Arbitrage Trade Analysis of Stock Trading in Bse and Nse- India Infoline


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  • 7/27/2019 Arbitrage Trade Analysis of Stock Trading in Bse and Nse- India Infoline




    The security market is the placed where suppliers and users of capital, meet to share each

    other vision and aspiration. The issued shares are traded hence it is called as secondary

    market. The individuals in market transfer the funds from non profitable investment to

    profitable investment. This transfer of funds from low return share to high return shares

    forces the firms to improve their performance to increases the intrinsic value of shares.

    The arbitrage is the deviation or difference between the market prices of a share.

    The arbitrage is gained when there is a difference in the price a share in two markets. The

    arbitrage provides some profits to the individuals in the market.

    The arbitrage is the return for the invested amount and it is also for the skills used to get

    the deviation between the prices. The investors purchase the security from where the

    price is low and sell it in the market where the prices are high.

    In these days, due to online trading the deviations in the market prices are occurring in

    rare. So it may be a difficult task to search for an opportunity of getting arbitrage.

  • 7/27/2019 Arbitrage Trade Analysis of Stock Trading in Bse and Nse- India Infoline




    The securities market is a place where is a place suppliers and user of capital meet to

    share each others vision and aspirations and now here a balance is sought to be achieved

    between the diverse interest of market participations. Securities decouple individual acts

    of saving to occur without a concomitant investment .moreover, availability of yield

    bearing securities makes present consumption, including people to save more. The

    composition of saving changes, with less saving held in the form of idle money or

    unproductive assets simply because more divisible and liquid assets are available.

    The securities market avoids allocation of savings to low yielding enterprises and

    hence forces them to improve performance. It continuo monitors their performance

    through movement of their share price in the market and the threat of takeover. the

    improves efficiency of resources use and thereby signficancetly increases the return on

    investment .as a result, savers and investors are constrained not by individual abilities but

    by the economys ability to invest and save, which in evitable enhances savings and

    investment in the economy. Thus the securities market converts a given stock of

    ingestible resources into a large flow of goods and services and promotes economic


  • 7/27/2019 Arbitrage Trade Analysis of Stock Trading in Bse and Nse- India Infoline


  • 7/27/2019 Arbitrage Trade Analysis of Stock Trading in Bse and Nse- India Infoline




    Research design or research methodology is the procedure of collecting, Analyzing and

    interpreting the data to diagnose the problem and react to the Opportunity is such a way

    where the cost can be minimized and the desire Level of accuracy can be achieved to

    arrive at a particular conclusion.

    The methodology used in the study for the completion of the project and the

    fulfillment of the project objectives, is follows


    Arithmetic average or mean:

    The arithmetic average measures the central tendency. The purpose of

    computing an average value for set of observations is to obtain a single value, whish is

    representative of all items .The main in objective of averaging is to arrive at a single

    value which is a representative of the characteristics of the entire mass of data and

    arithmetic average or mean of a series (usually denoted by X) is the value obtained by

    dividing the sum of the values of various items in a series (sigma x) divided by number of

    items (N) constituting the series.

    Thus, if X1,X2..Xn are the given N observations. Then


    X= __________________N

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    Current priceprevious price *100


    Previous price


    The square of standard deviation is known as variance.

    Variance is the square root of the standard deviation:

    Variance =(S.D)2

    Where, (S.D) is standard deviation


    For the purpose of the study was collected through secondary

    Source of the data collection method .major source of the data are

    Published NSE & BSE sensex.

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    The primary data information is gathered in Alcom


    The secondary data is collected from various financial books, magazines and

    from stock lists of various newspapers and Alcom as part of the class undertaken for



    I collected daily stock price of 3 selected companies traded in BSE &NSE for the period

    December 2011 to February 2011


    1. The scope of ltd to operation Alcom. Company.

    2. The information obtained primary and secondary source were ltd to Alcom Company.

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    1)The data collected was basically confined to secondary sources with very little amount

    of primary data associated with the project.

    2)The detailed study of the topic way not possible due to the limited size of the project.

    3)The availability of information in the form reports and price fluctuations of the

    company was a big constraint to the study.

    4) The number of funds considered is 3 that is share prices traded in BSE and NSE


    5) The time period taken for doing the data analysis has been taken DEC 2011 To FEB


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    India infoline Ltd., was founded in 1995 by a group of professional with

    impeccable educational qualifications and professional credentials. Its institutional

    investors include Intel Capital (world's) leading technology company, CDC (promoted by

    UK government), ICICI, TDA and Reeshanar.

