Are We Raising a Generation of Burnt Out Children


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Are we raising a generation of burnt out children?


The reason for pushing the children hard today is to nurture them to face the competitive world tomorrow.

Developing talent is not a sin, it will help the child in his future. It is a trickledown effect from the kind of competition experienced for entry into engineering

colleges, graduation and others. as Darwin said that most eligible can survive it is only the way to make the children able so

that they can survive in the sea of humans.


The basic needs of childhood are, time to play, place to play and explore the world through his eyes.

In the name of competition we are raising fatigues children. The stress is resulting into children engaging in all kinds of derogative acts.


It is true that competition is growing day by day but child hood is age for playing making friends so parents should let their kids to do the same.

Advertising is all glitter and little truth.


The stars promoting the product most of the time dont take its responsibility moreover they not even use the product.

Advertisers have to depict what the customers like, enjoy keeping in mind the clients requirements.

As the products increase and so the ads, glitter is a way to ensure brand recall, a very important factor for the advertising firms.

Most of the time companies over showcase their product qualities which is not fair. There are lot of examples like a person eat a chew gum and become so cool that girls start

following him or take example of a famous perfume where if guys use that perfume girls start running behind them all these are totally fake.

Advertising is a business and not charity. Companies hire advertisers for their promoting their products and it is not vice versa.


Advertising firms carry responsibility of providing customers with unbiased information about products.

In order to have a healthy bottom line the ad firms cannot shun their responsibility towards the society.

Ad firms have to develop the ethical content into their processes to ensure fair deals. There are advertisement available which show the notice that it is medically proven or they

are having proof.


Advertisements are somewhat made to attract the customers and some time they might only glitter but sometimes they are also true

Youth in India are becoming greedy by the day


Surely the young genration is becoming greedy every one running behind easy money and dont want to put the efforts to earn it by hard work.

The youth is getting so much opportunities ,still they want to go to ONsite and earn money from there they dont want to contribute in nations growth but want more benfits from government.

Youth dont want to stay in india they want to sattle abroad.


Ambition is being misunderstood for greediness. The way youth behaved in last decade in india the way they have worked and shown there

qualities made the india one of the biggest contender for next super power.


The youth some how running behind money but there ambitions and dreams are acelrated by there own hard work so they derve it.

who is responsible for eve TEASING: Boys or Girl

Favour of (Boys)

Girl motivate the boys with there body language and sometimes there colothes do play the role to motivate boys

Most of the times girl dont react on this kind of activities that might be due to there shy nature but boys got motivation due to this.

Girls should reply back or report back to police so if any one is doing this kind of activities should stop this.

Against of Boys

Boys are completly reponsible of uch kind of acts. But not all boys are the same.Few boys who are illitrate and low class are mostly doing this

kind of activities.


All the time not boys are reponible but few times girls are also responible. Goverment should take strict action against. this kind of people. Girls should alo raise therevoice if someone tease them. good

Favour(" good")

The good form of criticism is known as constructive criticism, it offers valid feedback both positive and negative.

a constructive criticism can lend much needed assistance to an individual by giving them feedback on things that can be improved and issues that can be avoided.

a constructive criticism can also help establish your credibility and expertise by ensuring that you know what you’re talking about, and the people who benefit from your constructive criticism will be more likely to credit you in some way or form for playing a part in their success.

Constructive criticism can also keep feelings from being hurt by focusing on things that can be improved while avoiding personal attacks or insults.

Against(" bad")

Criticism can demotivate the peron from moving forward Few people use the criticism to humilate the people and influence there image in bad way. Some times a criticism can lower the confidence of a person so the criticiser should be fair Delibrate criticism is very popular in modern society to achieve the selfish motives.


every form of criticism constructive or destructive affects a person one way or another, it will either motivate him to try harder or deflate his enthusiasm, so it depends upon the person to whom that criticism is directed how he takes it. but it calls for introspection on his part to do that with justice. if you have someone who's trying to take you away from your path to success and intentionally trying to just ruin your chances for success you can label it constructive and if someone is criticizing you for your betterment and asking you to quit your bad habits them you can label it otherwise.

Lord Gautam Buddha was in deep meditation. At that time, a person came near him and starts abusing him. He starts criticizing and abusing Buddha badly. But he was surprised to see that

there was not even an iota of change in Buddha's expressions. He was as calm and smiling as before. That person gave up and started apologizing for his mistake. He then asked Buddha, "Lord, how is it that you were not offended by my abuses and criticism?" On this, Buddha said, "Dear, I never accepted what you said. So that way your abuses and bad criticism was back to you. Then why should I feel offended?" So true, isn't it? Anyway, we're nowhere close to Lord Buddha. But we can definitely follow what he said. Often we get offended by others' bad remarks and destructive criticism and feel bad for no reason. If we don't accept their words, see how insulted the other one will feel!

