Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Phone: 847-253-5353 Wayside ... · and fun programs, helping our...


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434 W. Park Street

Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Phone: 847-253-5353

Web Site:

Pastoral Staff Rev. Artur Marat Administrator Rev. Daniel J. Brady Retired Priest & Resident Deacon Jerry Brennan & Veronica Brennan Deacon Thomas Corcoran & Irene Corcoran Deacon Dr. Donald Grossnickle Deacon Pete LeTourneau & Jan LeTourneau Deacon Michael Madison & Mary Catherine McBride-Madison Deacon Paul Onischuk & Lisa Onischuk Sister Joan Shields Director of Religious Education Mr. Dan McMahon Director of Music Mr. Jim Liput Parish Business Manager Ms. Kathleen Freiburger Director of Office Services Arielle Joaquin Youth Director Mrs. Kathy O’Neill Parish Nurse Mr. David Wood School Principal

Wayside Parish

Our Lady of the

May 24, 2020

The Ascension of the Lord May 24, 2020 2


For May 17, 2020

This Year Budget Better/

Mailed in and

Walk Up



E Giving



Total Sunday $20,870 $29,400 ($8,530)

Easter $81,291 $100,000 ($18,709)









Gloria Rebek $0



$142,476 $200,000 ($57,524)


Weekly &



$1,253,859 $1,323,000 ($69,141)

Weekly E



YTD E Giving $479,915

% of YTD E





There were no Sunday Masses

Electronic Giving which is included in the above Totals:

We have three new parishioners. We now have 533

parishioners in the program.

Why not sign up today.


We took another load down to St. Mark’s this week-

end. Thank you to all those who donated cash! We

had enough for two trips of fresh produce and dairy


And a huge thank you to Joe at Valli Produce for all

his help in making our donations stretch farther.

THANK YOU TO AN ANONYMOUS DONOR With a grateful heart one of our neighborhood

parishioners donated a Dapple Willow shrub (picture

below) to beautify our grounds on the north side of

the parking lot. The bush will blossom with brilliant


Your support to me and Our Lady of the Wayside

Parish is certainly an act of stewardship on your part.

God bless you and your family.

Father Artur Marat

Monday, May 25, 2020

3 Our Lady of the Wayside Arlington Heights, Illinois


Today, my brothers and sisters, we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. In today’s Gospel, we heard

how Jesus appeared to the Apostles in Galilee after He rose from the dead. It was not a coincidence

that Jesus chose Galilee as the place to send off His Apostles to make disciples of all nations. Ac-

cording to the prophet Isaiah and from history, we know that in Galilee lived a mix of Jews and gen-

tiles, most of whom were pagan. The fact that Jesus appeared to the Apostles in Galilee and sends

them off to preach the Gospel to the entire world signifies how the good news is for each person, es-

pecially those who do not believe.

In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we witness how Jesus Christ ascended into

Heaven and departed from the earth. And yet, as He takes leave, Jesus assures His Apostles that He

will not leave them alone because He will give them the Holy Spirit, to empower them to be wit-

nesses of His teachings to the ends of the earth. Keeping all of this in mind today’s readings leave us

with one important question: What does the Feast of the Ascension teach us?

As baptized members of Christ’s Church, we, too, are His disciples. Therefore, when Jesus speaks to

His disciples, He is speaking to us. This means that just like the Apostles, Christ calls us to show

with our lives that we belong to Him. To enable us to do this, my brothers and sisters, Christ gives

us the Holy Spirit, so that we will have the strength and perseverance to share His love with the

whole world. You might be wondering “With the whole world? How can I share His love with the

whole world?” Certainly, we cannot do this on our own. But, the Holy Spirit can. God has a plan for

each of our lives—a plan filled with His love. To share His love with the entire world, we must be-

gin by asking the Holy Spirit to help us be instruments of Christ’s presence to those closest to us:

our family members, our coworkers, our neighbors. And as the Holy Spirit works within us, He

will spread this love, like a radiating wave, throughout Chicago, throughout the USA, and

throughout the entire world.

