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Article XII


Section 1 The goals of the national economy are a more equitable distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth; a sustained increase in the amount of goods and services produced by the nation for the benefit of the people; and an expanding productivity as the key to raising the quality of life for all, especially the underprivileged.

The State shall promote industrialization and full employment based on sound agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries that make full and efficient use of human and natural resources, and which are competitive in both domestic and foreign markets. However, the State shall protect Filipino enterprises against unfair foreign competition and trade practices.

In the pursuit of these goals, all sectors of the economy and all regions of the country shall be given optimum opportunity to develop. Private enterprises, including corporations, cooperatives, and similar collective organizations, shall be encouraged to broaden the base of their ownership.

Section 1 by itself expresses the general economic policies of the Constitution. It contains the three basic directions of the National Economy. What are the 3 basic directions of the National Economy? What are the goals of our National Economy? In order to answer the basic directions , it is contained in whole of the Section 1 paragraph 1, 2 and 3. The goals are contained in Paragraph 1.

The three basic directions of the National Economy are first, it sets the dual goal of economic productivity and more equitable distribution of what is produced. Second, it seeks complementary between industrialization and agricultural development. Third, it is protective of all things Filipino.

The first paragraph, sets the three fold goal of the National Economy, they are “more equitable distribution of opportunities, income and wealth”, “for the benefit of the people, especially the under privileged” and “to broaden the base of ownership”

Section 1 of social justice and human rights maybe similar to section 1 of national economy and patrimony because section 1 it speaks of equity states the goals of national patrimony distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth. A sustained increase in the amount of goods and services produced by the nation for the benefit of the people, expanded productivity as the key in raising the quality of life for all specially the under privileged. Section 1 speaks of equity, so the social justice is in the section 1 of national patrimony also. Aside from the economic goals of the country it also involves equity and social justice.

Is the economic policy stated on the Constitution protectionist or not? Does it protect too much Philippine interest and the interest of the Filipino Capitalist? The end effect would be there is little or non-foreign direct investments? If there had been problems in the Aquino Administration regarding lack of FDI’s, some say it is because of the restrictive provisions of the Constitution. That is why the Belmonte proposal to amend the constitution, they want to liberalize the equity participation of foreigners in investments in our country by a simple approach, they want to add the phrase “as may be provided for by law”.

Congress can now legislate a higher or lower participation of Filipino Citizens and higher participations for foreigners because of the phrase “as may be provided for by law”. This would be an enough authority and license of the Congress to enact a foreign ration of foreign investment in the country.

Article 12 contains the national economic policy, kapag naririnig naten ung constitutional amendments eto ung gusto nilang I-ammend ung constitutional economic provisions. Gusto nilang dagdagan ng phrase ng as may be provided for by law.

Provisions in article 12 say the specific provisions that limits of participation of foreigners in investments in industries and it is stated that if the constitution says that corporations of which are owned by 60 percent by Filipino citizens hanggang dun nalang yon. Ung mga gustong mag amend ng economic provision of the constitution nato very much like that on what Belmonte had proposed na hindi natuloy, they want to add the phrase “as may be provided for by law” so that this venture of this industry and investment shall be limited to Filipino citizens or corporations which are owned by 60 percent by Filipino citizens as may be provided for by law.

Article 12 elaborates the Section 19 and 20 of Declaration of principles, that these are the pillars of the economic policy of the constitution. Section 19 commands the development of a self-reliant and independent national economy while Section 20 recognizes the indispensable role of the private sector. Section 19 and 20 finds substance in Article 12.

Section 1 of article 12 expresses the general economic policies of the constitution . This section also tells us that the economy envisioned by the constitution is dynamic. The dynamism of the economy is envisioned by this article is expressed in the words “sustained increase in the amount of goods and services produced” and “expanding productivity” because of this the economic envisioned is dynamic. The equity goal is expressed in the words “a more equitable distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth” “for the benefit of the people especially the under-privileged” and to “broaden the base of ownership”.

