APRIL, 2020 Living Savior Lutheran Churchthe “ol’ girl” plowed through safely! Once again you...


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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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April 5 Exodus 20:17

Philippians 2:5-11

John 12:12-19

April 9 Exodus 20:16

Maundy Thurs 1 Timothy 6:12-16

John 18:33-38

April 10 Genesis 3:14-19

Good Friday Romans 6:20-23

John 19:23-30

April 12 Isaiah 53:5-6

Easter 1 Corinthians 15:3-11

Luke 24:1-12

April 19 Acts 5:29-42

1 Peter 1:3-9

John 20:19-31

April 26 Acts 2:14a, 36-41

1 Peter 1:17-25

Luke 24:13-35

T�� R����������� 24 But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

4 While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in daz-zling apparel.

5 And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee,

7 that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.”

8 And they remembered his words,

9 and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.

10 Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles,

11 but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. 12 But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by them-selves; and he went home marveling at what had happened.

Luke 24:1-12

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T���� Y�� � M������ N���� 2,3

U������� E����� 4,5

LWML N���� 6-9

S������ O������������ 8

O����� ���� L����� S����� 9

I� O�� P������ 10

B�������� ��� A������������ 11

L i v i n g S a v i o r L u t h e ra n C h u r c h

APRIL, 2020

APR IL, 2020


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

T���� ��� �� �������� ���� ��� ������ �� ��� ������.

We truly appreciate your pa�ence and concerns during

this �me. As most of you are aware the office in now closed through

April 12, 2020 due to the county Judge’s orders.

Know that we are working from home so we can be reached through

email. If you call the office and leave a message those will also be

forwarded to us.

We also have our cell phones available around the clock,

so know that you are not alone!

Services are beginning to run a bit smoother and

can be found on our website under the COVID-19 tab.

Please reach out if you need anything. We hope

each one of you is being careful and finding peace

during this difficult �me.

T� � � � Y� � � � � � Y� � � S�� � �

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

We are all residing in a “new normal” life situa�on

these days , surrounded by government ‘orders’ to

stay at home, empty shelves in the grocery store,

lots of informa�on regarding counts of this and that,

talking on phone more, no hand shaking, no hugging,

lots of wiping down, laundry, hand washing, social

distancing, and being conscious of coughs, sneezes,

face touching, and the list goes on.

One thing I have learned is that all paper towels are

not created equal! At the same �me, I give thanks for

the trees that provided the ones I could find! Might

be a stretch, but it’s a true fact.

Years ago I worked at a nursing home as Ac�vity

Director, and weekly singing was always a popular

event, second only to Bingo. It was there I was intro-

duced to a hymnal that was totally unfamiliar to me,

but the residents knew exactly what their favorites

were, and I’d like to share some of the �tles as well

as some words that these folks clung to for comfort,

peace, and joy, in their walk with Jesus in their frail

compromised lives… Two of these songs are God

Will Take Care of You, which begins with : Be not

dismayed what e’er be�de, God will take care of you,

Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care

of you, which repeats the phrase many �mes, with

each �me ge�ng louder and bolder..vs 4 is No

ma�er what may be the test, God will take care of

you; Lean, weary one upon His breast, God will take

care of you.

The second of many songs that was a regular hit and

the one I’m trying to get to is Count Your Blessings—

When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,

When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost. Count

your many blessings, name them one by one, And it

will surprise you what the Lord hath done. The re-

frain contains lots of count your

blessings, name them one by

one,…..vs 4 :So, amid the con-

flict, whether great or small, do

not be discouraged, God is over

all! Count your many blessings,

angels will a�end, Help and comfort give you to your

journey’s end! Count your blessings,

The next step is GIVE THANKS!

Familiar hymns we probably know at least 1 verse of

that come to my mind are Beau�ful Savior, A Mighty For-

tress is Our God, Holy, Holy, Holy, What a Friend we

Have in Jesus, I am Trus�ng Thee Lord Jesus, Rock of

Ages, Just as I am, Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art,

and you can add your lists….

Sing them out loud! Music/hymns are a form of prayer,

it is an important part of worship, it is reassuring, full of

scripture, can make you smile or cry, be comfor�ng,

bring peace, memories of �mes in your life, and during

Lent are extremely poignant-In the Cross of Christ I Glo-

ry, Glory Be to Jesus, When I survey the Wondrous

Cross, Jesus, Refuge of the Weary, Come to Calvary’s

Holy Mountain, Go to Dark Gethsemane, God So Loved

the World, Jesus, I Will Ponder Now…..all these in prepa-

ra�on for Holy Week next week will help us remain on

track to ponder the suffering and death of our Lord and

Savior, Jesus Christ all for us! Thanks be to God!

We might not be si�ng and singing next to each other in

church, but we are ONE IN THE SPIRIT, ONE IN THE

LORD! Wherever we are.



M � � � � � � N � � � � F � � � J � ��

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

T������� M������ L�����’ B���� S���� Ladies' Bible study has been temporarily cancelled. We will con�nue

our study of the Lord's Prayer as soon as it is safe for us to meet again. For more informa�on about the Ladies' Bible study,

contact Annet Riley at asriley@ymail.com or (713) 598-2556.

