Articles 02.2016




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Blessed Atlantean Family

My love to you all. I am Osiris

During the next several months, you all have an opportunity to completely resurrect yourself in all aspects - in the cells and also in every area of your life. The intense energies on the planet from the past two months (September and October) and continuing into January 2016 is in preparation for this. During the past few months, you might have noticed that there is an intensity of energy and also many past scnarios from past lives coming up and also from other realities and dimensions. What it is doing is a flushing of the sub conscious and the unconscious mind, so that all can be purged and healed. This is some thing like a micro death process, where in you are able to observe your mind and glean wisdom from the experiences you have encountered while alive in this life time. In the past this review and gaining of wisdom happens when one dies. So celebrate this moment, for you are gaining wisdom and experience.

Now the first thing you will notice during this time is about human relationships, what it means to you in terms of your truth. Many human beings has been living untruth particularly in terms of love relationships and also in other relationships, but this is particularly evident in love relationships. The true meaning of relationships is lost in the modern world. People have relationships for a variety of reasons. Most of the time it is a need fulfillment. During these times, one will be confronted with this question - why am I in a relationship with this person? Am I true in this relationship? (we are not talking about having an affair or not being true to your partner in sex), What is my feeling and what is my joy in this relationship? Do I feel fulfilled in this relationship?

If the answer is no, then what can I do to change this relationships so that i feel fulfilled, feel bliss and joy in this relationship. In the old energy, this understanding and wisdom only comes after death when one has life review. So use it to gain wisdom and create a relationship which is in truth with your soul (in the present relationships or in new relationships). Also the true purpose of relationships will be understood by many during these times. Relationships are never about NEED fulfillment, but is about celebrating the fullness of one's life with another and creating something new so that one may know more about oneself through these relationships and also know and experience God in its fullest glory. So use the relationships for what it was intended for.

The second wisdom which can be gained during these times is about understanding one's life path or purpose. Many a lost and seeking this life path through all sorts of means - whether it is through a job, a relationships, material possessions, sickness or many of the others. During these times, many of the beings from the Stars are beaming their incredible light onto to the earth and especially about understanding one's life path and purpose. They are also beaming light about healing one's inner child. When one's inner child is healed and one is able to fully move into one's life's purpose, the experience you call LIFE takes on a new meaning. This will slowly move one one's Passion. When one is in one's passion, one is truly living, otherwise, it is a lie and many a time, it is mediocre. Connect with the star - Matthaar and see it brilliant gold light integrating into you through your 10th chakra called Laguana Chakra and then flowing through your chakric column and anchoring deep into the Earth Star Chakra which is underneath your feet. The energy from this star has the capacity to heal deep seated wounds, not only from this life time but also other life times. The energy of this star is particularly helpful regarding abandont issues. Next call on the Star energy of Capillai and this energy has the capacity to expand one's mind and open up to higher perceptions and other realities. Working with this star energy can also help in opening the Angel Chakra which is in the middle of your forehead so

that your connection with your Soul, your guides and the Creator can be enhanced. When you open this chakra, you will also be tapping into the energies of your divine blue print, your soul contract, your divine creativity and your soul mission. You will also come to realize that you have come here not only to master and balance the Karmic energy, but also to learn and balance the Life Lessons. Life lessons are different than the Karmic energy. So working with these two Star energies is highly recommended during this time.

The third point we wish to make during this time is about understanding the dark side of us. Most of us push this away and bury it deep with in us or pretend that this does not accept. The intense energies during these times will confront us with our darkest fear. So instead of running away and burying it deeper, one must look at it from a non detached view and see how this darkness was created and for what purpose was it created. You will notice that most of the time, it is about survival. Once you are able to look at it objectively, you will be able to heal it through your embracing this aspect of yourself with Love and this in turn will change the energy in the first two chakras of your body, where the survival and poverty consciousness energy exists. Many a time, instant healing can happen.

The fourth point we wish to bring forth is about understanding one's connection with the star system and also about the understanding of Star Karma. Many humans take re-incarnation in other planets and star systems to learn and master specific life lessons for these planets and star systems offer maximum potential to learn this specific less lesson, which the soul is trying to master. As you may know, your karmic energy is in the shoulders of your arms and this flows into the back of the body and settles down in your hip area affecting the chakric energies starting from the base chakra. If you were to focus on these two points in your body (middle of the shoulders of both the hands and on the back of the hip of your body), and call on the energies of the Master Council of Karmic Energies and ask to re-balance or align once again with the original intent of your soul, you will see some relief in your challenging situations (if you are facing any at these times in your life) for they will specifically remove karmic energies from the star systems in which you had lives before when you were mastering those life lessons. You will be able to see a shift and a lightness in your body with in 21 to 40 days.

The 5th point we wish to note is about understanding one's connection to Mother Earth. We are made up of the body of Mother Earth and Mother Earth holds our original imprint or template off our perfect self. When you connect with Mother Earth, you can request Mother Earth to super impose your original and pure imprint of your soul on to your present life contract. Does it mean, we will not have to go through our original purpose for being born here, no, it simply means, there will be an adjustment which will make it easier for us to go through our life purpose, with out much pain and suffering. You can request for this during these coming months.

The other point we wish to note is about understanding the water and its importance in our life. We are mostly made up of water and this water inside of our body is circulating continuously. But like any water, after some time, if it is re-cycled again and again, it will loose its original vitality. The same can happen with the water inside of us. To a certain level, this can be lessened with drinking water on a regular basis, but when we connect with the Beings of the Water Source and the Force which controls the water, then the water inside of us will once again have its original vitality and life force and this in turn will make us more healthy, vigorous and help us remember who we are. The original water content with in us contain the truth of who we are and our entire soul contract and blue print. The beings to call for this work is Lahumi La Hi (beings of the Water Source) and La Ba Na Ha (the force which controls the waters).

Lastly we wish to bring forth understanding regarding the death process. During these times, many a soul will wish to leave the physical body so that they can return with a much lighter body and with a much higher activated DNA with in their system. You can ask during your meditation time (if you are not afraid) for the actual death process to take place (like you are observing your during and death process) and when it is completed, you can ask for a higher set of blueprint with a higher set of Light Quotient and a more advanced level of highly activated DNA. This will have a tremendous change in one's life and will shift and change many aspects of one's life, all for the better.

Let your prayer be from now. I connect with the Void Energy and I have the highest wisdom and the greatest power with in me to use this Void energy to create magnificently and benevolently, for I am the Power, I am The Force, I am the Light.

Blessings God Osiris Through Rae Chandran


Elements and its influence in our lives by Master Kuthumi

Balancing the Four Elements Within You

Greetings Brothers and Sisters of Light, this is Master Kuthumi.

We are now living at a very interesting time on planet Earth. Major changes are happening throughout the world, and all continents are affected by them. The world is being transformed; it is being reformed and made anew. This transformation is happening in all areas of life. Today I would like to talk about the natural forces around you which are impacting you. Have you noticed that humanity's state of being is reflected in the forces of nature, and vice versa? When there are great floods in a region, there may be great damage to people and property, and there is also great impact on the emotional state of the people living there. The same is true all activities of nature. When there is an earthquake, people are greatly affected by the earth element and may carry weight on their bodies, or become blocked inside.

What can light workers do to stabilize the natural forces around you so you are not affected by changes happening on the Earth, particularly weather changes? The natural choice is to create balance in your life so you create balance on planet Earth. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm of the planet Earth. You and the planet are intimately interlinked. Your body is made from the same material of Mother Earth, and what happens to Mother Earth affects you. It is impossible to separate Mother Earth from you.

There are four natural forces which must be in balance and harmony - earth, water, air and fire. When one element is out of balance, there can be upheaval in the planet. You have these four elements in your body, and they also must be balanced. Each element has its own characteristics and should always work in harmony with the others. Otherwise there will be disharmony in your life.

If the earth element in your body is stronger than the others, you may have weight problems, or you could dominate other people by the sheer force of your personality. When someone with this imbalance enters a room full of people, the room can suddenly go silent. These people can feel heaviness without joy, for they subconsciously broadcast the earth element of domination.

If the earth force is weak in someone, they may be ungrounded and feel helpless

and overwhelmed by the conditions of their life. When the water element is unbalanced, a person can experience emotional up and downs, and be unable to control their emotions. They may also subconsciously project their emotions onto others. They may also consume and release fluids excessively. When the water element is weak, their bodies can dehydrate and cause their creativity to dry up. When the water element is too strong, it can cause emotional roller coasters. When it is too weak, it can cause the emotions to appear to be absent, blocked, or too thin.

