ADMINISTRATION.

5.4. TEACHER Assistance: The BOARD acknowledges that reasonable adult/student ratios must be maintained in order to provide quality education. Paraprofessionals shall be provided where an evaluation by the ADMINISTRATION indicates a need. Recommendations for such need may be made by the teaching staff. Considerations for this evaluation shall include, but not be limited to: class size, educational objectives, subject matter, and student needs.

5.5. Class Size: When the number of students in an individual class reaches thirty (30) students, every reasonable effort, within economic and physical space constraints, shall be made to improve the learning environment such as obtaining an additional instructor and/or a full or part-time paraprofessional.

5.6. Program Implementation: Recognizing that it is the prerogative of the BOARD to implement new programs based upon the decision of the BOARD or the direction of the State and the duty of the TEACHERS to attempt to fully implement and carry out these programs, the BOARD acknowledges that all affected teaching staff will need to receive adequate in-service training on new programs for effective implementation. Every attempt will be made to provide faculty in-service training relating to the preparation for and implementation of new programs.

5.7. Work Year: The work year will be 180 days.

5.8. Lunch Time: All TEACHERS shall have a duty-free Lunch Time of at least thirty (30) minutes unless the TEACHER has chosen to assume additional lunchtime supervisory duties.

5.9. Student Day: The student day will be 6 hours 40 minutes.

5.10. TEACHER Day

5.10.1. The TEACHER workday will be a continuous seven (7) hours and thirty (30) minutes, which includes a duty-free lunch, a total of at least 50 minutes designed to fulfill the core professional duties and responsibilities, and at least one prep period during the student day in blocks of no less than twenty (20) minutes.

5.10.2. All TEACHERS referred to as Special Educators and/or Co-Curriculars, shall have a work day which adheres to one of the building schedules. TEACHERS may arrive late or leave early during the portion of day preceding or following the student day (prep/set-up time) to attend to personal business, emergencies, doctor appointments and similar situations with notification to the ADMINISTRATION on a “flex-time” basis. Permission must be requested from and approval granted by the ADMINISTRATION in advance whenever the leaving early or coming late will occur on a regular basis or when it impacts the student day. It is understood and expected that TEACHERS will make up the time missed.

5.11. Institute Days: Will not exceed the length of the normal TEACHER work day and may be reduced at the discretion of the ADMINISTRATION.

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5.12. Administrative Chain of Command

5.12.1. At the first procedural faculty meeting of the school term, all TEACHERS shall be informed of the District’s administrative chain of command to be utilized under ordinary circumstances during the normal course of conducting school activities. For summer sessions, TEACHERS will be advised of the District’s administrative chain of command to be utilized under ordinary circumstances during the normal course of conducting summer school. The ASSOCIATION and all staff agree to follow the District’s chain of command as notified.

5.12.2. Notification of staff absences is the responsibility of each individual employee. This notification should be provided utilizing the District’s sub finder program, email and/or voice mail systems. Due to the student services provided, it is essential that administrative, itinerant, special service and/or co-curricular staff members notify colleagues either by email or voice mail. In the event of an emergency, the employee needs to notify their building administrator who will, in turn, notify the appropriate certified staff.

5.13. Communication

5.13.1. Representative(s) of the ASSOCIATION and the ADMINISTRATION shall meet on a monthly basis during the school year to address concerns by either party.

5.13.2. The ASSOCIATION shall be provided notice of any special BOARD meetings at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of such meeting.

6. Professional Growth and Staff Development

6.1. To acknowledge the right of the ADMINISTRATION to evaluate each TEACHER.

6.2. To refrain from expressing or demonstrating political, religious, or ethnic bias in their performance of assigned duties for the District.

6.3. To accept other reasonable duties assigned by the ADMINISTRATION, but not compensated by a stipend, during the work day. These duties may include parent-teacher conferences, keeping attendance, and the supervision of the halls, library media center, playground, and washrooms. These duties exclude secretarial work, janitorial work and other non-professional duties.

6.4. Bus and lunch duty may only be considered a reasonable, but not compensated by a stipend, duty to be assigned to enable a TEACHER to maintain 1.0 FTE status if current levels of plan time are maintained. Every effort will be made to assign such extra duties to those TEACHERS with the lowest student contact time. If assigned a bus duty to reach 1.0 FTE and if that total time caused a reduction in plan time, then another supervisory time (if available) would be exchanged during the work day to maintain the individual plan time.

6.5. Regularly scheduled Faculty Meetings may be held two times per month. Notification of the dates of these meetings will be provided by the start of the school year. Attendance at regularly scheduled Faculty Meetings will be mandatory except for excused absences. Administrators will make every effort to avoid changes in meeting dates. However, it may become necessary to do so should special circumstances warrant it. It is understood that attendance at rescheduled

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meetings could be excused due to prior commitments/or appointments, but should be arranged with the Administrator. Tentative agendas for meetings will be made available to the faculty no later than 48 hours prior to meetings. The Superintendent or Principal retains the right to call a meeting on any school day for emergency purposes.

6.6. Serving on curriculum committees is under the general direction of the ADMINISTRATION and the staff is responsible to the ADMINISTRATION for carrying out Board Policies. TEACHERS may be required to attend monthly Committee Meetings, in lieu of Faculty Meetings. In all other instances, membership or participation in all other committees is optional and is left to the discretion of individual TEACHERS. Once the TEACHER is appointed to or agrees to serve on a committee, the TEACHER will continue to serve until the committee completes its work or until the end of the school year. Tentative agendas for committee meetings will be provided 24 hours in advance. The TEACHER may leave the committee if the number of scheduled meetings per month or the meeting times change significantly enough to make it difficult for the TEACHER to remain an effective member of the committee. TEACHERS may withdraw from committees if an emergency or unforeseen situation arises that prevents the TEACHER from completing service on the committee. The TEACHER will provide an explanation of any such situation to the Administrator leading the committee.

6.7. To direct the education of students in the curriculum established by the District.

6.8. TEACHERS shall strive to be professional and ethical in all conduct.

6.9. To promote good public relations.

6.10. TEACHERS shall be available for sufficient period beyond the work day to attend to those matters which properly require attention at that time including, faculty meetings, consultation with parents, and school programs when involved. On days preceding holidays and vacations, TEACHERS may leave the building as soon as students have been dismissed and all necessary and/or routine tasks have been completed.

6.11. All learning programs shall be approved by the ADMINISTRATION and BOARD and shall be discussed with all TEACHERS involved.

6.12. The BOARD shall set aside a fund for staff development for use by TEACHERS. During the period of this Agreement each TEACHER shall endeavor to secure continued professional growth. To that end, the BOARD encourages all TEACHERS to serve on committees, attend professional meetings, and take additional courses relating to the TEACHERS assignment. Said meetings or courses shall not be interpreted to mean teachers’ association growth programs.