    India Infoline group offers the entire gamut of investment products including

    stock broking, Commodities broking, Mutual Funds, Fixed Deposits, GOI Relief bonds,

    Post office savings and life Insurance. India Infoline is the leading corporate agent of

    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd., which is India' No. 1 Private sector life

    insurance company. has been the only India Website to have been listed by

    none other than Forbes in it's 'Best of the Web' survey of global website, not just once but

    three times in a row and counting... A must read for investors in south Asia is how they

    choose to describe India Infoline. It has been rated as No.l the category of Business News

    in Asia by Alexia rating.

    Stock and Commodities broking is offered under the trade name 5paisa. India

    Infoline Commodities pvt Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of India Infoline Ltd., holds

    membership of MCX and NCDEX

    Main Objects of the Company

    Main objects as contained in its Memorandum or Association are:

    1. To engage or undertake software and internet based services, data processing ITenabled services, software development services, selling advertisement space on

    the site, web consulting and related services including web designing and web

    maintenance, software product development and marketing, software supply

    services, computer consultancy services, E-Commerce of all types including

    electronic financial intermediation business and E-broking, market research,

    business and management consultancy.

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    2. To undertake, conduct, study, carry on, help, promote any kind of research, probe,investigation, survey, developmental work on economy, industries, corporate

    business houses, agricultural and mineral, financial institutions, foreign financial

    institutions, capital market on matters related to investment decisions primary

    equity market, secondary equity market, debentures, bond, ventures, capital

    funding proposals, competitive analysis, preparations of corporate / industry

    profile etc. and trade / invest in researched securities


    Our vision is to be the most respected company in the financial services space In India .

    Products: the India Infoline pvt ltd offers the following productsA. E-broking.

    B. Distribution

    C. Insurance

    D. PMS

    E. Mortgages

    A. E-Broking:

    It refers to Electronic Broking of Equities, Derivatives and Commodities under the brand

    name of 5paisa

    1. Equities2. Derivatives3. Commodities


    1. Mutual funds

    2. Govt of India bonds.3. Fixed deposits


    1. Life insurance policies2. General Insurance3. Health Insurance Policies.

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    The India Infoline group comprises the holding company, India Infoline Ltd,

    which has 5 wholly-owned subsidiaries, engaged in distinct yet complementary

    businesses which together offer a whole bouquet of products and services to make your

    money grow.

    The corporate structure has evolved to comply with oddities of the regulatory

    framework but still beautifully help attain synergy and allow flexibility to adapt to

    dynamics of different businesses.

    The parent company, India Infoline Ltd owns and managers the web properties and It also undertakes research Customized

    and off-the-shelf.

    Indian Infoline Securities Pvt. Ltd. is a member of BSE, NSE and DP with NSDL.

    Its business encompasses securities broking Portfolio Management services.

    India Distribution Co. Ltd., Mobilizes Mutual Funds and other

    personal investment products such as bonds, fixed deposits, etc.

    India Infoline Insurance Services Ltd. Is the corporate agent of ICICI Prudential Life

    Insurance, engaged in selling Life Insurance, General Insurance and Health Insurance


    India Infoline Commodities Pvt. Ltd. is a registered commodities broker MCX and

    offers futures trading in commodities.

    India Infoline Investment Services Pvt Ltd., is proving margin funding and NBFCservices to the customers of India Infoline Ltd.,

  • 7/27/2019 Arbitrage Trade Analysis of Stock Trading in Bse and Nse- India Infoline



    Pictorial Representation of India Infoline Ltd

    Management of India Infoline Ltd.,

    India Infoline is a professionally managed Company. The promoters who run the

    company/s day-to-day affairs as executive directors have impeccable academic

    professional track records.

    Nirmal Jain, chairman and Managing Director, is a Chartered Accountant, (All

    India Rank 2); Cost Account, (All India Rank l) and has a post-graduate management

    degree from IIM Ahmedabad. He had a successful career with Hindustan Lever, where he

    inter alia handled Commodities trading and export business. Later he was CEO of an

    equity research organization.

    R. Venkataraman, Director, is armed with a post- graduate management degree

    from IIM Bangalore, and an Electronics Engineering degree from IIT, Kharagpur. He

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    spent eight fruitful years in equity research sales and private equity with the cream of

    financial houses such as ICICI group, Barclays de Zoette and G.E. Capital

    The non-executive directors on the board bring a wealth of experience and


    Satpal khattar -Reeshanar investments, SingaporeThe key management team comprises

    seasoned and qualified professionals.