Application Delivery, Redefined Droplet Computing€¦ · Droplet Computing delivers a unique...


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Droplet Computing

Application Delivery, Redefined

Droplet Computing & Amazon AppStream 2.0 Integration Guide

Michelle Laverick October 2019


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


In This Document:

Design Goals ........................................................................................................................... 4

Amazon AppStream Architecture ....................................................................................... 5

Amazon Region ...................................................................................................................... 6

AppStream Image Builder .................................................................................................... 6

AppStream Fleets ................................................................................................................... 7

AppStream Stacks .................................................................................................................. 8

AppStream Workflow ............................................................................................................. 8

Step 1: Preparing to install the Droplet Container App (Administrator User) ................ 15

Step 2: Installing and Licensing the Droplet Container App........................................... 18

Step 3: Launch the Image Assistant. .................................................................................. 18


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


About This Document

Software Versioning:

Droplet Container App V1.1

This guide outlines the design and practical considerations of deploying Droplet Computing

container technologies in the context of Amazon AppStream 2.0. In the examples shown in this

guide we will use the web-based console provided for managing and administering the AWS

environment. For large environments where organizations are using Amazon AppStream at

scale, APIs exist for all the popular scripting and automation tools currently in use.

This guide outlines the benefits Amazon AppStream and its architecture for those unfamiliar with

the solution and builds acts solution in the context of Droplet Computing containers that will

lead to a successful deployment and guarantees the quality of the end user experience.

Adopters of Amazon AppStream and Droplet Computing are advised to engage with their

preferred partners and work closely with industry experts in each domain. This guide is not

intended as an exhaustive and complete guide to deploying Amazon AppStream, and

extensive online documentation is available from Amazon including:

Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide:

You can find the most up-to-date information on the Droplet Computing Web site at

The Droplet Computing web site also provides the latest product updates. If you have

comments about this document, submit your feedback to

Executive Summary

In the cloud-enabled world in which we live today, organizations are looking at ways to take

advantage of these always-on connected environments to deliver end user services. Whether

that’s to reduce costs by essentially using somebody else’s hardware, to deliver scalability and

increase availability, or simply to enhance the end user experience making end users more


But there is a catch. Given cloud-based environments typically run on newer hardware

platforms with the latest operating systems, organizations that have any apps classed as legacy,

even though in reality they are business critical and still very much used, these new cloud

environments cannot run these apps. Therefore, this stops any migration plans dead in their


This is where Droplet Computing, working in partnership with Amazon WorkSpaces and Amazon

AppStream technology can unblock any migrations plans.


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Droplet Computing delivers a unique container technology that isolates apps by locking them

inside a secure container. The container is made up of not only the apps, but also the OS

runtimes required for them to execute. Effectively the apps are now full portable.

Amazon AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed application streaming service. You centrally

manage your desktop applications on AppStream 2.0 and securely deliver them to any

computer or, in this case, an Amazon WorkSpace cloud-based desktop.

As the Droplet Computing container solution is an app, it can easily be delivered using

AppStream, allowing organizations to migrate to Amazon WorkSpaces and AppStream, taking

full advantage of cloud-based desktop services yet still delivering their apps. The key thing to

point out here is that with AppStream delivered apps there is no OS management required, it is

all about the apps.

In this guide, we are going to describe the process for integrating the two technologies.

Design Considerations

There are several things to consider when planning an AppStream implementation.

Design Goals

The goal of any good design should be to maintain and balance pillars of the AWS Well-

Architected Framework. Based on five pillars - operational excellence, security, reliability,

performance efficiency, and cost optimization - the Framework provides a consistent approach

for customers and partners to evaluate architectures and implement designs that will scale over


Operational Excellence: The ability to run and monitor systems to deliver business value

and to continually improve supporting processes and procedures

Security: The ability to protect information, systems, and assets while delivering business

value through risk assessments and mitigation strategies

Reliability: The ability of a system to recover from infrastructure or service disruptions,

dynamically acquire computing resources to meet demand, and mitigate disruptions

such as misconfigurations or transient network issues

Performance Efficiency: The ability to use computing resources efficiently to meet system

requirements, and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technologies


Cost Optimization: The ability to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest price



Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


The AWS Well-Architected Framework has been developed to help cloud architects build

secure, high performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for their applications.

Amazon AppStream Architecture

End users connect to the Amazon AppStream using a web browser that supports SSL

connectivity using the standard TCP 443 port. This ensures the WorkSpace is accessible from any

Internet access point with the appropriate client install the user device.

After authentication, the client connects to the Amazon Streaming Gateway that brokers a

connection to the Amazon Fleet. Amazon AppStream Fleets are instances that connect

securely to the AWS infrastructure.

The end users home directory is established by connecting through to Amazon S3.

