ARCLER PRESS 2017 catalog.pdf · PARASITOLOGY: A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH Editor: Patricia Marques This...


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► Agriculture and Life Sciences ► Animal and Veterinary Science ► Chemistry ► Computer Science and Information

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Table of ContentsAgriculture and Life Sciences 1

Animal and Veterinary Science 9

Chemistry 10

Computer Science and Information Technology 12

Education 16

Engineering and Technology 17

Environmental Sciences 24

Food Science, Health and Nutrition 29

Journalism and Mass Communication 30

Law and Criminology 32

Library and Information Science 33

Management 35

Mathematics and Statistics 37

Physics 39

Tourism and Hospitality 41

Zoology & Botany 42

Complete Checklist 43


Agriculture and Life Sciences 2017



AMINO ACIDS: BIOCHEMISTRY AND NUTRITIONEditor: Kristy JuneThis book covers the elementary knowledge of the regulation of biosynthesis of various amino acids in plants and the solicitation of this knowledge to the discovery of novel in-hibitors of amino acid biosynthesis and for enhancing the nutritional value of amino ac-ids. It delivers crisp coverage of major histori-cal developments of the scientific discipline, so that readers will appreciate the past, un-

derstand the current state of the knowledge, and discover the future of the field. In biochemistry, amino acids having both the amine and the carboxylic acid groups attached to the first (alpha-) carbon atom have particular importance.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-521-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIAL BIOINFORMATICSEditor: Dr Ashwani KumarThis is a concise and comprehensive textbook of bioinformatics that provides a broad intro-duction to entire field. Valuable for life science students, the basics and key areas of bioinfor-matics are covered followed by the computa-tional tools to solve biological research prob-lems. Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. It is the applica-tion of computer technology to the manage-

ment of biological information. Computers are used to gather, store, ana-lyze and integrate biological and genetic information which can then be applied to gene-based drug discovery and development.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-522-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOTECHNOLOGYEditor: Ian MooreIn this book, we will discuss the fundamen-tals of biotechnology. Biotechnology is a broad discipline in which biological process-es, organisms, cells or cellular components are exploited to develop new technologies. New tools and products developed by bio-technologists are useful in research, agricul-ture, industry and the clinic. Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to

develop or make products, or any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-523-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ENVIRONMENTAL BIOCHEMISTRYEditor: Levitah Castil Mapatac Biochemistry is used in Environmental Science when understanding the environment’s ef-fect on living organisms as they interact with environmental pollutants. Applying principles of Biochemistry for the protection of environ-ment is the main concern of environmental biochemistry. This book covers the chemistry behind these interactions, bottom up from the atomic to the system’s level. This book is use-ful for the students and other professionals of

general science. The book explores biological resources and their rela-tionship with physical and chemical aspects of the environment.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-524-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

AN INTRODUCTION TO GENETICSEditor: Roksana Khalid Genetics presents the basic facts and concepts with enough depth of knowledge to stimulate students to move on to more cutting-edge aspects of the subject. It covers contempo-rary genetics, and helps students understand the essentials of genetics, teaching them how to analyze data, and how to draw their own conclusions. Genetics is the study of heredity. Heredity is a biological process where a par-ent passes certain genes onto their children or

offspring. The genetic information lies within the cell nucleus of each liv-ing cell in the body. The genes lie within the chromosomes. At one point along their length, each chromosome has a constriction, called the cen-tromere.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-526-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ENZYME BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGYEditor: Olivia BerthoumieuIn recent years, there have been consider-able developments in techniques for the investigation and utilization of enzymes. En-zymes can build up or break down other mol-ecules. The molecules they act on are called substrates. Enzymes are catalysts-chemicals that hasten a chemical reaction without un-dergoing any change themselves. Enzyme Technology is one the most promising disci-

plines in modern biotechnology. Most of the traditional chemical-based processes are being replaced by enzyme-based processes. In this text, the applications of a wide variety of enzymes are highlighted.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-525-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Agriculture and Life Sciences 2017



INTRODUCTION TO BACTERIOLOGYEditor: Kristy JuneBacteriology refers to the study of bacteria. This is the discipline of microbiology that involves the identification, classification, and characterization of bacterial species. The discipline of bacteriology evolved from the need of physicians to test and apply the germ theory of disease and from economic concerns relating to the spoilage of foods and wine. The initial advances in pathogenic bac-

teriology were derived from the identification and characterization of bacteria associated with specific diseases. This is a comprehensive text that will be useful to anyone with an interest in microbiology, medical microbiology, microbial ecology, infectious diseases, immunology, hu-man biology, medicine, dentistry.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-527-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

INTRODUCTION TO CELL BIOLOGYEditor: Kristy JuneCell biology is concerned to the study of cell structure and function and focuses on the con-cept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. A basic understanding of cell biology including genetics will be as important as having some knowledge about computers and the Internet. It is also important that everyone feels in-formed about how the increase in knowledge about cell biology could affect him or her and society in general. By understanding how cells

work in healthy and diseased states, cell biologists working in animal, plant and medical science will be able to develop new vaccines, more ef-fective medicines, plants with improved qualities and through increased knowledge a better understanding of how all living things live.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-528-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF MICROBIOLOGY Editor: Patricia Marques This textbook conveys together information on the extensive range of topics in microbiol-ogy. Microbiology is the study of organisms, most of which are too small to be seen with the naked eye, including bacteria, algae, pro-tozoa, and fungi, as well as a cellular agents, such as viruses and prions. The book covers bacteria, fungi, algae, viruses, prions, and many other topics. The field is concerned with the structure, function, and classifica-

tion of such organisms and with ways of both exploiting and controlling their activities. Daily life is interwoven inextricably with microorgan-isms. In addition to populating both the inner and outer surfaces of the human body, microbes abound in the soil, in the seas, and in the air.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-529-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGYEditor: Patricia Marques This book presents information in an easily as-similated form, this book makes an ideal un-dergraduate text for students of molecular biology or molecular genetics. Molecular biol-ogy is concerned with biological activity at the molecular level. Molecular biology looks at the molecular mechanisms behind processes such as replication, transcription, translation and cell function. One way to describe the basis of

molecular biology is to say it concerns understanding how genes are tran-scribed into RNA and how RNA is then translated into protein. However, this simplified picture is currently be reconsidered and revised due to new discoveries concerning the roles of RNA.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-530-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMISTRYEditor: Olivia Berthoumieu Principles of Biochemistry provides a con-cise introduction to fundamental concepts of biochemistry. Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes within and related to living organisms. Bio-chemistry focuses on processes happening at a molecular level. It focuses on what’s happen-ing inside our cells, studying components like proteins, lipids and organelles. It also looks at how cells communicate with each other, for

example during growth or fighting illness. Biochemists need to under-stand how the structure of a molecule relates to its function, allowing them to predict how molecules will interact. Biochemistry covers a range of scientific disciplines, including genetics, microbiology, forensics, plant science and medicine. Because of its breadth, biochemistry is very im-portant and advances in this field of science over the past 100 years have been staggering. It’s a very exciting time to be part of this fascinating area of study.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-532-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PARASITOLOGY: A CONCEPTUAL APPROACHEditor: Patricia Marques This text covers all areas of interest in con-temporary parasitology to provide infor-mation undergraduate students with the most up to date information in the field of parasitology. Parasitology traditionally has included the study of three major groups of animals: parasitic protozoa, parasitic hel-minths (worms), and those arthropods that directly cause disease or act as vectors of

various pathogens. A parasite is a pathogen that simultaneously injures and derives sustenance from its host. Some organisms called parasites are actually commensals, in that they neither benefit nor harm their host (for example, Entamoeba coli). Although parasitology had its ori-gins in the zoologic sciences, it is today an interdisciplinary field, greatly influenced by microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, and other life sciences. Infections of humans caused by parasites number in the bil-lions and range from relatively innocuous to fatal. The diseases caused by these parasites constitute major human health problems throughout the world.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-531-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Agriculture and Life Sciences 2017



PRINCIPLES OF PROTEOMICSEditor: Ian MooreThis textbook is a comprehensive guide in the context of overall strategies which can be adopted to address the different aspects of large-scale protein analysis. Proteomics is a rapidly growing field of molecular biology that is concerned with the systematic, high-throughput approach to protein expression analysis of a cell or an organism. Typical re-sults of proteomics studies are inventories of the protein content of differentially ex-

pressed proteins across multiple conditions. The emergence of pro-teomics, the large-scale analysis of proteins, has been inspired by the realization that the final product of a gene is inherently more complex and closer to function than the gene itself. Shortfalls in the ability of bioinformatics to predict both the existence and function of genes have also illustrated the need for protein analysis. Proteomics enables the understanding the structure, function and interactions of the entire protein content in a specific organism.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-533-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PLANT STRESS PHYSIOLOGYEditor: Cajumban, Alyssa A.This book will provide an update on the recent progress in our knowledge on all aspects of plant’s perception, signalling and adaptation to variety of environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, temperature and pH ex-tremes. A plant stress usually reflects some sudden change in environmental condition. However, in stress-tolerant plant species, ex-posure to a particular stress leads to acclima-tion to that specific stress in a time-dependent

manner. Thus, plant stress and plant acclimation are intimately linked with each other. The stress-induced modulation of homeostasis can be considered as the signal for the plant to initiate processes required for the establishment of a new homeostasis associated with the acclimated state. Plants exhibit stress resistance or stress tolerance because of their genetic capacity to adjust or to acclimate to the stress and establish a new homeostatic state over time.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-534-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CELL BIOLOGY: MEIOSIS AND MITOSIS Editor: Kristy JuneThis book explains what cells are and intro-duces the processes of mitosis and meiosis. Meiosis is a special type of cell division that is designed to produce gametes. Before meio-sis occurs, the cell will be double diploid and have a pair of each chromosome, the same as before mitosis. Mitosis is used for almost all of your body’s cell division needs. It adds new cells during development and replaces

old and worn-out cells throughout your life. The aim of mitosis is to produce daughter cells that are genetically identical to their mothers, with not a single chromosome more or less. Meiosis, on the other hand, is used for just one purpose in the human body: the production of gam-etes—sex cells, or sperm and eggs. Its goal is to make daughter cells with exactly half as many chromosomes as the starting cell. The recent discovery of analogous proteins that are involved in the regulation of both meiosis and mitosis makes it increasingly apparent that meiosis is closely related to mitosis, and can be regarded as a highly specialized mitotic division.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-535-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGYEditor: Dr Ashwani Kumar Computational Biology provides a compre-hensive guidance in the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and com-putational simulation techniques to the study of biological systems. Computational Biology, sometimes referred to as bioinformatics, is the science of using biological data to develop al-gorithms and relations among various biologi-cal systems. Prior to the advent of computa-

tional biology, biologists were unable to have access to large amounts of data. Computational biomodeling is a field concerned with building com-puter models of biological systems. Computational biomodeling aims to develop and use visual simulations in order to assess the complexity of biological systems.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-536-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

STEM CELL BIOLOGY: FUNDAMENTALSEditor: Dr Ashwani Kumar This text provides a comprehensive and en-gaging overview of the stem cells and regener-ative medicine. As, the future of regenerative medicine depends on fully understanding the regenerative properties of stem cells. Adult or somatic stem cells exist throughout the body after embryonic development and are found inside of different types of tissue. These stem cells have been found in tissues such as the

brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscles, skin, and the liver. They remain in a quiescent or non-dividing state for years until acti-vated by disease or tissue injury. Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into more specialised cells and divide (through mitosis) to produce more stem cells (self-renew). They are found in mul-ticellular organisms.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-538-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ENTOMOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTIONEditor: Nada Ben Abdallah This book is a general introduction to ento-mology and includes coverage of the major insects (and mites) that cause harm to crops, livestock and humans. Entomology is the sci-entific study of insects, a branch of zoology. In the past the term “insect” was more vague, and historically the definition of entomology included the study of terrestrial animals in other arthropod groups or other phyla, such

as arachnids, myriapods, earthworms, land snails, and slugs. This wider meaning may still be encountered in informal use. Entomology is now a well-established discipline and with the scope of the environmental sciences continuing to expand, the evidence that we can acquire from it is expected to continue to have the broadest possible appeal.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-537-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Agriculture and Life Sciences 2017



INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGYEditor: Roksana KhalidThis is a comprehensive text on prospective biology majors and a grasp of the structure of evolutionary theory, the evidence for it, and the scope of its explanatory significance. Biol-ogy is the science of life. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms. Modern biology is a vast and eclectic field, composed of many branches and subdisciplines. Howev-er, despite the broad scope of biology, there

are certain general and unifying concepts within it that govern all study and research, consolidating it into single, coherent field. In general, bi-ology recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life, genes as the basic unit of heredity, and evolution as the engine that propels the synthesis and creation of new species.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-539-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF MARINE BIOLOGYEditor: Nada Ben AbdallahThis book provides an introduction to the en-vironmental and anthropogenic threats facing the world’s oceans and outlines overview of the problems and benefits of living in seawa-ter, with an ecological survey of marine organ-isms. Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms that live in the oceans and other saltwater environments such as estuaries and wetlands. The ocean is a complex three-dimen-sional world covering approximately 71% of the

Earth’s surface. The habitats studied in marine biology include everything from the tiny layers of surface water in which organisms and abiotic items may be trapped in surface tension between the ocean and atmosphere, to the depths of the oceanic trenches.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-540-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PHOTOSYNTHESIS: PHYSIOLOGY AND METABOLISM Editor: Cajumban, Alyssa A.This book gives an overview of the present understanding of all areas of molecular pro-cesses of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process used by plants, algae and certain bacteria to harness energy from sunlight into chemical energy. Plants need food but they do not have to wait on people or animals to provide for them. Most plants are able to make their own food whenever they need it.

This is done using light and the process is called photosynthesis. Photo-synthesis takes place in the leaves of plants. The leaves are made up of very small cells. Inside these cells are tiny structures called chloroplasts. Each chloroplast contains a green chemical called chlorophyll which gives leaves their green color.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-541-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

AN INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERINGEditor: Barbara June Dinampo Agriculture is the science of arts and occupa-tion of cultivating the soil, producing crops and rearing of animals to provide food, wool and other products. Agricultural Engineering is concerned with the design, construction and improvement of farming equipment and machinery. Agricultural engineers integrate technology with farming. Agricultural engi-neers may perform tasks such as planning, su-

pervising and managing the building of dairy effluent schemes, irrigation, drainage, flood water control systems, performing environmental impact assessments, and agricultural product processing and relevant practices. This book introduces readers to the basic principles involved in agricul-tural engineering and the major problems inherent in managing land and mechanical device.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-542-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

AQUACULTURE: FARMING AQUATIC ANIMALS AND PLANTSEditor: Tadena, Anjanette S. Providing a broad and readable overview of the subject, this text provides a comprehen-sive coverage of current information on nutri-ent requirements, feed formulations and feed-ing practices as well as issues associated with sustainable aquaculture development, cul-ture systems, hatchery methods, of commer-cially important aquaculture species cultured around the world. Aquaculture is the breeding

and harvesting of plants and animals in water. It can take place in natural water bodies such as ponds, lakes, marshland or brackish water and the ocean. It can also be conducted in man-made tanks, commonly found in fish hatcheries.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-544-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF BOTANYEditor: Tadena, Anjanette S. This text provides a modern and compre-hensive overview of the fundamentals of plant biology. Botany is the scientific study of plants—how plants function, what they look like, how they are related to each other, where they grow, how people make use of plants, and how plants evolved. Botany often includes the study of algae, may deal with fungi and bacteria, and usually explores the lives of plants, from tiny floating duckweeds to gigantic redwood trees. Plants are essen-

tial to the lives of humans, providing all our food—either directly or in-directly—as well as the oxygen we breathe. Plants are the foundation of all terrestrial communities, and they dramatically affect the world’s climate, the global cycles of nutrients and water, as well as the lives of animals every day.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-543-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Agriculture and Life Sciences 2017



CROP PROTECTION: MANAGEMENT APPROACHESEditor: Barbara June DinampoCrop protection is an issue of increasing con-cern in the current agriculture to protect cultivated crops against diseases, pests as well as competing weeds and grasses. It is the science and practice of managing plant diseases, weeds and other pests that damage agricultural crops and forestry. The crops in field are exposed to many factor. The crop plants may be damaged by insects, birds, ro-

dents, bacteria, etc. This text deals with protecting crops from weeds, insects and diseases primarily to increase yield.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-545-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CROP SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYEditor: Taras KazantsevCrop Science and Technology covers the funda-mentals as well as modern approaches of crop science and technology focusing many tech-niques and practices implemented to maintain quality though correct handling and storage. Crop sciences is concerned with selection and improvement of crops. It includes research and development on production techniques, improving agriculture productivity, minimizing the effects of pest, planting, maintenance, pro-

tection, harvesting and storage aspects of post-harvest. Crop technology is the application of organized and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-546-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DAIRY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Editor: Cecilia UmaliDairy science and technology provides facts and figures on the production of highly nu-tritious and safe milk and dairy products in a sustainable manner. It focuses on the prin-ciples of physical, chemical, enzymatic, and microbial transformations. Dairy science explores the technology and science behind the production of milk and milk products like cheese, yogurt, butter, ice cream and casein.

