Assignment 5




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1.Teamwork as a response to problemsConsider: In your professional life, can you remember situations in which working in a team failed to produce the expected results? Explain why.

Even if I am not working as a teacher, yet, I have an example of failure of working as a team at my current job: The manager of the hotel hired new receptionists and we have to train them. She asked us to come up with a scheme for each day of training and to write down 5 questions (like a test paper) for each part. Working as a receptionist is all about teamwork, but this time it was quite difficult for us to agree and build a good training plan for the new colleagues. Our ideas were not matching, and the questions we came up with had no connection between them because we see things differently. When our boss discovered that we are not able to work together at this training plan, she simply assigned the most experienced receptionist with this job.

Give examples of situations in which teamwork is the preferred mode of work in your institution.

As I said before, working as a receptionist implies working in a team most of time. Every department is connected with the others and we need each other to produce the expected results For example, if a client has a problem with the TV in his room, we call the technical support to help him. Then, the house keeping has to keep us informed about the situations of the rooms, if the clients left unnoticed, if they took something and so on.


Consider: What type of leader (director, head of department etc.) does the educational system in your country currently promote? Explain why.The educational system in Romania promotes the democratic type of leader. The school directors have to encourage the other teachers to involve themselves in decision-making, even if he uses his/her authority to get things done. That is why once a week or twice a month teachers in every school meet in the school council and they come with new ideas and take decisions together. The school director has to lead them, without imposing his power. What qualities should a leader in the field of education have and how should he/she behave in order to gain the staffs full support and commitment?A good leader in the field of education needs integrity and willingness to work hard in order to get the respect of the other teachers. When the leader is the one who works harder than anyone to bring good results for the school, then the teachers have nothing else to do than to follow him with respect and enthusiasm. Leaders of education also need imagination and ability to adapt quickly to change in order to meet the needs of the new generations, but also the needs of the fellow teachers.


A. The same strokes for the same folks

As a teacher, I can meet the students needs in my leading style. That means that I have to learn more about my pupils in order to be a good leader for them and to carry the roles for each one of them.

B. Different strokes for the same folks I could also try new methods in leading the students. Different styles of leading could bring better results.

3.WR CH SH PL RI ME TW CF 1. g d f c a h b e2. a b e g c d f h3. h a c d f g e b 4. d h b e g c a f 5. b f d h e a c g6. f c g a h e b d 7. e g a f d b h c WR 4ME 2 CH 1TW 2 SH 0CF 3 PL 3RI 2I am the working person in a team because I like things done, even if no one else is working. Sometimes it can get frustrating, but in the end I am satisfied if the task is finished in time and it has good results.

I am not quite the shaper in a group because I dont like to push people if they are not interested. If the team has no leader and no one to organize them, I usually step in and try to organize them and split the tasks, but I always listen to their opinions and I dont try to impose only my ideas.