APRIL 15, 2018 - THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER · 2019. 11. 9. · reminder that the Bible is NOT an...


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ST. BARNABAS DAY SCHOOL !"������������!"���� ���!�� ��������������

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In these weeks after the Resurrection of the Lord, we are

provided with examples of the many appearances of Jesus

to His disciples to make certain they understood that the

same Jesus they knew and loved and who had been so

brutally crucified was now certainly alive and even glorified

in a way that was beyond anyone's expectations. Many of

the other readings provided at this time give us glimpses

into the life of the young Christian community as it began

to grow, expand and spread. Today's readings are a good

example of that.

The second reading, from the first letter of St. John,

doesn't mince any words as it says "The way we can be sure

we know Him is to keep His commandments. Those who

say 'I know Him,' but do not keep His commandments are

liars, and the truth is not in them." This stood out in my

mind because I recently had a conversation with a person

who asked me the question "Where does it say in the Bible

that I have to go to Mass on Sunday?" The answer, of

course, is it doesn't say that in the Bible! This is a good

reminder that the Bible is NOT an encyclopedia. The Bible

is the book of the Church and needs to be read in that light.

What that means, in this case, is that the Bible does tell us to

"Keep holy the Lord's Day." Since the Ten Commandments

were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, they were around

long before the time of Jesus. Keeping holy the Lord's Day

originally referred to the Sabbath or Saturday. It was only

after Jesus rose from the dead that the early Christian

Community declared that Sunday had become the Lord's

Day and that was quickly seen as the universal practice of

those early Christians attested to in the earliest written

testimonies to be found after the Resurrection, but not

specifically in the Scriptures. The celebration of the Eucharist

quickly became recognized as the most significant and most

important action of the Christian Community: repeating the

words of Jesus to make Him present with us once again as

He invited and even commanded us to do.

How could there be any more appropriate way to keep

holy the Lord's Day than by celebrating the Eucharist? How

could any individual have the nerve to decide that he or she

had the ability to substitute an alternative? We need to take

the words of St. John to heart and let the Word of God - as

interpreted by the Church - guide our lives and ways of

acting. Of course, this applies to all the Commandments as

well. When we allow our own interpretations to enter in

and become our guides, we are on a dangerous course.

Always remember that when the Lord established Peter as

the head of the Church, He said "Whatever you bind on

earth will be bound in heaven." It is better to seek the

guidance of God's Church than to simply rely on our own


Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 15, 2018 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/Ps 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9 [7a]/ 1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48 Monday: Acts 6:8-15/Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30 [1ab]/Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51--8:1a/Ps 31:3cd-4, 6 and 7b and 8a, 17 and 21ab [6a]/Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8/Ps 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a [1]/Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40/Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20 [1]/Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42/Ps 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 [12]/ Jn 6:60-69 Next Sunday: Acts 4:8-12/Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29 [22]/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18



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A Message from our Pastor

Today’s gospel depicts the disciples as “terrified, disbelieving and wondering.” Yet Jesus stood among them and said: “Peace be with you.” What was he thinking? Terror and peace just don’t go together, do they? Yes – in the life of faith. No matter how difficult or messy the situation may be, the Risen Lord will be with us ,offering peace and quieting our fears.

Scheduling of Parish Facilities/Meeting Rooms for June 2018

- May 2019 has begun. If your group/organization has not

received materials to schedule, please contact Cathy at 330-

467-7959 x150 or marionc@barnabasohio.org.

He said to them, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled. You are

witnesses of these things." - Lk 24:44, 48

©Liturgical Publications Inc

In third grade, we have been very busy readers this year! We are learning to love many different genres of books. From fiction stories with fantasy, humor, or historical settings to nonfiction texts where we explore faraway places or

encountering inspiring people, we love them all. This year we’ve incorporated many ways to celebrate our love for books. We especially enjoy sharing our favorites with each other. This month students turned their books into creatively themed breakfast cereals! The goal for every third grader is to read at least 40 books this year. In the spring (if it ever gets here!) we will celebrate our accomplishments with a third grade reading picnic!