Equity is given prominence as the first objective of the National Economic Development . The goal of reducing inequality is an explicit statement of the emerging concept in social philosophy as contained in the social justice and human rights article of this constitution. The preferential option of love for the poor and the underprivileged, the reference to the national product being for the benefit of the Filipino people tries to guarantee the national development efforts shall give priority to the needs of the local population rather than foreign consumers.

In Section 1, it mentions that “The economic policy promotes a balance between the industrialization and agricultural development”. Bernas says that industrialization can be attained by using the released locked up capital through agrarian reform. Bernas seems to be banking too much on agrarian reform which is also provided in the constitution. In agrarian reform, the land and estates shall be taken by the government for distribution. The payment to be made to the owners will spur industrialization according to Bernas.

Question, what is the suggested formula of the constitution in arriving industrialization? The suggested formula is to attain industrialization through the releasing locked up capital through agrarian reform. How is this done? Land is distributed to the farmers and landless with just compensation. The

just compensation paid to the owner of the land. The constitution hopes shall be used for industrialization purposes.

That is why in the provision; it encourages the state to give incentives to land owners to receive just compensation for the lands that are subjected for reform.

The policy of protecting all things Filipino intent is to protect both the Filipino consumer and the Filipino Producer. The Filipino must be protected against a flood of low quality products. The Filipino producer in turn must be protected from unfair foreign competition and trade practices.

The goals of the economy are pursuit not just for the people and sectors of the economy but also among geographic regions of the country.

Section 2 All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other natural resources are owned by the State. With the exception of agricultural lands, all other natural resources shall not be alienated. The exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources shall be under the full control and supervision of the State. The State may directly undertake such activities, or it may enter into co-production, joint venture, or production-sharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens. Such agreements may be for a period not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not more than twenty-five years, and under such terms and conditions as may be provided by law. In cases of water rights for irrigation, water supply fisheries, or industrial uses other than the development of water power, beneficial use may be the measure and limit of the grant.

Section 2 is based on the doctrine of dominium which is also the basis of the principle of jura regalia also known as the regalia doctrine. This doctrine is known to mean that everything belongs to the state. All natural resources enumerated in section 2 are owned by the state. This is found on the concept of dominium; it is the foundation of the feudal and embraces the theory of jura regalia which means ownership is vested in the state.

We now introduce the concept of dominium and imperium. Dominium is the capacity of the state to own or acquire property. It is the concept of ownership by the state, property holdings by the state. This is the proprietary aspect of the state. Imperium, is the governmental part of the state, is the government authority possessed by the state expressed in the concept of sovereignty. Imperium is for governance and dominium is for ownership of property.

What are jura regalia? What is the constitutional basis of this doctrine? The answer is Section 2 article 12.

Only agricultural lands shall be alienated. Second paragraph, the exception of agricultural lands and all other natural resources shall not be alienated, except agricultural lands. Agricultural lands may be alienated if it is declared as alienable and disposable. There is a category and it is the state that categorizes whether or not the agricultural lands are alienable and disposable.

Section 2 also provides that the exploration, development and utilization of natural resources shall be under the full control and supervision of the State. In so doing, the state may enter into co-

production, joint venture or co-production sharing agreement with natural Filipino citizens or corporations and associations at least 60 percent of which capital is owned by a Filipino Citizens. This is an example of the Belmonte amendment. The agreement must be not exceeding 25 years and is renewable for another 25 years.

The State shall protect the nation’s marine wealth in its archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic zone, and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively to Filipino citizens.

The constitution itself provides that we must protect our nation’s marine wealth in our archipelagic waters, territorial sea and exclusive economic zone and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively to Filipino citizens minus the Chinese.

Since all the natural resources is belongs to the state, any person who is claiming a portion of a public domain must be able to show title to the state according to any of the modes of acquisition. If a person is the owner of an agricultural land in which minerals are discovered. The person’s ownership of such land does not give them the right to extract or utilize the said mineral without the permission of the State because the mineral belongs to the state.

A sample of this is the Malampaya of Batangas, this is co-developed by the Philippines government with a foreign country. It was entered into by former President Ramos.

