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(Classroom Action research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Kalukku)


Submitted to the Faculty of Education and Teacher Tarining Makassar Muhammadiyah University in part of Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Education of English Department

BAHRUM 10535602314





Bahrum. 2019. Applying Grammar Translation Method in Improving Students’

Vocabulary Achievement (Classroom Action Research at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Kalukku). English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. Supervised by Nurdevi Bte Abdu and Wildan Burhanuddin. This research aims to prove whether the applying of Grammar Translation Method can improve students’ vocabulary


This research uses Grammar Translation Method. This research conduct in 2 cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. The location and subject of the research were all students of class XI IPA 4 of SMAN 1 with a total of 35 students. The research was conducted for 8 meetings. The data collection technique used is a test given to students. The data obtained were analyzed using quantitative analysis.

The results of the study indicated that Grammar Translation Method could increase students' vocabulary mastery from 55.31% the average score of learning outcomes of in the first cycle to 66.97% in the second cycle meaning an increase of 11.66% in students of class XI IPA 4 of SMAN 1 Kalukku. It can be concluded that by applying Grammar Translation Method through Classroom Action Research method can improve the vocabulary mastery of Students of class XI IPA 4 of SMAN 1 Kalukku.

Keywords: Grammar Translation Method, Students' vocabulary achievement.



Bahrum. 2019. Penerapan Metode Penerjemahan Tata Bahasa dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Kosakata Siswa (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Kalukku). Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Pendidikan dan Keguruan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Nurdevi Bte Abdu dan Wildan Burhanuddin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah penerapan Grammar Translation Method dapat meningkatkan prestasi kosakata siswa.

Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Penerjemahan Tata Bahasa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus yaitu siklus I dan siklus II. Lokasi dan subjek penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA 4 SMAN 1 yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Penelitian dilakukan selama 8 pertemuan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes yang diberikan kepada siswa. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Metode Penerjemahan Tata Bahasa dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa dari 55,31% nilai rata-rata hasil belajar pada siklus I menjadi 66,97% pada siklus II yang berarti terjadi peningkatan sebesar 11,66% pada siswa kelas XI IPA 4. dari SMAN 1 Kalukku. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan Metode Penerjemahan Tata Bahasa melalui metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas XI IPA 4 SMAN 1 Kalukku.

Kata kunci: Metode Penerjemahan Tata Bahasa, Prestasi kosakata siswa.


Motto :

“Every one can be you teacher, every wehere

can be your school, and every things can be

your lesson. You live You Learn”


A Thesis for My Beloved Family

Especially for My Father,

My Strongest Mother,

My Brother and Sister

My Best friends


For My Own Self

I Deserve this Billion Times



In the name of Allah the most Gracious and Merciful. Alhamdulillah, all

praise be to Allah the Most Graceful and the Merciful, after such a hard work, finally

the writer could finish research and finish the report in the form of the thesis (skripsi),

entitled “Applying Grammar Translation Method in Improving Students’ Vocabulary

Achievement” (Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1

Kalukku). The “skripsi” is presented to English Education Department, faculty of

Education and Teachers, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, as partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Strata 1 (S1).

In finishing this “skripsi” I got guidance and motivation from people around

me. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to them, they are: my beloved

family, especially my parent: H. Mahyuddin and Hj. Mastiara. my brothers

Awaluddin and M. Zul Fahmi. My sister Rahmawati, for their patience, their love and

their support to me. To all of my classmates, Gorgeous Class who had accompanied

me for more than 3 years, especially for Ahmad Rijal Misbah, Rahmawati B, Nur

Asmaul Husna, Hartarti Sitepu, Ode Wani, Andi Irwin Maulana and to all my

brothers and sisters in Gerakan Mahasisa Kalukku, special thank to my beloved

friend Sri Rahmayani Suherman for her full support, who have lend her laptop to me

to finish my skripsi. Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor

Ms. Nurdevi Bte Abdu, S.Pd. M.Pd and Mr. Wildan Burhanuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd for


their valuable guidance, support, motivation, advice and suggestions during the

writing of this skripsi in which without their help this skripsi would probably never

reach its accomplishment.

In returns, the writer would like to convey her thanks directly to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M. the rector of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The policies and regulations that

are applied to improve the quality of campus services

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. the dean of Faculty of Education and

Teacher Training.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd. the head of English Department, his

concern and mind for better English Education will be a historical point

and considerable sample for the next terms.

4. All the lecturers and all UNISMUH Makassar staf officers for their

endless support.

Finally the words are not enough to be expressed, except praise be to Allah the

worlds for blessing, and guidance. May their good deeds be accepted by Allah

Subhanahu Wata’ala, Amiin.

Makassar, July 2, 2019



TITLE OF PAGE…..………………...……………………………………….. i

APPROVAL SHEET……………………..…………………………………… ii

COUNSELING SHEET……………….……………………………………... iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN……………………………………………………… viii

SURAT PERJANJIAN……………………………………………………..…. ix

ABSTRAC………………………………...... …………….…………………... x

MOTTO………………………………………………………………………... xii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………….……………………………… xiii

TABLE OF CONTENT……………………….…….……………………….. xv

LIST OF TABLE………………………………..….……………………….… xviii

LIST OF PICTURE………………………….……………………………….. xix

LIST OF APPENDIX……………………….……………………………….. xx

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION……………………………………….……... 1

A. Background……………………………………………………………. 1

B. Problem Statement……………………………………………………... 5

C. Objective of the Research………………………………........................ 6

D. Significance of the Research………………………………………….. 6

E. Scope of the Research……………………………................................. 6


A. Previous Research…………………………………………………..... 7


B. Some Partinent Ideas………………………………………………...... 10

1. English Language Learning……………………………………..... 10

2. Vocabulary Mastery………………………………………………. 12

a. Definition of Vocabulary……………………………………... 13

b. The Importance of Vocabulary……………………………….... 15

c. Types of Vocabulary………………………………………….. 16

d. The Function of Vocabulary………………………………….. 19

e. Teaching Vocabulary………………………………………….. 20

f. Problem in Learning Vocabulary…………………………….... 23

C. The Concept of Grammar Translation Method……………………...... 24

1. The Characteristics of Grammar Translation Method………….… 26

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Grammar Tranaslation

Method………………………………………………………….… 27

a. The Advantages………………………………………………... 27

b. The Disadvantages…………………………………………...… 28

D. Conceptual Framework………………………………………………. 30

E. Action Hypothesis…………………………………………………….. 32


A. Research Design……………………………………………………… 33

B. Setting and Subject of the Research…………….……………………... 36

C. Factors of the Research………………...…………………………….... 37

D. Research Procedure……………………………………………….….. 37


E. Research Instrument………………………………………………....… 42

F. Data Collecting Method………………...……………………….…..… 42

G. Data Analysis………………………………………………………… 43

H. Indicators of Success………………………………………………… 44

CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION……………………………………………….. 45

A. Finding……………………………………………………………..… 45

1. The Improvement of Vocabulary Mastery of Ttudents of Class XI IPA IV

SMAN 1 Kalukku through Grammar Translation Method………. 45

2. Student Learning Outcomes in Cycle I……….…………...……… 46

3. Student Learning Outcomes In Cycle II………...……………...… 48

B. Discussion………………………………………………………..……. 49


A. Conclusion………………………………………………………….... 52

B. Suggestion ……………………………………………..……………... 52






Table 3.7 Category of student learning completeness……………….……….. 44

Table 4.1 the scores of validity test I and II………………………………….. 46



Picture 2.1 Framework Chart………………………………………………….. 31

Picture 3.1 Classroom Action Research Chart……………………………..…. 35



A.1 Lesson Plan

A.2 Attendence List

A.3 Quantitative Analysis of Cycle I and Cycle II

A.4 Scores List

A.5 Validity Test

A.6 List of Used Vocabularies





A. Background

In this globalization era, every aspect of life has changed and developed very

rapidly. Technological, political, economic, educational and even continue to grow

following the changing times. The education system in Indonesia has been influenced

by globalization, one of which is the incorporation of English with some basic lessons

such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology and so on that now comes the term Bilingual

Math, Bilingual Physics, and Bilingual Biology. English is also one of the mandatory

lessons in our educational curriculum, which shows the importance of english,

especially for educational people.

The Ministry of National Education, which is preparing the standard of

competence in the 2004 curriculum, stipulates that the ability that Indonesian students

must possess is to understand and disclose information, thoughts, feelings, and

develop science, technology and culture using English. English has become one of

the compulsory subjects in the curriculum of education in Indonesia, which means the

mastery of English should automatically be mastered by students to facilitate them in

learning. Recognizing the importance of English for students especially at the middle-

class level is very emphasized, especially high school students are expected to master

optimal English so that students become the generations who are ready to play an

active role in the world competition. The teaching of English subjects includes

understanding vocabulary beside other components.



