App-ID Use Cases, Syntax and Attributes ARC-2015-1897R01-App-ID_Use_Cases,_Syntax_and_Attributes...


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App-ID Use Cases, Syntax and AttributesARC-2015-1897R01-App-ID_Use_Cases,_Syntax_and_Attributes

Group Name: ArchitectureSource: Darold Hemphill, iconectiv, dhemphill@iconectiv.comMeeting Date: 2015-05

© 2015 oneM2M Partners


• Overview of App-ID Registry• WI-0029 App-ID Clarification– New requirements

• App-ID Use Cases• App-ID Attributes• App-ID Format• Summary


© 2015 oneM2M Partners

Overview of App-ID RegistrySteering Committee App-ID Ad hoc Group agreed that a simple structure was required in order to quickly

launch the Registry. An illustration of the recommended structure is provided below.


Note: Slides 3 and 4 extracted from SC-2015-0018R01-App-ID_AHG_Recommendation.doc.

App-ID Registry StakeholdersThe stakeholders involved in the App-ID Registry include:•oneM2M Steering Committee, which will appoint Management Authorities.•oneM2M Registry Tracking function, which is an entity or role under oneM2M SC (e.g., Secretariat member) that manages the list of Authority-IDs allocated to Management Authorities and their related Registration Authorities.•Management Authority (MA), which is the legal entity that will supervise the issuance of unique global identifiers under given Authority-IDs, and potentially contract with an organization that will issue such unique global identifiers.•Registration Authority (RA), which is the legal entity that manages/administers the App-ID database used to issue unique global identifiers consistent with oneM2M specifications.•Registrars, which are legal entities that will directly interface with App Developers seeking App-IDs and can assign unique IDs.•Application (App) Registrants (AR), which are entities seeking to obtain a registered App-ID.

Note: Slides 3 and 4 extracted from SC-2015-0018R01-App-ID_AHG_Recommendation.doc.


App-ID in TS-0001-V1.4.0


7.1.3 Application Identifier (App-ID)There are two types of App-ID: registration authority defined App-ID (registered App-ID) and non-registered App-ID. The establishment of the registered App-ID is guaranteed to be globally unique; the non-registered App-ID is not guaranteed to be globally unique. The detail format is described in clause 7.2 (see table row extracted at bottom of the slide)

11.2.2 M2M Application EnrolmentThis procedure is an optional step that enables the M2M SP and/or M2M application provider to control which applications are allowed to use the M2M services. It assumes that M2M applications obtains or registers credentials to be used for controlling authorization with an M2M application registration authority (see clause 7.1.3). Each application identified by an App-ID is then associated with a security credential (M2M Application key) which can be used to grant specific authorization to access an approved list of M2M services. Such authorization takes place between a CSE and an AE as specified in the present document and the oneM2M security specification [1].


Absolute &Format-Designator

orRelative &

Format-Designator & Context

Format Rule of use

APP-ID App-ID Either “R[authority-ID]/[registered-App-ID]” or “N[non-registered-App-ID]” If the first letter is “R”, then authority-ID and registered-App-ID are assigned by the registration authority. The registered-App-ID is managed by the owner of authority-ID.If the first letter is “N”, then non-registered-App-ID is not registered by the registration authority.

AE Registration Procedure described in clause

WI-0029 App-ID Clarification

• Proposes a work item to clarify App-ID and its use within TS-0001, TS-0003 and TS-0004.

• Propose the following new requirements for TS-0002– MGR-x The App-ID shall identify an application

and software version and include required information upon registration

– MGR-x The App-ID shall be associated to an Application Registrant


App-ID Use CasesRegistry for oneM2M Applications•Enable identification of application code / purpose when registering an application entity for M2M ServiceRegistry for oneM2M Service Providers•Enable M2M Service Providers to keep control of the applications that are trusted to access their system e.g. revoke access to applications found to misbehave– Enumerate allowed App-IDs – allowedApp-IDs– Wildcards matching against allowedApp-IDs e.g., allow all

software versions for base App-ID


© 2015 oneM2M Partners

Registry for oneM2M Community•Query by App-ID to discover application name, developer and software version•Query by application name to find App-ID, developer and software versions•Query by application description to discover App-IDs, application names and developers of applicationsRegistry for oneM2M Developers•Register App-IDs for new standalone or embedded application and their versions•Update App-ID attributes to keep the registry information up to date

Network Service Layer

Common Services Layer

oneM2M Solution


Application Layer

App-ID Registry Use Cases

App-ID Proposal• Didn’t find a length restriction for App-ID although

generally shorter is better• App-ID is our focus, but we can reuse appName as

defined in TS-0001• App-ID format is defined as

Either “R[authority-ID]/[registered-App-ID]” or “N[non-registered-App-ID]” – Is there any latitude?


