Artwork Annotations


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This is my artist reproduction, for this piece I used a reference image that I found on the internet of a

painting by Sandra Knuyt. I used some mixed media to create the piece, the first thing I used was a

pencil to sketch some rough outlines and once I had my outline I started to add to it with

watercolour paints, I tried to capture the depth and tone that was used in the artists piece, however

I don’t think my tones were the same, although I tried my best to recreate the colours used. I am still

overall quite happy with this piece as I feel it accurately represents the piece I was trying to recreate.

Here is my first attempt at a chalk and charcoal drawing; I feel it wentwell as it captures the subject

very well in my opinion. The only thing I don’t really like is how the background isn’t very

distinguishable from the main subject (the spider), but other than that I am happy with this piece.

This is one of my first watercolour paintings, for this I was surprisingly confident and didn’t use a

pencil outline and I think this works better in this photo as it makes the vibrant orange stand out

more against the washed out green of the leaf.I feel that this piece went well and it’s why I chose to

recreate my artists piece using watercolours.

This is my first ever pastel piece, I was reluctant to do this, but once I had started I really started to

enjoy working with the pastels as I found them easier than most of the other medias. I found it easy

to add tone and shading using your hands.

Here is a compilation I did of some insect pencil drawings. I am overall quite pleased with this piece

as I really feel that it captures the subject very well.