Dairy science professionals must learn everything from raising cattle to managing a dairy plant. Read on to explore education and career op-tions. Dairy science focuses on the production and manufacturing of all dairy products, including milk.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-547-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FARM MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND PRACTICEEditor: Barbara June Dinampo Farm management is the collective term for various management strategies and methods that are employed to keep a farm productive and profitable. The process of this type of management is often associated with large commercial farms, although many of the same methods can be used with equal success on a small family-owned farm. Farm management is making and implementing of the decisions

involved in organizing and operating a farm for maximum production and profit. Farm management draws on agricultural economics for informa-tion on prices, markets, agricultural policy, and economic institutions such as leasing and credit. This text details the theory and practices of managing the farm business along commercial lines and are of concern to both farmers and extension workers.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-548-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF WEED MANAGEMENTEditor: Arit Efretuei An introductory text on fundamentals and principles of weed science providing the in-formation necessary for the development of weed management strategies. Weeds are found throughout the world. However, all are not common in every region. Since weeds can be easily spread, more and more are being dis-seminated to places where they were not orig-inally found. Weed management is the control

of weeds through a long-term management approach, using several weed management techniques. Weed management is most successful when it involves an integrated approach using a variety of methods. The com-mon methods used to manage weeds include prevention and cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical means.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-550-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FISHERIES MANAGEMENT: PROGRESS TOWARD SUSTAINABILITYEditor: Tadena, Anjanette S. This book analyses the ecosystem-based fish-eries management in marine areas. Sustain-able and responsible fisheries management is of a fundamental importance as fisheries are one of the main pillars of the economy. Fish and fisheries are an integral part of most societies and make important contributions to economic and social health and well-being

in many countries and areas. It has been estimated that approximately 12.5 million people are employed in fishery-related activities, and in recent years global production from capture fisheries has tended to vary between approximately 85 and 90 million tonnes. The products from these fisheries are used in a wide variety of ways, ranging from subsistence use to international trade as highly sought-after and highly-valued items. There has been a lot of interest in recent years in mov-ing from fisheries management focused essentially on single-species or single fisheries, to management with an ecosystem orientation.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-549-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Agriculture and Life Sciences 2017



HORTICULTURE: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICESEditor: Hazelle S. CabugaoThis book describes the growth of gardens, their history and development and provides information on the various principal horti-cultural practices, taxonomy and its signifi-cance. Horticulture is concerned with grow-ing plants that are used by people for food, for medicinal purposes, and for aesthetic gratification. Horticulture is divided into spe-cializations Horticulture is the science and

art of producing, improving, marketing, and using fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. It differs from botany and other plant sciences in that horticulture incorporates both science and aesthetics. Production and consumption of high quality fruits and vegetables al-lows us to maintain a healthy, balanced daily diet. Flowers and orna-mental plants enrich our homes and communities, and contribute to our sense of well-being. Horticulture impacts our lives on a daily basis by providing nutritious fruits and vegetables, offering visual enjoyment, and promoting recreational activities.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-551-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

INSECTICIDES AND PESTICIDES: STRATEGIES FOR CROP PROTECTIONEditor: Taras KazantsevPesticides in agriculture is increasing and can be substantial in areas of intense agriculture. Pesticides are chemicals designed to kill or control insects, weeds, fungi, rodents and mi-crobes. Many pesticides have been found to be harmful to human and animal health or to the environment. As pesticides are used in many different sectors (e.g. agriculture, forestry,

food industry, etc.) they may put workers in different occupations at risk of acute poisoning or occupational diseases. This text gives a short in-troduction on pesticide classification, labelling and information system, presents information on related health problems, description of how ex-posure may take place and requirements for safe handling of pesticides with the emphasis on agricultural production.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-552-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF AGRONOMY Editor: Razel Paniza AlmendrasPlants are some of the most common re-newable and sustainable natural resources on earth, and agronomy is the study of how to efficiently cultivate crops for food, fuel, medicine, textiles and building materials. Agronomy is a science and a practice that looks at agriculture from an integrated, ho-listic perspective. In agronomy, it’s important to understand the properties of the soil and how the soil interacts with the growing crop;

what nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs and when and how to apply these nutrients; the ways that crops grow and develop; how climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages; and how best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests. In this text, readers will find information and illustrations on the latest agricultural methods, regulations, and practices.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-553-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

IRRIGATION: AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENTEditor: Barbara June Dinampo Irrigation Management is important since it helps determine future Irrigation expecta-tions. Irrigation is the artificial exploitation and distribution of water at project level aim-ing at application of water at field level to ag-ricultural crops in dry areas or in periods of scarce rainfall to assure or improve crop pro-duction. The goal of irrigation management is to use water in the most profitable way at

sustainable production levels. For production agriculture this generally means supplementing precipitation with irrigation. In recent years we have seen declines in groundwater levels, best management practices (BMPs) for the use of irrigation water can help increase efficiency and uniformity and reduce contamination of water resources. This text is a comprehensive overview on the basic principles and practices of applied agricultural irrigation.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-554-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ORGANIC FARMING FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTUREEditor: Barbara June DinampoThis book provides a timely analysis and assess-ment of the potential of organic agriculture for rural development and the improvement of livelihoods. The desire for a sustainable agri-culture is universal, yet agreement on how to progress towards it remains elusive. Organic farming seems to be more appropriate, it considers the important aspects like sustain-ability of natural resources and environment.

It is a production system which favors maximum use of organic materials (crop residue, animal residue, legumes, on and off farm wastages, growth regulators, bio-pesticides) and discourages use of synthetically produced agro-inputs, for maintaining soil productivity and fertility and pest man-agement under conditions of sustainable natural resources and healthy environment. In this text, a review of organic farming methods and prac-tices is focused as an alternate for sustainable crop production.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-556-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENTEditor: Abao, Lary Nel B. There has been a tremendous increase in the production of livestock products and this is expected to continue in the coming future. Developments in breeding, nutrition and animal health will continue to contribute to increasing potential production and further efficiency and genetic gains. Livestock pro-duction is likely to be increasingly affected by carbon constraints and environmental and

animal welfare legislation. Demand for livestock products in the future could be heavily moderated by socio-economic factors such as human health concerns and changing socio-cultural values. This book provides facts and figure for the improvement of livestock production through integrated natural resource management.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-555-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Agriculture and Life Sciences 2017



FUNDAMENTALS OF PLANT PATHOLOGY Editor: Arit EfretueiThis introductory text outlines how to recog-nize, treat, and prevent plant diseases. Plant Pathology is the study of plants and their pathogens, the process of disease, and how plant health and disease are influenced by factors such as the weather, nonpathogenic microorganisms, and plant nutrition. Plant diseases are caused by biotic agents like fungi, bacteria, actinomycets, Mycoplasma,

viruses, nematodes, and flowering parasites or by abiotic like unfavor-able environmental conditions or nutritional deficiencies. Study of plant pathology includes the study of sciences viz, Microbiology, Bacteriol-ogy, Virology, Mycology, Nematology, protozology, phycology, unfavor-able , environmental factors, nutritional deficiencies and flowering plant parasites.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-557-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

GENETICS AND GENOMICS OF PLANTSEditor: Arit EfretueiThis book covers topics ranging from plant ge-nome structure and the key control points in how genes are expressed, to the mechanisms by which proteins are generated and how their activities are controlled and changed. Ge-nomic tools have emerged as efficient and ro-bust methods to enhance genetic gain in crop breeding programs; their use has been fast in staple cereals and high value crops, but limited

in most of the legume crops. The cultivation of plants is an important aspect of today’s society in many ways. Not only do plants supply us with a major food resource and flow of nutrition but they are also an impor-tant source of chemicals and other non-food products such as drugs, oils, latex, pigments, and resins. The physical appearance of plants is deter-mined by genetic factors that are inherited from parental crops. The natu-ral transfer of genes can be altered using many genetic techniques such as selection or genetic engineering. One of the important goals of plant breeding is maintaining genetic diversity.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-558-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES OF PLANT BREEDINGEditor: Razel Paniza Almendras This book offers the comprehensive knowl-edge of plant reproduction and their envi-ronmental interaction, which can help guide new breeding tools and techniques and help insure enduring progress in serving more food for growing populations. Plant breeding is the process by which humans change the charac-teristics of plants over time to make them bet-ter crops and more nourishing food. Such se-

lective breeding changes the genetic composition of the plants over time. Plant breeding has been practiced for thousands of years, since near the beginning of human civilization. It is now practiced worldwide by indi-viduals such as gardeners and farmers, or by professional plant breeders employed by organizations such as government institutions, universities, crop-specific industry associations or research centers.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-560-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SOIL SCIENCE: PRINCIPLES AND TECHNOLOGYEditor: Taras KazantsevThis text is concerned with soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemi-cal, biological, and fertility properties of soils intrinsically; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils. Soil is the extremely thin but precious skin covering our planet that sustains all terrestrial life forms and contributes nutrients and filters contami-nants to aquatic environments. Soil Science

focuses on the importance of soils as a very slowly renewable natural resource. It involves the study of the properties and processes that oc-cur in soils, as well as the sustainable use and management of soils for the benefit of mankind. Given the rapidly growing population, possible future water shortages, increasing pollution, soil degradation and ever-increasing food needs, Soil Science is indispensable for the prosperous future of humankind.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-562-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PRINCIPLES OF SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYEditor: Hazelle S. Cabugao The seed is the most important and essen-tial starting point for a healthy plant. They are the starting point for the production of most crops and delivery system for advanced genetics. Seeds constitute 70% of our food and recent additional uses of seeds as stored energy has increased both seed and com-modity prices worldwide. Increasing demand for seed as biofuel feedstock coupled with a

need to feed a burgeoning global population makes seed science and technology an essential discipline for human survival and prosperity. Cereal production alone will have to increase by roughly a billion metric tons in the next 30 years to meet world needs. To meet future world needs for food, fiber and energy, additional research advancements in seed genetics and technology will be critical. This textbook provides an updated introduction to the science and technology of seeds ideal for students and teachers in the agricultural and life sciences; individuals involved in seed certification; members of plant quarantine laborato-ries.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-561-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

VERTICAL FARMINGEditor: Hazelle S. Cabugao Vertical farming is the practice of produc-ing food in vertically stacked layers, such as in a skyscraper, used warehouse, or ship-ping container. The modern ideas of vertical farming use indoor farming techniques and controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) technology, where all environmental factors can be controlled. These facilities utilize arti-ficial control of light, environmental control (humidity, temperature, gases...) and ferti-

gation. By the year 2050, nearly 80% of the earth’s population will re-side in urban centers. Applying the most conservative estimates to cur-rent demographic trends, the human population will increase by about 3 billion people during the interim. It is the need to increase crop yield without increasing the land area for crops. This text shows how multi-story intensely managed indoor farms, grown inside skyscrapers, are capable of producing traditional greenhouse crops, year-round.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-566-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Agriculture and Life Sciences 2017



SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FARMING Editor: Arit EfretueiThe desire for a sustainable agriculture is universal, yet agreement on how to prog-ress towards it remains vague. Sustainability is considered in relation to organic farming growing rapidly in many countries. The role of regulation and the use of synthetic agro-chemicals, the desired degree of self-reliance of agricultural systems, and the scale of pro-duction and trade in agricultural goods are all

considered in the context of this discussion of sustainability. Agriculture is the most important sector for ensuring food security, alleviating pov-erty and conserving the vital natural resources that the world’s present and future generation will be entirely dependent upon for their sur-vival and well-being, in the name of development, the environmental resources have been beyond comprehension. This book is about some of the major environmental and social problems connected with sus-tainable farming; outlines a framework for analyzing its sustainability; discusses key linkages among the environmental, economic, and social indicators.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-563-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FARMING OF VEGETABLE AND FRUITS Editor: Arit EfretueiVegetable and fruit farming is the growing of vegetables and fruits for human consumption. This text is a comprehensive resource about a wide variety of vegetables, and fruit pro-vide cultivation advice, information on pests and diseases, and food safety practices. Food safety is important on every farm, and grow-ers have a responsibility to minimize risks to produce food that is not only wholesome and

nutritious, but also safe. Proper disease management, harvest practices (including picker instruction and supervision), and postharvest handling are critical to success production. Cooling produce to remove field heat and improve shelf life is especially important. Treatments to reduce decay may be another important consideration. Sorting and washing of some fruits and vegetables can also be done to help maintain quality and im-prove appearance. All such practices are addressed in this book, including planting techniques, irrigation technology, and how they are beneficial to people and the environment.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-564-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

HILL FARMINGEditor: Hazelle S. CabugaoHill farming is extensive farming in upland areas, primarily rearing sheep, although his-torically cattle were often reared extensively in upland areas. It also considers the typical agricultural systems found across upland farms and how these contribute to the suc-cess or otherwise of the farming business. The dominant features of hill farming are small land holdings, sloping marginal land, and rainfall-dependent farming. Despite this,

a variety of cereals, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and medicinal, aromatic and dye plants (MADP) are grown. The major rainfed cropping systems are maize-wheat, rice-wheat, and intercropped pulses and oilseeds in maize and wheat, while rice-wheat and vegetable based crop sequenc-es are dominant under irrigated conditions.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-565-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Animal and Veterinary Science 2017



TEXTBOOK OF ANIMAL GENETICS AND BREEDING Editor: Nada Ben AbdallahThis text focuses on various aspects of animal heredity, or the passing of traits from one generation to the next. The book encompass-es topics such as genetic variability, genetic testing, and animal breeding. Animal Genet-ics offers genetic testing services for Avian DNA sexing and diseases, Canine inherited traits and diseases, and Equine coat color and inherited disorders. The breeding and genet-

ics is known for its historical and recent accomplishments in application of classical quantitative genetics for improvement of beef, swine, and dairy animals. Once an animal is born with a good trait, that trait can be passed to the next generation. Over time, more animals in the herd will be born with that good trait. This helps producers achieve their breed-ing goal. The process of selecting animals based on their genetics has helped advance agricultural productivity over the past 50 years.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-591-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

VETERINARY SCIENCE AND MEDICINE Editor: Nada Ben AbdallahVeterinary science is the study of different kinds of diseases, treatment, diagnosis and prevention in birds and animals. Veterinary medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in non-human animals. The scope of veteri-nary medicine is wide, covering all animal spe-cies, both domesticated and wild, with a wide range of conditions which can affect different

species. Veterinary medicine is widely practiced, both with and without professional supervision. This book covers all clinical, medical, and tech-nological aspects.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-592-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

REPRODUCTION IN CATTLEEditor: Cecilia UmaliCattle breeding is undertaken chiefly to im-prove cattle progeny. The ability of a cow to successfully mate, conceive, give birth to and raise a healthy calf each year is essential to economical beef production. A good under-standing of anatomy and physiology of both the male and female is helpful in successfully managing reproduction. In order to manage cattle reproduction and the specific prob-lems that arise, it is important to understand

the underlying physiology of the reproductive process. Thus, this text aims to provide an integrated overview of the subject of bovine repro-duction, describing the normal function of the reproductive system together with its modification by pharmacological, technological and management techniques in relation to the central theme of reproduc-tive efficiency. This book continues to provide a general background to the field of cattle reproduction for agricultural and animal science stu-dents and as an introductory text to veterinary students embarking on a career in reproductive research.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-593-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Chemistry 2017



CHROMATOGRAPHY TECHNIQUESEditor: Valeria Severino, Ph.D.Chromatography is a versatile method of sep-arating many different kinds of chemical mix-tures. The mixture is dissolved in a fluid called the mobile phase, which carries it through a structure holding another material called the stationary phase. This book provides a unified and balanced introduction to the general the-ory of chromatography, followed by a detailed treatment of the principles and practice of all the major techniques currently employed in the industrial sectors.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-412-9 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

BIOELECTROCHEMISTRYEditor: Valeria Severino, Ph.D.Bioelectrochemistry is a branch of electro-chemistry and biophysical chemistry con-cerned with electrophysiological topics like cell electron-proton transport, cell membrane potentials and electrode reactions of redox enzymes. This book describes some of the dif-ferent experimental techniques that can be used to study bioelectrochemical problems and discusses various applications of biolelec-trochemisty.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-413-6 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

WATER CHEMISTRYEditor: Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D.In this book, it is provided the fundamental studies of water structure and its properties, the methods for its analysis and treatment, and not at last the monitoring and cleaning of natural water. Many of the included articles focus on the behaviour of pollutant substances in water and control of its quality.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-414-3 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESSES IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMSEditor: Valeria Severino, Ph.D.An electrochemical process is a chemical re-action that either causes or is caused by the movement of electrical current. These pro-cesses are a type of oxidation-reduction reac-tion in which one atom or molecule loses an electron to another atom or molecule. This book provides a comprehensive look at bioen-ergetics, the energy flow in living systems, by studying ion exchange and electron transfer processes in biological membranes and artifi-cial bio–films.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-416-7 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ELECTROCHEMISTRY OF METAL COMPLEXESEditor: Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D.This book provides insights into the theory and experimental practice for studying of electro-chemical processes with metal complexes. An area of particular interest is electroplating (in-cluding co-deposition of metals and formation of alloys) and biological activities of the metal-organic complexes. The book also includes the usage of electrochemical techniques to the field of analysis because of its sensitivity, low price and quite short time compared to the other methods.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-417-4 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ELECTROCATALYSISEditor: Mulmudi Hemant Kumar, Ph.D.Electrocatalysis is a type of catalysis that re-sults in the modification of the rate of an electrochemical reaction occurring on an elec-trode surface. The relative electrocatalytic properties of a group of materials at a given temperature and concentration are not nec-essarily constant, and may vary according to the different dependence of rates on electrical potential. This book reviews recent progress in electrocatalysis.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-418-1 | $160 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICSEditor: Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D.The book provides an overview of macromo-lecular chemistry and physics that study the structure, properties, synthesis and applica-tions of the macromolecules. In this book we gather publications with the latest trends in the field of macromolecular science and poly-mer engineering. Area of particular interest is the crossroads of macromolecular science with life science and medicine.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-419-8 | $165| Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

APPLIED INDUSTRIAL CATALYSIS Editor: Juan Carlos Serrano Ruiz, Ph.D.Catalysis is a major factor in industrial re-search, process selection, plant design, and plant operation. The success of the chemical chemistry is based largely on catalyst technol-ogy. The discovery of new catalysts and their application have historically led to major in-novations in chemical processing. This book provides information pertinent to industrial catalysis, which is influenced by science, busi-ness, economic, markets, and politics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-429-7 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Chemistry 2017



FOOD CHEMISTRY CHEMOMETRICSEditor: Gonzalo Delgado, Ph.D.Chemometrics comprises a powerful set of techniques that allow the extraction of in-formation from chemical systems by multi-variate data analysis and statistical methods. When applied in the different fields of food chemistry, chemometrics can effectively render information about nutritional value, safety of consumption, evidence of adultera-tions, traceability, etc. in order to guarantee the quality of food for both consumers and

regulatory bodies. This book explains the theoretical background of the techniques used for the measurement and the subsequent data analysis, and also gives examples of their successful application in food-related problems; being a useful reading for students and researchers in analytical chemistry and food science.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-424-2 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

