Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator...


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Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

100:00:04,280 --> 00:00:11,400the oldest and strongest human emotion

200:00:07,650 --> 00:00:15,929is fear the oldest and strongest type of

300:00:11,400 --> 00:00:18,570fear is trepidation of young when we

400:00:15,929 --> 00:00:21,310were children our parents told us that

500:00:18,570 --> 00:00:24,339monsters didn't exist

600:00:21,309 --> 00:00:27,519but we were sure that something is never

700:00:24,339 --> 00:00:31,259going to get better in the closet beer

800:00:27,519 --> 00:00:34,269sees even if our eyes are closed

900:00:31,260 --> 00:00:37,989welcome to the realm of your cane

1000:00:34,270 --> 00:00:40,840my name is lawn stripper join me as I

1100:00:37,988 --> 00:00:45,179examine unexplained creatures strange

1200:00:40,840 --> 00:00:48,520manifestations and remarkable realities

1300:00:45,179 --> 00:00:51,789imagine this next hour as a voyage of

1400:00:48,520 --> 00:00:54,640discovered to strange lands seeking not

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

1500:00:51,789 --> 00:00:57,969for new territory but for new knowledge

1600:00:54,640 --> 00:01:08,710of the supernatural come on board as we

1700:00:57,969 --> 00:01:10,150begin this adventure together hey folks

1800:01:08,709 --> 00:01:11,890good evening and welcome to another

1900:01:10,150 --> 00:01:14,380episode of arcane radio

2000:01:11,890 --> 00:01:16,840I'm your host lon Stricker and thank you

2100:01:14,379 --> 00:01:19,390for joining me here on the paranormal

2200:01:16,840 --> 00:01:22,090king radio network now before I

2300:01:19,390 --> 00:01:26,259introduce my guests I want to mention an

2400:01:22,090 --> 00:01:29,439encounter account that I received I

2500:01:26,259 --> 00:01:32,579received a series of emails from the

2600:01:29,438 --> 00:01:36,989wife of an eyewitness who I'll call TM I

2700:01:32,578 --> 00:01:40,629was able to talk to TM by telephone on

2800:01:36,989 --> 00:01:43,048February 24th of this year and now the


Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

00:01:40,629 --> 00:01:46,359first email from his wife said hello

3000:01:43,049 --> 00:01:48,969my husband was returning home last night

3100:01:46,359 --> 00:01:51,728which was February 22nd and

3200:01:48,968 --> 00:01:55,328approximately 8:00 p.m. from a trip to

3300:01:51,728 --> 00:01:58,718Walgreens now while driving home he saw

3400:01:55,328 --> 00:02:02,408something 8 to 9 foot tall coming across

3500:01:58,718 --> 00:02:05,108the road from do field pond

3600:02:02,409 --> 00:02:08,170entrance on Country Club Road in

3700:02:05,108 --> 00:02:12,689Woodstock Illinois he said it was

3800:02:08,169 --> 00:02:15,909approximately 1/3 to width of the road 8

3900:02:12,689 --> 00:02:18,639to 9 inches tall I'm excuse me tonight

4000:02:15,909 --> 00:02:22,990foot tall and part of it looked leather

4100:02:18,639 --> 00:02:26,319Lee but he couldn't call it leather

4200:02:22,990 --> 00:02:29,469exactly now he is interested in speaking

4300:02:26,319 --> 00:02:31,870

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

to you about it but this afternoon he

4400:02:29,469 --> 00:02:35,139didn't seem ready to talk to you I've

4500:02:31,870 --> 00:02:37,569asked him if he could sketch what he saw

4600:02:35,139 --> 00:02:41,109before forgets but he indicated that

4700:02:37,569 --> 00:02:43,479he's not gonna forget this so I just

4800:02:41,110 --> 00:02:45,700wanted to give you a heads up and wonder

4900:02:43,479 --> 00:02:48,509if you have received any other reports

5000:02:45,699 --> 00:02:50,259in the Woodstock or the vicinity now I

5100:02:48,509 --> 00:02:52,359subsequently received the following

5200:02:50,259 --> 00:02:57,549email after I made an inquiry back to

5300:02:52,360 --> 00:03:00,340her she said hi lon he said he would

5400:02:57,550 --> 00:03:02,800we'll call you tomorrow if that's okay I

5500:03:00,340 --> 00:03:04,390was home when this happened so didn't

5600:03:02,800 --> 00:03:07,030see anything all I knew is I believe my

5700:03:04,389 --> 00:03:10,689husband I did go out to do field this

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

5800:03:07,030 --> 00:03:12,459morning because we had ice snow slush to

5900:03:10,689 --> 00:03:15,879see if I could see traces of whatever

6000:03:12,459 --> 00:03:17,409this was there were a lot of tracks

6100:03:15,879 --> 00:03:20,979prints near the entrance

6200:03:17,409 --> 00:03:25,150mostly boot prints but some did look did

6300:03:20,979 --> 00:03:27,549not look like boots however it was hard

6400:03:25,150 --> 00:03:31,930to tell I took photos and videos of the

6500:03:27,550 --> 00:03:34,540area so I did get a chance to talk to TM

6600:03:31,930 --> 00:03:36,730who stated that he was driving on

6700:03:34,539 --> 00:03:39,219Country Club Road near the entrance to

6800:03:36,729 --> 00:03:40,889do field pond conservation area in

6900:03:39,219 --> 00:03:44,590Woodstock Illinois

7000:03:40,889 --> 00:03:46,899he said that suddenly a large biped ran

7100:03:44,590 --> 00:03:49,330out onto the road approximately 30 foot

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

7200:03:46,900 --> 00:03:53,230ahead of him and quickly crossed to the

7300:03:49,330 --> 00:03:56,260opposite side he said that he thought

7400:03:53,229 --> 00:03:59,949that it may have been a book beeps give

7500:03:56,259 --> 00:04:02,048me a Bigfoot initially but then noticed

7600:03:59,949 --> 00:04:05,530that it had a large set of membrane

7700:04:02,049 --> 00:04:08,260wings attached to the back extending up

7800:04:05,530 --> 00:04:11,069over the top of its head he described to

7900:04:08,259 --> 00:04:13,899shape the wings as that of a gargoyle

8000:04:11,069 --> 00:04:17,079the body was eight to nine foot in

8100:04:13,900 --> 00:04:19,418height and coated dark fur the arms and

8200:04:17,079 --> 00:04:22,779legs were well-defined he didn't notice

8300:04:19,418 --> 00:04:24,159any facial features GM got an excellent

8400:04:22,779 --> 00:04:26,469look at the creature since his

8500:04:24,160 --> 00:04:29,110headlights illuminated it and their


Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

00:04:26,470 --> 00:04:33,520light from the conservation area backlit

8700:04:29,110 --> 00:04:36,250it as well now he also stated that he

8800:04:33,519 --> 00:04:39,879had felt like it was a warning or a

8900:04:36,250 --> 00:04:43,418harbinger some kind he did mention Neff

9000:04:39,879 --> 00:04:44,649Liam when discussing the encounter he

9100:04:43,418 --> 00:04:47,748had upset him

9200:04:44,649 --> 00:04:51,388and that he was unable to talk about

9300:04:47,749 --> 00:04:56,719until the next day III later received a

9400:04:51,389 --> 00:05:00,658sketch and a statement from TMS wife I

9500:04:56,718 --> 00:05:04,259contacted my associate Tobias whale and

9600:05:00,658 --> 00:05:06,748the singer fortune society and a fans of

9700:05:04,259 --> 00:05:09,778marches 14 research the ants ISM contact

9800:05:06,749 --> 00:05:11,819TM as well so they scheduled an on-site

9900:05:09,778 --> 00:05:15,629investigation so they're becoming a very

10000:05:11,819 --> 00:05:17,669

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

soon by the way the the footprint was

10100:05:15,629 --> 00:05:21,389fairly interesting it's something I

10200:05:17,668 --> 00:05:24,899hadn't seen before there were a few of

10300:05:21,389 --> 00:05:29,249these footprints and they were about 20

10400:05:24,899 --> 00:05:34,288inches in length with two toes and about

10500:05:29,249 --> 00:05:36,300ten inches and width so I don't know

10600:05:34,288 --> 00:05:39,149what this was he saw but the kind of

10700:05:36,300 --> 00:05:41,189fits it in a way with some of the winged

10800:05:39,149 --> 00:05:44,699humanoid sightings we've received in the

10900:05:41,189 --> 00:05:46,319Chicago area so let's get started with

11000:05:44,699 --> 00:05:48,629tonight's show tonight's guest is a

11100:05:46,319 --> 00:05:51,930paranormal investigator blogger and

11200:05:48,629 --> 00:05:54,509author Sharon day Sharon is a blogger at

11300:05:51,930 --> 00:05:56,418the popular ghost hunting theories and

11400:05:54,509 --> 00:05:58,740the author of several books including

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

11500:05:56,418 --> 00:06:01,680ghost of a chance a seat team

11600:05:58,740 --> 00:06:03,439investigation zombie Housewives of the

11700:06:01,680 --> 00:06:06,629up cop apocalypse

11800:06:03,439 --> 00:06:07,889paranormal geeks adult Halloween taking

11900:06:06,629 --> 00:06:10,169back the season

12000:06:07,889 --> 00:06:11,999growing up with ghosts and vacationing

12100:06:10,168 --> 00:06:15,240with ghosts now Sharon grew up and

12200:06:11,999 --> 00:06:17,309actively haunted home that was a civil

12300:06:15,240 --> 00:06:20,278war hospital for both the North and the

12400:06:17,309 --> 00:06:21,629South during the war that experience

12500:06:20,278 --> 00:06:24,680fueled her passion for all things

12600:06:21,629 --> 00:06:28,669unexplained as well as a keen skill for

12700:06:24,680 --> 00:06:31,559psychometry psychically reading objects

12800:06:28,668 --> 00:06:33,598she is well known for her humor and her

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

12900:06:31,559 --> 00:06:36,449outside-the-box questioning of the

13000:06:33,598 --> 00:06:39,240popularity or popular accepted and

13100:06:36,449 --> 00:06:41,478rarely questioned leaves any human realm

13200:06:39,240 --> 00:06:45,019I'm excuse me and the paranormal realm

13300:06:41,478 --> 00:06:48,329her driving forces are to help demystify

13400:06:45,019 --> 00:06:50,938the unexplained to turn magical thinking

13500:06:48,329 --> 00:06:53,098into scientific thinking to help clients

13600:06:50,939 --> 00:06:56,009to reframe their experiences and

13700:06:53,098 --> 00:06:58,139actively haunted homes and to make

13800:06:56,009 --> 00:07:01,050everyone question the old ways and seek

13900:06:58,139 --> 00:07:01,470theories and concepts that replace fear

14000:07:01,050 --> 00:07:04,530with

14100:07:01,470 --> 00:07:07,280under our focus of research includes

14200:07:04,529 --> 00:07:09,809ghosts Bigfoot and ancient Giants


Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

00:07:07,279 --> 00:07:13,259sharon's career includes oil and gas

14400:07:09,810 --> 00:07:15,300industry equipment and rig brokerage she

14500:07:13,259 --> 00:07:18,329is also the co-chair of a film industry

14600:07:15,300 --> 00:07:21,449group in Arizona an actor's producer and

14700:07:18,329 --> 00:07:25,319screenwriter so Sharon thanks for

14800:07:21,449 --> 00:07:27,420joining me thanks for having me now

14900:07:25,319 --> 00:07:29,370you and I know each other a little while

15000:07:27,420 --> 00:07:32,730we have talked in a while but we've

15100:07:29,370 --> 00:07:35,310known each other for a while you did

15200:07:32,730 --> 00:07:37,050grow up in Fairfax Virginia in a haunted

15300:07:35,310 --> 00:07:40,620house once tell us a little bit about

15400:07:37,050 --> 00:07:43,020that well the estate that we that I grew

15500:07:40,620 --> 00:07:45,030up in it was kind of seated in the

15600:07:43,019 --> 00:07:47,310middle of the suburbs so it was sort of

15700:07:45,029 --> 00:07:50,429

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

like the Munsters house up on the hill

15800:07:47,310 --> 00:07:53,300and it had historic significance it had

15900:07:50,430 --> 00:07:55,439been there since the mid 1700s and

16000:07:53,300 --> 00:07:57,270during the Civil War it had been taken

16100:07:55,439 --> 00:07:59,490over by the north and the family that

16200:07:57,269 --> 00:08:01,680lived there the Quakers the Quaker

16300:07:59,490 --> 00:08:03,949family was pushed out of the house and

16400:08:01,680 --> 00:08:06,540they used it as a field hospital and

16500:08:03,949 --> 00:08:08,399they built a fort on the property as

16600:08:06,540 --> 00:08:10,410well so there was some fighting that

16700:08:08,399 --> 00:08:12,659went on there and as a child growing up

16800:08:10,410 --> 00:08:15,270with a metal detector I kind of learned

16900:08:12,660 --> 00:08:17,010you know to get used to digging up a lot

17000:08:15,269 --> 00:08:20,129of bullets and a lot of bayonets and a

17100:08:17,009 --> 00:08:22,740lot of cannonballs and all kinds of

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

17200:08:20,129 --> 00:08:25,168signs of fighting and a good deal of

17300:08:22,740 --> 00:08:27,629people had died in the house and then at

17400:08:25,168 --> 00:08:30,000one point the South took the house over

17500:08:27,629 --> 00:08:32,189and they used it for the same purpose so

17600:08:30,000 --> 00:08:34,889both the North and South had died in

17700:08:32,190 --> 00:08:37,680that home and the wood floors were still

17800:08:34,889 --> 00:08:39,538stained with their blood it was kind of

17900:08:37,679 --> 00:08:41,399notoriously known and people sort of

