ARCH 101 Midterm Portfolio



CCSF ARCH 101, Jerry Lum, Fall 2011 Midterm

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icebreaker exercise

a well-crafted, well-considered thing of beauty part one

a well-crafted, well-considered thing of beauty part two

icebreaker excercise

i decided to take a modern approach for my inspiration board. i kept a minimalist color palatte of grey and white with a bold red line that was used to give the piece unity.the first place your eye goes is the bottom where the picture is. from there, you work your way up. this was my method of giving the information hierarchy. the inspirations and words build off on top of one another and are all connected by the red line.figuring out who/what my inspirations are was a difficult task. but once i thought of one, i thought of another and also made associations to words/events/people. everything began to unravel and turned into a story of my life.

a well-considered, well-crafted thing of beauty pt. one

iteration one

the inspiration i focused on for this project was light. my main objective in this iteration was to discover the effects of light on different shapes.some of the wire, after being curved in various ways, would vanish in certain light as others became dark and more prominent depending on how it was curved and where the light located. i also noticed various spaces and volumes that were created in the process.

my second piece, explored the discoveries of my first iteration: space and light. the volumes of space created are much more visible in this iteration because the curves and folds are exaggerated.i added a new element, string, that goes through the piece. this was a last minute addition and had no thought behind it.reflecting on this, i realized that i needed intention to everything i do. that was my next objective, to have intention and purpose for my actions.

iteration two

in this iteration, i took the blue string and made it radiate from a certain point. i wanted to give the illusion of perpective. focusing my attention on the string, i lost interest in creating spaces resulting in a smaller more static piece. i believe that this is my weakest iteration. though it explores the thread further as a material, it lacks the interesting spaces that gave it a dynamic quality.using the string in this manner was difficult because it could not be controlled as the wire. thus, i was unable to achieve the taut, tight radiation that i had planned.

iteration three

my fourth iteration re-introduced the interesting spaces. the blue string was also used, but in a different manner. instead of trying to control the thread, i let it flow on its own. after letting it takes its natural shape, i dipped it in wood glue and hairsprayed to maintain it. i noticed a change in the texture and quality of the thread after hairspraying it, which contrasted with the smooth wire. the curves of the internal thread are reminiscent of the exterior wireframe curves, so there is a commonality between the two.

iteration four

this is my most successful iteration. it explored space, movement and color. it was a much more intricate piece that folds and curves in an chaotic yet elegant manner. there is also a clear juxtaposition of color and material. the silver and smooth metal against the textured, blue thread creates a quiet but drastric contrast. it is also interesting how the thread wants to behave like the wire but cannot and hangs its own way.reflecting on this and previous iterations, i realize that the evolution of each is very subtle; there are little changes with each iteration. the basic features are maintained throughout, but little things are learned, changed and developed.

iteration five

i took a completely different approach to this iteraiton. i used one spherical plane and dropped the blue thread. i wanted to take a step back and focus on how i could use the wire differently. i wanted to create space within an enclosed shape. though very different, i really like this piece. it loses some of its dynamism, but the intricacy and detail is much more next iteration will combine the ideas of this iteration and the iterations before. there will be more movement, space, color and beauty. it will maintain its elegance but will have more mass.

iteration six

going from constructing to collaging was a challenging transition that, at first, felt like taking a step back. not until i was finished did i realize that through this process, i was able to see through a different point of view that would help me in building my final abstract artifact.i began by choosing the images of my pieces that i felt were most successful and satisfying. i then tried combining them using various photoshop techniques. my main objective was to explore space, color and movement on a two-dimensional plane by overlaying the images and using different opacities and light effects. i tried to incorporate the juxtaposition between material and express the clear contrast in colors and next iteration will push these basic ideas/concepts further. through doing this, i hope to find more meaning and intention in my work.

a well-considered, well-crafted thing of beauty pt. two

iteration one

this iteration is a much darker piece. there is mass and contrast that is completely opposite of my first collage. using photoshop once again, i layered different images. i attempted perspective using the string from my second artifact iteration and radiating in different directions.

iteration two

using trace to create my last iteration was helpful. it was difficult to understand at first, but once i started it became a useful material.this iteration takes pieces of my second collage and put them into one-point perspective. i was exploring both perspective and deconstruction.

iteration three
