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South Oxfordshire District Council – Planning Committee – 5 September 2018


Sue CooperAPPLICANT Mr TaylorSITE Land at Eyres Close, EwelmePROPOSAL


Erection of three dwellings. (As clarified and amended by drawing nos 833/PL-01C, 02C, 03C, 04C, 05B, 06C, 07B, 08C, 09B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B, 14B, 15B and 16B). Revision B drawing provided sections, increased the area of bank and re-sited dwellings. Rev C drawings remove wall on north boundary from the application area.Sharon Crawford

1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 The application has been referred to the Planning Committee because the

recommendation conflicts with the views of the Ewelme Parish Council who object to the application.

1.2 The site sits to the north side of Eyres Close within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and comprises an area of 0.13 ha. It is cleared of all vegetation and topsoil, setting the ground level in line with the level of the road in Eyres Close. Residential properties within Eyres Close are located to the south and east of the site; those to the south are set at a lower level than the road. ‘The Views’ is located to the north; Eyres Lane runs along the western boundary of the site, beyond which is open countryside.

1.3 The site is identified on the Ordnance Survey Extract attached at Appendix 1.

2.0 PROPOSAL2.1 The application seeks full planning permission for three, detached dwellings (all 4

bedrooms). Plot 2 and 3 have two access points to allow for better parking across the site frontage. Parking and manoeuvring space for at least two cars is provided on each plot. In addition two parking spaces for visitors are provided off the turning head at the end of Eyres Close. Sections across the site have been submitted to show the relationship with existing houses in Eyres Close. The application proposes the temporary removal of the bank onto Eyres Lane to allow for all construction traffic to enter off Eyres Lane rather than off Eyres Close, the bank will be re-instated once the dwellings have been constructed.

2.2 Amended plans have been submitted to retain the line of the existing hedge on Eyres Lane, removing one of the double access points on Plot 1 and re-siting the dwellings to provide a more spacious corner onto Eyres Lane.Amended plans have also removed the boundary wall on the northern boundary from the application area as a result of information suggesting the wall is owned by the adjoining neighbour.

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South Oxfordshire District Council – Planning Committee – 5 September 2018

2.3 Reduced copies of the plans accompanying the application are attached at Appendix 2. Full copies of the plans and consultation responses are available for inspection on the Council’s website at

3.0 SUMMARY OF CONSULTATIONS & REPRESENTATIONSFull responses can be found on the Council’s website

3.1 Ewelme Parish Council

Ewelme Parish Council still objects to this amended planning application unless various issues can be addressed:- (1) The Planning Inspector stated that the floor levels must match the original application, which they do not. The floor levels are now planned to be higher. The new houses overlook the existing house's floor levels. This has not been addressed in the amended application. (2) The hedge along Eyres Lane should be retained. (3) The bank must be retained. (4) The existing building line must be retained. (5) A rear mixed hedge should be planted to provide a soft border more appropriate to an AONB. (6) The scale of the buildings as shown is out of keeping with the rest of the Close, in particular their roof lines and widths. The planned new houses are wide and have 3 windows across (as opposed to 2 windows across which the existing houses have.) (7) The emerging Neighbourhood Plan will state that the village is in need of more affordable housing, for example 2 and 3 bedroom houses (not 4 bedroom houses.) (8) The houses are very large and have too large a footprint. (9) The new plans give Plot 1, one entrance for one car instead of two which the other plots have (and the original planning application).

3.2 OCC (Highways) Objection to original plans. Additional accesses to form in/out arrangements are not supported by OCC as they can cause confusion with drivers who are unsure which access they intend to use.Furthermore, given the proximity of the access on Plot 1 to the junction with Eyres Lane this will increase the risk to highway safety and to users of the highway.

In addition it is unclear whether the proposed post and rail fencing with new vegetation will impact upon the visibility splay when egressing Eyres Close.

Objection to amended plans as the in/out access to plots 2 and 3 are still proposed also concern that the parking /manoeuvring appears to be impractical for regular use.

3.3 Waste Management Officer

Advice regarding the provision of bins.

3.4 Environmental Protection – Contaminated Land

I have considered the application from a contaminated land perspective and have no comments. The application site was formerly investigated with no land contamination identified that would preclude a residential development.