Mastery of vocabulary is generally regarded as an important part of the

learning process of a language or the development of a person's ability in a language

that has been mastered. Students are often taught new words as part of the subject and

many adults consider the formation of vocabulary as interesting and educative. With

the above explanation, vocabulary mastery is the most fundamental thing that must be

mastered by students in learning English which is the second language for all students

and the people of Indonesia. How students speak that language when the students

have an adequate vocabulary, then it certainly will give more support to the

achievement of the four English language competence, namely; speaking, reading,

listening and writing. Therefore, without having sufficient vocabulary a student will

have difficulty in achieving the expected language competence.

Through vocabulary, we convey our ideas, emotion, and efficiently. Without

mastering it, people will not be able to use English effectively. Allen (1997:149)

stated that in all language teaching, students must continually learn vocabulary as

they learn structure. In fact, students’ mastery of English vocabulary is still lack. The

students are also difficult to deliver their ideas because of their limitation of

vocabulary. Learning vocabulary as a foreign language seems easy but some students

feel fear. Therefore, in this case the teacher is very important role in the learning

process. The teacher of English should find out solution by crating efficient and

effective technique of teaching in teaching English vocabulary, besides that, the

teachers should establish condition which makes teaching vocabulary possible.


The researcher focuses on vocabulary because vocabulary is the basic aspect

of any language mastery. As mention above, without an adequate vocabulary,

students will not be able to express their feeling, ideas, thoughts. Vocabulary is also

one of the commonly problem faced by the students, especially the way to gain

vocabulary or memorizing.

The researcher will conduct the research at SMAN 1 Kalukku for students of

XI IPA. The reason of conducting research in this school, because the researcher was

graduated from this school in 2014, the researcher already knew about the situation of

the schools, there is no significant changing, besides facilities and infrastructures,

most of the teacher are still teach in that school, especially for the English teacher.

This situation will make the researcher easier to conduct the research, in term of

communication both to the students and teachers.

Based on the reseracher analysis in Magang 1 was held in this school, the

students have bad English languge either in written or oral skill. Students are not

interested to learn Englsih because it is difficult, to be able to master English both

written and oral, students must deal with a lot of aspect, one of them is vocabulary.

Some students say that memorizing vocabulary is so difficult because the written

form different with the way of a word pronunces. Even though students can

memorize vocabularies, they will forget in few days to go because they just memorize

it and do not understand how to use the word in context, for use the word to form

sentence. This is also stated by MS. Hariani, one of the English language teachers at

the school, when the researcher conducted interviews via DM on Instagram (Monday,


03/09/2018), she said that from a scale of 1-10 the vocabulary mastery of students in

the school was 6, this is because students do not know when and where to use the


Methods in teaching vocabulary usually help the students to memorize, and

give the opportunity for students to self-assess their progress in learning vocabularies.

The teacher is hoped to be smart to choose an approach and method of teaching that

is suitable for the condition and the need of the learners, so the goal of teaching and

learning can be achieved. Based on the method the teacher would decide the

procedures, the activities and the instruments that are needed in teaching-learning

process, even though there are other factors that determine the success of teaching

learning process. Seeing the various problems faced by students in English subjects

especially vocabulary mastery, the author tries to find a way out by applying methods

Grammar translation method in the mastery of vocabulary through Classroom Action


Grammar Translation Method (GTM) involves the translation of literary texts

followed by explanation in the students’ native language of rules of grammar.

Although it dates back in the 16th century, Corder states that GTM is “the most

deductive approach” (Allen & Corder 197: 13), and it may be true to say that the

Grammar-Translation Method is still widely practiced.


B. Problem Statement

Based on the expalanation in the background of this proposal, the researcher

formulate only one main problem to conduct in this research “How is the

improvement of Vocabulary mastery of students of class XI IPA 4 SMA Kalukku

through Grammar Translation Method?”.

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objective of this research

is to get empirical evidence about the effect of using Grammar Translation Method on

students’ vocabulary achievement.

D. Significant of the Study

1. The Teachers

The result of this study hopefully can give useful contribution for the

institution and the practice of foreign language teaching.

2. The Students

The research is expected to be useful input for the students to encourage

them to master and improve their English vocabulary.

E. Scope of the Study

The target of this study is investigating the applying of Grammar Translation

Method in teaching of English Language to increase Students’ vocabulary

achievement. Properly, the applying Grammar Translation Method in teaching of

English Language to increase students’ vocabulary achievement for the second year


students of SMAN 1 Kalukku. Furthermore, this study attempts to describe the

students’ vocabulary mastery.




A. Previous Research

A study in order to have a genuine need for relevant research. Relevant

research serves to provide an explanation of the research and analysis previously

used. Research that discusses the use of the Grammar Translation Method.

Researchers who apply Grammar Translation Method include Fandi Ahmad,

Abdulrahman Hi. Usman, Hari Prastyo, Widianto, Sasa Astra Pamungkas, and Siwi

Ardillah Sari.

First, relevant research was carried out by Ahmad (2014), he concluded that

Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method can both improve students'

vocabulary mastery, but the use of Direct Method is more effective than Grammar

Translation Method. His research is a pre-experimental study that compares the

application of direct method and Grammar Translation Method in teaching

vocabulary. He focused on the influence of the direct method on his research. There

is similarity and difference between this research and the author’s research, the

similarity is both focus on vocabulary mastery and the difference is this previous

research only focused on the influence of the direct method on students vocabulary


Second, Hi. Usman (2015), conducted a study about teaching vocabulary

through Grammar Translation Method. He concluded that Grammar Translation

Method was effective in improving students' vocabulary mastery especially for



beginners of English. Both the author’s research and the previous research conducted

by Hi. Usman focused on the effectivenes of Grammar Translation Method in

teaching vocabulary.

Third, Relevant research was also conducted by Prastyo (2016), He concluded

that discussing about Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Communicative

Language Teaching (CLT) meant that it did not discuss about better and worse

method, but it discussed about the different target of each method. GTM target was

accuracy, and CLT target was fluency. It was very important to combined both

accuracy and fluency. The design of his research is a Descriptive Qualitative. The

similarities with the author’s research are both use GTM, and the difference is this

previous research tried to compare between GTM and CLT in teaching integrated


Fourth, a relevant research also carried out by Widianto (2011), this research

is an action research. Research conducted by Widianto and the present research are

equally applying Grammar Translation Method but differ in the variables studied, he

focused on students mastery of causative form.

Fifth, relevant research was carried out by Pamungkas (2012), He said that

some strategies used by teacher in teaching vocabulary were memorization,

Synonym/antonym, translating, fill in the blank. Classroom techniques of grammar

translation method are synonyms/antonyms, fill in the blank ,memorizationand,

translating. The similarity of the author’s research and this previous research is both

focused on teaching vocabulary and the difference is if the author will focus only on


GTM to improve students vocabulary mastery, this previous research focused on

some strategies that possibly used in teaching vocabulary.

Sixth, relevant research was also carried out by Sari (2013), The process of

teaching-learning vocabulary consists of opening the class, explanation, consultation,

practice, presentation, evaluation, and closing. The goal of teaching vocabulary

through Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and Direct Method (DM) at the first

grade is toimprove and develop student’s vocabulary mastery in English subject. The

type of research used in this reserch is an descriptive research. She applied Direct

Method and Grammar Translation Method in teaching vocabulary. The similarity is

both use GTM in teaching vocabulary and the difference is this previous research

attempted to compare Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method in teaching


Based on some previous researchs above, the the author conclude that there

are some similarities and differences between the previous researchs and the research

that the author will conduct. The similatities are there are some previous research

that focused on teaching vocabulary through Grammar Translation Method such as

the research that conducted by Fandi Ahmad, Abudrrahman Hi. Usman, and Siwi

Ardilla Sari. Whereas the differences are there are some previous research as cited

above had different variable such as the research conducted by Widianto, he used

Grammar Translatios Method to improve students’ causative form. There are also

some previous research that tried to compared two methods in teaching Vocabulary

such as Sastra Pamungkas and Prastyo. It can be concluded also that Grammar


Translation Method is suitable to use in teaching vocabulary, it can be seen by there

were still researchers who applied Grammar Translation Method and and it was

approved that GTM could improved students’ vocabulary mastery.