TOXICOLOGY AND PESTICIDE CHEMISTRYEditor: Gonzalo Delgado, Ph.D.Pesticide chemistry involves the use of sub-stances to control or kill pest organisms that affect agriculture. Crop pest had been tradition-ally controlled by natural means but, with the development of synthetic chemistry, hundreds of new pesticides have been produced. More recently, genetic engineering has allowed the in-troduction of bacterial genes coding for biocidal proteins into various crops, which kill the insect

when eat it. The effects and potential risks of these substances need to be fully understood, as they can lead to pest resistance, environmental disas-ters –such as the infamous DDT- and even reach the consumers, causing health problems and cancers. In the last years, society’s growing concern about their derived problems lead towards the use of safer substances and methods for insect pest control. This book describes the chemistry behind pesticides, their mechanism of action, toxicology and environmental risks. The book is addressed to academic students, researchers and ecologists as well as agricultural and industry professionals.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-425-9 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CHEMICAL PROCESSES FOR SUSTAINABILITYEditor: Juan Carlos Serrano Ruiz, Ph.D.A chemical process is a method or means of somehow changing one or more chemicals or chemical compounds. Such a chemical process can occur by itself or be caused by an outside force, and involves a chemical reaction of some sort. This book introduces a novel framework for the optimal design of sustainable chemical processes.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-426-6 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

HYDROGEN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND CHEMISTRY OF METAL HYDRIDESEditor: Mulmudi Hemant Kumar, Ph.D.This book considers the various advanced hy-drogen materials and technologies of their syn-thesis. It presents the consideration of the phys-ics, chemistry, thermodynamics and kinetics of processes of energy conversion, which occur at hydrogen production, storage, transportation and with its use.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-427-3 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MOLECULAR PHYSICS AND QUANTUM CHEMISTRY HANDBOOK Editor: Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D.This handbook puts together up-to-date ar-ticles of the most important theoretical meth-ods and experimental techniques for the study of molecules and molecular systems. It fo-cuses on modelling and simulations using the advanced computational techniques in mo-lecular physics and quantum chemistry such as first-principles methods (ab initio), density

functional theory (DFT), molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods. About the experimental aspect of the book, various types of spectros-copy are discussed.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-428-0 | $180 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Computer Science and Information Technology 2017



OPERATING SYSTEMSEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.An operating system is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. Providing a comprehen-sive introduction to operating systems, this book emphasizes the fundamentals of the key mechanisms of modern operating systems, and the types of design tradeoffs and decisions in-volved in operating system design.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-441-9 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSEditor: Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D.A database management system is a computer program designed to manage a database, a large set of structured data, and run opera-tions on the data requested by numerous us-ers. This book provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals of database systems.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-442-6 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

COMPUTER NETWORKSEditor: Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D.Computer networks represent a main compo-nent of the economy of information. Their ap-pliance spans from WiFi to cellular networks, enabling the foundations of the Web. Some fundamental problems of computer network-ing, from performing distributed applications to multiple-access and bandwidth allocation, are being investigated. For each problem, vari-ous design strategies are developed to assess its performance in practical applications. Many

interconnections are considered in computer networking, and various as-pects of computer system analysis using queueing network models are il-lustrated by particular case studies. A number of important modelling tech-niques are summarized in the algorithmic form, for all main widely-used networking technologies.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-443-3 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VISUALISATIONEditor: Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D.The appliances of methods in computer graph-ics span from simulations, computer aided education to digital photography and enter-tainment. Some fundamental problems of computer graphics and visualisations are in-vestigated, such as the complexities of illumi-nation in virtual scenes, different aspects of modeling and animating virtual environments and processing the main aspects which differ

various imaging formats. Particular methods and technologies related to computer graphics and visualization are developed. The insight is given to how graphics can be generated and manipulated, and computed based to some specific applications. A large number of novel visualisation tech-niques are summarized.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-444-0 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

COMPUTER LANGUAGE ENGINEERINGEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DA language is defined as the medium of ex-pression of thoughts. All the human beings in this world communicate with each other by a language. Similarly, computer also needs some expression medium to communicate with oth-ers. This book analyzes issues associated with the implementation of high-level programming languages. Topics covered include: fundamen-tal concepts, functions, and structures of com-

pilers, the interaction of theory and practice, and using tools in building software.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-445-7 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PATTERN RECOGNITION AND IMAGE PROCESSINGEditor: Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D.Pattern recognition and image processing are rapidly growing technologies within engineer-ing and computer science. Algorithms for pat-tern recognition aim to observe the environ-ment, learn to distinguish patterns of interest from their background and make pattern classes. A series of methods are developed to group individual patterns into specific classes according to their common properties, result-

ing in different pattern classes. Because of emerging applications which are computationally demanding, a wide specter of algorithms is devel-oped to deal with problems such as data mining, classification of mul-timedia data, and obtaining biometric features like face and fingerprint recognition. Contrast enhancement, labeling of connected components, segmentation and feature detection methods are created based on the existing signal processing algorithms.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-447-1 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGNEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeSwitching theory is the theory of circuits made up of ideal digital devices, including their structure, behavior, and design. It incor-porates Boolean logic, a basic component of modern digital switching systems. This book provides an in-depth knowledge of switching theory and the design techniques of digital circuits and presents a brief discussion of the basics of logic design.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-446-4 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

COMPUTER BASED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM & E-COMMERCEEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeThe computer-based management system consists of all components necessary to cap-ture, process, transfer, store, display, and manage information. E-commerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial trans-action that involves the transfer of informa-tion across the Internet. This book presents a comprehensive introduction to methods

used in managing the development of computer-based systems and e-commerce.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-448-8 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Computer Science and Information Technology 2017



E-SECURITY & SOFTWARE STANDARDSEditor: Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D.E-security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet, often in-volving browser security but also network se-curity on a more general level as it applies to other applications or operating systems on a whole. A software standard is a standard, pro-tocol, or other common format of a document, file, or data transfer accepted and used by one or more software developers while working on

one or more than one computer programs. This book deals with e-securi-ty and software standards.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-449-5 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

UNIX PROGRAMMINGEditor: Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D.UNIX is powerful, multi-user, multitasking, and extremely stable 32-bit computer operating system and the platform on which internet was built and continues to work. UNIX programming refers to programming explicitly for a UNIX en-vironment. This would include programming for shells that conform to a relevant standard. This book reveals the software design secrets of the original UNIX designers, showing how they pro-duce software that is fast, portable, reuseable, modular and long-lived.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-450-1 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

COMPUTER BASED NUMERICAL AND STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES Editor: Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D.The limitations of analytical methods in practi-cal applications, the advent of high speed com-puters and increasing demand for numerical solutions to various problems, have led math-ematicians to evolve numerical methods as an essential tool in the hands of engineers and scientists. The scope of this book is to provide several examples of constructive methods for obtaining answers to scientific problems in a numerical form.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-451-8 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGESEditor: Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D.Recent years, a large focus on fundamental prin-ciples in the design, analysis, implementation of programming languages and programming inter-faces has been conducted. A novel research of the basic structure of programming languages, including data types, control structures, naming conventions is presented. To give insight into dif-ferent programming language paradigms, such as functional, imperative, object-oriented and

logic paradigms, several reports are given. Procedural programming is rep-resented as a flow chart where a linear sequence of statements is defined for the program to complete. When this sequence is followed, data is ma-nipulated by the program to create the desired execution.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-452-5 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | HardcoverNETWORK ANALYSIS & SYNTHESISEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeNetwork analysis is the process of finding the voltages across, and the currents through, every component in the network. Network synthesis is a method of designing signal pro-cessing filters. This book covers most of the essential topics to understand the workings of modern networking and lays the foundation for more advanced studies into the various areas.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-453-2 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SYSTEMS PROGRAMMINGEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeSystem programming is the activity of pro-gramming computer system software. System programming produces software that accesses and controls the inner workings of a comput-er’s hardware and operating system. This book explains how the development of distributed applications depends on a foundational under-standing of the relationship among operating systems, networking, distributed systems, and programming.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-454-9 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | HardcoverSOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENTEditor: Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D.The effective management of software projects involves four P-s: people, product, process, and project. The manager that will forget people’s aspect of the software engineering will never achieve success in the management of his proj-ects. The manager who has not a proper com-munication with the clients in the early stage of the product development risks to create an elegant solution for a wrong problem (task).

The manager who pays little attention to the process, risks to apply state-of-the-art technical solutions in the wrong place and the wrong time. This edition will cover different aspects of the software management pro-cess: interpersonal communication, management of requirements, risk management, change management, configuration and release manage-ment, budget and schedule etc. The methods that are explored in differ-ent chapters are: classical Waterfall approach, the Unified process (in-cluding RUP), as well as the Agile methodology (including Scrum).

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-455-6 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

INFORMATION SECURITY AND CYBER LAWSEditor: Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D.Information security is the practice of defend-ing information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, in-spection, recording or destruction. Cyber law is a term that encapsulates the legal issues related to use of the Internet. This book presents infor-mation security concepts and practices in an easy and reader-friendly style.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-456-3 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Computer Science and Information Technology 2017



JAVA TECHNOLOGIESEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeJava is the foundation for virtually every type of networked application and is the global standard for developing and delivering em-bedded and mobile applications, games, Web-based content, and enterprise software. This book combines coverage of best practices with information on the right open source Java tools and technologies.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-457-0 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DISTRIBUTED DATABASE ARCHITECTUREEditor: Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D.A distributed database is a database in which storage devices are not all attached to a com-mon processing unit such as the CPU, and which is controlled by a distributed database management system. It allows applications to access data from local and remote databases. This book discusses the fundamental principles of distributed data management and includes distribution design, data integration, distrib-

uted query processing and optimization, distributed transaction manage-ment, and replication.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-458-7 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | HardcoverARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKSEditor: Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D. Artificial neural networks are graphical struc-tures whose initial purpose was to emulate the human brain. They were introduced in 1943 by McCulloch and Pits and, since then, they have evaluated in a very powerful computa-tional tool. In 1958 Rosenblatt introduced the perceptron – a two-layered learning network based on simple math rules. The structure of an artificial neural network consists of an input layer, an output layer and of one or more hid-

den layers. The nodes in the network represent the neurons, while the links represent synapses. All links are weighted and these weights are adaptable, as they can be adjusted according to a learning algorithm. The usage of artificial neural networks today is inevitable in areas such as machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, and automation con-trol. Typical applications include: image and voice recognition, fraud de-tection, biometric user authentication (e.g. fingerprint and eye retina rec-ognition), and complex control algorithms (e.g. aircraft motion control).

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-459-4 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.A multimedia system is a system capable of processing multimedia data and applications. A multimedia system is characterized by the processing, storage, generation, manipulation and rendition of multimedia information. This book presents different aspects of a modern multimedia from content creation, compres-sion, distribution and digital rights manage-ment.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-460-0 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SERVICE-ORIENTED SOFTWARE SYSTEM ENGINEERINGEditor: Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D.Software systems engineering is the branch of systems engineering concerned with the development of large and complex software intensive systems. This book presents in-depth knowledge of the main challenges and practic-es in the exciting, new world of service-orient-ed software engineering.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-461-7 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PRINCIPLES OF INFORMATION SECURITYEditor: Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D.The need for computer and network security dates since the ’80-s of the last century. The first computer networks were local and in an academic setting, so there was large con-fidence among users associated with them (there were almost no security problems). With the sudden development of the informa-tion technology and the today’s Internet, the first abuses occurred along with the need to

protect private and corporate data. Today, information safety is crucial and it is most evident especially in the e-commerce and e-business. The information is a vital corporate’s property and it has enormous value. The information security, primarily comprising computer and the network se-curity, is mainly concerned with the data protection (privacy), data integ-rity and data availability.This edition covers main security concepts, such as authentication meth-ods, intrusion detection and prevention, cloud security protocols, and cryptography.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-462-4 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ALGORITHMS & DATA STRUCTURESEditor: Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D.Asymptotic algorithm analysis is a method-ology which has been given a lot of atten-tion recently. Several methods of asymptotic analysis are considered to estimate the re-source consumption of an algorithm, giving an assessment if a proposed algorithm can meet the resource constraints for a problem before the implementation. Processing nodes of the binary and non-binary trees in an or-ganized manner is investigated using various algorithms. Several methods for implementing

binary trees and their nodes are given. Issues relating to the design of algorithms and data structures for disk-based applications are solved, as well as problems of searching data stored in lists and tables. Algorithms for solving some problems related to finding shortest routes in a graph and the minimum-cost spanning tree, are applied to determine lowest-cost connectivity in a network.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-463-1 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DATABASE & DATA WAREHOUSING TECHNOLOGIESEditor: Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D.A database is an organized collection of data. It is the collection of schemas, tables, queries, reports, views and other objects. A data ware-house is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process. This book provides a comprehensive compilation of knowledge covering state-of-the-art developments and research, as well as current innovative activities in data ware-housing.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-464-8 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Computer Science and Information Technology 2017



THE HANDBOOK OF INFORMATION AND COMPUTER ETHICSEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeInformation ethics is a term used to describe the study and evaluation of the various ethi-cal issues that arise in a world that is driven by the sharing of electronic data. Computer ethics is a part of practical philosophy which concerns with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct. This book provides an ac-

cessible overview of the most important issues in information and com-puter ethics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-465-5 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SOFTWARE PROCESS IMPROVEMENTEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeThe creation of quality software on time and within budget has been a major problem facing the software industry for several decades. Con-sideration of software development and main-tenance as an engineering discipline to control the developmental process can help alleviate these obstacles. This book focuses on the best practices for software process improvement (SPI) and related international standards.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-467-9 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MICROCOMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMINGEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeMicrocomputer is an antiquated term that re-fers to a computer that uses a microprocessor for its central processing unit. This book gives an overview of the architecture of a simple mi-crocomputer. It describes the operation of the CPU address and data buses during read and write cycles.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-466-2 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ADVANCES IN GEOMETRIC MODELINGEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeGeometric modeling is a branch of applied mathematics and computational geometry that studies methods and algorithms for the mathematical description of shapes. This book presents new idea of gathering state of the art topics in geometric modeling together with techniques, applications, systems and tools.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-469-3 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SOFTWARE METRICS AND SOFTWARE METROLOGYEditor: Gerard Ian PrudhommeA software metric is a standard of measure of a degree to which a software system or process possesses some property. This book looks at the classical metrology concepts from science and engineering, using them as criteria to pro-pose an approach to analyze the design of cur-rent software measures and then design new software measures.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-468-6 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Education 2017



EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: THEORY AND PRACTICEEditor: Amanda RonanEducation by all means is an attempt to mould and shape the behaviour of the pupil. It aims to produce desirable changes in him for the all-round development of his person-ality. The essential knowledge and skill to do this job satisfactorily is supplied by Educa-tional Psychology. I Educational psychology involves the study of how people learn, in-cluding topics such as student outcomes, the

instructional process, individual differences in learning, gifted learners, and learning disabilities. This branch of psychology involves not just the learning process of early childhood and adolescence but includes the social, emotional, and cognitive processes that are involved in learning throughout the entire lifespan. The text concludes with an important aspects of human behaviour in educational setting.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-569-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHEditor: Hazel Angelyn TesoroEducational research refers to a variety of meth-ods, in which individuals evaluate different aspects of education including: “student learning, teaching methods, teacher training, and classroom dynam-ics”. It is the scientific field of study that examines education and learning processes and the human attributes, interactions, organizations, and institu-tions that shape educational outcomes. Scholar-ship in the field seeks to describe, understand, and

explain how learning takes place throughout a person’s life and how formal and informal contexts of education affect all forms of learning. Education re-search embraces the full spectrum of rigorous methods appropriate to the questions being asked and also drives the development of new tools and methods. This text is valuable for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers employed in private industry, management and government agencies containing concept and significance of research in education, action research, research process, sampling, methods of research, tools of research, and much more.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-571-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING AND LEARNINGEditor: Hazel Angelyn Tesoro We have been using technology so much these days in each and every domain of our lives, be it education or the regular household work, that have we ever taken out a second to won-der if it’s leaving a positive impact on our work or it’s just that we have been relying too much on it that we’ve become habitual to it, ignor-ing the direction of its impact? In recent years, technology is everywhere in education. Edu-

cational technology as an academic field can be considered either as a design science or as a collection of different research interests addressing fundamental issues of learning, teaching and social organization form of teaching and learning that makes use of technology. This text presents comprehensive coverage of topics concerning to the development and use of technology both in and out of the classroom.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-570-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Engineering and Technology 2017



ADVANCES IN SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURINGEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.The book covers advanced techniques in sus-tainable manufacturing such as materials and manufacturing for renewable energies; clean manufacturing technology; ecological manufacturing; energy-efficient manufactur-ing; remanufacturing; recycling of materials. Sustainable manufacturing is the creation of manufactured products through economical-ly-sound processes that minimize negative en-vironmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-349-8 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: DESIGN AND ANALYSISEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.This book presents state-of-the-art fundamen-tal and applied research in manufacturing at the systems level. Manufacturing systems are comprised of products, equipment, people, information, control and support functions for the economical and competitive development, production, delivery and total life cycle of prod-ucts to satisfy market and societal needs.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-351-1 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

QUANTUM MECHANICS FOR APPLIED NANOTECHNOLOGYEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Nanotechnology is the predominant basis which is presently responsible for numerous cutting edge and pioneering functional systems on a molecular scale where quantum mechani-cal effects are vital. An entirely new genera-tion of biological sensors, molecular imaging, solar cells, photo detectors, transistors and other optoelectronic devices have been made

possible due to the direct use of phenomena such as quantum correla-tion, quantum entanglement, and quantum tunneling. Indeed, quantum effects can enable higher sensitivity and resolution than conventional sensors. Humanity can expect substantial improvements in their quality of life as a direct result of the advances in quantum-based nanotechnol-ogy integrations into biomedical and microbiology applications, includ-ing superior nano-sized drug delivery systems; cancer detection and treatment; DNA detection; and dental digital imaging. A new generation quantum-based photo detectors, superconducting nanowire single-pho-ton detectors, Nitrogen-vacancy centers, Graphene and Silicon carbide nanodevices are also opening the door for a new era of information tech-nology with the realization of powerful quantum computing.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-353-5 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the intersection of three main disciplines: Fluid Dynamics, Computational Methods, and Nu-merical Algorithms. It is an essential ingredient in the modern engineering of stable aerody-namic, hemodynamic and hydraulic systems, as it has the capability to predict the flow mo-

tions for a specific system design, but also enables the researcher the op-portunity to study the system’s reaction to additional sets of physical conditions. Indeed, applied CFD has been an important cornerstone for optimization towards market requirements for modern transportation, including space, air, road, rail and water transport. CFD has been success-fully employed with such efficiency that it has become a widespread and powerful tool in the clinical assessment and research of cardiovascular hemodynamics as well as providing crucial insights which have resulted in advances in construction management regarding building energy con-sumption, integrated awareness of environmental impact, and the effi-ciency of ventilation and cooling systems, amongst many other successes.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-354-2| $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

INTRODUCTION TO MICROPROCESSORSEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DA microprocessor is an electronic component that is used by a computer to do its work. It is a central processing unit on a single inte-grated circuit chip containing millions of very small components including transistors, resis-tors, and diodes that work together. This book presents architectural, programming, and in-terfacing concepts and techniques using the microprocessor.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-357-3 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MICROPROCESSORS AND APPLICATIONEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DMicroprocessor and Applications introduces workings of the microprocessor, its applica-tions, and programming in assembler and high-level languages. Microprocessors are a mass storage device. They are the advanced form of computers. They are also called as microcom-puters. The impact of microprocessor in differ-ent lures of fields is significant. The availability of low cost, low power and small weight, com-

puting capability makes it useful in different applications. Now a days, a microprocessor based systems are used in instructions, automatic testing product, speed control of motors, traffic light control, light control of fur-naces etc. The use of microprocessor in toys, entertainment equipment and home applications is making them more entertaining and full of fea-tures. The use of microprocessors is more widespread and popular.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-358-0 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FERROELECTRIC MATERIALSEditor: Mulmudi Hemant Kumar, Ph.D.A ferroelectric material is a material that ex-hibits, over some range of temperature, a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed or reoriented by application of an electric field. This book presents selected top-ics on processing and properties of ferroelec-tric materials that are currently the focus of attention in scientific and technical research. This book offers the basic physical properties, structure, fabrication methods and applica-tions of ferroelectric materials.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-361-0 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Engineering and Technology 2017



THERMAL POWER PLANTS - ADVANCED APPLICATIONSEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.A thermal power station is a power plant in which heat energy is converted to electric power. In most of the world the prime mover is steam driven. Water is heated, turns into steam and spins a steam turbine which drives an elec-trical generator. This book deals with various aspects of a thermal power plant, providing a new dimension to the subject, with focus on op-erating practices and troubleshooting, as well as technology and design.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-363-4 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ADVANCES IN BIOENGINEERINGEditor: Stephen Rego, Ph.D.Bioengineering is where engineering meets medicine. Bioengineers use traditional engi-neering techniques to find innovative solutions to real world biological and medical problems. It’s a vastly diverse subject with many different facets in areas such as tissue engineering, bio-materials and medical devices. This book sum-marizes recent progress of newly developed bioengineering technology, such as low-energy ion beam bioengineering (IBBE).