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CPRE CPRE Oxfordshire South Oxfordshire District fully supports the Parish Council’s objections to this development. The district council must satisfy itself that the development meets the requirements as set out by the Chilterns Conservation Board Design Guide and fits in with its setting of its neighbours, the settlement of Ewelme and the Chilterns AONB.

The Chilterns Conservation Board

The site is within the AONB and we know has a long planning history, including the grant of an outline planning permission under reference P17/S3601/O in October 2017. We accept that the principle of development has now been established. To assist the LPA we set out the primary duty of AONB legislation and policy here as (1) SODC Policy CSEN1 Landscape at (ii) High priority will be given to conservation and enhancement of the Chilterns and North Wessex Downs Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) and planning decisions will have regard to their setting. (2) at NPPF 115 that, Great weight should be given to conserving landscape and scenic beauty in National Parks, the Broads and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which have the highest status of protection in relation to landscape and scenic beauty (3) Guidance in the AONB Management Plan 2014-2019 at policy Chilterns AONB Management Plan 2014 2019: A Framework for Action, which states at L1 that The overall identity and character of the Chilterns should be recognised and managed positively and in the Chilterns Buildings Design Guide which advises on landscaping that Hedges and walls are preferable to fencing and in open countryside hedges are preferable to walls and on the relationship of new buildings to the landscape that consideration should be given to the nature of the site itself and its existing landscape features and the scale and form of the proposed building in relation to the site and neighbouring buildings . The site benefits from a strong landscape element with the potential to create a strong hedge line above the bank feature. The need to enhance the AONB and be aware of its contextual setting lends itself to a detailed consideration of landscaping here and the need for a suitable condition and layout plan but also an acknowledged enhancement of that relationship.

3.5 Neighbours Object (2)

The scale of the houses, in relation to the existing properties, remains unaltered, despite one being reduced to a four-bed roomed property. It would appear that the floor levels of plots 1, 2 and 3 remain unchanged, thereby meaning the overbearing feel and overlooking of the houses opposite is unchanged. Viewed from the front lounge window of no. 4, this will be keenly felt and will be replicated in nos. 2, 6 and 8. Whilst the boundary between Plot no.1 and Eyres Lane has been restored to original line, we are concerned to note that the bank does not appear to be reinstated. We feel strongly that this should happen, for reasons stated in our original submission, particularly for the rural aspect of the Close to be maintained, remembering, that the site is in an AONB. We note that following the Highways response, Plot no.1 now has only one driveway entrance and can understand the reasoning for this. We are concerned that the remaining driveways should be kept as planned, in order to keep additional cars from parking on the road, adding to already restrictive parking within the Close.

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• Overbearing and overdevelopment - the impact of the (over) one metre higher floor levels together with the fact that the new houses are much closer to the road is unacceptable and detracts from the openness and feeling of space of the original Close. The floor level issue and impact on overlooking was covered in some detail in the original EPC response. • Even accepting the loss of the original open space, a more sympathetic layout would set the new houses back to the same extent as the original ones (even though this reduces the rear garden area of the former) as this would at least give some impression of space and reduce the overlooking effect.. • Very little regard appears to have been made to the fact the site lies within the AONB and forms the edge of the village against the surrounding countryside. The AONB designation gives the LPA powers to ensure new development should:- enhance the landscape; not detract from the street view (in this case a key entry to the village); should avoid an urbanising effect due to creation of hard edges; and should be sympathetic to the surrounding settlement and to nearby older buildings (in this case the C19th farmhouse adjoining). This application falls down on various of these points. • The removal of the roadside bank even with the hedge line replanted, immediately exposes the development to views in from the surrounding countryside and would diminish the feeling of approaching a village nestling in the countryside. The bank or small earthwork as it is, is sufficiently set back as to not affect visibility of oncoming traffic from the right (traffic from the other direction poses at least as much risk). Regular mowing would ensure visibility. • At the same time removal would create a hard edge and hence urbanising effect which the AONB designation particularly seeks to guard against. • The modern design of the proposed dwellings has merits but here the new houses themselves stand to benefit more from their location within the settlement / on the countryside edge, than they offer in terms of enhancement of the AONB and empathy with the existing settlement i.e. the Close.