© 2015 oneM2M Partners

App-ID Requirements1. Registered App-IDs shall be unique2. All content in the Registry will be in English3. App-ID required fields shall be provided upon registration by all

registrarsa) Application Name – name of the oneM2M applicationb) Application Description – short description of the oneM2M applicationc) Application Version – oneM2M application version identifier e.g., 2.2.4d) Application Registrant – name of the company, organization or individual

which registers the application (see next slide)e) Application Status – oneM2M application status: Alpha, Beta, General

Availability, End of Life4. App-ID optional fields to be determined by individual registrars

a) Application Home page – URL of Application to learn moreb) Application Store page – URL where application can be purchased or

downloadedc) Other fields – additional fields at the option of the Registration Authority


© 2015 oneM2M Partners

Required Attributes for App-ID

Application Registrant Issues1. Application Registrant is a Company (IBM),

Group (oneM2M) or Individual which registers an application to get an App-ID

2. Registry users will be associated to Application Registrants

3. Only registry users associated with an Application Registrant can create and version an App-ID and update attributes for the Application Registrant


Proposed App-ID Format




Notes: appName is defined in TS-0001 as: The name of the application, as declared by the application developer (e.g., "HeatingMonitoring") p. 114.


App-ID Format• appType – short identifier that indicates the “primary”

function of the application as selected by the Application Registrant . See next slide on proposed initial values of appTypes

• appName – Application Name with spaces removed e.g., “Smart City Controller, 2.2.4” becomes SmartCityController

• sequenceNo – sequence number of the registered application – corresponds to the version number e.g., v 2.3.1 could be sequenceNo 7

• whiteLabel – optional value used to distinguish applications differentiated only by configuration for a particular customer


Example Initial appType Values


Function appType DescriptionAnalysis ANLYS Analysis of information

Data Store DATST Amass and manage information repositories of information

Integration INTEG Involved in integrating information from different sources

Processor PROC Sum, tabulate, consolidate larger numbers of inputs into summarized information

Management MGMT Concerned with the oversight and management of other nodes

Monitor MONTR Monitor the function of the oneM2M network

Security SECUR Authorize and authenticate oneM2M communications

Sensor SENSR Report the value of one or more attributes

Non-registered NREG Non-registered App-ID – not available in a public App-ID registry. May be available in a private company registry

App-ID Proposal Comparison• Assume Application Name is HeatingMonitor – example

appName from TS-0001• Even though non-regulated, assume try to follow same

general pattern as regulated


Source Registered? Format Example

TS-0001 Yes R[authority-ID]/[registered-App-ID] RA1/HeatingMonitor

No N[non-registered-App-ID] NHeatingMonitor


Yes R[reverse DNS domain order].[appName] Rcom.example.hems.HeatingMonitor

No N[reverse DNS domain order].[appName] Ncom.example.hems.HeatingMonitor


Yes [appType]-[appName]-[sequenceNo] SENS-HeatingMonitor-7

No NREG-[appName]-[sequenceNo] NREG-HeatingMonitor-7


• Initial proposal for App-ID attributes and code format – WI-0029 effort is targeted to close by TP 18

• An initial draft of App-ID recommendations is contained in related contribution to TS-0002 – ARC-2015-1898

• It is understood that additional concepts and issues may arise as the result of this overview


Backup Slides


Registration Authority IDs?In establishing the initial App-ID Registry, the opportunity must be allowed for multiple Management Authorities and Registration Authorities. As a result, it is recommended that oneM2M (e.g., Secretariat member, Legal Subcommittee) tracks from the very beginning a list of Management Authorities together with their related Registration Authorities and allocated Authority IDs. An example of such a list can be as follows:


ManagementAuthority (MA)

Registration Authority (RA) RA-ID RA Point of contact RA Internet Point of entry