My brothers and sisters, we belong to the Catholic Church. The word “catholic” means “universal.”

Christ’s Church is, as He foretold, truly universal. The Good News has reached the ends of the earth.

And yet, there are still many people who have not heard the good news. There are still many indi-

viduals who have heard, but who still do not believe. On this beautiful feast day, the Church reminds

us that God is calling each of us to be His instrument of love. God needs us to be His hands, His

feet, and His voice. On this Saturday evening/Sunday morning, I would like to invite you to spend

some time in prayer, to listen to the voice of God, and to see where He is calling you to serve. And

do not be afraid, my brothers and sisters, of what He will tell you, because the Holy Spirit will

give you the strength to follow His call. Amen.

Father Artur Marat



Hello, I am Bud Trunk, representing the Parish Pastoral Council. I hope you are all safe and

healthy during these unprecedented times!

Despite the current state of affairs, I’m sure you notice the true spirit of COMMUNITY CELE-

BRATION here at Our Lady of the Wayside! So many people work diligently to prepare for our

shared hours together, and today we offer special thanks to all who volunteer their time, talent

and treasure in ministries at Our Lady of the Wayside.

Under normal conditions, each week of the year, there are are a variety of parish activities that

serve our large Catholic Community. We fulfill our parish mission in so many ways: preparing

and leading our Masses, feeding the hungry through our food collections, arranging educational

and fun programs, helping our school, R.E.P. and Youth Ministry kids learn about our faith, con-

soling parishioners who are suffering, building community through social events, studying

God’s Word, communicating our parish ministry offerings and needs, and many others. We

thank you for your helping hearts and hands.

Over the past year, over 600 generous volunteers have helped in the 70-plus ministries in our

parish! Isn’t it wonderful that we have so many opportunities through which we can serve God

and our community? Perhaps this year you have been able to give only one hour of your time –

we THANK you for that hour. Maybe you devote countless hours on a regular basis– we AP-

PRECIATE your dedication. Many of our ministries are in need of some new helping hands - we

INVITE you to seek new opportunities to serve in ways you feel called. And, we will be in need

of many volunteers as we undertake the challenging job of re-opening our Church in the coming


Together, we will get through this current situation. And when we do, may you continue to be

blessed as you volunteer in our ministries and help to make our Catholic parish a vibrant com-

munity of love and service offered in Jesus’ name. To every one of you who has given lovingly

of your time, talent and treasure to Our Lady of Wayside, WE THANK YOU! I look forward to

seeing you in person in our Church again in the near future.

God Bless!


Our relationships with other are a gift

From God and a measure of our stewardship

For God.

Letter from Cardinal Cupich

May 13, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

These fifty days of Easter, leading to Pentecost, are marked by unprecedented suffering, as humanity has fallen

victim to a perilous contagion. In addition to the threats to our physical wellbeing, we are suffering spiritually as

the Covid-19 pandemic has required restrictions of our worship and active participation in the sacramental life of

the Church. Surely, there have been moments in history when governments and rulers have persecuted Chris-

tians and banned their public worship. This is not one of them. Rather, the present restrictions come in response

to an extreme medical emergency as local, state and federal authorities – specifically public health officials –

legitimately fulfil their responsibilities to safeguard human life and the common good. They have based their

reasonable guidance on careful consideration of empirical data and the best available disease-mitigation prac-

tices as they seek to contain the pandemic’s rampage through our communities.

While everyone must exercise good citizenship in observing these restrictions, I call on the Catholic faithful, as

advocates for justice and charity, to comply with these regulations. From the first pages of Scripture we learn

that we indeed are “our brother’s keeper,” a truth that must inspire us as we are called to sacrifice. We should

also be motivated to cooperate with public safety norms, given our reverence for life and human dignity. This is,

at its heart, a moment to proclaim the breadth and depth of what it means to be pro-life, particularly as this virus

preys on the most vulnerable in our midst.

The good news is that a plan for a gradual reopening of our churches has now taken shape, as I note below.