6.13. Staff Development Committee

6.13.1. The Staff Development Committee shall consist of the team leaders, Superintendent and appropriate ADMINISTRATORS.

6.13.2. This committee will meet at least two times annually. These meetings may be initiated by any committee member. The purpose of the meetings will be to provide input for topics for the District In-service and/or School Improvement Program (SIP) Days.

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6.14. Workshops

6.14.1. TEACHERS shall be encouraged and allowed to attend at least one workshop every other year and every effort shall be made to allow each TEACHER to attend one workshop each year.

6.14.2. Completion of approved workshops and seminars will be reimbursed subject to pre-approval by the Superintendent or designee, which may be contingent on the District’s financial status.

6.14.3. Reimbursement of approved workshops and seminars will not be subject to, nor included in, the annual aggregate cap per TEACHER as described in this Agreement.

6.15. Graduate Credit

6.15.1. In order to qualify for reimbursement or movement on the salary matrix, courses must be at or above the Graduate level, from an accredited University and must be pre-approved by the Superintendent. Courses below graduate level may be approved under extenuating circumstances. A tenured TEACHER may be reimbursed for coursework that leads to an additional licensure or endorsement.

6.15.2. TEACHERS may receive credit on the salary matrix for up to eighteen (18) semester hours in any one fiscal year.

6.15.3. Reimbursement for coursework is contingent upon the TEACHER receiving a “B” or better, or passing the course if the grading is Pass/Fail in nature.

6.15.4. If a TEACHER leaves the district for any reason other than those listed below, the TEACHER will pay back the BOARD for all course reimbursement received for coursework taken in the year prior to the date of resignation. Those reasons include a TEACHER who does not return due to long-term disability, spousal relocation which renders commuting to the District unreasonable, reduction in force, or retirement.

6.15.5. In the event that the Superintendent does not approve a Graduate credit request, an appeal may be filed with the Professional Growth Committee made up of four (4) administrators and four (4) TEACHERS with representation selected by the ASSOCIATION as follows: one (1) Junior High team leader, one (1) Junior High Co-Cu team leader, one (1) Elementary team leader, and one (1) Elementary SPED/RtI/Co-Cu team leader.

6.15.6. Each probationary TEACHER in their second year or more and each tenured TEACHER shall be reimbursed for earned graduate credit hours approved by the Superintendent or designee. Graduate Courses will need to be approved for funding prior to course enrollment. Probationary TEACHERS will be reimbursed a maximum of $600 during academic probationary year two; a maximum of $900 during academic probationary year three; a maximum of $1,200 during academic probationary year four. Tenured TEACHERS will be reimbursed a maximum of $1,700 during any academic year.

6.15.7. In their first four (4) years, part-time probationary TEACHERS will be entitled to the same percent of Professional Growth/Staff Development funds as the percent of time that

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they are employed. After the fourth year, they will receive $1,700 for Professional Growth/ Staff Development.

6.15.8. Completion of approved workshops and seminars will be reimbursed subject to pre-approval by the Superintendent or designee. Reimbursement of approved workshops and seminars will not be subject to, nor included in, the annual aggregate cap per TEACHER as described in this Agreement.

7. TEACHER Evaluation

7.1. It is recognized by all TEACHERS and ADMINISTRATORS that formal TEACHER evaluation is an integral part of the learning process. By measuring TEACHER performance and student growth, the goal is to improve the quality of instruction.

7.2. A Joint Evaluation Committee (JEC) consisting of four (4) TEACHERS who are to be selected by the ASSOCIATION and four (4) ADMINISTRATORS will have the responsibility for monitoring and reviewing the Evaluation Tool.

7.3. Any procedural revisions to the Evaluation Tool need to be presented to the ASSOCIATION and the BOARD by May 15th. The revisions will become effective the following school year on the agreement of both the ASSOCIATION and the BOARD.

7.4. The Evaluation Tool will be included in its entirety in the faculty Handbook.

7.5. For probationary TEACHERS, all summative evaluations will be completed and received by March 1st. A tenured TEACHER’S summative evaluation will be completed and received by May 1st of the second year of their evaluation cycle.

7.6. TEACHERS will be offered ongoing training regarding the evaluation process by the evaluators.

7.7. The JEC shall meet a minimum of two (2) times annually for the purpose of reviewing and/or revising evaluation procedures. In addition, either party to this Agreement may request that the JEC meet for the purpose of reviewing and/or revising evaluation procedures.

7.8. Following the completion of a formal observation, written feedback must be provided to the TEACHER no later than six (6) days, unless mutually agreed upon. Every effort will be made not to schedule a formal observation less than ten (10) days prior to a holiday/vacation. A post conference will be held between the evaluator and the TEACHER within two (2) days after the last formal observation. After the written evaluation is shared, an additional post-conference may be scheduled at the request of the TEACHER.

7.9. A TEACHER may provide a written response to a formal written evaluation within fifteen (15) days and have the written response attached to the duplicate form of the written evaluation that has been placed in the personnel file.

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8. Grievance Procedures

8.1. Definitions: Any claim by the ASSOCIATION or any TEACHER that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the terms of this Agreement shall be a grievance.

8.2. All time limits consist of school days, except that when a grievance is submitted fewer than ten (10) days before the close of the current school term, time limits shall consist of all weekdays.

8.3. Step I: The parties hereto acknowledge that it is usually more desirable for a TEACHER and the TEACHER’S immediately involved supervisor to resolve problems through free and informal communications. When requested by the TEACHER, an ASSOCIATION representative may accompany the TEACHER to assist in the informal resolution of the grievance. The representative shall be allowed to take notes, however notes taken by anyone present shall be shared with all others present. If, however, the informal process fails to satisfy the TEACHER or the ASSOCIATION, the ASSOCIATION may proceed to Step II.

8.4. Step II: If the proposed resolution of the grievance is not mutually agreed upon at Step I, then the ASSOCIATION may refer the grievance to the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s official designee within ten (10) days after receipt of the Step I answer. The Superintendent shall arrange with the ASSOCIATION for a meeting to take place within five (5) days of the Superintendent’s receipt of the appeal. Each party shall have the right to include in its representation such witnesses and advisors as it deems necessary. Within five (5) days of the meeting, the ASSOCIATION shall be provided with the Superintendent’s written response, including the reasons for the decisions.

8.5. Step III: If the proposed resolution of the grievance is not mutually agreed upon at Step II, then the ASSOCIATION may refer the grievance in writing to the BOARD within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the Step II answer. The BOARD or its official designee, other than the representative in Step II, shall arrange with the ASSOCIATION for a meeting to take place within fifteen (15) days of the BOARD’S receipt of the appeal. Each party shall have the right to include in its representation such witnesses and advisors as it deems necessary. Within ten (10) days of the meeting, the ASSOCIATION shall be provided with the BOARD’S written response, including the reasons for the decision.

