Art in the Gardens Art on the Prom school artists and Felixstowe Seafront Gardens Project working...


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Art in the GardensArt on the Prom school artists and Felixstowe Seafront Gardens Project

working with Felixstowe Schools 2012-2013

This was the Queen

These were the Seafront Gardens

And these were the people

This is the Queen

These are the Seafront Gardens

The Eight Gardens

Town Hall Gardens

Pram Walk

Hamilton Gardens West – and Ivy Terrace and Ranelagh Steps

Crest garden and Spa Pavilion Approach

Pavilion Terrace and Hamilton Gardens East

Serpentine steps, shelters and Felix Hotel Gardens

Rose Garden, chalet bank and Pond Garden

Cliff House Gardens, sunken garden and Long Shelter Garden

Hamilton Gardens West

Pram Walk

Town Hall Gardens

Felix Hotel Gardens Chalet Bank

Crest Gardens and Spa Pavilion Approach

Ivy Terrace

Pram walk

Cliff House Garden

‘The Gardens therefore represent a rare cross section of over 100 years of gardening trends as well as a portrait of Felixstowe’s historical development’

Felixstowe Seafront Gardens Eighty designs

Ten Schools

Four metal portal designs

Six plaques in paving

Eleven bench engravings

Seven cast concrete pieces

Nine plaques on rockwork or walls

Nine text floor plaques

Ten lectern signs

Twenty-four floor plaques

Individual art work designs

Zigzig panels in galvanized steel

HamiltonGds West

Spa Fountain in Spa Pavilion Gds

with curved metal rods

ending in 18 x drops

Town Hall Gardens etched in paving in

Long Shelter

Mural of beach huts with local street names inside Octagonal shelter

Ivy Terrace sculpture

Mosaic on the side of the sloped path in the Rose Gardens

Engraved metal panel inserts around the Square Pond

Steel panels set within linked colour planting for Felix Hotel Gardens

Planting design for Crest gardens

Mosiac shapes on polesby Arched cascade Pond

Exhibition at The Academy