The researcher would like to apply the Grammar Translation Method to

increase students vocabulary mastery especially in terms of common daily vocabulary

so that the vocabulary that students has been memorized, they can use it to speak up

their main in English language in their daily life, then at the end of the study students

will not just be able to master vocabulary but they will also increase their speaking


B. Some Partinent Ideas

1. English Language Learning

Learning a language has been done by humans from birth. Learning the

language starts with learning the mother tongue, which is a natural and natural

thing. But it is different with learning a second language or a foreign language.

Briefly Littlewood (1984: 3) to distinguish these two terms are “ a second”

language has social functions within the community where it is learnt (e.g., as a

lingua franca or as the language of another social group), whereas a “foreign”

language is learnt primarily for contact outside ones own community”.

English as a communication tool is used to convey ideas, thoughts,

opinions, feelings, and also to respond or create discourse in the life of society.

To be able to learn English well requires knowledge of the characteristics of the

English language itself. Each subject has certain characteristics when it is viewed


in terms of goals or competencies to be achieved, or the material learned in order

to support these competencies. In terms of goals or competencies to be achieved,

these English subjects emphasize aspects of language skills that include oral and

written language skills, both receptive and productive. It is these characteristics

that distinguish between one subject and another.

In general, these four language skills are used to communicate. In order

for the communication process to run smoothly, language learners should be

equipped with knowledge of language and language skills. Language learners

must recognize and understand the grammar and vocabulary, which are

categorized as cognitive domains. In addition, they must also recognize and

understand the system and sounds that apply to the language so that the

pronunciation is appropriate to the original speaker.

English pronunciation with writing should continue to be studied and

trained because in English writing and pronunciation are very much different.

This is what distinguishes between English and Indonesian. This difference is

one of the obstacles in learning English. Learners need to be trained to hear and

move certain organs, such as lips, tongues, to produce sounds that match the

sounds produced by native English speakers. The exercise of moving speech

organs to produce a particular sound is categorized as a psychomotor domain.

Language learning is also related to issues of interest, motivation, anxiety level,

and so on. In order to succeed in learning the language, they must have a positive

attitude towards the language and culture to be learned. Without such an attitude,


it is very difficult for them to master English well. This is what is categorized as

affective domain. Therefore, in order for the learning process of English to work

well, a teacher must understand the characteristics of the English language itself.

2. Vocabulary Mastery

According to Tarigan (1985: 2), Kualitas keterampilan berbahasa

seseorang jelas tergantung pada kuantitas dan kualitas yang dimilikinya maka

semakin besar kosakata yang kita miliki maka semakin besar pula kemungkinan

kita terampil berbahasa (The quality of language skill depends on the quantity

and quality of vocabulary. The more vocabulary we have, the bigger possibility

to have a skill to use the language).

Vocabulary is very important in English teaching and learning. If the

learners do not know the meaning of the words, they will have difficulty in

understanding what they see, read, and learn. Their vocabulary will increase if

they read more words. This reason makes vocabulary very important; a bad

vocabulary will cause bad understanding of the text.

Vocabulary has an important role in determining the successful

achievement of each skill. Daily communication needs vocabulary. The more

vocabulary the learners have, the more easily they will communicate and express

what they want to say. The four language skills that are listening, speaking,

reading, and writing always include vocabulary in their activities. By having a lot

of vocabularies learners will be easier to show their ideas, making compositions,

and many other activities dealing with language. In other words, by knowing and


understanding the vocabulary, learners will successfully achieve the four English

language skills.

a. Definition of Vocabulary

According Fauziati (2008: 149), vocabulary is central to language and

of critical importance to typical language learners. Without a sufficient

vocabulary, people cannot communicate effectively or express their ideas in

both oral or written form. Having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier that

precludes learner from learning a foreign language.

Vocabulary has an important role in determining the successful

achievement of each skill. Daily communication needs vocabulary. The more

vocabulary the learners have, the more easily they will communicate and

express what they want to say. The four language skills that are listening,

speaking, reading, and writing always include vocabulary in their activities.

By having a lot of vocabularies learner will be easier to show their ideas,

making compositions, and many other activities dealing with language. In

other words, by knowing and understanding the vocabulary, learners will

successfully achieve the four English language skills.

Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or to receive a lot of words.

By having and mastering vocabulary we will know the meaning of

vocabulary in the context. Measuring vocabulary helps to avoid making

mistakes in understanding.


In order to support the mastery of English skills as mentioned above,

it is essential to learn vocabulary. It becomes a central part in English

learning. Vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular language

or a list or set of words that individual speaker of a language might use

(Hatch and Brown, 1995: 1).

According to Haycraft in Hatch and Brown (1995: 370) vocabulary is

defined into two kinds: receptive and productive vocabulary. Receptive

vocabulary is words that the students recognize and understand when they

occur in a context, but which he cannot produce correctly. Productive

vocabulary is word which the students understand, can pronounce correctly

and use constructively in speaking and writing. Another expert, Paul Procter

(1978:1229), states that vocabulary is (a) all the words known to particular

person, (b) the special set of words used in a particular kind of work,

business, etc., (c) a list of words, usually in alphabetical order and with

explanations of their meanings, less complete than a dictionary. Vocabulary

deals with words and meaning. Mastery it self means the comprehensive


From various definition of vocabulary has given above, the writer

summarizes that vocabulary is the basic that students must gain in order to

learn a language or to communicate. Vocabulary is the main substance of

creating a sentence, no matter how good the students in Grammar and


Structure if they do not have adequate vocabulary, it will be difficult to


Vocabulary mastery is comprehensive knowledge to recognize,

understand, and produce stock of words and their meaning. In line with this,

Lado (1964: 117) argues that to clarify the idea of vocabulary, three levels of

vocabulary are distinguished, namely: (1) vocabulary to operate the patterns

and illustrate pronunciation of the language, (2) vocabulary for

communication in areas of wide currency, (3) esthetic and technical

vocabularies. Another definition os given by Fries (1965:43) word consist of

a sound that has become converzationalized in a culture or linguistic

community, that is, commonly used in certain responses in hearer belonging

to the some community’’.

Experts provide a different understanding of vocabulary. From the

various definitions, the writer can draw an outline of the definition of

vocabulary is a set of words or lists of words known by a person to

communicate, show their thoughts, feelings.

b. The Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the first basic important aspec of learning English. By

learning vocabulary, they are able to communicate both orally and written

well. By mastering a lot of vocabularies, the learners are hoped to master four

skill in English namely; speaking, writing, reading, and listening.


According to Rivers as cited in Nunan (1991:117) Vocabulary is

essential fo successful for second langauge use because an extensive

vocabulary, the learners will be unable to use the structure and th function we

may have learned for comprehensible communication.

From the statement above, it can conclude that vocabulary is the first

element in English. It must be mastered by young learners to suppoert their

English Mastery.

c. Types of Vocabulary

In language learning, vocabulary is an essential component that links

the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing all together. There

are many clarifications made by the experts in language area about the kinds

of vocabulary. According to Aebersold and Lee (1997) vocabulary is divided

into two:

a. Receptive Vocabulary is the vocabulary that readers have a general sense

of a word‟s meaning but are not sure of its many meanings or nuances of


b. Productive vocabulary is the vocabulary that people actually use to speak

or write.

Furthermore, Schmitt mentions vocabulary into two parts. “Being able

to understand a word is known as receptive knowledge and is normally

connected with listening and reading. If we are able to produce a word of our


own accord when speaking or writing, then that are considered productive

knowledge (passive and active are alternative term).”

Dealing with the characteristics of the words, Nation (2001) divides

vocabulary into two kinds:

1. Receptive Knowledge

Receptive knowledge is involves knowing how to recognize the

word when it is heard or when it is seen, being able to distinguish it from

word with a similar form, being able to judge if the word form sounds

right or looks right, being able to recall its meaning when it is met, being

able to see which shade of meaning which most suitable for the context

that it occurs in, and being able to make a various associations with other

related words.

2. Productive Knowledge

Productive knowledge involves knowing how to pronounce the

word, how to write and spell it, how to use it in correct grammatical

patterns, and using word to stand for the meaning it represents and being

able to think of suitable substitutes for the word if there are any.

