Apostolic Church Apostolic Fathers Church Councils Church History Ca. 30AD590 AD1517 AD Golden Age...


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Apostolic Church

Apostolic Fathers

Church Councils

Church History

Ca. 30AD 590 AD 1517 AD

Golden Age of Church Fathers

Reformation & Counter Reformation

Rationalism, Revivalism, & Denominationalism

Revivalism, Missions, & Modernism


Ancient Church History Medieval Church History Modern Church History

The Pre-Reformers

The First Medieval Pope

The Rise of the Holy Rom Emp

The Crusades

The Papacy in Decline

“Rise Up & Shout”

The Black Church in America


I. Slavery in America

A. Coming of the slaves

1619 Dutch ship at Jamestown

Samuel Sewell The Selling of JosephJohn Wolman and the Society of FriendsJonathan Edwards, Jr. (Mt. 7:14)




John Elliot Cotton Mather

1. No soul; less than human2. Awkward to have slave as brother3. Couldn’t work on Sabbath!4. “Free in Christ” equals “free man”

D. CONVERSION OF THE SLAVES1. First Great Awakening

Samuel DaviesGeorge Whitefield

“He prayed that grace in ev’ry heart might dwell,

He longed to see America excell:

Take him, ye Africans, he longs for you,

‘Impartial Savior’ is his title due;

Washed in the fountain of redeeming blood,

You shall be sons, and kings, and priests to God.”

“Nearly 50 Negroes came to give me thanks for what God had done to their souls”

Phillis Wheatley

“slaves were given the resources for constructing their own slave religion in evangelical terms that eventually led to the creation of an autonomous black church” (Stout, The Divine Dramatist, 218)



Late 18th and early 19th centuries “The Dawn of a New Day”

How did this happen?

Carter Woodson “The History of the Black Church”

Methodist: 1783 (3,200) 1819 (32,000)

Baptists: 1790 (14,000) 1817 (40,000+)

II. White Missions to Blacks

Charles C. Jones

“The Apostle to the Negro Slaves”

“The religious instruction of our servants is a duty. Any man with a conscience may be made to feel it. It can be discharged…it must be discharged” (emphasis author)

John Girardeau (1825-1898)

Zion Presbyterian Church

How do we sum up our views of the white Southern preacher?

III. The Invisible Institution ‘the secret black church in the South’

Albert Raboteau

“White fo’ks have deir servic in de mornin’, an’ de (negroes) have deirs in de evenin’, a’ter dey clean up, wash de dishes, an’ look a’ter everything… .Ya’ see (negroes), lack (like) ta shout a whole lot, an’ wid de white fo’ks al’round ‘em, dey couldn’t shout jes’ lack dey want to”

Sarah Fitzpatrick, Alabama slave

Private “hush meetings”

Public camp meetings

Greatest gift: Spirituals

IV. Black Baptist Churches in the South

George Liele (c. 1750-1825/28)

Silver Bluff, SC 1773/74

First African American Baptist Church, Savannah 1778

Savannah First African Baptist Church

1783 Jamaica

Ethiopian Baptist Church

Andrew Bryan (1737-1812)

John C Jasper


V. Methodist/Richard Allen (1760-1831)

Bethel M. E. Church, 1794

1815 – African Methodist Episcopal Church

Daniel Payne

Lemuel Haynes