For scalability, AppStream scales by adding additional Fleet members that can be added and

removed as and when required. They can also connect to other services such as Amazon

Relation Database Services (RDS).

This is shown in the following screenshot:

Amazon AppStream is unlike Amazon WorkSpaces as there is no requirement for a Directory

Service, although one may be configured if needed.


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Amazon Region

The first design consideration to undertaken is selecting the correct Amazon region for the

implementation. Amazon AppStream provides seamless applications to the endpoint using an

industry-recognized standard for remote display. AppStream benefits from the low latency

provided by a global network of regions created by Amazon. Organizations are recommended

to select a region that is in close geographical proximity to the target end users to minimize

latency between the endpoint and AppStream. Additionally, organizations need to consider

the compliance and jurisdiction issues to ensure the data created and modified by end users

conforms to their preferred data protection standards.

At the time of writing, Amazon AppStream is supported in 8 commercial regions around the

world. However, the service may not be supported in every Availability Zone (AZ) within those

regions. When creating the subnets for your Amazon AppStream implementation, you must

ensure that they are created in AZs that support the Amazon WorkSpaces service.

AppStream Image Builder

Amazon AppStream 2.0 uses EC2 instances to stream applications. You launch instances from

base images, called image builders, which AppStream 2.0 provides. To create your own custom

image, you connect to an image builder instance, install and configure your applications for

streaming, and then create your image by creating a snapshot of the image builder instance.

When you launch an image builder, you choose:

An instance type: AppStream 2.0 provides different instance types with various compute,

memory, and graphics configurations. The instance type must align with the instance

family you need

For more information, see AppStream 2.0 Instance Families by following the link

An operating system: AppStream 2.0 provides the following Microsoft Windows operating


o Windows Server 2012 R2

o Windows Server 2016 Base

o Windows Server 2019 Base

The subnet and security groups to use: Make sure that the subnet and security groups

provide access to the network resources that your applications require. Typical network

resources required by applications may include licensing servers, database servers, file

servers, and application servers

Droplet Computing recommends building Amazon AppStream based Windows 2016 Base.

AppStream Images building should be focused on functional user groups. For example, you

may build an Amazon AppStream Image for the Sales Groups and Accounts Payable Group.


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Held within the Amazon AppStream Image would be the respective Droplet Computing

Application (DCA) together with the appropriate Droplet Computing Image (DCI) that holds all

the legacy applications that the group requires. This approach is simple and scales well by

maintaining a one-to-one relationship between the Amazon AppStream Image and the Droplet

Computing Image stored within it. Once the Droplet Computing software has been correctly

installed and configured the AppStream Image be deployed the appropriate AppStream Fleet.

A single AppStream of Droplet Computing can be used to deploy many legacy applications

within the context of a single container, or alternatively a more granular approach can allow a

one-to-one relationship between the AppStream application and the legacy application

contained within it. Expressed simply, Droplet Computing supports a one-to-one and a one-to-

many relationship between the construct of the AppStream application and the Droplet

Computing container.

AppStream Fleets

With Amazon AppStream 2.0, you create Fleet instances and stacks as part of the process of

streaming applications. A Fleet consists of streaming instances that run the image that you

specify. The Fleet type determines when your instances run and how you pay for them. You can

specify a Fleet type when you create a Fleet. You cannot change the Fleet type after you

create the Fleet.

The following are the possible Fleet types:

Always-On: Instances run all the time, even when no users are streaming applications

On-Demand: Instances run only when users are streaming applications. Idle instances

that are available for streaming are in a stopped state

Organizations can use an Always-On Fleet to provide users with instant access to their

applications. Alternatively, an organization can use an On-Demand Fleet to optimize streaming

charges and provide users with access to their applications after a 1-2-minute wait. Droplet

Computing has tested both Always-on and On-Demand Fleet types successfully. The decision

on which type an organization should use is dependent on balancing the competition goals

represented by the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

Those familiar with AWS EC2 will be aware that an instance represents a highly scalable

approach to assign compute resources based on the demands of the given application.

Amazon provides a wide range of different Fleets in AppStream to allow organizations to

correctly size their computational needs. Droplet Computing recommends for physical installs of

our application a minimum of 2 CPUs and 8GB RAM. In our internal tests, we have successfully

deployed our software in AppStream Fleets that are smaller than this minimum. Selecting the

correct size of the Fleet depends on many different factors such as ensuring enough memory

resources are assigned to accommodate the Droplet Computing container's memory needs.

Failure to size these allocations correctly can lead to scenarios where the Droplet Computing

container effectively "starves" the Fleet of much needed memory. Successful sizing begins with


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


measuring your memory needs and then testing the applications deployed within the

WorkSpace. Ideally, this would be done by incorporating industry standard approaches such as

initially deploying the WorkSpace to a subset of users to gather valuable performance data,

before rolling out the solution to the wider organization. In our testing, we achieved acceptable

performance with General Purpose "stream.standard.large” instance types, which provide 2

vCPUs and 8GB of memory.

