Art Photography Richard White · 2008-06-19 · The Art of Photography Richard White ... After last...


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Greetings for the first time for 2008. This will be a somewhat shortened newsletter this time because high on my agenda at present is an exhibition I am preparing for at the Muse Gallery in Milawa north east Victoria. I thought I would mention it because of the amount of work involved, decisions that need to be made and because some of you maybe interested, and have been thinking about, doing something similar for some time.

This particular exhibition started when I was asked by the gallery owner if I would be interested in having a show. Of course I said yes, but on reflection later, wondered why. Not a painful why, but but a”why do we do these things” sort of why. Perhaps it is similar to the reason we photograph, we just have to or are compelled to. I don’t think that exhibiting ones work is a compulsion, but it seems to be part of the package (for me anyway) because of what I do. The principal is not much different than showing work to workshop participants except that this is more of a grand scale and people go to look and not necessarily learn.


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ P. O. Box 425, Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Email:

Phone / fax 03 5776 9533 website:

Issue #23, March 2008

Ghost Gum, Ormiston Gorge, NT

Anyway the easy part is saying yes. From then on the work begins. The first thing I did was to decide to show as many “new” prints as possible, ones that hadn’t been seen by anyone, except one person. No prize for guessing who that is. Firstly I looked at my most recent images and selected some for my list. Then from there I went back through my negatives to images I had ear marked for printing, but had not got around to. My first short list was 30 photographs. “Yes that would be fitting for this cute little gallery”, so I began to print those that hadn’t seen the inside of my enlarger. I had decided on exhibiting 16” x 20” image size prints, but firstly had to see if I felt that the new negs would be suitable at that size. As I progressed and added some pin hole shots and a few 11” x 14” prints the total number grew to 40 prints and I didn’t really think anything of it until.....

Finished prints need to be mounted, overmatted and framed. After I did my final print count and started to consider mounting and overmatting I thought “oh heck!” or words to that effect, but for me I was too far down the track so kept on. At present I have printed everything (although I have been eyeing off another image of late) mounted everything and overmatted about half. I still have about 3 weeks and it will take me that long to matt the rest and frame all as I fit it in around other things I have to do. The one thing it is keeping me from doing is getting out and making new images and that has started to nag at me a little.

I think exhibiting is healthy and definitely keeps us on our toes, but also can have the capacity to weigh on one’s mind. I would suggest if you take it on and it is your first exhibition either start small or do a group exhibit. In a group exhibition I would suggest a minimum of 10 pieces and a small one person show 15 pieces. It can be fun and if you sell then I guess everyone is happy.


In the past few weeks I have been bombarded with flyers and direct mail about “new and improved” products that I need. How often when a new product or an updated product is introduced onto the market, it is “not to be missed”, etc etc. I know it is the advertising juggernaut at work yet again and it seems that we all just line up to take one in the hope that finally, this time, the silver bullet will come our way.

Fear is an important component also in the marketing of products and in the camera industry it thrives. “Get the latest or you will miss the boat”. The XRD4 - will bring out even more creativity in you”, and on it goes.With film on the decline, C41 being scrapped from labs the inference is “you’ll miss out” if you don’t change. It seems they just can’t help themselves. If you don’t upgrade then it’s all over red rover.

I find it difficult to read the newspapers anymore because of the strong negativity, down your throat sensationalism and bias that is continually shown. I feel we are being robbed of a feeling of optimism, just as we have been robbed of youth.

So photographic flyers and advertising in some ways are no different than newspapers. Try and read between the


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ P. O. Box 425, Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Email:

Phone / fax 03 5776 9533 website:

lines and see if what you buy is really going to improve your photography, for in truth, that is what all of us seek with this most enthralling hobby.

* * * * *

I have been using up my last stocks of Polymax and also integrating the Foma papers into my darkroom. Probably 1/3 of the prints for the exhibition coming up have ben printed on Foma. It is different than the old Kodak paper, but rich, and I know I wont loose any sleep when my last sheet of Kodak disappears which will probably be in the next few weeks.

FOMA paper is from the Czech Republic and is available, should you want some from Chris Reid at Blanco Negro in Sydney. Stocks are limited and large quantities ordered on indent. I was recently in Sydney visiting Chris and we made a thorough diagnosis of the new paper, comparing prints and approaches and both of us pretty much came up with the same results. I think this was our final test.

