Assignment 2, Class - X, Sub.- Biology, Le - Heredity and Evolution, 2012-2013



heridity nd evolution

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D.A.V Public School, BallabhgarhAssignment, Session : 2012-2013

CLASS- X, Subject- Biology

Ch - Heredity & evolution

Q.1) What is genetic drift? (1)Q.2) Why did Mendel’s select garden pea plant for his experiment on heredity. Write two reasons. (1) Q.3) Name an organism in which sex determination is regulated by environmentally factors? (1)Q.4) Define variation in relation to a species? Why are variations beneficial to the species? (2)Q.5) Why are traits acquired during life time in an individual are not inherited? (2)Q.6) what are fossils. Describe the importance of fossils in deciding the evolutionary relationship between the organisms? (2)Q.7) Differentiate between homologous & analogous organs? (2)Q.8) With suitable example, highlight how temperature has an effect on sex determination in the animal world? (2) Q.9) Describe briefly four ways in which individuals with a particular trait may increase in population. (2)Q.10) Name the organism Mendel used for his experiments. Explain about F1 and F2 progeny obtained by Mendel when he breads the tall and the short varieties of the organism he experimented with. (3)Q.11) Why are asexually reproducing organisms capable of showing the heredity features more? (3)Q.12) Who proposed the “Theory of Natural Selection”? What are vestigial organs? Give some examples of human vestigial organs. (3)Q.13) Differentiate between inherited & acquired characters. Give one example of each type. (3)Q.14) What are fossils? Give two uses of fossils. How does the study of fossils provide evidence in favour of organic evolution? (3)Q.15) (a) What is a gene? (b) Where are genes located? (c) What is the nature of gene? (3)Q.16) (a) What is genetics? (b) Give the common name of the plant on which Mendel performed his experiments? (c) What for did Mendel use the term factors and what are these factors called now? (d) What are genes? Where are the genes located? (5)Q.17) (a) What are chromosomes? Where are they seated? (b) What is a sex chromosome? (c ) Describe how the sex of the offspring is determined in the zygote in human beings? (5)