The limits of dominium, while the concept of dominium includes the power to alienate what is owned, Section 2, following the lead of earlier constitutions, limits the power of the state to alienate the natural resources of the public domain. The same section limits the power of the state to alienate natural resources and that limitation comes with the phrase “with the exceptions of the agricultural lands”. All other natural resources shall not be alienated

In Oh Cho vs Director of Lands, agricultural land in a public domain becomes a private land only when it is acquired form the government either by purchase or by grant. All lands that were not acquired from the government either by purchase or grant belongs to the public domain. All the lands of the public domain, what may be alienated are the agricultural lands. Agricultural lands may only be alienated by purchase or by grant to a private citizen or to a public corporation like a municipality but not to a private corporation. After it is alienated to a private person, it becomes a private land.

Prescription can transform public land into private land only if it is alienable public land . Lands of the public domain, agricultural lands may be alienated but before it can be alienated it must be declared as alienable and disposable land. It will be the state to declare it, principally it should be congress but it is usually delegated to the executive. So it is only when a public agricultural land has already been declared as alienable and disposable that a private citizen may acquire this property by grant or purchase.

In granting, we have an “open grant”. One must apply for it and the government will grant. Another mode of acquisition of disposable agricultural land is by prescription. Open, exclusive and undisputed possession of alienable public land for the period prescribed by law creates the legal fiction whereby the land, upon completion of the requisite period ipso-jure and without the need of judicial or other sanction, ceases to be public land and becomes private property. Such open, continuous,

exclusive and notorious occupation of the disputed properties for more than 30 years must, however, be conclusively established. This is the San Miguel Corporation case.

In computing the 30 years, a period for acquisitive prescription under Section 49 of the Public Land Law, the period before a forest land is converted into as alienable and disposable land is not included.

Example: The property is still a public property and not has been declared as alienable and disposable land. Inupuan mo na, for 20 years then it becomes alienable and disposable, then you continued to stay in the land for another 10 years. Are you now entitled to the ownership of the land by prescription? NO, because the 20 year period of such possession of the property before the property became alienable and disposable is not included in computing the 30 year period . The 30 year period starts, must be while the property is already as alienable and disposable property. The Repongde Property in Japan, is that a public Dominium? It is outside of the commerce of men; it cannot be alienated or sold.

The Congress may, by law, allow small-scale utilization of natural resources by Filipino citizens, as well as cooperative fish farming, with priority to subsistence fishermen and fish workers in rivers, lakes, bays, and lagoons.

The President may enter into agreements with foreign-owned corporations involving either technical or financial assistance for large-scale exploration, development, and utilization of minerals, petroleum, and other mineral oils according to the general terms and conditions provided by law, based on real contributions to the economic growth and general welfare of the country. In such agreements, the State shall promote the development and use of local scientific and technical resources.

To agreements involving either technical or financial assistance, this is the agreement entered into by the President either technical or financial assistance are in fact service contracts but such new service contracts between foreign corporations acting as contractors and on the other hand government acting as the principal or owner of the works whereby the foreign contractor will provide the capital the technology and technical know-how and managerial expertise in the creation and operation of the large scale mining and extractive enterprise and government through its agencies, the DENR, the MGB, actively exercises full control of supervision over the entire enterprise. It is saying that the agency used by the Government would be the DENR in supervising these technical service contracts.

The case of La Bugal B’laan Tribal Association vs DENR, which was cited by Bernas is saying that those contracts entered into by the President are in effect are service contracts. The parties of which would be the foreigners and the government thru the DENR and the MGB.

The President shall notify the Congress of every contract entered into in accordance with this provision, within thirty days from its execution.

Who are qualified to take part of the exploration, development and utilization of inalienable resources? Only Filipino citizens and Companies of which 60 percent of it is owned by a Filipino Citizen may engage in the development and utilization of these natural resources. Inalienable natural resources are the petroleum, oil, coals etc..

A problem may arise in determining the compliance with the 60 percent limit ownership of a Filipino in a Foreign Corporation that is engaged in an exploration, development and utilization of inalienable natural resources. The constitution says that, the Corporation, 60 percent of which must owned by Filipino Citizen. If that Corporation who applied for the exploration, development and utilization of inalienable natural resources, just verify if the 60 percent of the names of the owners are Filipino then they are qualified.

