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‘Plumb line scribe’: using multimedia to preserve traditional craft skills

LASSEN, Ulrik Hjort and WOOD, Nicola

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LASSEN, Ulrik Hjort and WOOD, Nicola (2013). ‘Plumb line scribe’: using multimedia to preserve traditional craft skills. Craft Research Journal, 4 (1), 31-52.

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‘Plumb line scribe’: Using multimedia to preserve traditional craft skills

Ulrik Hjort Lassen, Göteborg University

Nicola Wood, Sheffield Hallam University


The skills required in craft practice involve a high degree of tacit knowledge which is

frequently difficult for the craft expert to articulate. N. Wood, a multimedia designer, has

undertaken extensive research over the last ten years seeking to understand the

knowledge of skilled craftsmen and find methods of capturing and passing it on. She has

developed an elicitation strategy that employs an expert learner to uncover the skilled

knowledge of master craftsmen, and a transmission strategy based on the concept of

bridges to assist the design of learning resources for novices. U. H. Lassen has used the

techniques developed by Wood to record and transmit the skilled knowledge needed to

make timber-framed buildings, knowledge that today is in danger of being lost. The focus

of the study has been the procedure for scribing timbers, which is a central part of the

building process. The aim of the research was to investigate the possibility of combining

the two roles defined in Wood’s research as an expert learner and designer. Being a

skilled carpenter, Lassen has acted as an expert learner, learning the skills of scribing

through a combination of researching existing documentation, working with master

craftsmen and his own experimentation. At the same time, he developed and tested a

multimedia learning resource to provide ‘bridges’ for new learners to this knowledge.

The outcome of the application of Wood’s elicitation and transmission strategy to plumb

Formatted: English (U.S.)


line scribing is a demonstration of the transferability of Wood’s methods within this new

context. This is important because it reveals the potential for other craft practitioners to

apply Wood’s methods to their own learning and teaching, and produce learning

resources to provide bridges to their craft knowledge and preserve their unique skills.




tacit knowledge



timber framing


plumb line

Introduction and theoretical background

Today many traditional craft skills are in danger of being lost because traditional craft

knowledge is taught less and less, and the transmission of this knowledge is dependent on

its practice. This is because craft skills involve a high degree of tacit knowledge and the

principles governing a craft practitioners’ actions are often only known through their


undertaking those actions (Polanyi [1966] 1983: 17). The result is that it is frequently

difficult for a craft expert to articulate their knowledge, and learners must gain it

experientially through undertaking the actions, absorbing the underlying principles by

extension of performing these actions. M. Polanyi ([1966] 1983: 30) describes the means

by which such knowledge was learned as a process of indwelling: the novice seeks to

dwell in the actions of the expert through observing them and taking action to imitate


However, N. Wood (2006: 126) observed that, at an early stage of learning, it is difficult

for a novice craft practitioner to observe and imitate successfully without additional

instruction. According to Polanyi, the difference between the skill of a novice practitioner

and that of an expert is ‘a gap to be bridged by an intelligent effort’ ([1966] 1983: 6).

Wood (2006) proposed a model for developing learning materials, which provides the

novice with such ‘bridges’ in the form of relatively simple and explicit task descriptions

(Figure 1). These are not an encapsulation of the expert’s knowledge but provide a bridge

sufficient for the novice to move on in their development and approach a level where

they can engage directly by dwelling in the knowledge of the expert.

Figure 1: Bridges across the knowledge gap between novice and expert.

The learning resource format developed by Wood (2006) supports learners by initially

using these ‘bridges’ to provide very explicit instructions, enabling novice learners to

gain a positive experience of a way to undertake the procedure. This provides them with

key skills and ways of correcting common errors. As they become more confident and

their critical ability develops, the focus of their attention gradually moves from the

explicit instructions to the video of the craft expert for which they can increasingly form


their own interpretation. In addition, an elicitation strategy was developed to overcome

the difficulty that many craft masters had in questioning their own understanding of their

skills (Wood et al. 2009). This involves the use of an ‘expert learner’ who has the ability

to learn new skills from the expert with minimal instruction (Figure 2). With their

knowledge being recently acquired and their being consciously engaged with the

elicitation process, the expert learner is able to rapidly adapt their understanding of it and

create effective bridges to improve transmission to the learners.

Figure 2: Bridges across the knowledge gap between expert learner and novice learners.