8.6. Step IV: If the ASSOCIATION is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step III, the ASSOCIATION may submit the grievance to final and binding arbitration through the American Arbitration Association which shall act as the Administrator of the proceedings. If a demand for arbitration is not filed within thirty (30) days of the date for the Step III answer, then the grievance shall be deemed withdrawn. Neither the BOARD nor the grievant shall be permitted to assert any grounds or evidence before the arbitrator which was not previously disclosed to the other party. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter the terms of this Agreement.

8.7. Conditions to Bypass to Arbitration: If the ASSOCIATION and the Superintendent agree, Step II may be bypassed and the grievance may be brought directly to Step III.

8.8. Bypass to Arbitration: If the Superintendent and the grievant agree, a grievance may be submitted directly to arbitration.

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8.9. Class Grievance: Class grievances involving one or more TEACHERS and one or more Supervisors, and grievances involving an Administrator above the Principal may be initially filed by the ASSOCIATION at Step II.

8.10. ASSOCIATION Participation - TEACHER Represented: The BOARD acknowledges the right of the ASSOCIATION grievance representative to participate in the processing of a grievance at any level, at the TEACHER’S request, and no TEACHER shall be required to discuss any grievance if the requested ASSOCIATION’S representative is not present.

8.11. ASSOCIATION Participation - TEACHER Not Represented: When a TEACHER is not represented by the ASSOCIATION, the ASSOCIATION shall reserve the right to have its representative present to state its views at any stage of the grievance procedure at the TEACHER’S request.

8.12. Cooperation During Investigation: The BOARD, the ADMINISTRATION, the grievant, and the ASSOCIATION, shall cooperate in the investigation of any grievance.

8.13. No Reprisals Clause: No reprisals shall be taken by the BOARD or the ADMINISTRATION against any TEACHER because of the TEACHER’S participation in a grievance. However, any TEACHER shall be held accountable for improper or wrongful acts.

8.14. Release Time: Should the processing of any grievance require that a grievant and/or ASSOCIATION representative be released from his/her regular assignment, he/she shall be released without a loss of pay or benefits. Hearings and conferences under this procedure shall be conducted at a time and place which shall afford a fair and reasonable opportunity for all persons, including witnesses entitled to be present, to attend and shall be held, insofar as possible, after regular school hours or during non-teaching time of personnel involved. When such hearings and conferences are held, at the option of the ADMINISTRATION during school hours, all TEACHERS whose presence is required shall be excused with pay for all such purposes.

8.15. Filing of Materials: All records related to a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel file of the TEACHER.

8.16. Grievance Withdrawal: A grievance may be withdrawn at any level without establishing precedent, and shall be treated as if it had never been filed.

8.17. No Written Response: If no written decision has been rendered within the time limits indicated by a step, then the grievance may be processed to the next step.

8.18. AAA Rules

8.18.1. By mutual agreement the Expedited Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association shall be used instead of the Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules.

8.18.2. The fees and the expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the parties.

8.18.3. Any time limit designations may be extended or shortened by mutual written consent of both parties.

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9. Negotiation Procedures

9.1. Commencement: The BOARD and ASSOCIATION shall commence bargaining for a successor agreement on or before March 1st and shall bargain in good faith as per the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act and its Rules and Regulations. Prior to the commencement of bargaining, the ASSOCIATION and BOARD will meet to discuss bargaining procedures.

9.2. Impasse Procedures: If an impasse in negotiations is reached, as defined under the Illinois Educational Labor Act, the parties shall request the appointment of a mediator from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS). If the appointment of a mediator by FMCS cannot be made within three (3) weeks of the parties’ request, the parties shall select a mediator from a list provided by the American Arbitration Association. Nothing contained in this Section shall preclude the parties from mutually agreeing to another person to act as a mediator.

9.3. Public Information: The BOARD agrees to make available to the ASSOCIATION, in response to reasonable requests, all available public information already compiled concerning the financial resources of the District such as, but not limited to, annual financial reports and audits, and annual budgets. The ASSOCIATION agrees to give reasonable notice of such requests and agrees to pay the prevailing rate for reproduction charges of large volume requests as required of all Freedom of Information requests. Nothing herein shall require the BOARD or ADMINISTRATION staff to research and assemble information.

10. Compensation

10.1. Up to ten (10) years of credit for experience outside the District may be given by the Superintendent upon approval of the BOARD when hiring a new TEACHER. The amount of credit shall be determined by the relationship of the experience to the position to which the TEACHER is being assigned.

10.1.1. District may offer above the ten (10) years of credit for experience outside the District, with prior approval from the ASSOCIATION Co-Presidents, for hard to fill positions. Hard to fill positions are defined as: Social Worker, Psychologist and Nurse.

10.2. TEACHER salaries shall be based on the attached matrix. A part-time TEACHER, that works less than 180 days per contract year and/or less than a continuous seven (7) hour and thirty (30) minute work day, shall be paid on a pro-rata basis.

10.2.1. There will be a salary matrix each year. When Consumer Price Index (CPI) is known in subsequent years, salary matrices will be presented in subsequent years. The matrix for the first year of the contract is attached and the same format will be used for the following years. An ASSOCIATION representative and a representative from the BOARD will finalize the matrix each year. Beginning in 2018-19, Row 0 of the salary matrix is eliminated with the new matrix starting at Row 1. As a result of the elimination of matrix Row 0, all eligible TEACHERS will be vertically adjusted (increased) down one (1) row.

10.2.2. In 2018-2019: 2.5% plus 1.0 of the blended CPI with a 2.5% floor and a cap of 3.5%.

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10.2.3. In 2019-2020: 1.0 of the blended CPI with a 2.5% floor and a cap of 3.5%, whichever is greater.

10.2.4. 1.0 of the blended CPI, which represents the average of the two actual CPIs and is calculated as follows: the two CPIs affecting the District’s fiscal years are identified. The average of the CPIs is used in this calculation, and will be known as the “blended CPI.”

10.2.5. In addition to the annual salary increases set forth above, the BOARD shall pay the following one-time, non-recurring stipend, payable in a separate paycheck issued at the end of the respective school year, but no later than June 30th, as follows: $800 in the 2019-2020 school year.

10.3. Each salary matrix will be presented with and without BOARD paid TEACHER retirement (TRS) of 9.0%.

10.4. The BOARD will contribute 100% of the required amount of each tenured TEACHER’S salary to the retired teachers’ health insurance plan (T.H.I.S.) as administered by the Teachers Retirement System.

