Asking for major gifts is Simpl



You can ask for major gifts confidently and elegantly following the SIMPL model

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SIMPL…. A Model for Successful Asking

What holds us back is often…

• “What will they think of me…?

• “What if I say something inappropriate…?

• “What if I can’t answer their questions…?

• “What if they say no…?”

SIMPL… can help you overcome these fears

• puts you in control

• gives confidence

• provides a map for the meeting

S & I are for Showing Interest


• the easiest way to rapidly establish rapport with anyone is simply to SHOW INTEREST in them

Ways of building rapport

Ask open questions and show genuine interest:

• “Who was the greatest influence on you growing up?

• “What aspects of the care system today concern you most?”

• “Where did your family used to spend most time when you lived here?”

• “When did you last visit the museum?”

• “Why did you start donating to charity?”

Ways of building rapport

Use clean questions, such as• “And [their words]…?”

• “Is that [their words]…?”

• “So you think [their words]…?”

• “What is it about [their words]…?”

What happens when the person responds?

• listen, make attention signs (nod in agreement, say “yes”)

• retain eye contact while noting down key concerns: their needs, problems, questions, issues

• remember these key concerns for matching in the next stage of the model

• briefly prompt to get more information (but now is not the best time to reply to each concern in detail)


How do you start to match?

• consciously stop the open and clean questioning and move into matching their key concerns in a natural and unforced manner

• bundle the person’s key concerns together

“You mentioned you have concerns about the lack of creativity and self confidence in young people…and that their literacy standards are poor”

• match several key needs with specific benefits in the case

“Did you know that our students spend a minimum of six hours a week doing music, drama or art? Our new creative arts centre will enable even greater choice”

Emphasize the benefits not the features

Show the person how their bequest will add value

• how early clinical intervention will be enabled using the improved medical facilities.

• the effect the new designs will have on the quality of the teaching environment.

• that world-class researchers will be attracted to work at the institution as a result of the new amenities.

P is for PACING

Ways of pacing

Use assumptive statements and closed questions to find out if the other person will confirm agreement with the case for support:

• “So you would agree with us that …….?”

• “Just to clarify, do you feel happy with ….?”

• “Do you think we are going about this the right way?”

Pacing is putting you in control

• you will be getting signals that the other person is ready to be asked

• you are in rapport

• you have matched their interest

• there is no obstacle to asking them for a gift

L is for LEADING to the Ask

Rehearse the askPractice the ways you will ask, so you feel comfortable:

• “Would you consider naming ……….. for $XXXXX?”

• “Council is offering naming rights to rooms for $XXXX”

• “We are looking for $XXXXX to ensure this suite is provided and fully equipped”

• “Other parents interested in the project have come on board for $XXXX ”

• “I’ve given $XXXX for a…... Would you join me?”

And what happens after you ask?

Wait, stay silent - who speaks first loses!

• the other person is thinking about the ask

• look them in the eye, expectantly but patiently

• do not interrupt the silence through your own nervousness

Remember the L.A.W.

• L is for lead

• A is for ask

• W is for wait

If the person says “Yes” but you can’t pin them down to details

• all you want at this stage is to get agreement to a bequest in principle

• you are now ready for negotiating the gift details

If you get a “No””?

• uncover the reason

• thank them for sharing that information (and do not argue with their decision!)

• move on to the end part of the meeting

• see them as a future “Yes”

If you get a “maybe”?

• don’t worry.

• gifts are often not agreed in one meeting but through a series of meetings

Ending the meeting

• lead to the end of the meeting by using one of several key phrases:

• “When will you be in a position to decide?”

• “What further information do you need?”

• “Would you like to bring [a family member] to one of our open days to learn what we are doing?”

Summary of the Gift Asking Model

How do you ask successfully?

• you SHOW INTEREST in the person by asking interested, clean and open questions

• you MATCH the person’s key points to the benefits your case for support offers

• you PACE and confirm that the person’s key points are matched by these benefits

• you LEAD to the rehearsed ASK and WAIT for the reply


• asking is the start of getting…

• if you don’t ask, you don’t get!

Making the most of the Gift Asking Model

SIMPL – 4 part model

1. SI = showing interest

2. M = match

3. P = pace

4. L = lead to the Close

Look on the model as your route map

remind yourselves of SIMPL before each meeting

• if you lose your way at any time during the meeting, return to the SIMPL route map

• decide, agree and rehearse your Ask line

• remember the LAW!

Use it, schmooze it, then lose it!

• use it: try out SIMPL… every time you meet with a prospect

• schmooze it - adapt it creatively to your own personal and verbal style

• lose it - know when to internalize it, adapt it or discard it

It’s that SIMPL….