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-362-7 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN RENEWABLE ENERGYEditor: Juan Carlos Serrano Ruiz, Ph.D.Renewable energy is defined as the energy which naturally occurs, covers a number of sources and technologies at different stages, and is theoretically inexhaustible. Renewable energy technologies are crucial Editor to world energy security, reduce reliance on fossil fu-els, and provide opportunities for mitigating greenhouse gases. The book analyzes energy technologies, business models and policies to

promote developments in renewable energy.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-364-1 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PHOTONIC CRYSTALS - INTRODUCTION, APPLICATIONS AND THEORYEditor: Klaus Petritsch, Ph.D.Photonic crystals are periodic optical structures that can control the flow of light in the same way that the periodic potential in a semiconductor crystal affects the flow of electrons. After an introduction of the principles behind the unusual properties, and how they enable both the design of various sensors and the spectacular color changes accomplished by chameleons, the book describes several fascinating and unexpected theoreti-

cal aspects, methods, and discoveries how atoms can be trapped or photons could be guided “beyond photonic bandgaps”. Specific examples of photonic crystal ap-plications are discussed in the third part. They include smart supercapacitors, torque sensors, optimized light trapping in solar cells, photonic tweezers, pressure-responsive shape memory, and NOT gates for quantum computers.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-365-8 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ADVANCES IN MEASUREMENT SYSTEMSEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.A system of measurement is a collection of units of measurement and rules relating them to each other. Systems of measurement have historically been important, regulated and defined for the purposes of science and com-merce. There are several different tools avail-able for the measurement and inspection of parts and products. The specific application often determines the best choice as each tool

has its own benefits and drawbacks. Over the years, these tools have be-come more advanced to keep up with improved quality standards. This book discusses various measurement tools and how they are used, focus-ing on the advantages of portable CMMs, and why they are the preferred tool in many instances.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-366-5 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

APPLIED MEASUREMENT SYSTEMSEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.Measurement is a multidisciplinary experimen-tal science. Measurement systems synergisti-cally blend science, engineering and statistical methods to provide fundamental data for re-search, design and development, control of pro-cesses and operations, and facilitate safe and economic performance of systems. In recent years, measuring techniques have expanded rapidly and gained maturity, through extensive research activities and hardware advancements.

Applied Measurement Systems attempts to provide a comprehensive pre-sentation and in-depth guidance on some of the key applied and advanced topics in measurements for scientists, engineers and educators.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-368-9 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SUPERCONDUCTORS - NEW DEVELOPMENTSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Imagine a coil which, once an electrical current begins coursing through it, allows for the en-ergy to flow forever without requiring power supply. Before the 20th century, imagining this would be avant-garde and an excellent premise for a science-fiction novel. Nowadays, we do not have to imagine because supercon-ducting coils are real. Since the discovery of superconductivity, researchers and engineers

have busy developing new superconductor materials that can be used in wide range of devices. Coils made of superconducting wire are used daily in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanners in hospitals all over the worlds; in Maglev trains in Japan; even in particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva. Broader applica-tions of superconductors have always been hindered by the high cost of refrigeration (i.e. cooling of materials to low temperatures) and of the superconducting coils themselves. With the discovery of high-tempera-ture superconductors in the latter half of the 1980’s, the additional costs involved in manufacturing dropped and this opened up the potential for a variety of promising future applications. The vast potential to influence society and science is unquestionable when considering applications like high-performance electric power transmission, transformers, power storage devices, high-speed digital circuit elements, quantum computing circuits, and fusion reactors. If room-temperature superconductors are discovered, these will revolutionize the supply of electricity. They would certainly change the world as we know it today, and the possibility once again would emerge for contraptions and devices we presently think only conceivable in our collective imagination and portrayed in science-fiction movies to become real. New developments suggest there is still much to learn about superconductivity and that it can be discovered at unex-pected (or held to be impossible) temperatures.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-360-3 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Engineering and Technology 2017



WAVE MOTION AND APPLIED SCIENCEEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Wave motion, propagation of disturbances—that is, deviations from a state of rest or equi-librium—from place to place in a regular and organized way. Most familiar are surface waves on water, but both sound and light travel as wavelike disturbances, and the motion of all subatomic particles exhibits wavelike prop-erties. The study of waves therefore forms a topic of central importance in all physical sci-ence and engineering. Wave Motion is devoted

to the cross fertilization of ideas, and to stimulating interaction between workers in various research areas in which wave propagation phenomena play a dominant role. The description and analysis of wave propagation phenomena provides a unifying thread connecting diverse areas of engi-neering and the physical sciences such as acoustics, optics, geophysics, seismology, electromagnetic theory, solid and fluid mechanics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-369-6 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

APPLIED STOCHASTIC HYDROGEOLOGYEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.Stochastic hydrogeology is the study of hy-drogeology using physical and probabilistic concepts. This book presents a rational, sys-tematic approach for analyzing and modeling subsurface heterogeneity, and for modeling flow and transport in the subsurface, and for prediction and decision-making under uncer-tainty.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-370-2 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ORGANIC MATERIALS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERINGEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.Organic materials are substances in the soil that were once alive. Dead plants, animals, bacteria and fungi are all examples of organic material. This book provides a substantial and detailed overview of traditional materials used in structures and civil infrastructure. The book discusses properties of organic materials in construction and materials’ manufacturing.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-371-9 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MEASUREMENT IN SCIENCE AND CIVIL ENGINEERINGEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DTesting and measuring of certain desired pa-rameters have taken place in the field of civil engineering in the latest century. Up-to-date reference set on engineering measurements covering all major engineering disciplines, Measurement in Science and Civil Engineering provides a multidisciplinary resource of engi-neering measurement theory, necessary tools, techniques of measurement and analysis, and applications.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-372-6 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CIVIL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONSEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.Civil engineering is a professional engineer-ing discipline that deals with the design, con-struction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and build-ings. Civil engineering is arguably the oldest engineering discipline. It deals with the built environment and can be dated to the first time someone placed a roof over his or her head or

laid a tree trunk across a river to make it easier to get across. This guide provides an opportunity to practical approaches on solving problems that mirror the scope and difficulty of the Civil Engineering.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-373-3 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

GEOLOGY FOR CIVIL ENGINEEREditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.Geology is the study of the Earth, the materi-als of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them. It includes the study of organisms that have inhabited our planet. An important part of geology is the study of how Earth’s materi-als, structures, processes and organisms have changed over time. This book introduces re-searches about geology valuable for both re-searchers and civil engineering students also.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-374-0 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FOUNDATIONS AND RETAINING STRUCTURESEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.Foundations and Retaining Structures pro-vides a framework for students to carry out simple foundation design and appreciate the design process. This book offers a systematic treatment of the analysis and design of foun-dations and retaining structures subjected to dynamic loads. A foundation is the element of an architectural structure which connects it to the ground, and transfers loads from the structure to the ground.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-375-7 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ROBOTICS IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.Robots have been investigated for automa-tion of construction, maintenance, and inspec-tion of civil works since the early 1980s. This book presents research in construction robot which are more flexible, adjustable, and able to cope with constantly changing construction environments. It focuses on the environment and motivation for implementation of robot-ics, identifies key centers of development, identifies regional differences, and describes

progress in key areas. It also traces the emergence and change of devel-opment strategies over time, it identifies practical achievements, and it identifies key developments for the future. Research and development in construction robots is intended to extend present capabilities of conven-tional equipment to an integrated and fully automated system.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-376-4 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Engineering and Technology 2017



ADVANCED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS HANDBOOKEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.This book is an authoritative reference for all students and professionals. The principles and processes of construction are explained with the concepts of design included where ap-propriate. Extensive coverage of building con-struction practice and techniques, represent-ing both traditional procedures and modern developments, are also included to provide the most comprehensive and easy to understand guide to building construction.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-377-1 | $180 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MODERN EARTH BUILDING HANDBOOKEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. et al.The construction of earth buildings has been taking place worldwide for centuries. With the improved energy efficiency, high level of struc-tural integrity and aesthetically pleasing finish-es achieved in modern earth construction, it is now one of the leading choices for sustainable, low-energy building. Modern earth buildings provides an essential exploration of the mate-rials and techniques key to the design, devel-

opment and construction of such buildings. Modern earth buildings is a key reference work for all low-impact building engineers, architects and designers, along with academics in this field.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-378-8 | $180 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

HANDBOOK OF ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY Editor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.Hydrological engineering, also called water resources engineering, is a civil engineering specialty offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Hydrological engineering is chiefly concerned with the flow and storage of water. This book contain information on cli-mate change and hydrological hazards, hydro-logical modeling, and urban water systems, as well as climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources, climate change uncer-tainty.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-379-5 | $180 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF HYDRAULICSEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DHydraulics is a topic in applied science and engineering dealing with the mechanical prop-erties of liquids or fluids. At a very basic level, hydraulics is the liquid version of pneumatics. Covering all the fundamental topics in hydrau-lics and hydrology, this text is essential read-ing for undergraduate students and practising engineers around the world who want an ac-cessible, thorough and trusted introduction to the subject.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-380-1 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CIVIL ENGINEERING HYDRAULICS AND ENGINEERING HYDROLOGYEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D.Hydraulic engineering as a sub-discipline of civil engineering is concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage. One feature of these systems is the extensive use of gravity as the motive force to cause the movement of the fluids. This area of civil engineering is intimately related to the design of bridges, dams, channels, canals, and levees, and to both sanitary and environmental

engineering. This book enables students to test their understanding of the theory and of the methods of analysis and design.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-381-8 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

OPTIMIZATION IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGEditor: Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. Today’s highly capitalized societies require maximum benefit with minimum cost. In or-der to find a low cost design in practice, expe-rienced engineers have traditionally used tri-al-and-error methods based on their intuitive engineering sense. This book intends to show a big picture how the optimization techniques can be applied to various civil engineering problems in construction and project man-agement; structural engineering; water and environmental engineering.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-382-5 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DESIGN, INSTRUMENTATION, AND CONTROLSEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.Whether you’re designing a new instrumen-tation and control (I&C) system, or migrating an existing control system along an upgrade path, you need to have a well-conceived design package - the engineering deliverables and the design process that creates them. Instru-mentation is defined as the art and science of measurement and control of process variables within a production or manufacturing area.

This book is the best guide to the dynamic, multidimensional discipline of mechanical engineering. The overall approach of this book makes it an ideal text for academicians, researchers, and professionals.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-383-2 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CONTROL OF QUANTUM SYSTEMSEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DA quantum system is a portion of the whole Universe which is taken under consideration to make analysis or to study for quantum me-chanics pertaining to the wave-particle dual-ity in that system and everything outside this system (i.e. environment) is studied only to observe its effects on the system. This book provides comprehensive treatment of modern quantum measurement and measurement-based quantum control, which are vital ele-ments for realizing quantum technology.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-385-6 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Engineering and Technology 2017



OPTICAL METHODS FOR SOLID MECHANICSEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DThis comprehensive book forms an invaluable resource for graduate students and is also a point of reference for researchers and practi-tioners in structural and materials engineering. With its coverage of topics also relevant for in-dustry, this text is aimed at graduate students, researchers, and engineers involved in non-destructive testing for acoustics, mechanics, medicine, diagnosis on artwork and construc-tion.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-387-0 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MATERIALSEditor: Dharani Sabba, Ph.D.Research in electronic materials and its ap-plication in electrical engineering is rapidly progressing as it could pave way for advance-ments in electronics, optics, biotechnology, green energy generation as well as in medical diagnosis. In order to develop novel electronic materials and devices, it is pertinent to under-stand the underlying physics of these materi-als and devices at the micro and nano scale.

As such this book underlines materials structure, their properties, their applications in various fields such as solar industry, high performance computing, nanotechnology, etc.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-392-4 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.Instrumentation is the development or use of measuring instruments for observation, monitoring or control. An instrument is a de-vice that measures a physical quantity, such as flow, temperature, level, distance, angle, or pressure. This book is primarily intended to cover all necessary topics of instrumenta-tion and measurement. This book should be of

valuable reference for engineers and practitioners to expand or refresh their knowledge in this field.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-394-8 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FOURIER TRANSFORM - SIGNAL PROCESSINGEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.The Fourier Transform is a tool that breaks a waveform (a function or signal) into an alter-nate representation, characterized by sine and cosines. The Fourier Transform shows that any waveform can be re-written as the sum of sinusoidal functions. This book presents an introduction to the principles of the fast Fou-rier transform. The book covers topics of FFTs, frequency domain filtering, and applications to

video and audio signal processing. This authoritative book provides com-prehensive coverage of practical Fourier analysis.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-395-5 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ELECTROMAGNETIC MODELING AND SIMULATIONEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Electromagnetic modeling is essential to the design and modeling of antenna, radar, satel-lite, medical imaging, and other applications. This unique book presents simple, easy-to-use, but effective short codes as well as virtual tools that can be used by electrical, electronic, communication, and computer engineers in a broad range of electrical engineering prob-lems. Electromagnetic Modeling and Simula-

tion covers fundamental analytical and numerical models that are widely used in teaching, research, and engineering designs.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-396-2 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ADVANCES IN SOLID STATE CIRCUIT TECHNOLOGIESEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DSolid-state electronics are those circuits or de-vices built entirely from solid materials and in which the electrons, or other charge carriers, are confined entirely within the solid material. This book is intended for a diverse readership including electrical engineers and material scientists in the industry and academic institu-tions. Readers will be able to familiarize them-selves with the latest technologies in the vari-ous fields.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-397-9 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ENGINEERING SUPERCONDUCTIVITYEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DEngineering Superconductivity provides full coverage of the fundamentals of supercon-ducting behavior and explains the proper-ties and fabrication methods of commercially produced superconductors. Up-to-date mate-rial on superconductor applications as well as competing technologies is included. Supercon-ductivity is the ability of certain materials to conduct electric current with practically zero resistance. This produces interesting and po-tentially useful effects.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-398-6 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MODERN SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE PHYSICSEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DThis book provides an in-depth, up-to-date presentation of the physics and operational principles of all modern semiconductor de-vices. Semiconductor devices are electronic components that exploit the electronic prop-erties of semiconductor materials, principally silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide, as well as organic semiconductors. Such devices have found wide applications because of their

compactness, reliability, and low cost. As discrete components, they have found use in power devices, optical sensors, and light emitters, including solid-state lasers.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-399-3 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Engineering and Technology 2017



PREPARING AND DELIVERING EFFECTIVE TECHNICAL & SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONSEditor: Klaus Petritsch, Ph.D.The design and delivery of technical and sci-entific content at companies, schools, and universities is strongly affected by fast advanc-ing technology and growing understanding of instructional design. The book begins with an overview of two presentation modes: online and face-to-face content delivery. The design part includes guidelines to avoid common

problems with PowerPoint presentation, scientific writing, and chart de-sign. It also contains essential knowledge and tools necessary to design effective online courses. The delivery part includes effects of teacher en-thusiasm, tone of voice, the choice of topic, and to what extend the pre-sentation mode affects mind wandering. It concludes with practical tools and procedures, like student feedback systems (i.e. clickers), a presenta-tion speech support system, the Carpe Diem program, and interesting ob-served effects of introducing science-education specialists in university science departments.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-401-3 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL WRITINGEditor: Dharani Sabba, Ph.D.Technical writing’ is any written form of writing or drafting technical communication used in a variety of technical and occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, en-gineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, consumer electronics, and biotech-nology. IT encompasses the largest sub-field within technical communication. Scientific and Technical Writing offers students practice in

the forms and discourses of scientific and technical writing as they devel-op, research, and revise an independent project. The purpose of the book is to prepare students for their professional lives in scientific, technical, or public service fields by helping them organize their knowledge while ex-ploring ways of applying it, thus developing their professional expertise.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-400-6 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

HANDBOOK OF COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM ENGINEERINGEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DA communications system is a collection of indi-vidual communications networks, transmission systems, relay stations, tributary stations, and data terminal equipment (DTE) usually capable of interconnection and interoperation to form an integrated whole. The system usually consists of a collection of individual communication networks, transmission systems, relay stations, tributary sta-

tions and terminal equipment capable of interconnection and interoperation so as to form an integrated whole. This book provides a comprehensive de-scription and analysis of all atmospheric effects of concern for today’s commu-nication systems, and the tools necessary to design the links and to evaluate system performance.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-402-0 | $180 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