However, since our movements will be restricted as that plan unfolds in different phases, your pastors and bish-

ops will continue for the present time to offer Mass in private each day and to livestream and broadcast Masses

from our parishes and the archdiocese. I am particularly grateful to ABC-TV, Univision and Polvision in Chi-

cago for giving us airtime every Sunday. These celebrations surely are not the same as gathering in our churches

for Mass, but I know from hearing from many parishioners that they provide a great deal of solace and support

in this time of uncertainty.

We must be honest. We expect this situation to continue for some weeks, and any plan for reopening our

churches for public worship must include every precaution to ensure public gatherings do not create a second

wave of contagion, thus squandering the gains made through our sacrifice in these days.

With those realities in mind, I am heartened to announce that we have reached an agreement with the Office of

the Governor on a multi-phase Plan for re-opening our churches for the celebration of the sacraments, private

prayer, adoration and Mass. As I share the Plan with you, both by way of an Executive Summary and the full

Plan in the following pages, I want to assure you of my prayers for you and your family’s personal, material and

spiritual wellbeing. I also express my appreciation to the many people on the archdiocesan staff and in the Office

of the Governor for the many hours they have given to designing and fine tuning this agreement. Again, I call on

all Catholics to seize this moment to exercise faith-filled citizenship in a way that reflects our deep regard for

life, our calling as disciples of Jesus and our love of country.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Cardinal Blase J. Cupich




This document is an Executive Summary of the multi-phased protocols and procedures, known as the Plan, for

reopening churches and resuming public participation in the sacramental life of the Church for the Catholic dio-

ceses in Illinois. The full Plan is provided at the end of this Executive Summary. The Plan has been developed

by the bishops of the Chicago Province in consultation with and the approval of state and local public health of-

ficials and civil authorities.

Four guiding principles undergird the multi-phased Plan:

1. Everything possible should be done to provide people the solace of the church’s sacramental life in a timely

and reasonable way.

2. The current situation in Illinois remains dangerous and fragile. While much has been achieved, there remains

the potential that the gains could be lost by a second more virulent wave.

3. Trust needs to be established that the top priority in any Plan is the safety and wellbeing of people. We cannot

take for granted that people will return just because churches are reopened.

4. Calling people to exercise faithful citizenship will be key. Each Catholic will need to take personal

responsibility for the common good as well as their own safety.

With these principles in mind, a Plan to prudently and gradually resume the full scope of public sacramental

celebrations, liturgies and faith practices, has been designed. The Plan envisions a set of required measures and

phases. There will be an ongoing review of the Plan so that adjustments are made in accord with new data. The

basics of the Plan are as follows:

1. A robust communications effort to inform parishes and parishioners of the Plan and any updates to it.

2. Each parish needs to recruit non-vulnerable volunteers at the parish level to assist the pastor in implementing

the Plan.

3. The selected volunteers are to complete training by way of a webinar. The training will begin the week of

May 18.

4. A required certification of readiness to reopen will be required of each parish at each phase. Each parish is to

complete an implementation template confirming completion of all action steps and demonstrating that there

are a sufficient number of trained volunteers to execute it.

5. Phase I allows for parishes to reopen for Baptism, Reconciliation, Weddings and Funerals with a limit of 10


6. Phase IA allows for parishes to reopen for private prayer and adoration with a limit of 10 attendees. Given

the training schedule noted above, it is anticipated that all parishes, if they choose to do so, could be opened

by May 23 for Phase I and by May 30 for Phase IA.

7. Phase II allows for reopening for weekday and weekend Masses for larger groups depending on the guide-

lines from the state and the capacity of the church building.

8. Through ongoing discussions with pastors, health care professionals and civil authorities, there will be a re-

view of the Plan at each stage with an eye to making adjustments in accord with new data.



PHASE I: Limited Sacramental Celebrations and Private Prayer

Parish Actions and Responsibilities

The pastor will need the assistance of the parish community, as he will be required to create a parish leader-

ship team consisting of 6 people, including himself, to co-manage operations and to supervise cleaning, set-up

and greeting.

