April 2013



Banzai Wellness Magazine April 2013

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APRIL 2013




Old School Pharmacy with new age spin

www.banzaiwellness.com2 April 2013


For pricing and deadline information with regards to advertising with BanzaiWellness magazine, email us at banzaiwellness@hotmail.com. Banzai Wellness,published 10 times a year, is a publication focusing on health and wellness in PalmBeach County, Florida.We want to hear from you! Email all news, editorial submissions, article topicsuggestions and ideas and feedback to banzaiwellness@hotmail.com.Your email must include your name, address and a telephone number so that wecan contact you. We reserve the right to select which submissions are publishedand to edit all submissions prior to publishing.

2013 by Banzai Wellness magazine, Banzai Wellness, Inc. All rights reserved. Banzai Wellness magazine is acomplimentary publication supported solely by our advertisers and distributed throughout lications are generallyseen.Banzai Wellness magazine called “publisher” hereafter does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in thearticles and advertisements. Advertisers are solely responsible for the contents of advertising; including photos,images, artwork and all creative works submitted for publications.All advertisers must agree to protect and indemnify 'publisher” against any and all legal action. This includes anyand all liability, loss or expense arising from claims of liable;unfair competition; unfair trade practice; infringement oftrademarks; trade names; patents; copyrights; violations of rights of privacy and any other claims accepted forpublication in the journals.




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Where Did I put my Keys?

oes a day goes by and youdon’t even remember what

you did yesterday or worse yet whatyou had for breakfast? Does thatsound familiar? Why is that?

All day long we are bombarded withimages, sounds and thoughts. Yourmind is like a file cabinet filling up withinformation and experiences. Somedays you feel like all the files havegotten thrown on the floor and havebeen all scrambled up. We havewords and images thrown at us all daylong. You may not even be aware of it.The background noise is filling yourmind without you even being aware.

Commercials tell you to take a pill for this ailment, a cream for that,sprinkle away your calories. Seems everyone has the magic cure. Didyou know that the food commercials are timed perfectly to make youhave cravings at night.

What can we do? Guard the temple gates! Whatever you put in yourmind becomes bigger. This is powerful. Think about what yousurround yourself with. The people, the images, even the news. Spasare set up to help you decompress. You walk in, and the minimallydecorated environment, the soothing scents, and the soft music arehealing. Recreate this in your own home, car, body and life.

Take quiet time in the mornings to think about your day. If you don’twant to commit to traditional meditation try just taking a few minutesto let your body settle and your mind to quite. Picture a crystal clearlake. Notice you can see the bottom when the water is still, but oncestirred you can no longer see anything. This is how your mind works,still the water by taking a few breaths and allow yourself to settle insilence. You will be able to see things  clearer with your heart andmind stilled, your intuitive sense heightens and you will feel clear andconfident.

The practice of mindfulness, teaching yourself to tune into what youare doing, thinking, feeling and all that surrounds you. You feel thefiles in your mind organizing, you make better choices, you don’t feelfrantic and you just may remember where you put your keys.

Banzai! (Long life and happiness!)

Sherri MrazEditor


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www.banzaiwellness.com4 April 2013

Turn Your Frown Upside Down

ike many, I suffered for many years with insomnia, anxiety, andlack of focus. I tried many medications to no avail. It had gottenso bad at one point; I couldn’t function in my daily activities. I

had practiced Yoga for many years but never done a headstandbecause I didn't see the point. At a yogi friend’s urging, I started adaily headstand practice to help me relax. What I noticed was that Islept better, I had increased focus and awareness, and I was able tolet go of my negative thinking. Today, I love being on my head morethan on my feet and make sure I practice daily. Plus, I must say it isfun to ask my husband, "Hey, can I borrow your back for a second?"If you suffer from insomnia, need to relax, or just add some fun intoyour life, a headstand practice might be for you. Please speak toyour doctor if you have any medical concerns.

Easy steps to tripod headstand:• Begin with your hands and knees on the mat. Lower the top of your

head to the floor so it's in front of your hands. You may need tomove your hands back so your elbows will be directly over yourwrists.

• Straighten both legs and walk your feet towards your face as far asyou can.

