APHG Study Guide (1)


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  • 7/25/2019 APHG Study Guide (1)


    Unit II Population and Migration 1

    1. Defnition o demography

    1. Demography isA) the study of the relationship between government and population.

    B) the study o population.C) the study of population growth.D) the mapping of population harateristis.!) none of the above

    2. Arithmetic density, agricultural density, and physiological density

    ". Arithmeti density isA) the number o people per unit o measurement.#) the number of farmers per s$uare mile of all available land.C) the number of people per s$uare mile of arable land.D) the number of farmers per s$uare mile of arable land.

    !) the number of people per s$uare mile of inhabitable land.

    %. &hih of the following ountries has the lowest arithmeti density'A) #ra(il.#) United tates.C) United *ingdom.D) Canada.!) India.

    +. Agriultural density isA) the number of people per s$uare mile of all available land.#) the number of farmers per s$uare mile of all available land.C) the number of people per s$uare mile of arable land.D) the number o armers per square mile o arable land.!) the number of people per s$uare mile of inhabitable land.

    ,. Physiologial density isA) the number of people per s$uare mile of all available land.#) the number of farmers per s$uare mile of all available land.C) the number o people per square mile o arable land.D) the number of farmers per s$uare mile of arable land.!) the number of people per s$uare mile of inhabitable land.

    -. &hih ountry has a low arithmeti density but a high physiologial density'A) gypt.#) United tates.C) United *ingdom.D) /igeria.!) India. Unit II Population and Migration "

    !. cumene

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    0. he part of !arth2s surfae that is physially suitable for permanent humansettlement is 3nown asA) the ecumene.#) the eosystem.C) the eosphere.D) the biosphere.

    !) the biosystem.

    4. &hih of the following areas is onsidered part of the eumene'A) Polar ie aps.#) 5imalayan mountain (one above "6666 feet.C) Mid7latitude deserts of Afria.D) "he ban#s along the lo$er %ile &i'er.!) 8ro(en tundra areas of iberia.

    (. ocation and characteristics o ma*or population clusters

    9. :lobally the three largest population onentrations are loated in

    A) outheast Asia &est Afria and !ast Asia.#) !ast Asia &est Afria and !urope.C) !ast Asia outheast Asia and outh Asia.D) urope, +outh Asia, and ast Asia.!) !urope /orth Ameria and !ast Asia.

    16. he four ma;or population lusters in the world inlude all of the followingregions eceptA) +outh America.#) outh Asia.C) !ast Asia.D) outheast Asia.!) !urope.

    11. he population lusters in AsiaA) are the three most populated lusters in the world.#) are all highly urbani(ed.C) are predominately rural in nature.D) are dominated by the seondary setor of the eonomy.!) none of the above Unit II Population and Migration %


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    A) an inrease in air and water pollution.#) the loss of produtive farmland near ities.C) an inrease in tra= ongestion.D) urban slums whih result in more poverty and rime.) all o the abo'e.

    1+. All of the following are population lusters in the !ast Asian populationonentration eceptA) eastern China.#) the *orean Peninsula.C) >apan.D) $estern China.!) aiwan.

    -. ocation and characteristics o emerging population clusters

    1,. ine 19,6 this part of the developing world has seen a dramati inreasein population.

    A) rban areas.#)

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    #) /ortheast and outh.C) Midwest and &est.D) &est and outh.!) !ast Coast and outheast.

    . +parsely populated areas location and characteristics)

    "6. 5umans do not populate in large numbersA) areas that are too wet.#) areas that are too old.C) areas that are too dry.D) areas that are too high in elevation.) all o the abo'e.

    "1. 5ighland areas support large populations inA) Central Meio.#) !ast Afria.C) Central Asia.

    D) outheast Asia.) A and B only.

    3. Distribution o population $ithin clusters

    "". he largest ma;or population onentration of /orth Ameria isA) from Miami to >a3sonville.#) from an Diego to an 8raniso.C) rom 4ashington D.C. to Boston.D) from oronto to Montreal.!) none of the above.

    Unit II Population and Migration ,

    "%. &hih statement best desribes the diBerent harateristis of population in theUnited tates and !urope'A) !urope has many more wide7open spaes than the United tates has.#) he United tates has more area than !urope does.C) "he arithmetic density o the nited +tates is less than that o urope.D) !urope2s population density is lower than that of the United tates.!) !urope2s population is smaller than that of the United tates.

    5. 6'erpopulation7carrying capacity

    "+. Carrying apaity is theA) limit at whih population an be sustained through its resoures and trade.

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    #) maimum number of people an area an support using the theoretial limits ofenergy prodution.C) maimum number of people an area an support using organi agriulturalmethods and tehnology.D) maimum number o people an area can support using all o itsa'ailable resources and technology.

    !) maimum number of people an area an support using traditional agriulturalmethods.

    ",. he theory that farmers will adopt new and modern methods to 3eep up withdemand aused by an inreasing population was proposed byA) homas Malthus.#) /eo7Malthusians.C) sther Boserup.D) !rnest

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  • 7/25/2019 APHG Study Guide (1)


    %+. Population Pyramid F!G has two bulges in its struture. Demographers might allthe bottom bulgeA) a #aby #oom.B) an cho Boom.C) a migrant guest7wor3er program.D) a demographi transition.

    !) none of the above.

    11. +patial AnalysisUse the diagrams below to answer $uestions %,7%4.BA?ey!ah dot represents 1666 people.!ah s$uare2s dimensions are 16 3m by 16 3mDC

    Unit II Population and Migration 4

    %,. &hih area has the greatest arithmeti density'A) Area FAG.#) Area F#G.C) Area FCG.D) Area FDG.) Area =>.

    %-. &hih area2s population pattern is the most lustered'A) Area =A>.#) Area F#G.C) Area FCG.D) Area FDG.!) Area F!G.

    %0. &hih area2s population is distributed in a linear pattern'A) Area FAG.#) Area F#G.C) Area =C>.D) Area FDG.!) Area F!G.

    %4. &hih area2s population pattern is the most dispersed'A) Area FAG.B) Area =B>.C) Area FCG.D) Area FDG.!) Area F!G.

    12. Dependency ratio

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    %9. his is the measurement that shows the average number of people in an area2spopulation who are not eonomially produtive who must be supported by thearea2s eonomially produtive population.A) !mployment cur'e+". &hih of the following graphs ehibits a >7urve'A) :lobal #irth

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    ++. ver the past "66 years the population of the worldA) has increased by approimately more than -.- billion.#) has inreased by more than 0 billion.

    C) has inreased by about 46 million people per year.D) has slightly dereased from a high of 4 billion to under 0 billion.!) has roughly stayed the same.

    Unit II Population and Migration 16

    +,. In the net ,6 years the population of the worldA) is epeted to level oB at slightly more than 1" billion.#) is epeted to rise to a high of 1% billion before starting to deline.C) is epeted to deline to less than , billion people due to la3 of food supply.D) is epeted to double to over 1% billion people.) is epected to rise to approimately 9 billion.

    1. "he demographic equation

    +-. he total hange in population of a ountry2s population is represented by whihof the following e$uations'A) "otal

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    +9. A ountry2s Crude #irth

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    D) an eho boom.!) a population eplosion.

    Unit II Population and Migration 1"

    ,,. he /atural Inrease

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    C) the rate of population growth in an area as measured by its birth rate andimmigration rate.D) the rate of population growth in an area as measured by its birth rate deathrate and emigration rate.!) the rate of population growth in an area as measured by its birth rate death rateimmigration rate and emigration rate.

    Unit II Population and Migration 1%

    -6. he otal 8ertility

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    Unit II Population and Migration 1+

    -+. &hat eBet did the diBusion of modern medial praties and drugs have on theglobal population'A) 5ealthier diets for women inreased the total fertility rate around the world.#) Population inreased beause many formerly fatal diseases were ured.C) he world eperiened lower death rates due to an inreased emphasis onsanitation.D) A and # only.

    ) B and C only.

    -,. he ma;or reason for high growth rates in Eeast Developed Countries @EDCs) isA) most people in Eeast Developed Countries @EDCs) do not have aess to birthontrol.#) the total fertility rate in Eeast Developed Countries @EDCs) is nearing 0 hildrenborn per woman.C) people in Eeast Developed Countries @EDCs) have lower inidene of fataldiseases than people in More Developed Countries @MDCs).D) the birth rate in Eeast Developed Countries @EDCs) has inreased dramatiallyover the past ,6 years.) ad'anced medical practices and drugs ha'e dramatically reduced deathrates in east De'eloped Countries DCs).

    --. Presently most population growth in the world is ourringA) in &estern ountries.#) in More Developed Countries @MDCs).C) in east De'eloped Countries DCs).D) in Afria.!) in the &estern 5emisphere.

    2;. "homas 0althus

    -0. homas Malthus believed thatA) the government should enourage population growth in order to fully staB thefatories being built during the Industrial Age.B) the $orld $ould soon be o'erpopulated because population gro$s at aneponential rate $hile the ood supply increases at an arithmetic rate.C) the world would ?nd new soures of food prodution to oBset population growth.D) population inrease will ontinue beause many religions disourage the use ofontraeptives.!) all of the above.

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    Unit II Population and Migration 1,

    -4. /eo7Malthusian theory believes thatA) in addition to outstripping ood supply, $orld population gro$th is alsoo'ertaing other resources li#e uel and energy.

    #) governments should disourage population growth beause industrial growth isslowing in the developed ountries.C) population growth in Eeast Developed Countries @ECDs) will end as the populationin those ountries beomes more eduated.D) More Developed Countries @MDCs) will eperiene a population rash due to theaging of their populations.!) none of the above.-9. Aording to homas Malthus natural Fhe3sG on a population inlude all ofthe following eceptA) disease.#) famine.C) war.