Cameron states that “The words of a language split into two groups

according to how they are used to construct sentences, namely:

1. Content words are those that carry a lexical meaning, even out of the


2. Function words seem to be mainly used to carry grammatical meaning.


According toLado as cited in Mardianawati (2012:11) these are some

vocabulary aspects as follows:

a) Meaning

When the teacher delivering students about the meaning, the

teacher should explain that a word may have more than one meaning

when it is used in different context. In order to discover the meanig, the

teacher can use the ways such as guided discovery and using


b) Spelling

In learning vocabulary, spelling is important because it aids in

reading and as the connector of letter and sounds. Spelling there may be

different acceptable written forms for the same words within the same

variety of English, due to the fact that they belong to different varieties

as happen to British or American English terms (Nation, 1990:51 as cited

in Kareem, 2000:6).

c) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way in which a particular person pronunces

the words of language (Hornby, 2006:1164). Most of words have only

one pronuncuitaion, but sometimes a word has two or more

pronunciation. It can be seen from some words “present” which

pronunce /’preznt/ or /pri’zent/ and the word “read” which pronunce

/ri:d/ or /red/. English pronunciation is difficult to learn because it is not


related to the spelling of words. The students want to be able to speak

English well with understandable pronunciation so that they can

communicate without annoyance and it makes receiver easier to


d) Word Classes

Word classes are categories of words. Accroding to Hacth and

Brown (1995:218) the word classification in based on their functional

categories which are called part of speech. There are Part of speech that

should be practiced fluently by the students such as noun, verbs, adjetive,

adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjunction.

e) Word use

Word use is how a word, phrase, or concept is used in a

language. Word use is also involves Grammar and thus be the subject of

profound analysis (Mardianawati, 2012:11).

d. The Function of Vocabulary

“Vocabulary is total number of words which (with rules for combining

them) make up a language, or (range of) words known to, or used by, a

person, in trade, profession, etc” (Hornby:1959).

The word “Used” form the definition above shows the fuction and

advantage of vocabulary. So that briefly, we say that one the functions of

vocabulary is to make up a sentence or to communicate, to reflect someone’s

feeling or ideas. when we use words, we should know the function or the use


of our words our vocabularies because it can guide us in understating the

language which we learn.

Moreover, vocabulary is central to both the system and the use of

language. Vocabulary makes the system and grammatical rules of language

we have learned will be functioned as well, because without words we can not

form or create a sentence according to the formulation of Grammatical rules

and Structure that we have learned orally or written.

Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or and to receive lots of

words. By having and mastering vocabulary, we will know the meaning of

vocabulary in the context. It can also help to avoid making the mistakes in

identifying a language with the dictionary and guide us in making the

equivalence of the second language to the native language.

e. Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is basic to communication. If people do not recognize the

meaning of the key words used by those who address them, they will not be

able to participate in the conversation. If they want to express ideas or ask for

information, they must be able to produce words to convey their meaning.

Thus vocabulary learning is very crucial in developing competence in a

second or foreign language. In teaching vocabulary, the teachers are hoped to

have some techniques in order to make students familiar with the vocabulary

so that they understand new word easily. The techniques functions not only to

help the students grasp the meaning of new words quite easily, but also to


vary the teaching activity in order to avoid the boredom on the part of

students. Harmer (1983:85-86) mentions that the following aids can help to

explain new vocabulary are:

a) Realia

This is the word to refers the use of real object in the classroom.

Thus the words “book”, “pen, “marker”, or “white board” can be easily

explained to the students by showing directly those things. This is clearly

satisfactory for certain single words, but the use of realia is limited to

things that can be taken easily from the classroom

b) Pictures

Pictures are clearly indispensable for the language teacher since

they can be used to explain the meaning of vocabulary the teacher can

draw pens, rulers, pencils, and books in the blackboard/whiteboard, or

have magazines picture of trucks, bicycle, train, or bus onto cardboard.

The teacher might bring in a wall picture showing three people in a room

that could be used for introducing the meaning of the sentence, for

instance: there are three people in the classroom.

c) Mime, Action, Gesture

It is often impossible to explain the meaning of words and

grammar either with realia or in picture. An action, in particular, is

probably better explained by mime. Gesture is useful for explaining words


like „from‟, „to‟, etc. or indicating that the past is being talked about (the

teacher gestures backwards over his shoulder)

d) Contrast

A visual element sometime may not be sufficient to explain

meaning and contrast can be used. Thus, the meaning of “full” is better

understood in the context of “empty”, “big” in the context of “small”, etc.

e) Enumeration

The word “vegetable” is difficult to be explained visually. If,

however, the teacher rapidly lists (or enumerates) a number of vegetables,

the meaning will become clear. The same is true of a word like “clothes”.

f) Explanation

Explaining the meaning of vocabulary items can be extremely

difficult just as grammatical explanations. It will be important in giving

such explanations to make sure that the explanations include information

about when the item can be used. For example, it would be unsatisfactory

just to say that “mate” is a word for “friend” unless you point out that it is

colloquial informal English and only be used in certain context.

g) Translation

For many years, translation go out of fashion and is considered as

something of sin. Clearly, if the teacher is always translating, this will

impede the students‟ learning since they want to hear and use the target

language, not their own. Nevertheless, it seems silly not to translate if by


doing so; a lot of time can be saved. If the students do not understand a

word and the teacher cannot think how to explain it, he can quickly

translate it.

f. Problems in learning Vocabulary

There are some problem that students may be faced in order to master

vocabulary such as:

a) Pronunciation

Pronunciation may be the main problem why student difficult to

master vocabulary, the difference between the written the way word

pronunces. Especially for Indonesian students whose pronunciation is still

strongly influenced by regional language accent.

b) Lenght and complexity

Long words seem to be no more difficult to learn than short ones.

But, as a rule of thumb, high frequency words tend to be short in English,

and therefore the learner is likely to meet them more often, a factor

favoring their ‘learn ability’.

c) Grammar

Also problematic is the grammar associate with the word,

especially if this differs from that of its first language equivalent.

d) Meaning

Different uses, different structure will be different meaning of the

word used. The word “save” can be mean “aman” as an adjective if it


matchs with TO BE in a sentence, but also can be mean “menyimpan” as

a verb in the sentence.

Learning vocabulary seems to be one of the easiest things about

learning a language, but it is also one of the hardest things to do. It is because

learning vocabulary does not only learn about the meaning of word. When

learning vocabulary, students will also learn about other aspects of word such

as usage, pronunciation, grammatical, and so on. So it often makes difficulties

for the students to comprehend the vocabulary.

C. The Concept of Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

This method is also called Traditional Method. It does not mean that the

method is the oldest one, but the term traditional is the reflection of the method used

to teach the antique. Grammar-Translation method is dominated by european and

foreign language teaching from the 1840s, and in modified form it continues to be

widely used in some parts of the world today (Richards and Rodgers, 1993: 4).

According to Richard and Rogers (2002, as cited in Barb, 2010), the Grammar

Translation Method is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first

thought detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by the application of this

knowledge through the task of translating sentences and text into and out of the target

language. The first advantage is that grammar rules are taught deductively. This

means that the pupils are taught about the grammar rules and then they have to apply

to the new examples. It is important for the pupils to learn about the grammar rules of

the language. This will make them use and apply the language better. They can lessen


their mistake when they know about the grammar rule. They also will be able to

explain about the grammar rule of certain words when they have the knowledge.

Brown (2001) admits that GTM is so widely used because this method

requires few specialized skills on the part of teachers, because they usen their native

language and so even teachers who are not fluent in English can teach via this

method. But it is not only for this reason that this method has always been on the top

list of the English language methods but for the students as well.

The assumption in using this method is that, there is a universal logic as the

basic principle of all languages on the world. The grammar of the language is the

branch of the logic. That is why, in teaching a language, the grammar must be the

priority and the standard of theteaching objective. The method also shows teaching

language as including learning the rules, facts about grammar in order to understand

the rules of sentences. The patterns of sentences are always taught firstly before the

other components of language. The learners are always asked to memorize the rules

of the sentences been taught. Eventhough, Grammar Translation Method is not only

used to teach grammar and/or structure but it can be used to teach vocabulary as well.

Because it also can be used to teach vocabulary, the writer would like to apply it in

order to know the effectiveness of the method. On the other hands, the writer wants to

know whether Grammar Translation Method is very effective in teaching vocabulary

or not. If it is effective, the method can be used by the teacher to teach vocabulary as

well, not only grammar/structure.


1. The Characteristics of Grammar Translation Method

According to Murcia (1979:3) there are eight characteristics of this

method that the writer will mention as follows :

a. Classess are taught in the first language, with little active use of the target


b. Much of the vocabulary is in the form of lists of isolated words;

c. Detail explanation about the structure of grammar is given;

d. Grammar provides the rules for putting words together, and instruction often

focuses on the form and the inflection for words;

e. Reading of difficult classical texts in the beginning of the class;

f. Little attention is paid to the content of texts, which are treated as exercises in

grammatical analysis;

g. In teaching grammar, it is important to make the language situations and

language material as realistic as possible. After explaning the lesson, the

teacher can provide a chance for the students to use the language that they

learn in the classroom.