18000:08:39,538 --> 00:08:44,279drove by slowly and looked up the hill

18100:08:41,399 --> 00:08:46,529at it and the newspapers often covered

18200:08:44,279 --> 00:08:47,579the ghosts and the hauntings it was

18300:08:46,529 --> 00:08:49,500considered to be one of the more

18400:08:47,580 --> 00:08:53,400significantly haunted homes in America

18500:08:49,500 --> 00:08:56,929at the time and the house as well as the

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

18600:08:53,399 --> 00:09:02,600property were both equally haunted

18700:08:56,929 --> 00:09:05,370interesting so did you have personally

18800:09:02,600 --> 00:09:07,740well I grew up there since I was a baby

18900:09:05,370 --> 00:09:09,389and my my siblings were much older so

19000:09:07,740 --> 00:09:12,600when they we moved in that my siblings

19100:09:09,389 --> 00:09:14,549went this house is haunted and I didn't

19200:09:12,600 --> 00:09:17,070know any better I just figured

19300:09:14,549 --> 00:09:19,439that's the way nature is and it was all

19400:09:17,070 --> 00:09:21,420very natural to me to hear the voices in

19500:09:19,440 --> 00:09:23,130another room when you know someone's not

19600:09:21,419 --> 00:09:26,129there or to see a figure go down the

19700:09:23,129 --> 00:09:27,360hallway it just seemed like I didn't

19800:09:26,129 --> 00:09:29,669really have the boundaries that other

19900:09:27,360 --> 00:09:31,769people had as far as this is our world


Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

00:09:29,669 --> 00:09:35,939and that's their world I saw it as a

20100:09:31,769 --> 00:09:38,850shared space and and time and you know

20200:09:35,940 --> 00:09:40,740the this constructs of being human the

20300:09:38,850 --> 00:09:42,930concept of time has always been kind of

20400:09:40,740 --> 00:09:46,649elusive to me I I feel as if everything

20500:09:42,929 --> 00:09:49,469that has been is and will be unite you

20600:09:46,649 --> 00:09:51,750know and so my view of the whole thing

20700:09:49,470 --> 00:09:54,028was very natural I was I never felt

20800:09:51,750 --> 00:09:55,679threatened or worried about it and my

20900:09:54,028 --> 00:09:57,570parents had a really good attitude you

21000:09:55,679 --> 00:09:59,549know they were like these soldiers died

21100:09:57,570 --> 00:10:01,379here and if they're marching the halls

21200:09:59,549 --> 00:10:03,208at night they're just protecting a bunch

21300:10:01,379 --> 00:10:04,919of us you know these there's five kids

21400:10:03,208 --> 00:10:07,889

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in the family and who better to protect

21500:10:04,919 --> 00:10:09,599than a bunch of children so we all kind

21600:10:07,889 --> 00:10:12,120of found it to be quite unique and

21700:10:09,600 --> 00:10:13,709endearing almost like long-lost

21800:10:12,120 --> 00:10:18,240relatives that come to visit now and

21900:10:13,708 --> 00:10:20,099then you mentioned I heard you mention

22000:10:18,240 --> 00:10:23,419before and I remember you talking about

22100:10:20,100 --> 00:10:26,850it before that you personally have

22200:10:23,419 --> 00:10:32,129psychokinesis or PK and experienced some

22300:10:26,850 --> 00:10:33,750incidents can describe those yeah I used

22400:10:32,129 --> 00:10:36,240to think that perhaps it was the house

22500:10:33,750 --> 00:10:38,129there we had a lot of object movement in

22600:10:36,240 --> 00:10:41,190the house and very poltergeist like

22700:10:38,129 --> 00:10:42,929activity but after I had moved out of

22800:10:41,190 --> 00:10:44,970the house and as I grew up and went

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22900:10:42,929 --> 00:10:48,028through life I began to realize that

23000:10:44,970 --> 00:10:51,600sometimes I seemed to cause objects to

23100:10:48,028 --> 00:10:53,578move and it sounds kind of fun but it's

23200:10:51,600 --> 00:10:56,159not really because I have no control

23300:10:53,578 --> 00:10:57,750over it at all but I always think even

23400:10:56,159 --> 00:10:58,919since I was a child I would stand back

23500:10:57,750 --> 00:11:00,269and look at the haunting in the house

23600:10:58,919 --> 00:11:02,009and I would say well what was different

23700:11:00,269 --> 00:11:04,860today why did it do it today and not

23800:11:02,009 --> 00:11:07,350yesterday so I tend to observe things

23900:11:04,860 --> 00:11:10,019and I consider myself sort of a you know

24000:11:07,350 --> 00:11:11,970a witness and an archivist and so I

24100:11:10,019 --> 00:11:13,559noticed that when I would have object

24200:11:11,970 --> 00:11:15,959movement there were a few things if they

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

24300:11:13,559 --> 00:11:18,028had in common one was that I was holding

24400:11:15,958 --> 00:11:21,028on to anger and not expressing it for

24500:11:18,028 --> 00:11:22,919some period of time you know maybe it's

24600:11:21,028 --> 00:11:24,720I've had a work conflict and I haven't

24700:11:22,919 --> 00:11:26,909talked to any of my bosses about it or

24800:11:24,720 --> 00:11:28,320you know I'm having difficulty when I

24900:11:26,909 --> 00:11:29,939was married and you know

25000:11:28,320 --> 00:11:32,850it's frustrated with the marriage and I

25100:11:29,940 --> 00:11:34,320wasn't telling him I was angry and when

25200:11:32,850 --> 00:11:37,170that happens it's the sort of a

25300:11:34,320 --> 00:11:39,300spontaneous object movement and I've

25400:11:37,169 --> 00:11:43,769noticed that the objects are metallic

25500:11:39,299 --> 00:11:45,659and I act I act as a magnet sort of so I

25600:11:43,769 --> 00:11:47,068might be at the counter working on


Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

00:11:45,659 --> 00:11:49,889something and the knife will slide

25800:11:47,068 --> 00:11:52,439toward me or one time I was reaching for

25900:11:49,889 --> 00:11:54,269I had a little cup on the counter that

26000:11:52,440 --> 00:11:56,370had bobby pins in and I was going to pin

26100:11:54,269 --> 00:11:57,929my hair up but I was in a rush I was

26200:11:56,370 --> 00:12:01,049really mad and I didn't want to go out

26300:11:57,929 --> 00:12:03,448and I started to reach and my hand was

26400:12:01,049 --> 00:12:05,729maybe eight inches above the cup and one

26500:12:03,448 --> 00:12:07,708of the bobby pins came right up into my

26600:12:05,730 --> 00:12:11,730fingers and it was just like I was a

26700:12:07,708 --> 00:12:13,768magnet I've had metal oven doors open

26800:12:11,730 --> 00:12:17,220toward me I've had metal Christmas

26900:12:13,769 --> 00:12:19,709ornaments come at me I've knocked cans

27000:12:17,220 --> 00:12:21,089off of shelves

27100:12:19,708 --> 00:12:22,828

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I went down I went down the aisle in the

27200:12:21,089 --> 00:12:24,480store and cans kept coming after me and

27300:12:22,828 --> 00:12:26,818there was an old woman there who

27400:12:24,480 --> 00:12:30,690witnessed it and she just made the stuff

27500:12:26,818 --> 00:12:32,909and ran off and I actually chased after

27600:12:30,690 --> 00:12:35,510her because I felt like embarrassed like

27700:12:32,909 --> 00:12:37,860oh no no let me explain let me explain

27800:12:35,509 --> 00:12:40,649she just wanted nothing to do with it

27900:12:37,860 --> 00:12:42,449but it's an interesting thing and I'm

28000:12:40,649 --> 00:12:44,578not quite sure why I would act as sort

28100:12:42,448 --> 00:12:46,859of a human magnet under those situations

28200:12:44,578 --> 00:12:48,958but it says a great deal about the

28300:12:46,860 --> 00:12:50,818chemistry of human beings and what we're

28400:12:48,958 --> 00:12:52,979capable of if we're capable of healing

28500:12:50,818 --> 00:12:54,958ourselves and having you know

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28600:12:52,980 --> 00:12:57,180spontaneous remissions of disease and

28700:12:54,958 --> 00:12:59,039things and have positive thinking and

28800:12:57,179 --> 00:13:01,638have good things happen then surely

28900:12:59,039 --> 00:13:05,219there's other ways we can control things

29000:13:01,639 --> 00:13:11,339it seems like every year so you go on a

29100:13:05,220 --> 00:13:13,939fairly long road trip and I've I've read

29200:13:11,339 --> 00:13:16,529some of yours your trips in the past and

29300:13:13,938 --> 00:13:18,208you always go to a lot of different

29400:13:16,528 --> 00:13:20,278locations can you talk about something

29500:13:18,208 --> 00:13:23,219more interesting on-site investigations

29600:13:20,278 --> 00:13:25,438you bet well we do a lot of things here

29700:13:23,220 --> 00:13:28,350in Arizona just because Arizona is just

29800:13:25,438 --> 00:13:30,539chock-full of paranormal in fact I just

29900:13:28,350 --> 00:13:32,879recently put a large map of Arizona up

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30000:13:30,539 --> 00:13:35,578on the wall and I'm starting to use

30100:13:32,879 --> 00:13:37,230colored pins to pin where different

30200:13:35,578 --> 00:13:39,809things happen you know if somebody saw

30300:13:37,230 --> 00:13:41,500skinwalker there was a UFO sighting

30400:13:39,809 --> 00:13:44,199there was a Bigfoot there was Con

30500:13:41,500 --> 00:13:46,000and then I decided to throw in pins for

30600:13:44,200 --> 00:13:48,580where all the mining happens because I'm

30700:13:46,000 --> 00:13:51,129finding there are plus little clusters

30800:13:48,580 --> 00:13:52,780of activity and I find this at other

30900:13:51,129 --> 00:13:55,419states too a lot of states where you

31000:13:52,779 --> 00:13:56,799just when I see an investigator go out

31100:13:55,419 --> 00:13:58,449looking for a Bigfoot I always say can

31200:13:56,799 --> 00:14:00,909you look for spook lights in the woods

31300:13:58,450 --> 00:14:03,340can you look for missing people can you


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00:14:00,909 --> 00:14:05,679check on any haunting issues or people

31500:14:03,340 --> 00:14:07,870hearing voices in the woods at where

31600:14:05,679 --> 00:14:09,969their UFOs reported there because these

31700:14:07,870 --> 00:14:11,889things really do seem to cluster and I

31800:14:09,970 --> 00:14:14,230think as an investigator you're missing

31900:14:11,889 --> 00:14:17,230out if you don't look at all that's

32000:14:14,230 --> 00:14:18,970happening in that area and whether or

32100:14:17,230 --> 00:14:20,259not they're codependent on each other or

32200:14:18,970 --> 00:14:22,509there's something there that attracts

32300:14:20,259 --> 00:14:24,299them all or maybe something that's there

32400:14:22,509 --> 00:14:28,870that's necessary for them to exist

32500:14:24,299 --> 00:14:30,759that's you know up for a debate but when

32600:14:28,870 --> 00:14:32,379I we do these road trips my best friend

32700:14:30,759 --> 00:14:35,080and I were both researchers and we're

32800:14:32,379 --> 00:14:37,450

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curious about everything so we try to

32900:14:35,080 --> 00:14:40,690hit any place that has urban legends any

33000:14:37,450 --> 00:14:42,670place that has spook lights one time we

33100:14:40,690 --> 00:14:44,800went to a beach in Virginia and we went

33200:14:42,669 --> 00:14:46,209looking for pirate ghosts a lot of

33300:14:44,799 --> 00:14:48,370people kept reporting these pirate

33400:14:46,210 --> 00:14:50,410ghosts would come through the woods at

33500:14:48,370 --> 00:14:51,970night with a lantern and dig looking for

33600:14:50,409 --> 00:14:54,549a treasure they had buried before their

33700:14:51,970 --> 00:14:58,029ship went down so you know going to

33800:14:54,549 --> 00:15:00,879notorious places is it's pretty fun you

33900:14:58,029 --> 00:15:02,439know go look for map Mothman I mean you

34000:15:00,879 --> 00:15:04,840kind of have to do certain things when

34100:15:02,440 --> 00:15:06,520you're into the paranormal if you're if

34200:15:04,840 --> 00:15:08,649you're a pair of geek you must go and

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34300:15:06,519 --> 00:15:11,199pose with the bath man statue you know

34400:15:08,649 --> 00:15:12,579we went to the cemetery where Night of

34500:15:11,200 --> 00:15:16,140the Living Dead was filmed and what we

34600:15:12,580 --> 00:15:19,840had to pose decks to the headstone yeah

34700:15:16,139 --> 00:15:22,179yeah that cemetery is actually got a lot

34800:15:19,840 --> 00:15:24,850of activity to go on there I am not

34900:15:22,179 --> 00:15:27,849surprised at that place it was like time

35000:15:24,850 --> 00:15:31,149has not changed it is exactly like the

35100:15:27,850 --> 00:15:33,100movie I have been told that there well I

35200:15:31,149 --> 00:15:35,919think Stan Gordon's one told me that

35300:15:33,100 --> 00:15:40,779there had been a a Mothman like creature

35400:15:35,919 --> 00:15:44,349seen in that in this Cemetery several

35500:15:40,779 --> 00:15:47,139occasions so yeah it is a spooky place

35600:15:44,350 --> 00:15:53,740there's no doubt about that mm-hmm

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35700:15:47,139 --> 00:15:55,208yep so you know now just talk let's talk