The parish business manager or someone designated by the pastor will serve as the compliance manager for

the parish and assist with the submission of necessary compliance forms.

The entire team of leaders is required to attend training and submit an implementation template for reopening,

which needs to be reviewed and certified by the archdiocese or respective diocese.

The parish will need to maintain an on-going procurement program for safety and cleaning supplies

Based on go-forward approval, each parish will have the prerogative to offer Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals,

and Reconciliation in the church within the current limit of 10 attendees excluding ministers and on-site staff

(“Phase I”).

With additional preparation, each parish may optionally offer Eucharistic Adoration and private prayer times

(“Phase IA”). In choosing to do so, parish leadership teams must comply with all published bishops’ guide-

lines outlining precautions preparing for, during and after the rite(s).

NOTE: During Phase I, parishes will not be allowed to offer either daily or Sunday Mass, even with 10 or fewer

attendees. The resumption of public Mass, regardless of the number of attendees, is a more complex process,

which requires the input of lessons that will be learned from Phase I. To that end, parishes and archdiocese or

diocese will collaborate to gather data to improve the protocols and processes of the Plan before we move to

worship services in Phase II.

Archdiocesan/ Diocesan Actions and Responsibilities The archdiocese or diocese, depending on capacity, will provide the following services to support the parishes

and pastors:

Provide parishes information on securing supplies or a list of preferred vendors for supplies throughout the

phases of the Plan.

Conduct required training webinars for clergy, parish leaders and volunteers, to assist the pastor in managing

the Plan in each phase. The Archdiocese of Chicago will develop a standard webinar based on these guide-

lines and make it available to the other dioceses in the Chicago Province.

Create and distribute to parishes a video message from the local bishop to explain the Plan for reopening


Evaluate and certify parish proposals for opening during the phases. Create a dedicated email box that will be

monitored by staff to answer questions or otherwise support parishes that feel they cannot open safely without

additional help.

Gather and evaluate data from parishes on their Phase I and IA experience to adapt Phase II protocols for lar-

ger numbers, which will include public Mass.


Work with government officials to explore possible increases in crowd size taking into consideration the ca-

pacity of church buildings.

PHASE II: Resumption of Public Masses

Parish Actions and Responsibilities In Phase II parishes may apply for certification to offer daily and Sunday Mass. Parishes will also continue to

celebrate Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and Adoration. Given the more complex nature of celebrations of the

Mass, entering Phase II will require parishes to:

Expand the number of parish team members if civil authorities permit an increase in the crowd size for Phase


Maintain an on-going procurement program for safety and cleaning supplies.

Continue recruitment and training of new, non-vulnerable volunteers as needed.

Develop logistical procedures in accord with the guidelines of the Plan to manage more frequent and larger

services that cover actions before, during and after the rites.

Implement a safe and secure attendance reservation/ticketing system to maintain order and facilitate possible

contact tracing of infection.

Submit a detailed proposal for implementing Phase II.

Archdiocesan Actions and Responsibilities To support the parishes in the preparation and implementation of Phase II, the Archdiocese or diocese will:

Establish and update requirements for all services and rites according to the standards of government officials,

health care experts and church authorities. Review and certify all parish proposals for reopening with celebration of Mass.

Provide additional required webinars and training, as needed.

Create and distribute to parishes a video message from the local bishop to explain procedures for attendance at Mass in Phase II.

Conduct random assessments over time to ensure continued compliance with published requirements.

Gather feedback from parishioners across the Archdiocese or diocese on how well the safety protocols are working and how comfortable they are with church precautions for their safety.

Continually monitor feedback on execution and resources to assist in problem solving through ongoing com-munication with parish leadership, state and local authorities and public health officials.



KATHY O’NEILL, R.N. Parish Nurse


With schools closed and many parents working from home without childcare for the foreseeable future, it’s hard not to start spiraling. Responsibilities seem endless, the situation dire, and it seems like time to yourself has become a thing of the past…

Take a deep breath. Literally. Feel a little better?

