April 29th 30th - s20889.pcdn.co · System: Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Army Size: ... Army Selection:...


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April 29th—30th

he Lord of Change stretched its avian neck forward, testing the edge of the wards

chalked neatly into the stone of the tower. Raulus’s pulse quickened but he was convinced that the Greater Daemon was well and truly bound. Nine years he had spent in research and not a minute more. The details mattered after all, and his confidence in the wards’ ability to hold this creature was as important as drawing them correctly in the first place. After a few tense minutes, the Lord of Change seemed satisfied and settled back on its haunches, it’s mighty wings folded neatly behind its back. When it spoke its beak didn’t move, but Raulus heard the words anyway, deep in his soul. He answered the question it had posed to him, his voice ringing clearly in the cold morning air. “Tell me of the Crystal Labyrinth, and how I might find it”. The creature paused. It seemed to blink, then suddenly opened its beak wide and a terrible noise escaped its maw. The racket grew in volume and split the air as the Lord of Change began to convulse slightly, its muscular shoulders heaving in time with that horrible sound. Sweat began to bead on Raulus’s brow and he swallowed hard as he realised that it was laughing.


The Crystal Labyrinth Deep within Tzeentch’s madness inducing realm lies a sub-dimension called the Crystal Labyrinth, at the center of which lies the Impossible Fortress - Tzeentch’s own abode, if such a thing is even possible. Part of the Labyrinth contains an unimaginably huge nexus of realmgates, each made from the purest of crystal, harvested from the nine-eyed trees that grow within Tzeentch’s palace. Stepping through one of these mystic portals leads not to rooms or corridors, but to a whole new land, somewhere in the Mortal Realms, cut off from any other means of transportation. These lands can be continent sized volcanoes to marshy islands that one man can barely find room to stand on. Each of these vistas holds a secret - a key of some kind that grants the bearer, and only the bearer,, passage to the next Realm. It is said that once a person passes through all of the gates, they shall escape the labyrinth proper, rich beyond measure and with power to match. Certainly this seems to hold true, for those who pass beyond the realmgates that connect each section of the Crystal Labyrinth are formidable warriors and mystics all, for only the truly great have the will and the might to solve the riddles and make a kind of progress in this place. The ways one arrives in this nexus are as varied as the ones that walk its paths. Often it is a punishment reserved for careless summoners, as those who meddle with Tzeentch’s minions or fail to show the proper respect are hurled into its depths. Often warriors arrive there by circumstance, pursuing fleeing chaos troops through realmgates only to find themselves trapped. Rarer still are warriors that arrive via the pathways that lead from the Silver Towers, and these make swift progress, tempered as they are by their previous experiences.

The Campaign begins It is to one of these vistas set deep within the Labyrinth that our story takes place. To its inhabitants it is known only as Facet, and it is as wracked by war as any part of the Mortal Realms. Rolling plains meet dank and fetid marshes which in turn give way to bitterly cold ice plains and snow capped mountains. Great and mighty lords rule over this land, each trying to solve the puzzle that will allow them to leave this place and escape the realmgate nexus forever.

Recently word has reached these fell-handed demi-gods of an artefact, which, once assembled, will show the bearer the location of the Realmgate that will allow them to leave Facet forever. Known only as The Key, none have ever laid eyes on it (and those that have are long gone from Facet) so it remains a mystery until discovered. Without delay these warriors raise their armies and begin their campaign to locate each piece of The Key and it is not long before once more, Facet shakes to the march of war.

Event Essentials Date: 29th-30th April System: Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Army Size: Two separate armies worth 2,000 Points and 1,000 Points respectively, chosen using the rules laid down for Matched Play army selection by the General’s Handbook. Only Warscrolls and Warscroll Battalions with Pitched Battle Profiles may be used at this event, be sure to read the Generals Handbook for details. This includes Forge World models that have a Pitched Battle Profile. Note that Allegiance Abilities can and should be used. Number of games: 5 Army Selection: Use the rules for army selection from the General’s Handbook under Matched play.

