Asana Tip Sheet - #36 - Blissful Yogini Tip Sheet - #36 Pincha Mayurasana (feather of the peacock...


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Asana Tip Sheet - #36 Pincha Mayurasana

(feather of the peacock Pose)

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asana name • pincha = feather • mayura = peacock • asana = seat or posture

benefits • Builds (and requires) strength in core, trunk,

arms, shoulders and back.

• Strengthens focus and decompresses spine. • Provides all the great benefits of inversions

—improves balance, energizes brain (increases blood flow), positively affects blood and lymphatic flow, boosts immunity, builds confidence, keeps us humble (from all those attempts before success), increases joy and more!

• Stimulates third eye chakra and udana vayu.

contraindications • Menses. • Pregnancy (unless you were comfortably

practicing this pose before pregnancy).

• Shoulder injury.


• To prep, use adho mukha svanasana, dolphin and sirsasana.

• Work with a wall or yoga buddy for safety before trying in the middle of the room.

• Foam block between hands and strap on elbows keeps base solid!

attitude • Fierce, proud peacock.

Best mantra for this pose: “I am a magnificent creature.”

If you’re able to

keep the elbows

under the

shoulders, this

arm balance

might feel



Yogis with tight hamstrings and shoulders may need to use a strap on the elbows and hop up (against a wall for safety) at first.

Uddiyana and mula bandhas create stability and increase

the lift up out of the arms and shoulders.

Engage lats and draw shoulders away from


Engage quads, with slight inward


Press chest up and away from mat.

Nasagrai drishti as you face the mat.

Draw lowest ribs into body, which supports low back and creates extension towards the ceiling.

Extend toes towards ceiling.

Elbows (and hands, if possible) placed shoulder width apart.

Knuckles and elbows press firmly into mat.