COMPOSITE MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.Composite material is a combination of a ma-trix and a reinforcement, which when com-bined gives properties superior to the proper-ties of the individual components. It provides a forum for discussion of all aspects related to the structure and performance under simulat-ed and actual service conditions of composites. The book focuses on the triad of processing, structure, and properties, while providing a

well-balanced treatment of the materials science and mechanics of com-posites.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-403-7 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ELECTRIC MACHINES: PRINCIPLES, APPLICATIONS, AND CONTROLEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DDetailing the fundamental principles that gov-ern electric machines and drives systems, this book describes the laws of induction and in-teraction and demonstrates their fundamen-tal roles with numerous practical examples. This book combines the traditional areas of electric machinery with the latest in modern control and power electronics. An electrical machine is a device which converts mechani-

cal energy into electrical energy or vice versa. Electrical machines also include transformers, which do not actually make conversion between mechanical and electrical form but they convert AC current from one voltage level to another voltage level.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-404-4 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER ELECTRONICSEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DThe application of power electronics is in-creasingly being seen in residential, commer-cial, industrial, transportation, aerospace, and telecommunication systems. This comprehen-sive book provides fundamental knowledge for the analysis and design of modern power electronic devices. Power Electronics is the study of switching electronic circuits in order to control the flow of electrical energy. Power

Electronics is the technology behind switching power supplies, power converters, power inverters, motor drives, and motor soft starters.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-405-1 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Engineering and Technology 2017



ENGINEERING HEAT TRANSFEREditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.DHeat transfer is the process of moving heat from a location where much heat exists to an-other location. The rate of heat transfer is de-pendent on the temperatures of the systems and the properties of the intervening medium through which the heat is transferred. This book offers complete coverage of heat trans-fer with broad up-to-date coverage that in-cludes an emphasis on engineering relevance and on problem solving.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-407-5 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ENGINEERING ELECTROMAGNETICSEditor: Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D.Engineering electromagnetics teaches funda-mental concepts and problem solving from their theoretical conception to their practical realizations. Numerous analogies and illustra-tions are provided to aid the reader in grasp-ing the concepts with ease. This book covers the advanced knowledge engineers involved in electromagnetics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-408-2 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

WASTEWATER TREATMENT ENGINEERINGEditor: Jaspreet Banga, Ph.D.Wastewater treatment is a process to convert wastewater - which is water no longer needed or suitable for its most recent use - into an ef-fluent that can be either returned to the water cycle with minimal environmental issues or reused. This book parents an overview of engi-neering approaches to protecting water quali-ty with an emphasis on fundamental principles. Theory and conceptual design of systems for

treating municipal wastewater and drinking water are discussed, as well as reactor theory, process kinetics, and models.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-410-5 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Environmental Sciences 2017



ADVANCES IN BIOREMEDIATION OF WASTEWATER AND POLLUTED SOILEditor: Sarika Garg, Ph.D.Bioremediation is the process of converting a toxic substance/ pollutant into a non-toxic or lesser toxic substance with the help of a living organism. Microbes are more commonly used for bioremediation of toxic substances. Biore-mediation is secure as it counts on naturally occurring microbes thus posing no threat to people. The process does not require much la-

bor and equipment. It also allows the treated waste to be recycled and is a cost effective process. However, the use of microorganisms in remedi-ating the contaminated waste has also its limitations. Phytoremediation is helpful in such circumstances. It uses plants to remove contaminants. In this age of industries, highly toxic substances in the industrial effluents pose threat to human health and environment. Also, much consumption of petroleum products liberates toxic hydrocarbons, some of which are carcinogenic. Efforts are being done to neutralize these toxic substances by bioremediation. In this book, research studies on bioremediation of wastewater, and soil have been discussed.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-470-9 | $160 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CONSERVATION BIOLOGYEditor: Quan Cui, Ph.D.Conservation biology is studies about the na-ture and of Earth’s biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and eco-systems from excessive rates of extinction and the erosion of biotic interactions. This book, immense useful to practicing conservation-ists and natural resource managers, provides cutting-edge but basic conservation science to a global readership.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-471-6 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

INTEGRATED WATERSHED MANAGEMENTEditor: Quan Cui, Ph.D.Watershed is a geohydrological unit drainingto a common point by a system of drains. Wa-tershed management is an adaptive, compre-hensive, integrated multi-resource manage-ment planning process that seeks to balance healthy ecological, economic, and cultural/so-cial conditions within a watershed. As human populations expand and demands upon natural resources increase, the need to manage the en-

vironments in which people live becomes more important but also more difficult. This book provides a comprehensive presentation of the realiza-tion of improved rainfed agriculture yield in semi-arid and dry land areas.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-474-7 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

GROUNDWATER MONITORINGEditor: Quan Cui, Ph.D.Groundwater is the water found undergroundin the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. It is stored in and moves slowly through geo-logic formations of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers. This book contains specific informa-tion on the application of a widely accepted groundwater monitoring methodology. The book addresses the theoretical background necessary to accomplish planning and man-agement of groundwater systems, and pres-ents latest applications of the decision-aid techniques in this field.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-475-4 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MODERN CLIMATOLOGYEditor: Quan Cui, Ph.D.Climatology, the study of climate, is no longer regarded as a single discipline that treats cli-mate as something that fluctuates only within the unchanging boundaries described by his-torical statistics. The field has recognized that climate is something that changes continually under the influence of physical and biological forces and so, cannot be understood in isola-tion but rather, is one that includes diverse scientific disciplines that play their role in un-

derstanding a highly complex coupled “whole system” that is the earth’s climate. The book emphasizes on understanding the tenets of underlying principles and processes of global climate. This is an invaluable text onthe science and policy of climate change, for both non-science majorsand introductory science students.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-476-1 | $160 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ADVANCED GEOSCIENCE REMOTE SENSINGEditor: Maria Tattaris, Ph.D.These days, advanced remote sensing tech-nology plays tremendous roles to build a quantitative and comprehensive understand-ing of how the Earth system operates. The advanced remote sensing technology is also used widely to monitor and survey the natu-ral disasters and man-made pollution. Geo-science refers to the fields of science dealing

with planet Earth. It can be considered to be a branch of planetary sci-ence, but with a much older history. There are both reductionist and ho-listic approaches to Earth sciences. This book seeks to advance science and technology in geoscience, remote sensing and related fields.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-477-8 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGYEditor: Sarika Garg, Ph.D.Environmental microbiology is the analysis of the microorganisms in the natural and artifi-cial environments. It particularly centralizes on microbial properties and processes that elu-cidate the structure and function of natural and synthetic environments. Soil, water, air, sediments, animals, plants etc constitute a natural environment whereas fermenters form an artificial environment. Microorganisms are principal living components of soil, sediments

and marine environments, and are of prime importance for on-site re-mediation of agricultural and industrial wastes and subsurface pollution. They mediate globally important processes and have special impact on the ecosystem. Therefore, to keep away the environmental problems, it is crucial to understand and anticipate the microbial activities. In this book, a few research studies on environmental microbiology are discussed.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-478-5 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Environmental Sciences 2017



ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENTEditor: Quan Cui, Ph.D.Environmental quality is a set of properties and characteristics of the environment, ei-ther generalized or local, as they impinge onhuman beings and other organisms. It is a measure of the condition of an environmentrelative to the requirements of one or morespecies and or to any human need or pur-pose. This book gives top corporate man-agers the critical information they need to

make environmental protection part of their everyday operations. The book should be of immense useful for environmental managers, engi-neers, quality directors, and other environmental professionals.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-479-2 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

GEOBIOLOGYEditor: Quan Cui, Ph.D.Geobiology is an area which allows the study of the effects of the cosmic and earthly rays, of the architectural forms, of materials, of colors, of technological products, etc., on living beings. This book introduces the parallel evolution of life and the environment. Life processes are in-fluenced by chemical and physical processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and the solid earth. In turn, life can influence chemi-cal and physical processes on our planet. This

book explores the concept of life as a geological agent and examines the interaction between biology and the earth system during the roughly 4 bil-lion years since life first appeared.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-480-8 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ORGANIC POLLUTANTS: MONITORING, RISK AND TREATMENTEditor: Quan Cui, Ph.D.Organic pollutants are organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degrada-tion through chemical, biological, and photo-lytic processes. Organic pollutants cause sev-eral environmental problems if discharged to air or water body. The occurrence of organic pollutants in the ecosystem, their risk and removal methods are very important issues

.This book deals with several aspects of organic pollutants, especially in the light of organic pollutants monitoring, risk assessment as well as thepractical application of different techniques for removing it from the environment.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-481-5 | $160 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ECOHYDROLOGYEditor: Quan Cui, Ph.D.Ecohydrology is an interdisciplinary field-studying the interactions between water andecosystems. These interactions may take place within water bodies, such as rivers andlakes, or on land, in forests, deserts, and oth-er terrestrial ecosystems. This book focuseson larger scales of ecohydrology, emphasis-ing the use of this tool in striving towards thegoal of sustainable water management. Thisbook will appeal to advanced students from

a large range of disciplines, including environmental science, hydrology, ecology, earth science, civil and environmental engineering, agriculture and atmospheric science.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-483-9 | $160 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

EARTHQUAKE GEOLOGYEditor: Nelson Bolivar, Ph.DEarthquakes give rise to three principal ef-fects – fault rupture, ground shaking from wave propagation, and stress changes – that influence a wide range of geological processes at varying distances from the source. Earthquake Geology has grown enormously as a discipline since the advent of palaeoseismic techniques for dating prehistoric fault ruptures as an aid to hazard assessment, but has largely focused on surface processes. This book summarizes geological evi-dence for earthquakes.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-484-6 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

REMOTE SENSING IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATIONEditor: Maria Tattaris, Ph.D.Remote sensing is the science of obtaining infor-mation about objects or areas from a distance, typically from aircraft or satellites. Remote sensing techniques provide a formidable oppor-tunity to inform the management of protected areas, allowing e.g. to track threats, biodiversity status and the impacts of conservation actions. This book is intended audience includes ecolo-gists, conservation scientists, policy makers,

managers of terrestrial and aquatic systems, remote sensing scientists, and students.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-482-2 | $160 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF ECOLOGY Editor: Daniel Dela TorreEcology is the scientific study of the distri-bution and abundance of organisms, the interaction among organisms, and the inter-actions between organisms and their abiotic environment. It seeks to understand the vi-tal connections between plants and animals and the world around them. Ecology also provides information about the benefits of ecosystems and how we can use Earth’s re-sources in ways that leave the environment

healthy for future generations. The many specialties within ecology, such as marine, vegetation, and statistical ecology, provide us with in-formation to better understand the world around us. This information also can help us improve our environment, manage our natural resourc-es, and protect human health.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-619-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Environmental Sciences 2017



AIR POLLUTION: CAUSES, IMPACTS AND CONTROL Editor: Alejandro WhiteThis introductory text helps readers under-standing what air pollution is, how it harms plants and animals, and how to help prevent it. Air pollution is the introduction of particu-lates, biological molecules, and many harm-ful substances into Earth’s atmosphere, caus-ing diseases, allergies, and death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as ani-mals and food crops, or the natural or built

environment. Smog hanging over cities is the most familiar and obvious form of air pollution. But there are different kinds of pollution—some visible, some invisible—that contribute to global warming. Generally any substance that people introduce into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on living things and the environment is considered air pollution.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-613-0 | $145| Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

AIR QUALITY MONITORING AND CONTROL STRATEGIESEditor: Jurex Cuenca GalloThe term “air quality” means the state of the air around us. Good air quality refers to clean, clear, unpolluted air. Clean air is essential to maintain-ing the delicate balance of life on this planet — not just for humans, but wildlife, vegetation, water and soil. Poor air quality is a result of a number of factors, including emissions from var-ious sources, both natural and “human-caused.” Poor air quality occurs when pollutants reach

high enough concentrations to endanger human health and/or the envi-ronment. Our everyday choices, such as driving cars and burning wood, can have a significant impact on air quality. Poor air quality can affect or harm human health and/or the environment. Air quality can be degraded by natural or man-made sources.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-614-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

BIODEGRADABLE WASTE AND MANAGEMENT Editor: Alejandro WhiteBiodegradable waste is any waste that can decomposed in a reasonable amount of time. Common biodegradable wastes are food and kitchen waste, manure, sewage, agricultural and forestry waste, and textiles. Biodegrad-able wastes are important as when landfilled they break down anaerobically to produce biogas. If uncaptured this escapes into the atmosphere and becomes a contributor to

global warming. The main environmental threat from biodegradable waste is the production of methane in landfills. Biodegradable waste can often be used for composting which turns the waste into humus. It can also be used as a resource for heat, electricity and fuel in future, by using anaerobic digestion.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-615-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CLIMATOLOGY: AN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE Editor: Daniel Dela TorreClimatology is the scientific study of climates, which is defined as the mean weather condi-tions over a period of time. A branch of study within atmospheric sciences, it also takes into account the variables and averages of short-term and long-term weather condi-tions. Climatology is different than meteorol-ogy and can be divided into different areas of study. Climate is one of the most impor-

tant factors in our environment and we need to have predictions about its behavior to know how safe we are. It effects our food sources, our health and our homes. It would be foolish to be this scientifically and technologically advanced and not take full advantage of exploring cli-mate. Quite frankly it would be irrational. The modern study of clima-tology, particularly dynamic climatology, relies on the understanding of climate indices. Climate indices are large-scale weather patterns that are consistent and measureable.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-617-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

BIODIVERSITY: AN INTRODUCTIONEditor: Pauline Grace T. CortesBiodiversity is the variety of life. It can be stud-ied on many levels. At the highest level, you can look at all the different species on the entire Earth. On a much smaller scale, you can study biodiversity within a pond ecosystem or a neigh-borhood park. Biodiversity is the foundation of ecosystem services to which human well-being is intimately linked. No feature of Earth is more complex, dynamic, and varied than the layer of living organisms that occupy its surfaces and its

seas, and no feature is experiencing more dramatic change at the hands of humans than this extraordinary, singularly unique feature of Earth. Bio-diversity allows us to live healthy and happy lives. It provides us with an array of foods and materials and it contributes to the economy. Without a diversity of pollinators, plants, and soils.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-616-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT Editor: Ruzel Klein GoWaste management practices are not uniform among countries (developed and developing nations); regions (urban and rural area), and sectors (residential and industrial). It takes a lot of valuable energy and materials to create and manufacture products and the resulting indus-trial waste can be difficult to manage. People and companies need to educate themselves about the environment. Smog alerts in many cases result from not only harmful transporta-

tion emissions but also from the output of factories into the air we breathe. Environmental protection acts encourage and reward companies who do their part to more effectively manage waste and work with environmental agencies to maximize efforts to minimize the impact on the environment. Industrial waste producers need to pay for the disposal of their materials and in particular, need to take caution in the way they dispose of hazard-ous materials.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-626-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Environmental Sciences 2017



FUNDAMENTALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Editor: Taras KazantsevThis book describes the processes and activi-ties that need to take place to characterise and monitor the quality of the environment. Environmental monitoring is used in the preparation of environmental impact assess-ments, as well as in many circumstances in which human activities carry a risk of harm-ful effects on the natural environment. Envi-ronmental monitoring can be defined as the

systematic sampling of air, water, soil, and biota in order to observe and study the environment, as well as to derive knowledge from this process. This introductory text discusses technical developments and data arising from environmental monitoring and assessment, principles in the design of monitoring systems, and the use of monitoring data in assessing the consequences of natural resource management and pol-lution risks.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-620-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT Editor: Alejandro WhiteThis introductory text presents an overview of environmental protection and management strategies to curb air, water, land and noise pol-lution. Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the natural environment on individu-al, organisation controlled or governmental lev-els, for the benefit of both the environment and humans. Due to the pressures of over consump-tion, population and technology, the biophysical

environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation. Preserving the natural resources of our planet is a mainstay of the Environmental Policy.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-621-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY Editor: Jurex Cuenca GalloEnvironmental toxicology is a new field that has developed rapidly over the past 40 years. Environmental toxicology involves the study-ing of sources, pathways, transformations, and effects of chemicals that are harmful in the environment. The study of these harmful effects extends from individuals and popula-tions of organisms to the ecosystem level. The study of the toxic effects of environmen-

tal contaminants really began in the 1960’s, evolving from the tradition-al field of human or classical toxicology. Environmental toxicologists are usually involved in studying how toxic chemicals are metabolized by organisms, how they move through food webs and ecosystems, and the lethal and non-lethal effects they have on species. This book pres-ents the comprehensive effects of toxic chemicals on organisms in their natural environments, as well as the ecosystems they belong to.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-622-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FOREST CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT Editor: Judith RosalesForests are influenced by climate, landform and soil composition and they exist in a wide variety of forms in the tropical, temperate and boreal zones of the world. Each forest type, evergreen and deciduous, coniferous and broadleaved, wet and dry, as well as closed and open canopy forests, has its own uniqueness and together these forests com-plement one another and perform the vari-

ous socio-economic, ecological, environmental, cultural and spiritual functions. Forest conservation is the practice of planning and maintain-ing forested areas for the benefit and sustainability of future genera-tions. The sustainable production of forest goods and services and the conservation of biological diversity in forest ecosystems, as well as the equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation of the genetic resources would require concrete actions at both the national and in-ternational levels. This book covers the theory and practices of plan-ning and maintaining forested areas for the benefit and sustainability of future generations.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-624-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF ENVIRONMENTALISM AND SUSTAINABILITY Editor: Pauline Grace T. CortesSustainability is a broad discipline, giving stu-dents and graduates insights into most aspects of the human world from business to technology to environment and the social sciences. Environ-mentalism is a metaphor for how we feel about the natural world, and how we feel we ought to behave towards all living and inanimate objects.