3.6 Neighbours - Approve (2)

One issue, which we have been assured will be resolved, is associated with current visitor parking and the turning/backing area. The current application proposes that new residents’ cars can be contained within their own property with separate entrance/exit into the road. This concept is supported. In addition, the land behind the current visitor parking area is to be utilised as an enlarged area capable of providing additional visitor parking to ensure that additional traffic associated with the increase of three houses does not affect and preserves the necessary provision for current residents and their visitors and deliveries. The proposal in this regard is also supported.We can give this application our support because it has broadly met the conditions that we asked to be met at the SODC planning meeting which considered the original proposal for three detached houses in Eyres Close. Condition 1 - same footprint or less: The new houses have a similar footprint to the existing houses. Condition 2 - spacious and balanced layout: A concern is that the Close will not feel as spacious as before, especially with the overlooking of the existing houses on the South side by the new houses on the North side. Can this be mitigated in some way? Condition 3 - similar building materials: The new houses are being

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constructed with different building materials but we recognise that the design is sympathetic to the existing houses in the Close, and that the modern building materials would not be out of place. Condition 4 - visitor parking for 3 cars: We strongly support the design allowing room for the parking of four cars in front of each new house (and not on the road). We also support the proposal to increase the depth of the existing turning circle which will keep the two visitor parking places and also allow easier turning. It will also allow for four visitor cars to be parked if necessary. In addition, we strongly support the decision to connect the new houses to the mains services in Eyres Lane rather than trying to connect to the drain under number 8. There have been major problems with blockages in the past and this would reoccur with any extra demand from the new houses. We would also like to see the reinstatement of the banks and hedges along Eyres Lane after construction being made a condition of the planning approval. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the professional and open manner in which the new owner of the land has engaged with the residents of Eyres Close and his willingness to listen to their concerns.

3.7 Neighbours – Comments (8)

The existing houses No4, No6 and No8 Eyres Close are set well down below the level of Eyres Close. Any two-storey development on the north side of the road will tower over our house. When standing in our main living room looking out to road, the level of Eyres Close is at eye level outside. So despite the distance between the houses, the difference in heights between new Plot 3 and our No 6 is clearly not appropriate.

4.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY4.1 P17/S3598/O – Appeal against non-determination - Appeal dismissed (25/05/2018)

Outline application for erection of 5 dwellings. As clarified by Agent's emails dated 28 October 2017 clarifying transport and contaminated land position.

P17/S1599/RM - Appeal against non-determination - Appeal dismissed (25/05/2018)Reserved Matters application following Outline Approval (P15/S3649/O) (as amended by plan received 22 May 2017 increasing parking space dimensions and vision splays, and plan received 28 June 2017 correcting scale on plan, and as amplified by section plan across parking area, topographical survey and clarifying information received 10 July 2017, and as amplified by email clarifying tree buffer zone and hedging).

P17/S3601/O - Approved (19/01/2018)Outline application for erection of 3 detached dwellings. (As amended by revised illustrative drawing 799.OU.02A accompanying Agent's email dated 30 October 2017 showing potential visitor parking).

P17/S1539/LDP - Approved (30/08/2017)1. Use of land for open storage (Class B8) of any or all of the following: a). Topsoil - not exceeding 4000 tonnes in quantity to be held at any time.b). Material with similar storage characteristics of bulk topsoil such as compost, bark, sand, gravel, aggregates, reclaimed aggregates, hardcore and similar combined quantity of any materials under sub heading a) and b) not to exceed 4000 tonnes in total quantity to be held at any time.c). Any other materials, items or chattels capable of outdoor storage.2. Incidental or ancillary activity including

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a). Placing topsoil into bags including bulk 1 tonne open bags and other smaller bags all to aid transport and distributionb). Placing compost, bark, sand, gravel, aggregates or similar materials into 1 tonne and smaller bags for transport and distribution3. Positioning a fully mobile Portacabin, caravan, or similar site unit for use as a welfare/rest room and WC for staff and lorry drivers delivering or collecting topsoil and/or other materials to and from the site.

