Area Community Services Employment & Training Council ......Laura Krist, ACSET Human Resource...


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  • Area Community Services Employment & Training Council (ACSET)


    COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY (CAA) GOVERNING BOARD MEETING Monday ▪ May 22, 2017 ▪ immediately following ACSET Governing Board

    Westside Service Center ▪ 215 Straight Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504


    West Michigan Works! and Community Action of Kent County are divisions of ACSET. ACSET is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program.

    Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY 711

    1550 Leonard NE

    Grand Rapids, MI 49505

    ph: (616) 336-4100 | fax: (616) 336-4118

    online: |

    1. Call to Order, Chairperson Senita Lenear

    2. Public Comment – Agenda Items

    3. Approval of the April 24, 2017 Minutes Action Required

    4. Report on Financial Activities: Brenda Isenhart, ACSET Chief Financial Officer

    a. ACSET Financial Report- Notes to April 2017 Board Financials Information Item

    b. Notes Proposed FY 2018 CAA Budget Information Item

    5. CAA Advisory Governing Board Member Nominations Action Required Jacob Maas, ACSET Chief Executive Officer

    6. Report on Administrative Activities- ACSET CAA Operations Staffing Information Item Laura Krist, ACSET Human Resource Director

    7. CAA Reorganization Update Discussion Item Jacob Maas

    8. Other Business- Cancellation of June 26, 2017 ACSET CAA Governing Board Meeting

    9. Public Comment

    10. Adjournment

    Next Scheduled ACSET CAA Governing Board Meeting: Monday, July 24, 2017

  • ACSET is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY 711

    ACSET COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY (CAA) GOVERNING BOARD MEETING Monday ▪ April 24, 2017 ▪ immediately following ACSET Governing Board

    Westside Service Center ▪ 215 Straight Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504


    CAA Members Present: Commissioners Lenear, Mast, Allen

    CAA Members Absent: Commissioners Stek, Womack

    ACSET Staff Present: Jacob Maas, Susan Cervantes, Brenda Isenhart, Laura Krist, Janette Monroe, Melanie White, Nancy Wiest Guests Present: Ionia County Commissioner Larry Tiejema (ACSET Governing Board Chairperson) 1. Call to Order, Chairperson Senita Lenear at 10:00 a.m.

    2. Public Comment – Agenda Items- None

    3. Approval of the February 27, 2017 Minutes Action Required

    Motion- Com. Allen Supported- Com. Mast Item approved by vote- Motion carried

    4. Report on Financial Activities a. ACSET Financial Report- Notes to March 2017 Board Financials Information Item

    Brenda Isenhart reviewed ACSET CAA Board Financials for the nine months ending March 31, 2017. Brenda answered board members’ questions.

    5. LIHEAP Funding for Weatherization Information Item Susan Cervantes, ACSET Associate Director, reported that the Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (BCAEO-MDHHS) has notified ACSET CAA of additional funding that will allow ACSET to weatherize approximately 34 homes.

    6. CAA Advisory Governing Board Member Nomination Action Required Susan reported that on March 16, 2017, the CAA Advisory Governing Board reviewed and voted to approve Tom Oosterbaan’s application for appointment to the board. Susan noted that Mr. Oosterbaan currently serves as the CAA Advisory Governing Board Chairperson. Motion- Com. Mast Supported- Com. Allen Item approved by vote- Motion carried

    7. Report on Administrative Activities- ACSET CAA Operations Staffing Information Item Laura Krist, ACSET Human Resource Director, reported that ACSET CAA currently has 22 positions of 32 filled, 10 vacancies and 1 temporary position. Brief discussion took place, and Laura answered board members’ questions.

    8. Community Action Agency (CAA) Reorganization Update Discussion Item Jacob Maas, ACSET Chief Executive Officer, reported that the reorganization plan was presented to the full Kent County Board of Commissioners at the end of March, and the Board passed a resolution for October 1 as an official transition date to merge ACSET CAA with the Kent County Department of Community Development.

    Item #3

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    9. Other Business- None

    10. Public Comment- None

    11. Adjournment at 10:13 a.m. by Chairperson Senita Lenear

    Recorded by: ________________________________ Received by: ________________________________

    Item #3

  • Area Community Services Employment & Training Council (ACSET)


    West Michigan Works! and Community Action of Kent County are divisions of ACSET. ACSET is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program.

    Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY 711

    1550 Leonard NE

    Grand Rapids, MI 49505

    ph: (616) 336-4100 | fax: (616) 336-4118

    online: |

    ACSET Memorandum

    TO: ACSET CAA Governing Board

    FROM: Brenda Isenhart, ACSET Chief Financial Officer

    DATE: May 15, 2017

    RE: Notes to March 2017 Board Financials



    Year to date earned revenues total $4,305,949 for the ten months ending April 30, 2017. This amount is

    14.05 % below the budgeted revenues. Four Community Action Programs have a program year end of

    June 30: Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization, Medicaid Enrolls, and the City of Grand Rapids

    Admin and Local Support. We anticipate all of these programs to be nearly if not fully utilized by the

    end of June. We also anticipate the annual renewal of these funding sources.


    Operating expenses of $1,952,367 represent 45.3% of the total expenses through April 2017 and are

    14.7% under budget. All Operating expense categories are within the approved budget. There are no

    significant operating purchases or spending planned for the remainder of the fiscal year.

    Subcontractors, direct client expenses, and commodities expenses all directly benefit our clients and

    represent 54.7% of total expenses. All three of these categories are currently underspent.

    Administrative expenses total 8.15% of operating expenses and only 5.3% of all expenses (excluding the

    non-cash commodities expense).

    Balance Sheet A combined balance sheet is presented for your review. Unearned Revenue reflects grant funding

    received but not yet expended. The majority of this balance comes from the Community Action food

    programs and represents the food inventory held but not yet disbursed.

    Item #4a

  • Area Community Services Employment and Training CouncilCommunity Action Agency Programs


    YTD Thru YTD Thru YTD 2016/2017

    Apr 2017 Actual

    Apr 2016 Actual Budget

    Budget Variance

    Budget Variance %

    Total Revenue $ 4,305,949 $ 4,125,856 $ 5,010,000 $ (704,051) -14.05%

    ExpensesOperating Expenses Wages 968,376$ 915,092$ 1,048,333$ 79,957$ 7.63% Fringe Benefits 379,502 360,577 419,167 39,665 9.46% Consumable supplies 67,373 71,750 102,500 35,127 34.27% Transportation 70,945 63,291 80,000 9,055 11.32% Outside services 160,507 123,137 194,167 33,660 17.34% Space and communicatio 168,572 180,928 205,000 36,428 17.77% Equipment rent and main 8,482 9,198 16,667 8,185 49.11% Equipment purchases 86,710 67,579 152,500 65,790 43.14% Other expense 41,900 46,222 71,667 29,767 41.53%

    Total operating expense 1,952,367$ 1,837,774$ 2,290,000$ 337,633$ 14.74%

    Subcontractors 373,825$ 460,452$ 500,833$ 127,008$ 25.36%

    Direct Client Expenses 671,488$ 811,028$ 760,833$ 89,345$ 11.74%

    Commodities 1,308,269$ 1,016,602$ 1,458,333$ 150,064$ 10.29%2,353,582$ 2,288,082$ 2,720,000$ 366,418$ 13.47%

    Total Expenses 4,305,949$ 4,125,856$ 5,010,000$ 704,051$ 14.05%

    Excess of Revenue over Exp -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00%

    Statement of Revenue & ExpensesFor the Ten Months Ending April 30, 2017

    Item #4a

  • Area Community Services Employment TrainingCommunity Action Agency Programs


    Administration Expenses

    Program Expenses

    Total YTD March 2017 Expenses

    ExpensesSalaries and wages 101,773$ 866,603$ 968,376$ Fringe Benefits 39,877 339,625 379,502 Consumables 2,166 65,207 67,373 Transportation 686 70,259 70,945 Outside services 4,557 155,950 160,507 Space and communications 2,615 165,957 168,572 Equipment rent and maintenance 167 8,315 8,482 Equipment purchases 163 86,547 86,710 Other expense 7,140 34,760 41,900

