April Newsletter 2012



The Heath School newsletter

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If you know of anything happening in and around our school community, let us know, or if you have any comments about the newsletter email: stewartd@heathschool.org.uk




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APRIL 2012

‘Going for Gold’The   Performing   and   Visual  Arts   Departments   have  been  working  hard   over  the  past   few   months   preparing  f o r   t h e i r   A r t s   M a r k  assessment  visit  which   took  place  in  mid-­‐March.

Arts   Mark   is   a   national  accreditation   awarded   to  schools  who  excel  in  the   Arts.  Schools  are  invited  to  apply  for  different   levels   of   the   award  depending   on   their   Arts  invo lvement .   G iven   our  outstanding  departments,  The  Heath  naturally  went  for  Gold!

The   visiting   assessor   was  o ve rwhe lmed   w i t h   t h e  amount   of   Arts   work   taking  place  in  school,  and  also  in  the  local  community.   She  was  amazed  at   the   number  of   clubs,   concerts,  exhibitions,   trips   and  d i s p l ay s   t h a t   we  provide   for   students,  and  also  the  quality  of  our  work   in   and   out   of   the  classroom.   As  well   as   a   huge  document   of   evidence,   she  visited  pupils  at  work,  saw   art  displays  and  had  a  tour  of   the  s c h o o l .   S h e   w a s   v e r y  

interested  to  see  how  the  Arts  are   integrated   into   other  subjects   in   school.   She   also  met   with   staff,   governors  and  

a   team   of   outstanding  students   who   all   gave  fantastic   accounts   of  their   experiences   of  Arts  at  the  Heath.  

We   are  very  hopeful  that  our  Gold  bid  will  be  successful  and   we   will   hear   from   Arts  Mark   during   the   Summer  Term.   Thank   you   to   all   the  staff   and   pupils  who   work   so  hard   to   ensure   excellence   in  the  Arts  at  the  Heath!

HistoryThackray Museum TripOn   Friday   3rd  March   Year   11  pupils   studying   History  GCSE  went  on   a  revision   trip   to   The   Thackray   Museum   (Medicine   museum)   in   Leeds.  The   museum   is   specifically   designed   to   teach   pupils   about  medicine  through   time  which  pupils  have  to  cover   in  their  GCSE  examination.  It  was  an  interesting  and  interactive  learning  experience.

It  was   a  brilliant   day   out  and   pupils   and   staff  really  enjoyed   the  19th  century   street   with   its   filth   and   smells.   Pupils   got   to   follow  Victorian  characters  around  the  museum  looking  at  their  living  conditions.

We   got   to   learn   about   developments   in   public   health   and   surgery  watching  a  clip  of  an  amputation  and   looking  at  the  horrors  of  surgery  before  the  development  of  anaesthetics  and  antiseptics.  Pupils   looked  at  the  problems  people  faced  keeping  themselves  healthy  and  went  to  the   pharmacy,   doctors   and   the   quack   to   look   at   the   weird   and  wonderful  cures  available.

All  pupils  behaved  perfectly  and  showed  a  mature  approach.  They  were  a  credit  to  The  Heath  School  and  themselves.

Miss  G  Piggott

Head  of  History


T echnology.



Year 7 students have been attending STEM club where they have been able to take part in exciting activities such as making lava lamps a n d m a k i n g p a n c a k e s . . . o v e r a Bunsen burner!

L e a r n i n g a b o u t immiscible liquids and chemical reactions, we made some funky lava lamps. Students then used their skills and knowledge of chemical r e a c t i o n s t o m a k e (mostly) tasty pancakes using a Bunsen burner to provide the heat n e e d e d f o r t h e irreversible reaction to take place. We had some fantastic results w h i c h w e r e v e r y enjoyable (especially topped with lemon and sugar) and unfortunately some others that even the nutel la couldn’t save! Well done to those who have been attending, we definitely have some budding scientists and possibly a few chefs!