P16/S3587/FUL - Refused (20/12/2016) - Appeal dismissed (12/09/2017)Change of use of land for siting of up to five residential caravans (as amplified by preliminary contaminated land risk assessment received 8 December 2016)

P16/S2114/RM - Refused (05/10/2016) - Appeal dismissed (20/04/2017)Reserved Matters application following Outline (P15/S3649/O) for two semi-detached dwellings.


P15/S3649/O - Refused (20/01/2016) - Appeal allowed (23/05/2016)Outline application for removal of a stored topsoil, erection of two starter homes, restoration of north boundary brick and flint wall

P15/S0128/O – Withdrawn (08/04/2015)Outline application for removal of existing topsoil mound. Restoration of north boundary brick and flint wall and erection of 2x2 bedroom starter homes. (As clarified by contaminated Land Questionnaire received on 19 February 2015).

5.0 POLICY & GUIDANCE5.1 South Oxfordshire Core Strategy (SOCS) Policies

CSEN1 - Landscape protectionCSR1 - Housing in villagesCSQ3 - Design

5.2 South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 (SOLP 2011) policies;

C10 - Landscape FeaturesH4 - Housing sites in towns and larger villages outside Green BeltC4 - Landscape setting of settlementsC9 - Loss of landscape featuresD1 - Principles of good designD10 - Waste ManagementD2 - Safe and secure parking for vehicles and cyclesD3 - Outdoor amenity areaD4 - Reasonable level of privacy for occupiersG2 - Protect district from adverse developmentT1 - Safe, convenient and adequate highway network for all usersT2 - Unloading, turning and parking for all highway users

5.3 Neighbourhood Plan policies – Ewelme Neighbourhood Development PlanParagraph 48 of the NPPF allows for weight to be given to relevant policies in emerging plans, unless other material considerations indicate otherwise, and only subject to the stage of preparation of the plan, the extent of unresolved objections and the degree of consistency of the relevant emerging policies with the NPPF.

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The Ewelme Neighbourhood Plan area was designated in May 2017 and plan is in the early stages of preparation. As such, it currently carries very limited weight.

5.4 Emerging South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2032. Policy H16 and Appendix 7The Local Plan and supporting documents is being prepared for submission to the Secretary of State after which, a Planning Inspector will then be appointed to carry out an Independent Examination of the Local Plan. The Local Plan does not allocate sites for development in villages and instead devolves delivery of new houses in these locations to the Neighbourhood Plan process. In the emerging Local Plan, Ewelme continues to be a smaller village; in the absence of a Neighbourhood Plan a 5 -10% increase in dwelling numbers will be achieved through suitable development sites and infill development. The emerging Local Plan has limited weight at this stage

5.5 South Oxfordshire Design Guide 2016 (SODG 2016)

Chilterns AONB Management Plan 2014-2019

5.6 National Planning Policy Framework 2018 (NPPF)

Paragraph 11 Presumption in favour of sustainable development

Section 4 Decision makingParagraphs 54 - 57 Planning conditionsSection 5 Paragraphs 59 to 66 Delivering a sufficient supply of homes Section 11 Making efficient use of landSection 12 Achieving well designed placesSection 15 paragraph 172 (AONBs) Conserving and enhancing the natural


National Planning Policy Framework Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG)

6.0 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS6.1 Background. The site has a long and complicated planning history with a number of

applications having been determined at appeal. The most recent appeal decision dismissing schemes for a terrace of 5 houses and a reserved matters application for two houses is attached at Appendix 3 for information. The approved illustrative layout for three detached dwellings is attached at Appendix 4. The site has recently been sold and is now in new ownership. There has been one change in circumstances since the last application. It has become apparent that the wall on the northern boundary is owned by the adjoining neighbour, amended plans have confirmed that the wall is no longer within the application area.