House Rules: The Rules of One are in use for this Campaign Weekend. At this event, we will measure all distances between models using their bases as a reference point. This is commonly known as measuring “base-to-base”. When measuring vertically, you should count the model’s own torso, arms, legs and head as well. Wings, Weapons, Banners, and so on should be ignored. Any Forge World Warscroll or Warscroll Battalion with a Pitched Battle profile is fine to use at this event. Battleplans in use: We will use a set of unique battleplans to work out who wins each game and overall this weekend. All models must be fully painted and based for this event.

Registration At the beginning of the weekend, you will need to register with us for the event. All you need to bring is your ticket (either electronic or physical) and we will assign you to your first table for the weekend. Those of you who are familiar with our Campaigns may notice that there are no Factions this time around! Finding the Key(s) before anyone else is a solo quest, where you will need to make and break alliances all over the place at the weekend in order to secure the aid you require to escape. There will be lots of different types of games to play so whatever happens you will be entertained throughout!

Facet The part of the Crystal Labyrinth known as Facet has within it five distinct areas, each of which is rumoured to hold a piece of the magical item that will allow some of the players to escape the Crystal Labyrinth. These are all locations that no sane warrior would voluntarily tread, but the promise of freedom will steel the courage and straighten the spine of even the most cowardly grot and so you will find yourself fighting here to try and discover the missing pieces of The Key.

The Rotted Marsh This dreary and dismal place is as dank as a Trolls armpit. Warriors sink up to their knees in fetid water from which a terrible odour and foul creatures erupt without warning. Fighting here is a true nightmare, as warriors are knocked off their feet and drowned in the green, brackish waters of the marsh, while swamp gas and the vicious creatures that live there take their toll on battling forces. The Black Anvil Named for the colossal iron anvil that rests in the center of the plateau that forms the peak of this cloud wreathed mountain, the Black Anvil is a forbidding place. The anvil itself is far too large to be used by any mortal, and it is rumoured to be the very one upon which Khorne’s great black sword was forged. This seems unlikely, but once you lay eyes upon it, it is difficult to imagine any other purpose that it could be put to. It is covered in dark red runes that glow with an evil light and standing for too long in its presence causes the weak willed to enter a violent frenzy and strong of will to think dark, murderous thoughts.

Sandblast Canyon A large gorge that is the safest way to Lifebloom Oasis, Sandblast Canyon is a deep wound in the earth. The wind is a physical force as it howls down this great ravine, fast enough and carrying enough grit to drive arrows from the sky, push back towering giants and even strip the skin from unarmoured warriors. Worse again is the threat from above, as boulders are pushed down onto travelling warbands by malicious natives.

Lifebloom The oasis known as lifebloom is nestled within a vast and forbidding desert. In order to reach its flowing cool waters it requires a week’s forced march through baking hot sun and scouring winds. Once the Oasis is reached it is quickly revealed to be a trap. All those who drink directly from the oasis itself have vines slowly but surely grow from their bodies while they sleep,rooting them into the ground for their life fluids to be drained out of them, refreshing the oasis and keeping its secret safe.

Direice Peak Blizzards and treacherous, icy surfaces await - and that’s just the base of this gargantuan mountain. Ledges large enough to house whole armies are bitterly fought over as thousands of warriors attempt to ascend the peak. Every warrior is at risk from falling, and no matter how powerful you are, a fall of a few thousand feet will see you just as dead as the blades of your enemy.