35800:15:53,740 --> 00:15:58,089a little bit about those Tony

35900:15:55,208 --> 00:16:00,248I mean you got a web blog it's a ghost

36000:15:58,089 --> 00:16:03,970hunting theories oh give me your

36100:16:00,249 --> 00:16:07,959thoughts on the vast amount electronic

36200:16:03,970 --> 00:16:11,110equipment that's touted to help in

36300:16:07,958 --> 00:16:15,419investigation it's like spirit boxes SLS

36400:16:11,110 --> 00:16:17,589ah you know all that stuff you know I

36500:16:15,419 --> 00:16:20,198don't know you and I had the same

36600:16:17,589 --> 00:16:22,209opinions on that I kind of get a chuckle

36700:16:20,198 --> 00:16:25,719when I see them using on - yeah yeah

36800:16:22,208 --> 00:16:27,159yeah you know I I don't here's what I

36900:16:25,720 --> 00:16:28,329feel I feel that when there's some

37000:16:27,159 --> 00:16:30,009researchers out there we're all going to


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00:16:28,328 --> 00:16:31,688take different avenues and there's so

37200:16:30,009 --> 00:16:33,970some that are gonna believe you know

37300:16:31,688 --> 00:16:36,698maybe that a dust orb is a ghost and

37400:16:33,970 --> 00:16:38,860okay if it is find a way to prove that

37500:16:36,698 --> 00:16:40,448to me and by doing that by them

37600:16:38,860 --> 00:16:43,659exploring and trying to prove to me that

37700:16:40,448 --> 00:16:45,269a dust particle is an is a ghost they

37800:16:43,659 --> 00:16:47,649may actually come across something

37900:16:45,269 --> 00:16:49,869photographically or something some new

38000:16:47,649 --> 00:16:52,749technology we hadn't thought to apply so

38100:16:49,869 --> 00:16:55,629I want them to go chase their vision and

38200:16:52,749 --> 00:17:00,428I'm gonna go chase mine but I approach

38300:16:55,629 --> 00:17:03,188ghost hunting in general as I don't have

38400:17:00,428 --> 00:17:05,980a fixed idea about what I'm chasing I

38500:17:03,188 --> 00:17:07,418

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don't believe any of the their trap they

38600:17:05,980 --> 00:17:10,179don't know they're dead that kind of

38700:17:07,419 --> 00:17:13,659stuff I don't follow the TV version of

38800:17:10,179 --> 00:17:16,298ghosts I look for repeatability and

38900:17:13,659 --> 00:17:18,399consistency things that keep repeating

39000:17:16,298 --> 00:17:21,519and then I try to find what what is

39100:17:18,398 --> 00:17:22,928common in that to try to trail back and

39200:17:21,519 --> 00:17:24,908figure out maybe where this is coming

39300:17:22,929 --> 00:17:27,490from where it's being launched from but

39400:17:24,909 --> 00:17:28,990I always encourage people you are almost

39500:17:27,490 --> 00:17:30,220surely not going to have a ghostly

39600:17:28,990 --> 00:17:32,500encounter if you are carrying

39700:17:30,220 --> 00:17:34,329instruments around and the reason is

39800:17:32,500 --> 00:17:35,769very simple it's the same reason that if

39900:17:34,329 --> 00:17:38,439you're carrying your cell phone you're

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40000:17:35,769 --> 00:17:40,179gonna trip off a sidewalk you are

40100:17:38,440 --> 00:17:42,460missing what's happening there you're

40200:17:40,179 --> 00:17:44,860looking at this machine saying tell me

40300:17:42,460 --> 00:17:47,288tell me instrument is there a ghost here

40400:17:44,859 --> 00:17:49,269and that's not the best barometer we

40500:17:47,288 --> 00:17:51,129have trouble photographing ghosts we

40600:17:49,269 --> 00:17:52,778have trouble videotaping them we even

40700:17:51,130 --> 00:17:56,260have trouble upon occasion even getting

40800:17:52,778 --> 00:18:00,159a voice on an audio so the best machine

40900:17:56,259 --> 00:18:01,778to catch a ghost is us we seemed we're

41000:18:00,159 --> 00:18:03,429able to see them we're able to feel them

41100:18:01,778 --> 00:18:04,898we're able to hear them we're able to

41200:18:03,429 --> 00:18:07,240smell them we're able to have physical

41300:18:04,898 --> 00:18:09,619interaction with them so if you take you

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41400:18:07,240 --> 00:18:11,750out of this scenario and you

41500:18:09,619 --> 00:18:13,729to your machine you just missed what

41600:18:11,750 --> 00:18:14,930happened across the room and I hate to

41700:18:13,730 --> 00:18:16,579see that happen

41800:18:14,930 --> 00:18:18,710a lot of people think you have to go

41900:18:16,579 --> 00:18:20,689into ghost hunting to prove ghosts or to

42000:18:18,710 --> 00:18:22,370prove that that place is haunted that

42100:18:20,690 --> 00:18:24,769shouldn't be the purpose of what you're

42200:18:22,369 --> 00:18:26,808doing it shouldn't be to prove to anyone

42300:18:24,769 --> 00:18:30,680anything it's like trying to prove god

42400:18:26,808 --> 00:18:33,079it's it's a hard task to take on and the

42500:18:30,680 --> 00:18:35,269question should be maybe we should be

42600:18:33,079 --> 00:18:38,299looking at how they behave and when they

42700:18:35,269 --> 00:18:40,730do show up and maybe we can figure out


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00:18:38,299 --> 00:18:43,009that little threshold that launches them

42900:18:40,730 --> 00:18:44,960from wherever they originate to our

43000:18:43,009 --> 00:18:47,720physical world where we can see them and

43100:18:44,960 --> 00:18:48,980smell them I I want it I want to chase

43200:18:47,720 --> 00:18:51,710them back to that door and hold that

43300:18:48,980 --> 00:18:53,179door open a little longer so I'm looking

43400:18:51,710 --> 00:18:56,539at it a different way it's very organic

43500:18:53,179 --> 00:18:59,300it's much more interactive but I want to

43600:18:56,539 --> 00:19:00,889watch their patterns yeah well you know

43700:18:59,299 --> 00:19:05,558you and I are a bit old-school about

43800:19:00,890 --> 00:19:07,970that as well I mean you know I'm uh I

43900:19:05,558 --> 00:19:09,950when I go out in the field or when I'm

44000:19:07,970 --> 00:19:11,779going out in the field and dumb' out of

44100:19:09,950 --> 00:19:14,569investigations it's not a matter going

44200:19:11,779 --> 00:19:18,139

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either I'm fine it's a matter going out

44300:19:14,569 --> 00:19:20,750there and experiencing and trying to

44400:19:18,140 --> 00:19:22,370connect and you know and not in a way

44500:19:20,750 --> 00:19:23,990where I'm out there screaming and

44600:19:22,369 --> 00:19:28,428yelling is something there something to

44700:19:23,990 --> 00:19:30,589make to make it a react to to me it's

44800:19:28,429 --> 00:19:33,380just going after and sensing now you

44900:19:30,589 --> 00:19:36,199know people that are intuitive kind of

45000:19:33,380 --> 00:19:39,770have an advantage there but yeah you

45100:19:36,200 --> 00:19:41,960know most people can sense or see the

45200:19:39,769 --> 00:19:46,279signs when they're when they're there

45300:19:41,960 --> 00:19:48,679yeah and you know I I'm just not one to

45400:19:46,279 --> 00:19:50,899use any type equipment look I've used

45500:19:48,679 --> 00:19:52,670I've used digital recorders before oh

45600:19:50,900 --> 00:19:54,320yeah you know you know and you know yeah

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45700:19:52,670 --> 00:19:57,920I think it's a I think it's a pretty

45800:19:54,319 --> 00:20:00,439good tool to use of course yeah

45900:19:57,920 --> 00:20:02,269recording on video or night night vision

46000:20:00,440 --> 00:20:07,279but you know some of this other stuff

46100:20:02,269 --> 00:20:13,970you see I you know the spirit boxes and

46200:20:07,279 --> 00:20:17,450the the visual detection the SLS lasers

46300:20:13,970 --> 00:20:20,150meters not you know it's like it's like

46400:20:17,450 --> 00:20:22,940a filling itself you know I don't know

46500:20:20,150 --> 00:20:27,379if these paranormal team

46600:20:22,940 --> 00:20:30,200shoes have an agenda today to just use

46700:20:27,378 --> 00:20:32,808that stuff to be part of the show so you

46800:20:30,200 --> 00:20:36,048know it makes it more exciting or

46900:20:32,808 --> 00:20:39,558whatever but ghost hunting is really

47000:20:36,048 --> 00:20:43,249exciting endeavor yeah you know it's

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47100:20:39,558 --> 00:20:45,319just not like that no I mean I'm not I

47200:20:43,249 --> 00:20:47,118guess if I wanted to and I was really

47300:20:45,319 --> 00:20:48,769bored I'm ghost honey I could unscrew a

47400:20:47,118 --> 00:20:50,839flashlight and start talking to it but

47500:20:48,769 --> 00:20:51,409that's not gonna get me anywhere it just

47600:20:50,839 --> 00:20:53,839isn't

47700:20:51,409 --> 00:20:55,369and one thing here here's I tend to

47800:20:53,839 --> 00:20:58,098think a little more scientifically now I

47900:20:55,368 --> 00:20:59,988have a hugely spiritual aspect to me too

48000:20:58,098 --> 00:21:02,989but I think that science and spirit are

48100:20:59,989 --> 00:21:05,179absolutely tied together there you can't

48200:21:02,989 --> 00:21:08,179pull them apart but what I start looking

48300:21:05,179 --> 00:21:09,769at is we go from a ghost tongue and we

48400:21:08,179 --> 00:21:11,479you know do the investigation all night


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00:21:09,769 --> 00:21:14,118we come back we start to review the

48600:21:11,479 --> 00:21:15,558evidence and then we realize that each

48700:21:14,118 --> 00:21:17,839of us had some pretty exceptional

48800:21:15,558 --> 00:21:19,940experiences at night and it was a very

48900:21:17,839 --> 00:21:22,069what we call it was an active night and

49000:21:19,940 --> 00:21:23,419I started to wonder about that maybe

49100:21:22,069 --> 00:21:25,278we're looking at this wrong it's not

49200:21:23,419 --> 00:21:28,309like suddenly there was a ghost party

49300:21:25,278 --> 00:21:31,358that night and we all saw it it's maybe

49400:21:28,308 --> 00:21:34,489that as a psychic I know I can always

49500:21:31,358 --> 00:21:37,249anytime sense if there's something there

49600:21:34,489 --> 00:21:40,069and other members of the team that

49700:21:37,249 --> 00:21:42,528aren't psychically versed or practiced

49800:21:40,069 --> 00:21:44,239they're oblivious to what's going on

49900:21:42,528 --> 00:21:47,509

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there but there's certain nights where

50000:21:44,239 --> 00:21:50,479we all had the experience and I started

50100:21:47,509 --> 00:21:53,329to wonder if it seats in the brain so I

50200:21:50,479 --> 00:21:54,889began to look for patterns and I noticed

50300:21:53,329 --> 00:21:57,470that on the nights where we had an

50400:21:54,888 --> 00:22:00,648active haunting and and all the members

50500:21:57,470 --> 00:22:02,379agreed yes that was a freaky night there

50600:22:00,648 --> 00:22:04,878was a geomagnetic storm and a

50700:22:02,378 --> 00:22:07,969geomagnetic storm does have effects on

50800:22:04,878 --> 00:22:09,918the human mind and it can create very

50900:22:07,970 --> 00:22:11,960vivid dreams at night and can even make

51000:22:09,919 --> 00:22:15,019people very depressed and acutely

51100:22:11,960 --> 00:22:17,149sensitive and so it made me wonder if

51200:22:15,019 --> 00:22:19,700maybe the fact is it's always that

51300:22:17,148 --> 00:22:22,969haunted it's just that other people can

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51400:22:19,700 --> 00:22:24,619finally view through that window when

51500:22:22,970 --> 00:22:27,909it's a geomagnetic storm they have that

51600:22:24,618 --> 00:22:30,499they're tuning tools are working better

51700:22:27,909 --> 00:22:33,320it just seems to me that there are a lot

51800:22:30,499 --> 00:22:35,700of factors involved as far as you know

51900:22:33,319 --> 00:22:37,230being a human and going

52000:22:35,700 --> 00:22:40,710the living and going out there and

52100:22:37,230 --> 00:22:44,429sensing the energy of the deceased I

52200:22:40,710 --> 00:22:48,210mean I you know I guess we all detect it

52300:22:44,429 --> 00:22:49,169in our own way meets usually colors and

52400:22:48,210 --> 00:22:53,220vibrations

52500:22:49,169 --> 00:22:55,200I got literally start seeing colors I'm

52600:22:53,220 --> 00:22:57,000not their spirit energy around me and

52700:22:55,200 --> 00:23:00,149it's basically I've got to determine

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52800:22:57,000 --> 00:23:02,700what it is the intensity then I try to