These are trying times, but incorporating mindful practices into your daily routine can help calm anxiety and build healthy coping skills. Here are some tips from our clinicians on making mindfulness work for you and your family. Being mindful is what it sounds like. Taking time to focus on the present, being intentional and thought-ful about where you are and how you are feeling. Trying to center your thoughts and be in the moment. Sounds simple, but it takes work, especially now when concerns about what the future holds feel so pressing. Mindful activities can help. “Mindfulness isn’t complicated,” say Jill Emanuele, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind institute. Here are some simple activities she recommends: -Squeeze Muscles: Starting at your toes, pick one muscle and squeeze it tight. Count to five. Release, and no-tice how your body changes. Repeat exercise moving up your body. -Belly Breathing: Put one hand on your stomach and one had on your chest. Slowly breathe in from your stom-ach (expand like a balloon) and slowly breath out (deflate). -Mindful Meal: Pay attention to the smell, taste and look of your food. No multitasking. -Meditation: Sit in a relaxed, comfortable position. Pick something to focus on, like your breath. When your mind wanders, bring your attention back to your breath. -Blowing Bubbles: Notice their shapes, textures and colors.

-Coloring: Color something. Focus on t he colors and designs.

-Listening to Music: Focus on the whole song, or listen specifically to the voice or instrument.

Make time for mindfulness Right now, much of the personal time that used to be part of our daily routines - commutes, time alone at home, going to the store - is not available. This means it’s extra important to be intentional about creating space to re-charge. Deciding to set time aside each day to practice activities is a great place to start, says Dr. Emanuele. “The morning, before everyone is awake, can be a great time to really ground yourself.” Morning mindfulness can help set the tone for the day. “Do deep breathing, meditate, exercise, whatever mindfulness activity works ro you,” she recommends. Mindfulness doesn’t have to be elaborate: “You can try mindful eating or mindful drinking with a cup of coffee. Sit there and just be in the moment. That’s mindfulness. Taking five minutes to do that before the day begins is even more important now because this is not our typical routine and we’re going to feel very, very out of sorts.”

Make peace with uncertainty This situation is one of extreme uncertainty. We don’t know what will happen, how long it will last or what things will be like when it’s over. One thing we do know, however, is that worrying about it won’t change the outcome. Learning how to tolerate the uncertainly is a huge part of building healthy coping skills for ourselves, which we then want to model for our children. “Right now, it’s very easy to let your brain spin out with the frightening pos-sibilities,” warns Dr. Anderson. “Practicing mindfulness helps bring us back to the present, and away from the brink.”



Monday, May 25, 2020

7:00 am Communion Service

8:30 am For the Deceased Members of OLW

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

7:00 am Communion Service

8:30 am For the Deceased Members of OLW

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

7:00 am Communion Service

8:30 am Jeffrey Hoyne

Thursday, May 28, 2020

7:00 am Communion Service

8:30 am For the Deceased Members of OLW

Friday, May 29, 2020

7:00 am Communion Service

8:30 am Don & Pat Hansen

Saturday, May 30, 2020

8:30 am Communion Service

5:00 pm Lillian Schrage, Lorie Hurley

Sunday, May 31, 2020

7:30 am For the Deceased Members of OLW

9:30 am Raymond Niemiec, Michael O’Donohue, Kate Chudik

11:30 am Jim Doherty, Tom Amberg, Jody Lynn Honce,

John & Patricia Budin, James Mullen

6:00 pm For the Deceased Members of OLW

Readings for the week of May 24, 2020

Sunday: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/

Eph 1:17-23/Mt 28:16-20 7th Sunday of East

er: Acts 1:12-14/Ps 27:1, 4, 7-8 [13]/1 Pt 4:13-

16/Jn 17:1-11a

Monday: Acts 19:1-8/Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab [33a]/Jn


Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27/Ps 68:10-11, 20-21 [33a]/Jn 17:1-


Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Ps 68:29-30, 33-35a, 35bc-36ab

[33a]/Jn 17:11b-19

Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10,

11 [1]/Jn 17:20-26

Friday: Acts 25:13b-21/Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab [19a]/

Jn 21:15-19

Saturday: Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Ps 11:4, 5 and 7 [

cf. 7b]/Jn 21:20-25

Next Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-

14 or Jl 3:1-5/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-28, 29, 30 [cf.