To make sure this is complied, we have what we call Control Test. This is the prevailing mode in determining whether or not a corporation is a Filipino Corporation within the ambit of Section 2, Article 12 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, entitled to undertake the exploration, development and utilization of the natural resources of the Philippines. When in the mind of the Court, there is doubt, based on the attendant facts and circumstances of the case, in the 60-40 Filipino equity ownership in the corporation, and then it may apply the Grandfather Rule.

The Grandfather Rule is merely to follow the lineage of the owners, if they have a Filipino Citizenship. These rule implements the intent of the Filipinization provisions of the Constitution. To reiterate, Sec. 2, Art. XII of the Constitution reserves the exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources to Filipino citizens and "corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens." Consistent with this objective, the Grandfather Rule was originally conceived to look into the citizenship of the individuals who ultimately own and control the shares of stock of a corporation for purposes of determining compliance with the constitutional requirement of Filipino ownership. It cannot, therefore, be denied that the framers of the Constitution have not foreclosed the Grandfather Rule as a tool in verifying the nationality of corporations for purposes of ascertaining their right to participate in nationalized or partly nationalized activities. Thus, to arrive at the actual Filipino ownership and control in a corporation, both the direct and indirect shareholdings in the corporation are determined. This is the case of NARRA NICKEL MINING AND DEVELOPMENT CORP., TESORO MINING AND DEVELOPMENT, INC., and McARTHUR MINING, INC., Petitioners, vs. REDMONT CONSOLIDATED MINES CORP., Respondent. G.R. No. 195580, January 28, 2015

Link nung case:

As to Marine wealth, Filipino Citizens are qualified also for natural resources and rivers, lagoons lakes. All those cooperatives are qualified.

How may an inalienable resources may they be explored, developed or utilized? The answer for that question is by direct undertaking of activities by the State or “co-production, joint venture, or production sharing agreements” with the State and all “under the full control and supervision of the State”. There are 2 levels of control that must be considered.

The first level is the control over the corporation which may engage with the State in “co-production, joint venture, or production sharing agreements”. If individuals they must be Filipino Citizens; if corporations, ownership must be 60percent Filipino. The second level is control of the “co-production, joint venture, or production sharing agreements” operation. This must be under the “full control and Supervision of the State” even if the operation is by a Filipino Citizen.

What are the other limitations provided in Section 2? First, agreements of the exploitation of the natural resources can have a life of only 25 years, renewable for another 25 years. Second, the use and enjoyment of marine wealth in archipelagic waters, territorial sea and exclusive economic zone is reserved for the exclusive use and enjoyment of Filipino Citizens meaning Filipino natural persons. Third, Filipino citizen may have small scale utilization of natural resources, as well as cooperative fish farming in rivers, lakes and lagoons. Fourth, service contracts to large scale utilizations of minerals, petroleum and oils.

In Summit vs. CA, G.R. No. 124293 January 31, 2005, aliens are not disqualified from owning every kind of real property. They are not entirely disqualified in owning real property. The concept of a real property is not merely a land; a building that is attached to the land is also real property therefore the constitutional prohibition applies only the ownership of a land, it does not extend to all immovable or real property as defined in Article 415 of the Civil Code. These are considered immovable properties that are attached to the land, including buildings and constructions of all kinds attached to the soil. Aliens are only disqualified to own lands but not all real property.

Reclaimed, foreshore submerged lands, Somewhere in Roxas Boulevard in Manila Bay, that part is foreshore submerged lands. When they were reclaimed, they were lands of the public domain. Before SM and other buildings were built, there was a process to follow. The owner of that property when it was a part of a public domain then was Public Estates Authority, then was the agency of the government that handles these lands. Then they went to congress, and congress declared it as alienable and disposable lands before selling the said properties.

The reclaimed foreshore and submerged lands are lands of the public domain unless they are already classified as alienable they may not be disposed of. For reclaimed land to be registered as private property, 2 things must be required. Since reclaimed land is part of the inalienable public lands, there must be proof that the land has been classified as alienable by congress. To the person seeking registration must show proof of having acquired the property for instance by prescription, but for the foreshore lands, by acquired by sale from the government. Inalienable land cannot be acquired by prescription, because only alienable lands which are part of the public domain s can be acquired by prescription.