52900:23:00,148 --> 00:23:05,729make a connection I would say

53000:23:02,700 --> 00:23:08,519psychically but it's intuitive and you

53100:23:05,730 --> 00:23:11,250know it's synesthetic that's that's it

53200:23:08,519 --> 00:23:15,269and you can pick it up and you sometimes

53300:23:11,250 --> 00:23:18,619you know you can communicate with it to

53400:23:15,269 --> 00:23:23,099the point where you're starting to read

53500:23:18,619 --> 00:23:25,408or to see certain images you know people

53600:23:23,099 --> 00:23:27,178talk about you know well you learn how

53700:23:25,409 --> 00:23:29,669to remove you yeah it's it's kind of

53800:23:27,179 --> 00:23:33,380like that in a way but it's different I

53900:23:29,669 --> 00:23:37,259mean it's a you know it's a more intense

54000:23:33,380 --> 00:23:38,700type of detection yeah it's very

54100:23:37,259 --> 00:23:40,798individual like you were saying it's


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00:23:38,700 --> 00:23:42,750very synesthetic you're seeing colors

54300:23:40,798 --> 00:23:45,028and that's how you're viewing it but

54400:23:42,750 --> 00:23:47,278synesthesia is an interesting thing and

54500:23:45,028 --> 00:23:49,558I think it's incredibly tied to people

54600:23:47,278 --> 00:23:52,619who are either very creatively brilliant

54700:23:49,558 --> 00:23:54,778or psychic and synesthesia is really

54800:23:52,619 --> 00:23:58,918like a mixing up of the senses to where

54900:23:54,778 --> 00:24:02,429maybe to you a smell has a color or a

55000:23:58,919 --> 00:24:04,830number has a color or a sound has a has

55100:24:02,429 --> 00:24:07,710a you know like for me I'm synesthetic

55200:24:04,829 --> 00:24:10,470but my synesthesia is space space and

55300:24:07,710 --> 00:24:13,019time so like all my knowledge is stored

55400:24:10,470 --> 00:24:13,769outside my body so as my eyes move

55500:24:13,019 --> 00:24:15,750around

55600:24:13,769 --> 00:24:18,240

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I can look certain distances at certain

55700:24:15,750 --> 00:24:20,548places and I can retrieve the file of

55800:24:18,240 --> 00:24:22,138information that I need so I have a

55900:24:20,548 --> 00:24:24,388really incredible memory because I'm

56000:24:22,138 --> 00:24:27,388storing it sinn aesthetically outside of

56100:24:24,388 --> 00:24:28,888my body and like if days of the week

56200:24:27,388 --> 00:24:32,369months of the year people think of a

56300:24:28,888 --> 00:24:33,990calendar to me Wednesday is just so like

56400:24:32,369 --> 00:24:36,750three feet in front of me slightly to

56500:24:33,990 --> 00:24:40,589the left of my nose and that's Wednesday

56600:24:36,750 --> 00:24:41,609so it's synesthesia actually gives you a

56700:24:40,589 --> 00:24:44,808new way of looking at the universe

56800:24:41,609 --> 00:24:47,369without having to do DMT or something

56900:24:44,808 --> 00:24:49,190you're suddenly able to see things in a

57000:24:47,369 --> 00:24:51,529way that makes you really go

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57100:24:49,190 --> 00:24:53,210patterns and and especially

57200:24:51,529 --> 00:24:55,519interpretation because if you're going

57300:24:53,210 --> 00:24:58,670to be good psychically interpretation is

57400:24:55,519 --> 00:25:00,980the number one important tool you get

57500:24:58,670 --> 00:25:03,259information in the most bizarre ways and

57600:25:00,980 --> 00:25:04,730you have to make sense of it so you need

57700:25:03,259 --> 00:25:08,660to learn how your mind does this

57800:25:04,730 --> 00:25:11,720synesthetic thing yeah now in your body

57900:25:08,660 --> 00:25:14,120talked about psychometry I explained

58000:25:11,720 --> 00:25:17,720that to me a bit I mean I I I have

58100:25:14,119 --> 00:25:21,519experienced it at times but I know

58200:25:17,720 --> 00:25:24,980people that are able to use it fairly

58300:25:21,519 --> 00:25:27,440steady you know and that it works a lot

58400:25:24,980 --> 00:25:29,390in what they do well I think most

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58500:25:27,440 --> 00:25:30,769psychics have a primary skill and then

58600:25:29,390 --> 00:25:32,390they're able to do the others but

58700:25:30,769 --> 00:25:35,269there's just that one that was the best

58800:25:32,390 --> 00:25:37,640and I grew up digging up artifacts and

58900:25:35,269 --> 00:25:39,440by digging up those artifacts and being

59000:25:37,640 --> 00:25:41,870around antiques and in a house where

59100:25:39,440 --> 00:25:44,600there had been death when I touch things

59200:25:41,869 --> 00:25:46,789I get first of all I usually get like a

59300:25:44,599 --> 00:25:48,769good or bad feeling about it I get a

59400:25:46,789 --> 00:25:50,869male or female feeling about it then I

59500:25:48,769 --> 00:25:52,309start to get some images and some

59600:25:50,869 --> 00:25:54,229knowledge and it's almost as if it's

59700:25:52,309 --> 00:25:56,480being sort of uploaded into my mind and

59800:25:54,230 --> 00:25:58,220then I have to sort through it you know


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00:25:56,480 --> 00:25:59,690I got kind of dropped in the middle of a

60000:25:58,220 --> 00:26:01,940party and I'm trying to figure out the

60100:25:59,690 --> 00:26:03,500conversation so I've got all this

60200:26:01,940 --> 00:26:05,960information coming in and now I've got

60300:26:03,500 --> 00:26:09,559to file it understand how it relates and

60400:26:05,960 --> 00:26:11,809then interpret it so you know I know

60500:26:09,559 --> 00:26:13,849police use psychometrist a lot for

60600:26:11,809 --> 00:26:15,500objects from death scenes and you know

60700:26:13,849 --> 00:26:18,230can you help us find the killer here's

60800:26:15,500 --> 00:26:21,079the shirt the person wore and that kind

60900:26:18,230 --> 00:26:22,549of stuff and that's what once again

61000:26:21,079 --> 00:26:25,789something else that over a lifetime of

61100:26:22,549 --> 00:26:28,549doing psychometry I tend to stand back

61200:26:25,789 --> 00:26:30,889and look at it and go okay what objects

61300:26:28,549 --> 00:26:32,990

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are easier to read you know like I'm

61400:26:30,890 --> 00:26:36,950trying to figure out how this works

61500:26:32,990 --> 00:26:39,559and it's it's it's intriguing to be both

61600:26:36,950 --> 00:26:42,350in the middle of it and also observing

61700:26:39,559 --> 00:26:45,169it and that's why if I go say I go out a

61800:26:42,349 --> 00:26:46,730ghost investigation and I send some

61900:26:45,170 --> 00:26:48,740really battling energies there they're

62000:26:46,730 --> 00:26:51,079very uncomfortable and some bad history

62100:26:48,740 --> 00:26:52,910and stuff now there there are psychics

62200:26:51,079 --> 00:26:55,429who will literally start screaming and

62300:26:52,910 --> 00:26:58,190getting panicky and they'll run from the

62400:26:55,430 --> 00:27:00,049room and they'll get very dramatic I I

62500:26:58,190 --> 00:27:02,210can I can read the mind of a serial

62600:27:00,049 --> 00:27:02,990killer and I'm absolutely distant from

62700:27:02,210 --> 00:27:05,120it

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62800:27:02,990 --> 00:27:07,609I'm not part of it because I realize I'm

62900:27:05,119 --> 00:27:09,229set there just to observe it and to

63000:27:07,609 --> 00:27:12,049record it because there needs to be a

63100:27:09,230 --> 00:27:13,039witness and it's not happening to me I'm

63200:27:12,049 --> 00:27:15,799in no threat

63300:27:13,039 --> 00:27:18,559I'm just Picabo watching a movie

63400:27:15,799 --> 00:27:20,240basically so I you know I always

63500:27:18,559 --> 00:27:22,099encourage other psychics to try to work

63600:27:20,240 --> 00:27:23,720on that because especially the impasse

63700:27:22,099 --> 00:27:26,359it can be very hard for them to

63800:27:23,720 --> 00:27:30,110segregate somebody else's feelings from

63900:27:26,359 --> 00:27:32,059their own yeah that's that that's one

64000:27:30,109 --> 00:27:35,240part that's something that I have run

64100:27:32,059 --> 00:27:39,730across a lot you know now I'm able to

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64200:27:35,240 --> 00:27:45,559sense energy and and since other things

64300:27:39,730 --> 00:27:48,110remotely I'm also into you know objects

64400:27:45,559 --> 00:27:51,079that have been used for like divination

64500:27:48,109 --> 00:27:53,449the most part like Ouija boards and

64600:27:51,079 --> 00:27:57,740other things like that you know any

64700:27:53,450 --> 00:28:01,100residual energy on these objects really

64800:27:57,740 --> 00:28:03,680affect me badly that's why I can't go to

64900:28:01,099 --> 00:28:04,730an antique store and stake around one

65000:28:03,680 --> 00:28:07,730too long

65100:28:04,730 --> 00:28:09,829I go to an antique store it cracks

65200:28:07,730 --> 00:28:11,509people up but my friends usually like me

65300:28:09,829 --> 00:28:13,579to read the objects before they buy them

65400:28:11,509 --> 00:28:15,170but when I go in it's like immediately

65500:28:13,579 --> 00:28:16,879there's something calling me and I have


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00:28:15,170 --> 00:28:18,800to go down the aisles until I find the

65700:28:16,880 --> 00:28:21,620freaking object that wants me to

65800:28:18,799 --> 00:28:25,129recognize it and once I do that I'm okay

65900:28:21,619 --> 00:28:26,659but yeah imagine if you touch things and

66000:28:25,130 --> 00:28:27,890you get all this information and you go

66100:28:26,660 --> 00:28:30,740into a grocery store and you're just

66200:28:27,890 --> 00:28:32,750trying to pick up groceries mm-hmm like

66300:28:30,740 --> 00:28:35,089I I am able to completely shut that off

66400:28:32,750 --> 00:28:37,339until I want to use it but it took me a

66500:28:35,089 --> 00:28:38,720long time I used to wonder if I was OCD

66600:28:37,339 --> 00:28:40,879because I picked something off a shelf

66700:28:38,720 --> 00:28:43,430that I got no no not that one this one

66800:28:40,880 --> 00:28:46,430okay this one works but you know now I

66900:28:43,430 --> 00:28:49,070like disregard it you know it's funny I

67000:28:46,430 --> 00:28:51,920

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used to love to antique we know when I

67100:28:49,069 --> 00:28:53,750was younger when I first got married

67200:28:51,920 --> 00:28:55,480then when I got remarried I used to do a

67300:28:53,750 --> 00:28:58,730lot of antiquing but it got to the point

67400:28:55,480 --> 00:29:02,059where I started to pick up on a lot of

67500:28:58,730 --> 00:29:03,920different energies while I was doing it

67600:29:02,059 --> 00:29:05,480and I did it less and less because it

67700:29:03,920 --> 00:29:07,279was really it was really becoming

67800:29:05,480 --> 00:29:09,920frustrating in fact it was coming to the

67900:29:07,279 --> 00:29:12,289point where when I'd be driving home and

68000:29:09,920 --> 00:29:16,370start getting start getting images of

68100:29:12,289 --> 00:29:16,879what had happened even to the night when

68200:29:16,369 --> 00:29:18,500I do

68300:29:16,880 --> 00:29:21,110sleep I'd start dream mental kinds of

68400:29:18,500 --> 00:29:23,210stuff so it was uh it did affect me and

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68500:29:21,109 --> 00:29:26,119it does affect me and I I just don't do

68600:29:23,210 --> 00:29:28,130it that much you know you know I've

68700:29:26,119 --> 00:29:29,869always been attracted battlefield you

68800:29:28,130 --> 00:29:33,530know I lived near Gettysburg I've always

68900:29:29,869 --> 00:29:37,729loved going to Gettysburg but I tell you

69000:29:33,529 --> 00:29:40,700I gotta be careful because uh I just I

69100:29:37,730 --> 00:29:44,529almost go into him being mesmerized to a

69200:29:40,700 --> 00:29:47,660point where I am really feeling things

69300:29:44,529 --> 00:29:50,750to where it you know it kind of scared

69400:29:47,660 --> 00:29:52,840me sometimes and though I still love to

69500:29:50,750 --> 00:29:55,039go I mean I'm there when I get a chance

69600:29:52,839 --> 00:29:57,199yeah I think I think it's a little bit

69700:29:55,039 --> 00:29:58,940tougher for people like since like I

69800:29:57,200 --> 00:30:01,910said I grew up in you know from a baby

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69900:29:58,940 --> 00:30:04,640on in an incredibly active house and I'm