Because our values are not consistent, so our environmental ideologies are not consonant. We all experience, to a greater or lesser extent, three lev-els of “greenness” — dry, shallow and deep. Environmental sustainability is the rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and non-renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely. If they cannot be continued indefinitely then they are not sustainable

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-623-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

GREENHOUSE GAS: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Editor: Judith RosalesGases that trap heat in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases. This book provides information on emissions and removals of the main greenhouse gases to and from the atmo-sphere. Behind the struggle to address global warming and climate change lies the increase in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. By increasing the heat in the atmosphere, green-house gases are responsible for the greenhouse

effect, which ultimately leads to global warming. Each of these gases can remain in the atmosphere for different amounts of time, ranging from a few years to thousands of years. All of these gases remain in the atmo-sphere long enough to become well mixed, meaning that the amount that is measured in the atmosphere is roughly the same all over the world, re-gardless of the source of the emissions.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-625-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Environmental Sciences 2017



LAND USE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Editor: Pauline Grace T. CortesThis book involves studies on the environ-mental effects of land use and its impact on the community. It provides a practical under-standing of the mechanisms, tools, and le-vers that can be used to achieve strategic and proactive urban governance. The process by which lands are evaluated and assessed to become a basis for decisions involving land disposition and utilization. Land manage-

ment is the process of managing the use and development (in both ur-ban and rural settings) of land resources. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which may include organic agriculture, reforesta-tion, water resource management and eco-tourism projects.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-627-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

WATER CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT Editor: Judith RosalesMost water is in the oceans, which cover 71% of the Earth’s surface. Three per cent is freshwater, two-thirds of which is tied up as ice in glaciers and at the poles. This leaves approximately 1% as freshwater in rivers, lakes, and the atmo-sphere and in groundwater. Population, house-hold size, and growth and affluence all affect how much water is used. Humans also need wa-ter for drinking, cleaning, cooking, and bathing.

Water management includes delivery of water to residential customers, water sanitation, regulation of water usage in home gardens, and water conservation measures that are designed to help communities use less wa-ter. Water scarcity may not be an immediate issue in all areas of the world, but many communities accept that there are growing pressures on water supplies and thinking ahead about water security is advisable. This book includes the policies, strategies and activities made to sustainably manage the natural resource fresh water, to protect the water environment, and to meet current and future human demand.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-628-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

WATER POLLUTION AND TREATMENT Editor: Rose Marie O. MendozaWater is a source of life and regarded as the most essential of natural resources. Existing freshwater resources are gradually becoming polluted and unavailable due to human or in-dustrial activities. The increasing contamina-tion of freshwater systems with thousands of industrial and natural chemical compounds is one of the key environmental problems fac-ing humanity worldwide. A growing number

of contaminants are entering water supplies from industrialization and human activity like heavy metals, dyes; pharmaceuticals; pesticides, fluoride, phenols, insecticides, pesticides and detergents. In view of the aforesaid problems, recent attention has been focused on the devel-opment of more effective, lower-cost, robust methods for wastewater treatment, without further stressing the environment or endangering human health by the treatment itself.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-629-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING: ESSENTIALS METHODS Editor: Rose Marie O. MendozaWater Resource Engineering involves the design of new systems and equipment that help man-age human water resources. It is the quantita-tive study of the hydrologic cycle -- the distribu-tion and circulation of water linking the earth’s atmosphere, land and oceans. Surface runoff is measured as the difference between precipita-tion and abstractions, such as infiltration (which replenishes groundwater flow), surface storage

and evaporation. Applications include the management of the urban wa-ter supply, the design of urban storm-sewer systems, and flood forecast-ing. This book covers the design of hydraulic structures, such as sewage conduits, dams and breakwaters, the management of waterways, such as erosion protection and flood protection, and environmental management, such as prediction of the mixing and transport of pollutants in surface wa-ter.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-630-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Food Science, Health and Nutrition 2017



INTRODUCTION TO FOOD ENGINEERINGEditor: Abao, Lary Nel B. Food engineering is the application of engi-neering principles to the storage, processing and distribution of food materials and their bio-products. It requires design of process-ing, handling, packaging and storage equip-ment and systems; scale-up of prototype food processes, machinery, and equipment; product/process research and develop-ment; regulation and protection of the public

health; and engineering and technical sales. This text covers food engi-neering processes and manufacturing techniques.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-575-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS FOOD MICROBIOLOGYEditor: Patricia Marques Microbiological analysis is important to de-termine the safety and quality of food. For many years, detection and identification of microorganisms in foods, animal feces, and environmental samples have relied on cul-tural techniques. Food Microbiology focuses on a wide variety of current research on microbes that have both beneficial and del-eterious effects on the safety and quality of

foods, and are thus a concern of public health. Microbial contamination of food can be due to raw materials which are naturally contaminated by microorganisms originating from air, water, soil, and animal/human carriers, or linked to food processing and work environment. This text highlights the risks of microbial contamination and is an invaluable go-to guide for anyone working in Food Health and Safety.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-577-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FOOD INDUSTRY: PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGIESEditor: Abao, Lary Nel B. This book is intended to the character of food processing and food process engineering. Food processing sector is one of the largest sectors in terms of production, growth, consumption, and export. The food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables; spices; meat and poultry; milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confec-

tionery, chocolates cocoa product soya-based products, mineral water and high protein foods. Processed foods aren’t just microwave meals and other ready meals but it applies to any food that has been altered from its natural state in some way, either for safety reasons or convenience. Processed foods aren’t necessarily unhealthy, but anything that’s been processed may contain added salt, sugar and fat.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-576-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FOOD SAFETY & QUALITY PRACTICESEditor: Abao, Lary Nel B.Food safety is a scientific discipline describ-ing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. Food can transmit disease from per-son to person as well as serve as a growth medium for bacteria that can cause food poi-soning. With its overview of the cutting-edge

technologies and introduction of sophisticated technologies, this book il-luminates how technologies from other disciplines can be developed into new approaches to food quality evaluation.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-578-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITIONEditor: Rose Jean D. Capidlac This introductory text provides a comprehen-sive and combined coverage of both food sci-ence and nutrition. This includes developing new and improved foods, analyzing food for its nutritional value and safety, and research-ing better ways to preserve food. Knowledge of food and nutritional science is required in order to make decisions on such issues as food irradiation, the genetic modification of

foods, food contamination by micro-organisms and toxic compounds, and food preservation. An important aspect of food science is under-standing the crucial link between diet and health so that foods can be developed to have maximum nutritional value. These include foods with new synthetic or natural ingredients which are used to replace fats or lower cholesterol, foods with novel health-promoting extracts from plants, or foods that have been altered by genetic manipulation.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-579-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

NUTRITION AND METABOLISM: THEORY AND PRACTICESEditor: Rose Jean D. CapidlacThis text addresses the basic knowledge to ex-plore nutrition and metabolism across the var-ious systems of the body rather than to deal in advanced aspects of nutrition. Metabolism is the chemical process your body uses to trans-form the food you eat into the fuel that keeps you alive. Nutrition (food) consists of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. These substances are broken down by enzymes in your digestive sys-

tem, and then carried to the cells where they can be used as fuel. The areas of interest of Nutrition & Metabolism encompass studies in obesity, diabetes, lipidemias, metabolic syndrome and exercise physiology that have an underlying basis in metabolism.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-580-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Journalism and Mass Communication 2017



JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATIONEditor: Alexandra PrentissAs a result of technological advances and glo-balization, the role of media as a source of information has become increasingly fraught with challenges. Journalism and mass commu-nication are at a crossroads. Both the medium and the profession of journalism have had to innovate to meet the demand of an increas-ingly complex global information market. Traditional news media has transitioned from

print to online, facilitating wider readership and immediate broadcast-ing. Access to information via the internet is more widespread and has played a major part in the developing world. In an era of citizen journal-ism, the relevance of traditional journalism and mass communication has had to be reevaluated; professional journalists have found themselves increasingly marginalized and have had to adapt. As a whole, journalism and mass communication will continue to have to adjust to meet the rapid changes in global news consumption and information technology.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-502-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MASS MEDIA EDUCATION IN TRANSITIONEditor: Alexandra PrentissMass media is the means that are used to communicate to the general public. This book provides a broad view of the major issues af-fecting all aspects of media education print and broadcast journalism, advertising, public relations, and media studies.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-503-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

HUMAN RIGHTS AND MASS COMMUNICATIONEditor: Alexandra PrentissCommunication rights involve freedom of opinion and expression, democratic media governance, media ownership and media control, participation in one’s own culture, linguistic rights, rights to education, privacy, assemble, and self-determination. They are also related inclusion and exclusion, quality and accessibility to means of communication. This book examines the role of the media in

promoting human rights. This book is an effort to find out why the media decide to include human rights coverage as part of their programs as well as the portrayal of human rights elements in such programs.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-504-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

THE MEDIA, JOURNALISM AND DEMOCRACYEditor: Alexandra PrentissMedia is the collective communication outlets or tools that are used to store and deliver in-formation or data. This book offers original insights into the relationship between media and democratic theory, it brings together a re-nowned collection of international specialists who examine media and democracy, profes-sional journalism, the anatomy of journalism. It is essential reading for students and scholars of journalism and new media.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-505-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ALTERNATIVE JOURNALISMEditor: Alexandra PrentissAlternative media are defined most broadly as those media practices falling outside the mainstreams of corporate communication. This book charts the historical and cultural practices of this diverse and globalized phe-nomenon. This book is the must-have guide to everything you need to know about how journalism works. Alternative media outlets often engage in advocacy journalism and fre-quently promote specific political views, often dissident views.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-506-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DIGITAL JOURNALISMEditor: Alexandra PrentissDigital journalism also known as online jour-nalism is a contemporary form of journalism where editorial content is distributed via the Internet as opposed to publishing via print or broadcast. Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. The general public typically

relies on the mass media to provide information regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture. This book offers comprehensive, instructive coverage of the techniques and secrets of be-ing a successful online journalist, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. This book share perspectives on what digital journalism is, where it came from, and where it may be going.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-507-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS JOURNALISMEditor: Alexandra PrentissBusiness journalism is the branch of journal-ism that tracks, records, analyzes and inter-prets the economic changes that take place in a society. It could include anything from per-sonal finance, to stock exchange, entrepre-neurship, business at the local market, and shopping malls, to the performance of well-known and not-so-well-known companies.

This area of journalism covers news and features articles about people, places and issues related to the field of business. The book captures major developments in economics and business journalism provides a framework for research in this field.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-508-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MASS MEDIA AND POLITICAL ISSUESEditor: Alexandra PrentissThis book provides an overview on the social scientific process by asking if theories exists to explain personal observations in politics and the media and if there is evidence to support the theories. The role of the mass media (MM) in influencing mass and class behavior has been a central concern among critical writers, espe-cially since the turn of the Twentieth century. Debates and studies on the MM have focused on its political bias, ownership and links to big

business, relationships and ties to the state, relative openness and diver-sity, promotion of wars and corporate interests among other major issues affecting the relations of power, wealth and empire.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-509-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Journalism and Mass Communication 2017



ETHICAL ISSUES IN JOURNALISM AND THE MEDIAEditor: Alexandra PrentissJournalism ethics and standards comprise principles of ethics and of good practice as applicable to the specific challenges faced by journalists. All over the world codes of con-duct have been proposed for journalists. In fact ethics is inseparable from journalism, because the practice of journalism is centredon a set of essentially ethical concepts: free-dom, democracy, truth, objectivity, honesty, privacy. This issue has become a matter of

political controversy and public concern. This book examines the ethicalconcepts which lie at the heart of journalism, including freedom, de-mocracy, truth, objectivity, honesty and privacy.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-510-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DYNAMICS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND JOURNALISMEditor: Alexandra PrentissPublic relations and journalism have had a diffi-cult relationship for over a century, characterized by mutual dependence and – often – mutual dis-trust. In recent years, developments in corporate Public Relations and in political communications mean that the news media outlets are less and less important to the persuaders. The communi-cations business is often able to bypass the gate-keepers. The internet, especially social media,

has made reputation more precarious – but it has also given companies, governments and public figures channels of communication of their own. Journalists often flinch from an inconvenient truth: that without the Pub-lic Relations industry their publications and bulletins would be poorer. This book updates all the chapters to stay abreast of the changing world of Public Relations & Journalism and to broaden student and practitioner insight into the synergy between Public Relations & Journalism. Various methods of con-veying newsworthy information are discussed in this analysis of the common qualities of public relations and journalism professionals.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-511-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

GLOBAL MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION POLICYEditor: Alexandra PrentissGlobal Media and Communication Policy of-fers new conceptual frameworks and new methodologies for mapping the contours of emergent global media and communication policy, drawing on theory and empirical re-search to offer multiple perspectives on the local, national, regional and global forums in which policy debate occurs. This book pro-vides insights into the boundaries of this field

of study, assesses why it is important, who is affected, and with what political, economic, social and cultural consequences. The book aims to enhance the reader’s knowledge and understanding of policy and regulatory issues, particularly at global level.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-512-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS - LAWS AND REGULATIONSEditor: Alexandra PrentissThis book aims to generate and disseminate knowledge about communication, and the way in which it operates and affects individuals and na-tions. Media regulation is the control or guidance of mass media by governments and other bodies. This regulation, via law, rules or procedures, can have various goals, for example intervention to protect a stated “public interest”, or encouraging competition and an effective mediamarket, or establishing common technical stan-dards.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-513-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | HardcoverMASS COMMUNICATION LAW Editor: Alexandra PrentissMass communication is the study of how people and entities relay information through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time. It is usually un-derstood to relate newspaper, magazine, and book publishing, as well as radio, television and film, even via internet as these mediums are used for disseminating information, news and advertising. This text provides a compre-hensive survey of media law and emphasizes

learning of law principles. This attractive new text highlights the cuttingedge policy issues raised as the law and new communication technolo-gies intersect.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-514-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Law and Criminology 2017



CRIMINOLOGY AND PENOLOGY: THEORIES ON CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Editor: Kirstein Pran P. PangodThis book concerns many topics and theo-ries, including those concerning prisons (prison reform, prisoner abuse, prisoners’ rights, and recidivism), as well as theories of the purposes of punishment. Penology is concerned with the effectiveness of those social processes devised and adopted for the prevention of crime, via the repression or

inhibition of criminal intent via the fear of punishment. The study of penology therefore deals with the treatment of prisoners and the sub-sequent rehabilitation of convicted criminals. It also encompasses as-pects of probation as well as penitentiary science relating to the secure detention and retraining of offenders committed to secure institutions. Contemporary penology concerns itself mainly with criminal rehabilita-tion and prison management. The word seldom applies to theories and practices of punishment in less formal environments such as parenting, school and workplace correctional measures.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-595-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CRIMINAL JUSTICEEditor: Kirstein Pran P. Pangod Criminal justice is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at up-holding social control, deterring and mitigat-ing crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. Those accused of crime have some protections against abuse of investigatory and prosecution powers. The criminal justice system is the set of agencies and processes established by governments to control crime

and impose penalties on those who violate laws. How the criminal justice system works in each area depends on the jurisdiction that is in charge: city, county, state, federal or tribal government or military installation. Different jurisdictions have different laws, agencies, and ways of manag-ing criminal justice processes.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-596-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Library and Information Science 2017



LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE FUNDAMENTALSEditor: Angelique P. GonzalezLibrary and Information Science is a profes-sion that is full of people passionate about making a positive change in the world & they tend to be wildly happy about what they do. A library is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, a corpora-tion, or a private individual. Public and in-stitutional collections and services may be intended for use by people who choose not

to—or cannot afford to—purchase an extensive collection themselves, who need material no individual can reasonably be expected to have, or who require professional assistance with their research. Libraries provide access to education by teaching information skills, by provid-ing leadership and expertise in the use of information and information technologies, and by participating in networks that enhance access to resources outside the school or community.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-605-5 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ACADEMIC LIBRARY MANAGEMENTEditor: Angelique P. Gonzalez The library is not just a repository, or a service like any other, or a place for study: it is all these things. It can also be a partner in research and in teaching, and institutions which fail to capi-talise fully on this asset will find it harder to compete in the future. An academic library plays a significant role in the context of this new learning paradigm. According to this new understanding of learning, a university library

as a subsystem of university organization has not been a division only pro-viding services for studies and research any longer. Instead, it has become an important unit of university’s information infrastructure and an active participant in the learning process of the particular study programme. To-gether with the university departments and teaching staff, the academic library strives to realize the study aims. The library becomes one of the potential learning environments that function at the university. It is char-acterized by the abundance of information sources.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-606-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PUBLIC LIBRARY MANAGEMENTEditor: Angelique P. Gonzalez Public library is a nonprofit library estab-lished for the use of the general public and maintained chiefly by public funds. Public libraries also provide free services such as preschool story times to encourage early literacy, quiet study and work areas for stu-dents and professionals, or book clubs to en-courage appreciation of literature in adults. Anyone at the helm of a small public library knows that every little detail counts. But jug-

gling the responsibilities that are part and parcel of the job is far from easy. This book includes basic concepts that administrators need to keep a handle on library operations, freeing them up to streamline and improve how the organization functions.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-607-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DIGITAL LIBRARIES: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICEEditor: Angelique P. Gonzalez Rapid advances in information technologies have revolutionized the role of libraries. As a result, libraries face new challenges, com-petitors, demands, and expectations. Librar-ies are redesigning services and information products to add value to their services and to satisfy the changing information needs of the user community. Traditional libraries are still handling largely printed materials that

are expensive and bulky. Information seekers are no longer satisfied with only printed materials. They want to supplement the printed in-formation with more dynamic electronic resources. Demands for digital information are increasing. A digital library is a collection of documents in organized electronic form, available on the Internet or on CD-ROM (compact-disk read-only memory) disks. Depending on the specific li-brary, a user may be able to access magazine articles, books, papers, images, sound files, and videos.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-609-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

HANDBOOK ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Editor: Angelique P. Gonzalez The ability to manage knowledge is crucial in today‘s knowledge economy. The creation and diffusion of knowledge have become increas-ingly important factors in competitiveness. This introductory handbook covering the the-ories, frameworks, models, tools, and support-ing disciplines that are relevant to both the student and the practitioner. The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview

of knowledge management by examining its objectives, scope, strategy, best practices, knowledge management tools, and so on. A brief history of knowledge management concepts is outlined, noting that much of KM existed before the actual term came into popular use. The lack of con-sensus over what constitutes a good definition of KM is addressed and the concept analysis technique is described as a means of clarifying the conceptual confusion that still persists over what KM is or is not. The mul-tidisciplinary roots of KM are enumerated together with their contribu-tions to the discipline.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-608-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

INFORMATION SCIENCEEditor: Angelique P. GonzalezThis book presents the study of information usage covers activities such as information collection, processing, storage and retrieval, presentation, and communication of informa-tion. It also encompasses study of the organ-isational contexts in which information is used, and of information systems that support infor-mation usage. Information Science plays a vital role in just about everything we do in modern society. Accordingly, information systems are

vital to the operation of modern organisations and information scientists are involved in almost every field of endeavour imaginable. People with information science skills are in high demand, and there are many and varied career opportunities in fields such as business, science, education, health, music and mass media. Information Science sits at the intersec-tion of technology, people, and organisations.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-610-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Library and Information Science 2017



ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSEditor: Angelique P. GonzalezAn EDM system allows an enterprise and its users to create a document or capture a hard copy in electronic form, store, edit, print, process, and otherwise manage documents in image, video, and audio, as well as in text form. An EDM system usually provides a single view of multiple databases and may in-clude scanners for document capture, print-ers for creating hard copy, storage devices

such as redundant array of independent disks systems, and computer server and server programs for managing the databases that contains the documents. EDM may be needed in enterprises that capture and store a large number of documents such as invoices, sales orders, pho-tographs, phone interviews, or video newsclips.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-611-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LIBRARY CLASSIFICATIONEditor: Angelique P. GonzalezLibrary classification is an aspect of library and information science. A library classification is a system by which library materials are ar-ranged according to subject. Library classifica-tions use a notational system that represents the order of topics in the classification and al-lows items to be stored in that order. Library classification systems group related materials together, typically arranged in a hierarchical

tree structure. A different kind of classification system, called a faceted classification system, is also widely used which allows the assignment of multiple classifications to an object, enabling the classifications to be or-dered in multiple ways.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-612-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Management 2017



BUSINESS ANALYTICS FOR BANKINGEditor: Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D.Business Analytics is the study of data through statistical and operations analysis, the for-mation of predictive models, application of optimization techniques and the communica-tion of these results to customers, business partners and colleague executives. It is the intersection of business and data science. The Banking sector is burdened with stringent reg-ulations, changes and uncertainties. They are

facing multiple challenges, with customers demanding personalized ex-periences. They also need to reduce risk, cut costs, retain customers and reduce losses while complying changing laws and regulations. This book specializes in data driven business strategies for the complete range of financial products - from asset and liability products to wealth manage-ment products.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-485-3 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PRACTICAL BUSINESS ANALYTICS USING SASEditor: Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D.Using real-life business scenarios, Practical Business Analytics Using SAS shows SAS pro-grammers and business people how to analyze data performance predictive modeling. This book presents the tools you need to gain in-sight into the data at fingertips, predict busi-ness conditions for better planning, and make excellent decisions. Whether you are in retail, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, govern-

ment, or any other industry, this book will help your organization increaserevenue, drive down costs, improve marketing, and satisfy customers better than ever before.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-486-0 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

TOTAL QUALITY IN MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCESEditor: Rahmaoui Naima Total quality management (TQM) has far-reaching implications for the management of human resources. It emphasizes self-control, autonomy, and creativity among employees and calls for greater active cooperation rather than just compliance. Indeed, it is becoming a maxim of good management that human fac-tors are the most important dimension in qual-ity and productivity improvement. This book

shows how the human resources department can be a powerful force in introducing and sustaining total quality efforts through an organization.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-490-7 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

EMERGING MULTIDISCIPLINARY PROCESSES IN E-BANKINGEditor: Jacinta AustinE-banking is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct a range of fi-nancial transactions through the financial in-stitution’s website. This cutting edge publica-tion emphasizes emerging e-banking theories, technologies, strategies, and challenges to stimulate and disseminate information to re-search, business, and banking communities. It

develops a comprehensive framework for e-banking through a multidis-ciplinary approach, while taking into account the implications it has on traditional banks, businesses, and economies.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-491-4 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MODERN BANKING: CHALLENGES AND TRENDSEditor: Rahmaoui Naima Times are changing, and today’s digital world is having widespread effects on an array of consumer behaviors, including how we handle our finances. Electronics and mobility are key trends for financial institutions to keep track of, but consumers are not ready to sever all ties with their local bank branches just yet. This book focuses on the theory and practice of banking, and its prospects in the new mil-lennium.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-492-1 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT: A CRISIS MANAGEMENT APPROACHEditor: Jacinta AustinBusiness Continuity Management is a manage-ment process that identifies risk, threats and vulnerabilities that could impact an entity’s continued operations and provides a frame-work for building organizational resilience and the capability for an effective response. This book is intended to be a step-by-step guide to implementation of business continuity man-agement within an enterprise.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-494-5 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | HardcoverSTRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTEditor: Rahmaoui Naima Strategic Human Resource Management focus-es on the different aspects of human resource management such as recruitment, hiring, com-pensation, and training of employees- but it does all of this with a focus on aligning with the organization’s goals. As organizations continue to face mounting competitive pres-sures, they seek to do more with less and do it with better quality. As goals for sales volume,

profits, innovation, and quality are raised, employment growth is often tightly controlled and in many cases, substantial cuts in employment have been made. To accomplish more with fewer employees calls for effective management of human resources. The strategic nature of HR decision making extends far beyond the doors of the HR department. The purpose of this book is thus to help those already making HR decisions do so in a way that takes advantage of what we have learned from research in SHRM.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-495-2 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ETHICAL ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTEditor: Jacinta AustinEthical Issue is a problem or situation that re-quires a person or organization to choose be-tween alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical). Covering the subject of HR in a rigorous and comprehen-sive way using ethical frameworks, this book gazes at areas of ethical distress in current de-velopments and practice, as well as examples and methods for promoting good practice.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-496-9 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Management 2017



HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FOR ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESSEditor: Rahmaoui NaimaHuman resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives. HR is primar-ily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems. Current challenges, emerging issues, and HRM innovations that managers at all levels

must understand and apply to help their organizations succeed in a rapidly changing work environment. This book provides current HRM knowledge and skills with practical guidelines. The purpose of the book is to enrich people management and gain competitive advantage in the fast-moving business environment.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-497-6 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

FUNDAMENTALS OF TOTAL QUALITY SAFETY MANAGEMENT AND AUDITINGEditor: Jacinta AustinTotal Quality Management (TQM) is a business philosophy that yields customer satisfaction and continuous process improvement. This book discusses a series of fundamentals for creating an operationally excellent management system (OEMS). The text also focuses on the ISO-9000 Quality Program, Voluntary Protection Program,and Process Safety Management. For each of

these topics, the key principles are identified and described, and the qual-ity principles are adapted to safety.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-498-3 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION: A CRITICAL APPROACHEditor: Jacinta AustinTotal Quality Management in Education: A Critical Approach blends the fundamental prin-ciples and historical foundation of total quality with practical applications and examples. This book is designed for managers in higher educa-tion as well as for school principals and super-intendents in schools. Total Quality Manage-ment (TQM) is a philosophy and a methodology that is widely used in business, and increasingly in education.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-499-0 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SUSTAINABILITY IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTEditor: Jacinta AustinSustainable supply chain management involves integrating environmentally and financially vi-able practices into the complete supply chain lifecycle, from product design and development, to material selection, manufacturing, packag-ing, transportation, warehousing, distribution, consumption, return and disposal. Environmen-tally sustainable supply chain management and practices can assist organizations in not only

reducing their total carbon footprint, but also in optimizing their end-to-end operations to achieve greater cost savings and profitability. This book emphases on the need to develop sustainable supply chains - economi-cally, environmentally and socially. An ideal resource for graduate-level and executive courses in sustainability, operations management, and sup-ply chain/logistics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-500-3 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

LEAN SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTEditor: Jacinta AustinBryophytes and Pteridophytes are two large groups of spore producing land plants. Bryo-phytes are a group of small, mostly non-vascular, land plants that share a unique life cycle having a dominant gametophyte. The spore producing body called sporophyte is permanently attached to the sexual body called gametophyte. The gametophytic bodies of bryophytes can be either thalloid or leafy.

The pteridophytes, which include the ferns and fern allies, are a group of vascular land plants with a dominant sporophytic body. The gameto-phytic body, the prothallus, is minute, often heart-shaped and free living. Like bryophytes, members of pteridophytic group do not produce seeds but only spores. Angiosperms are seed-producing plants like the gymno-sperms and can be distinguished from the gymnosperms by characteris-tics including flowers, endosperm within the seeds, and the production of fruits that contain the seeds. The book details the reproductive system and physical characteristics of bryophytes, pteridophytes, and gymno-sperms.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-501-0 | $150 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Mathematics and Statistics 2017



FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRA Editor: John Kristtofer H. San PedroAlgebra is a division of mathematics designed to help solve certain types of problems quicker and easier. Algebra is based on the concept of unknown values called variables, unlike arithmetic which is based entirely on known number values. Just as sentences de-scribe relationships between specific words, in algebra, equations describe relationships between variables. This text introduces an important algebraic concept. The purpose of

this book is to provide a concise yet detailed account of fundamental concepts in modern algebra.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-581-2 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

CALCULUS WITH APPLICATIONSEditor: Maria Catherine C. Borres Calculus is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. There is just so much it can of-fer. The success of calculus has been extended over time into various other important topics in mathematics. Calculus is a very versatile and valuable tool. It is a form of mathematics which was developed from algebra and geometry. It is made up of two interconnected topics, dif-ferential calculus and integral calculus. Calcu-lus is deeply integrated in every branch of the

physical sciences, such as physics and biology. It is found in computer sci-ence, statistics, and engineering; in economics, business, and medicine. Modern developments such as architecture, aviation, and other tech-nologies all make use of what calculus can offer. This text is designed to outline some of the applications of calculus and give you some idea of why calculus is so important and useful.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-582-9 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DISCRETE MATHEMATICS: AN INTRODUCTIONEditor: Maria Catherine C. Borres This book presents not only the major themes of discrete mathematics, but also the reasoning that underlies mathematical thought. Discrete mathematics is mathemat-ics that deals with discrete objects. Discrete objects are those which are separated from each other. Integers, rational numbers, auto-mobiles, houses, people etc. are all discrete objects. On the other hand real numbers

which include irrational as well as rational numbers are not discrete. As you know between any two different real numbers there is another real number different from either of them. So they are packed without any gaps and cannot be separated from their immediate neighbors. In that sense they are not discrete. In this book we will be concerned with ob-jects such as integers, propositions, sets, relations and functions, which are all discrete.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-583-6 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF STATISTICSEditor: Maria Catherine C. Borres In making predictions, Statistics uses the companion subject of Probability, which models chance mathematically and enables calculations of chance in complicated cases. Today, statistics has become an important tool in the work of many academic disciplines such as medicine, psychology, education, sociology, engineering and physics, just to name a few. Statistics is also important in many aspects of society such as business, in-

dustry and government. Because of the increasing use of statistics in so many areas of our lives, it has become very desirable to understand and practise statistical thinking. This is important even if you do not use statistical methods directly.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-585-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF GEOMETRY Editor: John Kristtofer H. San Pedro This introductory text focuses on critical con-cepts taught in a typical geometry course, from the properties of triangles, parallelo-grams, circles, cylinders, and much more. Ge-ometry is perhaps the most elementary of the sciences that enable man, by purely intellec-tual processes, to make predictions (based on observation) about physical world.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-584-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

ESSENTIALS OF NUMBER THEORYEditor: Maria Catherine C. BorresNumber theory, also known as higher arithme-tic, is a branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers. Some-times the discipline is considered to include the imaginary and complex numbers as well. The main goal of number theory is to discover interesting and unexpected relationships be-tween different sorts of numbers and to prove that these relationships are true. In this text

we will describe a few typical number theoretic problems, some of which have known solutions too difficult for us to include, and some of which remain unsolved to this day.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-586-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Mathematics and Statistics 2017



PROBABILITY: THEORY AND EXAMPLESEditor: Maria Catherine C. BorresThe probability of an event refers to the like-lihood that the event will occur. Nearly every day you use probability to plan around the weather. Meteorologists can’t predict ex-actly what the weather will be, so they use tools and instruments to determine the likeli-hood that it will rain, snow or hail. This book provides an introduction to probability that is both mathematical, in the sense that the

underlying theory is developed from axioms, and practical, in the sense that applications to real-world problems are discussed. It is essential that we grasp the difference between theory and reality. Theories are ideas proposed to explain phenomena in the real world. As such they are approximations or models of reality.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-587-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

A HANDBOOK OF PROOFS AND THEOREMSEditor: Maria Catherine C. BorresIn mathematics, a theorem is a statement that can be demonstrated to be true by accepted mathematical operations and arguments. In general, a theorem is an embodiment of some general principle that makes it part of a larger theory. The process of showing a theorem to be correct is called a proof. A proof is a deduc-tive argument for a mathematical statement. In the argument, other previously established

statements, such as theorems, can be used. In principle, a proof can be traced back to self-evident or assumed statements, known as axioms, along with accepted rules of inference.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-588-1 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONSEditor: Maria Catherine C. BorresDuring the past three decades, the develop-ment of nonlinear analysis, dynamical sys-tems and their applications to science and engineering has stimulated renewed enthu-siasm for the theory of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). This useful book, which em-phasizes both theory and applications, taking numerous examples from physics and biolo-gy to illustrate the application of ODE theory

and techniques. A differential equation is a mathematical equation that relates some function with its derivatives. In applications, the functions usually represent physical quantities, the derivatives represent their rates of change, and the equation defines a relationship between the two. Differential equations have a variety of applications in science and engineering.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-589-8 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

THE THEORY OF MATRICES: WITH APPLICATIONSEditor: Maria Catherine C. BorresThe study of matrices occupies a singular place within mathematics. It is still an area of active research, and it is used by every mathemati-cian and by many scientists working in vari-ous specialities. Matrices are incredibly useful things that crop up in many different applied areas. Applications of matrices are found in most scientific fields. In every branch of phys-ics, including classical mechanics, optics, elec-

tromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and quantum electrodynamics, they are used to study physical phenomena, such as the motion of rigid bod-ies. In computer graphics, they are used to project a 3D model onto a 2 dimensional screen. In probability theory and statistics, stochastic matri-ces are used to describe sets of probabilities; for instance, they are used within the PageRank algorithm that ranks the pages in a Google search. Matrix calculus generalizes classical analytical notions such as derivatives and exponentials to higher dimensions.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-590-4 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Physics 2017



CLASSICAL & FLUID MECHANICSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that studies the mechanics of fluids and the forces on them. Fluid mechanics has a wide range of applications, including for mechanical en-gineering, chemical engineering, geophysics, astrophysics, and biology. This book offers comprehensive topical coverage, with varied examples and problems, application of visual component of fluid mechanics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-430-3 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

LASER & MAGNETISMEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic ra-diation. Magnetism is a class of physical phe-nomena that are mediated by magnetic fields. This book covers all the standard introductory topics, such as magnetism, electromagnetic waves, and magnetic fields in matter and also focuses on laser.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-431-0 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Mathematical physics refers to development of mathematical methods for application to problems in physics. Computational physics is the study and implementation of numeri-cal analysis to solve problems in physics for which a quantitative theory already exists. This book explains the fundamentals of mathematical and computational physics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-432-7 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

NONLINEAR & COMPLEX SYSTEMSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.In physics, a nonlinear system, in contrast to a linear system, is a system which does not sat-isfy the superposition principle – meaning that the output of a nonlinear system is not directly proportional to the input. Complex systems is a new field of science studying how parts of a system give rise to the collective behaviors of the system, and how the system interacts with its environment. This book describes the modern unified study of nonlinear and com-plex systems.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-433-4 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

NUCLEAR & HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies atomic nuclei and their constituents and interactions. High energy physics is the branch of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radi-ation. This book focuses on nuclear and high energy physics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-434-1 | $175 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PARTICLE PHYSICSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Particle physics is the study of the basic ele-ments of matter and the forces acting among them. It aims to determine the fundamental laws that control the make-up of matter and the physical universe. This book provides a compre-hensive and self-contained description of the standard model of particle physics.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-435-8 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

THERMAL PHYSICS & STATISTICAL MECHANICSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Thermal physics is the combined study of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and kinetic theory. Statistical mechanics is a branch of theoretical physics that studies, us-ing probability theory, the average behavior of a mechanical system made up of a large number of equivalent components where the microscopic realization of the system is uncertain or undefined. This book introduces concepts of thermal physics and statistical mechanics from a unified view.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-436-5 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

STATISTICAL METHODS IN RADIATION PHYSICSEditor: Olga Moreira, Ph.D.Radiation physics is the branch of physics that studies the effects of radiation on matter. This field has been instrumental in providing improved manufacturing processes, nuclear energy, and advanced medical diagnostic and treatment options. With particular emphasis on radiation protection and dosimetry, this book deals with statistical solutions to prob-lems inherent in health physics measurements and decision making.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-437-2 | $170 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Physics 2017



GROUP THEORY IN PHYSICSEditor: Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D.In this book, we provide a collection of re-search articles about basic concepts of group theory and its applications in physics. The con-tents have been chosen with the aim to high-light general features and methods that prove the power of group theory in several fields of the physics, such that, classical mechanics, nonlinear and stochastic systems, quantum mechanics and thermo-fluid dynamics. In par-ticular, it will be shown different applications of Lie’s group theory to the above said fields.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-438-9 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

MACROMOLECULAR PHYSICSEditor: Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D.This book provides a summary of important works in the field of the physics of macromo-lecular solids and liquids. The papers report the research results about transition mechanisms, structure-property relationships, the physics of polymer solutions and melts, glassy and amor-phous solids, and individual polymer molecules.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-439-6 | $165 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

HANDBOOK OF ATOMIC, MOLECULAR, AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Editor: Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D.The purpose of this book is that to show the fundamental knowledge of modern atomic and molecular physics with a broad sight into optical physics and quantum optics. All of these topics actually constitute a vital area of active and highly productive research in phys-ics. Moreover, these physical contents contin-

ues to constitute an indispensable basis for any more profound under-standing of nearly all branches of physical chemistry and in the last years of biological and material sciences.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-440-2 | $180 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Tourism and Hospitality 2017



CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM Editor: Jennifer RagaTourism and Hospitality are diverse, exciting and dynamic industries. Tourism is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world. Mass flows of tourists and rapid expansion means the industry is facing many challenges, notably in how global tourism activity can sustain such growth in the long term whilst providing benefits to local com-munities and minimizing environmental dam-

age. This text focuses on the wider management issues impacting on tourism and the challenges caused by the growth in tourism will be ad-dressed throughout your studies. There is an increase in demand for skilled professionals to work in both destination management organiza-tions and tourism businesses which promote responsible and sustain-able tourism practices.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-597-3 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENTEditor: Jennifer Raga Sustainable tourism development guidelines and management practices are applicable to all forms of tourism in all types of destinations, including mass tourism and the various niche tourism segments. Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic, and so-cio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these three dimensions to guarantee

its long-term sustainability. Sustainable tourism development requires the informed participation of all relevant stakeholders, as well as strong political leadership to ensure wide participation and consensus building. Achieving sustainable tourism is a continuous process and it requires con-stant monitoring of impacts, introducing the necessary preventive and/or corrective measures whenever necessary.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-598-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