The mental body is associated with the element of fire. Excess fire element can cause a person�s mind to run out of control. These people cannot sleep, even when their body is tired. Their mind is not rested and refuses to quit burning. Excessive fire can also trigger irritation, anger, fevers, or dehydration. It can damage the liver and the intestines. A person who is lacking fire may feel excessively cold, even in warm weather. They may lack warmth their in personal interactions. They may become depressed or listless. Fire can harm or kill, but it can also transform. When fire is in balance, all your creative processes will be empowered with passion and determination. When it is lacking, it can contribute to coldness towards life � living without joy, creativity, or inspiration.

When someone has an over abundance of the air element, they may become spacey, overly talkative, or disoriented. Too much air can also cause dehydration. Too little air can cause lack of creativity, loss of clarity and inspiration, or avoidance of people and withdrawal from society. These people may find that they are constantly out of breath. If their condition is not balanced, they can develop physical ailments over time, and age rapidly because they lack oxygen in their blood stream.

A natural disturbance in one part of the Earth - a hurricane or a volcanic eruption - indicates an imbalance of the four elements. Floods are an imbalance of the water element. A forest fire is an imbalance of the fire element. A great wind is an imbalance of air. What can you do to balance the four elements in yourself? Write the four elements on a piece of paper and pass a finger or a pendulum over of what you have written, and where feel the greatest pull is the element you must work with at present. You can do this periodically to check which elements need to be worked with and balanced.

Here are some tools you can use to add one of the four elements, when you are lacking them. If you lack the earth element, wearing stones or crystals on your body can help. You can also place a large stone near your front door. Wearing green can also help. For balancing the air element, wearing precious metals on your body can support you. Aluminum, steel, and platinum are all good for this. The color red is also good. Place the color red (in any form) on your desk or your table. Do not place red in your bedroom or in any place you normally relax or sleep. You can balance the water element by having a picture of a light shower or a light waterfall in your living room. The color light blue is also good for this. Carry a picture of a light summer shower with a blue background in your purse or wallet. You will subconsciously draw the water element into your body if you are lacking it. The fire element can be balanced by placing a bright yellow flower near the front entrance of your home or your living room. It is also good to have a picture of a gentle fire like a candle (but not a big blaze).

If we have too much earth element, wearing crystals is not recommended. The color soft beige will with a tiny dot of red inside will support in ridding excessive earth element. For excessive wind element, gently massage the back of your neck for a few minutes daily. Having a picture of a bird flying in the sky will also support this process. If you have too much water element, a picture of a desert or a sand dune can support you. A picture of a desert animal like a camel in the living room can also be beneficial. Too much fire element can be balanced by having a picture of a gentle stream flowing through a thick green jungle. Wearin

g white clothing can also support this process.

Experiment and play with these techniques. Keep in mind that these forces will change as you go through life, so it is good to balance these elements regularly.

Master Kuthumi Through Rae Chandran


Cecil the Lion who was recently killed in Zimbabwe and made headline news around the world.

Well my dear ones, this is Cecil. There has been much news about me recently. My passing away has brought the attention of the world to the animal kingdom and the country where I resided with my pack. Well it is good.

Just like humans has contracts (life contracts) with other humans, the animal kingdoms also has contracts - but with selected human beings. So my contract was with Mr.Palmer for both us agreed that through my passing a large shift in consciousness will take place. We are not just talking about protecting the animal kingdoms in a benevolent way, but a shift in consciousness in the country where I resided.

The country Zimbabwe has been ruled with an iron fist and is greatly influenced by the Dark Forces which completely controls the people in the governing body. Although the world knows about the situation in Zimbabwe, they have failed to take any action. As you might be aware, most of the foreign policies of all the countries is based purely on Self Interest. When there is no interest or any thing to be gained from that country, the the powerful countries which can bring about a change in a dark and oppressed country does not care for there is nothing to be gained for them. This has helped the dark forces greatly and they have ruled with impunity for a long time. The people and the land is suffering. There is wide spread corruption and mis-management of the scant resources.

So with the consultation with my Higher Self and my guides and with the consultation with the guides and support systems of Mr.Palmer, it was decided that I would give up my life and this would be announced in a major way through out the world. When one dies and if any one comes to know about the death (whether human or otherwise), there is always a message for the ones who came to know about that death. When my death happened, there was much attention placed on Zimbabwe and much light energy went into that country. Much love, compassion and sympathy was beamed into the animals and the land and since we habitat that land, much of that went into the ground for healing to take place.

We are pleased to announce that the desired goal of my passing was achieved as more than 30 million people sent healing energy into the land. This will have a great effect on two fronts. The stronghold of the dark forces will break and also better care for my animals brothers and sisters. This will start shifting the power base from a select few to a more diversified field and the country will once again see the roots of democracy taking shape.

There is also one other reason for my death at the hands of an American Soul. When any major changes must happen in the world, if it starts in America, it would have the greatest impact on the world community for America is a leader and every body looks towards this great land for making a change. If the soul who killed was from any other country, it would not have got as much coverage as it did and hence Mr.Palmer's role in this.

So do not mourn my death - but rather celebrate. Let us celebrate Mr.Palmer for taking this brave step and fully stepping into his life contract. Let us honor him.

I also would like to give you an example of how death makes an impact on the people who comes to know about the death.

Let us take the passing away of Mahatma Gandhi. When he was killed by an assassin's bullet, it made the greatest impact on the warring factions - between the Hindus and the Muslims and it stopped considerably the killing between these two sections of people. In the same way, my death also made a huge impact in the psyche of millions of people and this will change the way, humans look at animals and see their purpose for being on the planet in an entirely different way.

So let us all celebrate my death. How do you celebrate my death. By holding Love and Peace in your own Heart.

Cecil the Lion from Zimbabwethrough Rae Chandran


Message from the Celestial Sheep for 2015

Hello, we are the spirit of the Sheep. Our deep love and respect for all our brothers and sisters of Taiwan.

Some of you may wonder - what this year will bring forth? What we suggest is that in this year - set a goal - even if it is a small goal like regular exercises. Any goal you want to manifest. You can write a few goals. We will support all right intentions this year for our energies will enter into the subconscious part of your brain and will work to change the belief systems you all hold in your head - why things will not work, or why things did not work etc., We have the capacity to re-wire your brain for our deep and strong feet. Have you seen us climbing to the top of the mountain or rock with our sturdy feet? We can inspire you to climb the highest peak in your own life. This year combined with the energies of 8 (2015), it will be a double gift in manifesting your true desires. Ofcourse your desires must be grounded in common sense and not day dreaming.

The month of March, June, July, Sept, October and December are all exceptionally good for creativity and manifestation. Infuse your intentions with the smell of soft lavendar or any other essential oils and place it underneath your pillow. This can create powerful dreams and also give your new ideas, open up intutions etc., to support in the manifestation of your desired goals.

Take advantage of us in this special year, for you will also realize your true power this year - the power which runs you, rules you and drives you.

For those of you who wants to get married - place two goats together climbing a rock in your bedroom. For having children, make this three goats and place it in your bedroom.

Let us work together and create what you truly desire.

Sheep Spirit=======================================

Predictions for 2015

By Babaji

Hello, Precious Ones. My deepest love to all of you for all of you are soul extensions of the Creator, as I am. At this particular time when the world is on the cusp of a major shift, both politically and spiritually, one must awaken from the deep slumber and take part in the re-creation of the new world. What does it mean to re-create a new world? It is just not in having a new consciousness - which at best times are on and off (not through out the waking state), but also participating fully in the cleansing and healing of the land you live. This must go hand in hand. What we have observed is that, the light workers tilt towards either one of the other - focusing only on themselves or focusing only on healing the outside world. In truth one cannot heal the outside when one is not working on themselves and the vice versa is also true. These both compliment each other.