• Shift your hips over your shoulders, and keep your hands plantedfirmly.

• Place your knees on your triceps and begin practicing tripodbalance. Tripod balance is a great place to stay for beginners.

• more advanced students can slowly lift legs.• Stay for 1 to 10 breaths and gently lower down.

Remember these 3 things in your headstand: focus on your breath,listen to your body, and surrender to the posture. I promise yourfrown will turn upside down!


Kerri VernaInstagram/Twitter @beachyogagirlwww.beachyogagirl.com

Photo by: Kerri Verna

by Kerri Verna



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www.banzaiwellness.com6 April 2013

…Can be stressful. Twenty-five is a prime age for finding yourself andfiguring out what direction you’d like to your life to go. Some of us are inthe process of launching our careers and others are settling in to new-found roles; like parenthood, executive or entrepreneur.

one thing is for certain, no matter where you are in your mid-twenties,things aren’t always easy. managing time wisely while working and tryingto maintain good health can often be difficult.

Some days, my stress-levels are off the Richter scale. With two jobs, twoblogs and every intention of staying healthy and fit, keeping calm isn’talways a simple task.

Since everyone needs daily stress relief, I decided to share some tips onHow-To De-Stress:

1) Laugh. This one is easy and helps release endorphins in the brainwhich help to relax your muscles.2) Read or listen to music. Taking a quick break, even if it’s just a mere10 minutes, to crack open a book or put your headphones on will helpyou to temporarily forget your woes. Personally, this is one of my favoriteways to mellow out.3) Eat right. maintaining a balanced diet, getting proper vitamins andnutrients and limiting the amount of “junk” you eat will help you feel andlook better.4) Keep a journal. Write down your worries, hopes, fears and frustrations.Channeling your emotions on paper will help get things out of yoursystem. journaling is a great way to let go of inner-negativity.5) “Unplug” yourself from the world. Turn off your phone, shut downthe computer and put down the remote. Take a few minutes to dosomething relaxing instead like reading a book or talking a stroll throughthe park.6) Get a good night’s sleep. It is recommended that adults get 6-9 hoursof quality sleep.7) Organize and prioritize. Create designated spots for things you useoften, clean up clutter and make daily to-do lists - putting items in order ofimportance.8) Spend time with your furry friend. Dogs and cats are great stressrelievers. When you’re having a bad day, there’s nothing better thancoming home and cuddling up with your pet.9) Invest in Valerian root. It’s an herb that is used as a natural alternativeto sedatives. It is said that it helps calm your nerves.10) Try aromatherapy. Pure essential oils, such as lavender, ylang ylangand chamomile, are said to help relax the body. I put a few drops oflavender oil on my mattress before I make my bed so I can fall asleeptaking in its soothing scent.11) Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing, in through your nose andout through your mouth, can help distract an anxious mind.12) Work out regularly. Even ifyou just take a long, brisk walk ordo a light workout, there arehealth benefits. Taking up yoga isalso great for de-stressing. Themix of breathing, meditation,flexibility and concentration willhelp you sleep better and feelmore as ease.

These 12 tips will have you onyour way to peaceful lifestyle. Lifeat 25 may not be effortless but ifyou learn to reduce your stress,you sure will enjoy it more!

Peace, love and good health.



Life at 25

t came to me in an instant: an idea, a thought, a whisper.This past summer, I was traveling to New York City for thesheer purpose of finding inspiration. After a full day of

visiting museums and creative places, my daughter and I werejust about to leave the city. As we walked into Times Square, Iheld up a Kids Need more Art postcard that I had been carrying,and was suddenly struck with an image and the words that wouldlater become our national advocacy campaign poster What KidsNeed. The poster has been embraced by the art community andis now being sold by Nasco Arts and Crafts. It was even chosento grace the cover of their catalog. All of this came from a simplemoment of inspiration that gives all of us a chance to do, say, orcreate something that will make a difference for others andperhaps inspire them.

