Arts and Culture of Colombia - Stanford...


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a program of the stanford a lumni assoc iat ion

S T A N F O R D T R A V E L / S T U D Y


March 16 to 27, 2013

Arts and Culture of


HighlightsTA S T E some of the world’s best roasts following our coffee plan-tation tour in the heart of Colombia’s coffee- growing region.

W O N D E R at the huge carved stones at the Parque Arqueológico of San Agustín, discovered in 1758 by Spanish explorers and still a mystery.

v i E W Bogotá’s art treasures, from the world’s largest collection of pre-Hispanic gold pieces to modern art masterpieces.

A land brimming with lush landscapes, legendary coffee plantations, charming colonial-era towns and history-laden cities, Colombia is an adventurous traveler’s paradise. Join Stanford professor Héctor Hoyos, a native of Colombia, as he shares his perspectives with us on his fascinating country’s rich heritage and stunning countryside. We’ll drive and hike through breathtaking mountains and valleys and visit world-class museums, ancient sites and historic forts and churches, including the amazing underground Salt Cathedral built amid salt mines. Join us as we discover the endless delights of the land of Gabriel García Márquez!


SpaniSh colonial houSe. cartagena de indiaS

captioncoloMBian coFFee BeanS

S T A N F O R D T R A V E L / S T U D Y

SAturdAy, MArCH 16depart u.S. / cartagena, coloMBia

Fly from home to Cartagena and transfer to our deluxe hotel, located within the walled city and just steps from the ocean. SOFiTEL SANTA CLARA

SundAy, MArCH 17cartagena

Enjoy an in-depth introduction to the sites of this dynamic seaside city, a unESCO World Heritage site whose alluring setting inspired the writings of world-renowned native son, Gabriel García Márquez. Begin with a coach tour of Cartagena’s main monuments, including a stop at the 17th-century Convent of La Popa with its breathtaking views from a hill overlooking the city. Continue to San Felipe’s Fort, also built in the 17th century to protect the city from marauding invaders. After lunch at a local restaurant, enjoy a walking tour of the historic walled city. this evening enjoy a welcome reception and dinner at a local restaurant near our hotel. SOFiTEL SANTA CLARA (B,L,D)

MOndAy, MArCH 18cartagena / la BoQuilla

Enjoy a morning at leisure and a fresh seafood lunch at a local restaurant. then travel to the charming fishing village of La Boquilla, just north of Cartagena, where we board small boats and cruise through a coastal mangrove. Keep an eye out for several species of migratory birds such as plovers, gulls and terns. return to Cartagena for an evening at leisure and dinner on our own. SOFiTEL SANTA CLARA (B,L)

tuESdAy, MArCH 19cartagena / arMenia

After a morning at leisure and lunch on our own, transfer to the airport and fly to Bogotá, where we connect to a short flight to Armenia, nestled in a luxuriant valley surrounded by the peaks of the Cordillera Central in the heart of Colom-bia’s coffee growing region. transfer to our hotel where our group dines this evening. MiRADOR DE LAS pALMAS (B,D)

WEdnESdAy, MArCH 20arMenia

this morning visit a local breeding farm where Colom-bian Paso horses demonstrate their unique charac-teristics that have made them prized show horses. After lunch at a local restaurant, enjoy a scenic drive up into the mountains

to visit the San Alberto coffee plantation for a guided tour and gourmet tasting of some of Colombia’s finest roasts. this evening dine at our hotel. MiRADOR DE LAS pALMAS (B,L,D)

tHurSdAy, MArCH 21arMenia / cocora ValleY / Salento

return to the mountains around Armenia, this time with a visit to the picturesque Cocora Valley. Enjoy a short hike to the valley’s river and admire stands of concentrating wax palms, Colombia’s national tree and the world’s tallest palm, reaching heights of nearly 200 feet. After lunch at a local restaurant, transfer by jeep to the nearby town of Salento with its historic houses and charming main square. Enjoy









San Agustín

P a c i f i c

O c e a n

C a r i b b e a n

S e a

cathedral oF Bogotá

some free time to explore the town’s markets and gardens, before returning to our hotel in Armenia for dinner. MiRADOR DE


FridAy, MArCH 22arMenia / Bogotá

take a short flight from Armenia to Bogotá and, upon arrival, enjoy an orientation tour of the city, including a tram ride to the top of Cerro de Monserrate for excellent views of the surround-ing countryside. After lunch at a local restaurant, visit the his-torical quarter of La Candelaria with exquisitely colored colonial buildings lining its cobblestoned streets. tour the impressive Museo del Oro (Gold Museum) containing the world’s largest collection of pre-Hispanic gold artifacts. Continue to the Botero Museum, housed in a beauti-fully restored mansion, and admire its magnificent collec-tion of paintings by masters such as Picasso, dalí and Colombia’s most famous artist, Fernando Botero. dinner and the evening are on our own.SOFiTEL ViCTORiA REGiA (B,L)

