Apple - 4th Week of April 2010 USPTO Published Patent Applications


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  • 8/9/2019 Apple - 4th Week of April 2010 USPTO Published Patent Applications


    US Patent Application Review Series


    Week of 22 April 2010 Issue

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    A few words from the editor

    A few words from the editor

    If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

    - Issac Newton

    If you want your views to be known, we now open this monthly review to columnists, bloggersand IP practitioners. Send us an email at and lets discuss how we canwork together. We also accept advertorial and advertisement placements.

    Structure of this review

    The Table of Contents is created based onalphabetical order of IPC. The patent applicationsare also sorted by alphabetical order of IPC. A briefdescription of each IPC is shown. We find that the IPCdescription could help deciphering the abstract of anpatent application. If a patent application belongs tomultiple IPC, the patent application will only be shownunder the section of first IPC.

    For each patent application, the following informationwill be shown:

    1. App. No. patent application no. it is uniqueto each patent application.

    2. Assignee this is owner of the patentapplication. If there is no assignee beingspecified, either the inventor of the patentapplication own the patent application or theowner of the patent application did not recordsuch information when the patent applicationwas filed.

    3. Title this is the title of the patent application.

    4. Abstract this is the abstract of the patentapplication. There are rules on how an abstractshould be drafted. Most patent attorneys like tohave the abstract based on the first claim of thepatent application.

    5. Pri. Date priority date it is the dateof filing of the first application of the patentapplication (a patent application could havemultiple application dates because of divisionalpatents as well as overseas patent applications).It is considered to be the effective date of filingfor the examination of novelty and inventivestep or non-obviousness for the subsequent

    application claiming the priority of the firstapplication.

    6. App. Date application date it is the date offiling of the patent application at the US.

    7. Pub. Date publishing date it is the date of thepatent application published by US. Usually, it isabout 18 months after the application date.

    Patent Index is a numerical sorted list the patentapplications appeared in the review.

    IPC Catchword Index is an alphabetical sorted list ofcatchwords of the IPC appeared in the review.

    How to use this review?

    For creativity stimulation purpose:

    quickly flip the pages and write down the pagenumber of the diagrams that interests you forlater review.

    look up the IPC Catchword Index and go to theIPC that you are interested

    For business intelligent purpose:

    quickly flip the pages and identify the IPC thatcould ring a bell

    study all patent applications belong to theidentified IPC.

    For engineering design purpose:

    quickly flip the pages and identify the diagramsthat may be similar to your work.

    click on the patent application link and visit theUS server for more detailed information of thepatent application.

    read the description of IPC carefully.

    if you are interested in IPC, compare the patentapplications belong to it.


    Patent applications are free of copyrights unless theinventor specifically stated so in the patent application.However, this review is protected by copyright law dueto the editing effort we have invested in. We hope youfind this review useful and would recommend yourfriend to purchase another review from us. Pleasedo not copy or distribute this review. This would bea violation of copyright law and reduce the amount ofrevenue we should earn.

    We hope you find this review useful. If youwould like to contact us or have us to develop acustomized review, please send us an email

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    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    A few words from the editor 2

    Table of Contents 3

    G06 - Electric digital data processing 4G06F 07/38 - Methods or arrangements

    for performing computations usingexclusively denominational numberrepresentation, e.g. using binary,ternary, decimal representation . . . . . 4

    G06F 17/00 - Digital computing or dataprocessing equipment or methods,specially adapted for specific functions . 4

    G06K 09/40 - Noise filtering . . . . . . . . . . 5

    H04 - Transmission of digital information, e.g.telegraphic communication 5

    H04L 09/06 - the encryption apparatususing shift registers or memories forblockwise coding, e.g. D.E.S. systems . 5

    H04L 09/28 - using particular encryptionalgorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    H04L 09/32 - including means for verifyingthe identity or authority of a user of thesystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Patent Index 8

    IPC Catchword Index 9

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    G06F 17/00

    G06F 07/38: Electric digital data processingMethods or arrangementsfor processing data by operating upon the order or content of the datahandledMethods or arrangements for performing computations usingexclusively denominational number representation, e.g. using binary,ternary, decimal representation

    App. No. 20100100947 Assignee Apple Inc.Title Scheme for authenticating without password exchange

    Abstract Aspects relate to systems and methods implementing a scheme allowing a Verifier (V) toauthenticate a Prover (P). The scheme comprises pre-sharing between V and P a graph of nodes.Each node is associated with a polynomial. V sends P data comprising data for selecting apolynomial of the graph, such as traversal data for proceeding from a known node to anothernode, a time interval, and a number k. P uses the time interval in an evaluation of the polynomial.P then uses the evaluation as a x3bb; in a Poisson distribution, and determines a value related toa probability that a number of occurrences of an event equals k. P sends the determined valueto V. V performs a similar determination to arrive at a comparison value. P authenticates V ifthe separately determined values match, or otherwise meet expectations. The process can berepeated to increase confidence in authentication.