10.5. The TEACHERS covered by the Professional Negotiations Agreement shall not have the option of choosing to receive the contributed amounts directly instead of having them paid by the BOARD to the Teachers Retirement System.

10.6. Said compensation shall constitute the salary and fringe benefits for the term of this Agreement.

10.7. Any and all raises or increments may be withheld if unsatisfactory teaching performance is demonstrated by the TEACHER on a summative evaluation; however, each TEACHER shall be given reasons and explanations for such action and such denial shall be for sufficient and valid reasons.

10.8. Compensation may be withheld if any TEACHER fails to have proper licensure for assigned duties after notification.

10.9. Any hours of credit must be certified by official grade reports from the college or university before compensation is paid. Any credits earned by September 15th shall result in, an adjustment on the salary matrix for the remainder of that school year. A mid-year salary lane change will be prorated contingent upon the District receipt of credits earned by January 15th. The new salary will begin with the fourteenth (14th) payroll of the contract year. Official transcripts are required when a new degree is earned.

10.10. The ASSOCIATION and each TEACHER shall indemnify and hold harmless the BOARD, its members, its agents, and its TEACHERS from any and all claims, demands, actions, complaints, suits or other liability of reason of a faithful payment of contributions to the Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of this Section, including any prior payments. No claim, demand, action or suit shall assert liability of the BOARD, and/or the ASSOCIATION or shall be settled or compromised in any manner without the express written consent of both parties.

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11. Effect of Agreement

11.1. Court Action: Should an article, section, or clause of this Agreement be declared illegal by a Court of competent jurisdiction, said article, section, or clause, as the case may be, shall be deleted automatically from this Agreement to the extent that it violated the law and that portion shall be promptly re-negotiated to bring it into conformity with law. The remaining articles, sections, or clauses shall continue in full force and effect for the duration of the Agreement, if not affected by the deleted article, section, or clause.

11.2. Reservation of Rights: It is expressly understood and agreed by the ASSOCIATION and TEACHERS that all functions, rights, powers, or authority of the BOARD which are not specifically limited by the express language of this Agreement are retained by the BOARD as authority vested in the BOARD by the laws and constitutions of Illinois and the United States and as authority properly exercised by the BOARD.

11.3. Same Agreement for All TEACHERS: There shall be one and the same Agreement for all TEACHERS, except for the name, salary, benefits, and assignments.

11.4. Complete Understanding: The terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement represented the full and complete understanding between the parties. The terms and conditions may be altered, changed, added to, deleted from, or modified only through the voluntary mutual consent of the parties in a written amendment executed according to the provisions of this agreement.

11.5. No Strike Clause: The ASSOCIATION agrees that during the term of the Agreement, it shall not initiate, or sanction, or engage in, or encourage its members to engage in any strike or work stoppage.

12. Insurance

12.1. The BOARD shall offer four (4) medical insurance plans to the ASSOCIATION. The BOARD shall select two (2) of the plans, one (1) of which will be a Health Savings Account (HSA) plan. The HSA plan shall be referred to as the “preferred” plan and the benefits of the preferred HSA plan will be equal to or better than the 2017-2018 BCBS HSA plan PF4138. The ASSOCIATION shall select the remaining two (2) plans. All insurance plans will operate on the July 1 through June 30 renewal cycle with the exception of the dental plan which will operate on the September 1 through August 31 cycle until 2019-2020 school year.

12.1.1. In the month of December 2018, there will be a special enrollment limited to affected PPO $1000 and PPO $0 deductible participants who are interested in enrolling in any other offered plan, effective January 1, 2019.

12.2. The BOARD shall pay 100% of the premium for Employee Only coverage in the preferred HSA plan. The BOARD shall fund the premiums for the remaining tiers of coverage in the preferred HSA plan, and for all of the other plans, according to the following schedule:

12.2.1. Employee Only (Amount equivalent to 100% of the premium for Employee Only coverage in the “preferred” HSA plan)

Employee+1 $13,568

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Employee+Children $12,483

Family $15,740

12.3. These amounts may be used only for medical, dental and vision coverage. However, the TEACHER’S choice of medical insurance tier will determine the annual amount the BOARD will contribute. The BOARD will pay up to each of these amounts in annual benefits as defined above based on the tier of coverage chosen. If premiums increase on an annual basis, the BOARD shall increase its contributions up to the increase by 1.0 of the blended CPI with a maximum increase of 3.5% per year and a minimum increase of 2.5%.

12.4. The BOARD also shall pay an amount equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of the premium for employee-only dental coverage to those TEACHERS who choose any tier of dental coverage.

12.5. In addition to the amounts set forth above, the BOARD shall contribute the following amounts to the HSA accounts of those TEACHERS who have selected the preferred HSA plan according to the following schedule, with the contributions effective with the first payroll in January of each calendar year listed:

12.5.1. Employee Only $2500

Employee+1 $2700 (*)

Employee+Children $2700 (*)

Family $2700 (*)

(*) in order to maintain IRS Revenue Code Section 223 plan compliance, the BOARD may increase HSA amounts, with a corresponding decrease to dependent HRA amounts.

12.6. For those TEACHERS who select the preferred HSA insurance plan for the first time during open enrollment beginning in May 2018 and continuing thereafter, the BOARD shall contribute an amount equal to 50.0% of the amounts listed above to be paid the first payroll in July, in addition to the BOARD contribution for health insurance premiums.

12.7. The BOARD shall provide term life insurance benefit at 1.5 times contractual salary.

12.8. The ASSOCIATION will have access to the insurance broker selected by the BOARD. The person with access shall be a current employee of the BOARD, a member of the ASSOCIATION and selected by the ASSOCIATION. The access shall be scheduled through the District’s Business Office. The complete insurance renewal packet will be sent electronically to the ASSOCIATION Co-Presidents within five (5) days of the District’s receipt of this documentation.

12.9. The HRA is a Limited Health Reimbursement Arrangement in which BOARD contributions can be utilized for deductibles only after the annual BOARD HSA contributions have been expended.

12.10. For those TEACHERS with dependent care coverage in the preferred HSA plan, the BOARD shall contribute to an HRA account an amount equal to the maximum amount allowable without subjecting the District to a Cadillac Plan Excise Tax, but that amount shall not exceed $2300.

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12.11. All available insurance plans, and funding parameters, will be presented during the first week of the Open Enrollment Period.

12.12. If the BOARD becomes subject to a tax or a penalty in the nature of a Cadillac Plan Excise Tax (“the Tax”) due to a choice of health insurance plans, either directly for self-insured coverage or indirectly through an insurer for fully-insured coverage, under the Affordable Care Act for any calendar year during the term of this Agreement, the BOARD shall notify the ASSOCIATION. The party that selected the plan, that is subject to a tax or penalty as described above, shall have forty-five (45) days following that notice to fully pay said tax or penalty.