I would like to bring your attention at this point to doing specific work for healing the earth. There are many layers of healing for the earth which is required at this time. One has to do specifically with healing the lost souls which are still on the earth plane and this is a great burden on Mother Earth's body. Combined with this, the deceased who carries hatred or deep seated rage or any of the other debilitating emotions they had when they passed away is also being transferred to Mother Earth's body and especially if they are buried in the ground. This also affects the new born children who are born in that region for they have the great potential to carry many of the same emotions which the deceased person for what the deceased person is leaving is an energy imprint on the ground. Children who are like sponge easily pick this up and they may have the tendency to grow up having these qualities - especially of hatred, rage, anger, non forgiveness etc., In this respect, there are two things I suggest you do. One is to call forth and connect with the lost souls and gently guide them to go to the place they belong to. Then calling forth the Angel of transition to assist these souls to heal/erase the memory of all the hatred, rage, anger etc., which they carry inside and then supporting them to go on their journey on the other side. After you do this, you may also call or ask for the assistance of the Angel of Resurrection to heal the deceased person's etheric body and the energy body along with the auric body. Angels of Resurrection work with the frequencies in the body - and especially the energies and frequencies in the cells, blood, bones, tissues and skin. When this is done, the deceased person, when they are re-incarnated again will come with a more clean slate of energy. I encourage you to participate in this so that earth healing can truly begin.

In the coming year (2015) I see the great potential among light workers to play a more prominent role in the healing of earth. It will be like an inner calling to do this kind of work. Some of you may be guided to visit certain places on the planet to do this kind of work, and others will simply do this from their homes. I also see the potential for a new political party being formed all around the world called Earth Party - whose prime purpose will be to restore Mother Earth in many of its aspects. Irrespective of the country, this movement will be called Earth Party through out the world.

On the spiritual front, I see the potential for many more new teachings to be brought forward - especially from the Galatic and the Solar planes. Also new teachings coming from the land you call South America. The mystery and secret of the Easter Islands may be revealed. Also the existence of our brothers and sisters from other realities will be more fully accepted and also the great potential for many governments to openly say - about their involvement with them for quite some time. New land masses may come up and these new lands will have abundant minerals underneath it. There may be tug of war between between nations about this - for many of these land masses may appear in the borderline between nations. Al

so new pyramids will be discovered and the true purpose of these gigantic structures will be discussed more in depth. There are many more pyramidal structures all around the earth including in the mountains of Tibet.

On the medical front, the true origin of any decease will be discussed and how one can heal the cause before it becomes an effect as a disease. Cures for Ebola and other diseases will be found and eradicated. There will also be revelations about how the medical profession and some times the big pharmaceutical companies have played a role in creating sickness and diseases to keep human beings chained to them. Many of the big pharmaceutical companies motives and intent will be revealed. Many also will question the integrity of big newspapers and news media for they will see that many of them has not been reporting the truth. Many big names in the newspaper business will be named and shamed.

The financial sector is overdue for a big overhaul and there is the high potential for the market to crash and wipe away millions of people's savings and also fortune. Some of the big names in the mobile phones and the IT sector will see a great swing in their fortunes and many companies will be persecuted for fraud (tax and also for other wrong doing) in 2015. The great potential for finally releasing the information on Free Energy will be forthcoming, for there will be a clamor for this. New gold and diamond mines will be found in Africa and there will be calls for Africa to unite and deal with other nations as a collective country, rather than individual countries. In this they will find great strength and they will build a mighty continent. There may also be new innovations coming from China and Iran and these products will be greatly used in many of the western countries after resisting it at first. These products will not be a military or war machine, but some thing which will capture the minds and imagination of the young people around the world. There may also be more talk and relationship building between USA and Iran.

There will be new scholars coming from all parts of the world who will have a different view on some of the more intolerant religions and they will interpret many of these old teachings and bring it to par with the new realities. Initially many of these new interpretations will be rejected, but slowly it will be accepted all around the world.

The greatest energy potential what I see in 2015 is the awakening of more humans and they taking their power, for you are in the age of Empowerment. More and more people will awaken in all parts of the world. This can have a dramatic effect on all aspects of life on the planet including weather changes, more and benevolent innovations being released into the world, new ways of space travel, higher forms of communication etc.,

I ask you to join fully with your magnificent I AM Presence, your supporting teams - Guides, Angels and Archangels and the Magnificent Creator of All in this coming year and co-create a world where there is beauty, grace and harmony among all including yourself.

With Love and Support for your wonderful work,

I am Babaji================================================

Soul Shapes and its Functions

By Goddess of Mathematics and Science, AA Metatron and The Creator

Blessings and Greetings to all.

Today we would like to discuss about the topics of shapes. Have you ever wondered about why there are shapes in the world? What are the functions of the shapes? Why are all shapes different? Why is the human body shaped like it is and not like the ones in other realities? Understanding shapes can enhance one's life experience much for there are certain shapes which has a frequential similarity with the human being's frequencies. For eg., a circle has almost the same frequency as a human being, where a square does not have the same vibrational frequency. Why is this so?

There are billions of people on the planet, all with unique frequencies. The soul takes a particular shape for its re-incarnation to achieve what it sets out to do. Although all souls are equal, for different incarnational purposes in different realities, the soul may choose different shapes. And, depending on the close affinity one has with different star systems and galaxy, one may choose to adopt the shape of that particular star system or galaxy depending up on what the soul is trying to achieve in that particular life time. Knowing what the soul has chosen as its shape in this incarnation, can be very beneficial. For you will be able to match with the same or similar shapes available here on earth.

For eg., if your soul has chosen a shape - an elongated diagonal form, then connecting with any elongated diagonal form can be very supportive of you. This elongated diagonal form can be in any format - let us say, a desk you use daily, a painting you see daily, a fruit or vegetable you consume frequently etc., Any objects or materials you associate on a daily basis which has a similar shape can help you maintain your high frequency and especially if you are conscious of it, then the frequency can be enhanced.

Today we would like to offer a glimpse of the various shapes which a soul may choose. Each of these shapes has a certain quality and essence to it. Let us say your soul has chosen a particular shape and has come with a certain frequency and talents associated with it. But now you want to enhance it further or add something more to it, so that you can have a richer experience, then you can incorporate that energy or frequency within you by simply working with that particular shape.

What are the attributes of these 8 different shapes: 1. Elongated diagonal shape

The ability to go with the flow in one's life, easy going, flexible and the general sense that at the end everything will be alright. If it is your desire to cultivate this aspect as part of your personality and emotional body, then work with this particular shape. 2. Oval Shape

Ability to adjust and adapt rather quickly in any environment. Can easily fit into a group or can easily find one's place in any environment. The other qualities good communication skills, sincere and honest. Also will seek the highest truth always. 3. Building Shape (tall building)

Structures in one's life. The ability to know what one needs to do to enhance one's life - whether in the academic field or in a work place. Also support grounding. Does not live in the head and is balanced - both spiritually and materially. Great friendships, a solid citizen of the earth and always willing to lend a hand to a fellow citizen.

4. Spiral shape

The ability to see higher truth, higher goals, world peace, sacrifice for the good of all, peaceful, nurturing and a great heart. Gentleness, kind, caring and easily forgiving. Other qualities are Inspired Creativity and inspired action. 5. V Shape

Balance is the key for these shapes of soul - will seek balance in everything. Can be tough task masters, but always fair. Will not take advantage of others. Hardworking and can go alone in a job and does not depend upon others much. Also will take care of family in a fair way. They are strong, but gentle inside. 6. S Shape

Carries the energy of exploration and adventure. Will seek new things to enhance their lives and never satisfied with the mundane things. Has grand picture of themselves and their family. Willing to try new things always and eager and enthusiastic in all walks of life. 7. Overlapping Horizontal Oval Shape

These souls are fair in everything. They want equality for all and may fight for it. Have deep connection with the Divine with in and are able to see the larger picture in all things - especially in conflict. Great volunteers during any type of crisis and giving is more important for them than receiving. The other qualities are artistic, easy and fun loving, music and enjoy being in nature. 8. W Shape

They carry the energy of not giving up till they reach their goals. Can become some times self centered and may exhibit the qualities of not caring for others. But they are very passionate in what they do and set out to do. Can achieve any thing if they set their mind to it. Now dear ones, see which are the qualities you wish to incorporate and then draw out the shape associated with it and place it in a place you can see frequently or carry it with you in your wallet.

In this era of Empowerment, you have the option to choose or change any reality you have come in with. There is no need to suffer any more, for Karma is not a binding tool any more. Free yourself from this and move into chosen reality of your liking. Although your soul may have chosen a particular shape for the personality to master a particular life lesson or balance the karmic energy, simply by choosing another shape with the qualities you desire, you will move into a new reality.