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M��� S����� Mite Sunday should be on Palm Sunday, April 5. At this �me I do not an�cipate that we will have a Palm Sunday service at the church. Mite grants, such as the one to Lights for Christ Scholarships in Guataemala, con�nue to be funded so con�nue to save your mites. They are s�ll needed. Don't forget to put four dimes in your dime stocking or container.

T���� Y�� ! To all the faithful at Living Savior Lutheran Church, A huge “thank you” to those that par�cipated in my efforts to reach out to the Apache community, not only with your dona�ons but your prayers also, especially the prayers, we were blindsided by a snow storm on the way home. With God as the co-pilot, the “ol’ girl” plowed through safely! Once again you have exceeded expecta�ons! You filled the trailer with about 2000 lbs. of clothing, sup-plies, etc, as well as filling the bed of the truck with furniture. When we unloaded at two loca�ons, Our Children’s Shelter, and Hope Center, we filled a room at each loca�on. The directors at both facili�es couldn’t thank you enough and wish you all God’s richest bless-ings!! In fact, I have tons of hugs to pass around!!! Pete Kemp, founder of The White Mountain Apache Chris�an Church said any and all materials for Sun-day service and Bible class are used to the fullest. Josh Brock, director of Apache Youth Ministries, con�nues to appreciate the efforts at Living Savior for providing support to these ministries through dona�ons and prayers, and would like to visit us some�me in the near future. There is so much more to say about this trip, but space is at a premium as the staff does it’s best in provid-ing the valuable informa�on regarding the virus.

Once again, on behalf of the ministries in Whiteriver Arizona, a very big THANK YOU!!!!!

In Christ, Gary Ma�eld

P.S. Please pray for the people of Whiteriver and the ministries there. The closest trauma center is 35 miles away.


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

S����� S������ We encourage you during this �me to send your secret sister emails, notes or le�ers of encouragement and Pray for them during this stressful �me. For return address on le�ers, please use the church’s address** to keep this correspondence anonymous. Contact Donna Bond or Susie Yeager if you have any ques�ons. ** 309 Pond St. Montromgery, TX 77356

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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LWML Mite Mission Grant Lights for Christ Scholarships in Guatemala -

Divine Savior Lutheran Church, Zacapa, Guatemala

The Lights for Christ program developed by Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas and Divine Savior Lutheran Church in Zacapa, Guatemala will impact 12 impoverished Guatemalan children and their families who live in the Zacapa garbage dump by offering the life-saving Gospel of Christ, food and clothing, health and sanita�on care, and school transporta�on to ‘the poorest of the poor’ with scholarships to a�end Divine Savior Lutheran School. This ed-uca�on program covers most of their basic needs and equips these children in grades 7-12 to reach out into their community with the gospel. This request funds 90% of the projected costs for these youth to con�nue their educa�on through high school. Since this scholarship program began, Guatemalan chil-dren and their families are worshiping at Divine Savior on a regular basis.

WHEREAS, Christ teaches us to make disciples of all na�ons; and WHEREAS, the people who live in the municipal landfill in Zacapa, Guatemala, have very limited means to support their children spiritually and physically; and WHEREAS, the Lights for Christ Program offers spiritual and academic educa�on and physical substance to the children of the municipal landfill and teaches the children to reach out into the community to spread the Gospel; and WHEREAS, dona�ons are currently inadequate to fund the Lights for Christ Program for children in grades 7-12; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women’s Mission-ary League Conven�on in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $95,000 to help fund Lights for Christ Scholarships.


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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LWML Mite Mission Grant (con�nued) Lights for Christ Scholarships in Guatemala -

Divine Savior Lutheran Church, Zacapa, Guatemala

The families who live at the landfill have very limited means. The children are o�en needed to help gather recyclables from the landfill to help provide an income for the family. Educa�on and medical care through the Lights for Christ Program is one means to help these children out of the cycle of poverty. The home in this photo is where one of the Lights for Christ families lives.

The Lights for Christ Program requires children to give back to their community in many ways including visi�ng nursing homes, visi�ng the sick and par�cipa�ng in community service projects. Because of the poverty of these families, the children have not had much opportunity to see life outside their small village in the landfill. One goal of the program is to have the children be ac�ve, produc�ve adults, and share the many blessings that God have given them.


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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Candy Rolls for Chldren Local Ministry

"LWML has taken on a new project that will be ongoing throughout each year - "Candy Rolls for Children". Dawn Duna-gan has met a couple, Mike and Kathe-rine Landes, who met and married at our church in the 70's when it was the Meth-odist Church. He created a mission, while at this church, bring the Word of Jesus Christ to the Children in Mexico and New Mexico. He brings them a Christmas gift by wrapping toilet paper rollers in Christ-mas paper and filling them with candy. Before the children receive this candy, the children and their families are invited to the church to hear the message of the birth of Jesus, the Love of God, and that they are saved by their believing, and through Jesus life, death and resurrec-tion. LWML's new mission is to help Mike prepare tubes of candy before his mis-sion trip in December.