13. Extra Duty

13.1. Extra Duty is defined as time spent with and for students during a TEACHER’S preparation or duty-free time or beyond the normal work day.

13.2. Extra Duty activities, and the corresponding stipend amount, are specified on the Extra Duty Schedule. The BOARD, at its discretion, may establish additional extra duties or eliminate existing ones. If a duty is going to be added, the Superintendent or designee will meet with ASSOCIATION leadership to develop expectations and a “pilot” stipend for the extra duty before it may be posted. If an Extra Duty is going to be eliminated, the Superintendent or designee will meet with the ASSOCIATION leadership, in advance, to explain the rationale of the decision.

13.3. ASSOCIATION and the BOARD have agreed to a joint extra-duty evaluation study; no rate changes will occur or be proposed to occur until this evaluation is completed with the exception of “Assistant Athletic director” will be changed to “Athletic Director” to reflect current job expectations. For 2018-19, the “Athletic Director” stipend will increase to $5,000 and all other stipends will be increased by 2.0%. Extra Duty stipend rates will be adjusted for any additional Agreement years following the joint study. Said stipends will be adjusted via memorandum of understanding.

13.4. Any Extra Duty vacancies and positions shall be posted or notification given as provided in the Notification of Vacancy provision of this agreement.

13.5. ASSOCIATION members have the first right of refusal for all extra duties listed in the Agreement. If, after the five (5) work day posting period, no ASSOCIATION member applies for the General Supervision/Game Scorer/Timer position, on the sixth working day the General Supervision/Game Scorer/Timer vacancy may be offered to all other staff members. All other Extra Duty position(s) will be posted for eleven (11) days. On the 12th day, if no ASSOCIATION members have applied for the Extra Duty, it may be offered to all other staff members.

13.6. Professional Extra Duty: Professional Extra Duty is defined as assignments that are not included in the Extra Duty Schedule of the Agreement and may be assigned on an “as needed” basis as directed and approved in writing by the Superintendent prior to the assignment beginning. This payment shall not be applicable to any activities that are part of a TEACHERS regular professional responsibilities.

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13.7. Instructional Extra Duty: The BOARD shall pay a TEACHER for an extension of the TEACHER Day, as defined in this Agreement, only if the TEACHER has received prior written approval from the BOARD or Superintendent. The parties agree that the BOARD or Superintendent has the exclusive discretion to determine whether to approve or refuse instructional duties beyond the normal day and further agree that there shall be no grievance filed as the result of the BOARD’S or Superintendent’s exercise of this discretion. The BOARD agrees that only the ASSOCIATION can apply for an extension of a TEACHER’S Day. The BOARD agrees to provide written notification to the ASSOCIATION of its decision of whether to approve or refuse any such extension. Any provision of this Agreement requiring posting by the BOARD shall not apply to the BOARD’S exercise of its authority pursuant to this paragraph.

13.7.1. If the BOARD or Superintendent approves an extension of a TEACHER Day, that TEACHER shall be paid on a pro rata basis equal to that TEACHER’S hourly rate which is determined by dividing that TEACHER’S annual salary by 1,350 hours.

14. Internal Substitution

14.1. In the event of an emergency, TEACHERS may be permitted to internally substitute for each other during planning periods. The Principal must approve internal substitution arrangements. TEACHERS who accept a class during their planning or lunch period shall receive compensation equivalent to the amount indicated on the Extra Duty schedule.

This Agreement shall be effective August 26, 2018 and continue in effect through August 25, 2020.

Association Representative / Date Association Representative / Date Board Representative / Date Board Representative / Date

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APPENDIX A – 2018-2019 Salary Matrix (without TRS)

Salary Matrix-Percentage

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BA+0 BA+12 BA+18 BA+24 BA+30 MA+0 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MS+48 MA+60/Doc1 $36,500 $37,393 $38,328 $39,288 $40,268 $42,282 $43,341 $44,425 $45,535 $46,673 $47,8382 $37,390 $38,305 $39,263 $40,246 $41,250 $43,313 $44,398 $45,508 $46,645 $47,811 $49,0053 $38,193 $39,128 $40,107 $41,110 $42,137 $44,243 $45,351 $46,485 $47,647 $48,838 $50,0584 $39,016 $39,972 $40,971 $41,996 $43,045 $45,197 $46,328 $47,486 $48,673 $49,890 $51,1375 $39,860 $40,836 $41,857 $42,904 $43,976 $46,175 $47,330 $48,513 $49,726 $50,969 $52,2436 $40,137 $41,120 $42,148 $43,202 $44,282 $46,496 $47,658 $48,850 $50,071 $51,323 $52,6067 $40,422 $41,412 $42,448 $43,509 $44,597 $46,827 $47,997 $49,197 $50,427 $51,688 $52,9808 $40,678 $41,726 $42,769 $43,838 $44,934 $47,181 $48,360 $49,569 $50,809 $52,079 $53,3819 $41,286 $42,310 $43,359 $44,435 $45,538 $47,799 $48,986 $50,202 $51,450 $52,728 $54,038

10 $42,310 $43,359 $44,435 $45,538 $46,669 $48,986 $50,202 $51,450 $52,728 $54,038 $55,38111 $44,435 $45,538 $46,669 $47,827 $50,202 $51,450 $52,728 $54,038 $55,381 $56,75712 $45,538 $46,669 $47,827 $49,015 $51,450 $52,728 $54,038 $55,381 $56,757 $58,16813 $46,669 $47,827 $49,015 $50,232 $52,728 $54,038 $55,381 $56,757 $58,168 $59,61414 $47,827 $49,015 $50,232 $51,480 $54,038 $55,381 $56,757 $58,168 $59,614 $61,09715 $49,015 $50,232 $51,480 $52,759 $55,381 $56,757 $58,168 $59,614 $61,097 $62,61616 $51,480 $52,759 $54,070 $56,757 $58,168 $59,614 $61,097 $62,616 $64,17317 $52,759 $54,070 $55,414 $58,168 $59,614 $61,097 $62,616 $64,173 $65,77018 $54,070 $55,414 $56,791 $59,614 $61,097 $62,616 $64,173 $65,770 $67,40619 $55,414 $56,791 $58,203 $61,097 $62,616 $64,173 $65,770 $67,406 $69,08320 $56,791 $58,203 $59,650 $62,616 $64,173 $65,770 $67,406 $69,083 $70,80221 $59,650 $61,133 $64,173 $65,770 $67,406 $69,083 $70,802 $72,56422 $61,133 $62,653 $65,770 $67,406 $69,083 $70,802 $72,564 $74,37023 $62,653 $64,211 $67,406 $69,083 $70,802 $72,564 $74,370 $76,22124 $64,211 $65,809 $69,083 $70,802 $72,564 $74,370 $76,221 $78,11925 $65,809 $67,446 $70,802 $72,564 $74,370 $76,221 $78,119 $80,06326 $72,564 $74,370 $76,221 $78,119 $80,063 $82,05727 $74,370 $76,221 $78,119 $80,063 $82,057 $84,10028 $76,221 $78,119 $80,063 $82,057 $84,100 $86,19529 $78,119 $80,063 $82,057 $84,100 $86,195 $88,34230 $80,063 $82,057 $84,100 $86,195 $88,342 $90,54231 $82,057 $84,100 $86,195 $88,342 $90,542 $92,79832 $84,100 $86,195 $88,342 $90,542 $92,798 $95,110