AA Metatron with Sri Roopeshwari


Creation Codes Of The Universe

By Goddess of Mathematics and Science, AA Metatron and The Creator

Greetings. This is Roopeshwari - Goddess of Mathematics and Science. The Universe is made of geometry and numbers. There are mathematical codes and equations for all types of expressions of Creation and if one were able to tap into these codes, then one can begin to access the secrets of the Universe. The human body is

made up of sacred geometry and mathematical codes that correspond to the codes of the Universe. One can work with these codes to bring harmony and balance in one's life as this brings about healing at the quantum level. The numbers and geometry presented here are for bringing balance to different expressions of life. Work with these numbers to recreate your new self.


Draw it on a piece of paper and place it in an area where you can view it often. The energy from the drawing will send healing and balancing energies into different areas of the body including the skin, flesh, blood and the bones. For true healing to take place, the energy must reach the bones. It is this area where the minerals of the body are which holds much energy and information. Meditating on the geometry with the numbers will also support further healing.

For Energizing Intention, please place your intention or desire of anything you want to energize or draw forth into you in the middle of the symbol.

For Money/Abundance, please draw it out and place it on the top of the front door (inside the front door or the outside of the front door).

Following are the meaning behind each geometry: ...


Mathematics and You

By Goddess of Mathematics - Sri Roopeshawari and AA Metatron

Greetings and Blessings. I am Roopeshawari - Goddess of Maths and Science. My origin is far from this Universe, but I have been in this part of the Universe for a long time. I have influenced and inspired many of the great minds of the time past and some of the well known people I have worked are Nicholas Telsa and Issac Newton. I also worked with Phythagoras and other great thinkers and helped to bring about understandings which could change the way one perceives reality.

Today I would like to discuss about simple numbers and how it can be applied to improve one's life. I am not talking about numerology, but numbers which corresponds directly with one's emotions and well being and also the ability to break through one's past karmic energy. I work closely with the Karmic Council and these numbers are designed to bring one into an awareness, an understanding about how the energy works and how it can be shifted or transformed to bring about a positive karmic closure or healing. We all come in with karmic lessons, but these are not set in stone, and one has the capacity to change through one's own action and gaining wisdom from that.

Now I would like to present a list of numbers which can be used beneficially. It can be used by any one - even one with out any understanding of any spiritual principles. For the maximum benefit, the numbers given below must be used exactly as it is given. First we present a set of numbers and then a total sum of that. But to come to the sum of that, one has to process all the numbers given and the sum of that total contains the vibrations of all the numbers given. It is also suggested that when using these numbers to derive the sum at the end, it is best done not using a calculating device, but rather by hand.

Now for the numbers:

1. Supporting Barren women who wants to become mothers. 47 + 63 X 13 divided by 2 + 1 = 716. Meditate on this number focusing on the wom

b area.

2. To have a clear focus: 1 + 13 X 27-45+1+2 X 2 + 3 = 675 - Meditate on this number while focusing on the third eye

3. Diet and Nutrition: 1 + 16 X 2-5+3 X 1+9-8 X 2+1+4-7 = 64 - No particular area to focus while meditating on the number.

4. To Quell the inner rage: 1 + 17 X 3 - 5 + 6 + 13 + 27 - 56 + 12 X 7 + 91 - 4 X 2 + 1 - 6 + 1 X 3 - 2 divided by 13 + 1.54 =

5. Awaken the Explorer with in all of us: 1 + 17 X 3 ; 4 - 9 - 7 + 2 X 1 + 116 - 27 X 2 + 11 + 10 - 3 - 7 X 2 divided by 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 X 3 + 55 - 64 X 1 - 3 - 5 + 1 + 6 - 63 + 99 + 1.5 =

6. To realize/understand the pattern's in one's life: 1 + 63 - 7 X 2 - 12 + 1 + 9 + 18 - 63 X 2 + 1 - 9 + 13 - 17 X 2 - 127 + 1 X 1 + 3 + 7 + 6 - 15 + 46 - 22 - 11 - 17 + 2 + 1 - 13 + 98 - 103 + 1 =

7. To project confidence and develop Self Love: 0 + 3 + 34 - 7 - 3 + 21 - 7 + 16 - 15 X 3 + 49 - 3 X 57 + 65 - 116 - 114 - 112 - 2 + 2 X 1 - 176 + 14 + 16 - 119 + 1 + 3 X 27 X 2 - 144 + 1 divided by 2, divided by 13, divided by 16 and divided by 13=

8. To develop the Brain Capacity: 1 + 16 + 256 - 13 - 16 - 29 + 101 - 151 + 2 + 14 + 666 divided by 13 X 2 - 1 + 109 X 2 ; 252 X 2 - 301 + 16 - 176 + 101 X 2 - 256 X 3 - 330 + 1 + 17 divided by 3 X 2 + 1 + 7 - 102 + 1 =

9. To support and nurture one's personal dreams: 16 + 2 X 3 - 14 + 15 + 19 + 47 + 67 + 99 divided by 13 X 2 + 1 - 0 - 16 + 3 +5 -3 X 1 +2 =

10. To release Karmic Patterns: 36 + 9 + 4 X 13 - 55 - 13 + 1 X 1 + 3 + 17 + 63 + 49 - 89 - 90 + 111 + 6 + 5 + 1 =

11. Strengthen one's heart and mind connection: 11 X 13 X 26 divided by 14 -56 -62 + 76 + 89 + 111 + 115 - 214 X 2 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 3 =

12. To increase healing abilities: 9 + 7 + 6 + 17 + 23 + 28 + 33 + 37 - 58 + 1 + 2 divided by 2 X 3 + 16 - 25 + 39 + 66 + 67 + 69 = (while meditating focus on the Solar Plexus)

13. Cheerfulness 3 + 7 + 6 + 14 - 17 + 25 + 41 + 66 + 77 + 78 + 81 - 85 - 91 + 0 + 1 + 4 + 3 - 2 (focus on the Nose)

14. Compassion/patience with all: 2 X 7 + 9 X 1 X 13 divided by 4 + 76 + 1 + 84 + 111 + 126 - 367 + 1 =

15. To open the third eye/clearing in the third eye 27 + 3 + 1 divided by 6 + 1 + 14 + 19 -21 X 2 divided by 3 + 7 + 9 + 1 =

16. Pineal gland opening: 199 + 212 + 464 + 561 - 787 + 881 + 910 divided by 45 + 0 + 6 - 3 + 1 + 0 (focus on the back of the neck)

17. Benevolence: 1 + 17 + 24 + 32 - 16 - 6 - 1 + 1 X 4 divided by 7 + 251 + 333 + 464 divided by 14 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 6 - 3 + 2 + 1 =

18. To support Autistic children: 44 + 101 + 99 + 22 + 55 + 33 + 13 X 2 + 1 + 0 + 169

19. Forgiveness 2 + 3 + 6 + 19 + 21 divided by 3 X 16 + 114 - 47 + 2 X 1 + 1 + 0 + 16 + 19 + 23 divided by 6 X 13 + 6 + 1 - 15 - 27 + 1 =

20. Creativity - to awaken the creative energy with in us: 1 + 999 + 2621 + 13 divided by 69 + 13 + 666 - 3 + 0 + 1 divided by 17 X 3 + 1 =

21. To take action: 1 - 15 - 0 + 64 - 3 - 2 + 87 + 66 + 41 - 121 - 1 + 2 X 1 + 0 =

22. Receiving and Giving Balance: 1 + 4 + 6 + 12 X 13 X 17 + 24 + 64 + 65 + 89 + 113 - 36 - 44 - 51 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 13 X 2 =

23. Sharing 19 X 23 - 16 divided by 3 X 4 + 6 + 9 + 111 + 55 + 33 + 22 + 1 - 0 - 1 - 1 + 64 =

Dear One's - play with these numbers and see whether these can support you. The Universe is made up of numbers and every thing in the Universe has a frequential number and if one can match those frequencies, then one will be in the flow.


The Sacred Geometry of the Human Body

In the womb, at the beginning of our lives, we were nothing but geometrical form

s. All life forms - trees, plants, and animals - began as a sphere. The ovum in the human body is also a sphere. For conception to take place, the ovum must be saturated with hundreds of sperm, and a few must come together. Then cells begin to divide, forming another sacred geometrical symbol - the vesica piscis. At that exact moment, the reality of all the light of the Universe is transmitted into that sacred geometrical form. With further multiplication of cells, another geometrical form begins to manifest - the tetrahedron. This is called the Egg of Life. Within this tetrahedron, 8 core cells are created, and these core cells remain within us at the base chakra, unchanged from birth to death. These 8 cells resonate with sound, music, water, sacred geometry, and the elements.