70000:30:01,910 --> 00:30:07,940psychically sensitive but to me it was

70100:30:04,640 --> 00:30:10,610such a even even exquisite memories of

70200:30:07,940 --> 00:30:12,830people dying there which I had several

70300:30:10,609 --> 00:30:15,799reads that I had done on people who had

70400:30:12,829 --> 00:30:19,099passed on there uh I I thought if it is

70500:30:15,799 --> 00:30:21,919a beautiful aching exquisite way of

70600:30:19,099 --> 00:30:24,199showing humanity like Here I am in a

70700:30:21,920 --> 00:30:27,230process in this building that has

70800:30:24,200 --> 00:30:29,690processed love and child birth and death

70900:30:27,230 --> 00:30:31,819and I'm part of it and it didn't bother

71000:30:29,690 --> 00:30:33,860me but if I had been somebody who say

71100:30:31,819 --> 00:30:37,099grew up in the suburbs and a non haunted

71200:30:33,859 --> 00:30:39,019house and I go visit haunted places when


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00:30:37,099 --> 00:30:41,059those senses if I have some latent

71400:30:39,019 --> 00:30:43,910psychic senses it would be very

71500:30:41,059 --> 00:30:45,169disruptive because it's that's a whole

71600:30:43,910 --> 00:30:46,790different thing but when you have to

71700:30:45,170 --> 00:30:50,390live in it all the time you have to

71800:30:46,789 --> 00:30:51,859sleep eat do your homework in it you you

71900:30:50,390 --> 00:30:54,259have a you have a way of being able to

72000:30:51,859 --> 00:30:58,729just let it just flow around you like

72100:30:54,259 --> 00:31:01,089water yeah I I I guess fortunately I'm

72200:30:58,730 --> 00:31:05,329there I wasn't raised in any audited

72300:31:01,089 --> 00:31:08,179haunted homes I don't know if that's

72400:31:05,329 --> 00:31:10,159good or not what I wasn't so you know I

72500:31:08,180 --> 00:31:13,519you know when I first had my first

72600:31:10,160 --> 00:31:16,279experiences which happened on the

72700:31:13,519 --> 00:31:21,349

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Gettysburg battlefield yeah it was kind

72800:31:16,279 --> 00:31:22,940of it was shocking but it's not like you

72900:31:21,349 --> 00:31:25,759know it took me a while to realize what

73000:31:22,940 --> 00:31:27,830was going on it's not like I go home and

73100:31:25,759 --> 00:31:30,319experience as well it was one of those

73200:31:27,829 --> 00:31:32,720things were well you know just

73300:31:30,319 --> 00:31:36,379happened Danny as the years went by I

73400:31:32,720 --> 00:31:38,240was able to you know deal with it more

73500:31:36,380 --> 00:31:40,278so and you know what when you're doing

73600:31:38,240 --> 00:31:42,679you know what I do investigators are

73700:31:40,278 --> 00:31:46,730working with people that have contact me

73800:31:42,679 --> 00:31:53,690and have haunting issues or other things

73900:31:46,730 --> 00:31:57,230going on it invariably I'd say 3/4 of

74000:31:53,690 --> 00:31:59,320those people are sensitive and it's a

74100:31:57,230 --> 00:32:02,028real it's a real problem

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74200:31:59,319 --> 00:32:07,189especially when they're kids involved

74300:32:02,028 --> 00:32:10,849where the kids the child is is very

74400:32:07,190 --> 00:32:13,460sensitive and has psychic abilities I

74500:32:10,849 --> 00:32:15,469mean you can see it you can see this

74600:32:13,460 --> 00:32:18,769kids a beacon this huge ego and starting

74700:32:15,470 --> 00:32:21,470on what's going on and you know that's

74800:32:18,769 --> 00:32:26,200that's one thing that I've been able to

74900:32:21,470 --> 00:32:29,360do as far as helping people to realize

75000:32:26,200 --> 00:32:33,399how to tamp that down to a point where

75100:32:29,359 --> 00:32:36,048it's not going to cause any more issues

75200:32:33,398 --> 00:32:38,268yeah and I think each each child is

75300:32:36,048 --> 00:32:40,878different and how you handle what

75400:32:38,269 --> 00:32:43,038they're experiencing because you know if

75500:32:40,878 --> 00:32:45,888you give a child and I raised my son

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75600:32:43,038 --> 00:32:48,200with what I called mental mental health

75700:32:45,888 --> 00:32:51,349lessons or Mental Hygiene

75800:32:48,200 --> 00:32:53,600I taught him the basic how to think

75900:32:51,349 --> 00:32:56,378logically and have logical emotions as a

76000:32:53,599 --> 00:32:59,240result and so I would make him work with

76100:32:56,378 --> 00:33:01,730what the reality is right now and and

76200:32:59,240 --> 00:33:04,278not a not try to expand on that and

76300:33:01,730 --> 00:33:06,110imply things and and how the world

76400:33:04,278 --> 00:33:07,609should be and get you know angry that

76500:33:06,109 --> 00:33:09,288the world isn't the way it should be so

76600:33:07,609 --> 00:33:11,089I think when you give a kid really good

76700:33:09,288 --> 00:33:13,519skills they can handle things like that

76800:33:11,089 --> 00:33:15,319much much better and one of the things

76900:33:13,519 --> 00:33:16,970that I do when I run into a family


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00:33:15,319 --> 00:33:18,939that's having a lot of haunting issues

77100:33:16,970 --> 00:33:21,319they feel very vulnerable and

77200:33:18,940 --> 00:33:22,399understandably it's your home and and

77300:33:21,319 --> 00:33:25,009you don't know what's going to happen

77400:33:22,398 --> 00:33:26,928next the first thing is to defuse it by

77500:33:25,009 --> 00:33:28,970showing them that yeah you're hearing

77600:33:26,929 --> 00:33:30,798noises and yeah cabinets are closing and

77700:33:28,970 --> 00:33:32,778you know all that kind of stuff but

77800:33:30,798 --> 00:33:35,058those those just startle you they're not

77900:33:32,778 --> 00:33:37,009really that's not scary startled and

78000:33:35,058 --> 00:33:39,678scary or two very very different things

78100:33:37,009 --> 00:33:41,720so you have to kind of divide that first

78200:33:39,679 --> 00:33:43,788and then I tell them to leave a notebook

78300:33:41,720 --> 00:33:45,499a spiral notebook out with a pen

78400:33:43,788 --> 00:33:47,118

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and just leave it on the counter and

78500:33:45,499 --> 00:33:49,308then when anybody has something that

78600:33:47,118 --> 00:33:51,678happens they can report it report the

78700:33:49,308 --> 00:33:54,168time report what was happening who heard

78800:33:51,679 --> 00:33:55,999it or saw it and what you're doing is

78900:33:54,169 --> 00:33:57,590you're basically you're you're gaining

79000:33:55,999 --> 00:34:00,558control over the situation

79100:33:57,589 --> 00:34:02,898now you're telling on the ghost and so

79200:34:00,558 --> 00:34:04,398you actually start to anticipate oh good

79300:34:02,898 --> 00:34:05,599I get to put that in the book so you

79400:34:04,398 --> 00:34:06,829know it's sort of like I'm telling on

79500:34:05,599 --> 00:34:10,009you I'm telling on you I'm telling on

79600:34:06,829 --> 00:34:12,348you and you get this sense of also

79700:34:10,010 --> 00:34:14,540repetitive you look down and you realize

79800:34:12,349 --> 00:34:17,179oh yeah this fell over or that that

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79900:34:14,539 --> 00:34:18,619sounded or that light went out or what

80000:34:17,179 --> 00:34:21,740any you realize it's not really that

80100:34:18,619 --> 00:34:25,429scary and you also feel in control that

80200:34:21,739 --> 00:34:28,818you have to you get to tell on it yeah I

80300:34:25,429 --> 00:34:32,510agree with documentation is very

80400:34:28,818 --> 00:34:35,179important being positive

80500:34:32,510 --> 00:34:40,399i as always stress that with people I

80600:34:35,179 --> 00:34:42,798work with try not to get frustrated and

80700:34:40,398 --> 00:34:44,598you know to try to deal with it the best

80800:34:42,798 --> 00:34:47,239way you possibly can you know there are

80900:34:44,599 --> 00:34:51,500ways of teaching people on how to deal

81000:34:47,239 --> 00:34:53,989with things like this but you know when

81100:34:51,500 --> 00:34:56,329you get a dysfunctional dist situation

81200:34:53,989 --> 00:34:57,949of family and such it's it's almost like

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81300:34:56,329 --> 00:35:02,660you're going to school I mean you gotta

81400:34:57,949 --> 00:35:04,308kind of program people you run into a

81500:35:02,659 --> 00:35:06,618situation sometimes and I've coined a

81600:35:04,309 --> 00:35:08,480phrase scape ghost but sometimes a

81700:35:06,619 --> 00:35:10,490family might have like say a teenager

81800:35:08,480 --> 00:35:11,900who's acting out or something and then

81900:35:10,489 --> 00:35:13,879they determine they think that maybe the

82000:35:11,900 --> 00:35:15,500teenagers been like using a Ouija board

82100:35:13,880 --> 00:35:17,599or maybe they're doing something dark

82200:35:15,500 --> 00:35:20,239you know maybe it's a ghost it's not

82300:35:17,599 --> 00:35:21,769them certainly it's not my child so now

82400:35:20,239 --> 00:35:23,149it becomes a scapegoat we're going to

82500:35:21,769 --> 00:35:24,650blame everything on the ghost now that

82600:35:23,150 --> 00:35:27,380brings the family together with the


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00:35:24,650 --> 00:35:29,990child to fight the ghost instead of

82800:35:27,380 --> 00:35:31,490dealing with the child and so there's a

82900:35:29,989 --> 00:35:35,179lot of dynamics involved when you're

83000:35:31,489 --> 00:35:37,759doing a house you know house studies and

83100:35:35,179 --> 00:35:39,469stuff it's it's a very hairy territory

83200:35:37,760 --> 00:35:42,410that involves a lot of psychology and

83300:35:39,469 --> 00:35:43,909and you really need to know a lot about

83400:35:42,409 --> 00:35:46,338the people's state of mind because I

83500:35:43,909 --> 00:35:48,710really believe that the your attitude

83600:35:46,338 --> 00:35:52,039and what you believe in will affect your

83700:35:48,710 --> 00:35:54,949reality for example I'm 56 years old

83800:35:52,039 --> 00:35:57,779I've lived my entire life dealing with

83900:35:54,949 --> 00:36:00,239the other side and I do not

84000:35:57,780 --> 00:36:02,430believe in the devil demons or

84100:36:00,239 --> 00:36:05,069

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possession and I have never run into

84200:36:02,429 --> 00:36:07,500those and I think the minute you start

84300:36:05,070 --> 00:36:09,990to let in fear and you might have a

84400:36:07,500 --> 00:36:13,010belief system that's full of magic and

84500:36:09,989 --> 00:36:15,839and in darkness and when you start

84600:36:13,010 --> 00:36:17,460probing with those things you get that

84700:36:15,840 --> 00:36:19,079result it's it's just like positive

84800:36:17,460 --> 00:36:21,360thinking if you think positively and you

84900:36:19,079 --> 00:36:23,579envision what you want you get your goal

85000:36:21,360 --> 00:36:26,010but if you start to like get panicky

85100:36:23,579 --> 00:36:27,690about what you don't want you end up you

85200:36:26,010 --> 00:36:31,530know driving right into what you don't

85300:36:27,690 --> 00:36:33,750want that's right yep you're exactly

85400:36:31,530 --> 00:36:35,970right with that that does happen people

85500:36:33,750 --> 00:36:37,530you know I've always thought that evil

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85600:36:35,969 --> 00:36:40,469is evil I mean I'm not going around

85700:36:37,530 --> 00:36:44,970saying demons you know leave it to the

85800:36:40,469 --> 00:36:47,189church if something's bad it's bad and

85900:36:44,969 --> 00:36:49,889we got to deal with it but it feeds off

86000:36:47,190 --> 00:36:52,110of us too and that's why I say human

86100:36:49,889 --> 00:36:53,789beings are the best barometer for ghosts

86200:36:52,110 --> 00:36:55,140like I was saying it's not the equipment

86300:36:53,789 --> 00:36:57,389it's you you're gonna see feel hear

86400:36:55,139 --> 00:37:00,179smell and touch that thing and it's

86500:36:57,389 --> 00:37:03,210because you are a spiritual being having

86600:37:00,179 --> 00:37:05,489a human experience so who better to

86700:37:03,210 --> 00:37:07,260recognize another spiritual being than a

86800:37:05,489 --> 00:37:09,599spiritual being that's harbored in a

86900:37:07,260 --> 00:37:13,470physical body so you have to know that

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87000:37:09,599 --> 00:37:15,299you actually we create the Malu in which

87100:37:13,469 --> 00:37:17,250these things can be positive or negative

87200:37:15,300 --> 00:37:19,019we are very much a part of it

87300:37:17,250 --> 00:37:20,730you can take a house that's haunted and

87400:37:19,019 --> 00:37:22,349put a family that's troubled in it and

87500:37:20,730 --> 00:37:25,490you're gonna have very negative things

87600:37:22,349 --> 00:37:28,380happening it's just the mail ooh yeah

87700:37:25,489 --> 00:37:31,979well I know you've been interested in

87800:37:28,380 --> 00:37:33,900Bigfoot for quite a while now and what

87900:37:31,980 --> 00:37:36,679are your personal thoughts a Bigfoot is

88000:37:33,900 --> 00:37:40,889a flesh-and-blood indigenous

88100:37:36,679 --> 00:37:45,029supernatural what what do you think

88200:37:40,889 --> 00:37:46,920about this well I I've I've dived very

88300:37:45,030 --> 00:37:50,060deep into the research of Bigfoot and it


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00:37:46,920 --> 00:37:52,860is such a huge part of my studies and