KEY CONCEPTS IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENTEditor: Jennifer Raga Hospitality management includes many dif-ferent businesses, including hotels, restau-rants, casinos, resorts, tour agencies and airlines. Hospitality management means ‘managing’ an event, or when referring to managing a hotel, it would mean managing all the different departments and members of staff so that the paying guests feel welcomed and enjoy their stay. Hospitality is part of the

service industry, so the individuals working in hospitality management must hold these essential qualities, which would make paying guests want to return. This ensures the success of any convention center or resort, and goes along way towards getting repeat business. Hospitality is at the top of the list of the largest international industries because of the genre of services included within it.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-599-7 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONSEditor: Jennifer Raga Hotel operations managers oversee the entire operations of a lodging establishment. Opera-tions include human resources, housekeeping, security, public relations, food service, sales and finances. It is the hotel operations man-ager’s job to deal effectively with customers, bosses and staff workers while keeping the hotel running smoothly. Hospitality is the re-lationship between guest and host, or the act

or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, resorts, membership clubs, conventions, attractions, special events, and other services for travelers and tourists. A hotel operations manager may have assistants or assign department heads to help manage the hotel. Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-600-0 | $145 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover


Zoology & Botany 2017



VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGYEditor: Dr. Nisha DahiyaVertebrate zoology is the biological disciplinethat consists of the study of Vertebrate ani-mals, i.e., animals with a backbone, such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mam-mals. This comprehensive book gives a pan-oramic view of vertebrate life, classification,ecology and behavior.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-515-7 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PROGRESS IN INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Editor: Vikas MishraInvertebrate zoology is the biological disciplinethat consists of the study of invertebrate ani-mals, i.e. animals without a backbone (a struc-ture which is found only in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). Invertebrates are a vast and very diverse group of animals that includes sponges, echinoderms, tunicates, numerous different phyla of worms, molluscs, arthropods and many additional phyla. Single-

celled organisms or protists are usually not included within the same group as invertebrates. This book presents a comprehensive and criticalreview of recent developments in Invertebrate Zoology.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-516-4 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | HardcoverVERTEBRATE EMBRYOLOGYEditor: Dr. Q. Tian Wang, PhDEmbryology is the branch of biology that studies the development of gametes (sex cells), fertilization, and development of em-bryos and fetuses. Additionally, embryology is the study of congenital disorders that oc-cur before birth. Although the process of development is a continuous series of eventswith some of the details varying among dif-ferent vertebrate groups. This book considerthe stages of development and conclude with a description of the events that occur during embryo development.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-517-1 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

PALEOBOTANY, PALEOECOLOGY, AND EVOLUTIONEditor: Linda LaitThe study of plants in the fossil record, in or-der to understand both the evolution of plant life and the ecology of ancient eras, is known as paleobotany. Paleobotany focuses on plant fossils, including algae, fungi, and related or-ganisms, as well as mosses, ferns, and seed plants. Paleoecology is the investigation of individuals, populations, and communities of ancient organisms and their interactions with

and dynamic responses to changing environments. This text considers what fossils are and how they can be preserved and studied. It seeks to help students determine the geologic age of a fossil, and explores the ap-plications of palaeobotanical studies.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-518-8 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover

VASCULAR PLANTS AND PALEOBOTANYEditor: Vikas MishraVascular plants, also known as tracheophytesand also higher plants, form a large group of plants that are defined as those land plants that have lignified tissues (the xylem) for conducting water and minerals through-out the plant. They also have a specialized non-lignified tissue (the phloem) to conduct products of photosynthesis. Vascular plants include the clubmosses, horsetails, ferns,

gymnosperms (including conifers) and angiosperms (flowering plants).This book provides an important collection of topics that sheds light on many aspects of the evolutionary patterns of gymnosperms, angio-sperms, and pteridophtes.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68094-519-5 | $155 | Pub Year: 2017 | Hardcover




1 9781680943498 Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $175 Engineering and Technology

2 9781680943511 Manufacturing Systems: Design and Analysis Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

3 9781680943535 Quantum Mechanics for Applied Nanotechnology Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $175 Engineering and Technology

4 9781680943542 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

5 9781680943573 Introduction to Microprocessors Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $165 Engineering and Technology

6 9781680943580 Microprocessors and Application Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $165 Engineering and Technology

7 9781680943603 Superconductors - New Developments Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $175 Engineering and Technology

8 9781680943610 Ferroelectric Materials Mulmudi Hemant Kumar, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

9 9781680943627 Advances in Bioengineering Stephen Rego, Ph.D. $175 Engineering and Technology

10 9781680943634 Thermal Power Plants - Advanced Applications Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $175 Engineering and Technology

11 9781680943641 New Developments in Renewable Energy Juan Carlos Serrano Ruiz, Ph.D. $175 Engineering and Technology

12 9781680943658 Photonic Crystals - Introduction, Theory and Applications Klaus Petritsch, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

13 9781680943665 Advances in Measurement Systems Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $175 Engineering and Technology

14 9781680943689 Applied Measurement Systems Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

15 9781680943696 Wave Motion and Applied Science Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $165 Engineering and Technology

16 9781680943702 Applied Stochastic Hydrogeology Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $175 Engineering and Technology

17 9781680943719 Organic Materials for Civil Engineering Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

18 9781680943726 Measurement in Science and Civil Engineering Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $165 Engineering and Technology

19 9781680943733 Civil Engineering Problems and Solutions Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $165 Engineering and Technology

20 9781680943740 Geology for Civil Engineer Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

21 9781680943757 Foundations and Retaining Structures Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

22 9781680943764 Robotics in civil engineering Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

23 9781680943771 Advanced Building Construction and Materials Handbook Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $180 Engineering and Technology

24 9781680943788 Modern Earth Building Handbook Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $180 Engineering and Technology

25 9781680943795 Handbook of Engineering Hydrology Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $180 Engineering and Technology

26 9781680943801 Fundamentals of Hydraulics Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $165 Engineering and Technology

27 9781680943818 Civil Engineering Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

28 9781680943825 Optimization in Civil Engineering Dr. Tanjina Nur, Ph.D. $165 Engineering and Technology

29 9781680943832 Design, Instrumentation, and Controls Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

30 9781680943856 Control of Quantum Systems Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $175 Engineering and Technology

31 9781680943870 Optical Methods for Solid Mechanics Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $165 Engineering and Technology

32 9781680943924 Electrical Engineering Materials Dharani Sabba, Ph.D. $165 Engineering and Technology

33 9781680943948 Instrumentation and Measurement in Electrical Engineering Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

34 9781680943955 Fourier Transform - Signal Processing Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

35 9781680943962 Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

36 9781680943979 Advances in Solid State Circuit Technologies Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $175 Engineering and Technology

37 9781680943986 Engineering Superconductivity Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $170 Engineering and Technology

38 9781680943993 Modern Semiconductor Device Physics Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $165 Engineering and Technology

39 9781680944006 Principles of scientific and technical writing Dharani Sabba, Ph.D. $165 Engineering and Technology

40 9781680944013 Preparing and Delivering Effective Technical & Scientific Presentations

Klaus Petritsch, Ph.D. $165 Engineering and Technology

41 9781680944020 Handbook of Communications System Engineering Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $180 Engineering and Technology

42 9781680944037 Composite Materials: Science and Engineering Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $165 Engineering and Technology

43 9781680944044 Electric Machines: Principles, Applications, and Control Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $170 Engineering and Technology

44 9781680944051 Fundamentals of Power Electronics Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $165 Engineering and Technology

45 9781680944075 Engineering Heat Transfer Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

46 9781680944082 Engineering Electromagnetics Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

47 9781680944105 Wastewater Treatment Engineering Jaspreet Banga, Ph.D. $170 Engineering and Technology

48 9781680944129 Chromatography Techniques Valeria Severino, Ph.D. $170 Chemistry

49 9781680944136 Bioelectrochemistry Valeria Severino, Ph.D. $165 Chemistry

50 9781680944143 Water Chemistry Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D. $165 Chemistry

51 9781680944167 Electrochemical Processes in Biological Systems Valeria Severino, Ph.D. $170 Chemistry




52 9781680944174 Electrochemistry of Metal Complexes Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D. $170 Chemistry

53 9781680944181 Electrocatalysis Mulmudi Hemant Kumar, Ph.D. $160 Chemistry

54 9781680944198 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D. $165 Chemistry

55 9781680944242 Food Chemistry Chemometrics Gonzalo Delgado, Ph.D. $170 Chemistry

56 9781680944259 Toxicology and Pesticide Chemistry Gonzalo Delgado, Ph.D. $165 Chemistry

57 9781680944266 Chemical Processes for Sustainability Juan Carlos Serrano Ruiz, Ph.D. $170 Chemistry

58 9781680944273 Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Metal Hydrides

Mulmudi Hemant Kumar, Ph.D. $170 Chemistry

59 9781680944280 Molecular Physics and Quantum Chemistry Handbook Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D. $180 Chemistry

60 9781680944297 Applied Industrial Catalysis Juan Carlos Serrano Ruiz, Ph.D. $170 Chemistry

61 9781680944303 Classical & Fluid Mechanics Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $165 Physics

62 9781680944310 Laser & Magnetism Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $165 Physics

63 9781680944327 Mathematical & Computational Physics Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $170 Physics

64 9781680944334 Nonlinear & Complex Systems Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $170 Physics

65 9781680944341 Nuclear & High Energy Physics Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $175 Physics

66 9781680944358 Particle Physics Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $165 Physics

67 9781680944365 Thermal Physics & Statistical Mechanics Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $170 Physics

68 9781680944372 Statistical Methods in Radiation Physics Olga Moreira, Ph.D. $170 Physics

69 9781680944389 Group Theory in Physics Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D. $165 Physics

70 9781680944396 Macromolecular Physics Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D. $165 Physics

71 9781680944402 Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D. $180 Physics

72 9781680944419 Operating Systems Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

73 9781680944426 Database Management Systems Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

74 9781680944433 Computer Networks Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

75 9781680944440 Computer Graphics and Visualisation Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

76 9781680944457 Computer Language Engineering Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $165 Computer Science and Information technology

77 9781680944464 Switching Theory and Logic Design Gerard Ian Prudhomme $165 Computer Science and Information technology

78 9781680944471 Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

79 9781680944488 Computer Based Management System & E-Commerce Gerard Ian Prudhomme $165 Computer Science and Information technology

80 9781680944495 E-Security & Software Standards Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

81 9781680944501 Unix Programming Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

82 9781680944518 Computer Based Numerical and Statistical Techniques Maria Emilova Velinova, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

83 9781680944525 Principles of Programming Languages Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

84 9781680944532 Network Analysis & Synthesis Gerard Ian Prudhomme $165 Computer Science and Information technology

85 9781680944549 Systems Programming Gerard Ian Prudhomme $165 Computer Science and Information technology

86 9781680944556 Software Project Management Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

87 9781680944563 Information Security and Cyber Laws Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

88 9781680944570 Java Technologies Gerard Ian Prudhomme $165 Computer Science and Information technology

89 9781680944587 Distributed Database Architecture Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

90 9781680944594 Artificial Neural Nerworks Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

91 9781680944600 Multimedia System Harinirina Randrianarisoa, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology




92 9781680944617 Service-oriented Software System Engineering Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

93 9781680944624 Principles of Information Security Prof. Dr. Zoran Gacovski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

94 9781680944631 Algorithms & Data Structures Ivan Stanimirović, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

95 9781680944648 Database & Data Warehousing Technologies Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D. $165 Computer Science and Information technology

96 9781680944655 The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics Gerard Ian Prudhomme $175 Computer Science and Information technology

97 9781680944662 Microcomputer Architecture and Programming Gerard Ian Prudhomme $170 Computer Science and Information technology

98 9781680944679 Software Process Improvement Gerard Ian Prudhomme $165 Computer Science and Information technology

99 9781680944686 Software Metrics and Software Metrology Gerard Ian Prudhomme $170 Computer Science and Information technology

100 9781680944693 Advances in Geometric Modeling Gerard Ian Prudhomme $175 Computer Science and Information technology

101 9781680944709 Advances in Bioremediation of Wastewater and Polluted Soil

Sarika Garg, Ph.D. $160 Environmental Sciences

102 9781680944716 Conservation Biology Quan Cui, Ph.D. $155 Environmental Sciences

103 9781680944747 Integrated Watershed Management Quan Cui, Ph.D. $155 Environmental Sciences

104 9781680944754 Groundwater Monitoring Quan Cui, Ph.D. $155 Environmental Sciences

105 9781680944761 Modern Climatology Quan Cui, Ph.D. $160 Environmental Sciences

106 9781680944778 Advanced Geoscience Remote Sensing Maria Tattaris, Ph.D. $165 Environmental Sciences

107 9781680944785 Environmental Microbiology Sarika Garg, Ph.D. $155 Environmental Sciences

108 9781680944792 Environmental Quality Management Quan Cui, Ph.D. $155 Environmental Sciences

109 9781680944808 Geobiology Quan Cui, Ph.D. $155 Environmental Sciences

110 9781680944815 Organic Pollutants - Monitoring, Risk and Treatment Quan Cui, Ph.D. $160 Environmental Sciences

111 9781680944822 Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation MARIA TATTARIS, Ph.D. $160 Environmental Sciences

112 9781680944839 Ecohydrology Quan Cui, Ph.D. $160 Environmental Sciences

113 9781680944846 Earthquake Geology Nelson Bolivar, Ph.D $155 Environmental Sciences

114 9781680946130 Air Pollution: Causes, Impacts and Control Alejandro White $145 Environmental Sciences

115 9781680946147 Air Quality Monitoring and Control Strategies Jurex Cuenca Gallo $145 Environmental Sciences

116 9781680946154 Biodegradable Waste and Management Alejandro White $145 Environmental Sciences

117 9781680946161 Biodiversity : An Introduction Pauline Grace T. Cortes $145 Environmental Sciences

118 9781680946178 Climatology: An Atmospheric Science Daniel Dela Torre $145 Environmental Sciences

119 9781680946192 Essentials of Ecology Daniel Dela Torre $145 Environmental Sciences

120 9781680946208 Fundamentals of Environmental Monitoring Taras Kazantsev $145 Environmental Sciences

121 9781680946215 Environmental Protection and Management Alejandro White $145 Environmental Sciences

122 9781680946222 Essentials Of Environmental Toxicology Jurex Cuenca Gallo $145 Environmental Sciences

123 9781680946239 Fundamentals of Environmentalism and Sustainability Pauline Grace T. Cortes $145 Environmental Sciences

124 9781680946246 Forest Conservation and Management Judith Rosales $145 Environmental Sciences

125 9781680946253 Greenhouse Gas: Science and Technology Judith Rosales $145 Environmental Sciences

126 9781680946260 Industrial Waste Management Ruzel Klein Go $145 Environmental Sciences

127 9781680946277 Land Use Planning and Management Pauline Grace T. Cortes $145 Environmental Sciences

128 9781680946284 Water Conservation and Management Judith Rosales $145 Environmental Sciences

129 9781680946291 Water Pollution and Treatment Rose Marie O. Mendoza $145 Environmental Sciences

130 9781680946307 Water Resources Engineering: Esentials Methods Rose Marie O. Mendoza $145 Environmental Sciences

131 9781680944853 Business Analytics for Banking Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D. $150 Management

132 9781680944860 Practical Business Analytics Using SAS Dr. Jovan Pehcevski, Ph.D. $150 Management

133 9781680944907 Total Quality in Managing Human Resources Rahmaoui Naima $150 Management

134 9781680944914 Emerging Multidisciplinary Processes in E-banking Jacinta Austin $150 Management

135 9781680944921 Modern Banking: Challenges and Trends Rahmaoui Naima $150 Management

136 9781680944945 Business Continuity Management: A Crisis Management Approach

Jacinta Austin $150 Management

137 9781680944952 Strategic Human Resource Management Rahmaoui Naima $150 Management




138 9781680944969 Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management

Jacinta Austin $150 Management

139 9781680944976 Human Resources Managemenet for organizational Success Rahmaoui Naima $150 Management

140 9781680944983 Fundamentals of Total Quality Safety Management and Auditing

Jacinta Austin $150 Management

141 9781680944990 Total Quality Management in Education: A Critical Approach Jacinta Austin $150 Management

142 9781680945003 Sustainability in Supply Chain Management Jacinta Austin $150 Management

143 9781680945010 Lean Sustainable Supply Chain Management Jacinta Austin $150 Management

144 9781680945027 Journalism and Mass Communication Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

145 9781680945034 Mass Media Education in Transition Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

146 9781680945041 Human Rights and Mass Communications Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

147 9781680945058 The Media, Journalism and Democracy Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

148 9781680945065 Alternative Journalism Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

149 9781680945072 Digital Journalism Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

150 9781680945089 Economic and Business Journalism Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

151 9781680945096 Mass Media and Political Issues Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

152 9781680945102 Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

153 9781680945119 Dynamics of Public Relations and Journalism Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

154 9781680945126 Global Media and Communication Policy Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

155 9781680945133 Media and Communications - Laws and Regulations Alexandra Prentiss $145 Journalism and Mass Communication

156 9781680945157 Vertebrate Zoology Dr. Nisha Dahiya $155 Zoology & Botany

157 9781680945164 Progress in Invertebrate Zoology Vikas Mishra $155 Zoology & Botany

158 9781680945171 Vertebrate Embryology Dr. Q. Tian Wang, PhD $155 Zoology & Botany

159 9781680945188 Paleobotany, Paleoecology, and Evolution Linda Lait $155 Zoology & Botany

160 9781680945195 Vascular Plants and Paleobotany Vikas Mishra $155 Zoology & Botany

161 9781680945218 Amino Acids: Biochemistry and Nutrition Kristy June $145 Agriculture and Life Sciences

162 9781680945225 Essential Bioinformatics Dr Ashwani Kumar $145 Agriculture and Life Sciences

163 9781680945232 Fundamentals of Biotechnology Ian Moore $145 Agriculture and Life Sciences

164 9781680945249 Environmental Biochemistry Levitah Castil Mapatac $145 Agriculture and Life Sciences

165 9781680945256 Enzyme Biochemistry and Biotechnology Olivia Berthoumieu $145 Agriculture and Life Sciences

166 9781680945263 An Introduction to Genetics Roksana Khalid $145 Agriculture and Life Sciences

167 9781680945270 Introduction to Bacteriology Kristy June $145 Agriculture and Life Sciences

168 9781680945287 Introduction to Cell Biology Kristy June $145 Agriculture and Life Sciences

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