The human body contains 8 sacred geometric shapes, formed at birth, and remaining throughout our life. These are:

1. Circle or sphere 2. Vesica piscis 3. Tetrahedron 4. Cube, shaped like a square 5. Half moon 6. Octahedron 7. Dodecahedron 8. Flower of Life

In addition, the spiral is interwoven throughout these 8 sacred geometrical shapes.

These forms interact with each other regularly, and our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies experience different aspects of our life through the interactions of these sacred geometrical shapes.

Each of these forms carries a certain frequency and essence, and each is tied to the quality of an Ascended Master, a Sister of Light, or with the Angelic Kingdom.

1. The Circle or Sphere is connected to Master Jesus and is associated with the fullness of life - embracing all of Creation.2. The Vesica Piscis - is connected to Mother Mary, the Goddess of Creation and the perfect balance between the two opposites.3. The Star Tetrahedron is connected to Archangel Gabriel and our relation to Universal Light and Universal Wisdom.4. The Cube is connected to Master Kuthumi and is associated with the Oneness of Body, Mind and Soul, or union with oneself.5. The Half Moon is connected with Lady Quan Yin and embodies the qualities of Universal Love for us to exist.6. The Octahedron is connected to Archangel Metatron and is associated with the patterns of life Creation - how Creation is made and manifested.7. The Dodecahedron is connected with Master Hilarion and is associated with our human body and its interactions with Heaven and Earth.8. The Flower of Life is associated with Master Thoth and Lord Melchizedek, and represents the cycles of life and death. It is also called as the Cycle of a Fruit Tree. A fruit tree first makes a flower, and then goes through process of metamorphosis to create fruit. Fruit contains the seed which falls to the ground, and then grows into another tree, and the cycle continues.


1. The circle or sphere is in the head area - from the top of the mouth to about 12 inches above the head.

2. The Tetrahedron is located in the front of the body, from base of the neck to

the heart.

3. The Cube is located between the heart to just above the solar plexus chakra.

4. The Vesica Piscis covers the entire solar plexus area.

5. The Flower of Life is between the first and second charkas.

6. The Octahedron is between the first chakra to the top of the knee.

7. The Dodecahedron is from below the knee to the toes.

8. The Half Moon is on the soles, underneath the feet.

Spiral geometry goes up and down through all these patterns.

Through your intent, you can strengthen any of these parts of your body by calling on the respective masters and anchoring their light into yourself. You can also draw these geometric patterns on paper, and strengthen parts of your body by using color, intention, energy programming, etc.


Lord Murugan at Batu Caves, Malaysia

Greetings dearest brother, this is Murugan. But who is Murugan? Just another aspect of the divine creator like all of you are. There have been many stories written about me that I am the son of Lord Shiva and my brother Ganesha. Many other mythical stories I would say. Truly, we are all part of the Great One in different forms for people in different time zones. We have embodied different incarnations in life various streams depending on which culture they were born. I was born in Mexico too but in a different form which is acceptable to the people of Mexico, including saints in Poland, for that was the form which they could accept.

So, we deities, can take any form, and we travel and make our presence felt in whichever form that people can accept for only to awaken to the light within them. Even the statues that they see and worship. We only ask of them, "You do not have to worship me. You have to worship yourself." The idea of having the statue, praying to the statue is only for one purpose. That you are able to see the light of the statue inside yourself when you look at it.

There is a stirring inside your soul. There is a higher power and this stirring is what gives the statue life. Like Tirupati, the richest temple in India, where people pay lots of money. When people visit this holy place, there is a stirring in their hearts, some force inside of them, awakening them, and they feel that by giving money, it is what awakens them. It is not so! The power of the statue awakens within them inviting them to know themselves. So the statue outside is very appropriate. For it is an honoring of the people. An honoring for them to awaken themselves.

The only regrettable thing is that people give their power away to the statue and say "I am better than them". No. I am just a shining beacon of light, so they can see this light and awaken themselves. But you will see many Indian gods demystified in the future. Islam will also go through a great shift and people will say. "This is not right". Someday, people will say "Why are you worshipping all these statues?" Let us cut it down in size. But not right now. It will take more than 200 years for the transformation to take place. And then, our role would have been fulfilled, and there will not be anymore statues of worship in the world.

And now you my dearest brother, you have been to this cave many times. For the ancients knew about this cave. The power of this cave possess the ability to awaken people's consciousness. This is why this cave has become popular, in the sense, not as a tourist destination, but a place where they can go within much easily. But how many people do it? I would say very little. The purpose of this this cave is a place where you can go within and be connected to Source. And you my dear brother are right in saying that there are many energies here. Including the energies of the blue dragon, the purple dragon and the red dragon.

Yes, and you may call on them to work with them. You are right in saying that many dragons hold energies and have protected the planet. The mighty dragons are compatible with your energy and in working with them, they can bring healing and transformation to the planet. Their main mission is to assist in the transformation of the planet and humanity. So what can they do? They can give you the power to transform things. So, let us say, you need courage to achieve something. You can call on a dragon to give you the power to transform, the courage to be who you truly are. And that is what is important. That is their main role at the present moment. To lead people to have the courage to break out from the fence they have built around themselves. So call on the great ones.

Yes, it is a very worthwhile project you are doing. But do you think that it was an accident that you are doing this dragon project dear brother? I'm sure you know the answer don't you? It is not a concidence. You are guided on the inner level to do so. By whom do you know? By Master Kuthumi. For they are your guides Master Kuthumi and Master Saint Germain. They inspired you. And why? Why only you for dragon project? For you have worked with dragons in the past. So who better qualified? Let us say, there is a circus, and they want to find a circus trainer who has worked with animals. So they will find somebody who has already worked with them before for they know the temperament of animals, how to work with animals, how to feel the animal. Same way, you worked with the mythical dragons, not on this Earth plane but another plane. And you have the wisdom within you. And now, you have awakened to this, and you said in your life stream before you came, "I would awaken to this truth, and I would bring forth this product into the world, the project of working in tandem with the dragons to bring healing to planet earth." So you are honored for this work.

"Lord Muragan, do you have any guidance for me on how to move forward with this publication?"

I would say, first of all, it is good for you to start connecting with the dragons yourself everyday. And then the dragons will inspire you and guide you on how to move forward in the publication of the book. The dragons will also offer you three gifts. I will tell you one of the gifts will be a diamond which you may place in your heart center. What you need to do at this present moment in time is to develop inner courage. Tremendous inner courage and tremendous inner conviction. As you know, any worthwhile project requires inner courage, is it not my dear brother?


Even my statue. Who was it that created the statue? Do you know, it required the tremendous determination of one man to make this happen? When it is completed, it will last for many hundreds of years, is it not? And people come to honor this. Same way! You must develop inner courage and inner conviction in this. And the best way to do this is to connect with these great beings. And then they will guide you. And they will have gifts for you. You can call on me too. I am not here just as a statue. I am a being of light who understands every soul who walks this path without judgement. And I see, and I know, they are on their own evolutionary path. And one day, they do not have to do any of the things, they will ha

ve an instant connection with me and the Creator. For I am not just a statue here. I am a living, breathing being.

"Fredaricka gave me some symbols to place here to help shift the Earth grids. I'm not sure if it worked. Could you shed some light on this?"

My dear brother, you must never ask this question again. When you do your work with the highest intention with the purity of your heart. Naturally, it activates the energies. You must believe in that. Do you think your beloved friend Soluntra goes and ask "Am I doing the right work?" No. She believes and she knows. That's it. So this is why it is important for you to come to a place of knowingness. There is no question, it is not a mind. A knowingness inside your body. Not an understanding. A knowingness from your body. Yes! Yes! Yes! And this will require courage, faith and trust in yourself. So know that everything is appropriate. You must also remember one thing. This whole place, Batu Caves and others require tremendous cleansing. For people are coming here with many problems, so their hearts are filled with thoughts "How can they make their life better?" And many a time, a lot of energy is deposited in all over the ground and all over the place. They require constant clearing and healing. So the lightwork that you do and others who come here with great light, why do they come here? They have to cleanse the energy field. Otherwise, what happens like the Lourdes where people go to get healing. Yes, Lourdes does not heal anybody. The belief in Lourdes helps them heal themselves. First of all, what happens? Many of the masses who go there and when they are not healed, they get disappointment and that energy stays in the ground. So they will be other beings who go there just to see the place and they will heal this land with their light. So what you did was appropriate. For there is a lot of healing required here. For people come here with expectations of healing. To heal what? That life will get better. That they can have more peace in their life.