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2018-2019 Asssociation MatrixSalary without TRS

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APPENDIX B – 2019-2020 Salary Matrix (without TRS)

Salary Matrix-Percentage

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BA+0 BA+12 BA+18 BA+24 BA+30 MA+0 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MS+48 MA+60/Doc1 $36,629 $37,525 $38,463 $39,427 $40,410 $42,430 $43,494 $44,582 $45,696 $46,838 $48,0062 $37,413 $38,328 $39,287 $40,270 $41,275 $43,339 $44,424 $45,535 $46,673 $47,840 $49,0343 $38,325 $39,263 $40,245 $41,253 $42,282 $44,396 $45,508 $46,646 $47,812 $49,007 $50,2304 $39,148 $40,106 $41,109 $42,138 $43,190 $45,350 $46,485 $47,647 $48,838 $50,059 $51,3095 $39,992 $40,971 $41,996 $43,046 $44,121 $46,327 $47,486 $48,674 $49,890 $51,137 $52,4156 $40,857 $41,857 $42,904 $43,976 $45,076 $47,330 $48,513 $49,726 $50,969 $52,243 $53,5497 $41,140 $42,148 $43,202 $44,282 $45,389 $47,658 $48,850 $50,071 $51,323 $52,606 $53,9218 $41,433 $42,448 $43,509 $44,597 $45,712 $47,997 $49,197 $50,427 $51,688 $52,980 $54,3049 $41,695 $42,769 $43,838 $44,934 $46,057 $48,360 $49,569 $50,809 $52,079 $53,381 $54,715

10 $42,318 $43,367 $44,443 $45,546 $46,677 $48,994 $50,211 $51,458 $52,736 $54,046 $55,38911 $44,443 $45,546 $46,677 $47,835 $50,211 $51,458 $52,736 $54,046 $55,389 $56,76512 $45,546 $46,677 $47,835 $49,023 $51,458 $52,736 $54,046 $55,389 $56,765 $58,17613 $46,677 $47,835 $49,023 $50,240 $52,736 $54,046 $55,389 $56,765 $58,176 $59,62214 $47,835 $49,023 $50,240 $51,488 $54,046 $55,389 $56,765 $58,176 $59,622 $61,10515 $49,023 $50,240 $51,488 $52,767 $55,389 $56,765 $58,176 $59,622 $61,105 $62,62416 $51,488 $52,767 $54,078 $56,765 $58,176 $59,622 $61,105 $62,624 $64,18117 $52,767 $54,078 $55,422 $58,176 $59,622 $61,105 $62,624 $64,181 $65,77818 $54,078 $55,422 $56,799 $59,622 $61,105 $62,624 $64,181 $65,778 $67,41419 $55,422 $56,799 $58,211 $61,105 $62,624 $64,181 $65,778 $67,414 $69,09120 $56,799 $58,211 $59,658 $62,624 $64,181 $65,778 $67,414 $69,091 $70,81021 $59,658 $61,141 $64,181 $65,778 $67,414 $69,091 $70,810 $72,57222 $61,141 $62,661 $65,778 $67,414 $69,091 $70,810 $72,572 $74,37823 $62,661 $64,219 $67,414 $69,091 $70,810 $72,572 $74,378 $76,22924 $64,219 $65,817 $69,091 $70,810 $72,572 $74,378 $76,229 $78,12725 $65,817 $67,454 $70,810 $72,572 $74,378 $76,229 $78,127 $80,07226 $72,572 $74,378 $76,229 $78,127 $80,072 $82,06527 $74,378 $76,229 $78,127 $80,072 $82,065 $84,10828 $76,229 $78,127 $80,072 $82,065 $84,108 $86,20329 $78,127 $80,072 $82,065 $84,108 $86,203 $88,35030 $80,072 $82,065 $84,108 $86,203 $88,350 $90,55031 $82,065 $84,108 $86,203 $88,350 $90,550 $92,80632 $84,108 $86,203 $88,350 $90,550 $92,806 $95,118

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2019-2020 Asssociation MatrixSalary without TRS

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APPENDIX C – 2018-2019 Salary Matrix (with TRS)

Salary Matrix-Percentage

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BA+0 BA+12 BA+18 BA+24 BA+30 MA+0 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MS+48 MA+60/Doc1 $39,785 $40,758 $41,778 $42,824 $43,892 $46,087 $47,242 $48,423 $49,633 $50,874 $52,1432 $40,755 $41,753 $42,797 $43,869 $44,963 $47,211 $48,394 $49,604 $50,844 $52,114 $53,4153 $41,631 $42,650 $43,716 $44,810 $45,929 $48,225 $49,433 $50,669 $51,935 $53,233 $54,5634 $42,528 $43,569 $44,659 $45,776 $46,919 $49,265 $50,498 $51,760 $53,054 $54,380 $55,7395 $43,448 $44,512 $45,625 $46,765 $47,934 $50,331 $51,589 $52,879 $54,201 $55,556 $56,9456 $43,749 $44,821 $45,941 $47,090 $48,267 $50,681 $51,948 $53,246 $54,577 $55,942 $57,3407 $44,060 $45,140 $46,268 $47,425 $48,610 $51,041 $52,317 $53,625 $54,965 $56,340 $57,7488 $44,339 $45,481 $46,618 $47,784 $48,978 $51,427 $52,713 $54,031 $55,381 $56,766 $58,1859 $45,001 $46,118 $47,262 $48,435 $49,637 $52,101 $53,395 $54,721 $56,080 $57,473 $58,901

