Articles II and III Information in RED can/will be tested…


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Articles II and IIIInformation in RED can/will be tested…

Who, or what, is the “face” of the United States


1980s 1990s 2000s

Article II – The Executive Branch

1. What are the requirements to be President of the United States?

• 35 years old• Natural-Born Citizen• Resident of USA – 14 yrs

2. What is the length of a President’s term of office?

• 4 years• 2 term maximum (22nd Amendment)

President’s Powers and Duties –Relations with Congress

1. State of the Union Address • once a year explain how the country is doing• February 12, 2013

2. Can make Congress meet

3. Must enforce laws made by Congress

4. Can Veto (stop) acts of Congress

President’s Powers and Duties - Military

• Commander-In-Chief (the BOSS)•Insures that a civilian (non-military

person) leads the armed forces

President’s Powers and Duties – Foreign Affairs

1. Make Treaties with other countries • With Senate


2. Appoint Ambassadors • With Senate


President’s Powers and Duties –Appointments

1. Supreme Court Justices • With Senate


2. Ambassadors • (yada, yada,


• 5 countries w/oa US Ambassador?

Article III – The Judicial Branch

1. How do Supreme Court Justices get their job?

• Check #3 above – the President selects them…

2. How many members are in the Supreme Court?

• 93. What makes up the

Judicial Branch?• Supreme Court and lower

federal courts• Closest FEDERAL court to RMS?

Current Supreme Court •Ronald Reagan (1981-89) – 2•George HW Bush (1989-1993) – 1•Bill Clinton (1993 – 2001)– 2•George W Bush (2001-2009) – 2•Barack Obama (2009- )- 2

What is the term of office for a Supreme Court Justice?

Lifetime, or

until they choose to retire.


Who was the oldest Justice to serve?

Who was the longest to serve on the Supreme Court?

So they can do what’s “right”; not just what’s “popular”… Explain.

What check, or control, does the Supreme Court have on Congress?

• Right to decide on cases involving the Constitution, National Laws, Treaties, and Conflicts between States. Decides if laws are Constitutional (follow the Constitution)

• Supreme Court doesn’t decide guilt / innocence!

What is the Supreme Court’s BIGGEST power?

• JUDICIAL POWER - Declares acts of Congress Unconstitutional (doesn’t follow the Constitution) – They have FINAL SAY in the LAWS.

TreasonHow does the Constitution define

treason? • Waging war against, or aiding an

enemy of, the US. What must happen before a person

is convicted of treason?• 2 witnesses must testify (speak)

in court, or a confession

Who is this Traitor?

What gives the Judicial Branch its Power?

Essay Question?????

Which branch do you think is the most

powerful? Give at least two examples

supporting your decision.
