Artistic Statement



A synopsis of my goals and purpose as an artist.

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My compositional concerns are to communicate a feeling or affect to the audience through rhythmic and melodic manipulation. In my current studio practice, there is a consistent internal struggle on choosing a way of communicating an idea that is both personal and universal. I believe there are still ideas to be communicated with tonality, although I am aware of the clichés I might fall into as a composer and I try to avoid them while maintaining musical integrity.

The music I write is also informed by working and performing with artists and musicians in Asia. Therefore, as in Gagaku music, the ideas of space, register and silence are very important elements in my music.

There is an issue regarding the uniformity of harmonic and instrumental language in the contemporary musical scene which I trying to address: one school is concerned with cacophony and dissonance and the second with garnering a wider appeal by references to pop culture and a simplified harmonic language.

Throughout my musical career, I strive to find a middle ground, while keeping in mind what kind of audience would I be writing for.