In addition, the medium of language will be used in the presentation is

the learners’ native language (source language). This can make the learners very

easy to understand the materials explained by the teacher. In teaching

vocabulary, especially, the students’ native language is very important to use

because the new words presented by the teacher can be translated directly into

their native language.


2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Grammar-Translation Method

a. The Advantages

Every method has its advantages and disadvantages which should be

paid more attention by every teacher in teaching through the method.

Therefore, an English teacher will use Grammar-Translation Method has to

know them. The followings are the advantages of Grammar-Translation

Method as said by Tareigan (1986):

1) The teacher can teach the large number of the students easily.

2) The class can be handled by the teacher who is not fluent to speak.

3) It is suitable for the students’ linguistic ability (elementary, intermediate,

and advanced levels); the students get many significant language aspects

through books without any help from the teacher (Steinberg in Tarigan,

1991: 100).

In addition, another expert has the other opinion about the advantages

of the method which are so different from those ones presented by Tarigan.

The advantages are:

1) The students possess a good mastery on translation skill from and/or to the

target language.

2) The students can memorize the grammatical rules of the target language

well which are presented in the source language. (Nababan, 1993: 13)

Because of the differences of the two theories presented by both

linguists above, the writer can conclude them into one theory. It is about the


advantages of Grammar-Translation Method when being applied by an

English teacher in the teaching–learning process especially in teaching

English as a foreign language in Indonesia. The advantages of Grammar-

Translation Method are:

1) The class can be handled by the teacher who is not fluent to speak.

2) It is suitable for the students’ linguistic ability (elementary, intermediate,

and advanced levels); the students get many significant language aspects

through books without any help from the teacher.

3) The students have a good mastery on translation skill from and or to the

target language.

b. The Disadvantages

Besides the advantages of Grammar-Translation Method, there are

some disadvantages of this method as well. This is because of the existence of

every method which has advantages and disadvantages.

This kind of method is assumed that it can make the students bored in

the classroom, because a teacher who uses GTM in teaching English will

present the language structure in front of the classroom. Furthermore, the

students just listen and take a note from the explanation of the teacher. It

means that GTM can create the domination of the teacher in the classroom. In

other words, the class activity will more focus on the rule of the language

structure than practice the rule itself. In addition, GTM cannot develop the

students’ communicative competence, because they cannot use the rule of the


language structure flexibly to communicate. Consequently, some teachers

leave this method and move into another method that can develop the

communicative competence of the students.

The followings are the disadvantages of Grammar-Translation Method

presented by Henry Guntur Tarigan in his book, “Metodologi Pengajaran

Bahasa 1.”

1) It requires a trained teacher linguistically.

2) Most subjuect matters are not useful for certain student and it is separated

from the others.

3) It is not suitable for the literature students, for example, childern or

immigrants: there is only a little bit of communication used interperson.

(Steinberg in Tarigan, 1991: 100)

There are some other disadvantages of Grammar-Translation Method as

presented by Subyakto–Nababan in her book, “Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa”. The

disadvantages are olso quite different from those ones described by Tarigan. The

disadvantages mentioned are:

1) The grammatical rules analysis will be easy for the teacher but difficult for the

students because of the complicated analysis.

2) Translating sentence by sentence often confuses the students to understand the

whole meaning.

3) The literary works as the source of the subject are not the daily expression for real



4) The grammatical rules presented by the teacher prescriptively may not be used or

communicated by the people in daily communication.

5) The students do not learn to use the target language but they just talk about it

(Nababan, 1993: 13–14).

D. Conceptual Framework

Learning is a series of activities designed to support students in learning so

that learning activities can be carried out well. Framework is an explanation as to a

phenomenon which is the object of our problems. The thinking framework was

structured based on literature review and relevant or relevant research results. The

thinking framework was our argument in formulating hypotheses.

Muhammad (2009:75) states that the framework is an overview of the

relationships of variables in a study, which is described by a way of thinking

according to the logical framework. In using the mindset it should be in accordance

with the variables and research that will be studied. Framework should be described

as clearly as possible and logical. Using a framework can make one study structured

and more directed.


Picture 2.1 Framework chart

The Initial Condition

The method used by the teacher in improving the

students’ vocabulary


Vocabulary mastery of

students is still lacking


Researcher apply Grammar Translation Method to increase

students’ vocabulary


Cycle 1


vocabulary mastery increase

about %

The Last Condition

Vocabulary mastery of students had increased after

researcher apllied Grammar Translation


Cycle II


vocabulary mastery

increase about %


E. Action Hypothesis

The hypothesis is a temporary answer to the problem that is still a

presumption because it must be verified. Because trying to uncover answers that have

not been investigated, in an attempt to prove the hypothesis the author can

deliberately cause or make the symptom of this deliberation is called an experimental

experiment and the hypothesis that has been verified is called theory.

Arikunto, (2010: 110) states that the hypothesis is a temporary answer to the

problem of the author, until proven through the collected data. Based on the opinions

above the hypothesis is a temporary answer because the writer's mistakes must use a

good and true writing aesthetics.

In line with this opinion, Sugiyono, (2013: 64) also states that the hypothesis

is a temporary answer to the formulation of the writing problem. Thus, the author

believes in the hypothesis of writing entitled “Applying Grammar Translation

Method to Increase Students’ Vocabulary Achievement” will work well. In this

hypothesis the author and students are able to carry out correctly every problem that

will be examined will be carried out well and can be said to be successful.

If the Translation Grammar Method is used, the vocabulary mastery of

students of XI IPA SMAN 1 Kalukku can increases.




A. Research Design

To conduct a useful research, a systematic way or a well-done plan must be

made in order to obtain the valid answers of the research questions. It means that the

appropriate research design has to be selected. In conducting this study, Classroom

Action Research (CAR) was used. It was designed to describe a condition objectively

and information concerning the status of phenomena of the sample. This study also

attempted to describe the analysis of improving the eleventh grade student’s

vocabulary mastery through Grammar Translation Method. The research design was

used to find out the result of “Improving Students’ vocabulary Mastery using

Grammar Translation Method at SMAN 1 Kalukku” using Classroom Action


Ogdan & Biklen (1992: 223) explain that action research is the systematic

collection of information that is designed to bring about social change. In addition,

(Cameron-Jones: 1983) defines action research as a research carried out by

practitioners with a view to improve their professional practice and understand it

better. In accordance with that Allwright and Bailey (1991: 2) mention that it is a

research centers on the classroom, and simply tries to investigate what actually

happens inside the classroom. It treats classroom interaction as virtually the only

object worthy of investigation.



The first definition refers to the general meaning of action research and the

second reflects the meaning of classroom action research since it can be understood

that the term practitioners used refers to teachers who practice and act in classroom.

The last, perfectly indicates the action and the practice will be done by teachers in

their own classrooms or issues on how teachers respond to learners’ errors, how

interaction occurs in classrooms, the feeling of teachers and learners during or after

the lessons, and so on.

Carr and Kemmis (2005:7) state that action research is a form of self-

reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social (including educational)

situation in order to improves (a) the rationality and justice of these practices; (b)

their understanding of the practices, and the situations in which the practices are

carried out. It can be said that an action research is a “learning by doing” action a

group of people or person (researcher), identifies a problem, does something to

resolve it, sees how successful the efforts which has been made, and if the result is

not satisfying, that group or that person will try again the efforts in the next action.

Action Research is a process in which educators examine their own practice

systematically and carefully using the techniques of research. Participants design a

research question, collect data throughout the year, analyze what they have learned,

and write about their findings. Observations, interviews, surveys and journals are

typical data methods that participants use to investigate their questions.

Applying the principle of an action research design, the researcher takes the

model of an action research proposed by Kemmis and Mc.Taggart model Aqib (2006:


23). Kemmis and Taggart state that the research is started by planning for an action.

Then the plan is implemented as an action in classroom and the action is then

observed. The reflection is done to analyze the data obtained during the action. The

action research consists of four main steps, namely planning, acting, observing, and


This research was a classroom action research that involved repeated

reflection, namely: planning, action, observation, reflection and re-planning. This

research was carried out in 2 (two) cycles, each cycles has four meetings.

Picture 3.1 Classroom Action Research chart

Cycle 1


Cycle 2



Action Reflection

Action Reflection




B. Setting and Subjects of the Research

1. Setting of the Study

This research was conducted in class XI of SMAN 1 Kalukku, which is

located at Jln. Trans Sulawesi, Kalukku sub-district, Mamuju District, West

Sulawei. The selection reason for SMAN 1 Kalukku is besides the location that is

easy to reach by researchers, also because researcher is alumni of the school so

that he understand little bit about the condition of the school and also would

make it easier for researcher to observe especially in terms of communication

with teachers and students.