Saturday, April 21 5:00 p.m. Saturday Ensemble Sunday, April 22 8:00 a.m. Cantor 10:00 a.m. Cantor 12:00 p.m. Prayersong Choir 5:30 p.m. StBLT Music Ministry




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A Time To Rejoice…


III John Burton and Jessica Grzybowski

A time to heal…

Please pray for all who are ill, especially: Louis Achkar, Cecilia Adams, Mike Ahern, Mark Arlia, Therese Armstrong, Dennis Balis, Jean Barbic, Dianne Basile, Mary Benedek, Joshua Blouir, Meghan Blouir, George Bohna, Carol Brodman, Josephine Bruce, Theresa Cartier, Leroy Ceccardi, Jim Conway, Georgeanne Cooper, Holly Craider, May Csotty, Ann Davis, Barbara Davis, Regina Day, Jill Deal, Anthony Delollis, Mary Demerest, Ted Derbin, Anthony DiFranco, Pat Foley, Michael Friess, Marge Gibbons, Dennis Grencewicz, Tim Harrity, Nautica Heddlesten, Jay Holland, Dan Houlahan, Dennis Houlahan, Dennis Hricko, Dolores Jacobs, Kevin Joyce, Carol Kontura, Fran Kornuc, Irene Kovar, Laverne Krempasky, Arlene Krivicke, Raymond Krolikowski, Tom Lantos, Deborah Lee, Dennis and Carol Liederbach, Carol Machi, Margaret Massimino, Martin Mawyer, Ryan Michaels, Adam Milewski, Mark Morgan, Carl Nemec, Sally Page, John Panek, Bill Papes, Jim Pearl Jr., Jeanne Pollock, Marylene Putka, Michael Samardge, Margaret Schillero, Janice Schnurr, Rachel Schoonmaker, Daunes Schultz, Richard Sega, Judy Selby, Paul Shaffer, Katherine Siracusa, Terry Skinner, Rose Mary Slezak, Robert Smith, Shirley Smith, Everett Snyder, I, Robert Snyder, Bob Speno, Frank Speno, Nancy Spera, Joyce Sporck, Bernie Szczepanski, Dianne Toronski, Betty Trabert, Courtney Tucker, Pat Vanni, Rosemary Vay, Char Vercek, Eric Walker, Richard Wintucky, Richard Witt, Eleanor Wybawinski, Nancy Youel, Samuel Zivkovich, and all the sick of our parish.

(Names will appear in this list for four Sundays. Please notify the Parish Office, 330-467-7959, to add or remove a name from the list. And please remember to pray for the needs written in the Book of Intentions and those placed in the Perpetual Adoration Prayer Box.) A time to mourn… Our loving prayers are extended to the families of Kent Ainsworth, Helen Cala, Viola Markuson, Dorothy Zisk and the families of all of our faithful departed relatives and friends. May their souls rest in peace.

BAPTISM CLASS The next Baptism preparation class will be held on Sunday, May 6, at 1:15 p.m. in Rectory Room 1. If this is your first child or if you have not attended a class in the last five years, you will need to attend before the baptism of your child. Please contact the Parish Office for more information or to register.


BOLT LIKE A BLAZER TECH TREK III Mark your calendars and get ready to Bolt Like A

Blazer! Our third annual race will be held on Saturday, April 28. Please join us as

we raise funds to help St. Barnabas School become a technology leader. All proceeds benefit our school’s technology fund! Please use the following link to register for the race: https://register.chronotrack.com/r/36683.

Married Couples Weekend: Athletes and musicians practice hours to become the best. Professionals work hard to become successful. How many hours have you devoted to making your marriage the best it can be? Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and give your relationship the attention it deserves. Weekends are presented by trained Catholic couples and a priest. Next Encounter Weekend held will be May 4-6. Sign-ups & info call 330-305-9963 OR www.GreatMarriagesOhio.org.

ST. BARNABAS 17th ANNUAL FESTIVAL - June 15, 16 and 17!!!

This Sunday is our first Early Bird Raffle Drawing. Win $50 and have your ticket re-entered for future drawings. $50 will be awarded

every Sunday until the Festival with a $250 winner on June 10 and the $10,000 Grand Prize on June 17! Get your tickets in and have a chance to win! Want to get involved and be a part of excitement? Send your ideas to the Parish Office or email: parishoffice@barnabasohio.org. Volunteer by going to the f e s t i v a l v o l u n t e e r w e b s i t e : h t t p : / /stbarnabasfestival.ivolunteer.com/2018_009 or by calling Deanna at 330-467-7959 ext. 147.

DEAR PARISHIONERS - PLEASE TAKE NOTE Unfortunately, due to the HIPAA Privacy Rule, we are not notified at the Parish Office when your loved one is admitted to a hospital, rehab setting or nursing home. Please keep us connected by calling the Parish Office at 330-467-7959. At this time you may request an anointing, a communion visit, or the placing of your family member’s name in the parish bulletin under "A time to heal..." God bless!