    D) natural disasters.) agricultural ad'ancements.

    22. ie epectancy

    06. Eife epetany isA) the average number of years a person will live at birth.#) the number of years a person will live.C) the average number of years a person will live aording to their genetima3eup.D) the number of years a person ould theoretially live.) the a'erage number o years a person is epected to li'e.

    01. &hih of the following fators does not aBet a person2s life epetany'A) :enderse.#) oio7eonomi status.C) !duation.D)

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    #) poor sanitation.C) famine.D) the spread o +A&+.!) fre$uent ?ghting and war.

    2!. "he Demographic "ransition 0odel D"0)Use the diagram of the Demographi ransition Model @DM) below to answer$uestions 0+704.+tage !

    +tage 2+tage 1+tage (ABC+tage -theoretical)

    0+. &hih of the following statements about the Demographi ransition Model is"&'A) Eine A represents otal Population Eine # represents #irth

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    0-. Into whih stage of the demographi transition model would #ra(il and Meio?t'A) tage 1.#) tage ".C) +tage !.D) tage +.

    !) tage ,.

    00. Into whih stage of the demographi transition model would Australia andCanada ?t'A) tage 1.#) tage ".C) tage %.D) +tage (.!) tage ,.

    04. Into whih stage of the demographi transition model would Poland and >apan?t'

    A) tage 1.#) tage ".C) tage %.D) tage +.) +tage -.2(. 4hich country8s eperience $as the Demographic "ransition 0odelD"0) based on and $hyJ

    09. &hy was the Demographi ransition Model based on !ngland2s eperiene'A) he hurh 3ept eellent birth and death reords from the year 1666 C!.#) !ngland eperiened less migration than most other ountries in !urope.C) !ngland2s territory has hanged little.D) !ngland was the ?rst ountry to pass through all stages of the model.) All o the abo'e.

    Unit II Population and Migration 14

    2-. Anti:natalist policies strategies to lo$er the Crude Birth &ate CB&))

    46. 5ow an a ountry or region slow down its birth rates'A) *eep girls in shool longer.#) Improve the $uality of life for its iti(ens.C) Distribute birth ontrol devies.D) 8und family planning programs.) All o the abo'e.

    41. An anti7natalist population poliyA) is meant to lower the infant mortality rate.#) is meant to raise the otal 8ertility

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    4". An eample of an anti7natalist population program isA) China2s ne Child Poliy.#) ingapore2s Population and 8amily Planning #oard.C) India2s sterili(ation programs.D) Iran2s programs to enourage small families.

    ) All o the abo'e.


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    44. &hih ountry2s government is most li3ely to promote a pro7natalist populationpoliy'A) United *ingdom.#) China.C) Hrance.D) India.

    !) /igeria.

    23. Kero

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    C) ounter7urbani(ation.D) counter:migration.!) none of the above.

    9%. &hih of

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    #) the migration of /ative Amerians to reservations in the late 1466s.C) the migration of Muslims from India to Pa3istan after &orld &ar II.D) the rural to urban migration in China rom 193; to present.!) the migration of !uropeans to /orth Ameria from 1-66 to 1966.

    16,. &hen did the United tates eperiene reord numbers of immigrants'

    A) Eate 19th entury.#) !arly "6th entury.C) Mid "6th entury.D) 19-6s.) A and B only.

    16-. ver the past %6 years the number of undoumented immigrants in the UnitedtatesA) has increased because o the demand or menial laborers in the nited+tates has gro$n.#) has inreased beause of more relaed border seurity sine eptember 11"661.

    C) has dereased beause of greater border seurity.D) has dereased beause of poor eonomi onditions in the United tates.!) A and # only.

    160. he largest soure of international immigrants to the United tates is fromA) China.#) India.C) Canada.D) 0eico.!)

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    D) Urban slums.) rban ethnic encla'es.

    116. he proess of migrants moving to a spei? loation beause relatives ormembers of the same ulture have already migrated and settled there is 3nown asA) hanneli(ed migration.

    #) undoumented migration.C) step migration.D) chain migration.!) none of the above

    !(. +tep migration

    111. A type of migration in whih a person migrates in a series of short distanemoves is alledA) hain migration.B) step migration.C) fored migration.

    D) voluntary migration.!) hanneli(ed migration.

    11". ver a period of years a person moves from his farm to a small town from hissmall town to a small ity and ?nally from the small ity to a large ity. his is aneample ofA) hain migration.B) step migration.C) fored migration.D) voluntary migration.!) hanneli(ed migration

    !-. Gnter'ening obstacles and opportunities

    11%. A physial landsape feature or politial poliy that hinders migration isA) a migratory barrier.#) a natural barrier.C) an intervening opportunity.D) an inter'ening obstacle.!) none of the above.

    Unit II Population and Migration "+

    11+. &hih of the following is an eample of an intervening obstale'A) he Demilitari(ed one on the *orean Peninsula.#) Eaws re$uiring immigrants to obtain visas before entering a ountry.C) Eaws imposing immigration $uotas on the number of immigrants who are allowedto move into a ountry.

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    D) he wall separating the &est #an3 from Israel.) All o these are inter'ening obstacles.

    11,. &hih of the following is an eample of an intervening opportunity'A) he wall separating the &est #an3 from Israel.#) he ahara Desert separating /orth Afria from &est Afria.

    C ) "a#ing a high paying *ob $hile en route to your intended destination.D) :etting detained by border patrol while en route to your intended destination.!) All of the above.

    !. 4ilbur Kelins#y8s 0igration "ransition "heory

    11-. Aording to &ilbur elins3y2s theory of Migration ransitionA) a person living in a ountry that is in stage 1 of the Demographi ransitionModel @DM) is very unli3ely to migrate internationally.#) a person living in a ountry that is in stage " of the Demographi ransitionModel @DM) is most li3ely to migrate internationally.C) a person living in a ountry that is in stage % or + of the Demographi ransition

    Model @DM) is li3ely to migrate internally.D) all o the abo'e.!) A and # only.

    !3. Gn'oluntary migration

    110. 8ored migration isA) a migration Lo$ in $hich the migrants ha'e no choice but to relocate.#) a type of migration How that allows migrants to hoose their destination.C) a type of migration that no longer eists.D) always the result war or famine.!) A and D only.

    114. &hih of the following was an eample of fored migration'A) panish migration to the &estern 5emisphere.#) Chinese traders2 migration to outheast Asia.C) India7Pa3istan migration after gaining independene.D) "rans:Atlantic +la'e "rade.!) ettlement of the western frontier in the United tates.

    Unit II Population and Migration ",

    119. An eample of fored migration iswasA) deportation of illegal immigrants out of a ountry.#) removal of /ative Amerians to reservations.C) reloation of >apanese7Amerians to internment amps during &orld &ar II.D) moving >ews to onentration amps in /a(i :ermany.) all o the abo'e.

    !5. &eugees

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    1"6. People who $ui3ly Hee their ountry beause of violene or fear areonsideredA) illegal immigrants.#) draft dodgers.C) reugees.

    D) war riminals.!) all of the above.

    1"1. he diBerene between a migrant and a refugee isA) migrants see3 to move permanentlyN refugees usually see3 to return to theirhome.#) migrants move to improve their livesN refugees move as a result of atastrophievents in their homeland.C) migrants arefully plan their moveN refugees have to move on a moment2s notie.D) migrants are usually young and singleN refugees are people of all ages.) all o the abo'e.

    !9. "he +o'iet eperience internal migration)

    1"". Interregional migration was important in the oviet Union beauseA) the government wanted to alleviate population pressures in eisting ities.B) the go'ernment created industries in areas near ra$ materials insteado near mar#ets.C) the government wanted to populate their ountry in a uniform manner.D) the government wanted to move diBerent ethniities around to mi themtogether.!) all of the above.

    (;. Gnterregional migration in urope and the .+.

    1"%. &hih statement regarding interregional migration in the United tates is mostaurate'A) People are migrating from the !ast Coast and &est Coast to the outheast andthe &est.#) People are migrating from the &est and Midwest to the !ast Coast and the outh.C) People are migrating from the !ast and outh to the &est and the Midwest.D)

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    1"+. &hen a ountry suBers from a Fbrain drainG it means the ountry haseperienedA) an emigration o educated proessionals.#) an emigration of wor3ing age males.C) an emigration of female eeutives.

    D) an emigration of politial leaders.!) A and # only.

    1",. All of the following are eamples of a F#rain DrainG eceptA) migration of

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    Unit II Population and Migration "0

    (-. Counter:urbani@ation

    1"9. &hih of the following is an eample of ounter7urbani(ation'A)

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    2. Cultural adoption

    ". &hih statement onerning the globali(ation of &estern ulture is true'A) Many foreign ultures have adopted &estern traits li3e lothing and religion.#) ome areas of the world have atively resisted &estern ulture traits.C) #a3lash against &estern ulture has resulted in violene in some areas.

    D) &estern ulture is often spread through movies and other media.) All o these are true.


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    C) ultural determinism.D) en'ironmental determinism.!) environmental landsape.

    4. Cultural eology isA) the study of human interation with animals.

    #) the study of human attitudes towards the ultural landsape.C) the study of environmental ulture traits.D) the study o human:en'ironment relationships.!) none of the above.

    . Cultural integration

    9. he best eample of ultural integration @where all elements of soiety areinterwoven with the dominant ulture) in the United tated isA) the upland outh.B) the 0ormon culture region.C) the Pai? /orthwest.

    D) the Amish ountry in Pennsylvania.!) the panish inHuene in the southwest.