As an art educator, I always look for new and interesting ways tomotivate and inspire young artists, but I often wondered if theytruly understand and can recognize where they find inspiration.At Kids Need more Art, we have begun what will be a yearlongjourney of asking, “Where do you find inspiration?” The answerswill be as unique as each young artist, and will help both themand me become more aware and appreciative of the momentsthat bring about our creative influence. I invite you to join us byasking yourself this same question and take the time to recognizethat moment when you get an internal nudge; when your innervoice gives you an idea that may take flight to help move yourhopes, dreams, and inspirations along. Then, when you find thatmoment, grab hold of it andsee where it leads you.

As summer approaches, KidsNeed more Art offers a numberof exciting opportunities to helpyour young artist findinspiration and make a creativeconnection through the visualarts. Camps are held in eachof our three locations, includingthe Pine jog EnvironmentalEducation Center in West PalmBeach where we invite youngartists to “go out and play” innature thanks to the 150 acrepreserve of Pine jog. Formore information, visitwww.kidsneedmorart.com.

Jessica K. Mullendore

Where do you findinspiration?

by Karen NobelI

April 2013 7www.banzaiwellness.com


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in taking the natural path to improve our bodies and having a healthyspine is a major component. I have been lucky to avoid major backand neck pain since I do exercise on a regular basis, however I doexperience body soreness after my workouts and found the perfectanswer. It’s called a HYDRomASSAGE. Dr. Ronald Gold, from GoldChiropractic, just opened an office in the US of Fitness Gym on theNW corner of Lake Worth and jog Roads, and offers this method of ahands-free massage. He believes in helping you achieve andmaintain optimal health and offers many different techniques basedon your personal needs and preferences. As previously mentioned,10 minutes on the hydro massage, your clothes stay on at all times, isall I require to help with sore muscles If you prefer the hands-onapproach, then maybe a deep tissue massage to help decreasemuscle spasm and pain, is for you. Proper nutrition, as I expalin to allmy clients, is also a must in staying healthy and alleviating pain andeating foods or taking supplements that contain anti-inflammatoriescan make a big difference. Dr. Gold also educates his clients on theappropriate exercises and/or stretches to help with with their specificneeds.

So schedule a free consult and call561-967-2225, and see if chiropracticcare is for you. As stated on Dr. Gold’sbusiness card, “WHERE PAIN ENDS &WELLNESS BEGINS.

Helen StraussHealthy Bodies by HelenCertified Personal Trainerand Specialist in Fitness Nutrition bodiesbyhelen@aol.com

e all know how back and neck pain, as well as headaches,can make it almost impossible to get through a busy dayand focus on our daily activities. We have all experienced it

at one time or another and try to seek out relief as quickly as possible.

Whether the pain was caused from an accident or sports injury, isstress related or you have a disc herrniation or scoliosis, chiropracticcare might just be the answer.

I believe in avoiding surgery and pain medication unless it isabsolutely the last resort. In my life of health and wellness, I believe

WA Pain in the Neck

www.banzaiwellness.com8 April 2013

or meroe Rabieifar and johnnymeier, the main objective ofestablishing my Community

Pharmacy in Wellington was to bring back thebasics of pharmacy. With in-housecompounding, large selection of homeopathicproducts and household oddities, free homedelivery and personalized care for eachcustomer, my Community Pharmacy isn’t youraverage modern pharmacy.

meroe and johnny hail from oklahoma. Thetwo both completed their undergraduatestudies at the University of Centraloklahoma. johnny earned his Bachelor ofScience degree and was also a reservist inthe Air Force. meroe earned her Doctor ofPharmacy at St. Louis College.

The two moved to Florida after johnnydecided that he wanted to become aCommissioned officer for the Air Force.Having to find a base where he could get acommission, he settled on Patrick Air ForceBase in Cape Canaveral.

meroe, who disliked working in a big chainpharmacy, decided that it would be nice towork in a “mom and pop” pharmacy setting.She wanted to focus more on the healthcareof each individual, dealing with thepharmaceutical needs of the whole body notjust the patient’s specific ailment. So in 2008,after an opportunity presented itself, she andjohnny opened my Community Pharmacy inWellington.

my Community Pharmacy provides anextraordinary type of pharmaceutical care tothe community. The level of customerservice they provide surpasses any typicalpharmacy.

my Community Pharmacy features otherunique services, such as free home deliveryfrom vero Beach to miami and an array ofretail products ranging from local chocolatesto high-end hair and skin products to quirkygifts.