    Total operating expense 159,144$ 1,793,223$ 1,952,367$

    Actual expenses by cost categoryFor the Ten Months Ending April 30, 2017

    Item #4a

  • Michigan Works! Community Action Combined

    REVENUES 18,988,969$ 4,305,949$ 23,294,918$


    Operating Expenses:Wages 5,765,503$ 968,376$ 6,733,879$ Fringe 2,270,997 379,502 2,650,499 Consumables 546,344 67,373 613,717 Transportation 168,969 70,945 239,914 Outside Services 259,008 160,507 419,515 Space & Communications 1,142,579 168,572 1,311,151 Equipment Rent & Maintenance 72,936 8,482 81,418 Equipment Purchases 186,949 86,710 273,659 Other Expenses 408,586 41,900 450,486

    Total Operating Expenses 10,821,871 1,952,367 12,774,238

    Subcontracotrs 2,840,296 373,825 3,214,121 Training 3,793,039 - 3,793,039 Direct client expenditures 1,533,763 671,488 2,205,251 Commodities - 1,308,269 1,308,269

    Total Expenses 18,988,969$ 4,305,949$ 23,294,918$

    Net Change in Fund Balance -$ -$ -$

    Area Community Services Employment and Training CouncilCombined Statement of Revenue & Expenses By Department

    For the Ten Months Ending April 30, 2017

    Item #4a

  • Date: 5/15/2017, 2:11 PM Page: 1

    Unaudited Audited Audited4/30/17 6/30/16 6/30/15

    Assets Current Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents $867,297 $617,357 $971,425 Accounts Receivable 1,330,076 2,923,954 2,045,944 Inventory (at Cost) 763,804 415,323 157,488 Prepaid Expenses 271,005 265,690 100,909 Total Current Assets 3,232,182 4,222,324 3,275,767 Long-term Assets Property & Equipment 689,881 490,048 403,833 Total Assets $3,922,063 $4,712,372 $3,679,600

    Liabilities Short-term Liabilities Accounts Payable $1,116,619 $1,914,424 $1,345,252 Unearned Revenue 1,108,745 912,308 976,760 C/P Compensated Absences 475,000 475,000 147,926 Total Short Term Liabilities 2,700,364 3,301,732 2,469,938 LT Compensated Absences 242,969 184,131 284,966 Total Liabilities 2,943,333 3,485,863 2,754,904

    Net Assets Total Net Assets 978,730 1,226,509 922,696

    Total Liabilities and Net Assets $3,922,063 $4,712,372 $3,677,600

    Area Community Services Employment and Training CouncilBalance Sheet

    Governmental Activities

    Item #4a

  • Area Community Services Employment & Training Council (ACSET) SERVICES • JOBS • TALENT

    West Michigan Works! and Community Action of Kent County are divisions of ACSET. ACSET is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY 711

    1550 Leonard NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505 ph: (616) 336-4100 | fax: (616) 336-4118 online: |

    ACSET Memorandum

    TO: ACSET CAA Governing Board

    FROM: Brenda Isenhart, ACSET Chief Financial Officer

    DATE: May 15, 2017

    RE: Notes proposed FYE 2018 CAA Budget _____________________________________________________________________________

    The CAA initial budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 is being presented for your consideration.

    Revenue Grant revenue for the fiscal year ending 2018 is being proposed at $1,046,000 compared to the prior year of $4,313,000. The 2018 budget includes only one quarter of the fiscal year 2018 as we anticipate the Community Action Programs to be administered by Kent County instead of ACSET as of October 1, 2017. The 2018 Grant revenue budget consists of estimates for both the carry-over of current year funding and next year’s funding. The budgets are based on a projection of flat funding for next year’s funding. Commodities Revenue represent the cash value of food anticipated to be received during the first quarter of next fiscal year and totals $430,000. Commodities Expense represents the same calculation. Other revenue represents income received as donations for meals and rides as well as shared costs on home projects. Other revenue is budgeted at $5,000.

    Expenditures Wages are budgeted at $375,000. Consideration was given to the anticipated payout of earned leave time as the Community Action staff transition to Kent County employees. No significant purchases are anticipated at this time during the first quarter of next fiscal year. We ask for your consideration of this proposed Fiscal Year 2017 budget.