Reclaimed lands of the public domain, if sold or transferred to a public corporation (municipality) which has a right to hold properties, foe a monetary consideration becomes a patrimonial property. It will be a property of the municipality, and maybe sold to private parties whether to Filipino Citizens or qualified corporations. Reclaimed lands of the public domain maybe transferred to public corporations.

Section 3 Lands of the public domain are classified into agricultural, forest or timber, mineral lands and national parks. Agricultural lands of the public domain may be further classified by law according to the uses to which they may be devoted. Alienable lands of the public domain shall be limited to agricultural lands. Private corporations or associations may not hold such alienable lands of the public domain except by lease, for a period not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not more than twenty-five years, and not to exceed one thousand hectares in area. Citizens of the Philippines may lease not more than five hundred hectares, or acquire not more than twelve hectares thereof, by purchase, homestead, or grant.

In section 3, you will encounter the word “hold” and “acquire”. Hold id only for lease/rent and not concept of ownership. Acquire on the other hand is for the private citizens for ownership.

Section 3 therefor, deals with the classification of lands in the public domain to agricultural forest timber, mineral and national park. Agricultural lands may be further classified by law according to the uses to which may be devoted. Classification is descriptive of the legal nature of the land and not what it looks like. In Buntun bridge, may mga bundok sa Madduarulug. Wala ng kahoy, pero that doesn’t mean agricultural na siya. Forest land parin siya. The fact that the forest lands have been deluded that doesn’t mean it has seized as a forest land, Director of Lands vs. Aquino.

The rights over the land are indivisible and that the land itself cannot be half agricultural and half mineral. The classification must be categorical; the land must be either completely mineral or completely agricultural. Republic of the Philippines vs. CA.

Disposition of lands of the Public Domain, the first rule is that only agricultural lands of the public domain may be alienated. Second, only public corporations and qualified individuals may acquire alienable lands of the public domain, because it may only hold alienable lands of the public domain only by lease. While private corporations cannot acquire lands of the public domains, they can acquire private lands.

Taking into account the requirements of conservation, ecology, and development, and subject to the requirements of agrarian reform, the Congress shall determine, by law, the size of lands of the public domain which may be acquired, developed, held, or leased and the conditions therefor.

MERALCO vs. Judge Bartolome, MERALCO bought 2 lots from a private Filipino individual. Apparently the land bought already becomes private property because it was already bought by MERALCO. The private corporation can own alienable lands of the public domain only by buying it from a private person. MERALCO is asking for a confirmation of its title of the two lots. The court did not perform the confirmation because they have no proof to show that the said property was alienated by the government and because there is no title from that private citizen. The concept is that a property does not become private unless there is a title from the private individual.

Director of Lands vs Intermediate Appellate Court, it has abandoned the MERALCO case, the rule now is that alienable land held by a possessor, personally or through his predecessors in-interest, openly, continuously and exclusively for the 30 years is converted to private property by the mere lapse or completion of said period. Pero it goes without saying that these properties must have been declared alienable and disposable; otherwise it is still a part of the lands of the public domains. We will assume that the property is already declared as alienable and disposable. In this case, unlike MERALCO it does not need a title in favor of the private person; it is enough that it is acquired by prescription for 30 years and has its title confirmed by the court.

Once title of alienable public land passes thru a private individual it is segregated from lands from the public domain and becomes private land subject to the rights of private ownership.

Section 4 The Congress shall, as soon as possible, determine, by law, the specific limits of forest lands and national parks, marking clearly their boundaries on the ground. Thereafter, such forest lands and national parks shall be conserved and may not be increased nor diminished, except by law. The

Congress shall provide for such period as it may determine measures to prohibit logging in endangered forests and watershed areas.

Section 5 The State, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and national development policies and programs, shall protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities to their ancestral lands to ensure their economic, social, and cultural well-being.

The Congress may provide for the applicability of customary laws governing property rights or relations in determining the ownership and extent of ancestral domain.