They also specialize in compounding. They


Old School Pharmacy with new age spin“We’re a big picture pharmacy, We like to look at every aspect of person’s health and treat the whole body.”

Meroe Rabieifar

by Jessica K. Mullendore Photography by Gaciel Santana

can modify prescriptions to cater to allergiesand break down adult medications to makelower doses for children. my CommunityPharmacy makes in-house topical pain gelsand carries BHRT (hormone replacementtherapy). meroe and Wayne Waits, the store’scompounding expert, are well-versed inpharmaceutical modification.

meroe’s forte is homeopathicpharmaceuticals. If the holistic approach iswhat you’re after, she can direct you to theproper product for your condition and if it’snot in stock, their team will make it a point tofind it for you.

my Community Pharmacy carries probioticsand a wide variety of homeopathic andholistic products for ailments such as acidreflux, allergies, weight loss and pain.Products like Emu oil, valerian Root,melatonin, Krill oil and Green Coffee Extractare popular natural remedies. They also carrytop nutraceutical brands like Xymogen,orthomolecular, metagenics and vaxa.

April 2013 9www.banzaiwellness.com Photography by Robyn Barkley

my Community Pharmacy has a wonderful staff, including:Pharmacist Howard Diamond, Compounding Specialist Wayne Waits,Cashier Pam and Pharmacy Techs: julie, joyce and Caitlin.

When meroe and johnny aren’t serving the community with top-notchpharmaceutical care, they are spending time with their 8-year-olddaughter, Shaida. They are also highly involved in the Wellingtoncommunity, recognized by patients at local events and restaurants.

They mentor pharmacy interns and externs from Palm Beach AtlanticUniversity and other technical schools. They also support manynearby elementary, middle and high schools, as well as localorganizations like the muscular Dystrophy Association, Hugs andKisses, the PBSo Softball League and the American Cancer Society.

This year, johnny is serving as the event chair for the AmericanCancer Society’s Relay for Life. This 18-hour event is taking place onSaturday, April 6 from 1 p.m. to 7 a.m. the following day at WellingtonHigh School. The Relay for Life event is symbolic of the cancerpatient’s journey before and after diagnosis.

money for the event is raised through donations prior to, during andafter the event. Teams of 10-12 people takes turns walking on thetrack, ensuring that one person from the team is walking at all times.

There will be live entertainment, food vendors, a bounce house and adunk tank. All proceeds from the event are donated to the AmericanCancer Society. The event also features a free Survivor Dinner,donated by Bonefish Grill and Bonefish mac’s, for cancer survivors.

For information on how to get involved, visit the ACS website at:www.relayforlife.org/wellingtonfl

“We wanted to provide a placewhere people didn’t feel like theywere just a number, We know 99percent of the people who comein by their first name.”

Johnny Meier

Old School Pharmacy with new age spin

them - is based on complete relaxation and putting the brain into a Thetastate, where creativity, tranquility, and profound learning and healing live.When in this Theta state, you are not yet asleep, thought if it is suggestedthat you fall into a deep restful sleep, and that is what you want, you willfall into a deep restful sleep. In fact, most of my clients use my CDs to fallasleep every night.

Due to my personal experience, the experience of my clients, and theexperience of the patients I worked with at the Sari Center, I have noproblem saying that if your difficulty has to do with falling asleep, you'vecome to the right place. If there's one thing hypnosis is consistently goodat, it's helping people fall asleep. Both acute and chronic insomniarespond to hypnosis (Ng & Lee, 2008)

www.banzaiwellness.com10 April 2013

Studies show that getting a sufficient amount of restful sleep isdifficult for people. Stress is one reason for that. It makes sense,then, that people experiencing illness and the stress related to itare likely to have difficulties with sleeping.

There are many kinds of sleep difficulties and disorders. From the inabilityto fall asleep to the inability to stay asleep, to sleepwalking to narcolepsyto sleep apnea (abruptly stopping breathing while sleeping) to bedwetting, whatever the type of problem, the result is exhaustion and adecreased ability to function while awake. of course, mood is affected aswell. As we now know, general health and well-being is largely contingentupon getting enough and the right kind of sleep.