6.2 The main issues to consider in this case are; The principle of development Design and layout Landscape impact on the AONB Access and parking Neighbour impact Provision of affordable housing Boundary wall to the north of the site Other issues

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6.2 Principle of development. Outline planning permission has been granted on this site for two different schemes;

1. For three detached dwellings (P17/S3601/O) on 19 January 2018. Illustrative layout attached at Appendix 4.

2. For two starter homes (P15/S3649/O). Appeal allowed on 23 May 2013:

The site and form of buildings now proposed is similar to the outline application for 3 dwellings already approved. The whole site is within the built limits of Ewelme, and is closely surrounded by buildings, and is largely characterised by the built scene, rather than extending into the countryside. The principle of residential development on the site has already been established and continues to be acceptable in my view.

6.3 Design and layout. The application is a full application and proposes three detached dwellings of a contemporary style similar to that of other properties in Eyres Close. The dwellings are wider than the existing dwellings in Eyres Close, but the gaps between the buildings is greater. In your officer’s view both the design and the layout are in keeping with the character of Eyres Close and are acceptable.


Extract from drawing no 833/PL-03C


extract from drawing no 833/PL-10B

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6.6 Landscape impact on the AONB. The village of Ewelme (including the site) and land to the east of Eyres Lane falls within the AONB. Land to the west of Eyres lane is open countryside but is not within the AONB. Paragraph 172 of the NPPF (2018) confirms that "great weight" should be given to conserving and enhancing the character and qualities of the AONB “which have the highest status of protection”. This reinforces the statutory duty placed on the council under S85 of the Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000.

An over-riding principle of the NPPF is that any development within the Chilterns or North Wessex Downs should conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the AONB and in so doing not result in harm to the special qualities of the AONB (para 11 and 172).

In terms of assessing the impact of the development on the sensitive landscape character of the AONB, the appeal inspector concluded on the most recent appeal (decision attached at Appendix 3):

6.7 The current proposal retains the spacious bank to Eyres Lane and the line of the existing hedge. Whilst the bank will be levelled during the construction phase to allow for access for construction traffic, condition 7 provides for the bank to be reinstated and condition 4 allows for a landscaping scheme to adequately assimilate the development into the surrounding area. I do not consider that the proposals will be harmful to the landscape and scenic beauty of the AONB and the proposals are therefore in accordance with SOCS Policy CSEN1.

6.8 Access and parking. With respect to highway safety matters the advice from Central Government set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is as follows:

Para 109. Development should only be prevented or refused on highways grounds if there would be an unacceptable impact on highway safety, or the residual cumulative impacts on the road network would be severe.

The term severe is locally interpreted as situations, which have a high impact, likely to result in loss of life, or a higher possibility of occurrence with a lower impact.

6.9 The highway engineer maintains an objection to the proposal on the grounds that two access points are provided for plots 2 and 3. Additional accesses to form in/out arrangements are not supported by OCC as they can cause confusion with drivers who are unsure which access they intend to use. The double access point onto plot 1 was considered to cause a significant danger due to its location close to the junction with Eyres Lane and this has now been removed on the amended plans. The double access points to plots 2 and 3 are of less concern because traffic speeds are low and visibility across the site frontage is good. The impact on the road network as a result of the double access points would not be severe in my view and a refusal on these grounds is not justified.

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In addition, a number of local residents support the provision of two access points as it improves the parking provision across the site frontage and means that parking on the road is less likely.

6.10 Neighbour impact. The most affected neighbours are 2, 4, 6 and 8 Eyres Close to the south, 16 Eyres Close to the east and The Views to the north.

2, 4, 6 and 8 Eyres Close. These existing houses on Eyres Close are set down below the level of Eyres Close. Neighbours have objected on the grounds that any two-storey development on the north side of the road will tower over the existing houses. They consider that despite the distance between the houses, the difference in heights is not appropriate.

6.11 Relationship between 6 Eyres Close and Plot 3 dwelling.

Extract from section plan – drawing PL-15

6.12 2, 4, 6 and 8 Eyres Close (continued). Three sections have been prepared showing the relationship between the proposed dwellings and the existing dwellings. At the closest point the distance between 6 Eyres Close and the plot 3 dwelling is some 22 metres; Between 2 Eyres Close and the plot 1 dwelling this distance increases to over 25 metres. This distance is over double the minimum front to front distance specified in the Design Guide and even factoring in the height difference this impact will not be unduly oppressive in my view. In addition, due to the orientation sunlight will not be affected.