    3. Cultural landscape

    16. he idea that ultures will modify the natural landsape to ?t their needs is3nown as theA) ultural situation.B) cultural landscape.C) ulture traits.D) ultural environment.!) ulture building.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses %

    5. Cultural regions

    11. he area of origin of a ulture is alledA) ultural environment.#) ultural homeland.C) culture hearth.D) ultural landsape.!) ulture realm.

    1". A geographi assemblage of related ulture regions isA) a ultural environment.#) a ultural homeland.C) a ulture hearth.

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    D) a ultural landsape.) a culture realm.

    1%. &hih of the following areas is not onsidered a ultural realm'A) Eatin Ameria.#) Anglo Ameria.

    C) &estern !urope.D) %e$ ngland.!) sub7aharan Afria.

    9. Hormal cultural region

    1+. &hih of the following is an eample of a formal ultural region'A) he

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    D) !ast Asia.!) All of the above.

    12. Core, periphery, domain

    14. Aording to the Core7Domain7phere model

    A) areas in the sphere part of the model impated most by a ulture.B) inLuence o a culture decreases the urther one tra'els rom the core.C) inHuene of a ulture stays the same the further one travels from the ore.D) inHuene of a ulture dereases as one travels in and around.!) all of the above.

    1!. +yncretism

    19. &hih ultural phenomenon below is not an eample of synretism'A) e7Me uisine.B) %ordic s#iing .C) nowboarding.

    D) hai uisine.!) >apanese apitalism.

    1(. Cultural transition @ones

    "6. A Cultural transition (one isA) an area where ultures are divided.#) an area of great ultural diversity.C) an area where one ultural boundary abruptly ends and another begins.D) an area around the boundary bet$een t$o culture regions that ehibitstraits rom both cultures.!) an area where two ultures merge into a single ulture.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses ,"1. &hih of the following areas would be onsidered a ultural transition (one'A) outhwest UA7/orthern Meio.#) outhern 8lorida.C) !astern ntario7&estern uebe.D) Poland.) All o the abo'e.

    1-. Cultural diusion

    "". Cultural diBusion isA) the idea that your own ulture is superior to others.B) the spread o culture traits rom one group to another.C) the isolation of a ulture from the rest of the world.D) the innovation of a ultural trait.!) none of the above

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    "%. Culture is spread byA) trans7national orporations.#) migrants.C) war and oupation.D) television and other media.

    ) all o the abo'e.

    1. &elocation diusion

    "+. apan.#) he spread of !nglish to the #ritish Colonies.C) he spread of AID to the United tates.D) he spread of

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    A) the rapid and widespread diBusion of a harateristi throughout the population.#) the spread of an underlying priniple or idea.C) the spread o an idea rom persons o po$er to other persons.D) the spread of an idea or trait through the physial movement of people from oneplae to another.!) none of the above.

    "9. &hih of the following is an eample of hierarhial diBusion'A) he spread of panish language to Eatin Ameria.B) "he spread o laptop computers rom the upper class to the middleclass.C) he spread of AID from Afria to !urope.D) he spread of &al7Mart from Ar3ansas to the rest of the United tates.!) All of the above.

    2;. +timulus diusion

    %6. tudying religions is important to understanding a ulture beause

    A) religions are 3ey to understanding the role of women in a ulture.#) religions do not have any impat on the built landsape.C) eah ma;or world religion an be diretly lin3ed to a ultural homeland.D) religious belies are reLected in most aspects o culture.!) all of the above.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses 0

    %1. timulus diBusion isA) the rapid and widespread diBusion of a harateristi throughout the population.#) the spread of an underlying priniple or idea.C) the spread o an idea rom persons o po$er to other persons.D) the spread of an idea or trait through the physial movement of people from oneplae to another.!) none of the above.

    %". &hih of the following is an eample of stimulus diBusion'A) he spread of !nglish language to #ritish olonies.B) "he spread o dri'e:through $indo$s rom ast ood restaurants toliquor stores.C) he spread of ell phones from the upper lass to the middle and lower lasses.D) he spread of &al7Mart from Ar3ansas to the rest of the United tates.!) none of the above.

    21. Acculturation and assimilation

    %%. his is the proess by whih a less dominant ulture adopts some of the traits ofa more dominant ulture.A) Cultural assimilation.B) Acculturation.

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    C) ynretism.D) Migrant diBusion.!) ransulturation.

    %+. his is the proess by whih a less dominant ulture adopts the traits of a moredominant ulture so ompletely that the two ultures beome indistinguishable.

    A) Cultural assimilation.#) Aulturation.C) ynretism.D) Migrant diBusion.!) ransulturation.

    22. Distribution o languages

    %,. &hih of these modern languages spread globally as a result of religion'A) !nglish.B) Arabic.C) 8renh.

    D) panish.!) Chinese.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses 4

    %-. he prinipal onentration of 8renh7spea3ing /orth Amerians is inA) Maine.B) Ouebec.C) /ova otia.D) Manitoba.!) 5aiti.

    2!. Gdentifcation and distribution o language amilies, branches, andgroups

    %0. &hih statement about the diBusion of the !nglish and Chinese languages istrue'A) nglish has diused $orld$ide, $hile Chinese is spo#en mostly inChina.#) !nglish is spo3en in only the United *ingdom and the United tates whileChinese is spo3en all over !ast Asia.C) !nglish and Chinese are both spo3en worldwide as lingua frana languages.D) he number of !nglish spea3ers is delining while the number of Chinesespea3ers is steadily inreasing.!) All of the above.

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    %4. /early half of the people in the world spea3 a language from this languagefamily.A) Gndo:uropean.#) >apanese.C) :ermani.D) /iger7Congo.

    !) Austronesian.

    %9. All of the following are Eatin7based

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    D) eah symbol must orrespond with the pronuniation of the word it represents.!) all of the above.

    2(. Dialects

    ++. An isogloss is

    A) a form of a language spo3en in a loal area.#) a olletion of uni$ue words.C) a boundary bet$een language regions.D) the transition (one between ultures.!) all of the above.

    +,. A regional variant of a language is 3nown as aA) language branh.#) language group.C) language family.D) language dialect.!) none of the above.

    +-. Dialets are loal variants in language that diBer in theirA) voabulary.#) spelling.C) pronuniation.D) speed at whih the language is spo3en.) all o the abo'e

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    &ole o isolation 's. interaction on languages

    +0. Amerian !nglish has adopted etensive voabulary from whih of the followinglanguagesJA) panish language.#) 8renh language.C) Riddish language.D) /ative Amerian languages.) All o the abo'e.

    +4. &hen groups of spea3ers of a single language are isolated from eah othereah group may developA) new grammar rules.#) diBerent pronuniations of words.C) uni$ue voabulary.D) all o the abo'e.!) A and # only.

    2. ingua ranca

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    +9. A ommon language that is used among spea3ers of diBerent languages for thepurposes of trade and ommere is alled aA) relit language.#) revived language.C) lingua ranca.D) pidgen language.

    !) reole language.

    23. 6Pcial languages

    ,6. he use of 8renh as an o=ial language of enegal demonstrates theA) amount o po$er the Hrench $ielded o'er its colony.#) desire to adopt all the o=ial languages of the United /ations.C) onept of lingua frana.D) wor3 of 8renh Catholi missionaries.!) all of the above.

    ,1. Approimately how many ountries use !nglish as an o=ial language'

    A) (;.#) ,6.C) -6.D) 06.!) 46.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    ,". &hih statement about o=ial languages is true'A) =ial languages are always spo3en by the ma;ority of iti(ens of a ountry.#) =ial languages are the language of the largest ultural group of a ountry.C) !ah ountry an only have one o=ial language.D) 6Pcial languages are used by the go'ernment or use in its dailybusiness.!) All of the above.

    ,%. Problems with multi7lingual states inludeA) inreased osts for printing government signs and literature in multiplelanguages.#) antagonism between spea3ers of the diBerent languages.C) onfusion as some plae names are identi?ed diBerently in the diBerentlanguages.D) all o the abo'e.!) A and # only.

    25. Hranglais and +panglish

    ,+. &hih of the following statements about panglish is alseJ

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    A) panglish is a miing of panish and !nglish.#) panglish involves onverting !nglish words to panish forms.C) +panglish has de'eloped ne$ grammar rules as $ell as ne$ 'ocabulary.D) panglish is spo3en by many 5ispanis in the United tates.!) panglish is an eample of hierarhial diBusion.

    29. tinct languages

    ,,. A language that no longer has native spea3ers is onsideredA) an etinct language.#) a preserved language.C) an endangered language.D) a lingua frana.!) a reole language.

    !;. &e'i'ed languages

    ,-. &hih of the following is an eample of a revived language'

    A) wahili.B) Nebre$.C) Eatin.D) :ree3.!) Celti

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    ,0. Cultural groups often wor3 to preserve and protet their languagesA) beause oral history will be lost if the language is not preserved.#) beause language is an essential part of a ultures identity.C) as a reation against fol3 ulture fores.D) all of the above.) A and B only.

    !1. Creole languages and pidgin languages

    ,4. A pidgin languageA) has a limited voabulary.#) has few if any grammar rules.C) is a simpli?ed language based on two separate languages.D) is not the ?rst language of any person.) all o the abo'e.

    ,9. A reole languageA) is a pidgin language that has e'ol'ed to become a group8s frstlanguage.

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    #) is a miture of 8renh and another language.C) has few if any grammar rules.D) has a limited voabulary.!) is not the ?rst language of an individual.

    -6. All of the following are reole languages ecept

    A) Afri3aans.#) wahili.C) Bantu.D) #a(aar Malay.!) 5atian Creole.

    !2. Dierences bet$een American and British nglish

    -1. DiBerenes between Amerian and #ritish !nglish inlude all of the followingeceptA) diBerent pronuniation of words.#) diBerent spelling of words.