    Pri. Date 20081022 App. Date 20081021 Pub. Date 20100422

    G06F 17/00: Electric digital data processing Digital computing ordata processing equipment or methods, specially adapted for specificfunctions

    App. No. 20100100212 Assignee APPLE INC.

    Title Efficient techniques for modifying audio playback rates

    Abstract Improved techniques for modifying a playback rate of an audio item (e.g., an audio stream) aredisclosed. As a result, the audio item can be played back faster or slower than normal. Theimproved techniques are resource efficient and well suited for audio items containing speech.The resource efficiency of the improved techniques make them well suited for use with portablemedia devices, such as portable media players.

    Pri. Date 20081022 App. Date 20091224 Pub. Date 20100422

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    H04L 09/06

    G06K 09/40: Recognition of dataMethods or arrangements for readingor recognising printed or written characters or for recognising patterns,e.g. fingerprints Image preprocessing, i.e. processing the imageinformation without deciding about the identity of the image Noisefiltering

    App. No. 20100098350 Assignee APPLE INC.

    Title Blur computation algorithm

    Abstract Disclosed herein is an improved blur computation algorithm. The proposed algorithmaccomplishes a blur of an image using fragment programs on a GPU. Alternatively, the blur maybe computed on a CPU through emulation or directly programmed. Modifications of the programare possible that accomplish motion blur, zoom blur, radial blur, and various other forms of blurthat vary across an image computed for the purpose of simulating depth-of-field.

    Pri. Date 20081218 App. Date 20091222 Pub. Date 20100422

    H04L 09/06: Transmission of digital information, e.g. telegraphic communicatio Arrangements for secret or secure communication the encryptionapparatus using shift registers or memories for blockwise coding, e.g.D.E.S. systems

    App. No. 20100098244 Assignee Apple Inc.

    Title System and method for stream/block cipher with internal random states

    Abstract Disclosed herein are systems, methods, and computer readable-media for performing dataencryption and decryption using a stream or block cipher with internal random states. The methodincludes splitting the input data into a predetermined number of blocks and processing each block.The processing includes creating sub-blocks, permuting the sub-blocks, replacing bytes using a

    lookup table, rotating bits, performing expansion and combining sets of bits. The element ofrandomness employed in this process allows for the same input to yield the same output, withdiffering internal states.

    Pri. Date 20081020 App. Date 20081021 Pub. Date 20100422

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    H04L 09/06

    App. No. 20100098255 Assignee Apple Inc.

    Title System and method for a derivation function for key per page

    Abstract Disclosed herein are systems, methods and computer-readable media to perform data encryptionand decryption using a derivation function to obtain a key per page of data in a white-boxenvironment. The method includes sharing a master key with the sender and receiver, splittingthe input data into blocks and sub-blocks, and utilizing a set of keys and a master key to derivea page key. In another aspect of this disclosure, the key validation and shuffling operations are

    included. This method allows for the derivation of a key instead of storing a predetermined key,thus maintaining system security in a white-box environment.

    Pri. Date 20070228 App. Date 20081021 Pub. Date 20100422

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    H04L 09/32

    H04L 09/28: Transmission of digital information, e.g. telegraphic communicatioArrangements for secret or secure communication using particularencryption algorithm

    Patent applications also belong to this classification and have been already shown:20100098255 page 6

    H04L 09/32: Transmission of digital information, e.g. telegraphic communicatioArrangements for secret or secure communication including meansfor verifying the identity or authority of a user of the system

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    Patent Index

    Patent Index

    Patent Application Page Patent Application Page Patent Application Page20100098244 5 20100098255 6 20100098350 520100100212 4 20100100947 4

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    IPC Catchword Index

    IPC Catchword Index

    Catch Word IPC PageACCOUNT(S) electric digital computers for accounting G06F 17/00 4BANK(S) -accounting computers G06F 17/00 4COMPILING statistics G06 4COMPUTER(S) G06 4COMPUTER(S) multimedia applications G06F 17/00 4DATA processing G06 4EQUATIONS solving EQUATIONS G06 4FUNCTIONS evaluating FUNCTIONS G06 4INVENTORY electric digital computers for INVENTORY G06F 17/00 4INVOICING electric digital computers for INVOICING G06F 17/00 4RESERVATION electric computers for RESERVATION of seats G06F 17/00 4SEAT(S) electric digital computers for SEAT(S) reservation G06F 17/00 4STATISTICS electric digital computers for STATISTICS G06F 17/00 4TOTALISATORS for electrically computing outcome of betting G06F 17/00 4TRAFFIC electric digital computers for TRAFFIC control G06F 17/00 4WEAPON(S) electric digital computers for WEAPON(S) G06F 17/00 4

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