Artist Research


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Jamerson “S” James born 25th April 1987 is an American soul singer/songwriter. Born in Hudson, New York, he started singing at the tender age of 10. His mother was the first to observe his talent, she knew how good he was, so she kept encouraging him to sing. His family have always supported his decision with his career and he worked hard to gain his success. Having signed to his record label SMCR (Soul Music Cooperation Records) in 2008, he has tried his hardest to get his voice heard. And eventually in 2010 he released his self-titled debut studio album “Jamerson James”.

James grew up in negative manner and misbehaved. He lived with his mother (Amelia James), his father (Jason James) and brother (Joseph James) in a small hometown. His mother found it hard to cope with his behaviour and kept telling him constantly to “change his ways”. He only changed his behaviour when he was 16 when he was involved in a car accident. It involved him and his best friend Andrew Smit. James luckily survived, but the paramedics were unable to revive Smit. James has said in many interviews that the situation traumatized him because he was “so close to [him] Smit”, but it also humbled him, and it allowed him to become more positive, because it changed his view of life.

His audience compare James to artists like John Legend, James Brown and Usher. He demonstrates compassion for his loved ones; including his fans. He treats his fans like family. He constantly continues to illustrate his passion for music. He is never afraid to be himself, never gives up and enjoys doing what he loves. He expresses himself through his music, personality and instruments. He’s inspired by the likes of James Brown, Michael Jackson and Usher.

His genre of music is a mixture of Soul, Jazz and R&B.

James wants to be portrayed as an icon that changes people’s perspective of life, but also to inspire them. Also as a determined young man.

Jamerson James is someone that has a unique personality. He’s not afraid to be himself and always expresses his love for music. The outfits and clothes in the mood board highlights James’ classy and smart style. The food in the mood board demonstrate what he likes to eat. Although he’s a fan of the fast food restaurants and café’s, he loves eating soul food. The people playing instruments represent what James does in his spare time. Also, the picture of the big microphone represents what Jamerson is dedicated to: his career/singing.

The mood board basically represents who JamersonJames is as a person: A dedicated soul artist.