Arnab Bhattacharya 5 th November, 2011. Multiple themes Necessary to have interaction among...


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MANAGEMENTArnab Bhattacharya5th November, 2011

GANGA RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT Multiple themes Necessary to have interaction among

thematic groups Certain types of knowledge possible

only through interactionDo number of dolphins decrease

significantly when there are more tourists in a certain area?

Data sharing is the key Knowledge extraction built on top Thus, the geo-spatial database

management (GDM) group

FUNCTIONS OF GDM Central to the entire project Data storage Data sharing Interchange of data format Searching Querying Visualization Repeatability Security Access control Knowledge extraction

DATA STORAGE Database server Upload/download facilities Web frontend

Using open source software in Linux ArcGIS enabled


SEARCHING AND QUERYING Using metadata tags

Find population of Kolkata in 2011How much rainfall happened in Kanpur in

June? Can be more complicated

Find all cities in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar that were flooded within 7 days of each other

Can be visual as wellSelect a region and a time-periodShow attributes in that spatio-temporal data

Unit of data is spatio-temporalOther attributes are values


PointPolygon/bounded spaceCurveArea/volume

Temporal dataTime pointTime interval

Spatio-temporal dataAny combination of spatial and temporal


VISUALIZATION Data is essentially geographic (GIS) Mostly in forms of maps Raster images Vector images Ability to register maps

Using geographic coordinates Should be able to download final maps

as images Maintained at http://


SECURITY AND ACCESS CONTROL Who should be able to access which

data? Three types of users

Common userGRBMP membersGRBMP thematic group leaders

Three types of accessExistenceViewingDownloading

Higher access type implies lower typesDownloading enables viewing, etc.

ACCESS FOR DATA For each piece of data, there is

essentially a vector of access control Each element is for a particular user Value determines the highest access Whole access control is thus a matrix

User 1 … User n

Data 1 V - E

… D D D

Data m V V V

USERS AND GROUPS Users can be grouped Thematic groups specify one type of

groups A user can create her own group Access control rights for a data can be

defined for a group

STATUS Work in progress Website is up Basic upload/download facilities Access control is being implemented Visualization and querying facilities are


Thank you!