2. Subject of the Study

Each person or participant in the study is considered as a subject (Brown,

1993: 48). The subjects of the study of this research were the students of XI

(Eleventh) MIA SMAN 1 Kalukku in academic year of 2018 – 2019.

This school has 32 classes from the X classes up to XII classes. The X (ten)

Class has 12 classes; 6 IPA classes and 6 IPS class, the XI (eleven) Class has 11

classes; 5 IPA classes and 6 IPS classes, and the XII class has 9 classes; 4 IPA

classes and 5 IPS classes. As the sample, the researcher took the 35 students of

Eleventh IPA 4 (XI IPA 4) of SMAN 1 Kalukku. In the Eleventh grade classes

, English was taught two times a week.


C. Factors of the Research

To be able to answer the problems mentioned above, several factors that want

to be investigated are as follows:

1. Process factors, namely seeing attendance, as well as how active students are in

the learning process through the Grammar Translation Method.

2. Outcome factor, which is an increase in students' vocabulary mastery after

carrying out Grammar Translation Method learning.

D. Research Procedure

Following the basic principles of research proposed by Madya (Muliasari:

2001), the action research phase includes 5 stages:

1. Exploratory Stage

The assessment phase or preliminary research is conducted to find out the

research stage and the subject of the research, so that the research is in line with


2. Planning Stage

In the planning stages, activities to reflect the beginning, define and

formulate the action plan, as well as provide direction and guidance to analysts

and peers about learning system

3. Action Stage

This action research activity is carried out in accordance with the type of

action research with a qualitative approach in which this research activity will go


through 3 activities. Each cycle consists of four stages: (1) the investment phase,

(2) the exploration phase, (3) the solution stage, and (4) the application stage.

4. Observation Stage

Everything related to the giving of actions, namely students (research

subjects) and teachers (researchers) during the learning activities will be

observed and documented. This observation is carried out comprehensively by

using observation guidelines.

5. Reflection Stage

Reflection is a series of activities in research that includes the activities of

analyzing, understanding, explaining, and concluding the results of observations.

Researcher and observers will analyze and reflect on the results of the action.

The results of this reflection become information about something that happened

and what needs to be done next. This information can be used as a basis for

subsequent planning.

This study was conducted in two cycles, procedures conducted research

consisted of four steps done in a repeating cycle. The four main activities in the

cycles were: (a) Planning, (b) Action, (c) Observation, and (d) Reflection. This class

action research procedure could be described as follows:

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning

The steps in the planning stage were as follows;


1) Examined the senior high school curriculum XI classes the first semester

on the subjects of English

2) Had a subject matter

3) Compiled leasson plans (RPP)

4) Created learning scenarios to carry out actions by applying Grammar

Translation Method

5) Made research instruments in the form of learning test results to evaluate

each end of the cycle

6) Made observation sheet to see how the condition or activity of students in

the classroom when teaching process underway

7) Provided or prepared media / tools that would be used in learning

8) Made evaluation tools in the form of questions arranged based on the

material that had been taught and paper sheets to evaluate students'

vocabulary mastery based on the material had been taught.

b. Action

1) The researcher for the first identified students' readiness to follow the

learning process.

2) The researcher together with the students discussed about subject matter

were thaught through Grammar Translation Method by:

a. The researcher explained more detail about the subject matter.

b. The researcher with the student discussed how to use the grammar rule

that had been thaught.


c. Students formulated it in a context.

3) Gave students the opportunity to resolve the issue in accordance with the

strategy that they knew either individually or with a group work.

4) Gave positive feedback on student responses and emphasized the concept

of the material provided.

5) Assigned students according to developed both individually and in


6) By provided motivation and created harmonious interaction between the

teacher (researcher) and students. Students were directed to solve


7) Recorded all events that were considered important during the teaching

and learning process took place in the observation sheet.

8) At the end of the cycle students were given a test of the material taught.

c. Observation

At this observation stage an observation was carried out on the

implementation of the action used an observation sheet that had been made

which includes:

1) Students present

2) The number of students who pay attention to the explanation of the

subject matter

3) Students who ask questions and responses

4) Students who can answer questions correctly


5) Students who appear complete the problem on the board

6) Students who are active in the group

7) The number of groups that have good discussions

8) The student who helped guide his friend

9) Students who ask other groups

10) Groups that can complete tasks or problems correctly

11) Students who carry out other activities during the learning process.

d. Reflection

The results that already achieved at the observation stage were

collected and analyzed. The intended reflection was an assessment of

students' successes or failures, and then became consideration for formulating

improvement plans in the next stage.

2. Cycle 2

In principle, activities within the second cycle is a repetition of the

previous cycle work steps that had improved and development tailored to the

results of the reflection of I cycle activities carrid out in this cycle spiral that

allowed the cycles were smaller cycles where in each small was an improvement

from the previous cycle. The second cycle took place during 4 meetings, with

details: first, second, and third meetings were material presentation, and the

fourth meeting were conducted at the end of cycle II and filled out questionnaires

to students.


E. Research Instruments

To obtain the data of this study, the research instrument was Test technique.

Tests of students' English learning outcomes were made at the end of the cycle

to measure the extent to which students' understanding of the material had been

taught, one minute paper was used to find out the vocabulary mastery of students they

obtained in the teaching and learning process.

F. Data Collecting Method

1. Test Technique

Tests were given at the end of each cycles, this test was conducted to

determine the success of learning after the implementation of Grammar

Translation Method. Judged from each cycle, from cycle I, cycle II had an

increase so it could be assumed that Grammar Translation Method in learning

improved students' vocabulary mastery.

These are some steps to conduct test technique:

1. The reseracher gave D-test to see how was the initial condition of the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. The researcher conducted the cycle 1.

3. Every ends of the meetings the reseracher gave student an assignment to

stimulate students’ vocabulary mastery.

4. At the end of cycle 1, the researcher gave a validity test to see wheter the

students’ vocabulary mastery improved

5. The cycle 2 was the repetition of cycle 1


G. Data Analysis

The data obtained were analyzed by using quantitative analysis.

1. Quantitative Data Analysis Techniques

This data analysis technique was used to describes student learning

outcomes in relation to the material presented by the teacher.

a. The value of individual cognitive learning outcomes individually was

obtained by the formula:


N = Searched value

R = Score obtained

SM = Maximum score

(Source: modification Purwanto, 2008: 102)

b. The class average value was obtained by the formula:


x ̅ = Average value

X = Total student value

N = Number of students

(source: Aqip, et al. 2010: 40)


c. The percentage of students' classical learning completeness was obtained by

the formula:

(Source: Aqip et al. 2010: 41)

Table 3.7 Category of student learning completeness

No Score Category 1 85 Very Good 2 84 Good 3 56 Fair 4 <55 Low

(Source: modification of Aqib, 2010: 21)

H. Indicator of Success

The indicators of the success of this class action research were:

1. If the number of students who achieve mastery learning has increased. Based on

the provisions of the Ministry of National Education (Syakir, 2007: 24), students

are said to have completed learning if they obtain a minimum score of 75 from

maximum score of 100. 2. If the student's activity in learning is at least 75% measured by looking at the

student observation sheet. 3. If students experience an increase in vocabulary mastery as measured by a One

Minute Paper evaluation tool.




A. Finding

1. The Improvement of Vocabulary Mastery of Students of Class XI IPA IV SMAN

1 Kalukku Through Grammar Translation Method

Observation of learning is used to find out the learning process of

students of class XI IPA 4 of SMA 1 Kalukku. In this observation process, the

researcher gave a D-Test to students to find out the extent of students

'understanding of English learning, especially how good the students' vocabulary

mastery was. From the results of these observations obtained an overview of the

learning process before the action was carried out. When learning took place,

most students were absorbed in their own play and some even joked with other

students, thus affecting the concentration of students' learning. The media and

teaching methods applied by the teacher were still monotonous, making students

felt bored and less interested in attending lessons, so only a small percentage of

students paid attention when the teacher explains.

From the results of the observations and the T-test given by the

researchers it was found that students' vocabulary mastery was still very low. only

a few students have vocabulary above the average student in that class, because

they take an English course.