Fun Food Co.Year 9 enjoyed a session with the Fun Food Company which allowed students to learn about d i f f e re n t f o o d g ro u p s, a balanced diet and how to cook healthy meals from scratch. Two teams competed against one another headed up by Mr Wade and Mrs Neary, ably assisted by two students per team in a Ready Steady cook themed cook off. Ten frantic minutes of cooking produced some fantastic results with the 'Green Peppers' coming out sl ightly on top with their delicately flavoured chicken curry. Students got to taste test their peers results and were impressed with quality of the food. The only disappointment was for Mr Wade who was unable to take home the leftovers due to the success of the taste testing. The event was organised by Mr Cooper who is responsible for Healthy School projects at The Heath, 'it's brilliant for the pupils to see first hand just how simple it is to cook healthy and nutritious meals. Hopefully they had a lot of fun but also learnt some basic skills and the importance nutrition plays in a healthy l i festyle. We're extremely grateful to Ian Robertson and Paul Simms from the Fun Food Company for making this possible and look forward to working with them in the future.

Mock Trial CompetitionThe pupils who took part were: Ellie Turner, Jess Marriott, Katie Pearce, Hannah Aspinall, Elle Goodwin, Tom Ray, Samantha Jones, Jess Hancox, Lauran MacDowell, Charlie Pickering, Sophie Jackson, Hayleigh Hesketh, Anastasia Banlin.

We all went to an after school club, called Mock Trial competition. We were all assigned a role to take on, some of us where prosecution lawyers, defence lawyers, witnesses, magistrates, legal advisor and usher. In the club, we learnt how the legal system works. A case was presented to us, which we had to act out with competing schools. George Lowe was accused of handling stolen goods, and each witness was given a statement, which they had to learn. Our defence would go against an opposing prosecution team and vice versa.

On Saturday 3rd March we went up to Warrington Magistrates Court, the lawyers of each team delivered an Examination in Chief of their witness and also a Cross Examination of a witness from another school. The lawyers, witnesses and all the other roles were marked out of ten by judges watching each trial. Unfortunately we did not win however, considering this was only the second year we have done it, and most of our team was built up with first timers, we did exceptionally well.

Whilst taking part in the club and the actual competition, we all got the chance to build on our public speaking skills, confidence and get the chance to work with people that we wouldn’t get the chance to normally, for example we received help from a Manchester based law firm called Heatons. Of course along with having a great time the whole way through.

By Jess Marriott, Jess Hancox and Katie Pearce

Year 8

Humanities  Learn  4  Life  DayOn  Thursday  15th  March  was  a  Heath  School  Learn  for  Life  Day.  It  was  Year  7  Humanities  day  and  the  theme  was  The  Native  Indians  of  North  America.  Pupils  had  to  learn  about  different   tribes   who   live   in   the   diverse   environments   of  North  America.  We  made  totem  poles  and  designed  art  to  show  what  animals   represent  ourselves   and  our  families.    Pupils   had   to   gather   information   about   family   life   and  produce  role  plays  showing  what  they  had  learnt  and  also  told   stories   that  the  Native   Indians  would   have  used   to  explain  nature  and  the  stars.  

Year  7  pupils  were  joined  by  year  5  pupils   from  Weston  Primary  and  everyone  had  a  challenging  and  interactive  day.  The  pupil’s  behaviour  was  excellent  and  a  fun  day  was  had  by  all.

Year  7  pupils  comments  about  the  day  were;

‘I  loved  learn  for  life  day.   I  really  enjoyed  making  totem  poles  with  feathers  and  sequins.’

‘I   learnt   about   how   American   tribes   live.   It   was   fun  acting  and  drawing  sacred  animals.’

‘The  Learn   for   Life   day   was   good   because   it  was   very  cultural   and  gives  us  more  knowledge  of  how  different  people  live  and  it  was  very  fun.’