Following Wood’s model, the aim of this study was the creation of a learning resource

that would enable U. H. Lassen to record and transmit the timber framing working

methods to provide novices with ‘bridges’. Lassen adapted Wood’s elicitation strategy to

suit the particular circumstances of his research, demonstrating transferability of the

technique. He acted both as an expert learner and as a designer of the learning resource in

the research. He first acquired the basic knowledge from a number of workshops in

France and England, and second from studying a series of texts on the subject. In this

manner he was taught by more than one expert giving him more options and different

tools for solving the specific problems in the different stages of the building process.

Second, he constructed and tested the learning resources himself rather than acting as

intermediary between the expert and designer as in Wood’s research. This article first

describes the creation of the multimedia learning resource of a scribing method for

timber-framed constructions; the second part describes the application and testing of the

resource in two workshops with learners with different levels of carpentry experience.


Timber framing

Timber-framed buildings are found all over the world (Vellinga et al. 2007: 30). Wood is

a light material and can be used under both compression and tension, in contrast to stone

and brick, which can only work under compression. Timber has therefore long been used

to make shelters, and timber-framed constructions have been developed to bridge large

spans such as bridges across rivers or roof constructions in cathedrals and other buildings

with large rooms (Figure 3).

Figure 3: The interior construction of the fifteenth-century timber-framed barn in Aclou,

Normandy, France. Photo: Ulrik Hjort Lassen.

Within the process of building timber-framed constructions there are many different

procedures involved, such as the design and layout, handling the material, scribing the

timbers, cutting the joinery, boring for and producing pegs, marking the timbers and

raising the frames (Lassen 2007: 20; Rower 2011). Within and between these procedures,

there is a great diversity of decisions to be made depending on the type of construction,

the structural behaviour, the quality of the timbers, the tools at hand, the workplace

arrangements among other things.

The knowledge of how to build timber-framed constructions is of great value in the

preservation and restoration of old buildings. Most historic working methods are also

based on low-impact technologies and, in a sustainable context, they can be seen as a

source for creating new and more sustainable alternatives to many modern building



This knowledge traditionally lay in the hands of master craftsmen who passed it to their

apprentices through practical work (Epstein 2004). However, as the construction of

traditional timber-framed buildings was supplanted by modern materials and techniques,

the associated skills are in danger of being lost. Through his research, Lassen is gathering

the disparate knowledge on this subject to gain a deeper understanding of it through his

own craftsmanship, and to make it widely accessible to craft practitioners, both for

restoring old buildings and making new ones.

The plumb line scribe

The focus of this study has been the procedure for scribing timbers, which is a central

part of the building process. Scribing dictates where and how to cut the joints where two

timbers will meet and, although there are several different methods, they generally all

build on the same principles of reference planes and reference lines (Lassen 2009: 103;

Newman 2005: 99; Beemer 2011: 123).

The method of using a plumb line as a vertical reference for scribing the timbers was

chosen for this study because it is useful in complex constructions and situations and can

be used to deal with irregular timbers that were commonly used in older buildings as they

allow more efficient use of timber and can add strength. It is also a useful tool in a

carpenter’s ‘invisible’ tool box because, once the principles of using the plumb line as a

vertical reference line have been grasped, it is relatively easy to understand and use most

of the other scribing methods (Lassen 2009).

The principles of the method is that by using gravitation it is possible to create a ‘perfect’

square by using level and plumb and by working in a horizontal and a vertical plane. All


posts and beams in a timber-framed wall are put horizontally on top of each other and, by

using the plumb line as reference, the shape of the timber can be transferred in spite of

deformations and irregularities (Figure 4).

Figure 4: A still from the video, a three-dimensional and a two-dimensional line drawing

showing the same situation in the scribing process.

The use of the plumb line scribe can be traced back to the fifteenth century (Lassen 2007)

and it is still used in production today, mainly thanks to the French journeymen

organization ‘Les Compagnons du Devoir’, which is an official educational system in

France and which supports young people learning trade skills through travelling

apprenticeships, keeping rigorously high standards.

Information about practical use of the method can also be found in some of the French

encyclopaedias from the nineteenth century as well as in recent craft journals in the

United States, where a number of carpenters have revitalized its use. A thorough review

of the information in these texts was used as a starting point to develop a functional

interpretation of the skill.