But they must come to a place with a knowingness in their hearts that they will be able to cure themselves, which they don't have at the present moment. Because they are on their own evolutionary path. But you have this understanding deep inside. So, develop that knowingness. And when you do, it works. That's it. No questions to ask anybody because that's the truth. That's your truth. As you know, you are connected to the Universe, but do you think when you do something, it does not affect the Universe dear brother? Same way, so never underestimate yourself. Do the work that you feel called to do from your heart. And do it with the purest intention and with unconditional love. Do you know that when you have a good thought of yourself, that thought goes into Mother Earth? Mother Earth feels it do you know that?

You may want to wear a bracelet around your hand. Or colored strings on your left hand, many colored strings, let us say, colored strings of seven colors of all chakras on your left hand everyday. You can remove it when you shower and you will feel very powerful in a short period of time. It can support you and help you. Like the band you're wearing (entry ticket band) on your left hand.

But most important right now is for you to connect with the dragons first. Let us say you are the president of a company who has a dream of publishing this book. The president of the company is the one who initiates the project of a company. The president knows all aspects of the creation is it not? But now what you are doing, you are taking this idea and asking people to put into this project. But you must have control of the project and that control will come when you start connecting with the dragons. Then you will be able to guide the contributors how to write, how to do it in a different manner. Right now, you are just taking materials from others and say hmmmm.. good, good, good. But it is their truth. And their truth must resonate with your truth for your highest good. So you must develop this connection with the dragon first. And it will support you tremendously. For this is not the only book. There will be 3 books in the future. And one

might just be a book on just drawings and captions on dragons. Like the book you are working on now. Color picture, story of dragon, color picture story of dragon. With word sounds, how to activate this particular energy of the dragon. Can you imagine a book like that? It is sound encoded. Do this tone and do the visualization of these colors and how you can activate and anchor this energy. Very powerful book in the future. And even a book will be coming out with just music of dragons. Create special music for dragons which will also be very successful. So it is not just one product. But you must first cultivate this connection with the dragon, so all this vistas of avenues will open up for you in future.

"That sounds exciting."

Yes, but that requires tremendous courage and a conviction in the project that what you're doing is right. That this is what's needed for the world, and never giving up. As you know, any worthwhile project requires commitment is it not? Even writing a book. It requires focus, intention and the belief that what you are doing is appropriate. And that, you must develop that part more. It does not mean that you do not have it. You have it, but an inner knowing that no matter what, it's not going to stop you from proceeding with the project. Because, your intention, your desire, is like a magnet which will draw forth into you. A desire to know God will draw forth God into you. A desire to know love will draw loving experiences into you. Cause you are a magnet. So be the magnet of courage, determination, love, and knowingness in your heart.

"Do you have any other questions?"

"I've always been curious why people believe that climbing up the 274 steps here to access the inner caves can clear one's negative Karma. Can you offer some clarity on this?"

It does have an effect. Steps are there for people to stand there to look at their lives and say, "I have work to do". But how many people actually do that? They do not. It does not mean Karma will be cleansed, it means if you are pure at heart, walking with the intention to be one with the Divine and the grace of the divine in you, and when you climb each step, and honoring the divine within you, and honoring the creator within you, and with the power of grace with each step you take, more and more light will come into your life, which will help you heal a lot of trauma in your life.

And that you can call it Karma clearing or any other thing. I would not like to use the word Karma, because the word Karma has been misused for control, fear into not taking any action, or many other things, is it not? Let us say "Energy Balancing" instead. Karma is a very heavy word. People get stuck with Karma. Let us call it "Energy Balancing". That's all. Karma is only energy balancing, nothing else.

Let us say, you go to your holy place. People who are switched on, they will say "What a marvelous place." And they would be able to go to other dimensions, otherwise they will say "Hmmm�" People who are not prepared will say. "Beautiful architecture." But they will not feel anything, is it not dear one? It is a matter of perspective. Different perspective. So if they climb the steps with the intention of healing and connecting as one with the divine, then they will have the experience. But do you know what happens nowadays? Most people say it is a burden to walk this, and so they find it very hard to climb this, so the intention is only to climb, to get to the top. So they forgot the real intention why they are doing this.

"Cmdr Ashtar downloaded 59 love crystals in 59 countries a few months back and Kuala Lumpur was one of the locations listed. Was it anchored somewhere around this place?"

I would say not here. But in an island between Malaysia and Borneo. For they will be a change in Malaysia in the future in the way the government is run. In 30 years time, there will be a change, where the prime minister will be in the form of a lady who will have great compassion in the heart. She will make great sacrifices for people and it will change this land. For this land is at a crossroad at this time. It has the potential to go 2 ways. Either to one extreme side of religious fanaticism or to open to people and say, let us embrace everybody. The country has been at a crossroad for the last 5 years and is still at this crossroad. It can go to religious fanaticism or we can say, this does not serve us anymore, let us bring people together and not be so focused on religious fanaticism and let us honor the spirit. So they will be massive changes here in future. They will be much unemployment, much unrest in this country. But it is coming up for healing and clearing. And they will be moments again in the future in this country to control more masses, But it will only be for a short time. The masses will rebel and say this is not working and we are not going to be bothered by this. And they will get out of it.

"Thank you Lord Murugan for coming in today to grace us with your presence."

And I would say, thank you my dear brother and I will call you Lord Russell Chen. Like what Lady Kuan Yin said yesterday, "Let us from now on walk together hand in hand with everybody". I send you blue light into your third eye now. Combined with gold light. Open your third eye. Close your eyes and feel this light entering your third eye. Golden blue light. Entering your third eye going deep into your chakric column, flowing down into Mother Earth and coming back again and going up thru your chakric column, all the way into the universe. See this light completely filling up every cell in your body. Pulsating inside. You may feel disoriented for some moments, a feeling of tingling sensation or a "Spaced Out" feeling. But it will pass very soon. Do you know why you are here today?

"Not really."

"It is an initiation for you dear brother."

"Thank you for all your wonderful blessings. Thank you Lord Murugan."

(recorded midway)�they have been depicted in many ways. You can call on the dragons in the great Himalayan mountains. For there is a dragon abode. You would say a dragon gateway, a dragon parking place where many dragons gather. They are also in the mountains of Colorado. Mountains act as antennas for Mother Earth and are connected to each other all around the world. Mother Earth sends messages to other Universes through the mountains. What better place to have the dragons have their homes. So call on the great beings. Do you know of the famous Indian God? Powerful one, the king of birds called Garuda. Do you know who he is really? He is a dragon in a different form. You may even see his statue here today. Call on the great beings of Himalaya mountains and the Colorado mountains and work with them.

"What about the rainbow dragon at the crystal ridge?"

She has another function. Yes, you may connect with her. But I would say at the present moment she has been holding light and doing special planetary healing work for long periods of time. You may call on her. But she will take much time to respond as she is busy with their planetary work at this time. But you may call on other dragons which I mentioned in the Himalayan and Colorado mountains will easily communicate with you for you have worked with them before.

There is one dragon you may want to call on. You may call him as Lord Va. (Toning) Loooorrrrrdddd Vaaaaaaaa. Vaaaaaaaaaaa. Vaaaaaaaaa. Let's connect with the en

ergy with Lord Va. Let's integrate our energies together Russell Chen. Let's have an eternal connection. Once again rekindle in ways more stronger. To give you strength, power and wisdom. Lord Russell.

This is Shiva.==========================================

Masculine and Feminine Food


Today I would like to speak on the topic of food. The food that you eat has a lot to do with the way you experience life. You have heard the expression - you are what you eat. It is literally true. If you observe carefully, you would be able to make a great deal about a person just by observing the food he/she eats. All food consumed by humans can be categorized into two main categories - Masculine and Feminine. What are masculine and feminine foods and how does it affect you? The goal in life is to create balance in every aspect and this begins with food for food affects human behaviour. At the subconscious level, the memory of every human being is imbued with the experience of not having food (whether this happened yesterday or thousands of years). If most people were to travel back to a time period of 30,000 years, they will be surprised to know that they scavenged for food. Even times when they killed for food and this memory of not having food or enough food is still submerged deep into our psyche. One small eg. can be seen about it when people visit restaurants which serve buffet. Almost all the time most of us eat more than we need for our body remembers the time when we did not have enough. So our natural tendency is to eat to whatever we are exposed to from an young age and we grow into it. Once you have a basic understanding of the energies of food, you would be able to choose which food supports you and which food depletes you in your energy.