    Item #4b


    Fiscal Year Fiscal Year2015-16 2016-17 Increase

    Final Budget Proposed Budget (Decrease)REVENUES

    Grants and other 4,313,000$ 1,046,000$ (3,267,000)$ Commodities - Non Cash grant 1,317,000 430,000 (887,000) Other revenue 16,000 5,000 (11,000)

    TOTAL REVENUE 5,646,000$ 1,481,000$ (4,165,000)$


    Operating costs:Wages 1,189,000$ 375,000$ (814,000)$ Fringe 476,000 148,000 (328,000) Consumables 177,000 29,000 (148,000) Transportation 84,000 24,000 (60,000) Outside Services 198,000 40,000 (158,000) Space & Communications 249,000 50,000 (199,000) Equipment Rent & Maintenance 25,000 3,000 (22,000) Equipment Purchases 108,000 10,000 (98,000) Other Expenses 86,000 15,000 (71,000)

    Commodities - Non Cash 1,317,000 430,000 (887,000) Subcontracted program costs 695,000 115,000 (580,000) Direct client expenditures 1,042,000 242,000 (800,000)

    SUBTOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 5,646,000$ 1,481,000$ (4,165,000)$

    Net Change in Fund Balance -$ -$ -$

    Area Community Services Employment and Training Council

    General Fund

    Community Action Programs Budgetary ScheduleFor the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2018

    Item #4b


    Michigan Works! Community Action CombinedFY 2017-18 FY 2017-18 FY 2017-18

    Budget Budget BudgetREVENUES

    Grants and other 24,480,000$ 1,046,000$ 25,526,000$ Commodities - Non Cash grant 430,000 430,000 Program income - Other revenue 45,000 5,000 50,000

    TOTAL REVENUE 24,525,000$ 1,481,000$ 26,006,000


    Operating costs:Wages 8,300,000$ 375,000$ 8,675,000$ Fringe 3,275,000 148,000 3,423,000 Consumables 682,000 29,000 711,000 Transportation 200,000 24,000 224,000 Outside Services 300,000 40,000 340,000 Space & Communications 1,375,000 50,000 1,425,000 Equipment Rent & Maintenance 100,000 3,000 103,000 Equipment Purchases 275,000 10,000 285,000 Other Expenses 450,000 15,000 465,000

    Commodities - Non Cash - 430,000 430,000 Subcontracted program costs 1,085,000 115,000 1,200,000 Training costs 6,920,000 - 6,920,000 Direct client expenditures 1,563,000 242,000 1,805,000

    SUBTOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 24,525,000$ 1,481,000$ 26,006,000

    Net Change in Fund Balance -$ -$ -$

    Area Community Services Employment and Training Council

    General FundCombined Budgetary Schedule By Department

    For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2018

    Item #4b

  • Area Community Services Employment & Training Council (ACSET)


    West Michigan Works! and Community Action of Kent County are divisions of ACSET. ACSET is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program.

    Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY 711

    1550 Leonard NE

    Grand Rapids, MI 49505

    ph: (616) 336-4100 | fax: (616) 336-4118


    ACSET Memorandum

    TO: ACSET CAA Governing Board

    FROM: ACSET Staff

    DATE: May 15, 2017

    RE: CAA Advisory Governing Board Member Renewal


    Since 1968, local community action agencies have been required to have tripartite governing boards to gain and retain designation as eligible entities and to receive CSBG funding. Effective tripartite boards reflect and promote the unique anti-poverty leadership, action, and mobilization responsibilities assigned by law to community action agencies. Boards are responsible for assuring that agencies continue to assess and respond to the causes and conditions of poverty in their community, achieve anticipated family and community outcomes, and remain administratively and fiscally sound. Sections 676B of the Community Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act of 1998 requires that, as a condition of designation, private nonprofit entities and public organizations administer their CSBG program through tripartite boards that "fully participate in the development, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the program to serve low-income communities."

    Board Composition

    Consumer Sector: Low-Income Individuals and Families or Representatives

    For public organizations, such as city, county, or town governments, the law requires that a minimum of one-third of tripartite board membership be comprised of low income individuals and families who reside in areas served or representatives of low-income individuals and families to insure that those who are served by the agency are represented so that they have a strong voice in agency governance and direction and are able to convey to those they represent the presence and significance of community action in their community.

    Public Sector: Elected Officials or Their Representatives One-third must be elected officials, holding office at their time of selection, or their representatives.

    Item #5

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    Private Sector: Major Groups and Interests in the Community Served

    One third members must be chosen from business, industry, and labor, religious, law enforcement, education, or other major groups and interests in the community served.