SAturdAy, MArCH 23Bogotá / neiVa / San aguStÍn

this morning fly from Bogotá to neiva and embark on a

five-hour drive through a scenic countryside of farming villages, rice paddies and vegetable fields. Enjoy lunch along the way at a local restaurant on the Magdalena river before arriving at our modern hotel located in the archaeological center of San Agustín. HOTEL LAS TERRAZAS (B,L,D)

SundAy, MArCH 24San aguStÍn

declared a unESCO World Heritage site in 1995, the Parque Arqueológico of San Agustín is shrouded in mystery with re-searchers still unclear about the site’s exact origins or purpose. discovered in 1758 by Spanish explorer Juan de Santa Gertru-dis, the site boasts an incredi-ble array of carved monumental stones, believed to have been erected in honor of the dead. Explore the megalithic tombs, temples and sculptures as well as the museum containing artifacts gathered from the park. After lunch at a local restaurant, transfer to the neighboring site of Alto de Los idolos, containing

the largest ceremonial stone in the area. HOTEL LAS TERRAZAS (B,L,D)

MOndAy, MArCH 25San aguStÍn / neiVa / Bogotá

return to neiva, enjoying a more leisurely drive on our way back with photo stops and time to explore a local market. Fly to Bogotá and transfer to our hotel where we dine this evening. SOFiTEL ViCTORiA REGiA (B,L,D)

tuESdAy, MArCH 26Bogotá / ZipaQuirá

drive north of Bogotá to the town of Zipaquirá and visit its famous underground Salt Cathedral. Built inside a deposit located 650 feet below ground, the church features the stations of the cross and three naves, eerily illuminated in the sur-rounding salt mines. return to Bogotá for an afternoon at leisure and a last opportunity to shop or explore this dynamic city. this evening gather for a farewell reception and dinner of Colombian specialties at one of Bogotá’s acclaimed restau-rants. SOFiTEL ViCTORiA REGiA (B,L,D)

WEdnESdAy, MArCH 27Bogotá / u.S.

Following breakfast at our hotel, transfer to the airport for return flights to the u.S. (B)








San Agustín

P a c i f i c

O c e a n

C a r i b b e a n

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D a t e sMarch 16 to 27, 2013 (12 days)

s i z eLimited to 34 participants

c o s t *$6,995 per person, double occupancy$8,195 per person, single occupancy*Association nonmembers add $200 per person

i N c L U D e D 11 nights of deluxe or best-available hotel accommodations 11 breakfasts, 9 lunches and 8 dinners Welcome and farewell cocktail receptions Bottled water on all excursions Gratuities to porters, guides and drivers for all group activities All tours and excursions as described in the itinerary Group transfers and baggage handling for all participants arriv-ing in Cartagena and departing from Bogotá internal flights within Colombia Minimal medical, accident and evacuation insurance Educational program with lecture series and pre-departure materials, including recommend-ed reading list, a selected book, map and travel information Services of our professional tour manager to assist you throughout the program

N o t i N c L U D e Dinternational and u.S. domestic airfare Passport and visa fees immunization costs Meals and beverages other than those specified as included independent and private transfers

trip-cancellation/interruption and baggage insurance Excess-baggage charges Personal items such as internet access, telephone and fax calls, laundry and gratuities for nongroup services

a i r a r r a N g e m e N t s international and u.S. domestic airfare is not included in the program cost. round-trip, econ-omy-class airfare on united Airlines from San Francisco to Cartagena, Colombia, and returning from Bogotá is approximately $870 as of August 2012 and is subject to change without notice.

Trip Information


parQue arQueológico oF San aguStÍncaption

W h a t t o e x p e c tWe consider this to be a fairly strenuous program that is at times demanding and busy. Participants must be physically fit, active and in good health. Most excursions require a considerable amount of walking, often on uneven terrain such as that found in historic quarters with cobblestoned streets or at archaeological sites with dirt paths and steep staircases. Some of the roads we travel on in Colombia are winding, narrow and may be undergoing repair, and our journey at times requires long travel days (up to 5 or 6 hours including rest stops). the hotels we use are the best-available, from deluxe accommodations in Cartagena and Bogotá to basic, yet clean and comfortable, hotels in the smaller towns. We expect that participants will be a self-selecting group whose appreciation for the places we visit outweighs the need for creature comforts. We welcome travelers 15 years of age and older on this program.

