Assignment submission Course Resource There might be times when you want to send a document to your...


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Assignment submission

Course Resource

How to upload an assignment document

There might be times when you want to send a document to your tutor for their comments, for example a draft of some work. You could practice using this tool by submitting a document you have prepared for your tutor.

This could be anything –

a note to briefly introduce yourself.

Assignment submission

Course Resource

1. Select e-Assignments from your tool box Activities on the left of your screen.

You should now see a screen like this

Select which e-assessment you would like to send to you tutor.

Assignment submission

Course Resource

Here you can exchange documents and other work in progress with your tutor as well as submitting e-assessments. We will look at submitting a practice document using

Submission draft - Upload this file

Locate your file on your computer by clicking the Browse button. You can search for the file you want from your hard disk.

When you have selectedthe file to upload –

Click Upload this file

Note:- if uploading more than one document repeat this step

Assignment submission

Course Resource

Files to upload

When naming files for upload, make sure the filename of the file saved on your hard disk includes your name so it can be easily identified by your tutor.

Example: My document filename is KU_spreadsheet1.xls. My initials are KU. This is my first spreadsheet which is in Excel.

Files sent as Word or Excel work fine on the VLE.

Click Upload this file

Assignment submission

Course Resource

Uploading Complete Assessments Note: Assignment submission consists of two processesStep 1 Upload all of your documents that make up the

assignment – you can upload more than one document. You will be able to see a list of all of the documents you have uploaded. Any documents you submit are only accessible by you, your tutor, and the Home Learning College administrators. No other course members can access them, so the contents are secure and confidential.

Assignment submission

Course Resource

Uploading Complete Assessments

Step 2Submit the assignment – before this stage you have not

formally submitted the assignment. At this stage the documents that make up your assignment are in a holding area ‘Draft’. You can tell it is not submitted as the status on the screen says at the bottom ‘Send for Marking’.

1. Submit this assignment by clicking the Send for Marking.

Assignment submission

Course Resource

2. Next Click ‘Yes’ to confirm.Once you have submitted the assignment, you may not include

any more documents as part of that assignment.

Assignment submission

Course Resource

Marked Assignments

To view a marked assignment, click e-assessments and select your e-assignment from the list to see your grade and view the feedback.

Your tutor will provide comments on your work. If you can not see these comments, please contact your tutor.