10 $46,118 $47,262 $48,435 $49,637 $50,869 $53,395 $54,721 $56,080 $57,473 $58,901 $60,36511 $48,435 $49,637 $50,869 $52,132 $54,721 $56,080 $57,473 $58,901 $60,365 $61,86512 $49,637 $50,869 $52,132 $53,426 $56,080 $57,473 $58,901 $60,365 $61,865 $63,40313 $50,869 $52,132 $53,426 $54,753 $57,473 $58,901 $60,365 $61,865 $63,403 $64,98014 $52,132 $53,426 $54,753 $56,113 $58,901 $60,365 $61,865 $63,403 $64,980 $66,59515 $53,426 $54,753 $56,113 $57,507 $60,365 $61,865 $63,403 $64,980 $66,595 $68,25116 $56,113 $57,507 $58,936 $61,865 $63,403 $64,980 $66,595 $68,251 $69,94917 $57,507 $58,936 $60,401 $63,403 $64,980 $66,595 $68,251 $69,949 $71,68918 $58,936 $60,401 $61,902 $64,980 $66,595 $68,251 $69,949 $71,689 $73,47219 $60,401 $61,902 $63,441 $66,595 $68,251 $69,949 $71,689 $73,472 $75,30020 $61,902 $63,441 $65,018 $68,251 $69,949 $71,689 $73,472 $75,300 $77,17421 $65,018 $66,635 $69,949 $71,689 $73,472 $75,300 $77,174 $79,09522 $66,635 $68,292 $71,689 $73,472 $75,300 $77,174 $79,095 $81,06323 $68,292 $69,990 $73,472 $75,300 $77,174 $79,095 $81,063 $83,08124 $69,990 $71,731 $75,300 $77,174 $79,095 $81,063 $83,081 $85,14925 $71,731 $73,516 $77,174 $79,095 $81,063 $83,081 $85,149 $87,26926 $79,095 $81,063 $83,081 $85,149 $87,269 $89,44227 $81,063 $83,081 $85,149 $87,269 $89,442 $91,66928 $83,081 $85,149 $87,269 $89,442 $91,669 $93,95229 $85,149 $87,269 $89,442 $91,669 $93,952 $96,29230 $87,269 $89,442 $91,669 $93,952 $96,292 $98,69131 $89,442 $91,669 $93,952 $96,292 $98,691 $101,14932 $91,669 $93,952 $96,292 $98,691 $101,149 $103,669

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2018-2019 Asssociation MatrixSalary with TRS

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APPENDIX D – 2019-2020 Salary Matrix (with TRS)

Salary Matrix-Percentage

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BA+0 BA+12 BA+18 BA+24 BA+30 MA+0 MA+12 MA+24 MA+36 MS+48 MA+60/Doc1 $39,925 $40,902 $41,925 $42,975 $44,046 $46,249 $47,408 $48,594 $49,808 $51,053 $52,3272 $40,780 $41,777 $42,822 $43,895 $44,990 $47,239 $48,423 $49,633 $50,874 $52,145 $53,4473 $41,774 $42,796 $43,867 $44,965 $46,087 $48,391 $49,604 $50,844 $52,115 $53,417 $54,7504 $42,672 $43,716 $44,809 $45,931 $47,077 $49,431 $50,669 $51,936 $53,234 $54,564 $55,9275 $43,591 $44,658 $45,775 $46,920 $48,092 $50,497 $51,760 $53,054 $54,380 $55,740 $57,1336 $44,534 $45,625 $46,765 $47,934 $49,133 $51,589 $52,879 $54,201 $55,556 $56,945 $58,3697 $44,843 $45,941 $47,090 $48,267 $49,474 $51,948 $53,246 $54,577 $55,942 $57,340 $58,7748 $45,162 $46,268 $47,425 $48,610 $49,826 $52,317 $53,625 $54,965 $56,340 $57,748 $59,1929 $45,447 $46,618 $47,784 $48,978 $50,203 $52,713 $54,031 $55,381 $56,766 $58,185 $59,640

10 $46,126 $47,271 $48,443 $49,645 $50,878 $53,403 $54,729 $56,089 $57,482 $58,910 $60,37411 $48,443 $49,645 $50,878 $52,140 $54,729 $56,089 $57,482 $58,910 $60,374 $61,87412 $49,645 $50,878 $52,140 $53,435 $56,089 $57,482 $58,910 $60,374 $61,874 $63,41213 $50,878 $52,140 $53,435 $54,762 $57,482 $58,910 $60,374 $61,874 $63,412 $64,98814 $52,140 $53,435 $54,762 $56,122 $58,910 $60,374 $61,874 $63,412 $64,988 $66,60415 $53,435 $54,762 $56,122 $57,516 $60,374 $61,874 $63,412 $64,988 $66,604 $68,26016 $56,122 $57,516 $58,945 $61,874 $63,412 $64,988 $66,604 $68,260 $69,95817 $57,516 $58,945 $60,409 $63,412 $64,988 $66,604 $68,260 $69,958 $71,69818 $58,945 $60,409 $61,911 $64,988 $66,604 $68,260 $69,958 $71,698 $73,48119 $60,409 $61,911 $63,450 $66,604 $68,260 $69,958 $71,698 $73,481 $75,30920 $61,911 $63,450 $65,027 $68,260 $69,958 $71,698 $73,481 $75,309 $77,18321 $65,027 $66,643 $69,958 $71,698 $73,481 $75,309 $77,183 $79,10322 $66,643 $68,301 $71,698 $73,481 $75,309 $77,183 $79,103 $81,07223 $68,301 $69,999 $73,481 $75,309 $77,183 $79,103 $81,072 $83,09024 $69,999 $71,740 $75,309 $77,183 $79,103 $81,072 $83,090 $85,15825 $71,740 $73,525 $77,183 $79,103 $81,072 $83,090 $85,158 $87,27826 $79,103 $81,072 $83,090 $85,158 $87,278 $89,45127 $81,072 $83,090 $85,158 $87,278 $89,451 $91,67828 $83,090 $85,158 $87,278 $89,451 $91,678 $93,96129 $85,158 $87,278 $89,451 $91,678 $93,961 $96,30130 $87,278 $89,451 $91,678 $93,961 $96,301 $98,70031 $89,451 $91,678 $93,961 $96,301 $98,700 $101,15832 $91,678 $93,961 $96,301 $98,700 $101,158 $103,678

Prairie Grove Consolidated School District No. 46

2019-2020 Asssociation MatrixSalary with TRS

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APPENDIX E – Extra Duty

Position Title Number of Paid Staff

Years of Experience

2018-2019 Stipend

2019-2020 Stipend

Athletic Director 1 0 $5,000 TBD Basketball 3+3 0 $2,388 TBD Volleyball 2 1 $2,506 TBD

2 $2,625 TBD 3 $2,747 TBD 4 $2,865 TBD 5 $2,985 TBD 6+ $3,103 TBD

Soccer 1 0 $1,273 TBD Track 3 1 $1,391 TBD

2 $1,512 TBD 3 $1,631 TBD 4 $1,750 TBD 5 $1,872 TBD 6+ $1,989 TBD

Cheerleading 1 0 $1,431 TBD 1 $1,565 TBD 2 $1,699 TBD 3 $1,832 TBD 4 $1,961 TBD 5 $2,097 TBD 6+ $2,228 TBD