The French publications are vast, impressive encyclopaedias which document in great

detail many different aspects of carpentry skills. Originating in the era when such skills

were learned through practical work and literacy amongst craftsmen was low, they

provide an academic representation of the method that requires a reasonable level of

literacy and an existing understanding of the subject.

The first two examples of descriptive procedures for the plumb line scribe can be found

in the work Traité de l'Art de la Charpenterie published in 1841 (Emy 1841: 303–40),


which consists of two text books and a separate ‘atlas’ with illustrations, and in the Traité

théorique et pratique de charpente by Louis Mazerolle published in 1885 ([1889] 1986:

66–67), which has text and illustrations in the same book (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Illustration from Mazerolle’s book.

In both examples, the illustrations are fairly accurate visual representations and show a

great deal of detail with both two- and three-dimensional line drawings, which are

connected by the principles of projection drawing, making it possible to see the same

situation from different views at the same time. The use of letters and numbers in text and

drawings helps the reader follow the procedures and to understand the different aspects of

the rather complex process. These descriptions are intended to share knowledge amongst

experienced craftsmen, and they are often made to such a degree of complexity that only

initiated carpenters will be able to understand them, therefore excluding outsiders to

acquire this knowledge.

The description of Mazerolle was in some respects easier to follow than A. R. Emy’s

because the text contains less information and lies alongside the illustrations. However,

the drawings are not as clean and tidy. For example, realistic wood grain is drawn on the

timbers, and there is too much information in each picture to be able to easily interpret

their meaning.

In the late 1970s a number of skilled craftsmen from the French journeymen organization

‘Les Compagnons du Devoir’ collaborated to produce Encyclopédie des métiers, La

charpente et la construction en bois, a large encyclopaedia of eleven volumes covering

the entire profession of carpentry. This manual contains an extensive description of


plumb line scribing (Le Port 1979: 261–73) with a more descriptive text and much

simpler illustrations of the specific situations. This is easier to follow than either Emy or

Mazerolle because the text forms a comprehensive narrative that is illuminated by simple

drawings placed at relevant points in the text although more illustrations would have

made understanding the practical situations easier.

The American publications are more recent interpretations written by, and for, the new

generation of more literate carpenters in Timber Framing, a journal produced by the

Timber Framers Guild, an organization founded in 1985 that provides training and

information to professional timber framers. They have published a number of articles

over the last fifteen years dealing with the plumb line scribe. These have a more

instructional purpose, being written by the new generation ofcontemprary carpenters who

come from a less regimented society in which there is no clear delineation between

masters and apprentices. Whilst the majority of learning still happens in the practical

situation, with more experienced carpenters passing their knowledge to those less

experienced, greater literacy means that theoretical knowledge can be accessed by all.

Three descriptions of the plumb line scribe have been found written in the English

language. The first is found in the last of a series of articles on ‘French scribe layout’ by

the French carpenter Marc Guilhemjouan (1995), dealing with the general aspects of

scribing a roof truss. The second description is found in a series called ‘Timber framing

for beginners’ written by Will Beemer (2005). He describes what to do sequentially

throughout the process, dealing mostly with a particular situation with bracing, where the

timbers do not meet in 90 degrees. The most recent and longest description comes from

two papers written by another American carpenter, Glenn Dodge (2010a, 2010b), where


the first paper deals with the scribing of two-dimensional frames and the second deals

with the situation of scribing the timbers in a compound roof by using the plumb line


Common to these papers is the narrative style and the clear descriptive language that is

easy to read. There are generally more illustrations than in the French papers, and they

are placed in the text in order of appearance but especially for Beemer and Dodge there is

no attempt to place them next to the relevant text. This might be caused by journal layout,

but makes it difficult to follow in a practical situation.

The illustrations of Guilhemjouan are three-dimensional line drawings that contain even

more complexity than those of Emy and Mazerolle. They show large amounts of

information and are rather difficult to comprehend. Beemer uses a combination of colour

photographs and relatively simple three-dimensional line drawings, mostly taken from

the same side-on perspective. Dodge’s illustrations are a combination of very simple line

drawings and occasional colour photographs. He has used colours to annotate the

drawings with important details and texted information with arrows, and in combination

with the use of both two- and three-dimensional line drawings they convey complex

information with greater clarity than others have achieved. Unlike the other articles, it

describes the making of a specific building, showing the complete layout as well as the

techniques for scribing the joints that makes it easier to understand the different


The procedures described in the papers focus on different types of scribing situations.