    C) diBerent voabulary for some ob;ets.D) dierent language o origin.!) all of the above.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    !!. Creation o British nglish

    -". !arly !nglish was inHuened by all of the following groups ecept theA) Basques.#) Oi3ings.C) Angles.D) 8renh.!) aons.

    !(. Coloni@ation and nglish

    -%. Most !nglish7spea3ing ountries around the world spea3 #ritish !nglish beauseA) Amerian !nglish is not onsidered to by a form of proper !nglish.#) Amerian !nglish is onsidered vulgar by most eduated people.C) most people do not li3e Amerians so they refuse to opy them.D) British coloni@ed many areas around the $orld.!) all of the above.

    !-. inguistic cultural landscapes

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    -+. ne of the most obvious ways for a ulture to eert its inHuene on thelandsape in an urban area is toA) ta3e out loans from ban3ers.B) ma#e sure business signs are $ritten in their language.C) ma3e sure that their hildren go to publi shools.

    D) ma3e sure their business leaders ;oin the hamber of ommere.!) all of the above.

    !. "oponyms

    -,. oponymy isA) the study of globali(ation of ulture traits.#) the idea that regions are interonneted through ulture and language.C) the study o ho$ place names reLect the culture and heritage opeople.D) related to the idea that interation between ultures is harmful.!) the study of elevation hange on maps.

    !3. ni'ersali@ing religions

    --. &hih statement about universali(ing religions is orret'A) A universali(ing religion is one into whih people are born.#) A universali(ing religion is usually easy to ;oin.C) A universali(ing religion see3s onverts from other religions.D) A and # only.) B and C only.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    -0. &hih of the following religions is urrently the most important religion in itsarea of origin'A) #uddhism.#) Christianity.C) 5induism.D) Gslam.!) all of the above.

    -4. &hih pair of religions are both onsidered hierarhial religions'A) &oman Catholicism and 0ormonism.#) Mormonism and outhern #aptist.C) Mormonism and Islam.D)

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    #) Meio.C) Meio outhwestern UA and &est Coast UA.D) uebe and the /ortheastern UA Meio and &est Coast UA.) All o the abo'e.

    06. !uropes

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    C) he Muslim population is e$ually divided between the Middle !ast outh Asiaand outheast Asia.D) he largest number of Muslims is in outhwest Asia and !ast Afria.!) he largest number of Muslims is in &est Afria and ub7aharan Afria.

    0-. /umerially spea3ing whih of the following Christian groups is the largest'

    A) outhern #aptist.#) !astern rthodo.C) &oman Catholic.D) Anglian!pisopalian.!) Eutheran.

    00. he hiite Muslim population is onentrated inA) Gran and part o Graq.#) Pa3istan and Afghanistan.C) Malaysia and part of Indonesia.D) India and #angladesh.!) audi Arabia and Ira$.

    04. Islam diBused aross the !astern 5emisphere throughA) war.#) trade.C) missionaries.D) migration.) all o the abo'e.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    09. &hih of the following would be onsidered a sared site for Christians'A) Church o the %ati'ity in Bethlehem.#) he *aaba in Ma33ah.C) he &estern &all in >erusalem.D) he Dome of the erusalem.!) Potala Palae in Ehasa.


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    C) Cultural IndiBerene.D) Atheism.) +ecularism.

    !9. thnic religions

    4". !thni religionsA) are made up of homogeneous populations.#) do not see3 onverts.C) are monotheisti.D) all of the above.) A and B only.

    4%. &hih pair are both onsidered ethni religions'A) >udaism and Christianity.#) Christianity and Islam.C) Islam and 5induism.D) Ninduism and udaism.

    !) Islam and >udaism.

    4+. >erusalem is a sared ity for all of the following religions eceptA) >udaism.#) Christianity.C) Islam.D) Ninduism.!) All of the above.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    4,. /umerially spea3ing whih of the following religions has the smallest numberof adherents'A) udaism.#) Christianity.C) Islam.D) 5induism.!) #uddhism.

    (;. eographic origin and distribution o ethnic religions Ninduism Rudaism)

    4-. &hih of the following religions is not an important religion in India'A) Christianity.#) 5induism.C) i3hism.D) #uddhism.!) Islam.

    40. &hih statement best desribes the distribution of the >ewish population in theworld'

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    A) /early 96L of all >ews in the world live in Israel.#) Most >ews live in apan.!) Italy.


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    A) $ui3ly hanging attributes.B) homogeneous population.C) urban population.D) globali(ation.!) uniform landsapes.

    9%. An eample of a popular ulture holiday that has transended its fol3 ultureroots isA) Memorial Day.#) 8ourth of >uly.C) +t. Malentine8s Day.D) Eabor Day.!) /one of the above

    9+. !amples of non7material aspets of ulture inlude all of the following eceptA) clothing.#) belief systems.C) praties.

    D) values.!) traditions.

    9,. Material aspets of ulture inludeA) art.#) housing.C) sports.D) foods.) all o the abo'e.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    ((. ocation o popular cultural hearths

    9-. &hih two ities in the United tates often serve as hearths for popular ulture'A) /ew Ror3 and Chiago.#) /ew and Miami.C) %e$ /or# and os Angeles.D) Eos Angeles and Detroit.!) Detroit and /ashville.

    90. &hih three ities in the world often serve as hearths for popular ulture'A) "o#yo, %e$ /or#, and ondon.#) /ew Ror3 Eondon and Paris.C) Eondon Paris and Eos Angeles.D) Eos Angeles #erlin and o3yo.!) o3yo Paris and Eos Angeles.

    (-. &ole o diusion and globali@ation and popular culture94. Popular ulture is rapidly diBused around the world by

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    A) Amerian news organi(ations suh as C//.#) 5ollywood movies.C) Amerian O shows.D) the internet.) all o the abo'e.

    (. Compare and contrast popular and ol# culture

    99. People often pratie their fol3 ustoms instead of pop ulture beauseA) popular ulture items are often epensive to buy.#) they do not want to harm their environment.C) they $ant to preser'e their traditional cultures.D) a la3 of eposure to popular ulture.!) all of the above.

    166. 8ol3 ulture is often seen in whih of the following traits'A) raditional musi.#) raditional housing.

    C) raditional mediines.D) raditional dress.) All o the abo'e.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    161. All of the following are harateristis of fol3 ultures eceptA) fol3 ulture populations are usually small.B) ol# cultures are spread hierarchically.C) fol3 ultures have a homogeneous population.D) fol3 ultures must use loal materials when building.!) fol3 ultures eat mostly foods that loally available.

    (3. &ole o diusion and globali@ation on ol# culture

    16". 8ol3 ulture is transmitted from one loation to another primarily throughA) relocation diusion.#) trans7national orporations.C) war and oupation.D) television and other media.!) religion.

    (5. Gmpact on natural resources o ol# and popular culture

    16%. 5ow do fol3 ultures pereive their environment'A) 8ol3 ultures pereive the environment as a hostile plae.

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    #) 8ol3 ultures believe that nature eists to enrih them.C) 8ol3 ultures see3 to reate a uniform landsape.D) Hol# cultures ha'e great re'erence or their en'ironment.!) All of the above.

    16+. In fol3 soieties materials used for building homes

    A) are seleted for the reylable properties.#) are often imported from distant ountries.C) are a'ailable locally.D) are symboli in nature.!) none of the above.

    (9. Hol# and popular cultural landscapes

    16,. &hih is an eample of a fol3 ultural landsape in the United tates'A) Amish ommunities in Pennsylvania#) Pueblo ommunities in /ew MeioC) Eog abins in Appalahia.

    D) alt #o homes in /ew !ngland.) All o the abo'e.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    -;. +ense o place and culture

    16-. &hy do many reent ollege graduates prefer to move into ity neighborhoodsrather than to suburban developments'A) he suburbs are too bland and boring.#) Many older urban neighborhoods oBer a Ssense of plae.C) Many younger people li3e to be near ultural amenities in the ity.D) Many younger people who are hildless arent onerned with the $uality ofpubli shools whih have a reputation for being bad.) All o the abo'e.

    -1. Defnition o ethnicity

    160. &hat is the term for a group of people who identify with their ultural andbiologial history'A)

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    164. !thnoentrism isA) the fear of outsiders.#) the belief that &esterners are superior to Afrian and Asian ultures.C) the belief that ones own religion is superior to others.D) the belie that one8s o$n ethnic group is superior to others.

    !) the belief that ones own ulture is superior to all others.

    -!. &ace

    169. &hih statement about rae and ethniity is true'A) A rae often has a single homeland an ethniity is usually sattered aross theworld.B) +ome ethnicities are comprised o people rom se'eral dierent races.C)

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    C) Aadians in Eouisiana.D) andinavians in the upper Midwest.) ree#s in the 0ississippi Malley.

    -. thnic regions

    11%. &hih eample is not an ethni region of /orth Ameria'A) 5awaii.#) 8renh uebe.C) 0id$est.D) outh 8lorida.!) #orderland region.

    11+. he largest minority group in the United tates isA) Afrian7Amerians.#) >ews.C) Nispanics.D) Asian7Amerians.

    !) /ative Amerians.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    -3. +equent occupance

    11,. &hen waves of ultural groups move into an area and modify the humanimprint of the ultural landsape this is 3nown asA) sequent occupance.#) subse$uent oupane.C) ultural suession.D) landsape progression.!) ultural progression.

    -5. thnic encla'es and ecla'es

    11-. In Canada the greatest onentration of Asians lives in whih ity'A) Montreal C.#) &innipeg M#.C) ttawa /.D) Calgary A#.) Mancou'er, BC.