30]/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39. Extended Vigil: Gn

11:1-9/Ps 33:10-11, 12-13, 14-15/Ex 19:3-8a, 16-

20b/Dn 3:52, 53, 55, 56 [52b] or Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11/

Ez 37:1-14/Ps 107:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [1]/Jl 3:1-5/Ps

104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-28, 29, 30 [cf. 30]/Rom 8:22-27/

Jn 7:37-39. Day: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30,

31, 34 [cf. 30]/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 20:19-23

In Loving Memory


For the Deceased Members

of Our Lady of the Wayside

Father Artur is offering private Daily Mass each

day during the week for the deceased intentions.

Carol Blatnick

Marie Caranci

Marie DeSanto

Andrew Flack

Mary Ronayne

Fr. John Topper

Audra Tucker


CYCLES OF FAITH The Ascension of the Lord

A pair of ducks found their way to the same little corner of the

property year after year. Sheltered by a little grove of trees, they

quickly made their preparations to build a nest, lay eggs, and

welcome in a new family. Then one year, only one of the ducks

came to that little corner. She went about the business of build-

ing a nest, but this time, she was clearly unsettled. She would

wander around, sometimes seemingly without purpose, almost

hoping perhaps that her mate might come along. But, she re-

mained alone. There were many times when we could hear her

“crying”, mourning her loneliness and lack of purpose, sitting on

a batch of eggs that would never hatch. One day, she quietly left

that little corner never to return again.

Many human beings approach life this way. We silently grieve

our loneliness, lack of direction, and sense of purpose. Maybe

life once had meaning for us, but nothing seems to claim us and

settle our restlessness any longer. We wander around looking

and hoping for someone or something to come our way. We may

even sob at times, wailing as we sit with the misery of our pain.

Will happiness ever come our way again? Or will we simply

leave where we are never to return again? Many are lost, wan-

dering souls who are not quite sure where to settle or where to

make a home.

We are meant to be in Christ. This glorious feast of the Ascen-

sion shows us, with clear vision, who Jesus really is! Under-

standing ourselves in Christ really changes things up and reori-

ents us to our greater purpose, mission, and meaning. We are

part of the cosmic wonder of creation and part of a bigger plan

and mystery, destined to be much more than what we now know

ourselves to be. Could Jesus’ friends know who he would be-

come? If we can find the Christ present within and see the Christ

bursting forth in all creation and beyond, then we can come to

know our truth and understand where our home and life is meant

to be.

Advancing upon the blessing of each new day with the certain

knowledge that you are an unconditionally loved child of God

gives you the axis and the safe harbor to cope with whatever

comes your way. The gift of joy will be yours, and you can dis-

cover your true meaning and purpose. Look within, look with-

out, look above, and look below. You are not alone. Trust that

God will lead you where you need to be and transform you into

who you really are. ©LPi



ON LINE BIBLE STUDY Focus on the readings for the coming Sunday and their context in scripture. No registration or fee. When your schedule permits. Fri-day mornings online at - 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. Contact biblestudy to receive the sign-in code for the meeting.

ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY An emergency source for short term financial help. For information or assistance, contact the DePaul voice mailbox at the parish 847-253-5353 x398.

FUNERAL LUNCHEON MINISTRY This Ministry offers families in their time of sorrow a continental breakfast in the Gathering Place or sit down luncheon in the Rec-

tory Meeting Room. For further information contact the parish office.