LIFE NIGHTS Sundays from 5:30-8:30 p.m., all high school teens are invited to join us for Mass, dinner, games, and faith. Guests are always welcome! CARDBOARD CAMPOUT Sleep outside… All night… In a cardboard box… WE DARE YOU! On April 28-29 join us to experience a simulated homeless night, pray for the poor and homeless, and raise funds for those in poverty. You will need a giant cardboard box (think refrigerator), so start working on that now! Consent forms are due April 23 and more information is available on our website. SERVANTS 4 CHRIST RETREAT Be a part of our local mission ‘trip’ with area churches on July 8-12! During the days we go out in work crews to serve, followed by a dynamic retreat experience and sleepover. We also have a break day of epic fun. This year Immaculate Heart of Mary in Cuyahoga Falls is hosting. The cost is $175, or an Early Bird fee of $150 before May 25. Consent forms are available on our website. CURRENT 8TH GRADERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO ATTEND, TOO! TOLLE LEGE SUMMER INSTITUTE This is a week-long residential camp at Borromeo Seminary for current high school juniors. Philosophy and theology morning classes with seminary professors are followed by afternoon play - swimming, art museum, historic churches, baseball game, bonfire, and more. Two options are: June 17-22 or June 24-29. Applications and more info are available online at: www.tollelegecamp.com.

All high school teens are welcome! www.stbarnabaslifeteen.org

FrancineStBLT@gmail.com * 330-467-7959 ext 120


ACE – Why Science is Important for Catholic

Theology Some religious leaders promote a conflict in “science vs. religion.” Catholic tradition affirms that faith and reason go

together. Dr. Sheila McGinn, Chair of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at John Carroll University, will explain how Catholics can avoid this trap and promote a harmonious understanding of science and religion. Please join us at Assumption Church, 9183 Broadview Road, Broadview

Heights, on Wednesday, April 25, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

PRO-LIFE “Love Life, cherish life, defend life, from conception

to natural death.” St. Pope John Paul II

BABY FACTS: At 42 Days the brain is now divided into 3 parts: one to experience emotion and understand language, one for hearing, and one for seeing. IMPORTANT DATES: !� April 20, Friday, - National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day 2018.

Wear your favorite life affirming t-shirt. www.all.org !� May 8, Tuesday – Primary Elections – VOTE PRO-LIFE !� May 12-13 Saturday and Sunday – ANNUAL MOTHERS DAY PLANT & GIFT SALE. We will have beautiful hanging baskets of geraniums, begonias, impatiens, fuschias, straw flowers and more; flats of petunias and marigolds; as well as cherry & Roma tomatoes, Italian parsley and basil. THERE WILL BE NO PRE-ORDERS THIS YEAR. It’s first come, first served beginning at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. This is the one you’ve been waiting for! Proceeds benefit Womankind and the Community Pregnancy Center of Barberton. Questions? Call Carole Pleskovic at 330-467-6021.

Helpful Pro-Life Websites: www.priestsforlife.org. www.studentsforlife.org, www.clevelandrighttolife.org , www.RightToLifeofNortheastOhio.com PRO-LIFE ROSARY every Saturday following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Come pray with us for an end to abortion and euthanasia. PREGNANT & NEED HELP? Call 1-800-712-HELP (4357) or visit www.OptionLine.org for a crisis pregnancy center near you.

PERPETUAL ADORATION - Jesus Himself is calling you to spend one special hour with Him each Week! (Pope John Paul II - 1978 to 2005) Celebrating 22 years of 24/7 Eucharistic Adoration.

Perpetual Adoration is in need of Regular Guardians for Sunday, 2 a.m., 2 p.m.; Tuesday, 2 a.m. ; Friday, 1 a.m., 2 a.m.; Saturday, 1 a.m., 2 a.m., 10 a.m. and every other Saturday, 9 p.m. Also, we are always in need of substitutes. For further information, please contact Laura Cybulski at 216-210-2313/jcudaymom@gmail.com. PLEASE CONSIDER ONE OF THE OPEN HOLY HOURS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND CONSIDERATION!

Enjoy a tour of the Holy Land and Jordan, including Petra, with Fr. Ralph - October 1 - October 12, 2018. Information can be found o n t h e p a r i s h w e b s i t e :

www.stbarnabasfamily.org or magitravelinc.com.

This week in your daily prayers please remember these individuals, Seminarians at St. Mary, who are called to the priesthood: Ian Kelly, Anthony Hyunwoo Lee, Joseph Menkhaus, Andrew Morken, Rev. Mr. Armando Emmanuel Padilla Contreras, Michael Petkosek.

A Graduate's Guide to Life Three Things They Don’t Teach You in College That Could Make All the Difference by Frank J. Hanna. If you are looking to succeed in the ways that really matter, Hanna’s simple message, conveyed

with clarity and insight, will change your views of wealth and success. A limited number of these Dynamic Catholic CDs are available, free, at the Parish Office.