    110. In large ities people with the same ulture often live in segregated areasalledA) the suburbs.B) ethnic encla'es.C) ultural agglomerations.

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    D) ultural elaves.!) ethni agglomeration.

    114. &hat proess ontributes to the eistene and growth of ethni enlaves inurban areas'A) Cultural diBusion.

    #) tep migration.C) Cultural integration.D) Chain migration.!) Cultural assimilation.

    -9. ender

    119. A payment of money or goods from the family of a bride to the grooms fatheris alled aA) marriage ta.#) grooms gift.C) do$ry.

    D) bridal tithe.!) marital gift.

    Unit III Cultural Patterns And Proesses

    1"6. In nearly all soieties womenA) have fewer legal rights than men.#) annot own land.C) do not earn the same pay as a man does.D) are responsible for housewor3 and hild rearing.) all o the abo'e.

    1"1. A patriarhal soiety is one thatA) favors females over males.B) a'ors males o'er emales.C) has e$uality between males and females.D) fores women to bear hildren.!) none of the above.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    1. Hrontier

    1. A region not fully integrated into a national state that is often marginal orundeveloped is a alled aA) stateless nation.B) rontier.C) ore.

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    D) heartland.!) funtional.

    ". &hih of the following loations would still be onsidered a frontier region'A) %orth$estern

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    (. +o'ereignty

    0. he eerise of state power over people and territory and being reogni(ed byother international states refers toA) nationalism.B) so'ereignty.

    C) iti(enship.D) entrifugalism.!) imperialism.

    4. &hih of the following is onsidered a sovereign state'A) Gndia.#) Alas3a.C) 5ong *ong.D) Antartia.!) pratly Islands.

    -. "erritory

    9. In ontrast to a state a nationA) is a territory established by international agreement or military fore.B) is a cultural concept implying a group o people occupying a particularterritory and unifed by shared belies.C) the portion of the earthTs surfae ontaining a permanent population.D) is a politial entity with sovereignty over its own territory.!) is group of people living in an enlave of a ity.

    16. &hih of the following terms refers to an individual or group attempt to identifyand establish ontrol over land' his onept often leads to defense of the land.A) territoriality.#) seularism.C) materialism.D) ethnoentrism.!) onse$uent boundary.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    11. &hih of the following is an eample of a nation see3ing its own territory'A) Meians.B)

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    1". &hih of the following states ?ts the morphology desription of ompat'A) Chile.#) outh Afria.C) hailand.D)

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    C) !longated.D) Perforated.) Hragmented.

    5. longated and ragmented states

    14. &hih types of ountries usually enompass diverse types of limates resouresand peoples'A) Compat.#) Prorupt.C) longated.D) Perforated.!) 8ragmented.

    19. &hih of the following states best ?ts the morphology desription of afragmented state'A) 8rane.#) Chile.

    C) Gndonesia.D) Australia.!) China.


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    A) Matican City.#) outh Afria.C) Italy.D) ingapore.!) >apan.

    1!. andloc#ed states

    "9. &hih of the following is true for landlo3ed tates'A) hey are li3ely to be the wealthiest state in their region.B) "hey are at a commercial and strategic disad'antage.C) Interior loations are more di=ult to defend.D)

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    !) !nouraged the low lying miro states to vaate territory beause of rising sealevels.

    1-. +tateless nations

    %+. A national group that aspires to beome a nation7state but la3s the territory is

    aA) federal tate.#) unitary tate.C) stateless nation.D) /on :overnmental rgani(ation @/:).!) supranationalisti.

    %,. &hih of the following nations is onsidered a stateless7nation'A) ?urdish.#) >ewish.C) 8renh.D) panish.

    !) Polish.

    1. Grredentism

    %-. he poliy of a state wanting to add territory from another tate inhabited bypeople who have ultural lin3s to their own tate isA) the interation model.#) the gravity model.C) irredentism.D) ethnoentrism.!) ulture rebound.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    %0. &hih of the following areas have been sub;eted to the poliy of irredentism inthe late "6th entury'A) >apan.#) /ew ealand.C) +erbia.D) United tates.!) audi Arabia.

    %4. he politial dominane of a ountry or region by another ountry is referred toasA) insurgent state.#) revivalist.C) hegemony.D) pandemi.

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    !) organi theory.

    %9. &hih of the following states engaged in lassial hegemony in the late "6thentury'A) Canada.#) !l alvador.

    C) Madagasar.D) +o'iet nion.!) Mongolia.


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    D) water provides protetion against invasion.!) oeans reate a buBer between states.

    ++. All of the following are disadvantages of using water as boundaries ecept orA) water navigation rights.#) water use rights.

    C) hanging ourses of rivers.D) buer @ones bet$een +tates.!) resoure and ?shing rights.

    2;. Deserts as boundaries

    +,. All of the following are advantages of using deserts as boundaries ecept forthe fat thatA) they are di=ult to ross.#) they reate a visible physial border between states.C) deserts contain natural resources.D) desert regions are usually sparsely populated.

    !) deserts are relatively permanent.

    +-. &hih of the following states use a desert as a boundary'A) #ra(il and Peru.#) Canada and the United tates.C) Graq and ?u$ait.D) China and India.!) ur3ey and yria.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    21. Cultural boundaries

    +0. he boundaries on this island were drawn primarily to divide the :ree3s fromthe ur3s.A) Cyprus.#) Australia.C) ri Ean3a.D) Indonesia.!) 8al3lands.

    +4. he boundaries of this ountry are being ontested by the Palestinians.A) erbia.B) Gsrael.C) Ira$.D) China.!) ri Ean3a.

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    22. inguistic boundaries

    +9. his ountry used linguisti boundaries as a primary reason to establish theirterritory.A) United tates.

    #) Peru.C) Australia.D) Hrance.!) United *ingdom.

    ,6. &hih region in the world has politial boundaries that most poorly representthe linguisti boundaries of the region'A) /orth Ameria.#) outh Ameria.C) Arica.D) !ast Asia.!) !urope.

    2!. &eligious boundaries

    ,1. ne element of the onHit in ri Ean3a is diBerenes of religion. &hat tworeligions are primarily represented in this onHit'A) Islam and Christian.#) Islam and >ewish.C) Buddhism and Nindu.D) Christian and tribal.!) hiite and unni.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    ,". ne element of the onHit in *ashmir is diBerenes of religion. &hat tworeligions are primarily represented in this onHit'A) Islam and Christian.#) Islam and >ewish.C) #uddhism and 5indu.D) Christian and tribal.) Nindu and Gslam.

    ,%. he boundaries between whih set of ountries were established primarily toseparate diBerent religions'A) Gndia and

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    ,9. &hih of the following ountries2 internal boundaries are largely anteedentboundaries'A) Canada.#) :ermany.C) Israel.

    D) >apan.!) India.

    23. +ubsequent boundaries-6. A boundary that is drawn after the development of a ultural landsape is a@n)A) religious boundary.#) anteedent boundary.C) geometri boundary.D) subsequent boundary.!) superimposed boundary.

    -1. &hih of the following is the best eample of a subse$uent boundary'

    A) Greland 7 %orthern Greland.#) Meio United tates.C) China ibet.D) :reat &all of China.!) Colorado *ansas.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    25. +uperimposed boundaries

    -". A boundary fored upon eisting ultural landsapes a ountry or a people by aon$uering or oloni(ing power is alled a@n)A) religious boundary.#) anteedent boundary.C) geometri boundary.D) subse$uent boundary.) superimposed boundary.

    -%. &hih of the following boundaries were not superimposed on a group'A) /ative Amerian reservations.B) nited +tates7Canada.C) IndiaPa3istan.D) Afria.!) Papua /ew :uineaIndonesia.

    29. &elic boundaries

    -+. &hat type of boundary does the :reat &all of China best illustrate'A) :eometri boundary.#) /atural boundary.C) Antededent boundary.D) &elic boundary.

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    !) !lave boundary.

    -,. A former boundary line that is still visible and mar3ed by some ulturallandsape feature is a@n)A) geometri boundary.#) natural boundary.

    C) antededent boundary.D) relic boundary.!) subse$uent boundary.

    !;. Boundary disputes

    --. At whih sale do boundary disputes our'A) Eoal.#)

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    whether or not to inspet eah tru3 and how to tra3 the How of individuals ba3and forth along the +6667mile border.A) Positionalloational dispute.#) !thni dispute.C)

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    #) periphery state.C) fragmented state.D) buer state.!) viable state.

    0+. A real world eample of a buBer state would be'

    A) 0ongolia.#) 8rane.C) China.D) United tates.!) #ra(il.

    0,. &hih of the following states is a buBer state between India and China'A) Mongolia.B) %epal.C) Oietnam.D) >apan.!) ri Ean3a.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    !-. Border landscapes

    0-. he study of border landsapes is onerned with all of the following eeptA) the politial boundary as an epression of ultural landsape.#) the eBet of the border on eonomi ativity.C) how the border aBets the attitude of border inhabitants.D) the eBet of the border on state poliy.) the nited %ations a$ o Border De'elopment.

    00. &hih of the following best desribes the border landsape between the Unitedtates and Meio in the early "1st entury'A) +trongly demarcated $ith ences and border guards, particularly inurban areas.#) pen weloming border with inviting signage.C) udden sharp ultural hange from Meian to Amerian ulture.D) Oery few transportation onnetions or eonomi lin3ages.!) Oery few people or produts ross the border landsape legally.

    !. "erritorial disputes

    04. his type of boundary dispute fouses on the ownership and ontrol of surfaearea.A) Positionalloational dispute.#) !thni dispute.C)

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    09. he IsraelPalestine onHit has elements of all of the following types of disputeseept a@n)A) funtional operational dispute.#) religious dispute.C) ethni dispute.