For a full outline of all available build and Fleet instance types consult the AppStream 2.0 pricing


AppStream Stacks

AppStream Stacks consists of an associated Fleet, user access policies, and storage

configurations. AppStream Stack provides streaming resources and policies for controlling

access to these resources. The streaming resources are made up of instances that are part of

an AppStream 2.0 Fleet.

AppStream Workflow

The Administrator can begin the process by first creating an AppStream Image using the Image

Builder. This effectively captures the installation of the apps you want to deliver with AppStream,

in this case that’s the Droplet Container App (DCA). The Imaging process successfully separates

the installation process from the user settings making the application portable and accessible to

any user while establishing the administrator preferred default settings. Once the image has

been successfully built, it can be deployed to the Fleet and associated with a stack.

AppStream Workflow for creating and delivering an app

Finally, the stack can be assigned to users that gain access to the AppStream through the web-

based user portal.


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Create an AppStream Image Builder Instance

Amazon AppStream 2.0 uses EC2 instances to stream applications. You launch instances from

base images, called image builders, which AppStream 2.0 provides. To create your own custom

image, you connect to an image builder instance, install and configure your applications for

streaming, and then create your image by creating a snapshot of the image builder instance.

In this guide we have already pre-built, configured, and tested a container image file that

contains the Microsoft Office 2003 Suite. This has been created offline on a host machine and

with the container image file then being uploaded to the Amazon S3 cloud-based storage


This image will be used in the examples described throughout this guide.

For more information and instructions on how to build a container image file, please refer to the

online admin guide that can be downloaded by clicking here.

To create the AppStream image, follow the steps as described in the following:

1. In the AppStream 2.0 AWS Console, click Images, select the Image Builder tab, and click

the Launch Image Builder button as shown in the following screenshot:

2. You will see the Step 1: Choose Image screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


3. From the drop-down menus under Choose Image, and the first drop-down box, click

and select the option for All images. Then, in the next drop-down box, click and select

the option for Windows Server 2016 Base, and in the final drop-down, for testing

purposes, select the option for General Purpose instance type

4. You will see the following image options displayed as shown in the following screenshot:

5. Click the radio button for AppStream-WinServer2016-09-18-2019 which, at the time of

writing this guide, is the latest version

6. Then click the Next button


Note: An AppStream 2.0 Base Image Version History can be viewed from this location:



Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


7. Next, we are going to complete the Configure Image Builder screen. At this step the

AWS Administrator can assign a unique image name, display name, and select the

instance type used by the image builder

In this guide, we found that selecting General Purpose with stream.standard.large was

enough for the needs of the container application.

To configure the image builder, complete the following steps:

a. In the Name box, type in a name for the Image Builder. In this example we have

called this DropletComputing-DCI-X_32-1.1-OFFICE2003v1

b. In the Display Name, type in the name for the image builder that will be displayed to

the end users. In the example we have called this Droplet Computing

c. Finally, click the radio button for General Purpose with stream.standard.large. This

configues 2 vCPU’s and 8GB of memory

This configuration is shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


8. Then click the Next button to continue

Organizations wishing to create a one-to-one relationship between the AppStream

launch icon and a single application in the Droplet Container Image, i.e. delivering an

individual app, should enter the same in the Display Name field as that of the app tile

name displayed on the container workspace view.

For example, DropletComputing-DCI-X_32-1.1-OFFICE2003v1-EXCEL to reflect Microsoft

Excel 2003 running in the container image, and just having the Excel tile on the container


In this example the single image DropletComputing-DCI-X_32-1.1-OFFICE2003v1 will be

used to reflect that the entire Microsoft Office 2003 suite including Word, Excel, and

PowerPoint is running inside the container image.

Next, we are going to configure network access.

9. On the Network Access configuration screen, we can associate the image builder with

a specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that will be used to deliver the application.

Critically, we require Default Internet Access to allow easy access to the Amazon S3

bucket used to hold the files that make up the Droplet Computing environment.

To configure network access, complete the following steps:

a. Check the box for Default Internet Access

b. In the VPC box, from the dropdown menu, select the VPC you want to use

c. In the Subnet box select the subnet you want to use

d. Finally, in the Security group(s) box, select the security group you want to use. These

options are shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


10. Finally, you will see the Review screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


At this stage, the Administrator can review the configuration settings before launching the


Create an AppStream Image with the Image Assistant

Once the AppStream Image Builder is available, the Administrator can connect to it and begin

the process of capturing their application installation.

In this case the app in question is the Droplet Container App (DCA) and the associated Droplet

Container Image (DCI).

