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1. Explain HTTP.

2. Explain Bridge.

3. Explain Token Ring.

4. Explain Router.

5. Differentiate between Frame and Packet in detail.

6. Differentiate between Analog and Digital Transmission in detail.

7. Differentiate between TDM and FDM in detail.

8. Discuss Distance Vector Routing algorithm.

9. Explain Dijikstra Algorithm and Link state Protocol.

10. Discuss the working of CSMA/CD in detail.

11. What is the difference between Connection Oriented and Connection Less

data transmission? If an application needs to protect the boundaries of its

message which of the protocol should be used.

12. What is the purpose of MAC Sub Layer?

13. Explain DNS.

14. Differentiate between Tunneling & Dual Stack Transition.

15. What are the techniques used for channel allocation .Discuss the working of

CSMA/CD in detail.

16. What is the difference between message oriented protocol and byte oriented

protocol. If an application needs to protect the boundaries of its message

which of the protocol should be used.

17. List three transition strategies to move from IPv4 to Ipv6.Compare and

contrast the fields in the main headers of IPv4 and Ipv6.

18. The protocol field used in IPv4 is not present in the fixed IPv6 header. Why

not? List three transition strategies to move from IPv4 to Ipv6.

19. Why HTTP, SMTP, FTP works on top of TCP rather than UDP.

20. What is Switched Network .Compare and contrast Circuit Switched

Network and Packet Switched Network with diagram .What is the role of the

address field in a packet traveling through a datagram network?

21. Explain Multiplexing & De-multiplexing.