They demonstrate the complexity of the building process and the diversity of problems

and solutions. Lassen’s own experience of teaching carpentry students how to scribe


irregular timbers as well as discussions with colleagues from the timber-framing course,

Department of Conservation, Mariestad (personal communication) highlighted certain

problems of using these sources for the course. Partly because of the sources being in

French language, which most learners would not speak, and partly because of the lack of

step-by-step descriptions, these sources were considered as too difficult to comprehend

for the novice learners, and that a better format was required. Lassen therefore compared

and evaluated the procedures of the different papers, separating them into numbered step-

by-step descriptions, to enable applying the different procedures in practice when

building a timber-framed construction.

The review of these papers yielded much important information that enabled Lassen both

to further his understanding of the skill and highlight important points that the learning

resource could address to assist less experienced carpenters. The analysis of the above

representations revealed four points in this respect:

First, there was the need for clearer illustrations, showing only what was necessary and

excluding all extraneous detail. In this respect, two-dimensional images were often more

effective than three-dimensional ones. This was backed up by findings from Wood’s

earlier research where experiments with use of photographs and different drawings

revealed that simple two-dimensional line drawings were most effective for learners

(Wood 2006: 53).

To facilitate this, dividing the procedure into smaller steps was necessary so that each

illustration only had a small amount of information to convey. Again, this corresponds


with Wood’s structure of learning resources where a guidance phase taking the learners

step by step through the process is central (Wood 2003, 2006: 150). This enables the

learners to accomplish the task in hand successfully and to learn to address any common

errors, providing a sound foundation upon which to build their knowledge.

The analysis also highlighted the importance of the layout, and that text and images

should appear together so each adds meaning to each other. Much of this corresponds to

the cognitive design principles for learning resources which require ‘adding pictures to

words, eliminating extraneous words and pictures, placing words near corresponding

pictures, and using conversational style for words’ (Mayer 2003: 137). Whilst in some

respects this might seem like common sense it was notably lacking in the Timber

Framing articles reviewed.

Finally, there is today’s possibility of including video in the learning materials. In

Wood’s research (Wood et al. 2009) this proved to be an effective tool both as a way of

providing overviews of what was to be achieved and as a resource for learners to return to

as their knowledge builds to enable them to further their skill.

The learning resource

Based on the four points identified above, the planned format for the learning resource

was to produce a video showing the whole process, but created in such a way that it can

also be watched in separate stages. In support of the video, paper-based guidance was

produced that could be used by learners as they did the practical work, taking them step

by step through the procedure, highlighting key skills or strategies. This provides the


learner with ‘bridges’ into the knowledge in the video, supporting them until they have

sufficient experience to form their own interpretation (Wood et al. 2009).

Static drawings have been favoured as supporting material in the workshop because they

are more effective with novice learners than photographs or video clips (Wood 2006: 53).

The resultant paper-based resource is cheap, easily portable, relatively durable in a dirty

working environment and easy for the user to annotate. The exciting possibilities for

making video more accessible in this context, which have been brought about by the

advent of the tablet computer and its increasingly widespread use and affordability, will

be explored in future research.

To create the interpretation of the scribing procedure, Lassen played the role of an expert

learner. While learning the method, he used step-by-step descriptions, video sequences,

photographs and drawings to identify and articulate the different steps in the procedure to

be able to integrate the knowledge into his own work. The resource went through several

stages and even though there is not one definitive description that covers all aspects of

the method, there are some key stages that have to be considered in all situations. Once

these were established the video was produced with Lassen demonstrating the method

and explaining the procedures to two video cameras filming from different angles. The

material was then edited to exclude all extraneous details and enable division of the

whole process into smaller procedures to make it easier to find specific movements and

repeat viewing of these to further understanding. To highlight important movements

different features were used in the editing such as freezing frames, slow motion and

repeating movements with extra explanation.