To do this, follow the steps as described:

1. Select the AppStream Image from the list of those displayed. In this instance it’s the

DropletComputing-DCI-X_32-1.1-OFFICE2003v1 image as shown in the following:

2. Click the Connect button

3. You will see the following screenshot as you are connected the desktop of the machine

on which to build your image:

4. Once connected you will see the following user options to select from:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


5. Click the Administrator box to log in as an administrator

6. The AppStream Image guides the AWS Administrator through the application capture

process that comes in three phases represented by three different user accounts –

Administrator, Template User, and Test User.

The Administrator is used purely to install the software whereas the Template user is used

to capture the per-user specific settings. Finally, the Test Account is used to launch the

application and verify that the application settings have been captured correctly.

7. You will now be connected as an administrator as shown in the following:

The steps in the following sections describe the process in more detail:

Step 1: Preparing to install the Droplet Container App (Administrator User)

In this guide we are using Amazon S3 as the cloud-based storage repository. By using the Mozilla

Firefox web-browser provided inside the Amazon WorkSpace, we are able to access the

Amazon S3 bucket and download the required files. DCI files can be compressed using a zip-

style compression utility, but care must be taken to choose a zip format that is compatible with

the chosen AppStream Image Builder instance type.


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Currently, Droplet Computing supports the DCI-X image type for an Amazon AppStream

environment. It is a lightly loaded container with excellent compatibility for legacy applications,

and smaller CPU and memory demands.

Droplet Computing recommends that the administrator builds a custom container image offline

and tests it on a local workstation before transferring to the cloud-storage vendor. This process

ensures reliability and consistency and means organizations do not have to install software into

the container within the context of the Amazon WorkSpace environment. Organizations may

use either the .EXE or Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) package.

To prepare the installation of the Droplet Container App, follow the steps as described, starting

with copying the files required for the installation.

Connect to your preferred online cloud storage provider in our case Amazon S3, and download

the DCA installer, license file, and custom DCI-X image file. This is shown in the following

example screenshot:

By default, these files will be downloaded to the administrator’s Downloads folder. They need to

be relocated in a folder that will be accessible to both the Template and Test user for the Image

Assistant to work correctly.

It is recommended to copy the custom DCI to the C:\ drive, and ideally to a directory off the

root of the C:\ drive such as C:\DropletImages for example, as shown in the following



Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream



Note: The Application icons folder, droplet.lic and droplet_windows_1.1.exe files are only

needed temporarily during the build process and can be deleted once the assistant has

successfully tested the installation.


The administrator should review the permissions to the folders and files to ensure that the

appropriate users have both read and write access. As every user will be assigned their own

unique personal Workspace, and their own copy of the Droplet Container Image, this maintains

the one-to-one relationship between the image and the end user.

In short, each user is given their own unique Amazon AppStream with their own personal Droplet

Computing Image file.

Droplet Containers are fully stateful from an application perspective which allows end users to

customize the applications running inside their container. Droplet Computing does not

recommend storing any files and data within the container itself. It should be regarded as

merely a delivery mechanism for the organization's applications.

In this example, permissions are assigned to the built-in Users group. Organizations can configure

additional security controls by using Active Directory to limit access to the Droplet Computing

Image based on group membership as shown in the following:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


You can now install the container app and add the license key.

Step 2: Installing and Licensing the Droplet Container App

The Droplet Container App software can be installed and licensed in Amazon WorkSpaces in

the same way as an administrator would install it in a standard physical Windows or Linux PC.

For more details on the installation process and how to license the DCA, follow the link to the

online documentation


IMPORTANT: Do not open or run the Droplet Container App at this stage. Simply run the installer

and complete a standard installation.


Step 3: Launch the Image Assistant.

The next step is to launch the AppStream 2.0 Image Assistant. To do this, follow the steps as


1. From the desktop of the Image Assistant machine, double click on the Image Assistant

icon. You will now see the AppStream 2.0 Image Assistant screen as shown in the

following diagram:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


1. Click the + Add App button

2. An AppStream Open screen will now appear

3. Navigate to the location of the Droplet.exe file. This is the folder into which the Droplet

Container App was installed to, so in this example, using the default configuration, would

be C:\Program Files\Droplet\Droplet.exe as shown in the following screenshot:

Once selected the Image Assistant will present an Application Launch Settings dialog

box. This allows the AWS Administrator to provide other parameters such as a name,

display name, icon path, launch parameters, and working directory.