44 45


a. The Scores of Validity Test I And II

Table 4.1 the scores of validity test I and II

Variable Cycle I Cycle II Improvement

Daily life Vocabulary 55.31 66.97 11.66

Based on the table above, it indicates that after conducted Two

Scycles learning activity through Grammar Translation Method, by giving

Validity test in the end of every cycles to evaluate the improvement of

Students Vocabulary Achievement, there is a different average score

between Cycle I and cycle II which is the Average Score of Cycle II is

higher than Cycle I, means that there is an improvement in Students’

vocabulary mastery . It can be seen in the table 4.1 that the average score of

validity test cycle I was 55.31. considering this result, the researcher

conducted the cycle II which better then cycle II, it can be seen from the

result of validity test cycle II was 66.97. There was 11.66 improvement in

the average score obtained by the students of XI IPA 4. The Improvement

was not really significant but it proved that Grammar Translation Method

could improve students vocabulary achievement.

2. Student Learning Outcomes in Cycle I

Data from research results on students after applying the Grammar

Translation method in English language lesson to improve vocabulary of students


of the XI IPA class 1 Kalukku High School students, then analyzed using

Quantitative analysis whose results can be seen as follows:

1) The value of individual cognitive learning outcomes

Based on the Validity test gave to the students in every end of each

cycles to evaluate the vocabulary that students have memorized or they got

during the four meetings learning activity. Scores that students got in the first

validity test were varied, the lowest score was 0 and the highest score was

76. In the fist four meetings cycle I, students got more difficult to answer the

test because their lacking of vocabulary, eventhough there were some

students who have adequate vocabulary but they still did not really

understand about its Grammar.

2) The Class average Score

Based on the acquisition of the score of each students then calculated

to find the average value of vocabulary improvement students of class XI IPA

4 SMA negeri 1 Kalukku, the results obtained was 55.31.

3) The percentage of students' classical learning completeness

Determined the percentage of students completeness in improving

vocabulary in learning English using Grammar Translation Method, analyzed

based on KKM 70.00. From the calculation results, it can be seen that the

students who passed are 10 students (28.57%) and students who did not pass

are 25 students (71.42%), it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of


the students of XI IPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Kalukku after applying Grammar

Translation Method is categorised as very low .

3. Student Learning Outcomes in Cycle II

1) The value of individual cognitive learning outcomes

Based on the result of Validity test I, the reseracher conducted Cycle

II better then Cycle I, the researcher explain more detail about the material

and its Grammar rules. As usual, at the end of Cycle II, students were given

the validity test to evaluate the vocabulary that students have memorized or

they got during the four meetings learning activity. The result showed that

there were improvement of score obtained by students, in the Validity test

cycle II the lowest score was 0 got by one students and the highest score was

92 got by Two students. In this validity test, the vocabulary mastery of

students were improve and they can understand when and where to use that

vocabulary in a sentences, eventhough there were some students that were still

lack of vocabulary and got confuse about the Grammar.

2) The Class Average Score

Based on the acquisition of the score of each students then calculated

to find the average value of vocabulary improvement students of class XI IPA

4 SMA negeri 1 Kalukku, the result was 66.97.

3) The Percentage of Students' Classical Learning Completeness

Determined the percentage of students completeness in improving

vocabulary in learning English using Grammar Translation Method, analyzed


based on KKM 70.00. it can be seen that the students who passed are 20

students (57,14%) and students who did not pass are 15 students (43%), it can

be concluded that the learning outcomes of the students of XI IPA 4 SMA

Negeri 1 Kalukku after applying Grammar Translation Method is categorised

as Fair category.

B. Discussion

Vocabulary becomes the most important thing to learn any languages. In this

case, English as a foreign language in Indonesia but it is become one the cumpolsary

subject in national curriculum that students must learn. In order to make students

easier understand what they actually learn in English subject, they have to master an

adequate Englsih vocabulary.

The research was conducted to find out the improving of the students’

vocabulary mastery through Grammar Translation Method. Grammar translation

Method is focuse on teaching Grammar and translating wich related to reading and

writing, but Grammar Translation Method is also can improve students’ vocabulary

by isolated vocabulary written on the board and Translating.

In this research, it focused on daily vocabulary, vocabulary that students

always use or find in their area either in school or house. Beside the vocabulary given

by the teacher, students also got some new vocabulary from the material thay had

translated and learn, it was proven by the one minute paper test, given at the end of

every meetings to see how many new vocabularies that students understand during

the meeting. The daily vocabulary that students learned during the learning process


such as: Accept, begin, burn, clean, dance, dig, eat, learn, etc. These vocabularies

were given in a list written in the withboard for each meetings.

This research had proved the effectiveness of implementation of Grammar

Translation Method. It was shown in the table of the improvement of students score

of the Validity Test I and II. It was because the researcher controlled the class better

and directly the students who were noisy so the class was quieter and also provided

more interesting activity in cycle II. The effect of Grammar Translation Method was

the students get more understand about The Grammar which is really important for

students, and got more memorable for the vocabularies because they were not just

memorized it but they also used it to made a sentence based on the Grammar rules

they learned.

Based on the result of quantitative data, the result showed that the students’

score invalidity test I still low, only 10 students got score up ≥70, it caused the

students still not understood about Grammar rules and their vocabulary were still

lack, they did not know how or when they used those vocabulary in a sentence.

In cycle II the students’ vocabulary mastery improved. The score was higher

and higher for each each cycles. It was proven by fact that the average of the score in

validity test II Improved. The average score of Validity test I was 55,31, in validity

test II the average score was 66,97, better than the average score in validity test I


Student who passed or got score up ≥70 in cycle I, 10 students or 10

(28.57%) and students who did not pass were 25 students (71.42%), and categorised


as very low. In the validity test II, students who passed were 20 students (57,14%)

and students who did not pass are 15 students (43%), and categorised as fair.

The results of the research showed the implementation of Grammar

Translation Method were effective could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.




A. Conclusion

Based on the results of research in SMA Negeri 1 Kalukku in the year of

study 2017/2018 and the author's analysis, it can be concluded that Grammar

Translation Method can increase student vocabulary mastery from the average score

of learning outcomes of 55.31% in the first cycle to 66.97% in cycle II meaning there

was an increase of 11.66% in class XI IPA 4 SMAN 1 KALUKKU. The future of

Grammar Translation Method can increase vocabulary mastery of students of class XI


B. Suggestion

Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that teachers and

prospective English teachers should be able to use or apply a varied learning model

and should be friendly and more innovative in teaching English language because its

difficulties students will easily get bored when they are learning English. as an

English teacher, they have to aware of the importance of vocabulary to increase the

strudents’ achievement in English. one the varied methods can be used by teacher is

Grammar Translation Method, although it is an old method but it can effectively

improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Grammar Translation Method is not only

can help studens to improve their vocabulary mastery but also it can help students to

understand about the Grammar.

5 52

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A.2 Attendece List

A. 3 Quantitative Analysis of Cycle I and Cycle II

Cycle I

No. Student’s Code Score 1 NF 0 2 AS 40 3 IB 40 4 AFB 44 5 Sb 44 6 Dm 44 7 RS 44 8 M.AS 44 9 Na 44 10 AM 48 11 Ad 48 12 HP 52 13 WK 52 14 DR 52 15 Sw 56 16 Sp 56 17 It 56 18 M.M.AR 56 19 SU 56 20 NA 56 21 Mf 60 22 Hn 60 23 AR 60 24 M.Is 60 25 Al 64 26 Uh 70 27 AN 70 28 FA 70 29 S.S 70 30 F.H 70 31 TY 72

32 ASA 72 33 Jn 72 34 CY 72 35 Rt 76

Total Score ( ∑x ) 1936 Average Score 55.31

Table 4.2.1 The Result of Validity Test in Cycle 1

No. Score The Number

of Student Succes Criteria (≤ 70)

1 0 1 Failed 2 40 2 Failed 3 44 6 Failed 4 48 2 Failed 5 52 3 Failed 6 56 6 Failed 7 60 4 Failed 8 64 2 Failed 9 70 5 Passed 10 72 4 Passed 11 76 1 Passed Table 4.2.2 list of complete and incomplete values of students

P = 10 X 100% 35 P = 28.57

Cycle II

No. Student’s Code Score

1 NF 0 2 AS 48 3 IB 48 4 AFB 52 5 Sb 56 6 Dm 56 7 RS 60 8 M.AS 60 9 Na 64 10 AM 60 11 Ad 64 12 HP 68 13 WK 60 14 DR 68 15 Sw 56 16 Sp 56 17 Iy 64 18 M.M.AR 68 19 SU 64 20 NA 64 21 Mf 76 22 Hn 76 23 AR 72 24 M.Is 72 25 Al 76 26 Uh 76 27 AN 80 28 FA 80 29 S.S 80 30 F.H 80 31 TY 92 32 ASA 88 33 Jn 84