The enabling law to implement Section 5 is the R.A. 8371 of the Indigenous People’s Rights, was passed in the 10th Congress 1995-1998, it was not passed on the 9 th Congress because of the question of the concept of ancestral domain and ancestral lands.

The ancestral domain as defined refers to all areas generally belonging to ICCs/IPs comprising lands, inland waters, coastal areas, and natural resources therein, held under a claim of ownership, occupied or possessed by ICCs/IPs themselves or through their ancestor. The ancestral lands, refers to lands occupied and utilized by individuals, families and clans who are members of the ICCs/IPs since time immemorial, by themselves or through their predecessors in-interest.

In Cruz vs, Secretary, Petitioners assail the constitutionality of the following provisions of the IPRA and its Implementing Rules on the ground that they amount to an unlawful deprivation of the States ownership over lands of the public domain as well as minerals and other natural resources therein, in violation of the regalian doctrine embodied in Section 2, Article XII of the Constitution. The SC upheld the validity of the IPRA Law, on what grounds? The ancestral domains and the ancestral lands are not parts of the lands of the public domains. They are private lands and they belong to the indigenous people. The IPRA Law is an exception to the jura regalia doctrine.

Section 6 The use of property bears a social function, and all economic agents shall contribute to the common good. Individuals and private groups, including corporations, cooperatives, and similar collective organizations, shall have the right to own, establish, and operate economic enterprises, subject to the duty of the State to promote distributive justice and to intervene when the common good so demands.

Section 6 is saying that the state can come in and rejects free enterprise and laissez faire. How will you rationalize this provision to the free enterprise that prevails in our economy? It is as if saying that the state can intervene in the management of a free enterprise.

Section 7 Save in cases of hereditary succession, no private lands shall be transferred or conveyed except to individuals, corporations, or associations qualified to acquire or hold lands of the public domain.

If the land is from a hereditary succession, it will not be a part of lands of public domain. Private Corporation may now be qualified to own private lands. Section 7 is telling who are qualified to acquire and buy private property are Filipino Citizens, because under Section 3 Filipino Citizens may acquire lands up to 12 hectares by prescription grant or purchase. The right to own a private land is now dependent on the qualifications to hold or acquire lands from a public domain.


Private lands mean any land of private ownership. This includes both lands owned by private individuals and lands which are patrimonial property of the State or of municipal corporations.

An old case Krivenko vs. Register of Deeds, absolutely foreigners cannot own private lands.

Cheeseman vs Intermediate Court of Appeals, the prohibition of aliens not qualified to own private lands applies also to a regime of a conjugal partnership. Foreigner with a Filipina wife, they own private lands and the signature of the foreign husband is not needed in order to sell the private land. The foreigner spouse does not have the right of a conjugal partner to consent to or not to consent to a disposition of a land.

Republic vs. Court of Appeals, the time to determine whether the person acquiring land is qualified is the time hewn the right to own is acquired and not the time to register. A specific example of this is a Filipino who bought a land and he registered it when he was already a foreigner. There is law that gives a former Filipino Citizen to acquire land.

In Ramirez vs. Vda de Ramirez, aliens may acquire in cases of hereditary succession. However it was clarified in this case. The court ruled that the constitution provision does not extend to testamentary succession it applies only to intestate succession.

Halili vs CA, when an alien acquires land by hereditary succession such alien cannot renounce the right to inherit in favor of one who is not qualified. What is prohibited by the Constitution is the vesting of Title of Lands in favor of aliens. Hence the prohibition in Section 7, does not extend to lease of private lands. Ownership of private lands ang pinag uusapan sa section 7. Usufractuary right over land may be conveyed to an alien, this means right to use.

Can a Filipino corporation acquire a private land? The answer is YES. Since section 7 makes capacity to acquire private land dependent to the capacity to acquire or hold lands of the public domain.

Section 8 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7 of this Article, a natural-born citizen of the Philippines who has lost his Philippine citizenship may be a transferee of private lands, subject to limitations provided by law.

Example of this is R.A. 8179

Section 9. The Congress may establish an independent economic and planning agency headed by the President, which shall, after consultations with the appropriate public agencies, various private sectors, and local government units, recommend to Congress, and implement continuing integrated and coordinated programs and policies for national development.