Studies have shown that inadequate sleep is also related tocardiovascular disease. That makes sense, as sleep deficit is stressful,and stress is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Sleep deficitalso leads to increased inflammation, which is another risk factor for heartdisease, cancer, stroke, and other diseases. Problems with sleep areeven linked to obesity (Patel & Hu, 2008), and both long- and short-sleepduration have been linked to type 2 diabetes (Yaggi, Araujo & mcKinlay,2006).

The irony about anxiety and sleep is that you need to control your anxietyin order to sleep well, but that often creates another level of anxiety -anxiety over the anxiety that might be preventing you from sleeping well.The more you think about how you might not sleep, the less you'llprobably sleep. And the anxiety that you create about lack of sleep willtrigger the release of adrenaline, leaving you wide-awake.

Clearly, relaxation is the key. If your body and mind aren't relaxed, restfulsleep will not come. If your mind is racing with thoughts of the day youjust had and the one that is to come, not to mention every day before andafter these two days, sleep will not come. If you're thinking about everybig, bad thing that might happen, perseverating over minutiae, orreplaying conversations over and over in your head, sleep will not come.

Fortunately, the greatest, documented benefit of hypnosis is the ability torelax the mind and body and induce sleep. Every CD I have - all 200 of

OPTIMAL SLEEP By Laura King, CHt, NLP, Life Coach

Now, some people have a physical problem that is preventing them fromsleeping or staying asleep or breathing properly when they sleep. I alwaysrecommend asking your doctor if there could be anything standing in theway of you and restful sleep. Keep in mind, though, that your doctor mightnot be current on just how effective hypnosis can be for treating sleepdisorders of all kinds, including sleep apnea. There has been researchattesting to the benefits of hypnotherapy for resolving sleep disturbances(Graci & Hardie, 2005), and I encourage everyone suffering the damagingeffects of exhaustion due to lack of restful sleep to experience hypnosis for three weeks, as described at the end of this chapter. I've seen self-hypnosis work over and over again for more than a decade.


April 2013 11www.banzaiwellness.com

Realize your goals nomatter what you haveexperienced in the past.Release old patternsand uncomfortablememories of teachers,colleagues or anyothers who may havemade disparagingremarks about yourabilities. The Learn Series is a six-point programfor learning. Listening to the Learn self-hypnosisrecordings will retrain your subconscious mind withspecific relaxation techniques and practicingmental imagery. This series includes:Absorption, Concentration, Recall, Alert, TestTaking-Good Study Habits, Excellent Thinker

Summit Performance offers many workshops and training courses for individualswho want to make a positive change in their life. Whether you are in need of anew mental road map for success or are interested in becoming a hypnotistyourself, these courses are right for you.

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GET SOME SLEEP!What I've learned in my practice is that insomnia can actually be a habit thata person has created and where there's one habit, it can be replaced with adifferent one. Below I’ve listed all of the ways you can help create anenvironment for optimal sleep on the conscious level, when I'm working withsomeone on the subconscious level, we discuss whatever might be keepingthem awake in their sleeping environment - loud sounds, strong smells, orthe temperature in the room. I then use those seemingly negative things tohelp the person go deeper and deeper into a restful sleep.

For example, for my clients living in large cities like manhattan, when Ihypnotize them I tell them that each time they hear sirens, trucks, taxis, andpeople hollering, they relax even more. I do the same thing with peopleliving near railroad tracks. They become programmed to relax each timethey begin to hear the train approaching. No matter what lights or soundssurround you when you sleep, you can use them to improve your sleep.

CONSCIOUS LEVEL TIPS FOR OPTIMAL SLEEPHere are some basic tips that everyone can benefit from when it comes tocreating the best conditions and environment for optimal sleep.

~ Stick to a sleep schedule. Schedules are important for your circadianrhythm. Go to bed the same time each evening, including weekends, andwake at the same time each day. This helps your mind and body toanticipate the rest and gear down for it regularly, so sleep has a betterchance of becoming a habit.