In our example, our full company name Droplet Computing was used for the Name and

Display Name boxes, and the Working Directory was entered as C:\DropletImages, as

shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


In the Icon Path box, you can click on the Browse button and navigate to the location of

where your app icons are stored

4. Click the Save button once you have completed the configuration

5. You will return to the AppStream 2.0 Image Assistant main screen where you will see that

the icon for Droplet Computing is now listed as an available app. This is shown in the

following screenshot:

6. Click Next to continue

7. You will see the CONFIGURE APPS screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


8. With this next step, the Image Assistant will request that the Administrator switches to the

Template User account. Click the Switch user button, and click on the Template User as

shown in the following screenshot:

9. You will see the following screenshot as you are connected as the template user:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


10. You will now be connected to the Image Assistant desktop as the template user. Just as

a reminder, the template user is used to capture application specific settings, so in this

instance we are going to configure the Droplet Container app with the relevant CPU

and memory resources, and more importantly, the container image that we want to

use. The container image contains the applications

11. Launch the Droplet Computing application from the Configure Apps screen as shown in

the following screenshot:

12. The Droplet Container App will launch

13. As this is the first time you have launched the Droplet Container App, you will see a

warning message pop-up saying No valid license found as shown in the following


14. Click the Yes button and in the Windows Explorer window that opens, navigate to your

license file

The license file in this example is stored in the shared temporary location created earlier;

in our case this was C:\DropletImages as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


15. Select your license file and click the Open button to select it and install it

16. You will now see the Droplet Computing End User License Agreement (EULA) displayed

as shown in the following screenshot:

17. Please read the EULA before proceeding and either click Accept if you agree to it or

Cancel if you do not agree to it. If you click cancel, then the app will close

18. Once you have selected a valid license file and accepted the EULA then the Droplet

Container App will launch with the option to start the container app as shown in the

following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Before you start the container, you need to add the appropriate container image file.

To add a Droplet Container Image file (DCI-X) to the Droplet Container App, follow the steps

described below:

1. Launch the Droplet Container App

2. From the Settings menu (click the cog icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen)

scroll down and click on the Image File option as shown in the following screenshot:

3. You will now see the Select Image File window appear as shown in the following:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


4. Navigate to the image file that you want use for this session and then click the Open

button. In this example we are using the pre-built example image that contains the

Microsoft Office 2003 Suite applications

5. You will now see that the image has now been added as shown in the following


With the container image now added, you can configure the resources you want to allocate to

it, starting with the keyboard layout.

1. Next, configure the container and the amount of resources you want to allocate to the

container from the host machine it is running on, starting with the Keyboard Layout as

shown in the following screenshot:

Click on Keyboard Layout and then from the pop-up dialog box, click the radio button

to select the keyboard you want to configure. Currently the container supports either a

US or a UK keyboard


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


2. Next, configure the amount of memory that is available to the container as shown in the

following screenshot:

To configure the memory, move the slider to highlight the amount of memory you want

to configure. There are several factors to consider when configuring the memory:

Only allocate the amount of memory required. Do not over allocate

If your host device only has 4GB of memory, then do not allocate all the

available memory to the container as it may have a performance impact on

your host device OS

Memory can only be configured when the container is powered off

3. The next resource to configure is the number of CPU Cores available to the container as

shown in the following screenshot:

To configure the CPU cores, move the slider to highlight the number of cores you want to

configure. There are several factors to consider when configuring the memory:

Only allocate the number of cores required. Do not over allocate

The max CPU cores supported with the DCI-X container image is dual-core

CPU cores can only be configured when the container is powered off

4. Finally, you have the option to enable Hardware Acceleration by clicking the on and off

toggle switch as shown in the following screenshot:

Hardware acceleration is only available on physical Windows and Mac host devices,

and only when running with the DCI-M container image. It is not supported with the DCI-

X container image or running on hardware that does not have Intel-VT support.

You have now successfully configured the container and it is ready to launch for the first time.


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


To start the container, click the Start Container button to continue with the configuration.

As the container starts up you will see it progress through seven different phases as shown in the

following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Once the container has fully loaded, you will be presented with the workspace screen from

where you can click on an app to launch it inside the container, as shown in the following:

It is recommended to run each application to confirm each one launches successfully. Ideally

more rigorous testing of the application should be undertaken offline prior to deployment in

Amazon WorkSpaces as part of the container image build process. Once you are satisfied with

the configuration, it is recommended you reset the Droplet Computing Administrator password

under the Settings icon.

To do this, follow the steps as described:

1. Click on the padlock icon in the top right-hand corner of the container screen as shown

in the following screenshot:

2. You will now see the Enter Password box as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


3. Type in the default container password of droplet$189, and then click the OK button

4. The password will now be validated as shown in the following screenshot:

5. Once the password has successfully been validated then the container will be unlocked

to allow you change the password

6. To change the password, click on the cog icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen,

and then from the Settings menu, scroll to the bottom to the Administration section and

then click on the Password option as shown in the following screenshot:

7. You will now see the CHANGE PASSWORD box as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


8. In the Existing Password box, type in the current admin password. If you haven’t

already changed it then this will be the default password of droplet$189. Then type in

a new password in the New Password box and then type it in again in the Confirm

Password box.