The final video is 30 minutes long and breaks down into nine parts, the time for each

shown in brackets below:

1. A short introduction to the procedure (1:40)

2. The layout drawing on the floor (2:00)

3. Putting out the timbers on the floor (1:50)

4. How to level the timbers Part 1 (3:50)

5. Putting out and levelling the second layer of timbers (4:00)

6. The drop of the timbers (1:10)

7. Scribing the timbers (6:50)

8. Mortise and tenon (3:20)

9. Scribing 2 (5:30)

The first five parts (13:20) form the preliminary work to be done before the actual

scribing procedure is possible. The next three parts (11:20) show the actual scribing

procedure, and Part 9 (5:30) shows how to scribe another joint in a slightly different


The paper-based resource consists of nine A4 pages with numbered key stages,

instructions to the left with both two- and three-dimensional drawings in the middle

showing the described situations. On the right side of each page there are supplementary

notes in an information panel, which are connected to the instructions (Figure 6). It

follows a similar structure to the film, but includes more detailed information and also


briefly deals with an additional situation with a diagonal brace to post joint, which adds a

degree of complication and means the numbering does not strictly follow the stages of the


Figure 6: Sample showing layout of Lassen’s paper-based learning resource.

The aim of the paper-based resource was to make it possible for the learner to take the

instructions into the workshop and to communicate the basic practical instructions as

‘bridges’ into the knowledge. This description does not cover all situations, possibilities

and variations when using plumb line scribe and it does not follow one single tradition,

but it focuses on the outcome of Lassen’s experiences and his way of applying the


The learning resource was tested in two different practical workshops, first with a group

of experienced Norwegian carpenters, who had no former experience of this specific

scribing method and second with a group of more or less inexperienced Swedish

carpentry students to see how both novice and more experienced learners would respond

to the learning material.

Skills workshops 1 (Norway)

The first workshop was organized through the University of Sør-Trøndelag (HIST) and

was run as part of a course for carpenters in the Oppland region. The 25 students were

divided into two groups to keep numbers in the workshop manageable, and the teachers

of the course also participated as learners.


Before the workshop the students had a two-hour presentation of Lassen’s research and

the opportunity to ask questions on the subject. The following practical workshops lasted

for four hours, during which Lassen observed but did not teach, and the practical part of

the workshop was videoed to allow subsequent review of the sessions. After a short

introduction to the aims of the workshops, the students were given the paper-based

resource and were asked to watch the complete 30-minute video. Thereafter they had

approximately two and a half hours to scribe a small wall frame on quite roughly hewn

timbers, working in groups of two or three (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Learners at the workshop in Norway putting out and levelling the second layer

of timbers (Part 5 in the video). Photo: Ulrik Hjort Lassen.

At the end of the practical work the students were asked to complete a questionnaire

containing questions about the learning situation, the use of the method and the

understanding of the learning resources. This was followed by a discussion where they

could ask further questions.

During the workshops it was observed that the students took different approaches

depending on how experienced they were. It was possible to roughly categorize the

different students in three groups; the learners of the first group did not use the paper

instructions other than for the measurements as they did not intend to follow the

procedure exactly. They had understood the practical ‘problem’, a wall frame had to be

built, and they used the plumb line scribe in the way they found most appropriate to solve

this problem, and mostly from the information they had achieved by watching the video.

The learners of the next group seemed to use the paper instructions only when they did

not exactly remember the procedure from the video, and it was interesting to observe that


when there were differences between the procedure described in the video and the

procedure described in the paper, they mainly applied the procedures from the video. As

an example the video only showed the use of the plumb line for levelling the timbers,

whereas the paper only showed illustrations of the spirit level for the same procedure.

About 80–90 per cent of the students used the plumb line and not the spirit level at this

point. This could be appreciated as an example of how more experienced carpenters are

more able to take in the procedure from video having sufficient practical experience to be

able to follow and understand the different details such as which tools were used and

how. The learners of the last group followed the paper instructions very closely, and it

was observed that they had more difficulty in understanding and applying the method in

the practical situation. It seemed as if they wanted to understand the whole procedure

before starting the practical work, and were unwilling to make mistakes. Generally these

learners showed to have less practical experience than the learners of the first two groups.

During the duration of the workshop there was not enough time to cut the joints, therefore

unfortunately the students were not able to fully evaluate the quality of their scribing.

Different students reached different stages in the procedure, and only few got to the more

complicated situation of scribing the braces. However, those getting to this stage were

able to appreciate the difficulties of scribing timbers out of 90 degrees.