“I remember the Crystal Labyrinth... (...I have seen it in your future)! I have seen those who thought they could navigate it and were forever lost... (...I see you emerge, victorious). None of them knew what to ask for... (...You will, for you are clever)! It was no great price... (... But you will pay, and gladly)! Kairos Fateweaver

The Games Each game you play will be in one of the areas listed above, using a unique battleplan to that area to represent what fighting there is like. Heavily armoured warriors might sink into the ooze of the Rotted Marsh, while lightly armoured warriors are shredded by the powerful gales of the Sandblast Canyon. These battleplans will be revealed on the day of the event so expect the unexpected. Each game will be quite unique - you may even fight alongside a fellow faction member in a Doubles game, or be forced to stab them in the back during Triumph and Treachery. This is a Campaign Weekend where narrative is the most important factor, so get ready! Finally, if you end up playing in a game involving teams of players we will give you ample time to let us know if there are players (such as friends or family) with whom you really want to play with. We will of course do everything we can to make sure such devout (or fanatical) warriors can stand side by side during such games.

Escaping the Crystal Labyrinth (aka. Winning the Campaign!) If you win a game during a round, or succeed in your mission in a multiplayer game, you will either walk away from the table victorious, or stand defeated. When you win a game (or if you never manage to!) is what will dictate which Chaos God you are beholden to by the last game. That Chaos God will have his/her own way of escaping the Labyrinth, and regardless of your wishes, the capricious Gods of Chaos will have you dance to their tune... The way it works over the weekend is as follows: Should you claim victory in your first game, Tzeentch will take heed of your efforts and grant you his favour and should you succeed in finding the answer to his riddles and questions, you will doubtless locate one of the mystical Keys and earn your freedom. Should you lose however, you will be forced to rely on one of the other Chaos Gods, beginning with Khorne. The Lord of Slaughter has little time for games and tricks, so expect to be asked to reap a fearsome tally of great warriors in order to gain the favour of the Blood God. If you win the second game, then Khorne will expect great things of you. After the third game, if you stand triumphant, Grandfather Nurgle stands ready to offer his aid. There is no greater blessing that than that of life, claim the Heralds of disease, and Nurgle will no doubt insist that you spread as many diseases over the land as you can.

Finally, the minions of Slaanesh are on hand (or hoof) to give you the answers you need if are to escape the Maze of Madness. But you will need to win the fourth game in order to gain the attention of the least of chaos’s minions. Last, but by no means least, if you lose all four games before the final battle, The Horned Rat will recognise you as one of his own and show you the way to gnaw through reality, the better to try and escape the trap you have been caught in. But the Horned Rat’s price is steep and your efforts in the last game will have to be truly epic if you are to succeed in his demands.

Painted and basing standards for your army. During the rounds we will take a copy of your army list and go through your army to make sure it’s all painted, based and has any conversions or proxies okayed by us. If it isn’t don’t panic! We will do our best to give you the time and space you need to get your models finished before your first game. As we don’t allow anyone to play with unpainted or unbased models, but we understand that life gets in the way sometimes, we will do our best to help you get them up to standard. If you have a model which is unfinished, then won’t be able to allow you to use it in your games over the weekend, as we are obliged to protect the experience of every attendant - we all want to play against fully painted armies, and this event is designed to give everyone the opportunity to do just that! All miniatures in your collection must be produced by Games Workshop and be fully assembled, painted and based. Each model must fully represent what you have presented on your army lists. If you are not sure whether or not your models come under this heading, use our handy flow chart, presented overleaf.

Favourite Game Votes Favourite Game Votes are simple - just pick the player you enjoyed playing against the most that weekend. It’s a great way to acknowledge a really fun game, opponents with whom you had a great rapport, or maybe it was just that their army looked fantastic. Votes are taken at the end of the weekend, so please show your appreciation of your favourite opponents. Whichever player earns the most Favourite Game votes for their faction will receive an award at the ceremony.