    D) geometric dispute.!) territorial dispute.

    !3. +el:determination46. he onept that ethniities have the right to govern themselves is referred toasA) olonialism.#)

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    4+. &hih of the following best eempli?es an immigrant state'A) India.#) China.C) Australia.D) >apan.

    !) audi Arabia.

    (;. Colonialism

    4,. he poliy by a ountry to establish settlements in an area and impose itspolitial eonomi and ultural priniples there is alledA) ommand eonomy.B) colonialism.C) devolution.D) growth pole.!) regionalism.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    4-. &hih of the following regions was not predominately oloni(ed by the #ritish'A) !ast Afria.#) outh Asia.C) 4est Arica.D) outh Afria.!) Australia.

    (1. Gmperialism

    40. he establishment of politial boundaries in Afria by !uropean imperial powersduring the 19th enturyA) was the result of military onHit between the oloni(ing ountries.B) resulted in distincti'e cultural groups being di'ided among dierentstates.C) was the result of the International Court of >ustie.D) reHeted pre7olonial patterns of tribal territorial ontrol.!) empowered the tribes of Afria to see3 self rule with !uropean assistane.

    44. A ountry imposes its politial eonomi and ultural priniples over territoryalready oupied and organi(ed by a soiety. his is alledA) ommand eonomy.#) olonialism.C) devolution.D) imperialism.!) regionalism.

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    49. he #ritish imperiali(ed portions of all of the following regions ecept'A) /igeria.#) India.C) Mietnam.D) !ast Afria.!) China.

    96. !very ountry in Afria was either oloni(ed or under the imperial ontrol of a!uropean power eeptA) thiopia.#) outh Afria.C) *enya.D) /igeria.!) !gypt.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    (2. 0aniest destiny

    91. he onept that the United tates was ordained by :od to epand aross /orthAmeria wasA) gateway state.#) omplementarity.C) 0aniest Destiny.D)

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    !) #al3ani(ation.

    ((. +hatterbelt

    9+. &hih of the following areas is onsidered a shatterbelt'A) astern urope.

    #) &estern !urope.C) China.D) Australia.!) /orth Ameria.

    9,. A region that historially is aught between stronger olliding eternal fores.he region is often fratured and splintered politially and ethnially. his aneample of a@n)A) shatterbelt.#) periphery.C) primate state.D) insurgent state.

    !) ore.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    (-. Decoloni@ation

    9-. Afria eperiened a period of deoloni(ation and reation of many new tatesduring whih time period'A) 19-;s and ;s.#) Eate 19th entury.C) 1066s.D) 14,6s.!) 19%6s.

    (. Apartheid90. &hih ountry had an apartheid system of legal segregation of raes whih was?nally dismantled in the 1996s'A) United tates.#) India.C) +outh Arica.D) China.!) >apan.

    (3. +atellite states94. his "6th entury ommunist empire ontrolled many wea3er satellite states in!astern !urope.A) :ermany.#) ur3ey.C) +o'iet nion.

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    D) China.!) Oietnam.

    (5. Balance o apan:ermany.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    (9. ate$ay state

    166. &hih of the following states is onsidered a gateway to the 5imalayas'A) Peru.

    B) %epal.C)

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    16+. &hih of the following ountries is not a federal state'A) United tates.#) Canada.C) 8rane.D) Australia.) nited ?ingdom.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    -2. Conederation

    16,. A permanent union of sovereign states reated in order to deal with ommoninterests of defense trade or poliy is aA) conederation.#) demoray.C) dependeny.D) trust territory.!) maro state.

    -!. Core7periphery

    16-. Politial geographers onsider whih of the following as the ore area of theUnited tates'A) he Eos Angeles7an 8raniso area.B) "he %e$ /or#:4ashington D.C. area.C) he Chiago7Detroit area.D) he Atlanta7#irminham Alabama area.!) he #uBalo7Cleveland area.

    -(. Capital

    160. &ashington DC was hosen as a site for the United tates apital for all of thefollowing reasons eceptA) its entrality in the United tates.#) inland site provided some protetion against invasion.C) it $as the largest and most po$erul city during the colonial era.D) its site was undeveloped and a new ity ould be built form the ground up.!) it was a ompromise loation between the ompeting interests of the /orth andouth.

    --. Hor$ard capital

    164. his type of apital ity is deliberately sited in a state2s frontier (one'A) Core.B) Hor$ard:thrust.C) !lave.D) Divided.!) /etwor3ed.

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    169. is a forward7thrust apital.A) &ashington DC.#) Eondon.C) #ei;ing.D) Brasilia.

    !) #aghdad.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    116. &hih of the following is a reason a ountry would selet a forward7thrustapital site'A) "o encourage gro$th into the interior o a country.#) o ta3e advantage of a oastal loation.C) Eoations on a hill provides better protetion against atta3.D) o enourage reloation on a new oastal area.!) o reinfore the power and inHuene of a ountry2s ore region.

    -. Bal#ani@ation

    111. #al3ani(ation is most losely assoiated with whih of the following terms'A) eondary ativities.#) ipping point.C) Multi7linear evolution.D) +hatterbelt.!) #ul37loss industry.

    11". &hih of the following ountries has endured the eBets of bal3ani(ation'A) United tates.B) /ugosla'ia.C) Australia.D) #ra(il.!) /igeria.

    11%. All of the following areas have reently eperiened or were reated throughbal3ani(ation eceptA) Chehnya.#) erbia.C) !stonia.D) Oietnam.) Bra@il.

    -3. Centripetal orces

    11+. hese fores tend to bind together the iti(ens of a state.A) Centripetal.

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    #) Centrifugal.C) Colonialism.D) :ravity.!)

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    119. &hih of the following states is not universally reogni(ed as an independentstate by the United /ations'A) outh Afria.#) outh *orea.C) ur3ey.D) "ai$an.

    !) ri Ean3a.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    1. Gmpact o globali@ation on state so'ereignty

    1"6. &hih of the following entities has inreasingly gained both eonomi andpolitial power on a global sale in the "1st entury via the proess of globali(ation'A) "ransnational corporations.#) ub7regional governments.C) City7states.D) Eandlo3ed states.


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    D) erritorial seas elusive eonomi (one high seas ontiguous (one.!) !lusive eonomi (one ontiguous (one high seas territorial seas.

    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    (. De'olution

    1"+. he presene of entrifugal fores within a ountry has lead many entralgovernments to transfer entral government power to regional or loalgovernments. his proess is alledA) de'olution.#) aulturation.C) autorati.D) imperialism.!) apitalism.

    1",. &hih of the following sub7regions reently gained more entral governmentpowers with the reation of a parliament'

    A) Colorado.B) +cotland.C)

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    Unit IO Politial rgani(ation of tates

    3. %AH"A

    1"9. /A8A is a upranationalisti organi(ation whih attempted to reate a freetrade (one in whih region'

    A) /orth Afria.#) /orth Atlanti.C) /ew ealand and Australia.D) %orth America.!) /igerian and Arab ountries.

    5. conomic nterprise Kones

    1%6. An area in whih businesses are eempt from ertain taes and governmentregulations to give other eonomi advantages as an induement to promotegrowth or trade.A)

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    C) China and aiwan.D) India and Pa3istan.!) Israel and Palestine.

    32. errymandering

    1%+. he proess of redrawing voting distrit boundaries in order to give onepolitial party or group an eletoral advantage is alledA) devolution.B) gerrymandering.C) politial enlave.D) popular sovereignty.!) ultural landsape.

    1%,. &hih type of gerrymandering is designed to elet minority andidates'A) +tac#ed.#) &asted vote.C) 8ragmented.

    D) Aligned.!) Persuasive.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    C) &elocation diusion.D) 5ierarhial diBusion.!) Contagious diBusion.

    ,. Agriulture is aBeted by all of the following eceptA) ultural taboos.

    #) distane to the mar3et.C) politial poliies.D) level of eonomi development..) all o the abo'e.

    -. trategies used to inrease the supply of food for a ountry ould inludeA) putting more land into prodution.#) inreasing the yield of land under ultivation.C) identifying new food soures.D) inreasing food imports.) all o the abo'e.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    D) that in subsistene agriulture the motivation is to feed one2s family.) all o the abo'e.

    11. ubsistene agriulture dominates inA) less de'eloped countries.#) more developed ountries.

    C) mid7latitude limates.D) newly7industriali(ed ountries.!) none of the above.

    1". :rowing only enough food to feed your family is an eample ofA) vegetative planting.#) mar3et gardening.C) etensive ommerial agriulture.D) subsistence agriculture.!) none of the above.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    D) 5umans did little eperimentation with plant domestiation.) A and B only.

    10. Aording to Carl auer what best harateri(ed the invention of plantdomestiation'A) he proess was gradual.

    #) A number of independent hearths were established.C) 5earths developed in areas with high biodiversity.D) All o the abo'e.!) /one of the above.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    D) +heep and goat.!) Ra3 and horse.

    "". &hih pairing of animal@s) and region is not orret'A) &ater buBalo pig and hi3en J outheast Asia.#) Elama and alpaa J outh Ameria.

    C) Cattle E +outh Asia.D) :oat and sheep J outhwest Asia.!) All of the above.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    !) outheast Asia.

    11. 'olution o crop rotation systems

    "0. !uropeans evolved from farming a single ?eld in early medieval times torotating rops into how many diBerent setions or ?elds by the 14th entury'

    A) ne.#) wo.C) hree.D) Hour.!) 8ive.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    %". &hen omparing the *oppen Climate

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    C) rops are grown on land until the nutrients in the soil are depleted.D) primogentric land o$nership dominates shiting culti'ation societies.!) farmers usually return to the same area approimately twenty years later.