88500:37:50,059 --> 00:37:54,869I'm willing to open the door and say

88600:37:52,860 --> 00:37:56,700okay I'll look at anything I've spent

88700:37:54,869 --> 00:37:58,079some time looking at the UFO thing I've

88800:37:56,699 --> 00:38:00,449spent time looking at the

88900:37:58,079 --> 00:38:03,170interdimensional all kinds of different

89000:38:00,449 --> 00:38:06,389you know skinwalkers all sorts of things

89100:38:03,170 --> 00:38:08,159but I have witnessed one myself and my

89200:38:06,389 --> 00:38:10,679first thoughts when I witnessed it were

89300:38:08,159 --> 00:38:11,159this is not an ape this is a human this

89400:38:10,679 --> 00:38:13,619is so

89500:38:11,159 --> 00:38:15,719kind of human but they are different

89600:38:13,619 --> 00:38:18,269their proportions are different and of

89700:38:15,719 --> 00:38:19,949course their parents is different but

89800:38:18,269 --> 00:38:22,409

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they are definitely in the human family

89900:38:19,949 --> 00:38:25,710so I did a little bit of probing because

90000:38:22,409 --> 00:38:27,269I tend to like to be scientific and I

90100:38:25,710 --> 00:38:29,400began to ask myself you know were there

90200:38:27,269 --> 00:38:31,050ever any I mean it have to have

90300:38:29,400 --> 00:38:33,210ancestors where do they come from where

90400:38:31,050 --> 00:38:35,190they didn't just drop from the sky

90500:38:33,210 --> 00:38:37,889they've they've been here all along with

90600:38:35,190 --> 00:38:40,800us who else has been here along with us

90700:38:37,889 --> 00:38:42,119and I look back at some of the the

90800:38:40,800 --> 00:38:44,340different forms of man that have been

90900:38:42,119 --> 00:38:46,619around and one that's still a little

91000:38:44,340 --> 00:38:49,289elusive to us but shows of great promise

91100:38:46,619 --> 00:38:50,849is the denise ovens and the denise ovens

91200:38:49,289 --> 00:38:53,849were only discovered several years ago

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91300:38:50,849 --> 00:38:55,739and their DNA has carried in certain

91400:38:53,849 --> 00:38:58,199people around the world so they did at

91500:38:55,739 --> 00:38:59,339one time mate with Homo sapiens all we

91600:38:58,199 --> 00:39:00,750know about them is that their molars

91700:38:59,340 --> 00:39:03,480were very large and that they were

91800:39:00,750 --> 00:39:05,130adapted to high altitudes if you were

91900:39:03,480 --> 00:39:06,630adapted to a high altitude you may have

92000:39:05,130 --> 00:39:09,119different body proportions to climb

92100:39:06,630 --> 00:39:11,070rocks and just you know skip up and down

92200:39:09,119 --> 00:39:13,799mountains and to have a really strong

92300:39:11,070 --> 00:39:15,269body in order to pull yourself up you

92400:39:13,800 --> 00:39:16,950may have eyes that have really good

92500:39:15,269 --> 00:39:19,170vision at night which they found

92600:39:16,949 --> 00:39:20,879Neanderthal did that they had larger

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92700:39:19,170 --> 00:39:22,139eyes and they had larger eyes because

92800:39:20,880 --> 00:39:23,970they were high altitude and it was

92900:39:22,139 --> 00:39:26,759darker you know they were northern you

93000:39:23,969 --> 00:39:28,919know people so other Denis Evans we know

93100:39:26,760 --> 00:39:31,470were large we know they were adapted for

93200:39:28,920 --> 00:39:33,389mountainous regions and and and probably

93300:39:31,469 --> 00:39:35,969have very good night vision and likely

93400:39:33,389 --> 00:39:38,250were covered in hair so I started to ask

93500:39:35,969 --> 00:39:40,500myself well what about the Denis of and

93600:39:38,250 --> 00:39:42,059DNA well when I started looking at the

93700:39:40,500 --> 00:39:45,079people around the world who have Denis

93800:39:42,059 --> 00:39:47,940Evans DNA I found a Bigfoot equivalent

93900:39:45,079 --> 00:39:51,029Aborigines they have Yowie

94000:39:47,940 --> 00:39:54,450the Chinese have Aaron the the Russians


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00:39:51,030 --> 00:39:56,880have all masti you go to America and the

94200:39:54,449 --> 00:39:59,039Peruvians and the Inuits have the DNA of

94300:39:56,880 --> 00:40:01,829Denis Evans and we have Bigfoot the

94400:39:59,039 --> 00:40:04,920Sherpa have Denis of Indiana and they

94500:40:01,829 --> 00:40:07,469have a Yeti so it seemed like too

94600:40:04,920 --> 00:40:08,550coincidental that somehow these people

94700:40:07,469 --> 00:40:09,839around the world they were carrying

94800:40:08,550 --> 00:40:11,760Denis Evans DNA

94900:40:09,840 --> 00:40:17,130we're in areas where we're seeing some

95000:40:11,760 --> 00:40:21,300sort of archaic man so well you know and

95100:40:17,130 --> 00:40:24,720you know I so you kind of fall into the

95200:40:21,300 --> 00:40:26,609indigenous oh yeah oh absolutely yeah

95300:40:24,719 --> 00:40:28,919I don't leave flesh-and-blood definitely

95400:40:26,608 --> 00:40:30,719but but I'm not excluding that they may

95500:40:28,920 --> 00:40:32,700

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have some enormous skills with their

95600:40:30,719 --> 00:40:34,589minds because their brains are bigger

95700:40:32,699 --> 00:40:36,659than us and even though they live what

95800:40:34,590 --> 00:40:40,289we consider to be very feral they're

95900:40:36,659 --> 00:40:42,960much smarter than us without me the one

96000:40:40,289 --> 00:40:46,500thing that always bothers me is that we

96100:40:42,960 --> 00:40:49,980never find bodies or we never find bones

96200:40:46,500 --> 00:40:52,079or you know I mean they're like another

96300:40:49,980 --> 00:40:57,358human I mean even and earth all buried

96400:40:52,079 --> 00:41:00,809their people it's it's natural it's

96500:40:57,358 --> 00:41:03,900still that I you know I taught I talked

96600:41:00,809 --> 00:41:05,880to a lot of people and I have talked to

96700:41:03,900 --> 00:41:10,800people that have literally seen these

96800:41:05,880 --> 00:41:14,280things vanish I mean just vanish and I

96900:41:10,800 --> 00:41:17,880have talked to people you just seen or

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97000:41:14,280 --> 00:41:20,280seen these things just appear and then

97100:41:17,880 --> 00:41:22,650disappear and it's only it kind of runs

97200:41:20,280 --> 00:41:24,540the gamut you know oh yeah and I'm not

97300:41:22,650 --> 00:41:28,800you know I'm not saying there's there's

97400:41:24,539 --> 00:41:31,170not an indigenous species of hairy

97500:41:28,800 --> 00:41:35,250hominid I actually believe there are in

97600:41:31,170 --> 00:41:37,530certain areas but I do believe a lot of

97700:41:35,250 --> 00:41:39,300what people are peb and seeing you know

97800:41:37,530 --> 00:41:42,839I get an audience but there's all time

97900:41:39,300 --> 00:41:45,630but yeah I do believe and you know I had

98000:41:42,838 --> 00:41:50,059an encounter as well I I do believe that

98100:41:45,630 --> 00:41:52,890these are either some kind of

98200:41:50,059 --> 00:41:57,000interdimensional type being that's able

98300:41:52,889 --> 00:41:59,309to come between worlds parallel worlds

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98400:41:57,000 --> 00:42:01,949either's from the the past or whatever

98500:41:59,309 --> 00:42:03,690but I think there is for the most part

98600:42:01,949 --> 00:42:06,449some type of super genetic supernatural

98700:42:03,690 --> 00:42:09,300aspect to do that and you know here's

98800:42:06,449 --> 00:42:11,279another thing what do we know about the

98900:42:09,300 --> 00:42:12,869ancient Mayan culture actually the

99000:42:11,280 --> 00:42:15,030reason I came up with the concept of

99100:42:12,869 --> 00:42:17,309Jenice events for Bigfoot was I started

99200:42:15,030 --> 00:42:19,019researching where did Bigfoot come from

99300:42:17,309 --> 00:42:21,299and if they had been here we should have

99400:42:19,019 --> 00:42:23,219run into their skeletons well we did run

99500:42:21,300 --> 00:42:24,960into the skeletons of ancient Giants and

99600:42:23,219 --> 00:42:27,629they were in the Mound culture area a

99700:42:24,960 --> 00:42:29,309culture that the native people say was


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00:42:27,630 --> 00:42:32,490some other culture that was here before

99900:42:29,309 --> 00:42:34,019them so you know what do we know about

100000:42:32,489 --> 00:42:36,719how advanced they are how much they've

100100:42:34,019 --> 00:42:39,679learned about the simple ability to skip

100200:42:36,719 --> 00:42:42,659to skip from one place to another

100300:42:39,679 --> 00:42:44,190Minh who and and it wasn't until

100400:42:42,659 --> 00:42:47,250recently I would even admit it publicly

100500:42:44,190 --> 00:42:49,110because I find it humiliating but I've

100600:42:47,250 --> 00:42:52,500had lifelong contact with alien greys

100700:42:49,110 --> 00:42:55,110and I observe it and I watch how they

100800:42:52,500 --> 00:42:58,349come and go and how they communicate and

100900:42:55,110 --> 00:43:00,090what they seem to want and my sense of

101000:42:58,349 --> 00:43:02,250them is that they're not using

101100:43:00,090 --> 00:43:03,930technology to come and go this is very

101200:43:02,250 --> 00:43:06,539

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biologic it's as if they have to

101300:43:03,929 --> 00:43:08,489concentrate in order to create this sort

101400:43:06,539 --> 00:43:11,009of there's like this red orange light

101500:43:08,489 --> 00:43:12,929that that's created from their thorax

101600:43:11,010 --> 00:43:15,510and it spreads and then all of a sudden

101700:43:12,929 --> 00:43:18,569they're gone but you can feel you can

101800:43:15,510 --> 00:43:21,150feel their mental focus to do it and so

101900:43:18,570 --> 00:43:24,030what if Bigfoot is yet another ancient

102000:43:21,150 --> 00:43:26,160person who had a huge jump on us by a

102100:43:24,030 --> 00:43:29,100few hundred thousand years and also a

102200:43:26,159 --> 00:43:31,379bigger brain so what kind of skills

102300:43:29,099 --> 00:43:34,650would you develop if you were smarter

102400:43:31,380 --> 00:43:36,420and you had to live fairly and hide you

102500:43:34,650 --> 00:43:39,059may get some mad skills that could do

102600:43:36,420 --> 00:43:40,920things yeah and we don't know what's in

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102700:43:39,059 --> 00:43:42,389our own minds to be able to turn on and

102800:43:40,920 --> 00:43:46,280make things like that well that's just

102900:43:42,389 --> 00:43:49,319you know you know humans do not even use

103000:43:46,280 --> 00:43:52,170use part like any of your abilities I

103100:43:49,320 --> 00:43:54,660mean they're you know I I'm quite sure

103200:43:52,170 --> 00:43:57,809that there's a lot of course we have

103300:43:54,659 --> 00:43:59,940people that are able to do things that

103400:43:57,809 --> 00:44:04,739other people can I mean used to say that

103500:43:59,940 --> 00:44:06,929you know if the collective consciousness

103600:44:04,739 --> 00:44:09,719would get together and just you know

103700:44:06,929 --> 00:44:14,460kind of go beyond that see what would

103800:44:09,719 --> 00:44:15,959happen so anyway let's go into the

103900:44:14,460 --> 00:44:19,019ancient John thing because this

104000:44:15,960 --> 00:44:21,599fascinates me I have seen shows about

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104100:44:19,019 --> 00:44:24,150ancient Giants I don't know how to deter

104200:44:21,599 --> 00:44:25,500prett what I've been seeing as some of

104300:44:24,150 --> 00:44:30,720the things I've been weaving over the

104400:44:25,500 --> 00:44:35,159years I'm familiar with the the Peruvian

104500:44:30,719 --> 00:44:38,389giant theory and some of the research

104600:44:35,159 --> 00:44:43,649that has gone into that but as far as

104700:44:38,389 --> 00:44:45,239what people have theorized in the in

104800:44:43,650 --> 00:44:51,389North America and such

104900:44:45,239 --> 00:44:52,769I am completely it just escapes me what

105000:44:51,389 --> 00:44:55,420can you tell me about

105100:44:52,769 --> 00:44:57,340well I it isn't too hard especially

105200:44:55,420 --> 00:45:00,070nowadays it's a pretty popular subject

105300:44:57,340 --> 00:45:02,559it wasn't really spoken of much and it

105400:45:00,070 --> 00:45:04,269amazes me that in like the late 1800s to


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00:45:02,559 --> 00:45:06,219the 1700s when people were digging up

