Arash Hellysaz Chairman John Steen Doctoral Students’ Ombudsman Javad Jafari Board member


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Arash Hellysaz Chairman

John SteenDoctoral Students’ Ombudsman

Javad JafariBoard member

Agenda Doctoral Student´s Association

(DSA) Medical Student´s Association


Student representation at KI

The Doctoral Students´ Ombudsman

KI´s biggest student union The only student union for

doctoral student´s at KI Founded 21st April, 1877 About 3500 members 5 employed Office in Solna and in Huddinge


The Medical Students' Association





Biomedical analysis

Public Health


Logo therapy


195 SEK/semester

195 SEK/semester


Select Membership Benefits

SSSB – Student housing in Stockholm. Influence – Affect policy making SL – Student discount for public

transportation Participate - the activities arranged by

DSA and MF (Friday pub, PhD party, PhD Forum and seminars.

Rent MF facilities at discounted rates.

Weekday, Sunday — 1000 kr/24 hoursFriday, Saturday, day before holiday — 2000 kr/24 hours

Summer (week 24-34)Weekly Sunday-Sunday — 7500 kr/week


The Doctoral Students’ Association

Board meetings every month Tuesday 27th May 17:30-19:30 Nobelsväg 10, Kårexpeditionen in Solna

Open meetings in English

Annual General meeting in November Election of new board members and doctoral

student representatives!

Board Members

Arash Hellysaz NeuroHugo Zeberg NeuroRanjita Dutta Roy MedSYuan Xu CLINTECDeniz Özata OnkPatHåkan Nero NVSJavad Jafari LimeFei Yang MEBSusanna Bächle MedHArnika Wagner MTCAmir Nematollahi Mahani LABMED

Our mission

Current Activities Inspirational seminars Investigate the work environment of

doctoral students within ”Forskar-AT” (residency)

Events and seminars on alternative carrier paths

Representation within KI

Dr. Jeremy L. EnglandMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Evolution and Quantum Physics

Dr. Daniel DavisThe University of Manchester

The compatibility genes - how our few MHC genes influence our everyday lives



The Senate Board of Doctoral Education (FUS) Board of Research (FS) Recruitment board Docent board Dissertation committee Post-graduate research schools Departments and so on…

SFS (Sveriges förenade studentkårer) Doctoral committee (national organization)

EURODOC (European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers)

Your rights as a Doctoral student

Supervision Prolongation (e.g. after pregnancy) Individual Study Plan Half-time after two years First authorship Good work environment Change supervisor

Changing supervisors

A doctoral student who so wishes has the right to change supervisors. An application to change supervisors gives reason to revise the individual study plan, and shall take place using the special form provided by the department’s director of doctoral education. A change of supervisor shall be approved by the Head of Department, after which the change shall be registered in Ladok.

Rules for doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet Ref: 1992/09-500

§ 7.1.4

Changing supervisors

A doctoral student who so wishes has the right to change supervisors. An application to change supervisors gives reason to revise the individual study plan, and shall take place using the special form provided by the department’s director of doctoral education. A change of supervisor shall be approved by the Head of Department, after which the change shall be registered in Ladok.

Rules for doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet Ref: 1992/09-500

§ 7.1.4

DOi.e. the Doctoral Students’


Doctoral Students’ Ombudsman

The doctoral students’ ombudsman at Karolinska Institutet is an independent expert employed by the students' union with the task of supporting doctoral students who need help during their education. The doctoral students‘ ombudsman also operates as a representative for doctoral students in conflict with the department. Cases handled by the doctoral students’ ombudsman are treated confidentially.

Rules for doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet Ref: 1992/09-500

§ 9.1

Doctoral Students’ Ombudsman

The doctoral students’ ombudsman at Karolinska Institutet is an independent expert employed by the students' union with the task of supporting doctoral students who need help during their education. The doctoral students‘ ombudsman also operates as a representative for doctoral students in conflict with the department. Cases handled by the doctoral students’ ombudsman are treated confidentially.

Rules for doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet Ref: 1992/09-500

§ 9.1


The most common case type is conflict with the supervisor

Common Cases To little supervision

Poor supervision

Poor knowledge in the field

Poor treatment

”Each case is unique”






Problem Handling Prepare the meeting Listen and take in what is said Repeat what has been said so you

got that right Try to be as objective as possible Tell in the first person (I

experience, I see it like this, my opinion is, etc.)

“Albert Einstein

If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.

Do not make things more complicated than they are!

“Albert Einstein

If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.

Do not make things more complicated than they are!

Other Complaints

Clinically active student

Hard to get time for research (education)

Conflicts about publications and ownership

Other Complaints

Non clinically active student

Conflict within the research group

Financial problems

”Each case is unique”

Student Health Centre – Drop-in

Campus HuddingeMondays and Thursdays 12.30-14.00

Blickagången 7, 5th floor

Campus SolnaMondays 08.30-10.30

Berzelius väg 1, 5th floor

Phone: 08-524 835 60


HuddingePatron Pehrs väg 4141 35 Huddinge

VasastanSankt Eriksgatan 113, floor 6113 43 Stockholm

Appointment and counselling by phoneMonday - Friday 08:00-17:00

0771-23 00 00

Other people that you can contact

Study director (studierektor) at your department

Central study director (Robert Harris)

PhD representative at your department or DSA

Laws and regulations

Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförodningen)

Higher Education Act (Högskolelagen) Law of government administration


Public service agreements (regleringsbrev)

Specific ordinances General law and order

“Lyndon B. Johnson

Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity.

Do not make things more complicated than they are!

“Lyndon B. Johnson

Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity.

And remember to have little bit of fun too!- John Steen

“Take-home” message

John Steen 08-524 830 72

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91% Recommend KI!

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And even if you don’t,

it still ends up in your CV!