Band Coordinator 1 0 $3,084 TBD 1 $3,347 TBD 2 $3,612 TBD 3 $3,876 TBD 4 $4,034 TBD 5 $4,408 TBD 6+ $4,676 TBD

Student Council 2 $2,090 TBD Outdoor Club 1 $2,090 TBD

Junior High Yearbook 2 $1,691 TBD Newspaper 1 $2,587 TBD

Spring Program 2 $2,587 TBD Music Programs 2 $1,293 TBD

Kindergarten Orientation 1/section $836 TBD K Orientation Lead Teacher 1 $1,194 TBD

Outdoor Ed-Coordinator 1 $2,090 TBD Outdoor Ed-Cert. Supervision TBD $1,493 TBD

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Bus Duty TBD $1,134 TBD Teen Leadership 1 $1,333 TBD Young Authors 2 $935 TBD Summer School TBD $2,329 TBD

Junior High Team Leader 3 $3,582 TBD Elementary Team Leader 6 $2,188 TBD

Junior High Team Leader (Co-Curricular/Special Ed)

1 $2,188 TBD

Elementary Team Leader (Co-Curricular)

1 $2,188 TBD

Elementary Team Leader (Special Ed)

1 $2,188 TBD

Elementary Team Leader (RtI) 1 $2,188 TBD Drama Club 1 $2,030 TBD

Jazz Band Director 1 $2,587 TBD Elementary Memory Book 2 $1,194 TBD

Scholastic Bowl 2 $558 TBD New Teacher Orientation TBD $222 TBD

Webmaster (1 JH, 1 Elem) 2 $886 TBD Art Show 2 $635 TBD

Mentoring of 1st Year Protégé TBD $591 TBD Mentoring of 2nd Year Protégé TBD $296 TBD

Springfield Supervisor TBD $558 TBD Washington D.C. Supervisor TBD $836 TBD

JH Spelling Bee 1 $336 TBD EL Spelling Bee 1 $336 TBD Geography Bee 1 $336 TBD

Read to Succeed Coordinator 1 $336 TBD Jazz Ensemble 1 $2,230 TBD

Position 2018-2019 Hourly

Rate 2019-2020 Hourly

Rate Internal Sub $21.20 TBD

Lunch/Detention $14.73 TBD General Supervision/Game Scorer/Timer $22.71 TBD

Professional Extra Duty/Grant Writing/Curriculum Writing $23.59 TBD Home Bound Tutoring/Homework Club $27.12 TBD

Internal Teaching (2 hours minimum – 1 hour paid for every 3 hours taught)

$29.47 TBD

Summer Band (*) $26.06 TBD (*) Any additional money remaining from summer band fees, after payment of the teacher’s stipend and cost of the program, shall be added to the regular band budget. The Board will make the on-behalf payment of 9.0% to the Teachers’ Retirement System in addition to the amounts given in this schedule.

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The indicated number of staff reflects the number of authorized positions. If additional staff assists with the duty and this number exceeds the allocated number for the stipend, then the total authorized stipend will be shared by all individuals.

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Index of Topics, Page No.

Administrative Chain of Command, 17 Appendix A (Salary without TRS 2018-19), 29 Appendix B (Salary without TRS 2019-20), 30 Appendix C (Salary with TRS 2018-19), 31 Appendix D (Salary with TRS 2019-20), 32 Appendix E (Extra Duty 2018-19), 33 Assignments, 15 Association Leave, 8 Class Size, 16 Communication, 17 Compensation, 23 Court Duty, 8 Definitions, 3 Discretionary Leave, 8 Effect of Agreement, 25 Evaluation, 24 Extra Duty, 27 Family and Medical Leave Act, 9 Graduate Credit, 19 Grievance Procedure, 21 Institute Days, 16 Insurance, 25 Internal Substitution, 28 Involuntary Transfer, 17 Leaves, 6 Lunch Time, 16 Military Leaves, 11 Negotiations Procedures, 23

Parental Leave, 6 Payroll, 5 Personal Leave, 8 Personnel File, 5 Preamble, 3 Preparation Time, 15 Professional Growth and Staff Development, 17 Program Implementation, 16 Recognition, 3 Reduction in Force/Recall, 13 Retirement (MOU), 37 Right to Join, 4 Right to Representation, 12 School Environment, 14 Seniority, 13 Sick Leave Bank, 11 Sick Days, 7 Staff Development Committee, 18 Student Day, 16 Teacher Assistance, 16 Teacher Day, 16 Teaching Environments, 16 Teacher Evaluation, 20 Teacher Protection, 14 Teacher Rights and Benefits, 4 Teaching and Learning Environment, 14 Unpaid Leaves, 10 Vacancies, 12 Work Year, 16 Workshops, 19

Association Approved CBA Final (2018.05.16) (1) 37


1. The post-retirement recognition payment is available to TEACHERS who have completed at least twenty (20) years of full-time teaching service in the District.

2. The post-retirement recognition payment shall be calculated as follows:

2.1. For TEACHERS who have twenty-five (25) or more years of full-time teaching service in the District, the payment will be 25% of the TEACHER’S salary during his/her final year of employment, subject to a maximum amount of $17,500;

2.2. For TEACHERS who have twenty (20) years of full-time teaching service but not more than twenty-four (24) years of full-time teaching service in the District, the payment will be 20% of the TEACHER’S salary during his/her final year of employment, subject to a maximum amount of $14,000.

3. For each year of the Agreement, the BOARD shall determine whether to offer the post-retirement recognition payment by June 30th, based on staffing needs and economic considerations, and if the BOARD determines to offer such payment, a TEACHER must provide, to the Superintendent or designee, an irrevocable written notice of resignation with intent to retire by January 10th.

4. A TEACHER may rescind their irrevocable notice of resignation with intent to retire only upon the written consent and agreement of the BOARD. The BOARD’S decision to permit such rescission is non-precedential in nature.

5. The BOARD will make the one-time post-retirement recognition payment to the eligible TEACHER not later than September 30th of the calendar year in which the TEACHER retires.

6. The benefits under this Memorandum of Understanding may not be combined with any other retirement benefits or programs of the District.

7. The TEACHER shall be responsible for all taxes and any other payments required by state or federal laws.

8. The BOARD must not be obligated to make any penalty or additional payments to TRS on behalf of the eligible TEACHER.

9. This Memorandum of Understanding is subject to approval by TRS.

10. This Memorandum of Understanding shall sunset on June 30th of the final year of the Agreement and not automatically roll into any successor Agreement.

Association Representative / Date Association Representative / Date Board Representative / Date Board Representative / Date