    Per ACSET Community Action Division Advisory Board By-laws that prescribe the procedure for selecting members, staff is seeking appointment of Wende Randall to the Advisory Governing Board as a Private Sector representative. Ms. Randall currently serves as the Essential Needs Task Force Director and previously worked at the Goodwill Industries Workforce Development Director. Ms. Randall will be an asset to the Advisory Governing Board as she will be representing the interests and needs of all Kent County residents in her position and will be able to bring her experience to the board. Pending review and voting from the CAA Advisory Governing Board on May 18, 2017 her application is being presented for approval to the ACSET Governing Board.

    Item #5

  • ACSET Advisory Board Application: Public/PrivateResponse ID:20 Data



    First Name


    Last Name


    Middle Initial


    908 42nd St SW








    Email Address

    Phone Number


    Alternate Phone Number



    118 Commerce Ave. SW



    Grand Rapids




    Item #5

  • 49503


    Are you a resident of Kent County?


    Are you employed within Kent County?



    Heart of WM United Way - ENTF

    Business Address

    118 Commerce SW, Grand Rapids

    Applicable Employment Experience

    *Director of Kent County Essential Needs Task Force (Present)*Goodwill Industries Workforce Development Director (2003-2017)

    Education Background

    BA - Kalamazoo College

    Community/Organizational Memberships, Affiliations

    List any other (past or present) community service experience

    *JHS Thespians BRAVO Board Member (2015-Present)*English Language Tutor, Literacy Center of West Michigan (2016-Present)*Girl Scouts of MI Shore to Shore Troop Leader (2005-2010)*Goodwill team captain for The Mental Health Foundation Stomp Out Stigma (2013-2016)


    Tony Calcagno, Goodwill IndustriesWendy Falb, Literacy Center of West MichiganLynda Sweigart, Hope Network

    The ACSET Community Action Advisory Board sets a minimum expectation of 75% attendance for all members ofthe board. If appointed, will you be able to comply with the terms of the Attendance Policy?


    Why do you want to be considered for this appointment?

    In my role as Director of the Kent County Essential Needs Task Force, I believe it is important to represent the interestsand needs of all Kent County residents, in accessing important resources throughout the county. I plan to bring theirconcerns to the table, and supporting the board with data which may be helpful in future planning.




    Item #5

  • 2. Thank You!

    Email Notification

    Mar 29, 2017 17:34:07 Success: Email Sent to:

    Item #5

  • May 15, 2017 ACSET Operations Staffing Community Action Agency

    Current – May 2017


    Approved Filled (Permanent)

    Filled (Other)


    Administrative Services Assistant 1 0 0 1

    Associate Director 1 1 0 0

    Chief Executive Officer 1 1 0 0

    Clerk II 4 4 0 0

    Community Services Assistant II 8 7 0 1

    Community Services Specialist 2 1 0 1

    Cook 2 2 0 0

    Driver 4 2 0 2

    Program Manager 1 1 0 0

    Project Supervisor 4 3 0 1

    Warehouse Coordinator 1 0 0 1

    Weatherization Specialist 2 0 0 2

    Weatherization Specialist II 1 1 0 0

    TOTALS 32 23 0 9

    CLASSIFICATION Filled Participant/Temporary 1

    Item #6

    CAA GB Agenda May 2017Item #3 CAA GB Minutes April 2017Item #4a Notes to March 2017 Board FinancialsApr 2017 CAA Financial NarrativeApr 2017 CAA Rev ExpYTD

    Apr 2017 CAA Admin Prog ExpFy16

    Apr 2017 Combined Rev Exp no budget7-1-15-6-30-16

    Apr 2017 Board Balance Sheet-GB_InformationalBoard

    Item #4b Notes proposed FYE 2018 CAA BudgetMay 2016 - CAA Board Budget InitialRevenueExpenditures

    Governing Board FY18 CAA Budget Original Budget7-1-15-6-30-16

    Governing Board FY18 Combined Budget Original7-1-15-6-30-16

    Item #5 CAA Advisory Governing Board Member NominationMemo CAA Advisory Board member_RandallACSET Advisory Board Application PublicPrivate Randall

    Item #6 CAA Operation Staffing Levels May 2017