Food also plays a very major role in one's awakening process. We are coming into a time where the feminine energies are most important because to eat more feminine energy and to dissolve the masculine energies somewhat, but not completely because they are needed, but for just this short period of time we need to see the feminine energies more prominent. When you are in a masculine body there is much feminine energies in the body for we are both masculine and feminine. We can say some foods are better than others, some have chemicals and some do not, some are heavy, some are light etc., and there is always the debate among people whether they should eat meat or not. If people could focus on eating food which are more feminine, this would activate the feminine energy with in their bodies and they would see a tremendous wealth of their soul's energies coming forward. It would be like a new aspect of the Creator being activated from within them. And this would offer tremendous wisdom and wealth of skills and abilities that would simply emerge from a person who eats more feminine vibration food. We the ascended masters are asking many to embrace the feminine qualities to be activated from within, and also to use them in their actions, their thoughts and their meditation skills. So to eat in this way is extremely important. Sometimes we have to take physical action in order for us to make those spiritual shifts and we believe that eating in this way would be a physical action that would anchor many spiritual shifts that would activate the energy of greater love, greater creativity and greater beauty. Eating in this way would change the entire vibration of the body and this is what we need to do change the entire vibration of the body in order to ascend further. And with so many people emanating feminine energies, Mother Earth also embraces these vibrations and it will be a healing for the physical reality. This diet is to heal the physical reality, physical body and the physical earth.

Let us take the first meal of the day - breakfast. The medical professional will

tell you that a healthy breakfast is the key to the day and every one should eat a well balanced breakfast. Now let us take that doctrine and look at it closely. When one wakes up in the morning and if that person had a restful sleep, then that person's energy field is in a receptive mood. So if we take a food which is opposite to that, then that receptive part of our being/the creative part of our being is slowly being drained of that energy. On the other hand if we eat food which can support one's energy field in the morning, then that person's energy field would mostly be enhanced and that person can be in a creative space. The energy of the first food/drink in the morning sets the energy pattern for the entire day.

To give you an idea, let us take a typical American breakfast. Bread, Eggs, Milk, Coffee/Tea, Orange juice etc., All the above foods are masculine in energy and when eaten, the creative part of us shuts down and the masculine parts takes over. So when can we eat masculine food? Lunch time is the best time to eat masculine food for it will give you the input to carry you forward. The evening food should also be feminine as it will help not only in the health arena, but also help you to have creative ideas when you sleep and you are more in a feeling level experience when you wake up.

One other thing to note about the energy of the food is in the way it is cooked. The highest vibration is when it is cooked in an earthen pot for the earthen pot contains the highest energy of the Mother Earth than any other man made cooking vessels for earthen pots contain the most natural essence in its making.

Now let us take a look at some of the foods and see which one is masculine and which one is feminine.

Bread - of any kind including whole wheat/rye or any other - Masculine

Cereal - Feminine (only natural cereal is feminine)

Milk - Cow Milk if it is factory produced is Masculine. If it is grown in a farm where the cow is free to roam around, then that milk is feminine

Sheep milk - Feminine

Egg - Masculine

Apple - Feminine

Orange - Feminine

Bacon - Masculine

Avocado - Feminine and also the No.1 balanced food which can be eaten any time.

Banana - Masculine

Papaya - Feminine

Pineapple - Masculine

Grapes - Masculine

Mango - Masculine

Berry (raspberry/blue berry) - Feminine and balanced

Herb teas (most of them except Green tea) - Masculine

Celery Feminine

Carrots Feminine

Lettuce Feminine

Cabbage Masculine

Turnip Feminine

Radish Feminine

Cauliflower - Feminine

Broccoli Feminine

Spinach Feminine

Sweet potato - Masculine

Cucumber Masculine

Chickpeas Masculine

Lentils Feminine

Onion Masculine

Garlic Feminine

Asparagus Feminine

Lady finger Feminine

Sweet Corn - Feminine (if it is organic) otherwise Masculine if mass produced

Pepper Feminine

Tomato (baby tomato only) - Feminine

Eggplant Masculine

Leek Feminine

Soy Masculine

Zucchini Masculine

Apricot Masculine

Cantaloupe - Feminine

Cherry Feminine

Fig Feminine

Dates Masculine

Pear Feminine

Strawberry - Masculine

Watermelon - Masculine

Mushroom - Feminine

Pomegranate -Feminine

Kiwi fruit Feminine

Olives Masculine

Dear ones, all the food can be divided into these two categories including water. Cold water is masculine and warm water is feminine. Experiment with the foods you take and you would come up with the most appropriate one for you.

You are all in an accelerated time with tremendous input of highly spiritual energy on the planet and you want to be in the best of your energy field to be able to use these highly potent charged energies. So you want to keep your body as light as possible to be able to use these energies and just by observing the food you take, you would be able to come up make the necessary adjustment to support you in this process. Now some more food categories.

Meat (all kinds of meat) - Masculine

Fish - Masculine

Shrimps (small ones and small fish which is less than one inch) - Feminine

Rice (all kinds of rice including brown rice) - Masculine

Pasta (all kinds of pasta) - Masculine

Pizza (all pizzas) Masculine

Cookies/all cookies Masculine

Dry grapes - Feminine

Nuts (walnuts, almond) Feminine

Peanuts Masculine

Cashew Nuts - Masculine

Salads without dressing - Feminine

Salad with dressing Masculine

Indian curry Masculine

Cucumber Masculine

Baked Beans Masculine

Chicken Pot pie Masculine

Hot Dogs Masculine

Potato chips Masculine

Mashed potatoes/Hash brown - Masculine

Coffee/Tea Masculine

Soda Masculine

Chocolates all kinds Masculine

Cakes all kinds Masculine

Corn Chips Masculine

Doughnuts Masculine

French Fries Masculine

Bagels and Muffins Masculine

Pretzels Masculine

Yogurt Masculine unless it is made in the home with organic milk and other ingredients

Ketchup/Mayonnaise Masculine

Peanut butter and other jams - Masculine

Now what are the foods, one can eat to create a healthy energy experience starting from morning?

For breakfast cereal without factory produced milk, avocado, papaya, freshly squeezed orange juices are all recommended. For afternoon, it is good to have masculine food as it is the energy driver as it gets you going (in the morning you want to be receptive). For snacks in the early evening (if you are used to it) instead of munching on cookies and candies, nuts without any seasoning (organic nuts), raisin, are all recommended. For dinner, the best foods which are feminine in nature are: fresh foods, pima (especially the yellow color one), baby carrots, spinach fresh or steamed, kidney beans, green peas, baby tomatoes, miniature apples etc.,

Dear ones play with the food energy mentioned above and come up with your own diet plan.

Amma, Angel Samiel and Master Kuthumi through Rae Chandran======================================

Changing The Vibration Of Your Name

Greetings. This is Archangel Metatron.

Today we wish to discuss about the vibration behind names. Everything in the universe is a vibration. It has an energy field. If you alter its vibration, you can change its energy. Everything depends on energy to exist. When we consciously change its energy by changing its vibration, a new aspect of the Creator's energy is manifested. This ancient art of changing the vibration by changing its name

has been known to ancient civilizations as far back as Atlantis. It was during Atlantis that this technique was perfected. When an unfinished project had an inappropriate vibration, it would take much time and resources to see to fruition, and complications may also arise. So the wise elders of that time came up with the idea of changing a project's energy signature to ensure that the project is completed in time. This method worked well for them for a long time. But these elders were also aware that this technique can be misused by the ignorant masses and decided to keep this a closely guarded secret. This method was utilised to construct many ancient, temples including the Temple of the Law of One.