~ Sleep in a dark, quiet, cool room. Sunlight on your face during the dayis advantageous (and we're not talking about tanning), but at night, thedarker your room is, the better. As for noise, if outside noise is impossibleto eliminate, use some kind of white noise or even earplugs. And when itcomes to room temperature, 65 degrees is the optimal temperature.

~ Use naps judiciously. Napping during the day to make up for lost sleepcan be a good idea if the nap is before 3pm and for under an hour. Butmore than that, or later than that, can throw off the sleep schedule you'retrying to establish and create the conditions for insomnia.

~ Gear down before bedtime. The hour or two prior to bedtime isn't thetime for an intense workout, an intense family discussion or a huge meal.Gearing down means respecting the transition to bedtime and down-shifting your activities, your discussions, and the energy you expend.make it easy to be completely relaxed by bedtime. Not exhausted mentallyand physically, but relaxed.

~ Limit caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. Caffeinated beverages are for themorning hours and maybe into lunch. And though drinking alcohol in theevening usually makes you feel sleepy, you're more likely to not sleep well,get up once or twice, and wake up feeling less rested. Alcohol messes withyour sleep architecture in general, and though you might enjoy it, if you'rehaving difficulty getting a good night's rest, eliminating alcohol is wise. As for nicotine, I only mention it to remind you that it's a stimulant and willinterfere with your sleep. I don't recommend anyone use nicotine, ever.

~ Exercise regularly. Brisk, daily activity for 30 minutes is good for yourbody and helps you sleep more deeply. It also makes you more physicallytired by the end of the day, which will help you relax, and relaxation leadsto sleep.

~ Give your brain a rest. Part of downshifting is clearing your head of the thoughts of the day, the worries about tomorrow, and even thebrainstorming about how to solve problems. If your brain is anything like mine, that's a difficult request. meditation helps the busy mindtremendously, as does self-hypnosis, which promotes relaxation and de-stressing.

www.summithypnosisandwellness.comand you can book a private consultation at 561-841-7603.

Laura Boynton King, certified hypnotist and certifiedsports hypnotist, and Founder and Director ofSummit Dynamics


© 2013 The Palm Beach medium

April 2013 13www.banzaiwellness.com

ometimes healing comes in unexpected ways and a spiritcommunication session (reading) can serve not only theliving but the departed as well. Here is an example of howour ability to heal and grow does not cease upon death.

When a client (who, for the purpose of this article, I will call Diane)came to me hoping to hear from her mother in Spirit, she neverexpected to hear from a woman who had been a friend of hermother's who had deeply hurt her mother's feelings. Although Dianedid hear from her mother as well, when I mentioned this woman'sname (who I will call Liz), Diane recoiled and became tearful.Continuing to honor Spirit and have faith in the process, I proceededto deliver Liz's message. The reason Liz was unexpectedly comingthrough in the reading is because she needed to express enormousregret for what she did to Diane's mother. She also explained thatsince passing she has had the opportunity to understand herpersonality in life and explain the reason why she had done what shedid. It turned out that she was secretly jealous of Diane's motherbecause she had a close relationship with her children and she didnot. Liz was quite bitter about this and took it out on Diane's mother.

Now both in Spirit, Diane's mother and her friend Liz had reconciled. Itwas important for Diane to know this so that she would not have tolive with the painful feelings of the incident the rest of her life. Luckily,Diane stayed open to the process and accepted the closure.

This is one of the reasons why it is important to maintain an openmind during a session. It is important to realize that spiritcommunication sessions (readings) are not just for the living but for allof those who share the bond of love.

(The names have been changed toprotect the client and passed loved ones'identities).

Sunnie Brooks is an Evidential SpiritMedium with over 13 years ofprofessional experience. Privateconfidential readings, parties, andmessage galleries (public mediumshipdemonstrations) are available in southPalm Beach County. Worldwide by Skypeand phone.