A Morning of Reflection with Chuck Kyle for all the men of the parish. Join us Saturday, May 12, from 9-11:30 a.m., Church of the Resurrection, Solon. We will gather for a time of simple prayer, breakfast and conversation with St. Ignatius football coach Chuck Kyle, who will reflect on the importance of his faith both on and off the field. Cost is $10.00 which includes breakfast. For reservations, please contact jketring@churchofresurrection.org or call the Church Office at 440-248-0980. Space is limited, so make your reservations soon.


LOTTO Congratulations to the following lottery winners: 4/1 - 255 - no winner 4/2 - 218 - MATT KERNS 4/3 - 384 - no winner 4/4 - 465 - no winner 4/5 - 186 - no winner 4/6 - 616 - DANIEL VONDRAK 4/7 - 905 - VERONICA SUTTON

Lotto tickets for January through June 2018 are now available at the Parish Office for $10 each. Good luck, and thank you for supporting this Capital Improvements Fundraiser.

50+ COMMUNITY A new twist in today's readings is taken from the writings of Clarence Jordan, one of the founding members of Habitat for Humanity. He tell us that "on the morning of the resurrection, God put life in the present tense.” When the resurrection first took place, there was all kinds of excitement. There were the women who went to the tomb and found it empty. There was Thomas who didn't quite believe what had happened. There were the two disciples who experienced the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus. They recognized him and their hearts were bursting with joy. There were the emotions of many who weren't sure of the events of the three days. We may have been one of those people as well. But we have met him in many ways, too. Do we remember? If we would take some time to sit and reflect on the many ways we've met our God, we might be surprised. We continue to meet him as we reflect on the Scriptures, we meet him in the breaking of the bread that is Eucharist. We meet him in others. We meet him in unexpected places. We meet him in times of joy and times of sorrow. We meet him because he has promised that he would be with us always. So, back to the present tense. Jesus is not standing on the shore of eternity beckoning us to join him there. He is standing beside us, strengthening us in this life. The good news of the Resurrection is not that we shall die and go home with him, but that he has risen and comes home with us. Alleluia! Our final meeting before our summer break is on Friday, May 11. Come and meet Bishop Nelson Perez on Saturday, June 9, as he celebrates our 5:00 p.m. Mass.

PROGRAMS AT JESUIT RETREAT HOUSE in Parma. To register contact 440-884-9300 or visit www.jrh-cleveland.org. In Search of Happiness April 18. 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Presented by David Eich. This workshop will help to answer one key question: What can I do in this world that may well determine what I will do in the next? Cost: $45. From Death to Life: Learning from the Dying How to Live Fully April 24. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Presented by Martha Campbell, Psy D. The Easter Season is a time to engage the Living Christ whose resurrection teaches us that new life emerges from death. Cost: $45.

Notes from the Blue Army: Come join the Blue Army as we pray and ask Our Blessed Mother to intercede for all of our petitions, even those that seem impossible! We meet on Thursday evenings from 7-8 p.m. in the Adoration Chapel.

BUNDLE SUNDAY IS COMING April 28/29. Please see the insert in today’s bulletin. THANK YOU to the parishioners and St. Barnabas School students for their Easter donations to benefit our local families. Because of your generosity, we delivered food, paper products, toiletries and gift cards to approximately 50 families. Additional thanks to the volunteers who packed and delivered all those boxes to our friends in need. We couldn’t do it without you. Thanks for helping us help others. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR BUNDLE SUNDAY - Bundle Sunday April 28/29 and we are in need of volunteers to accept donations and pack the items in the truck. If you are a teen or adult in good physical condition, we could use your help. Our SVDP members would appreciate the help of younger volunteers. Teen volunteers can receive service hours for this work. If you are interested, we need to know ahead of time to schedule you for a specific time to make sure there is sufficient help for each 2-hour time slot: Saturday, April 28, 4:30-6:15; Sunday, April 29, 7:30-9:30, 9:30-11:30, and 11:30 to 1:15. We would really appreciate your help. Please call Renee at 216-408-3544 or Mike at 330-467-0620 to schedule. HELP A LOCAL FAMILY - We are in need of a used car, in good working condition, for a local family. If you have a car you would be willing to donate, please contact Mike at 330-467-0620 for more information.

JOBS CLUB meeting on Thursday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m. in Rectory Room 2. We invite anyone who is seeking a job or a career change, or is willing to help in any way. For more information about the Jobs Club, contact Linda at jobsclub@aol.com.