105600:45:04,269 --> 00:45:08,530Giants when they were plowing their

105700:45:06,219 --> 00:45:09,489fields they were baffled by what they

105800:45:08,530 --> 00:45:11,620found but they thought they were

105900:45:09,489 --> 00:45:13,449aberrations and then of course they were

106000:45:11,619 --> 00:45:15,880shuffled off either they were thrown out

106100:45:13,449 --> 00:45:18,339or tossed aside or somebody kept one in

106200:45:15,880 --> 00:45:19,539some kind of weird trophy nobody really

106300:45:18,340 --> 00:45:21,280understood how to handle them because

106400:45:19,539 --> 00:45:23,230they were outside of what we were taught

106500:45:21,280 --> 00:45:25,510and it was also a time period in which

106600:45:23,230 --> 00:45:27,309Darwinism was just blossoming and I

106700:45:25,510 --> 00:45:29,800think there was quite a dichotomy

106800:45:27,309 --> 00:45:31,539between you know do we we just made

106900:45:29,800 --> 00:45:32,800

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people believe that we evolved now we're

107000:45:31,539 --> 00:45:35,050going to tell them that there was this

107100:45:32,800 --> 00:45:36,880race that actually kind of lends itself

107200:45:35,050 --> 00:45:40,000to the joints from the Bible you know

107300:45:36,880 --> 00:45:42,369it's a very hairy place to be and then

107400:45:40,000 --> 00:45:44,440also you're saying oh let's put let's

107500:45:42,369 --> 00:45:46,239put the native people onto reservations

107600:45:44,440 --> 00:45:48,730and get into give them their own lands

107700:45:46,239 --> 00:45:50,379and their own nations but then oh wait

107800:45:48,730 --> 00:45:52,750oops sorry there was somebody here

107900:45:50,380 --> 00:45:54,340before them maybe they have dibs you

108000:45:52,750 --> 00:45:56,980know there was like no place to put a

108100:45:54,340 --> 00:45:58,720Farrell group of people who you know and

108200:45:56,980 --> 00:46:01,119I'm saying Bigfoot I think are the

108300:45:58,719 --> 00:46:03,069Giants having been killed off because

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108400:46:01,119 --> 00:46:05,259they were outnumbered and driven off

108500:46:03,070 --> 00:46:08,470which I'm pretty much every native tribe

108600:46:05,260 --> 00:46:10,600describes they were they were sent out

108700:46:08,469 --> 00:46:14,109into the woods basically and so what do

108800:46:10,599 --> 00:46:15,730what do a feral people do is their their

108900:46:14,110 --> 00:46:17,050their priorities are vastly different to

109000:46:15,730 --> 00:46:19,690stay hidden

109100:46:17,050 --> 00:46:21,460but the ancient giant bones you can find

109200:46:19,690 --> 00:46:24,550millions of reports of these guys all

109300:46:21,460 --> 00:46:27,280over the world and it's interesting too

109400:46:24,550 --> 00:46:29,920that the native depiction of ancient

109500:46:27,280 --> 00:46:32,950Giants is all the same that these people

109600:46:29,920 --> 00:46:34,869were advanced they were powerful but

109700:46:32,949 --> 00:46:36,519they also had a tendency to be

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109800:46:34,869 --> 00:46:39,099carnivorous which made them

109900:46:36,519 --> 00:46:40,989cannibalistic they were you know if

110000:46:39,099 --> 00:46:42,489you're a meat-eater you're predatory

110100:46:40,989 --> 00:46:46,000you're only looking for other things

110200:46:42,489 --> 00:46:48,879that walk around and breathe to eat so

110300:46:46,000 --> 00:46:50,980we were part of the menu a lot of things

110400:46:48,880 --> 00:46:52,930start to make sense about ancient Giants

110500:46:50,980 --> 00:46:55,750when you look at cultures that decided

110600:46:52,929 --> 00:46:57,519to elongate their children's heads they

110700:46:55,750 --> 00:47:00,369would bind their children's heads to

110800:46:57,519 --> 00:47:03,880make them long you do this to imitate

110900:47:00,369 --> 00:47:06,519the gods the gods were the Giants who

111000:47:03,880 --> 00:47:09,070had a culture outside of Africa

111100:47:06,519 --> 00:47:11,079when we came out we we crossed the


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00:47:09,070 --> 00:47:13,559borders and went out and encountered

111300:47:11,079 --> 00:47:16,269these people who were mining who had

111400:47:13,559 --> 00:47:17,739technologies we didn't have they were

111500:47:16,269 --> 00:47:20,050way ahead of us they had been out of

111600:47:17,739 --> 00:47:22,509there and adapting to every climate

111700:47:20,050 --> 00:47:24,850right away and they had hundreds of

111800:47:22,510 --> 00:47:27,180thousands of years on us so we're

111900:47:24,849 --> 00:47:29,980talking about us encountering gods and

112000:47:27,179 --> 00:47:32,259so what do we do if the God likes to eat

112100:47:29,980 --> 00:47:35,320our people well gee here eat this

112200:47:32,260 --> 00:47:36,670villager here's our sacrifice this will

112300:47:35,320 --> 00:47:38,619appease you don't need any more of us

112400:47:36,670 --> 00:47:40,630please a lot of things about our

112500:47:38,619 --> 00:47:43,030cultures begin to make sense when you

112600:47:40,630 --> 00:47:45,430

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put that attitude that there was a

112700:47:43,030 --> 00:47:46,930previous man here and if your biblical

112800:47:45,429 --> 00:47:48,669you may believe this is the man that

112900:47:46,929 --> 00:47:50,710they were trying to get rid of with the

113000:47:48,670 --> 00:47:53,590flood you know and and the Noah stories

113100:47:50,710 --> 00:47:54,880or Gilgamesh and even the native

113200:47:53,590 --> 00:47:56,740cultures say that the same thing there

113300:47:54,880 --> 00:47:59,500was a giant flood or these these

113400:47:56,739 --> 00:48:02,319cannibalistic giants were struck down by

113500:47:59,500 --> 00:48:04,179the gods but but the cultures that are

113600:48:02,320 --> 00:48:07,119incredibly disparate I mean you can go

113700:48:04,179 --> 00:48:10,118to Australia and there are women natives

113800:48:07,119 --> 00:48:12,309that the legend they trapped a one of

113900:48:10,119 --> 00:48:14,260these cannibalistic Giants into a cave

114000:48:12,309 --> 00:48:16,570and burned him but then wait you come to

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114100:48:14,260 --> 00:48:18,609Nevada and the Paiute say hey they were

114200:48:16,570 --> 00:48:20,320the redhead redheaded Giants we drove

114300:48:18,608 --> 00:48:21,969him into a cave and we burned them

114400:48:20,320 --> 00:48:25,420these are cultures that shouldn't have

114500:48:21,969 --> 00:48:28,329the same storylines and they do they you

114600:48:25,420 --> 00:48:30,159go to Easter Island the the Rapa Nui

114700:48:28,329 --> 00:48:31,929said there were the long years that were

114800:48:30,159 --> 00:48:34,029there before them they did the statues

114900:48:31,929 --> 00:48:38,559and everything they find evidence of

115000:48:34,030 --> 00:48:40,480cannibalism there it's just it's

115100:48:38,559 --> 00:48:42,608interesting to note that they there's so

115200:48:40,480 --> 00:48:44,108many of these these stories that just

115300:48:42,608 --> 00:48:46,840start to line up when you start studying

115400:48:44,108 --> 00:48:49,029the native culture will tell you and

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115500:48:46,840 --> 00:48:51,670religious texts will tell you they're

115600:48:49,030 --> 00:48:54,340trying to tell us that this culture was

115700:48:51,670 --> 00:48:55,690there and I we've always disregarded it

115800:48:54,340 --> 00:48:59,320because they're legends or they're

115900:48:55,690 --> 00:49:01,659religious texts well you know you're

116000:48:59,320 --> 00:49:04,960right about the native peoples talking

116100:49:01,659 --> 00:49:07,719about these these giants I mean I know

116200:49:04,960 --> 00:49:11,710around here the Shawnee and the

116300:49:07,719 --> 00:49:13,569Susquehannock and the yeah the dull were

116400:49:11,710 --> 00:49:16,389they you know even into the year court

116500:49:13,570 --> 00:49:19,930tribes they they all had these legends

116600:49:16,389 --> 00:49:24,940of giants and you know

116700:49:19,929 --> 00:49:27,278it's it's hard to I don't say take it

116800:49:24,940 --> 00:49:30,670seriously without the evidence you know


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00:49:27,278 --> 00:49:33,219we're all all about evidence and you

117000:49:30,670 --> 00:49:36,338know we allowed a lot of times we read

117100:49:33,219 --> 00:49:38,709the legends and you know but I guess

117200:49:36,338 --> 00:49:40,989that's what being into cryptozoology

117300:49:38,710 --> 00:49:42,699does for you I mean you know Plato said

117400:49:40,989 --> 00:49:45,068and I'm a practical person too I think

117500:49:42,699 --> 00:49:47,078that it's important for me to verify

117600:49:45,068 --> 00:49:49,599that all these reports and many of the

117700:49:47,079 --> 00:49:52,180photographs and evidence that we

117800:49:49,599 --> 00:49:54,940actually get some modern evidence not

117900:49:52,179 --> 00:49:58,449old newspaper clippings and things and

118000:49:54,940 --> 00:50:00,190then two amazing stories I want someone

118100:49:58,449 --> 00:50:02,199now to do it and I'm running an

118200:50:00,190 --> 00:50:05,139expedition that's going to hopefully

118300:50:02,199 --> 00:50:08,169

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we've we've designated an area we think

118400:50:05,139 --> 00:50:10,239is a high probability of having evidence

118500:50:08,170 --> 00:50:12,940of ancient Giants it meets all the

118600:50:10,239 --> 00:50:14,889criteria and so this expedition team

118700:50:12,940 --> 00:50:16,960will go out and they will look but I've

118800:50:14,889 --> 00:50:19,538given them some certain rules when it

118900:50:16,960 --> 00:50:22,480comes to evaluating what could be a

119000:50:19,539 --> 00:50:23,890potential giant they're allowed to lay

119100:50:22,480 --> 00:50:24,909down next to the giant take photos

119200:50:23,889 --> 00:50:26,440they're allowed to take video they're

119300:50:24,909 --> 00:50:27,699allowed to take pictures allowed to pull

119400:50:26,440 --> 00:50:30,220out measuring tape but they're not to

119500:50:27,699 --> 00:50:32,889touch anything because it is still an

119600:50:30,219 --> 00:50:35,139ancient culture all I all I want is for

119700:50:32,889 --> 00:50:37,808us to be able to say look it exists and

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119800:50:35,139 --> 00:50:41,078you you make art this away and you may

119900:50:37,809 --> 00:50:42,760use a native tribe to dispose of it

120000:50:41,079 --> 00:50:45,039however they think it should be disposed

120100:50:42,760 --> 00:50:46,869of because that's the law and that's

120200:50:45,039 --> 00:50:49,510fine and I'll respect any of that but I

120300:50:46,869 --> 00:50:56,829still think that we need modern evidence

120400:50:49,510 --> 00:51:03,430of giants so recent years as far as John

120500:50:56,829 --> 00:51:05,589Day goes your evolved in filmmaking as a

120600:51:03,429 --> 00:51:08,348producer and screenwriter right you

120700:51:05,588 --> 00:51:10,659talked about that a bit well I'm I'm

120800:51:08,349 --> 00:51:13,059co-chair of a Chandler film industry

120900:51:10,659 --> 00:51:15,578group and it's fun we're trying to bring

121000:51:13,059 --> 00:51:18,190Arizona to be like the indie capital for

121100:51:15,579 --> 00:51:19,660filming it's got an ideal it has every

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121200:51:18,190 --> 00:51:22,240kind of terrain every kind of forest

121300:51:19,659 --> 00:51:24,159every kind of desert it's a you know a

121400:51:22,239 --> 00:51:26,769right-to-work state so it's a little

121500:51:24,159 --> 00:51:28,989cheaper to film here we have sunshine a

121600:51:26,769 --> 00:51:30,429lot of the time and great weather so you

121700:51:28,989 --> 00:51:33,429know nothing's going to disrupt your

121800:51:30,429 --> 00:51:36,368filming it's and we have amazing talent

121900:51:33,429 --> 00:51:38,649as far as studios and actors and it's

122000:51:36,369 --> 00:51:42,550just prime for film so I've gotten

122100:51:38,650 --> 00:51:47,050involved in that and I've my first thing

122200:51:42,550 --> 00:51:49,390out of the out of the gate I started a

122300:51:47,050 --> 00:51:51,250short film and it's going to be going

122400:51:49,389 --> 00:51:53,379the festival route but it will be made

122500:51:51,250 --> 00:51:56,289into a use the basis of that for a


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00:51:53,380 --> 00:51:59,230feature film I'm working on a thriller