Deposit & Final paymentA $1,000-per-person deposit is required to hold space for this program. Complete and return the attached reservation form or place your deposit online. Final payment is due 120 days prior to departure. As a condition of participation, all confirmed participants are required to sign a release of Liability.

cancellations & refundsdeposits and any payments are fully refundable, less a $500-per-person cancellation fee, until 120 days prior to departure. After that date, refunds can be made only if the program is sold out and your place(s) can be resold, in which case a $1,000-per-person cancellation fee will apply. We recommend trip-cancellation insurance; applications will be sent to you.

insuranceStanford travel/Study provides all travelers who are u.S. or Canadian citizens with minimal medical, accident and evacuation coverage under our group-travel insurance policy. Our group policy is intended to provide minimal levels of protec-tion while you are traveling on this program. We strongly recommend that you subscribe to optional baggage and trip-cancellation insurance. A brochure offering such insurance will be mailed with your confirmation about one week after we receive your deposit. the product

offered in this brochure includes special benefits if you postmark your insurance payment within a specified window: 15 days of the date listed on the confirmation letter for the Waiver of Pre-existing Conditions and coverage for Financial insolvency; 21 days for the Cancel for Any reason benefit.

eligibility We encourage membership in the Alumni Association as the program cost for nonmembers is $200 more than the members’ price. Parents and their children under 21 may travel on one membership. For more information or to purchase a membership, visit alumni.stanford/goto/membership or call (650) 725-0692.

responsibilitythe Stanford Alumni Association, Stanford university and our operators act only as agents for the passenger with respect to transportation and exercise every care possible in doing so. However, we can assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity in connection with the service of any automobile, motorcoach, launch or any other conveyance used in carrying out this program or for the acts or defaults of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or in carrying out the arrangements of the program. We cannot accept any responsibility for

losses or additional expenses due to delay or changes in air or other services, sickness, weather, strike, war, quarantine, force majeure or other causes beyond our control. All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the passenger as tour rates provide arrangements only for the time stated. We reserve the right to make such alterations to this published itinerary as may be deemed necessary. the right is reserved to cancel any program prior to departure in which case the entire payment will be refunded without further obligation on our part. the right is also reserved to decline to accept or retain any person as a member of the program. no refund will be made for an unused portion of any tour unless arrangements are made in sufficient time to avoid penalties. Baggage is carried at the owner’s risk entirely. the airlines concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time that passengers are not onboard their plane or conveyance. neither the Alumni Association, Stanford university nor our operators accept liability for any carrier’s cancellation penalty incurred by the purchase of a nonrefundable ticket in connection with the tour. Program price is based on rates in effect in August 2012 and is subject to change without notice to reflect fluctuations in exchange rates, tariffs or fuel charges.

Tel (650) 725-1093 FAX (650) 725-8675 emAil trAVELStudy@StAnFOrdALuMni.OrG© COPyriGHt 2012 StAnFOrd ALuMni ASSOCiAtiOn. ALL riGHtS rESErVEd. PrintEd On rECyCLEd, FSC-CErtiFiEd PAPEr in tHE u.S.

Terms & Conditions

California Seller of travel Program registration #2048 523-50

cocora ValleY

H É C T O R H O Y O S is an assistant professor of

Latin American literature and culture at Stanford university.

A native of Bogotá, Colombia, where he studied philosophy

and literature at the universidad de los Andes, Professor

Hoyos conducts research in areas that include visual culture

and critical theory, as well as comparative and philosophical

approaches to literature. His work has appeared in several

venues, including Comparative Literature Studies, Revista de

Estudios Hispánicos, Chasqui and Revista Iberoamericana.

“Colombia is a very musical country,” explains Professor

Hoyos. “there is a very rich, sensorial experience that one

can readily appreciate in Colombian culture.” during our

program, Professor Hoyos will discuss Colombia’s rich

literary traditions, coffee culture and recent conflicts and

paths to reconciliation.

— Faculty fellow, 2012–2013, Stanford Humanities Center

— Board member and secretary, Colombianists


— MA and Phd, romance studies, Cornell university

Faculty Leader

S T A N F O R D T R A V E L / S T U D Y

“There is a certain joy of living that is unique to Colombia.”h é c t o r h o y o s



Mr. / MrS. / MS.MiSS / dr. / PrOF.


City / StAtE / ZiP



i/We have read the terms and Conditions for the program and agree to them.


if this is a reservation for one person, please indicate: i wish to have single accommodations.

Or i plan to share accommodations with:

Or i’d like to know about possible roommates.

BEd PrEFErEnCE: twins double

Here is my deposit of $________ ($1,000 per person) for _____ space(s).

Enclosed is my check (payable to Stanford Alumni Association) Or

Charge my deposit to my: Visa MasterCard American Express

CArd #

EXPirAtiOn dAtE

CArdHOLdEr SiGnAturE dAtE Mail completed form to address on mail panel or fax to (650) 725-8675 or place your deposit online at Submit your reservation only once to avoid multiple charges to your account. 8738

Reservation Form Arts and Culture of Colombia



Mr. / MrS. / MS.MiSS / dr. / PrOF.

S T A N F O R D T R A V E L / S T U D Y



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“Stanford Travel/Study programs often go the extra mile in producing special moments and experiences that just don’t happen very often in the world of commercial travel.”J o h N B o y L E , P h D ’ 6 8 , F o c U s o N E L s a L v a D o r , 2 0 12

la candelaria, Bogotá





