The password must conform to the following:

Must be at least 8 characters long

Must contain at least 1 letter

Must contain at least 1 number

9. Now click the OK button to change the admin password. You will see the following

screenshot as the password is changed:

You have now successfully changed the container admin password.


Important note: In this version of the Droplet Container App the admin password cannot be

recovered so ensure that you make a note of the password and keep it safe.


Now that you have configured the Droplet Container App and all its settings, the next step is to

ensure that those settings are saved. To do this follow the steps described:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


1. From the Configure Apps screen, click on the Switch User button as shown in the

following screenshot:

2. You will now see the dialog box from where you can select the local user from as shown

in the following screenshot:

3. Click the Administrator button to return to the main admin screen which is shown in the

following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


4. Click the Save settings button as highlighted above. You will then see the default app

and Windows settings saved as shown in the following screenshot:

The next step is to test the application.

Once the Image Builder has saved the default app and Windows settings you will see that the

Image Assistant is now displaying the TEST tab in on the user interface. This is so that you can test

the newly installed and configured app to ensure that it will launch and run for the end users.

This is shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


1. To switch user, click the Switch user button as highlighted

2. You will now see the Local User screen where you can select the Test User as shown in

the following screenshot:

3. Click the Test User button. You will now be connected as a test user as shown in the

following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


4. Once logged in as the Test User you will see the Test Apps following screenshot:

5. Click on the entry for Droplet Computing that will launch the container app. Start the

container and then fully test the applications inside the container image. In the context

of Droplet Computing, we recommend you load the core applications and launch

each of the applications presented on the Droplet Workspace view. Once you are

satisfied the container is functioning as expected, shut down the container

The next step is to optimize the app. To do this follow the steps described:

1. From the Image Assistant screen as shown in the above screenshot, switch back to the

administrator, by clicking on the Switch user button and then clicking the Administrator

button from the Local User screen

2. You will return to the TEST tab as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


3. Click the Next button to continue

4. You will no see the OPTIMIZE screen as shown in the following screenshot:

5. Click the Launch button

6. The Droplet Container App will launch. You will also see a message pop-up saying that

you need to wait for the app to finish loading before continuing as shown in the

following screenshot:


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Amazon AppStream


7. If you switch to the desktop of the Image Builder machine, you will also see the Process

Monitor running as shown in the following screenshot:

8. There is no need to configure the container app, or start the container as this has

already been completed in a previous step, so once the container app has completed

loading, click the Continue button as shown in the following screenshot:

9. You will see the app optimization process run as shown in the following screenshot:

10. Once the optimization process has completed, it is safe to delete the contents of

C:\DropletImages directory which container the installation files. Ensure you do not

delete the all-important custom DCI-X image

11. You will return to the Image Assistant screen and the CONFIGURE IMAGE tab as shown in

the following screenshot:


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Amazon AppStream


12. In the Name box, type in a name for this image using characters a-Z, -, 0-9, and _

13. In the Display name box type in the display name for this image

14. Finally, in the Description box, type in a description of this image

15. Next you have the Tags option. With this option you can add a tag to the resources to

help identify and organize images. A tag is made up of a case-sensitive key value pair.

For example, a tag could be something like key = Name and value = Sales Apps

16. Click the Next button to continue

17. You will see the final screen, REVIEW, as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


18. Finally, you can review your configuration. When you are happy with the configuration

click the Disconnect and Create Image button. This will close the session with the Image

Builder and initiates the build of the image

19. The Image will appear in the Image Registry tab showing a "Pending" status as shown in

the following screenshot:

You have now completed the image building process and have built an AppStream 2.0 image

for the Droplet Container app.

Create and Assign an AppStream Fleet

With Amazon AppStream 2.0, you create Fleet instances and stacks as part of the process of

streaming applications. An AppStream fleet consists of streaming instances that run the image

that you specify. The Fleet type determines when your instances run and how you pay for them.

You can specify an AppStream fleet type when you create a Fleet. You cannot change the

Fleet type after you create the Fleet.

To create an AppStream Fleet, follow the steps described:

1. In the AppStream 2.0 Console, from the options on the left-hand side, click Fleets

2. From the Fleets screen, click the Create Fleet button

3. You will now see the Fleet details screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


1. In the Name box, type in a name for this Fleet using characters a-Z, -, 0-9, and _

2. In the Display name box type in the display name for this Fleet

3. Finally, in the Description box, type in a description for this Fleet

4. Next you have the Tags option. With this option you can add a tag to the resources to

help identify and organize Fleets. A tag is made up of a case-sensitive key value pair. For

example, a tag could be something like key = Name and value = Sales Apps

5. Click the Next button to continue

6. You will see the Choose image screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


7. Click the radio button for the Droplet Computing image and then click the Next button

8. You will see the Configure Fleet screen as shown in the following screenshot:

9. Click the radio button for General Purpose stream.standard.large

Droplet Computing recommends matching the instance type to the same used by the Image

Assistant, in this guide that is General Purpose stream.standard.large instance that presents 2

vCPUs and 8GB of memory.