Blanco Negro is a small custom lab who process black & white film and do high quality printing using the finest products. Chris is an expert B&W printer and chemical guru and prints all things for pro and amateur photographers, exhibitions and galleries. Highly regarded in his field. I would suggest, if you are out of the dark yourselves and want to do comparison prints in Black & White then try Chris. I only hear good things about him.

If you need to chat to him he has moved from his old premises and can be contacted at the following:

Chris ReidBlanco Negro44-54 Botany Road Alexandria NSW 2015Ph 02 9698 4552Email:

Exhibition opening at The Muse Gallery - at the Milawa Cheese Factory

On Saturday April 5 at 2pm, the opening of my exhibition “Places I’ve Been” will happen at the Muse Gallery at the Milawa Cheese Factory. There will be a combination of large format and pin hole photographs all hand printed in my darkroom. If you are in the area and would like to attend the opening please feel free to come along. Wine cheese and nibbles will be available. If you need something a little more substantial then coffee and serious food is will be on offer in the outside cafe. Milawa is a small town in the North East of Victoria near Wangaratta. The exhibition will run from April 5 to April 28.


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ P. O. Box 425, Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Email:

Phone / fax 03 5776 9533 website:

NEWSLETTER PRINT OFFER for issue #23 100% guaranteed

Once again the print offered at the head of this newsletter is the special print offer for this issue.

The photographs offered are designed to give you the opportunity to purchase one of my photographs at a reduced rate. This will apply only to receivers of this electronic mail.

About the image

The photograph was taken in in the West MacDonnell Ranges in 2002 using a 4” x 5” camera and TRI-X film. Just on sunrise I was walking along the track to the towards summit of the area I was in and as I rounded a bend this view presented itself. The lone Ghost Gum is of course the central part of the picture and holds the whole thing together. Without it there is no picture.

The image will be printed on Foma paper, mounted to rag museum board and over matted ready for framing. As always only the finest materials are used in the production of the image. The image size will be 11 x 14 (27 x 35 cm) and will be over matted to an overall size of 40 x 50 cm.


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ P. O. Box 425, Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Email:

Phone / fax 03 5776 9533 website:

Details relating to the image and print number will appear on the back of the photograph.

Cost of Print

The dollar value is the same as the country you live. ( Aust. NZ, USA, Canada, UK will be as US $ i.e.: If you live in Australia A$250, if you live in the USA, US$250)

The 11” x 14” Newsletter Edition Print will be $250.

(A$250 US$250 Can$250 NZ$250)

The print price is inclusive of post and packing.

This offer lasts till March 31, 2008.

100% Money Back Guarantee

I also understand that buying a photograph from a computer screen can cause some to have heart palpitations, so with that that in mind if you do purchase a print and are not completely satisfied I will refund your amount in full, provided you return the photograph within 14 days of receipt in the same condition it arrives. This is a 100% money back guarantee.If you would like a print, send me a note with a cheque, money order, direct deposit or international bank transfer for the correct amount along with your name and address and contact details. Ordered prints will be sent out within 4 weeks.

Workshops for 2008

If you would like a hard copy or a PDF of the brochure then drop me an email along with your address, if necessary, and I will send one out to you or you can download it from my web site.

Cradle Mountain - Tasmania April 11 - 14, 2008. Accommodation & workshop fee $950This workshop is full

After last years extremely successful workshop all over Tasmania with Bruce Barnbaum I have decided to run another, but this time only at Cradle Mountain and for a shorter period of time. I will


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ P. O. Box 425, Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Email:

Phone / fax 03 5776 9533 website:

lead the workshop myself and it will be limited to just 6 people. This will be a great opportunity for those who attend and are hell bent of improving their photography. The workshop will run from Friday morning beginning in Launceston where we will then travel to Cradle Mountain and then return to Launceston Monday afternoon/evening.The workshop fee includes transport from Launceston to Cradle Mountain and return and during the workshop, all accommodation in the very comfy Wilderness Village log cabins and the workshop fee. Food and beverages are extra, but expect Bistro type prices and great food. For further information contact The Art of Photography Workshops.

The High Country - Falls Creek May 9-12, 2008 Workshop fee & Accommodation: $625A few places available.

This year we venture to another wonderful area in the High Country. Mountain Huts, fabulous views and exquisite Snow Gums. Staying in the village at Falls Creek in mountain Lodge accommodation. Many outdoor photography excursions and informative indoor sessions. The workshop fee is based on twin share accommodation, but no meals. Documentary film maker Don Parham will again join me as co-instructor adding an interesting element to the workshop.

