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Andy Warhol

Brett Valentine7th Hour


Andy Warhol is a very famous artist in the art world. In class this year in Mrs. Ewy's we have used some similar types of art as Andy Warhol. The research Ive done on Andy Warhol shows he has had an interesting life. Andy Warhol is dead now though. The project in art Mrs. Ewy had us do was very fun it was called Pop Art. Well Guess what? In my research ive done it shows that Pop Art was invented by Andy Warhol! Firstly He had an interesting life, Secondly Ive used his type of art, Pop Art and lastly Andy Warhol's death.

"Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." is a phrase coined by Andy Warhol. According to my research, Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh on August 6, 1928 and was attached to his mother through out childhood due to moving into a foreign country. He studied commercial art at School of Fine Art somewhere in Pennsylvania. Then in 1949 he moved to New York City and began illustration and advertising. His parents were immigrants from a foreign country and it probably made life tough for Andy even if he was a U.S. Citizen. Being from another country and trying to fit in with American kids would probably be extremely difficult. Andy Warhol apparently did many paintings of famous people at the time including Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and Muhammad Ali. I would love to that stuff for famous people. But when his real fame begins is when Andy Warhol first started introducing his famous artwork Pop Art.

Pop Art is basically using a picture of something and changing and editing it. The kind of Pop Art I did in 7th hour of Mrs. Ewy's class in the computer Mac Lab was a picture of myself and I took into Photoshop and changed the colors of my hair, my eyes, my nose, my ears, my neck, my shirt, and my pants. Then I changed it three other times and put it into squares lined up next to eachother, making two rows of two Pop Art's. My Pop Art turned out really well it looks very colorful and bright and could be famous just like Andy Warhol's "Campbell's Soup Can." or "Marilyn Monroe" or "Triple Elvis." I'm guessing that Andy Warhol probably learned his editing and photography from his School of Fine Art. He also attended Carnegie Institute of

Technology. Also according to research he majored in pictorial design. So the idea inventing of Pop Art must have came from one of the two schools. When Im older I will probably create a new kind of inventing, just like Andy Warhol created a new kind of art.

Andy Warhol did a good thing for this world but died February 22, 1987. According to Wikipedia he died right after a gallbladder surgery in some New York Hospital. It doesnt say if he died from the surgery or old age but it might have something to do with the surgeon, because I read that Andy Warhol was shot in the late 1970's and I think that maybe the surgeon was paid to kill Andy Warhol. I have seen pictures of statues and monuments of Warhol in many other countries, so Andy Warhol must be famous in other countries for his invented, awesome artwork Pop Art.

Through doing this project I have learned that Andy Warhol lived till fifty-nine. Brought the famous art style Pop Art into existence. Also he did paintings of several famous people for them. Then he was shot in the late 70's but lived. Then finally died after a gallbladder surgery in a New York Hospital. But till this day using Pop Art is still totally cool. Andy Warhol did many cool things and most and definitely will be missed.

By Brett Valentine