Droplet Computing has no specific preference for whether organizations configure the

AppStream Fleet to be Always-On or On-Demand.

With an on-demand Fleet, users will experience a start time of about one to two minutes for their

session. However, organizations will only be charged the streaming instance fees when users are

connected, and a small hourly fee for each instance in the AppStream Fleet that is not

streaming apps.

Once the session has been established end users will need to start the container. With the

Always-On Fleet type, users are provided with instant-on access to their applications.

Organizations will be charged for all running instances in your AppStream Fleet even if no users

are streaming apps. Once the session has been established end users will need to start the

container. The Droplet Container App will function in the same manner. Other settings such as


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


session details and AppStream Fleet capacity should be configured in a way that meets

concurrency requirements of the organizations and meets the objectives of the AWS Well-

Architected Framework.

Once you have configured the Fleet, accepting the defaults for the remaining settings, click the

Next button to continue. You will now see the Configure network screen as shown in the

following screenshot:

We are going to configure the network settings as follows:

1. If the Droplet Computing container needs internet access, for example, to access

cloud-based storage, then you will need to enable Default Internet Access by checking

the box, unless an advanced control mechanism is to be used

2. Next, in the VPC box, from the dropdown menu select which Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

is going to be used to host the AppStream Fleet

3. Once the VPC has been selected, you can select two subnets to control which

Availability Zone (AZ) the AppStream Fleet will run. In the Subnet 1 box from the

dropdown menu select which subnet you want to use. In the Subnet 2 box you can also

choose a second subnet to use


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


4. Finally, in the Security group(s) box select the security group you want to use

5. When you have completed the configuration, click the Next button to continue

6. You will now see the Review screen as shown in the following screenshot:

7. Check the configuration details and, once you are happy with the details, click the

Create button to create the Fleet

Depending on whether you chose On-Demand or Always-On, you will see the following boxes

notifying you of the different fees.

For On-Demand you will see the following message displayed:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


For Always-On you will see the following message displayed:

To agree to, and acknowledge the pricing models, check the box and then click the Create

button. The Fleet will now be created as shown in the following screenshot:

You have now successfully created an AppStream fleet. The next task is to create and assign

the AppStream stack.

Create and Assign an AppStream Stack

Once the AppStream Fleet has successfully started, we can associate it with AppStream Stack.

A stack consists of streaming resources and policies for controlling access to these resources.

The streaming resources are made up of instances that are part of an AppStream Fleet.

To create an AppStream Stack complete the following tasks as described:

1. In the AppStream 2.0 Console, from the options on the left-hand side, click Stacks

2. From the Stacks screen, click the Create Stack button

3. You will now see the Stack details screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


1. In the Name box, type in a name for this Stack using characters a-Z, -, 0-9, and _

2. In the Display name box type in the display name for this Stack

3. In the Description box, type in a description for this Stack

4. Finally, in the Fleet box, from the dropdown menu, select the Fleet that you created for

Droplet Computing in the previous section. In this example this is called


5. Optionally you can also add a tag

6. Click the Next button to continue

7. You will see the Enable Storage screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


8. On the Enable Storage page, you can configure the preferred storage location for users'

files. Amazon AppStream supports home folders for its own S3 Buckets, as well as Google

Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. Click the Next button to continue

9. You will see the User Settings screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


10. On the User Settings page the administrator can control the AppStream environment.

These settings are not automatically passed through the Droplet Computing container

and are subject to developments over time. The settings configurable on this page are

as follows:

Clipboard: For security reasons, there is no clipboard to or from the Droplet

Container. This functionality is under internal review at Droplet Computing, and we

are reassessing the optimal method which balances functionality against security

File Transfer: Droplet Computing contains an optional container/device share that is

by default disabled. In on-prem environments, organizations use mapped network

drives to gain access to their NAS based storage. In cloud-environments, this is not

usually possible unless VPN services are provided to together with technologies such

as Amazon Direct Connect. A modern application such as Microsoft Office 365 often

comes enabled for cloud-based storage. Cloud-storage vendors often provide their

own software to extend the core functionality of operating systems such as Microsoft

Windows, Apple Mac, and Linux. The DCI-M image supports these applications,

however, in virtual and public cloud environments where only the DCI-X image and

compatibility with legacy applications is key, these cloud-storage vendor extensions

are not currently supported.