The Portrait Workshop Kiama area south of Sydney May 23 - 26 2008 Workshop Fee: $450A few places available.

The workshop looks at making Portraits in whatever situation you come across. From studio lighting set ups using one light or two or even three, to window light, indoors or outdoors using any camera you wish. There are basically no limitations on making a portrait and we will look at many ways to accomplish this. During one of our outdoor sessions we will look at photographing only the landscape. We will also consider the option of placing a subject within our composition should we wish. During our 4 days we will photograph, discuss, eat and sleep photography. Co instructor is again Anthony Browell, known for his unique style of portraiture and vast photographic knowledge.

The Fine Print (Advanced darkroom practice) June 20 - 23 2008. Workshop Fee & all materials: $495

This workshop will begin Friday evening and ends Monday pm to allow plenty of time to demonstrate all the new techniques you will learn. You will be encouraged to print from one or more of your negatives under my watchful


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ P. O. Box 425, Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Email:

Phone / fax 03 5776 9533 website:

eye where we will look at applying some of the new techniques. This is not a workshop for the newcomer in the darkroom, but someone who has either completed one of my introductory Black and White print workshops or has been actively involved in print making for some time. There will be portfolio reviews as usual and lots more. The workshop fee includes paper and chemicals. Limited to 6.

The above workshop is full but a second workshop has been organized for July 11-14. There is possibly one place available.

The Streets of Melbourne, Film & Digital comparisons August 1 - 3 2008 Workshop Fee: $375

We begin Friday evening and finish up Sunday afternoon. This workshop will look at comparisons between the two mediums and how to work with both or a combination of both. Working from a studio in Melbourne we will look at finished prints side by side and explain how the final results were achieved, either via photoshop or via image transfer to light sensitive paper. A field trip around the unique parts of the city will compliment an interesting and thought provoking workshop. Portfolios reviews are covered as well. Co-instructor is John Ingham. Someone who has made the switch from film to digital quite successfully.Into the Blue - Exploring the Outback - Photographically September 6 - 13 2008

In conjunction with Into the Blue - Creative Walks, I have teamed up with Raymond Hawkins, the founder and owner to lead a group beginning in Mildura, and heading into Mungo National Park to explore its wonderful moonscape terrain We then move on to Sturt National Park and its unique topography, the towns of Silverton and Broken Hill and many other smaller places in between finally ending up back in Mildura.

The aim of this journey/workshop is to produce a photo essay of the week long event. Sometimes walking sometimes driving we will encounter the not only the unique scenery, but the characters, both indigenous and Anglo-Saxon who live in this extraordinary landscape.

For booking, pricing and further information please contact Into the Blue or Email:


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ P. O. Box 425, Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Email:

Phone / fax 03 5776 9533 website:

The Landscape of Scotland October 5 to October 11 2008

During this week long workshop I will team up with noted English photographer and nice guy Joe Cornish to lead a group of adventurous people to the Scottish Highlands to photograph in the area around Rannoch Moor. This week long workshop could be part of a longer trip that you plan.

The workshop will take place pretty much in Joe’s back yard. He has lived in North Yorkshire since 1994 and has photographed that area and Scotland extensively. The workshop will be rich photographically. Our accommodation will be in the heart of Rannoch Moor and from where we will enjoy and photograph the challenging landscape. I visited the area many years ago and some of the views still sit in my memory. If you would like to have a look at the general area follow the link to this map of central Scotland.

You can see some of Joe’s work at his web site:

The workshop fee will be A$1250 (£530). All food, accommodation and transportation during the workshop will cost an additional A$950 (£405). The workshop is full with a waiting list.

The Great Ocean Road Workshop November 14 – 17 2008 Workshop Fee: $450

Based in Port Campbell we will photograph the rugged coastline of Loch Ard Gorge and the Twelve Apostles, parts of the Eastern side of the Otway Ranges and the picturesque waterfalls and awesome Sequoias of the Otway State Forest. Many field trips are planned to the most spectacular places this area offers. Our indoor and evening sessions will be taken up with portfolio reviews, some technical jargon and alternative ways of seeing and looking at subject matter. The time together will as usual be informative and fun as will be my co-instructor Jeff Moorfoot. Such a great place for a workshop.

Well that’s it for now. Maybe I’ll see you at the The Muse Gallery.

Till next time.


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ P. O. Box 425, Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Email:

Phone / fax 03 5776 9533 website:
