Apps OAB Training


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Oracle Advanced BenefitsBala Krishna KoppuravuriPrincipal consultant2Day -1=======1) General Topics about Technical things2) Whats in OAB ?Day -2=======1) Beneit !tructure2) "ligibility#) $in%ing "ligibility -- &articipant' Depen(entDay -#=======1) )ates -- "le*ents' Deri+e( ,actors' !tan(ar( )ates' -ariable )atesDay -.=======1) $ie "+ents 2) "lectability / Deaults#) $iteratureDay -0=======1)1ertiication / "2tractsAgendaDA3- 1Coding StandardsProper Database Object naming Conventions and mae sure !ou follo" the client standard "hen doing the naming&rei2 4sage 1onte2tins# Procedures "hose primar! purpose is to insert dataupd# Procedures "hose primar! purpose is to update datadel#Procedures "hose primar! purpose is to delete dataget#$unctions "hose primar! purpose is to retrieve datach#$unctions "hich return a Boolean value%aming the input& output and 'ocal (ariables)nitiali*ation of 'ocal (ariablesDo the anchor declaration as much as possible "hen declaring local variables+hen there is a direct correlation bet"een a variable and a table column& the ,-.P/ or ,0O+-.P/ "ill be used1/2ample3D/C'A0/l#"ins team1"ins,-.P/4Coding Standards5aintaining the (ersion histor! commentsPutting as man! comments as !ou can for the readabilit! of the codeProper Alignment of code Do not directl! e2it from the loops directl! in case of nested loops& best practise is e2it one b! one loopAvoid using 6O-O0eusabilit! of the codes either putting them in a pacage6ood /2ception 7andlingSelf revie" the code )f possible maintain a code revie" chec list "hich contains all the best practises+hat is OAB8$le2ible& 0ules9Based BenefitsAdministration ApplicationProvides automation and ease of administration from 'ife /vent detection to Communication-otal Compensation Statement :-CS; bundled "ith OAB@ of the =S )nternal 0evenue Service Code-a2 that the recipient has to pa! for certain forms of indirect compensation termed as $ringe Benefits/mplo!ee 'ife )nsurance in e2cess of UHC&CCCSpouse I Dependent 'ife )nsurance in e2cess of U 2&CCCAge BasedAmount per UB&CCC of $ringe BenefitHE)mputed )ncome (BEN_&)TY_B&SE_RT_F)HFStandard 0ates& Premiums& (ariable 0ate profilesben#cvg#amt#calc#mthd#fben#actl#prem#fben#act!#base#rt#fben#act!#base#rt#f99 rt#usg#cd V W)5P-D)%CPben#vrbl#rt#prfl#fStandard 0ates& Premiums& (ariable 0ate profilesben#enrt#premDA3- .Duic 0ecapDuestionsB; +hat are Coverage Calculations 82; +hat are (ariables 0ate Profiles 8E; +hat are Premiums 8F; +hat are Standard 0ates 8H; +hat are (ariable 0ates 8; At "hich compensation object level do "e attach the rates and premium 8?; +hat is )mputed )ncome 8@; 7o" do !ou distinguish a standard rate and an imputed income both functionall! and technicall! 8BC; %ame fe" tables for Coverage Calculations& 0ates& Premiums 8BB; +hat is Pre9-a2 and Post9-a2 rates 8What is a Life Event?"+ents occurring in a participants $ie that coul( potentially change his or her beneits are $ie e+ents56ain Dependent&%e" 7ire'ong -erm Disabilit!& 'ong 'eave of AbsenceDeath& -ermination& 0etirement'ife /vents'ife events transform Oracle Benefits from a static data capture device into a responsive& proactive benefits management toolBased on database triggers& s!stem can automaticall! detect the life event/2ample3 %e" 7ire& Address Change& 6ain DependentDetected& Started& Processed& =nprocessedBacing Out vJs (oidingB/%5%6'/ detects and processes life events