Until the Congress provides otherwise, the National Economic and Development Authority shall function as the independent planning agency of the government.

Section 10 The Congress shall, upon recommendation of the economic and planning agency, when the national interest dictates, reserve to citizens of the Philippines or to corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens, or such higher percentage as Congress may prescribe, certain areas of investments. The Congress shall enact measures that will encourage the formation and operation of enterprises whose capital is wholly owned by Filipinos.

What is the Filipinization of certain areas of investment? Section 10 provides the answer, because it mandates congress to reserve to citizens of the Philippines or to corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens, or such higher percentage as Congress may prescribe certain areas of investments.

In the grant of rights, privileges, and concessions covering the national economy and patrimony, the State shall give preference to qualified Filipinos.

When the shares of GSIS in Manila Prince Hotel was being sold, a Malaysian investor bided and won but there was another bidder a Filipino Citizen named Don Jose Yap. But the shares were given to Don Jose Yap because of the 2nd paragraph of Section 10. The court said that the 2nd paragraph was a mandatory positive command which is complete in itself.

Tanada vs Angara, this is about General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The GAP was challenged as unconstitutional treaty for placing foreign investors on the same level as Filipinos. GAP is agreement among nations whereby after the lapse of a number of years there will be free flowing of goods in these countries. Mawawala na ung tariff protection of goods that are produced in the Philippines. It gives undue advantage to Filipinos. The court said the 2nd paragraph of Section 10 is enforceable only in regard to the grants of rights, privileges and concessions covering national economy and patrimony and not to every aspect of trade and commerce. It refers to exceptions rather than the rule.

The State shall regulate and exercise authority over foreign investments within its national jurisdiction and in accordance with its national goals and priorities.

Section 11 No franchise, certificate, or any other form of authorization for the operation of a public utility shall be granted except to citizens of the Philippines or to corporations or associations organized under the laws of the Philippines, at least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens; nor shall such franchise, certificate, or authorization be exclusive in character or for a longer period than fifty years. Neither shall any such franchise or right be granted except under the condition that it shall be subject to amendment, alteration, or repeal by the Congress when the common good so requires. The State shall encourage equity participation in public utilities by the general public. The participation of foreign investors in the governing body of any public utility enterprise shall be limited to their proportionate share in its capital, and all the executive and managing officers of such corporation or association must be citizens of the Philippines.

This section is a superfluity, meaning even if this provision is not here in the constitution and because of the concept of exercise of police power the State may amend or alter any contract for as long as it is for the common good.

The governing board of this enterprise belongs to 40 percent foreigner owners.

What is public utility? Public utility is defined as utility corporations which render services to the general public for compensation. Who may grant franchises? Essentially it is the Congress who grants it, but this power may be devoid to agencies of the government like LTFRB, they have the power to issue franchises to public utility vehicles. The Energy Regulatory Board has the power to issue franchises to power supplies and gasoline stations.

The moment for determining a corporation is entitled as a public utility is hewn it applies for a franchise. What is meant by this? Foreign Corporation could construct and own facilities like a light rail system but it may not give the franchise to operate the system. LRT, MRT are foreign owned, but the constitutional prohibition is on the operation of the franchise.

Franchises granted cannot be exclusive in character. Foreign investors may participate in a governing body of a public utility but only to the extent of their proportionate share of the capital.

A commentary by Bernardo Villegas, it is clear that in the minds of the members of the Constitutional Commission that the word “capital” in Section 11 refers not only in the voting stock but in the total subscribed to the capital both common and preferred. It includes everything type of shares and stock.

All executive and managing officers of such corporation or association must be citizens of the Philippines.

Section 12 The State shall promote the preferential use of Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally produced goods, and adopt measures that help make them competitive.

Section 13 The State shall pursue a trade policy that serves the general welfare and utilizes all forms and arrangements of exchange on the basis of equality and reciprocity.

Section 14 The sustained development of a reservoir of national talents consisting of Filipino scientists, entrepreneurs, professionals, managers, high-level technical manpower and skilled workers and craftsmen in all fields shall be promoted by the State. The State shall encourage appropriate technology and regulate its transfer for the national benefit.