PRAYER AND SHARE Please join the St. Barnabas Women of Faith on Friday evening,

April 20, for our Prayer & Share evening. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in Bedell Commons. A simple get away time with other women to pray and share our faith. Questions? Contact

Josette at JosetteS12@aol.com or 330-467-4054.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Bring your knitting needles, crochet hooks, quilting supplies, etc. and join us at our meeting Wednesday, April 25, 7:00 p.m., in Rectory Room 2. We will be creating shawls to be given to anyone who needs to be "wrapped in the arms of God." For more information, call Barb at 330-467-7402.




Good Friday Holy Land Collection - $1781.00 Easter Collection - $53,123.68

April 8, 2018 Year to Date Target: $22,500.00 $900,000.00 Collections: Envelopes $20,306.24 $781,252.81 My Eoffering $2,370.40 $56,515.43 Monthly EFT $ 0.00 $93,895.40 Total Collections $22,676.64 $931,663.64 Variance $176.64 $31,663.64

Mandatory Diocesan ($2,607.81) ($107,141.32) Assessment (11.5%) Collection Amount $20,068.83 $824,522.32 Remaining in Parish

Children’s Collection - $24.00 Counters next weekend ~ “B”

St. Barnabas parishioners are remarkably generous. Thank you for sharing a portion of your income with the Church - thank you so much for your faith and generosity!

May God bless you!

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Dawnco Heating and Cooling We appreciate all the advertisers who support our Sunday Church Bulletin.



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Nominate an 8th Grade Athlete - SBAA Athlete of Character

The St. Barnabas Athletic Association is proud to announce the SBAA Athlete of Character Award. This $500.00 scholarship award will be given to one deserving 8th grade student. The award will be presented at the 8th grade graduation. The Nomination Guidelines: A coach, teacher or parent must nominate a current 8th grade SBAA athlete that has displayed exemplary character and sportsmanship on the field/court, in school, and in the community.

1. Nominee must exemplify, in numerous ways, the 5 core values of a SBAA athlete: Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Sportsmanship and Servant Leadership

2. Nominee must be/have been a registered 8th grade SBAA athlete, nominee’s family must be registered parishioners at St. Barnabas or OLG, nominee must attend St. Barnabas School or regularly attend St. Barnabas or OLG PSR program. Nominee should be a student that works to his/her academic potential and be active in the parish and attend mass regularly.

3. Nominator must complete the nomination form and provide detailed and specific information as to how the nominee exemplifies the 5 core values of a SBAA athlete. All paperwork must be legible.

4. Nominator must have a teacher or administrator fill out the appropriate section and include it with the nomination form. Must be legible.

5. Additional information can be provided on a separate sheet if needed. Must be legible.

6. All nominations must be received by May 4, 2018. Please return to the rectory, in a sealed envelope, marked “SBAA Athlete of Character Award.”

The nomination form can be found on the SBAA website, www.stbarnabasathletics.org. Please contact Joe Farinacci at 330-908-3106 if you have any questions.

Catholic Charities of Summit County invites you to the Portage Country Club in Akron Friday, May 18, at 6 p.m. for the Third Annual Derby for Dollars. World-

renowned priest and chef Father Leo Patalinghug will dazzle with his cooking and his message of feeding souls with God's message. Sister Ana Gonzalez, a dynamic young Dominican nun, will talk about how God calls us to help those less fortunate. Even more exciting news! We will be auctioning off a dinner party for 10 in your home with the Most Reverend Bishop Nelson Perez, catered by Moe’s in Cuyahoga Falls. WKYC/Channel 3's Andrew Horansky, a St. Ignatius and Georgetown graduate, will emcee this fabulous evening. Proceeds benefit the Basic Needs programs (Rent/Utility Assistance, Community Hot Meals and Food Pantry) of Catholic Charities of Summit County. For more information, call 330-762-2961, ext 220, or log on to ccdocle.org/derby4dollars.

Greenwood DentalDan M. Greenwood, DDS

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Gregory T. McCune, DDSFocus on Family Dentistry

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Mary’s Groom & Board Certified Dog Groomer


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Ask About Our Maintenance Club!

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Frank & Angie McGroarty, Parishioners


Auto Repair

4-E-5-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 14-0509

Burials, Cremations, EntombmentsPrearrangement ServicesEstate Planning Services

Complete Luncheon FacilitiesMonument & Floral Selections

356 W. Aurora RoadSagamore Hills, OH


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Electrical Commercial & Residential Services 440-799-1844


Nordonia Hills Chamber of CommerceAngie’s List Lic. 45141

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Bill Maxwell, PT

Steve Wiehe PTA-Parishioner



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330-633-3633 Carol Pucci, Parishioner

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