Is corrupt but efficient politicians better than honest and in-efficient politicians.


Corrupt but efficient politician can sure make a diffrence in indian governement.Currently most of our politicians are corrupt and inefficiant.

The politicians are not able to take care of citizen's benifits because they are inefficiants.If we have the efficient politicians who are bit corrupt but able to serve the nations that would change the scenario.

The in efficiancy of politicians came out in recent mumbai terror attacks.If we have slightly efficiant people we would never such kind of attacks.


A corrupt poltician can not fullfill his duties even he is efficient because he will use his efficiency in only his shelfishness

Where as a honest politician might not be able to perform but atleast he can improve the current dirty politics and social corruption problem by his honesty.

How one can be inefficiant if he is performing his duties with honesty. Corruption is detrioting the indian society we can not allow a corrupt person as our leader.


A person who has chosen by the thouands and lakhs of people must be efficiant but he should not be corrupt.

Sometimes he may take some benifts out of the system but he should be honest towards the befits of the society and people who have chosen him

Inefficiancy or efficiancy cant be measured But if a person is corrupt it is leagally un avoidable.s

Valentine day is harming our culture.Favour

Valentine day is western festival if our youth really want to celebrate we can choose any other Indian day for this.

On Valentine's Day People do a show off of their love in public? Which is not acceptable to our society and traditions?

Couples should celebrate it gracefully. Valentine day is propaganda of western capitalist society which want to celebrate all those

days where people can come out to the malls and spend their money.


Valentine day is great day for lovers to celebrate their love. According to history it's a western festival but now it is celebrating in India also. It's a day when lovers express their feeling to each other.

It is a love day when lovers give gifts, red roses, flowers, red stuff toy, greeting cards to each other. But our great Indian police have developed some notoriety for suppressing in Valentine's Day. They inspect hotels, restaurants, coffeehouses, and gift shop on 14th Feb. to prevent couples from giving each other valentines or other present. The police ban the sale of red roses, red stuffed animals, red greeting cards and other red items, report store owner.

One more thing do you know guys Valentine's Day is also called by Saint. Valentine's Day. I feel V's day has nothing 2 do with d western influences on Indian culture. India has successfully survived cultural clashes via Hollywood or 4 that matter the various channels coming u like d M TV, V TV etc. We have been influenced by d west for sure, but at d same time we have retained our values. This itself testifies d fact that sumthin like celebration of V' day can cause least of harm to our enriched heritage. The political parties which issue a ban on d V'DAY every yr.,with due respect to them, should take this aspect into consideration. They should unnerstand tht a day which calls for celebration of a beautiful thing like love can cause no harm 2 d society. The concept of V'day shud not be restrained to sumthing celebrated by lovers. Its way beyond tht...its bout d celebration of d relationship we share with our family , frenz, or for tht matter with d society.I dun see ne reason tht such a thing shud be undesirable


Valentines day is a day like other festivals of year where one can show his/her love to dear ones.People should celebrate it gracefully.It is not affecting our traditions and culture.

Growth and integrity are poles apart.Favor

Growth is the edge a person or organization wants to achieve over its rivals. Where integrity is honesty to work. Both have nothing to do with each other.

Growth needs selfishness, greediness of making profit which is certainly urge a person or organization to move away from his integrity.

Public sharing of private lives has not led to a rethinking of anything. It's just reminded people to use extreme caution when publicly sharing their private lives. If you wouldn't do something in front of everyone you know, don't do it on the internet.

Integrity needs the overall honesty which is not possible while running a profit making business.

If you see all the businessman who achieved success have been accused of asking their integrity.


Growth is achievement of overall goals of a person or organization which include happiness of people around. Which cannot be achieved without the honesty or integrity to once value?

Public sharing of private lives has led to a rethinking of our current conceptions of privacy. One can achieve imaginary growth by sacking the integrity but it will ruin organizational or

personal actual growth and respect.

here are many live examples who achieved social and economic growth by sticking with integrity like Manmohan Singh.


Growth and integrity both are important for success of organization as well as a person. But achieving growth by sacking integrity meaningless as it won’t give you mental satisfaction or respect from society.