The practice of all professions in the Philippines shall be limited to Filipino citizens, save in cases prescribed by law.

Section 15 The Congress shall create an agency to promote the viability and growth of cooperatives as instruments for social justice and economic development.

Section 16 The Congress shall not, except by general law, provide for the formation, organization, or regulation of private corporations. Government-owned or controlled corporations may be created or established by special charters in the interest of the common good and subject to the test of economic viability.

Section 16 is a prohibition in Congress to provide for the organization or formation or regulation of private corporations. The purpose is to insulate Congress from special private interest.

Section 17 In times of national emergency, when the public interest so requires, the State may, during the emergency and under reasonable terms prescribed by it, temporarily take over or direct the operation of any privately-owned public utility or business affected with public interest.

The president is the only one who can own the privately-owned public utility or business affected with public interest because of the word State. Is this juris prudence? It is not. As held in the case of David vs. Arroyo. Randy David who owns Philippine Daily Inquirer during 2006 while celebrating at EDSA in Februray, this was the time when GMA was almost ousted as President of the Philippines. And a Coup was being planned. GMA issued a Presidential Proclamation, declaring a state of emergency. But the SC said that there is no such thing as state of emergency. Bernas said the State means it was the President, Bernas was wrong. SC said the State means that it is the Congress that will declare the State of Emergency.

It is the Congress who will provide for the takeover of the utilities.

National State of emergency means threat from external aggression, calamities or natural disasters.

How long is the takeover that was mentioned in Section 17? Is that provided in the law that authorizes the takeover?

Section 18 The State may, in the interest of national welfare or defense, establish and operate vital industries and, upon payment of just compensation, transfer to public ownership utilities and other private enterprises to be operated by the Government.

Likewise section 18 must be similarly read like section 17, meaning by enactment of Congress.

Section 19 The State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when the public interest so requires. No combinations in restraint of trade or unfair competition shall be allowed.

You will note, comparing the first sentence dealing with monopolies may be allowed because it says the State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when the public interest so requires, if it is regulatory then it is allowed. But for the 2nd sentence, absolutely it is not allowed.

1987 Constitution speaks simply of Monopolies, in 1973 Constitution speaks of the Private Monopolies, even public monopolies are governed and regulated by Section 19.

The purpose of Section 19 encourages competition, to assure a competitive economy based upon the belief that through competition producers will strive to satisfy consumer wants at the lowest price possible, in here there is reliance upon the operation of the market system to decide what shall be produced, how resources shall be allocated in the production process and to whom various products will be distributed. The market system relies on the consumer to decide what and how much shall be produced, and on competition, among producers who will manufacture it.

When there is a combination in restraint of trade as unfair competition are prohibited by the Constitution? When there is only one seller or producer of product or service of which there are no substitutes. It Is conspiracy to dominate trade and commerce in a commodity to such an extent that they are able , as a group, to exclude actual or potential competitors from the field, accompanied with the intention and purpose to exercise such power.

There is now a Law just recently passed by the Congress. The Philippine Competition Act, it is an Anti-Trust Policy, Prohibiting anti-competitive arrangements between and among competitors and behaviors as well as other unfair business practices to protect consumer rights.

Section 20 The Congress shall establish an independent central monetary authority, the members of whose governing board must be natural-born Filipino citizens, of known probity, integrity, and patriotism, the majority of whom shall come from the private sector. They shall also be subject to such other qualifications and disabilities as may be prescribed by law. The authority shall provide policy direction in the areas of money, banking, and credit. It shall have supervision over the operations of banks and exercise such regulatory powers as may be provided by law over the operations of finance companies and other institutions performing similar functions.

Until the Congress otherwise provides, the Central Bank of the Philippines operating under existing laws, shall function as the central monetary authority.

Section 21 Foreign loans may only be incurred in accordance with law and the regulation of the monetary authority. Information on foreign loans obtained or guaranteed by the Government shall be made available to the public.

Section 22 Acts which circumvent or negate any of the provisions of this Article shall be considered inimical to the national interest and subject to criminal and civil sanctions, as may be provided by law.