From the questionnaire and discussion it was clear that plumb line scribing was new to

most of the students, although many of them had more than ten years of carpentry

experience. They all agreed that they more or less understood the principles of the

method, and that they would find the knowledge useful in their profession. There was a

general consensus that the structure and illustrations of both the video and the paper-


based resource worked well. The main criticism of the learning resource was that it did

not show the final outcome of the process and that a closer connection between the film

and the paper would have been helpful. They also commented on that it would have been

helpful if they had had time to do the cutting of the scribed joinery, as this would have

given them a possibility to evaluate whether the scribing had been done satisfactorily or


Skills workshop 2 (Sweden)

A second comparative workshop was organized with a group of ten second-year students

from the Building Crafts programme at the Department of Conservation in Mariestad as a

part of their four-week course in timber framing. This group of students were relative

novice learners. They were well known to Lassen as he had taught the group during a

five-week course in ‘square rule’ timber framing the year before. The workshop was

integrated into the part of the course where the students had to learn to work with

irregular timbers in full-scale layout, which was a new subject to all of the students.

The workshop followed a similar structure to the first workshop in Norway, except that

the 30 minutes film was shown twice before the workshop and that the students were

asked to read the paper-based resource carefully before the workshop. This change was

made because these students were inexperienced and therefore needed more time for

reading and understanding, but also to make the information in the paper-based resource

more strongly present in the students mind. Also this workshop lasted for eight hours and

the timbers used were mill sawn but fairly twisted timbers. This was so that all the


students would also have time to cut and assemble the frame so they could see the result

of their scribing, which there had not been time for in the previous workshop.

During the practical session it was observed that all the students used the paper-based

instructions and that they took their time to understand and carry out the step-by-step

procedures. These students could be categorized into two groups similar to the two last

groups of the Norwegian workshop; the ones reading the paper and successfully

following the step-by-step instructions without needing more information than what was

found in the paper-based instructions, and the ones reading the paper closely but having

difficulty transforming the instructions into the practical situation. They especially

struggled when they reached the scribing situation in Parts 6–8 of the film and had

difficulty finishing the wall frame within the timescale of the workshop. It was estimated

that these students struggled more because of their lack of practical experience. From

Lassen’s own experience of teaching this group, these students have always needed more

time and instructions for achieving the required results. To help these students, it might

have been possible to also offer the video during the making session also. However, for

inexperienced learners this struggle can also be important as they have to encounter the

problems in the practical situation before they can appreciate the information and details

in the video.

From the questionnaire and the final discussion it could be seen that the learning resource

had functioned well. As expected, no students had had previous experience of the

method, but they all agreed they had understood the principles, that they found this form

of paper- and video-based learning resource useful to their learning, and that this kind of

knowledge would be useful for their future work. Some, however, commented that they


did not consider their own skills level sufficient to be able to properly comment on

functionality of the learning resource, as they did not have sufficient experience from

‘real’ production.

Developing the learning resource

The overall outcome of the workshops was that the learning resource itself had

functioned well but that it would benefit from a number of amendments to improve its

usability. In particular, it indicated the need for a clearer connection between the video-

and the paper-based resource so that the same angles and situations could be found in


A series of small revisions have been made to the paper-based resource to add clarity and

make it easier to use, such as putting each key stage on a separate page. Also the

connection between the instructions and the information panel was made clearer by

colouring the keywords in the instructions the same colour as the information panel. The

specific terms used in the instructions, such as post, sill and arris, have been put in the

drawings to help readability and make a better connection between the instructions and


Unfortunately, it has not been possible to revise the instructional video within the time

frame of this study but the main improvement needed is to show the final result, the

finished joint and the timber frame that is to be built, so that learners can picture what the

procedures are leading to. It is felt that it would be best to make a completely new video

based on the revised paper-based resource, although not all additional information in the

instruction panel of the paper needs to be shown in the video. This would mean that the


angles used in the illustrations, which have been selected as being particularly useful to

the learners, can be recreated in the video to make a close connection between the two.

There are also many possibilities for expanding the resource. At present only one

application of the method is discussed and it could show a number of different situations

and the specific methods for solving the problems. It would also be good to show use of

different kinds of material, to demonstrate the more complex situations arising when

scribing braces and to discuss scribing different types of joints. There are also other

methods of scribing that would benefit from being demonstrated in this type of

multimedia learning resource.