34 CY 84 35 Rt 92

Total Score ( ∑x ) 2.344 Average Score 66.97

Table 4.3.1 The Result of Validity Test in Cycle II

= 2.344 35 = 66,97

No. Score The Number

of Student Succes Criteria (≤ 70)

1 0 1 Failed 2 48 2 Failed 3 52 1 Failed 4 56 2 Failed 5 60 4 Failed 6 64 3 Failed 7 68 2 Failed 8 72 5 Passed 9 76 6 Passed 10 80 4 Passed 11 84 2 Passed 12 88 1 Passed 13 92 2 Passed Table 4.3.2 list of complete and incomplete values of students

P = 20 X 100% 35 P = 57,14

A.4 Scores List

No. Students’ Code Validity Test I Validity Test II

1 NF 0 0 2 AS 40 48 3 IB 40 48 4 AFB 44 52 5 Sb 44 56 6 Dm 44 56 7 RS 44 60 8 M.AS 44 60 9 Na 44 64 10 AM 48 60 11 Ad 48 64 12 HP 52 68 13 WK 52 60 14 DR 52 68 15 Sw 56 56 16 Sp 56 56 17 Iy 56 64 18 M.M.AR 56 68 19 SU 56 64 20 NA 56 64 21 Mf 60 76 22 Hn 60 76 23 AR 60 72 24 M.Is 60 72 25 Al 64 76 26 Uh 64 76 27 AN 68 80 28 FA 68 80 29 S.S 68 80 30 F.H 68 80 31 TY 72 92 32 ASA 72 88 33 Jn 72 84

34 CY 72 84 35 Rt 76 92

Total Score ( ∑x ) 1936 2.344 Average Score 55,31 66,97

Table 4.4 Students’ score of validity test I and II

A.5 Validity Test

Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) the letter a, b, c, or d!

1. Rita … all day, and now she … so exhausted.

a. Plays, feels d. Playing, Feel

b. played, feels e. Plays, Felt

c. Played, felt

2. I … a glass of coffee this morning

a. Drink d. Drinked

b. Drunk e. Drinking

c. Drank

3. Yulia … Lasagna for her boyfriend, she … to his house now

a. Made, is going d. Makes, is going

b. Have made, goes e. Making, go

c. Made, went

4. Walking briskly for a half an hour several days a week can … the risk of health

problems dramatically.

a. Reduce d. Produce

b. Increase e. Strengthen

c. Exaggerate

5. Yesterday Nora … want to clean her room alone, so now her mom … her

a. Don’t, Helps d. Don’t, Helped

b. Didn’t, Helps e. Doesn’t, Help

c. Didn’t, is helping

6. Defending champion Serena Williams … a shoot to her sister Venus, during the

women’s singles final on the center court at the All-England Lawn Tennis

Champions at Wimbledon.

a. Defeated d. Defended

b. Returned e. Protected

c. Received

7. The family planning which has been imposed nationality has succeeded in

stopping the population growth. “the underlined words means”…

a. Implemented d. Struck

b. Dictated e. Established

c. Forced

8. “Karapan Sapi is a popular festival in the island of Madura to … an occasion

after the harvest time.”

a. Open c. Celebrate e. Entertained

b. Prepare d. Declare

9. The communication satellite is equippedwith radio receivers and transmitters.

“the word equipped can be replaced by …”

a. Supplied d. Related

b. Combined e. Operated

c. Organized

This text is for number 10 to 14

RA Kartini

Every April 21, people in Indonesia commemorate the Kartini day. It is a

beautiful day for the women because we celebrate the birth of great lady, RA.

Kartini. Everyone knows who Kartini is. She is our national heroine and a great lady

with the bright idea.

Kartini was born in 1879, April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her father was RMAA.

Sosroningrat, Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in Mayong. Her mother, MA.

Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara. As the daughter of a noble

family, she felt luckily because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got

better education than other children. She did anything she wants altought it was

forbidden. She passed her childhood with her brother and sister. Because she was

very energetic, her father called her “trinil”. Then her father was choosen as Bupati

(the head of regency) in Jepara. She and her family then moved Mayong to Jepara. In

the same year, Kartini’s second sister RA. Kardinah was born. The environment in

Jepara gave her big chance to developbher idea. She could study at the Dutch owned

school where only children from noble family could study here.

10. The antonym of “commemorate” is …

a. Celebrate d. Remember

b. Ignore e. Sorrow

c. Remind

11. The antonym of “heroine” is …

1. Male hero d. Drug

2. Felt e. Instruments

3. Criminal

12. The synonym of “luckily” is …

a. Surrounded d. Distributed

b. Happiness e. Enlarged

c. Changed

13. The synonym of “better” is …

a. Consequently d. Moreover

b. Similar e. Good

c. Besides

14. The synonym of “develop” is …

a. Benefit d. Think

b. Advance e. Improve

c. Carry

15. He supplemented his earning by taking a night job. The underlined word means

a. Reach d. Developed

b. Supplies e. Created

c. Added

16. “After the miserable experience, you would think that I had learned my lesson.”

It means that the experience is …

a. Enjoyable d. Not so bad

b. Fantastic e. Unhappy

c. Great

17. Don’t … before you try.

a. Pass by d. Call up

b. keep away e. Get away

c. give up

This text is for number 19 to 21

At present, aero planes are playing a very important role to … (18) one place to

another. People can go round the world just in a two days flight by the worlds first

supersonic airlines, concorde, which … (19) at height of over 18.000 meters and …

(20) a speed of cover 2.000 km per hour.

18. a. Disjoint b. Part c. Connect d. Separate e. Reach

19. a. Goes b. Flies c. Jumps d. Drives e. Sail

20. a. Cuts b. Continues c. Moves d. Reaches e. Limits

21. … is a line of words printed in large type at the top of a page containing a brief

summary of news

a. A little d. An Article

b. A feature e. An Editorial

c. A headline

22. “If a builder is going to build a factory, a lot of worker will have a good chance

to … a job.”

a. Observe d. Look up

b. Create e. Do

c. Take

23. To be efficient, we have to try not to put off doing our tasks.

The underlined word means …

a. Argue d. Delay

b. Debate e. Defend

c. Cancel

24. Many vegetables species, through careful selection of varieties, can be grown in

widely diverse environment.

The underlined word means …

a. Same d. Cold

b. Different e. Tropical

c. Fertile

25. The company’s finances should be strong enough to develop productively.

The underlined word means …

a. Fund d. Credit

b. Loan e. Envistment

c. Grant

A.6 List of Used Vocabularies

No Vocabulary Meaning

1 Accept Menerima

2 Allow Mengizinkan

3 Ask Meminta

4 Avoid Menghindari

5 Arrive Tiba

6 Believe Percaya

7 Become Menjadi

8 Begin Mulai

9 Bother Mengganggu

10 Brush Menyikat

11 Build Membangun

12 Burn Membakar

13 Borrow Meminjam

14 Break Mematahkan

15 Bring Membawa

16 Buy Membeli

17 Cancel Membatalkan

18 Change Merubah

19 Clean Membersihkan

20 Complain Mengeluh

21 Count Menghitung

22 Cut Memotong

23 Control Kendali

24 Copy Salin

25 Cook Memasak

No vocabulary Meaning

26 Connect Menyambung

27 Conclude Menyimpulkan

28 Concern Konsentrasi

29 Close Menutup

30 Dance Menari

31 Destroy Menghancurkan

32 Decide Memutuskan

33 Dig Menggali

34 Do Melakukan

35 Draw Menggambar

36 Drink Minum

37 Drive Mengemudi

38 Eat Makan

39 Enjoy Menikmati

40 Enter Masuk

41 Explain Menjelaskan

42 Fall Jatuh

43 Feel Merasa

44 Find Menemukan

45 Get Dapat

46 Hear Mendengar

47 Know Mengetahui

48 Learn Belajar

49 Listen Dengar

50 Live Hidup



Bahrum, was born on February 26th 1997 in Kampung Baru

Hamlet, Beru-Beru Village, Kalukku Sub-District, Mamuju

District, West Sulawesi Province, from his beloved father H.

Mahyuddin and dearest mother Hj. Mastiara as the Third child

of 4 siblings.

The education level taken by the writer started from SD Kalukku graduated in

2008, then continued his education to the next level in SMPN 1 Kalukku, graduated

in 2011, then continued to SMAN 1 Kalukku, Mamuju Regency West Sulawesi

Province graduated in 2014 . The author continued the level of education in Private

Higher Education in Makassar City. During his study, the author was recorded at the

University of Muhammadiyah Makassar as a student in the English Education

department at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