    %4. widden agriulture refers toA) learing land to farm using slash and burn tehni$ues.

    #) only farming leared land for one to two years.C) terraing steep hillsides for agriultural purposes.D) all of the above.) A and B only.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    A) transhumance.#) seasonal variation.C) swidden agriulture.D) livesto3 ranhing.!) etensive subsistene agriulture.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    C) Double cropping.D) widden agriulture.!) lash and burn agriulture.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    !) all of the above.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    A) of the low pro?t margin of mil3.B) they are located outside the mil#shed.C) of the high ost of feed.D) of the high ost of land.!) none of the above.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    #) Inreased use of pestiides.C) Inreased use of fertili(ers.D) Development of improved seed varieties.) All o the abo'e.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    D) are in ompetition with alternative land uses.) operate most ePciently in similar climates.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    !!. uury crops

    9-. Eegal rops suh as oBee tea and tobao grown on plantations in the tropisfor eport to More Developed Countries @MDCs) are ommonly referred to asA) luury crops.

    #) perishable rops.C) speialty rops.D) eport rops.!) none of the above.

    90. &hih of the following is not onsidered a luury rop'A) CoBee.#) ea.C) Banana.D) Caoa.!) obao.

    94. he main diBerene between oBee and tea is thatA) oBee is onsumed where it is produed.B) tea is consumed $here it is produced.C) oBee is grown in upland areas in the tropis and subtropis.D) tea is grown in low7lying areas in humid ontinental limates.!) A and # only.

    !(. Gmpacts o mar#ets on production areas

    99. 5ow have globali(ation and improved transportation lin3s hanged thegeography of prodution areas for produts suh as apples grapes and fresh utHowers'A) 8armers will see3 out areas with the lowest prodution osts.#) /orth Amerian farmers no longer have a ompetitive advantage all year.C) Prodution areas have beome more ompetitive in Eeast Developed Countries@EDCs).D) outhern hemisphere produers have inreased prodution of these items.) All o the abo'e.

    !-. &ole o transportation

    166. 5ow has ontaineri(ation hanged the geography of lin3ages betweenprodution areas and loation of onsumers'A) Due to eonomies of sale prodution areas have shifted to many EeastDeveloped Countries @EDCs).#) he ue( and Panama anals are less important beause of ontaineri(ation.C) Containeri(ation has made long distane trade more e=ient.D) Containeri(ation has made long distane trade more pro?table.) All o the abo'e.

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    16-. Using von hunen2s model as a basis for analysis assume /ew Ror3 City is thesingle mar3et for the United tates dairy agriulture would dominate inA) %e$ ngland and upstate %e$ /or#.#) southeastern states.C) California.

    D) the Pai? /orthwest.!) none of the above.

    160. Using von hunen2s model as a basis for analysis assume /ew Ror3 City is thesingle mar3et for the United tates mied rop and livesto3 agriulture would beloated inA) /ew !ngland.B) the 0id$est.C) the Pai? /orthwest.D) southeastern states.!) :reat Plains.

    164. Using von hunen2s model as a basis for analysis assume Eondon !nglandand Paris 8rane is the single mar3et for !urope. Dairy agriulture would be loatedinA) southern ngland.#) andinavia.C) southern pain.D) the steppes of

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    Unit O Agriulture and

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    -;. ster Boserup8s thesis

    1%6. #oserup2s basi thesis with respet to population growth in ultures thatpratied subsistene agriulture was thatA) population inrease would deimate loal resoures.

    B) population increase $ould be accompanied by an increase in ho$intensely land $ould be used.C) population inrease would beome unsustainable.D) population inrease would lead to out7migration.!) population inrease would lead to ompetition for limited resoures.

    1%1. #oserup theori(ed that when population inreased in a subsisteneagriulturally based ommunity the level of tehnology and labor eBorts mustA) increase to meet the demands o increased population pressures.#) inrease by purhasing new mahinery from MDCs.C) inrease by sending students to tehnial shools.D) derease due to the high ost of mahinery.

    !) derease beause more hildren need to ?nish their eduation.

    -1. Deorestation o the tropics

    1%". In reent years what type of agriultural pratie has been most responsiblefor deforestation of the rain forest in parts of Central and outh Ameria'A) widden agriulture.#) Intensive subsistene agriulture.C) A$uaulture.D) i'estoc# ranching.!) ru3 farming.

    -2. +ustainable agriculture

    1%%. &hih of the following agriultural praties ould be deemed sustainable'A) Intensive subsistene.#) rgani tru3 farming.C) Commerial livesto3 feedlots.D) Commerial dairy operations.) A and B only.

    1%+. he goal@s) of sustainable agriulture is toA) redue pestiide and fertili(er usage.#) help preserve the soial fabri of rural ommunities.C) preserve the long7term produtivity of the land.D) return to a better system of integrating rops and livesto3.) all o the abo'e.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    -!. &idge tillage

    1%,. his type of farming pratie helps preserve soil onservation by planting ropson the tops of hills.A) Intertillage.B) &idge tillage.

    C) Crop rotation.D) Cover rop planting.!) /one of the above.

    -(. Aquaculture

    1%-. he prodution and harvesting of ?sh and shell ?sh in setioned oB oves andland7based ponds is tehnially referred to asA) acquaculture.#) water based agriulture.C) intensive subsistene agriulture.D) ?sh farming.

    !) none of the above.

    1%0. Due to over harvesting of ?sh sto3s and inreased demand for seafood whatform of agriulture has substantially grown in the last thirty years'A) 8atory deep sea ?shing.#) Commerial plantation agriulture.C) Agribusiness.D) Aquaculture.!) Monoulture.

    --. 6rganic agriculture

    1%4. has inreased its prodution by "6L per year for the last twentyyears.A) ustainable agriulture.#) Oitiulture.C) 6rganic agriculture.D) Chi3en prodution.!) /one of the above.

    1%9. n a global sale most organi produts are sold inA) /orth Ameria.#) !urope.C) >apan.D) All of the above.) A and B only.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    -. o'ernment agricultural subsidies

    1+6. All of the following are farm subsidies eceptA) giving farmers a minimum prie for their produt regardless of mar3et onditions.B) gi'ing armers ta brea#s i they meet production quotas.C) establishing import barriers on imported produts.

    D) paying farmers not to produe more than a ertain $uantity of a partiular rop.!) giving farmers speial ta inentives for onservation eBorts.

    1+1. All of the following are forms of farm subsidies eceptA) establishing a minimum prie for their produt regardless of mar3et onditions.#) importing barriers on foreign agriultural produts.C) paying armers to gro$ specialty crops.D) paying farmers not to produe more than a ertain amount for their produt.!) giving farmers ta inentives for various onservation measures.

    1+". All of the following are ways for a ountry or region to inrease the food supplyecept

    A) inrease the amount of land in prodution.B) increase arm subsidies.C) inrease agriultural produtivity.D) identify new soures of food.!) import more food.

    -3. &egions o agricultural production

    1+%. 5og prodution is nearly noneistent in outhwest Asia and /orth AfriabeauseA) the la3 of rainfall inhibits prodution.#) the limati onditions are not favorable.C) ulturally the population prefers lamb.D) cultural taboos eist on eating por#.!) none of the above.

    1++. In the last twenty years the region of the world that has eperiened a delinein food prodution ompared to population growth isA) outh Asia.#) outheast Asia.C) +ub:+aharan Arica.D) Central Ameria.!) !ast Asia.

    Unit O Agriulture and

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    1+,. he region with the lowest perent of the labor fore diretly engaged inagriulture isA) &estern !urope.B) %orth America.C) !astern !urope.D) /orth Afria.

    !) !ast Asia.

    1+-. he area in Canada where ?shing dominates the eonomy isA) the 0aritime

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    %. he :reat #ig ennis hoe Company ma3es its shoes with leather from aompany in Argentina the shoelaes and thread ome from ompanies in theUnited tates and the rubber for the soles from Indonesia. he shoes areassembled in fatories in China and the shoes are ultimately sold in !urope and theUnited tates. All of the following fators help eplain why this global assembly lineproess ours ecept

    A) improvements in data ommuniation.#) relatively low transportation osts due to ontaineri(ation.C) decreasing incomes in the de'eloped regions o the $orldD) relatively low labor osts in diBerent regions of the world.!) the durability of the good being proessed.

    +. &hih of the following ountries in "664 has the largest perent of its wor3foreengaged in the tertiary or servie setor'A) Peru.#) /igeria.C) China.D) !gypt.

    ) ermany.

    ,. A peasant in rural China is most li3ely employed in whih setor of the eonomy'A)

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    #) eondary.C) uaternary.D) uinary.!) ertiary.

    9. he largest setor of the eonomy in Postindustrial ountries is

    A) primary.#) seondary.C) $uaternary.D) $uinary.) tertiary.

    16. &hih of the following eonomi setors is least li3ely to our in the core areaof a ountry'A)

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    C) Inreasing ompetition from ars produed in China.D) he largest population lusters in the U are in the outh.!) 5ybrid tehnology eists in greater supplies in the outh than other regions ofthe U.

    1+. &hih of the following ities is the highest order ?nanial enter'

    A) ingapore.B) ondon.C) idney.D) Eagos.!) Chiago.

    1,. &hih of the following regions is not onsidered a ma;or agglomeration of hightehnology development'A) /orthern California.#) #angalore India.C) Dallas and Austin eas.D) #ei;ing China.

    ) Athens, reece.

    Unit OI Industry and !onomi Development

    1-. &hih of the following is not a loational tendeny of high teh industries'A) Proimity to a ma;or university.#) Aess to venture apital and entrepreneurs.C) Areas with high $uality of life reputations.D) Gnner:city, do$nto$n locations close to central business districts.!) Availability of high $uality ommuniation and transportation failities.