LITTLE SAINTS PRAY & PLAY Little Saints Pray & Play for children and their caregivers, meets twice monthly. Email OLWLittleSaints for more


SPECIAL NEEDS MINISTRY Special Needs Ministry was established to identify and meet the needs of our parishioners with special needs. Contact the parish of-

fice or email - special-needs or specialneeds

THE ELIZABETH MINISTRY The Elizabeth Ministry offers families prayer and support during the joys, challenges and sorrows of the childbearing years. To con-tact a minister, please complete a card from the banner in the back of the church, or call the parish office or e-mail ElizabethMinis- or

ST. MARK’S - NON PERISHABLE FOOD DRIVE EVERY SUNDAY Drop off bin located in Gathering Place hallway across from the drinking fountains (8-12 every Sunday) in addition to the Garage drop off (2nd Sunday of each month). To Volunteer - The Piergalskis-847-341-8461-collecting or delivery or Volunteer signup http://

SHAWL MINISTRY This prayerful ministry offers knitted or crocheted shawls to those who are in need of comfort physically, emotionally and spiritually. We meet every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Center - Cabrini Room. Questions contact Kit-847-398-1940, Winnie-847-392-1578.

MINISTRY OF CARE OLW has trained Ministers of Care who are available to visit and bring communion to those parishioners who are homebound. If you are interested in receiving communion or being part of this ministry contact Kathy O’Neill, 847-253-5353, ext. 238.

RESPECT LIFE The Respect Life Ministry works to make life issues visible and viable at the parish level. To get more involved in Respect Life at

OLW, please email respectlife


CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Sunday Readings and Homily adapted for ages 3 to 10 on most Sundays at the 9:30 Mass before the Liturgy of the Word. The chil-

dren are invited to participate. The children will return for the remainder of the Mass. No registration is required!

ROSARY PRAYER GROUP Meets in the Seton room (#201) every Monday at 7:00 p.m. Contact - Chris S. (847)-749-4401

ST. HUBERT’S JOB NETWORK Our Lady of the Wayside is one of over 25 member parishes of St. Hubert’s Job Network. Meetings are held on the second and fourth

Mondays of the month at St. Hubert’s in Hoffman Estates. Visit for a full schedule of events.


PARTICIPATE IN OUR ONGOING EVENTS Enjoy the parish community by meeting other parishioners at events such as Women’s Golf, Men’s Golf, Women’s Bowling, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Bridge, Widows of Wayside (W.O.W.), and Christian Family Movement (CFM), the Senior Group and Fil-American Group. Contact parishlife with questions.

Violence is never justified; you are not alone. - Illinois Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline - 877-863-6338.

WHEELS TO WORSHIP If you need a ride to Mass or would like to drive a fellow parishioner, please contact Louise & Tom Dickey at

Louisedickey or 773-977-8307.

Parish Information

Parish Office and Rectory

(847) 253-5353

Parish FAX: (847) 253-7175

School FAX: (847) 253-0543

Parish School Office

(847) 255-0050

Parish Religious Education Office

(847) 398-5011

Web Site:

Weekend Eucharistic Liturgies

Saturday: 5:00 pm

Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am and 6:00 p.m.

Weekday Eucharistic Liturgies

8:30 am Monday through Friday

Weekday Communion Services

7:00 am Monday through Friday

8:30 am Saturday

Mr. Bud Trunk

Chairperson Parish Pastoral Council

Mr. Tony Russo

Chairperson Worship & Spiritual Life

Chairperson Parish Management Council

Check out OLW Website

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

There is a process available for those adults interested

in learning more about the Catholic faith in order to receive

the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation.

Call the Parish Office at 253-5353.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 11:00 am to 12 Noon or request another

time by contacting one of the priests.

Sacrament of Marriage

Contact the parish office at least six months ahead

of a preferred date for necessary preparation.

Sacrament of Baptism

Celebrated on the First and Third Sunday of each month

at 1:00 pm in the Church. A Baptismal preparation session

is necessary before Baptism. Contact the Parish Office as

soon as possible for details.

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

Homebound or ill who wish to receive this Sacrament

and the Eucharist, please contact the Parish Office.

OUR LADY of the WAYSIDE 4 3 4 W E S T P A R K S T R E E T • A R L I N G T O N H E I G H T S , I L L I N O I S 6 0 0 0 5

“All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Mt 28:18B-19 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.