Print to local Device: Droplet Computing does support printing from the applications

installed within the container. All that is a required is the appropriate driver and a

mapping to a shared printer on the network

Application settings persistence: The Droplet Computing container stores its own

settings inside the DCI-X image. Changes made to a session are committed to the

.droplet image file on shutdown of the container. Droplet Container App settings are

stored as text files with the .json extension as part of the user profile. Droplet

Computing has no special recommendation around this setting, but we don't expect

end users will customize the Droplet Computing Application, and admins may wish to

impose file permissions on these settings files as part of a more general review of our

Security Hardening Policy document or as part of wider hardening process of these

types of application delivery models

Settings group: This is a group under which settings can be grouped together and

deployed across different stacks to ensure consistency

11. Once you have completed the configuration of the user settings, click the Review

button to continue

12. You will now see the Review screen as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


13. Once you have reviewed the Stack configuration, click the Create button. The Stack is

now created, and you will return to the Stacks page on the AppStream console as

shown in the following screenshot:

You have now successfully created an AppStream Stack. The next task is to assign an

AppStream Stack to an end user.


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Assign an AppStream Stack to an End User

The AppStream User Pool allows you to create, assign, and manage user access to your stacks.

The AppStream user pool provides a simplified way to manage access to applications for your

users through a persistent portal for each AWS Region. This feature is a built-in alternative to user

management through Active Directory and SAML federation. To use external identity providers

for user management, see the following links:

Single Sign-on Access to AppStream Using SAML 2.0:

To join your Active Directory domain to AppStream 2.0, see Using Active Directory with

AppStream 2.0:


Note: Stacks can't be assigned to users in the user pool if the stacks are associated with a Fleet

that is joined to an Active Directory domain.


The AppStream User Pool provides the following key features:

Users can access application stacks through a persistent URL and login credentials by using

their email address and a password that they choose

Users' email addresses are case-sensitive. During login, if they specify an email address that

doesn't use the same capitalization as the email address specified when their user pool

account was created, a "user does not exist" error message displays

You can assign multiple stacks to users. Doing so enables AppStream 2.0 to display multiple

application catalogs to users when they log in

When you create new users, a welcome email is automatically sent to them. The email

includes instructions, a login portal link, and a temporary password for connecting to the

login portal.

After you create users, they are enabled unless you specifically disable them

You can control which users have access to which application stacks, or disable access


To create an end user, follow the steps as described:

1. In the AppStream 2.0 Console, from the options on the left-hand side, click User Pool

2. From the User Pool screen, click the Create User button

3. You will now see the Create User dialog box as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


4. In the Email box, type in the email address of the end user. They will be emailed and

invite with their login details and how to connect to AppStream

5. In the First name box type in their first name and in the Last name box type in the

surname of the end user

6. Click the Create User button to create the new user

7. You will return to the User Pool screen which will now show the newly created end user

as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


8. Check the box next to the end user that you want to assign a Stack to, and from the

Actions drop-down menu, select the option for Assign Stack as shown in the following


9. You will see the Assign stack screen as shown in the following screenshot:

10. From the Stack drop-down menu, click and select the Stack you want to assign to this

end user

11. Check the box for Send email notification to user box which will send them the detail of

how to connect and launch the AppStream app

12. Click the Assign stack button

13. You will the Success message as shown in the following screenshot:


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


You have now successfully added an AppStream Stack to an end user. The next step is to test

that the end user can access the Droplet Container App from AppStream.

Testing the AppStream Droplet Container App

When the end user was added and assigned an AppStream Stack, AppStream sent an email

containing their log in details as per the example email in the screenshot below:

Although this email transmits a password in clear text, at first logon the end user must change

their password. Once changed, a second email is sent telling the end user that they have been

assigned AppStream applications.


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Amazon AppStream


To login the end user can click the link in the email. They will then see their login screen as shown

in the following screenshot:

Once logged in, the user will see the Droplet Container App delivered by AppStream as shown:


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Amazon AppStream


Click the Droplet Computing logo to launch the container app. You will then see the following:

Click the Start Container button to start the container. Once started the end user will see the

workspace view with the tile icons for their containerized apps as shown in the following:

Once the user has finished working, they simply exit the container and logout of AppStream.


Droplet Computing and

Amazon AppStream


Conclusion and Summary

This guide has outlined the design and practical considerations of deploying Droplet Computing

container technologies in the context of Amazon AppStream, showing you how to integrate the

two technologies to enable organizations to migrate to cloud-based desktop services whilst still

embracing legacy applications.

We then went into the detail of how to build an AppStream image that allowed us to deliver the

Droplet Container App that then can be streamed to your end points, including Amazon


This approach enables organizations to embrace cloud-based desktop services and realize all

the benefits those environments deliver and still be able to bring those older, business critical

apps with them to enhance productivity and the end user experience. But, more importantly,

deliver a secure environment.

Adopters of Amazon AppStream and Droplet Computing are advised to engage with their

preferred partners and work closely with industry experts to design and deliver a solution.

86-90 Paul Street,




Droplet Computing Limited

Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 10536920