    -. lobal trends $ith respect to sectors o the economy

    10. &hih of the following best desribes the overall global trend in agriulture'A) he perent of people wor3ing in agriulture is delining and the produtivity offarming is dereasing.B) "he percent o people $or#ing in agriculture is declining and theproducti'ity o arming is increasing.C) he perent of people wor3ing in agriulture is inreasingD) he perent of people wor3ing in agriulture is inreasing and produtivity offarming is dereasing.!) he perent of people wor3ing in agriulture is inreasing and produtivity offarming is inreasing.

    14. Many United tates high teh ompanies have been outsouring many of theirtehnial support and other tertiary ;obs to whih of the following ountries'A) Gndia#) ChinaC) outh Afria

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    D) audi Arabia!) :ermany

    . Categories o $ealth 0ore De'eloped Countries 0DC) 's. eastDe'eloped Countries DC))

    19. Applying the Core7Periphery model whih of the following best desribes thelassi?ation of outh *orea aiwan and ingapore'A) Core.#) Downward transition.C) Periphery.D)

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    D) Australia.!) outh Ameria.

    9. "he Gndustrial &e'olution defnition, origin, gro$th, and diusion)

    "+. &hih of the following regions aounted for nearly 46L of the industrial output

    of the early 1466s Industrial

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    "4. &hih of the following ountries is not a ma;or produer of steel'A) China.#) >apan.C) United tates.D) outh *orea.) %igeria.

    "9. &hih of the following Amerian ities is not loated in a ma;or manufaturingregion'A) /ew Ror3.#) Chiago.C) Atlanta.D) eattle.) 0iami.

    Unit OI Industry and !onomi Development

    %6. &hih of the following does not aurately depit the loation harateristis of

    manufaturing in

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    B) arge pool o s#illed labor and quic# deli'ery to large mar#ets.C) table government and low labor osts.D) &ea3 unions and stringent environmental laws.!) Dereasing global transportation osts and rising labor osts in China.

    11. Change in the geographic distribution o manuacturing regions $ithin

    a country and $orld$ide

    %+. &hih of the following industries is most li3ely to outsoure ;obs to anotherountry beause of slight inreases in labor osts'A) teel manufaturing.#) Automobile assembly plant.C) "etile plant.D) 5igh7teh researh faility.!) Mil3 dairy.

    Unit OI Industry and !onomi Development

    %,. &hih of the following situational fators best eplains why automobilemanufaturing and assembly plants ontinue to loate in the interior United tates'A) Eower labor osts than in oastal loations with strong environmental laws.B) &elati'ely less epensi'e site costs and quic# deli'ery to large mar#ets.C) &eight gain industries an loate further from their mar3et area.D) &ea3 unions and stringent environmental laws.!) Dereasing global transportation osts and rising labor osts in China.

    %-. &hih of the following fators does not eplain why automobile manufaturingand assembly plants ontinue to lose or reloate failities in the northern Unitedtates'A) Eower labor osts in other U.. regions.#) Cars are inreasingly made with plasti and aluminum materials whih hangesthe optimal loation of assembly plants.C) he United tates population enter ontinues to migrate south and west therebyinreasing the transportation osts of prodution in the north.D) 4ea# unions in the north and shortage o s#illed labor.!) Inreasing ompetition from international ompanies loating plants in the Unitedtates.

    12. Connection bet$een industriali@ation and the Demographic "ransition0odel D"0)

    %0. &hih stage of the lassi Demographi ransition Model @DM) is mostassoiated with the industriali(ation of a ountry2s eonomy'A) tage I.#) tage II.C) +tage GGG.D) tage IO.!) tage O.

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    %4. he industriali(ation of a ountry2s eonomy often has whih the following large7sale eBets on a ountry2s demographi patterns'A) People migrate from the ities into rural areas see3ing new ;obs in the primarysetor. his migration leads to a derease in death rate for the ountry.#) Individuals migrate to new industrial or urban areas in searh of ;obs. ver timethe death rate inreases for the ountry beause of the high ris3 ;obs.

    C) 8amilies migrate to ities see3ing ;obs in the seondary setor and beause ofthe inreased wages birth rate inreases for the ountry.D) 0echani@ed arming replaces many labor:intensi'e *obs, inducingpeople to mo'e to ne$ industrial and urban areas. 6'er time, thecountry8s birth rate decreases as the country industriali@es.!) Industriali(ation has very little eBet on the migration of a ountry2s populationbut does have the dramati eBet of inreasing the death rate.

    Unit OI Industry and !onomi Development

    1!. Gndustry beore the Gndustrial &e'olution cottage)

    %9. Prior to the Industrial

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    +". All of the following are true of fossil fuels eceptA) they are distributed unevenly around the globe.#) the supply of fossil fuels is ?nite.

    C) wealthy ountries onsume greater amounts of fossil fuels than poorer ountries.D) the $ealthiest countries ha'e the greatest deposits o ossil uels.!) the ost of fossil fuels will li3ely rise as global demand inreases and reservesdeline.

    Unit OI Industry and !onomi Development

    1. %e$ technologies and implications

    +%. Computer tehnial support ;obs are inreasingly being outsoured to India forall of the following reasons eceptA) large !nglish spea3ing population in India.

    #) strong teleommuniations infrastruture in parts of India.C) lower wages for wor3ers than the United tates.D) poor training o high:tech students in the nited +tates.!) inreasing population of high s3illed labor in India.

    ++. Computer tehnial support ;obs are inreasingly being outsoured to Indiabeause of improvements in teleommuniation tehnology. &hih term besteempli?es this trend'A) +pace:time compression.#) Agglomeration.C) Absolute distane.D) Multiplier eBet.!) /on7governmental organi(ations @/:).

    13. ocation and distribution o economic cores and peripheries

    +,. #ased on the onept of &allerstein2s world7systems analysis whih of thefollowing ountries best ?ts the desription of semi7periphery in the early "1stentury'A) Afghanistan.B) China.C) Cuba.D) :ermany.!) /igeria.

    +-. #ased on the onept of &allerstein2s world7systems analysis whih of thefollowing ountries best ?ts the desription of ore in the early "1st entury'A) Afghanistan.#) China.C) Cuba.D) ermany.!) /igeria.

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    +0. #ased on the onept of ore7periphery relationships whih of the followingregions of the United tates best ?ts the desription of periphery in the early "1stentury'

    A) Alas#a.#) Colorado.C) /ew Ror3.D) California.!) Illinois.

    Unit OI Industry and !onomi Development

    +4. #ased on the onept of ore7periphery relationships whih of the followingregions of !urope best ?ts the desription of periphery in the early "1st entury'A) United *ingdom.#) 8rane.

    C) :ermany.D) +pain.!) /etherlands.

    15. Core7periphery model

    +9. Aording to &allerstein2s world7systems analysis whih of the following is theeventual outome of the theory'A) Permanent division of wealthy ore ountries and poor periphery ountries.#) Creation of one giant super ore with the rest of the world as a periphery.C) 'olution to$ards multiple cores that echange goods, ser'ices andresources.D) Current system of ores and periphery eists with the periphery beominginreasingly ?nanially dependent on the ore.!) Devolution of ore replaed by multiple semi7periphery regions supported by theresoures of nearby periphery regions.

    19. 'olution o de'elopment schools o thought

    ,6. &hih of the following development shools of thought advoates that ountriesproeed through progressive stages of eonomi strutural hange' Eess developedountries should follow the path that &estern !urope and /orth Ameria too3 duringthe Industrial

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    ,1. &hih of the following development shools of thought advoates that thedynami between highly developed and developing ountries permanently 3eepsless developed ountries at an eonomi disadvantage'A) Appropriation.

    B) Dependency.C) Moderni(ation.D) /eoliberal Counterrevolution.!) ustainable Development.

    Unit OI Industry and !onomi Development

    ,". &hih of the following development shools of thought advoates the beststrategies for development are the use of miro loans for women and the poorsmall7sale ommunity based pro;ets and resoure onservation'A) Appropriation.#) Dependeny.

    C) Moderni(ation.D) /eoliberal Counterrevolution.) +ustainable De'elopment.

    ,%. &hih of the following development shools of thought followed by the Chinesein the 19462s advoates that ounties who wish to improve their eonomy shouldprivati(e industries enourage foreign investment and move towards free trade'A) Appropriation.#) Dependeny.C) Moderni(ation.D) %eoliberal Counterre'olution.!) ustainable Development.

    2;. &egional disparities in $ealthS nited +tates, urope, and atinAmerica

    ,+. #ased on a 5arvard Institute study whih attempted to $uantify diBerenes innational eonomi development. &hih of the following set of fators are ommonin highly developed ountries of the world'A) Eow latitude eologial (ones and peripheral global loations.#) Eow latitude eologial (ones peripheral global loations and rules of law thatprohibit orruption and breah of ontrat.C) Earge and epanding population rules of law that prohibit orruption and breahof ontrat and mar3et based eonomies.D) Eow latitude eologial (ones rules of law that prohibit orruption and breah ofontrat and mar3et based eonomies.) &ules o la$ that prohibit corruption and breach o contract, and mar#etbased economies.

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    ,,. /ot all regions of a ountry will develop at the same rate or reap the bene?ts ofa ountry2s eonomi development. &hih of the following does not eplain why&estern China has not developed as $ui3ly as !astern China'A) !astern China is better situated to ta3e advantage of the global trade eonomy.B) 4estern China lac#s resources used or manuacturing.C) :reater politial power is loated in !astern China.

    D) Earger labor supplies an be found in the east.!) &estern China2s physial geography reates more hallenges for transportationagriulture and industry than in !astern China.

    Unit OI Industry and !onomi