Schedule Saturday (3 Games): 9:00AM Bugman’s Bar Opens. 9:00AM - 10:00AM Registration is open. 10:00AM - Warhammer World Shops, the Exhibition Centre and the Gaming Hall Opens. 10:00AM - 10:15AM - Find your table and get ready to start. 10:15AM - 10:30AM - Event Briefing. 10:30AM - The Games Begin! 7:30PM - The Games Finish. Note that you will have an hour for lunch, where will serve you a tasty lunch as part of your ticket, and a healthy break will be given in between games during this time. We will also have various painting competitions during this time as well. A full schedule will be available on the day, for the paths of the Labyrinth are unknowable until you actually set foot on them. 8:00PM - Warhammer World Closes. Sunday (2 Games): 10:00AM - Warhammer World Shops and the Gaming Hall Opens. 10:00AM - 10:15AM - Find your table and get ready to start. 10:15AM - 10:30AM - Event Briefing and recap of Day One. 10:30AM - The Games Begin! 4:30PM - The Games Finish. Note that during the above period we will run the Best Army competition and serve you lunch as part of your ticket. 5:00PM - The Award Ceremony and the ending of the story. 6:00PM - Warhammer World Closes

Are you planning to use

converted models or proxies* in your army?


Contact us at

whworldevents@gwplc.com or ring us 0115 900 4994 and check to make sure your

conversion/proxy is appropriate for our

Carry on. Nothing to worry about except mould

lines and getting it painted on time.

*A proxy is when you use an unconverted model as a Warscroll/Datasheet entry different to the one it normally represents. Examples include Arach-narok Spiders as Stonehorns, Cadian Shock Troopers as Scion Tempestus’s, Skeletons as Grave Guard and so on.

**This is only for our gaming events, held here at Warhammer World. This doesn’t count for your

local model shop, Games Workshop, Warhammer Shop, club or even a regular gaming evening at

Warhammer World. Get in touch to see what their standards are, if any!

When you contact us, it would help a lot if you

include pictures of the models in question.

Also, don’t panic. We are really nice and we LOVE cool hobby.


The Masters of the Crystal Labyrinth - This award goes to the players that assembles a Key and manages to escape the Crystal Labyrinth. The Lord of Blades - This award goes to the player who gets the best results from the Khornate players. The Lord of the Arcane - This award goes to the player who gets the best results from the Tzeentchian players. The Lord of Plagues - This award goes to the player who gets the best results from the Nurgle players.

The Lord of the Pleasure - This award goes to the player who gets the best results from the Slaaneshi players. The Lord of the Underways - This award goes to the player who gets the best results from the players left with no other choice but fight on behalf of the Horned Rat. Most Sporting Opponent – This award will go to the player who has the Most Favourite Game Votes overall, with draws being sorted by Victory Points and Wins overall. The Best Army Award - Whoever gets the most votes in the Best Army Competition will receive this trophy. Hero, Beast, Company and Engine of Legend – Whoever gets the most votes in each individual competition will receive the appropriate award. The Wooden Spoons –This award will be given out at the Events Staff discretion, as long as it doesn’t cause embarrassment! It will be given to the person who finishes last in each Faction.

Contact Us

If you wish to ask any questions, discuss any conversions or to find out more about our events, please feel free to get in touch with us: Phone: 0115 9004994 Email: whworldevents@gwplc.com Write: Warhammer World Events Team , Games Workshop, Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS Catch up on all the latest Warhammer World news by finding us on at Games Workshop: Warhammer World

“...and there was a great clamour, as Tzeentch pushed the final dream into place. His labours had gone on for uncounted eons, and as soon as he had completed his task, none could tell of a time when such an edifice did not exist. Tzzentch, in a voice made from the whispers of a million magicians damned by the machinations of others, declared his Great Work finished, and that he was satisfied. In that moment, the Host of Change paused in their frolics and beheld the greatest, most intricate creation their master had ever made. The instant ended faster than a panicked lie, but in that fraction of a second, all change had stopped throughout the Mortal Realms and the power of magic withered. Nurgle chose then to unleash his most virulent plagues and for a time, eclipsed his brothers, as was his way, before gently meandering back to his garden to cook up something new once the disease had spread it course. Tzeentch, tired from his toil and weak from his brother’s assaults, retreated into his creation to rest. It was there that he continued to spin his intricate webs of lies and secrecies, and it there he has lain ever since. It is a place of madness and trials, of magic and sorcery, battle and death. It is infinite. It is forever. It has only one exit and in order to pass through it, first you must find it...