‘Citizenship at The Heath’This  year  at   The  Heath  students  have  continued  to  expand  their  ideas  and  knowledge  about   their  wider  community,  both  on  a  local  and  on  a  global  scale.    Year  10  looked  at  the  issue  of  diamond  exploitation  in  parts  of  Africa  and  the  impact  it   can  have  upon  children.  Known  as  ‘Blood  Diamonds’   students  looked  at  the  process  from  the  point  of  view  of  child  miners  and  the  devastating  effects  it   can  have  on  their   lives.  Students  produced  a  fabulous  array  of  work  ranging  from  drama  pieces  and  music  to  poignant  poetry,  pod  casts   and   media  presentations.   The   whole   day   was   reported   on   by   a   dedicated   year   10   team   who  interviewed  pupils   and   teachers  and  sent   their   reports   to   the  National   BBC   School   Report   site  which  featured  articles,  blogs  and  photos  from  the  day.Year   11   looked   at   the   theme   of   ‘Speaking   up   and   Standing   out’   .   They   looked   at   issues  surrounding  immigration   and   the   challenges   those   moving   to   our   community   might   face.   They   also   researched  individuals   and   groups  who   have  spoken   out   for   what   they   believe   in,   such   as  Nelson   Mandela   and  Emmeline  Pankhurst.  Much  of  the  day   focused  on  the  Holocaust   which   saw   students  produce  work   for  Holocaust   Memorial  Day.  Work   included  art   work,   poetry   and  project   boards.     The  quality   of   the  work  produced  was  exceptional.

PE NewsLunchtime  benchball  club  got  off  to  a  flying  start,  with  nearly  30  girls  from  Year  10  attending.    With  so  much  interest,  we  may  have   to  apply  to   the  Olympic  Committee  for  inclusion  in  2016  Olympics!

The   netball   teams  have   been   very   busy   this   year.     The   Halton  league   has   ended   for   this  year   and  we   are   extremely   proud   to  announce  that  the  Year  7  netball  team  have  won  the   league!  They  also   came   2nd   in   the   Halton   Schools   Netball   Tournament.     A  fantastic  achievement  for  their  first  year  together  .    The  year  8  team  finished  3rd   in  the   strongly  contested  Year  8   tournament.    A   brilliant  effort   all  round  with   all   the   girls  pulling   together   to   provide   a  great  squad  of  players!

The   football   teams   have   done   us   proud   this   year   too.     The   girls  entered  the  Halton  Football  Tournament,  with  the  7/8  team   coming  3rd  and  the  9/10/11  team  coming  2nd!    The  league  isn’t  over  yet  –  still  1  game  to  play  but  both  teams  are  in  the  running  for  top  places.

Breakfast  blast   is  continuing  on  Thursday  mornings.    We  have  a  Zumba  coach   in   the   gym   and   various   activities   in   the   sports   hall.     Healthy  breakfasts  continued  to  be  supplied  thanks  in  part  to  Kelloggs  and  their  give  a  child  a  breakfast  campaign.

The   Heath   played   host   to   the   Runcorn   Primary   Cross   Country  competition   this  month.     25   year   5   and   6   pupils   participated   and  completed  the  course,  with  St  Bertelines  providing  us  with   the  overall  winner.    A  big  thank  you  to  the  Year  10  leaders  who  helped  with  the  event  –   these   events   cannot   go   ahead   without   the   help   of   these   fantastic  students.

The  Heath  again  played  host  to  a  primary  sporting  event.    This  time  it  was  the   very   popular   speedstacking   event.     Again,   the   Y10   leaders   were  fantastic   in   their   officiating   roles   for   the   competition   and   a   big   thanks  goes  to  them  from  the  primary  schools  involved.

There  has  been  a  tremendous  turn  out  each  week  for  hockey.    Mrs  Probert  has  arranged  fixtures  with   schools  outside   of  the   Halton  area  because   no  Halton  schools  are  prepared  to  take  us  on!    Keep  up  the  great  work  girls.

During   the   half   term   holiday,   a   group  of   year  11   students  attended   a  GCSE  revision  workshop  at  Burnley   FC.     The   club  were   fantastic  hosts  and  the   boys  were   treated  to   a  stadium  tour  and  use  of  the   leisure   facilities.    Thanks  to  Mrs  Sibley  for  organising  the   trip  and  for  giving  up  a  day  of  her  half  term.

Gifted  and  Talented  DayOn  Friday  2nd  March,  The  Heath  school  PE  department  ran  a  day   for   all   year   7,   8   and   9   pupils   from   the   Heath   and   St  Chad’s  who   are   on   the   Gifted   and   Talented   register   for  PE  focussing   on   improving   performances   in   their   respective  sports.   The   day   kicked   off   with   a   SAQ   (Speed   Agility  Quickness)   session  at  the   beginning  which  was  delivered  by  Darren   Hughes,   a   Liverpool   FC   academy   coach   who  specialises  in   the   use   of  SAQ   to   improve   performance.   The  session  involved  loads  of  fun  games  and  races  using  some  of  the   latest   equipment   such   as  speed   parachutes,   which  are  attached  to  the  runner  to  make  it  harder  for  them  to  get   to  their  top  speed.  Luckily  the  weather  wasn’t  too  windy  so  we  didn’t  have  anyone  being  blown  away!  