Extract from Design Guide Part 2, Pg 46

The parish council and some neighbours have suggested that the floor levels of the new dwellings should be the same as those at 2, 4, 6 and 8. However, ground levels on Eyres Lane rise naturally northwards and digging the new dwellings into the site will

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appear unnatural and harmful in terms of impact on the character of the area in my view.

6.13 16 Eyres Close. The relationship of the proposed plot 3 dwelling with 16 Eyres Close is shown below and shows a 24.5m front to side relationship that is slightly off set. In addition the new dwelling will be set at a lower level. This relationship is acceptable in my view.


Extract from block plan drawing 833/PL-02

Plot 3 dwelling with 16 Eyres Close behind extract from section plan drawing PL-15

6.15 The Views. The relationship of the proposed plot 3 dwelling with The Views is shown below and shows a distance of some 23m back to front relationship that is off set. In addition the new dwelling will be set at a lower level due to the rise in ground levels northwards. The relationship here is very similar to that of the two approved outline schemes. This relationship is acceptable in my view.


Extract from block plan drawing 833/PL-02

Plot 3 dwelling extract from drawing no 833/PL-10B

6.17 Provision of gardens. Minimum standards for new residential development are recommended in the South Oxfordshire Design Guide and in saved Policy D3 of the Local Plan. In this case 100 square metres of garden area would be required for each dwelling (4 bedrooms or above). All three gardens meet this requirement and the proposal is acceptable in this respect.

6.18 Mix of units. There would be a net gain of 3 dwellings and a mix of units is required by Policy CSH4 of the Core Strategy. Three x 4+ bedroom units are proposed which does

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not accord with policy. However, the proposed dwellings will be detached and of a similar size to other Eyres Close properties so they will be in keeping with the character of the area. In addition, the outline planning permission for three dwellings granted last year was for three x 4-bedroom dwellings, which was considered acceptable at the time.

6.19 Provision for affordable housing. As the scheme proposes three dwellings it is below the threshold for the provision of affordable housing.

6.20 Boundary wall to the north of the site. Previous schemes have been assessed on the grounds that the brick and flint wall on the northern boundary of the site was within the application area. Conditions on the approved outline applications aimed to ensure that the wall was repaired and made good. However, it has become apparent that the wall is owned by the adjoining land owner and the application has been amended to remove the wall from the application area. In the light of the new information about the ownership of the wall, it is not possible to attach a condition to secure repairs etc to the wall. Issues in relation to the wall are a civil matter that will need to be sorted out between the respective parties. Details of boundary treatments are required under the suggested landscaping condition (condition 4 below).

6.21 Community Infrastructure Levy. The CIL charge applied to new build residential development is £150 per square metre (adjusted to £170.73 as per indexing figure January 2018) in Ewelme. 15% of the CIL payment will go directly to Ewelme Parish Council (in the absence of an adopted Neighbourhood Plan) for spending towards local projects.

A CIL payment of £85,705.09 would be required for this development.

7.0 CONCLUSION7.1 It is my view that the proposed development is acceptable because the principle of

residential development has already been established. The site is large enough to accommodate three detached houses and the associated parking and garden areas. The proposed dwellings are designed and sited in a way that is in keeping with the character of other Eyres Close properties and conserves the character of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The design and materials reflect the style and building materials of Eyres Close and does not detract from the wider character of the AONB. The site affords for sufficient amenity space and parking and does not result in a materially harmful unneighbourly impact to adjacent properties. Conditions are proposed relating to highway matters, materials etc.

The proposal is therefore in accordance with the relevant Development Plan policies and national planning policy and planning permission should be granted subject to the following conditions.

8.0 RECOMMENDATION8.1 To grant planning permission subject to the attached conditions:

1 : Commencement three years - full planning permission.2 : Approved plans. 3 : Schedule of materials required (all).4 : Landscaping (including hardsurfacing and boundary treatment).5 : Hours of operation - construction/demolition sites.6: Drainage works (details required).

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7 : Details of site levels to include retention of earth bank.8: Construction method statement. 9: Parking and manoeuvring areas retained. 10 : Vision splay protection. 11 : No surface water drainage to highway.

Author: Sharon CrawfordContact No: 01235 422600Email:

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