What humanity is going through at the present time on earth is in large part a processing of the unfinished energy of Atlantis and of healing the effects of many of the actions undertaken in Atlantis. The harmonic convergence and the harmonic concordance events have shifted the vibration of the planet significantly and this resulted in many of the ancient teachings being brought forward. Humanity at this time has collectively agreed that many of the old tools will only be used for benevolent purposes. One of these tools is the gift of changing the energy vibration of any particular person, or of a country, or an experience. When a human being is born or a project is undertaken, it is given a name, a label which it carries through out its life. This given name has a certain vibration and energy associated with it. Depending on the energy vibration, the life path of the person will unfold itself to carry out its chosen role while on the earth. The same goes for a project or any other endeavor. Everything has a name. But if we were to change its name, then a new vibration is created. The trick is to know what is to be changed in the name so that only positive results can occur. This will require one to go deep within to determine what is most appropriate. This art of changing the name to change a vibrational reality has been and is being practiced till today in many of the religious and spiritual schools. Students who enter such an institution are given new names upon entering the school. Their old name no longer applies to them and they will hold a new vibration to create their new reality. The same principle applies to any given situation where one is contemplating to end a part of one's life to begin anew.

This principle can be applied to every instance. Simply by changing the vibrational frequency of a country, the entire country's energy pattern can be changed. For eg., if a country had an original name from the ancient past and then it was changed to a modern one, the ancient energy by which the country was encased in is withdrawn and a new one is created. This can bring about an imbalance of energy if the new name is unsuitable. Let us take India as an example. India's original name was Bharat. When it was changed to India, its vibrational frequency was altered greatly. Bharat was a name which had a great heart energy and it meant encompassing all. There was a feeling of unity and sharing with all. When the name was changed to India, a new energy was created. In this new energy, the principles of brotherly love, unity and equality was lost and every one became more self centered. Although India had great spiritual heritage, it was never able to uplift the average common man from poverty and inequality. This can be changed simply by changing the vibrational pattern by adding a new letter in front of India. The beauty of this technique is that this new vibration has to be created only energetically and not on the physical level. This means that there is no need to change the name officially. The highest vibration which India can have on its name is by adding the letter S in front of it. This can be done by the ruling party of that country for a period of 28 days where the ruling party president or prime minister visualizes this new letter in front of the name of India. This will open up a new energy of the Creator for that country.

Let us take Mexico as another example. Mexico is now plagued by violence and drugs. Simply by changing the vibrational pattern by adding the letter G in front of it, a new reality will be created. Naturally, it will require a longer period of time for a country to see the changes take effect. Now the country of USA had great spiritual energy associated with it when it was established. During the l

ast 11 years, after 9/11, its vibrational pattern has been altered and this has shut down the heart chakra of the country. If they were to put U in front of USA, there will be change of energy and it will usher in the energy of understanding and compassion. They will no longer deem it necessary to force their will upon other nations or their citizens.

This art of changing the energy vibration can be applied to any situation. A patient with cancer who is dying, an Aids patient who has lost all hope to live, a student who plays truant, a problem child, a farm which is dying, a delayed project that cannot seem to be completed can all be transformed by this technique. It can also be applied to sporting events, where a losing team wishes to increase the odds winning or at least not slide further in their rankings.

This technique can also be applied to the street address of a person's home. If a numerical number is placed in front of their street address, then the entire vibration of that building can be changed. This has enormous applications as the shops and business in one particular address can have their business turned around by simply placing a number in front of their street address.

I invite you all play with this ancient technique and think of the most appropriate letter and number you can have in your name.

Archangel Metatron through Rae Chandran


Power Codes for the New Earth

Angelic Greetings to All, this is Archangel Metatron. My dearest fellow creators, it is time to step up into creating a new reality for you in this new time line where you are are in complete harmony with yourself. As you all aware, the consciousness of the planet shifted again on the spring equinox of this year and this shift is called moving from the Darkness to the Light. It is also called moving into a new Yuga - a new time line which will last a few thousand years. With this new shift, the veil has become more thinner and the communication and the connection with the 5th dimension becomes more easy. When intent combined with preparation and action, then one can take truly advantage of this new time period. What do we mean by this - intent and preparation?

First of all, we can prepare for this shift by asking for and activating the Aquarain Code with in us. Each Yuga or time period has a specific code and also a master associated with it. There are two beings of light who is over-lighting this new yuga and they will be with the earth till the next phase of the new yuga. You can call call on these beings and they are called as Lord and Lady of Aquarius. They have a specific vibrational signature and you can call forth for the integration of their specific light pertaining to this earth plane for this time period for the earth plane. The color of their light frequency is a soft metallic/yellow. See this light coming into your 10th chakra which is way above your head and then flowing through your entire chakras and then going into the body of Earth spirit and grounding it there. What is important to keep in mind while integrating this light is,not only do you run this light into your chakric column, but also into your pranic tube. The next phase of one's evolution comes from the pranic tube. Do this daily for a few minutes and see the energy settling in and easily flowing - both in the chakras - in the front and back and also in your pranic tube.

The activation of the Aquarain code will act as a base for the activation of the the other codes What are these other codes. Human beings are made up of sound f

requency and also sacred geometry and each of these sound frequency and geometry contains a certain code. These codes lies dormant for eons of time till it is activated and worked with. All of you are very well aware of the guides and other supporting energies working with you and some of you communicate with them frequently and on a daily basis. These guides are part of your soul group energy and each guides has a code and when you activate these codes, then you fully embrace the full essence of these beings. For eg, there are codes for Masters and Guides like Master Buddha, codes for Master Kuthumi, codes for Lord Maitreya. You can ask for the activation of these codes in your meditation/quiet time. There are also angelic codes you can activate. There are codes for me - Archangel Metatron, codes for Archangel Michael, codes for Archangel Gabriel and all other archangels and angels. Simply requesting with pure intent and love in your heart will start this process.

When you activate these codes, you are bringing in more light of your guides and infusing it with our own light and this will immediately enhance your light frequency. This is similar to upgrading your software in your old computer, so that it can run faster and smoothly with the new programs. Planet Earth moved into a higher reality and you must accelerate and upgrade your light quotient to be in par with the new frequencies of Earth. There are also codes for Earth, codes for all the elements and codes of stars and also codes to connect with the pure essence of the animal spirits. When you activate these codes, you will come into alignment with all of these at a higher level and you will be in communion with all of creation. Most of you have desired at the deepest level of your being to experience this aspect of yourself - how to experience the God aspect of yourself in every day living with all of Creation. This is one way of doing it fellow Creators.

The next exercise we wish to share with you is with activating the Moses Code with in you. Moses code contains the specific energy of transcendence and liberation. An energy which can support you in identifying what is precious and what is not supporting you in self realization. Most of you has great difficulty in letting go of deep attachment to third dimensional behaviors and patterns and working with Moses codes can help you identify these patterns and eliminate them completely from your life. There are also codes with in your being called Soul Blueprint Codes. Many of the light workers and others has great difficulty in understanding about their life purpose or why they are born and by calling forth for the activation of these Blueprint codes, one will be able to sense/feel and intuit rather easily their soul purpose. One other area we wish for you to focus is your star heritage connection. Many of you after your earth incarnation, travel to different star systems to experience or learn specific lessons. During these times of learning, you also create star karma for it is the same principle of cause and effect in these realities also. Many on the earth carry heavy star karma and this must be balanced and released. Once this is done, then you cam call forth to activate the star codes with in you for all of you are aligned with a special star and this star is one of your supporting energy waiting to be called forth. You are all aligned with a star, a dragon, a tree, a plant, an animal, a sound frequency, a color, a smell. You can call forth for the codes of these supporting energies to be activated and brought forth for they are in support of you.

One other area we wish to bring your attention is in the area of energy imbalance - other wise known as karmic energy. Karma is simply that - energy imbalance. We incarnate again and again to balance energy. But now in this new time period, you have the capacity to erase many of this imbalance energy working directly with the Karmic Board. Karmic board consists of 12 beings of light and this includes some Ascended Masters like Master Buddha and Lady Kwan Yin. Practice communicating with them and ask for a release of this imbalance energy from your Akash and also your quantum energy field. Again by asking and giving intent for this to happen will start this process. You can also request the Karmic Board to bring to your awareness, the lesson embedded in the karma - imbalance with out the pa

in and suffering. This requesting and erasing karma is a gift you have earned yourself. For we wish for you to go into this new Yuga with a clean slate.

Finally we ask you to call forth the great teacher - Sanat Kumara for he carries a special energy and code directly tied in to this earth plane. Sanat Kumara embodies the energy of the planet Venus and Venus is the place you come before you are incarnated into this earth plane. In this place, you have full awareness of who you are and ask Sanat Kumara to activate this code of pre-birth awareness. This can help you remember more of yourself and the God with in you. For all of you are Gods and Goddess.

Dear family, just by using these simple tools of codes, you will come to a place of more understanding of yourself and your Universe.

Archangel Metatron through Rae Chandran