However, this would mostly benefit the more experienced learners and for the purposes

of this research it was considered important initially to keep the content simple. This

enabled Lassen to focus on the fundamental principles needed to bridge the gap between

the novice and master, and to assist the novices in the learning situation before

considering expanding on the possibilities. This learning resource fulfilled the aim of

capturing the fundamental knowledge of how to practice the skill of plumb line scribing.


This study applied Wood’s method of recording and transmitting craft skills to create a

learning resource for plumb line scribing that enables novice craft practitioners to

develop their skills of this craft in the absence of a master craftsman. The research built

on Wood’s elicitation strategy, which employs an expert learner to uncover the skilled

knowledge of craftsmen, and on her transmission strategy, which is based on the concept

of bridges for the design of learning resources for novices. In Wood’s research (Wood et


al. 2009), the role of the observer/designer, master craftsmen, expert learner and novice

learner were separate: Wood took the role of the observer and designer, recording the

transfer of knowledge between the master craftsmen, expert learner and novice learners

to identify useful bridges for creating and developing the learning resource.

In contrast, in this research, Lassen has taken the role of both, that of the

observer/designer and that of the craft practitioner/expert learner, demonstrating that it is

possible to act as both expert learner and observer/designer at the same time to record and

transmit his own skill. Based on the investigation of timber framing working methods,

which Lassen elicited from a combination of text sources and skilled craft practitioners,

Lassen demonstrated that it was possible to apply Wood’s method to identify suitable

bridges to this knowledge for the purpose of creating a learning resource to record and

transmit this skill.

Finally, the aim of the authors was not to imply that such learning resources should

entirely replace traditional teaching in practical situations. Although these learning

resources allow self-education to a great extent, support through practical workshops is

still beneficial. Rather, the hope is that they will be used primarily to support this style of

learning both in formal workshops and as a source of knowledge afterwards, and that

make learning possible where experts are not accessible. This study can therefore be

considered as an example of how traditional craft practitioners can create learning

resources to preserve and promote their unique skills.



This project would not have been possible without the financial and technical support

from the Craft Lab in Mariestad in the filming and editing of the video. Special thanks

also to Anders Lundvang for the editing support, to Roald Renmælmo for his help during

the filming session and for organizing the frames for the skills workshop in Norway, and

to Nils-Eric Anderson for evaluating and organizing the frames for the skills workshop in



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Contributor details

Ulrik Hjort Lassen is a Danish carpenter and a Ph.D. student at the department of

Conservation at Göteborg University. His research focus on the working methods

involved in constructing timber-framed buildings, more specifically investigating the

different techniques for laying out and marking the timbers with a ‘how to do’


Nicola Wood is a multimedia designer and lecturer in Critical Studies at Sheffield

Institute of Arts, Sheffield Hallam University. Her research involves investigating the use

of digital media to support independent learning, addressing the problems of professional

skills learning and transmission of tacit knowledge.


Ulrik Hjort Lassen, Göteborg University, Institutionen för Kulturvård, Box 130, 405 30

Göteborg, Sweden.


E-mail: ulrik.hjort-lassen@conservation.gu.se

Nicola Wood, Sheffield Institute of Arts, Sheffield Hallam University, 4101 Sheaf

Building, Sheffield S1 1WB, UK.

E-mail: n.wood@shu.ac.uk


Figure 1: Bridges across the knowledge gap between novice and expert (Wood et al.

2009: 73). Copyright: Nicola Wood.

Figure 2: Bridges across the knowledge gap between expert learner and novice learners

(Wood et al. 2009: 73). Copyright: Nicola Wood.

Figure 3: The interior construction of the fifteenth-century timber-framed barn in Aclou,

Normandy, France, 1 March 2007. Photo: Ulrik Hjort Lassen.

Figure 4: A still from the video, a three-dimensional and a two-dimensional line drawing

showing the same situation in the scribing process. Video: Nicola Wood, 16 June 2011.

Drawings: Ulrik Hjort Lassen, 2011.

Figure 5: Piqué des bois faces aplomb/Scribing of timbers with vertical faces (Mazerolle

[1889] 1986: 67). Copyright: Mazerolle.

Figure 6: Translated sample of the layout of Lassen’s paper-based learning resource.

(2012). Copyright: Ulrik Hjort Lassen, 2012.

Formatted: English (U.S.)


Figure 7: Learners at the workshop in Norway putting out and levelling the second layer

of timbers (Part 5 in the video), 9 December 2011, Dokka, Norway. Photo: Ulrik Hjort

