Around the World Russian Rev Review. Rules The two players answering the question will stand up The...


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Around the World

Russian Rev Review


• The two players answering the question will stand up

• The first player to correctly answer the question advances to stand next to Player #3.

• When Player #1 misses a question, s/he will sit down in the seat of the person to whom s/he lost, and the next opponent will stand.– Who will travel the farthest???

Question #1

The term for the Russian ruler is:


Question #2

The last czar of Russia was:

Nicholas II

Question #3

How did industrialization lead to the revolutionary movement in Russia?

Poor working conditions

Question #4

This was the Marxist term for the working class


Question #5

These were the radical Marxists who eventually led the Russian Revolution


Question #6

Leader of the Bolsheviks

Vladimir Lenin

Question #7

This war with an Asian power led to unrest and revolts at home

Russo-Japanese War

Question #8

When did Bloody Sunday occur?

Jan 22, 1905

Question #9

What did the petitioners on Bloody Sunday want?

Better working conditions, more personal freedom, a

nationally-elected legislature

Question #10

How did Czar Nicholas respond to the petitioners on Bloody Sunday?

He ordered his soldiers to fire on the crowd, killing over 1000 and injuring

hundreds more

Question #11

What was the Duma?

Russia’s first parliament—established by Nicholas after Bloody Sunday to pacify the protestors

Question #12

At what point did Russia join WWI?


Question #13

What was the cause of the March Revolution in 1917?

Shortages of oil & bread due to the war

Question #14

How did soldiers respond to the March Revolution (1917)?

They sided with the protestors and refused to

fire on them

Question #15

What does “abdicate” mean?

To leave or abandon (usually a throne/position

of power)

Question #16

At what point did the Czar abdicate the throne?

After the March Revolution of 1917, the czar and his

family fled

Question #17

What was Lenin’s slogan during the Bolshevik Revolution?

“Peace, Land and Bread”

Question #18

What treaty ended the war with Germany and signaled Russia’s withdrawal from WWI?

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Question #19

Who was the White Army?

Opponents of the Bolsheviks (Red Army).

Some wanted the czar to return, others wanted


Question #20

What was the New Economic Policy (NEP)?

Lenin’s plan to allow a few small private businesses, while the

government maintained control of major industries and banks. Helped to

rebuild Russia after the civil war.

Question #21

What was the largest state in the USSR?


Question #22

How did Stalinist Russia view creativity and innovation?

As a threat to government power

Question #23

Who succeeded Lenin as leader of Russia and turned Russia into a totalitarian state?

Joseph Stalin

Question #24

Name 3 basic characteristics of the totalitarian state

• Ideology• state controls individuals

methods of enforcement• modern technology• state controls society• one-party rule • dynamic leader

Question #25

What was the Great Purge?

Stalin had anyone who threatened his power killed- 8 million-13 million deaths

Question #26

How was religion treated in Stalinist Russia?

Propaganda attacking all religions was spread; the only religion tolerated was worship of the state

Question #27

A system in which the government makes all economic decisions is called….

A Command Economy

Question #28

What were the Five Year Plans? What were some characteristics of them?

Stalin’s plans to grow Russia’s economy and modernize it, characterized by impossibly high quotas and limited consumer goods

Question #29

Why did the government favor collective farms over individual farms?

1) Part of communist ideology- no private property

2) Believed modern machinery on collective farms would boost productivity (could not have it on every individual farm)

Question #30

Why did the government favor collective farms over individual farms?

1) Part of communist ideology- no private property

2) Believed modern machinery on collective farms would boost productivity (could not have it on every individual farm)