122700:51:56,289 --> 00:52:01,719TV series that will probably go to

122800:51:59,230 --> 00:52:03,730streaming and I'm really excited about

122900:52:01,719 --> 00:52:06,568that because it's a very novel idea and

123000:52:03,730 --> 00:52:09,159very chilling and very exciting and

123100:52:06,568 --> 00:52:12,369working on a few feature films a sci-fi

123200:52:09,159 --> 00:52:16,989thriller I'm gonna be in a teaser for a

123300:52:12,369 --> 00:52:19,390sitcom pilot hey you name it but it's

123400:52:16,989 --> 00:52:20,919fun I love the idea of tea I mean I've

123500:52:19,389 --> 00:52:23,139been a writer and an author of so many

123600:52:20,920 --> 00:52:26,500books and for me to be able to bring

123700:52:23,139 --> 00:52:28,838something a physicality to it to get all

123800:52:26,500 --> 00:52:31,030of your senses excited is it's thrilling

123900:52:28,838 --> 00:52:31,779because I'm an oil painting oil painting

124000:52:31,030 --> 00:52:34,569

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artist too

124100:52:31,780 --> 00:52:37,059so I write but I also paint and I

124200:52:34,568 --> 00:52:42,489putting the two together you know it's

124300:52:37,059 --> 00:52:44,859it's magical now you have been writing a

124400:52:42,489 --> 00:52:47,649lot of books for a lot of years what

124500:52:44,858 --> 00:52:49,150kind of project you get coming up well

124600:52:47,650 --> 00:52:52,389I've been working with a new link

124700:52:49,150 --> 00:52:54,760publishing and but my first book out was

124800:52:52,389 --> 00:52:57,250a first book in a three-part series of

124900:52:54,760 --> 00:52:59,829paranormal romance books and it was

125000:52:57,250 --> 00:53:02,889called ghost of a chance and this year I

125100:52:59,829 --> 00:53:05,470am releasing tall dark and elusive which

125200:53:02,889 --> 00:53:07,808is book 2 and it's an interesting thing

125300:53:05,469 --> 00:53:09,578because I got to take all of my

125400:53:07,809 --> 00:53:12,609knowledge about ghosts and Bigfoot and

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125500:53:09,579 --> 00:53:14,349actual real-life incidents and put them

125600:53:12,608 --> 00:53:17,798into this fictionalized paranormal

125700:53:14,349 --> 00:53:19,809romance so it's been such a pleasure to

125800:53:17,798 --> 00:53:21,909do it to know that somebody can read the

125900:53:19,809 --> 00:53:24,548book and get involved in the scariness

126000:53:21,909 --> 00:53:27,639and the thrill and the romance but then

126100:53:24,548 --> 00:53:29,949also get educated properly by the

126200:53:27,639 --> 00:53:34,509reality of ghosts and the reality of

126300:53:29,949 --> 00:53:36,879Bigfoot mm-hm yeah so I know you live

126400:53:34,510 --> 00:53:38,740basically out the desert I know you've

126500:53:36,880 --> 00:53:41,048got a back you're i watch your film I

126600:53:38,739 --> 00:53:43,269know you've got a back yard where you're

126700:53:41,048 --> 00:53:44,960trying to do a desert landscape I guess

126800:53:43,269 --> 00:53:49,039that's what you're trying to do

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126900:53:44,960 --> 00:53:50,480I find that interesting because I like

127000:53:49,039 --> 00:53:54,858the tap that I used to have a green

127100:53:50,480 --> 00:53:57,079thumb but uh you know making a natural

127200:53:54,858 --> 00:53:57,619landscape in a backyard that intrigues

127300:53:57,079 --> 00:54:01,039me

127400:53:57,619 --> 00:54:03,260well yeah I'm all for just I'm not the

127500:54:01,039 --> 00:54:05,690pruning type I think right wherever

127600:54:03,260 --> 00:54:07,790wherever you are you you make it look

127700:54:05,690 --> 00:54:10,700like your natural environment and and

127800:54:07,789 --> 00:54:13,308the desert works is it's symbiotic don't

127900:54:10,699 --> 00:54:15,108mess with that it's interesting too

128000:54:13,309 --> 00:54:17,180because the land I'm on is right next to

128100:54:15,108 --> 00:54:20,389South Mountain and South Mountain is the

128200:54:17,179 --> 00:54:22,909infamous Phoenix lights location and


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00:54:20,389 --> 00:54:25,730it's also the land of the ancient

128400:54:22,909 --> 00:54:27,199Hohokam tribe that went missing and the

128500:54:25,730 --> 00:54:29,179tribe left lots of petroglyphs

128600:54:27,199 --> 00:54:31,129everywhere but even in the backyard I'll

128700:54:29,179 --> 00:54:34,969be out there working and whoops there's

128800:54:31,130 --> 00:54:37,309pottery you know it's it's the land here

128900:54:34,969 --> 00:54:39,169is ancient and coming from the east

129000:54:37,309 --> 00:54:41,180coast where buildings were often haunted

129100:54:39,170 --> 00:54:43,579and coming to the west where the land is

129200:54:41,179 --> 00:54:47,558much more haunted it's it's such a

129300:54:43,579 --> 00:54:51,818different feeling yeah but I mean it

129400:54:47,559 --> 00:54:54,589intrigues me because I I've always had

129500:54:51,818 --> 00:55:01,639thoughts about having a backyard where I

129600:54:54,588 --> 00:55:04,099could just let it grow any which way I'm

129700:55:01,639 --> 00:55:13,190

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growing wild grasses that are native and

129800:55:04,099 --> 00:55:15,559I'm not going to mow them no well I tell

129900:55:13,190 --> 00:55:18,200you you're quite a busy lady yeah you

130000:55:15,559 --> 00:55:21,019got a lot of things going on what time

130100:55:18,199 --> 00:55:28,338what projects other than the books in

130200:55:21,019 --> 00:55:30,349the film do you have going on well I

130300:55:28,338 --> 00:55:33,019mean that's in one realm the other realm

130400:55:30,349 --> 00:55:35,690is my gas and oil industry I work on

130500:55:33,019 --> 00:55:38,059promoting and making sure that funding

130600:55:35,690 --> 00:55:39,980happens to disruptive technologies that

130700:55:38,059 --> 00:55:41,540will make our world better I'm very much

130800:55:39,980 --> 00:55:44,539into leaving something good for my

130900:55:41,539 --> 00:55:46,279granddaughter so I work diligently at

131000:55:44,539 --> 00:55:47,630being sure that clean technologies and

131100:55:46,280 --> 00:55:49,099all kinds of things come our way and

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131200:55:47,630 --> 00:55:51,740even though I'm in the oil and gas

131300:55:49,099 --> 00:55:53,150industry it's a necessary evil for us

131400:55:51,739 --> 00:55:54,529because I mean how else are we going to

131500:55:53,150 --> 00:55:57,410get food house are we going to get to

131600:55:54,530 --> 00:55:58,680grandmother's go to work I mean let's be

131700:55:57,409 --> 00:56:00,389real but

131800:55:58,679 --> 00:56:01,889it will be phased out at some point and

131900:56:00,389 --> 00:56:04,559I'd like to be in on some of those

132000:56:01,889 --> 00:56:06,539technologies too and that's just a

132100:56:04,559 --> 00:56:10,619working aspect of my life I also do

132200:56:06,539 --> 00:56:14,550stocks and Gi I probably be shorter if I

132300:56:10,619 --> 00:56:16,170just name what I don't do yeah it's

132400:56:14,550 --> 00:56:18,090pretty exciting and like I said I like

132500:56:16,170 --> 00:56:20,519to do oil painting and my biggest hobby

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132600:56:18,090 --> 00:56:22,110is urban exploration going out and

132700:56:20,519 --> 00:56:24,659photographing abandoned buildings and

132800:56:22,110 --> 00:56:27,870it's once again it's the archivist in me

132900:56:24,659 --> 00:56:30,299and the psychometrist and I have two

133000:56:27,869 --> 00:56:34,230books out with my co-author Julie

133100:56:30,300 --> 00:56:36,750Ferguson called abandoned places

133200:56:34,230 --> 00:56:38,490abandoned memories and those that those

133300:56:36,750 --> 00:56:40,050two books I went and did psychic

133400:56:38,489 --> 00:56:41,819readings on abandoned places and brought

133500:56:40,050 --> 00:56:43,830to life something that had occurred

133600:56:41,820 --> 00:56:45,900there in the past it was kind of

133700:56:43,829 --> 00:56:47,969cathartic to because I ran into some

133800:56:45,900 --> 00:56:49,769people at some of the places that were

133900:56:47,969 --> 00:56:53,459able to verify for me that that was a


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00:56:49,769 --> 00:56:55,289perfectly accurate read so you know it's

134100:56:53,460 --> 00:56:57,570humbling she she did all the photography

134200:56:55,289 --> 00:56:59,909of these abandoned places but tomorrow

134300:56:57,570 --> 00:57:02,039we're hitting the road to go out and to

134400:56:59,909 --> 00:57:03,449do photography of an abandoned a town

134500:57:02,039 --> 00:57:05,849that has a lot of abandoned buildings

134600:57:03,449 --> 00:57:08,159and we're also going to be getting some

134700:57:05,849 --> 00:57:10,319samples for a potential placer gold

134800:57:08,159 --> 00:57:10,769along a creek because we both do gold

134900:57:10,320 --> 00:57:13,410panning

135000:57:10,769 --> 00:57:15,530so is that right yeah I mean hey I'm in

135100:57:13,409 --> 00:57:18,420the desert why not

135200:57:15,530 --> 00:57:19,920it's fun actually I have a kitty pool in

135300:57:18,420 --> 00:57:22,139the backyard and that's where we do the

135400:57:19,920 --> 00:57:24,059

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

panning we'll get samples and we'll bag

135500:57:22,139 --> 00:57:25,349them and we'll label where we got them

135600:57:24,059 --> 00:57:27,719you know you could do your GPS

135700:57:25,349 --> 00:57:30,119coordinates and then we go back and we

135800:57:27,719 --> 00:57:31,769pan it and then if it looks good we can

135900:57:30,119 --> 00:57:33,179go back and we know where to find it

136000:57:31,769 --> 00:57:35,130more so yeah

136100:57:33,179 --> 00:57:39,269what do your neighbors think when you

136200:57:35,130 --> 00:57:42,960see it gets a little weirder because I'm

136300:57:39,269 --> 00:57:44,429actually in a retirement community yeah

136400:57:42,960 --> 00:57:46,050we made friends with a couple of the

136500:57:44,429 --> 00:57:48,449people nearby and it was interesting

136600:57:46,050 --> 00:57:50,340because I'm actually living in a

136700:57:48,449 --> 00:57:53,519friend's house he bought the house to

136800:57:50,340 --> 00:57:55,280retire in and and he had he is a

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

136900:57:53,519 --> 00:57:57,599physical disability and I've been

137000:57:55,280 --> 00:57:59,640renovating the house to make it

137100:57:57,599 --> 00:58:01,799comfortable for his his life situation

137200:57:59,639 --> 00:58:03,299so he can be independent but the

137300:58:01,800 --> 00:58:06,870neighbors are like oh wow you're the

137400:58:03,300 --> 00:58:12,150youngest people here you're so fun they

137500:58:06,869 --> 00:58:14,940find us to be quirky yeah well I tell ya

137600:58:12,150 --> 00:58:17,579yeah nothing surprises me about you

137700:58:14,940 --> 00:58:19,650Sharon I have you know it seems like

137800:58:17,579 --> 00:58:22,409every time I get on the Facebook or you

137900:58:19,650 --> 00:58:26,700and I start to chat something else comes

138000:58:22,409 --> 00:58:32,099up so I want to thank you for coming on

138100:58:26,699 --> 00:58:34,980and talking to me and catching up and I

138200:58:32,099 --> 00:58:37,529hope things go well for you and keep in

Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

138300:58:34,980 --> 00:58:39,269touch with me oh absolutely I will keep

138400:58:37,530 --> 00:58:41,850doing what you're doing I just admire it

138500:58:39,269 --> 00:58:46,829so much well thank you and we'll be

138600:58:41,849 --> 00:58:49,289talking soon okay now listeners consider

138700:58:46,829 --> 00:58:51,750support for arcane radio by becoming a

138800:58:49,289 --> 00:58:53,880patron simply go to phantoms of monsters

138900:58:51,750 --> 00:58:57,090comm and click the pod beam paper and

139000:58:53,880 --> 00:59:00,210banner arcane radio also accepts direct

139100:58:57,090 --> 00:59:02,490donations now if you have an unexplained

139200:59:00,210 --> 00:59:04,320encounter a sighting feel free to

139300:59:02,489 --> 00:59:08,369contact me through the phantoms and

139400:59:04,320 --> 00:59:10,950monsters blog slate now I want to again

139500:59:08,369 --> 00:59:13,710thank Sharon day for joining me this

139600:59:10,949 --> 00:59:16,439evening and I want to thank you for


Arcane Radio - Sharon Day - Paranormal Investigator, Blogger and Author - Arcane Radio_XDL7IkaZqGk- transcript (automated).txt[25/11/2019 23:26:21]

00:59:13,710 --> 00:59:18,990listening to the show if you have

139800:59:16,440 --> 00:59:23,730questions about the show or want to

139900:59:18,989 --> 00:59:30,199contact me feel free to do so your

140000:59:23,730 --> 00:59:30,199inquiries are much appreciated and and I

140100:59:30,559 --> 00:59:36,480encourage you to do that

140200:59:32,639 --> 00:59:37,549if you feel the need to do so so have a

140300:59:36,480 --> 00:59:40,590great weekend

140400:59:37,550 --> 00:59:42,710good night and we'll talk to you next

140500:59:40,590 --> 00:59:42,710week

140600:59:48,429 --> 00:59:53,149[Music]

140701:00:02,570 --> 01:00:05,669[Applause]

140801:00:06,010 --> 01:00:09,159[Music]

140901:00:27,650 --> 01:01:08,599[Music]