For appointments and further info:Visit SunnieBrooks.comEmail: talkswithspirits@hotmail.comPhone: 561-386-1990 Join Sunnie onFacebook.com/sunniebrooksmediumand The PBM page atFacebook.com/ThePalmBeachMediumTwitter: SunnieMedium


An Unexpected Healing

www.banzaiwellness.com14 April 2013

The 1st Annual Wellness Experience Fitness Festival was held at the Wellington Amphitheater on a beautiful afternoon on Saturday, march 2nd, 2013.Presented by The Wellness Experience, Banzai Wellness magazine, W4CY.com and AroundWellington.com, as well as many other participatingvendors, the festival offered healthy solutions to many aspects of life – including fitness, healthy foods and physical & mental wellness solutions. Raffleswere held for a grill (from Lowe’s) and a flat screen Tv (from Best Buy) to benefit the family of 12-year-old Bethany Smale. other proceeds went to theAmerican Cancer Society & Relay for Life. various fitness demonstrations, including yoga and zumba, were happening on stage throughout theafternoon. Local singer Lexi Luca sang the national anthem, and the audience was treated to a surprise visit by micheala Paige (who recently competedon NBC’s “The voice.”) For more photos, visit AroundWellington.com, then “Photo Galleries” – or “Archives.” Photos by Carol Porter

The 1st Annual Wellness Experience Fitness Festival

on march 6, 2013, the Central Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for the new massage Envy in Wellington, which is inthe Whole Foods plaza on 441. Immediately following the ribbon cutting, staff and friends gathered for a lovely open house, featuring food byowner josie Kern and a couple of local restaurants too. Staff members were on hand to give tours of the thirteen massage rooms, each roomequipped for facials and massages. See related story under “AW Spotlight” for February, 2013 (see “Archives” on AroundWellington.com) orsee the previous issue of Banzai Wellness magazine. Photos by Krista Martinelli

Massage Envy of Wellington - Ribbon Cutting & Open House

By Krista Martinelli

April 2013 15www.banzaiwellness.com

A year for reclaiming your power; we all haveincredible opportunities to achieve positivetransformation. Here is where your wins are; allyou have to do is reach for them.

Aries (March 21 to April 19) Hold on to your hat; your personal life will get busier The people whoyou meet will open just the right doors for you to achieve life-long goals.Be yourself, motivate others and stay free of former limitations.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)Soul healing You can let go of former obstacles and self-defeating habits.You’ll find alternative ways to reach success. You can also find outsomething in the nick of time and avoid disaster. Expected checksarrive.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)Imagine jupiter is shaking you out of the doldrums and providing youwith the missing key that you have been seeking. Communicate withfamily members about ideas. It is easy to engage others dramatically.

Cancer (June 21 to July22)Social shift Expect increased authority and earning power, the offers thatyou will receive are for real. Your popularity is at an all time high. Personswho once ignored you can become staunch allies.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)Broaden your horizon Expand your world view and belief systems bybeing exposed to people from foreign countries. Be flexible, gracious anddetermined to live your best life. Adventure awaits.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)Zero in Now you should know the score and decide to make your mark inthe world. Quit waiting, boldly jump out on that limb, miracles are about tohappen. You are being noticed.

Libra (September 23 to October22)Embrace transition jupiter in your House of Enlightenment is taking youto different places in your life, and you may be evolving more quickly thanthose who are around you. Teach by example.

Scorpio (October 23 to November22)De ja vu Expect instantaneous connections between you and the peoplethat you are meeting and in time, there will be mutual admiration.Everything about you is elevating to a higher plateau of existence.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)Fantasize Your conscious mind can be focused on pleasure andcreativity, but now you can take your gifts to the bank. Win by playing andby putting on the party or the event. New doors open.

Capricorn (December 22 to January19)Footprint Pour your energy into marketing, advertizing and networking. Aromantic fling is possible with someone that you meet through neighbors.Beautify your home and entertain in style.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)New job description Uranus in a positive angle to your Sun Sign willbring you sudden opportunities. Be flexible, you are a pioneer, butoccasionally a little too rigid. Have the last laugh by being charming.

Pisces (February 19to March20)Tangible results You are developing a creative base for your future; you areat the right place at the right time. organize, plan and believe for the best.Dream high, big and bold; you are in the catbird seat.

Carole can be reached at carolelynngrant@bellsouth.net, for consultations.

Trends for Health

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