The   rest   of   the   day   was  run   by   Frankie   Burrows  who   has  worked  with   a  number  of   premiership   players  at   Swansea  City   to  help   improve   their  performance   using  psychological  techniques.    The  group  were   in  a  classroom  for  the  first  part  setting   themselves  targets  in  their  own  sports,   for  example  winning  the  league  or  coming  first  in  an  important  race.  The  rest   of   the   day  was   geared   towards  helping   them   achieve  them  using   visualisation   practices.   One   of   these   was  public  speaking  which  is  not  directly  sport-­‐related,  however  it  aims  to  boost   confidence  both   in  and  out  of  sport.    The   idea  was  to  get  up  in  front  of  their  friends  and  talk  for  a  minute  about  themselves  which  is  a  lot  more  nerve-­‐wracking  once  you  are  up   there!   Fortunately   the   whole   group  were   fantastic   and  took  part,  many  of  them  conquering  their  fear  of  speaking  to  an  audience.  

Other   practices   involved   getting   themselves   into   a   ‘state’  where  they  can  perform  to  the  maximum  of  their  ability.  Ben  Leach  from  year  8  took  part   in  this  and   focussed  on  his  big  forthcoming  match   for   Tranmere   against   Manchester   City.  He  used  the  session  to  learn  how  to  relax  himself  and  focus  on   his   own   performance   and   block   out   any   negative  influences.  

Frankie’s  session  engaged  the  group  from  start  to  finish  and  they   got   a   lot   from   the   day.   They   can   now   hopefully   use  some  of  the  techniques  Frankie  has  shown  them  to  improve  their   own   performances   and   be   able   to   get   themselves  psyched  up  before  any  big  performances!

The Heath - A Specialist Technology College Closure DatesSCHOOL CLOSES SCHOOL REOPENS TO STUDENTS

Friday 10th February 2012 Monday 20th February 2012

Thursday 29th March 2012 Monday 16th April 2012

Friday 4th May 2012 Monday 8th May 2012

Friday 1st June 2012 Monday 11th June 2012

Thursday 19th July 2012 Tuesday 4th September 2012

Friday 19th October 2012 Monday 29th October 2012

Thursday 20th December 2012 Monday 7th January 2013

Friday 15th February 2013 Monday 25th February 2013

Thursday 28th March 2013 Monday 15th April 2013

Friday 3rd May 2013 Tuesday 7th May 2013

Friday 24th May 2013 Monday 3rd June 2013

Friday 19th July 2013

Inset Days

Friday 30th March 2012

Monday 3rd September 2012

Friday 5th October 2012

Monday 22nd July 2013

Tuesday 23rd July 2013

Wednesday 24th July 2013

LIPA 4:19 has moved to the Heath! LIPA 4:19, a franchise of The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, has been

established in Halton since 2009.

This is an exciting move for us as we continue to grow and flourish as an academy, supported fully by the Heath School.

We are a part time performing arts academy for 4-19 year olds, and run classes on a Saturday during term time in singing, dance and drama. We have also performed several full scale shows in venues including the Brindley and across Merseyside, enjoyed thoroughly by performers and audiences alike.We also give the students opportunities to take part in performing arts examinations(dance/drama & singing) by accredited boards.

For all age groups, classes are fun and stimulating and are carefully designed to reflect the correct stage of performing arts development.We recruit the very best staff and all our tutors have relevant qualifications in their discipline, alongside working in the performing arts profession as artists and performers. We also have a uniform dress code ( LIPA t- shirt and black leggings/trousers). We believe this allows students to focus on classes and friendship without worries or concerns.

If you wish to find out more information or wish to apply for a place at LIPA 4:19 at the Heath, please contact:

Kate Allerston, Principal of LIPA 4:19 at the Heath 01928 576664 or kallerston@heathschool.org.uk