We need to collect:: Toilet paper rollers, scrap Christmas wrapping paper (We shouldn't have any problem collecting these now); The first of October, we will be asking for candy to fill these rolls: Red & white/green & white mints, tootsie rolls - small; bags - mixed; caramel squares; small suckers or dumdums. After our November LWML meeting, we can hold a Lunch Bunch pot luck at the church and have a roll of candy stuffing party. Anyone who would like to help with this endeavor is invited. The end of No-vember we will deliver what we have put together to Mike Landes. In December, he will make his annual mission trip to New Mexico to once again bring the Word of

God and the message of our Savior to the children and their families, and each child will receive a roll of candy. To some it will be their only Christmas gift. With the closed borders, he will probably just be going to New Mexico this year, but there are a lot of children there who need to hear about our Savior. Thank you for support" Standing on His Promises... Dawn Dunagan


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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His Love Our O����� Response Online Offerings are a quick and easy way to con�nue contribu�ng to your church, while we are all worshipping at home and apart. Dona�ng online is easy : Open our website at livingsaviortexas.org For Help, select Offerings, then any one of three videos To Make a Dona�on, select Offerings, then press the Give Now bu�on Select Sign In / Sign Up to create your account Select a Fund, dona�on frequency and amount You can save money for yourself and the church, if you donate using the eCheck op�on. Credit or Debit cards incur about twice the processing fee of eChecks. If you have ques�ons or need help: - Check out the videos - Click on the Click here for help... - text or contact Eric Yeager : (936-448-2343) or eric.r.yeager@gmail.com


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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H������/S������/H�������������� Glenn Bates (Lindsay Oneto’s uncle)

In hospice care & diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to his bones

Jeane�e Behnke Recovery and therapy a�er par�al hip replacement

Steve Brown (Darlene’s son)

Being treated at home for injuries a�er a motorcycle accident

Paul Downing Recovering a�er shoulder surgery

Doug Krenz Recovering at home a�er back surgery

Lorna Lipsey

Physical therapy a�er stroke

Warren Richards

At home recovering a�er surgery and hospitaliza�on

Debra Schoppe Recovering a�er shoulder surgery

Dianna Wood

Recovering a�er angioplasty on right leg and preparing for angio-plasty on le� leg soon

C�����/L���-T��� I������ John Baer (Shirley Wiese’s brother)

Parkinson’s disease

Ted Baer (Shirley Wiese’s brother)

Stage 4 neck cancer

Jan Baker (Joice Fangmann’s sister)

Stomach cancer

P��������/B���� Alex Yeager (Eric and Susie Yeager’s daughter-in-law)

Pastor Chris and Alex are expec�ng

M������� Andrew Knauf (Nye’s grandson)

Prayers of protec�on

C�����/L���-T��� I������

Gloria Boddeker (Anita Lee’s mom)

Long-term health care

Aloha Engholm (Anita Lee’s Aunt)

Oral Canceer

Barbara Hammond (Vahrenkamps’ Aunt)

Bone cancer & chemo treatments

Stephanie Henry (Henschels daughter)

Difficul�es with Lupus

Evere� Itschner (Shoppes’ great-nephew)

Dealing with RSV and heart irregularity

Joanne Musule (Stefflers’ extended family) Breast cancer

Donald Oakley (Bruce Shu�’s brother-in-law)

Mul�ple myeloma

Bart Powell Treatments for cancer & pain management

Butch Robertson (Steffler’s friend)

Treatments for cancer

Clara Rosales (Ivonne Gourlay’s sister)

Stage-4 brain cancer

Rick Schoppe

Healing of cancer

Al Schuller Skin cancer and breathing difficul�es

Weldon Shu� Long-term care facility due to declining health

Kenneth Stephenson (Sylvia Bailes’ brother) Oral cancel

Elaine Walquist (Pr. Walquist’s wife)

Intes�nal cancer

Cindy Pra�s (Debra Demery sister)

Lung Cancer


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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Rosa Yolich 4/1

Raely Mold 4/1

Sandra Jorgensen 4/6

Vicki Steffler 4/7

Tyler Wernli 4/7

Roger Bartel 4/9

Ron Mascardo 4/10

Debra Allen 4/11

Connor Simonsen 4/11

Andrea Mascardo 4/15

Walter Cole 4/21

Sandy Newman 4/22

Craig Folk 4/22

Clyde Middleton 4/23

Kennidee Middleton 4/23

Chris�an Mascardo 4/25

Grant Stoehr 4/25

Kylie Prestridge 4/25

Linda Bohman 4/26

Tom Ayres 4/27

Tyler Ma�eld 4/27

Russell Vahrenkamp 4/28

Reese Hamilton 4/28

Nathanial Sanders 4/30

Cirtaus Steven A. and Kathlyn K. 4/2

Peek Donald M. (Don) and Shirley J. 4/3

Wasmund Edward J. (Jim) and Xiao 4/7

Doty Craig and Suzan 4/9

Heintschel Jr. Jack G. and Peggy 4/9

Marler David and Sheila 4/13

Hopperdietzel Arlon (Hoppy) and Jean 4/14

Steffler Charles E. and Vicki K. 4/16

Wiese Sco� A. and Linda 4/30
