Apam Jepun


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  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Apam Jepun - Dorayaki

    A few already tried this... Made for breakfast this morning...I blended the ingredients yesterdaynight before going to bed...this morning, bake them in the muffins trays cause I dont have the

    moulds like KakAmFlora used for hers....saw in Kak Asma blog, also baked in muffin trays..so Idid the same thing..hehe.. you can also see another version at Hana's....As I was lazy to boil thered beans...I used Nutella filling instead ...SEDAAP!!!.....the taste is there!!!...

    Ingredients:-25g mentega-(butter)75g gula-( sugar)250g tepung gandum-(plain flour)2 biji telur-(eggs)300ml air(dimasak dgn 6 helai daun pandan)-sejukkan-(water boiled with 6 pandan leaves)-leaveto cool1/2 sudu besar yis mauripan(dibancuh & dikacau dgn sedikit air)-(1/2 tbsp yeast-mixed with

    some water)1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat-( 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda)1/2 sudu teh garam-( 1/2 tsp salt)sedikit pewarna kuning-( some yellow colourings)

    Method:-Telur & gula dipukul sebentar, kemudian masukkan butter dan pukul lagi. Masukkan tepung, air,yis, garam, bikarbonat & pewarna-pukul lagi hingga kembang dan sebati. (masukkan dalamblender jer). Acuan disapukan dengan sedikit minyak. Ambil 1 sudu makan adunan laludituangkan dalam acuan- agak2 nampak keluar gelembung terus masukkan sedikit inti kacang.Kemudian tuangkan lagi dengan lagi adunan sehingga penuh acuan. Biarkan masak hingga

    kekuningan dan bolehlah diangkat. -(Beat eggs and sugar for awhile. Add in butter and beatagain. Add in flour, water, yeast, salt, bicarbonate of soda & colouring and beat again till fluffyand creamy. (just put everyhting in blender easier). Grease some oil to moulds. Add in 1spoonful of mixture. When mixture has 'rise' add in filling. Add another spoonful of mixture tocover. Let it cook till yellowish and ready.)

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Inti kacang Merah:-(Red Bean filling)300g kacang merah-(direbus sehingga empuk)-(red bean -boiled till soft)150g gula-(sugar) 100g gula tanjung(gula warna oren)-(orange sugar)4 helai daun pandan-(pandan leaves)

    Method:-Kacang direbus dengan daun pandan hingga empuk. Dilecekkan halus dan masukkan gulakemudian dimasak hingga pekat-sejukkan.-(Red bean boiled with pandan leaves till soft. Mashedup red beans and add in sugar and cook till thickens. let to cool.)Sources:-From Serojakitchen.blogspot.com

    Japanese Pancakes - Apam Jepun

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Made this Japanese pancakes (Apam Jepun) again.. I used the apam mould that I bought theother day...I just love this snacks..really fallling in love with it!!!!...huhuh...this time reallylooked like those sold in Jollibean counters in the shopping centres....hehehe...on how to bake it

    you can see it here..

    Still I added Nutella for the filling as I thought of adding the red bean filllings but I already usedfor the kuih lapis kacang merah the other day...so help yourself with one each OK..

    Ingredients:-25g mentega-(butter)75g gula-( sugar)250g tepung gandum-(plain flour)2 biji telur-(eggs)

    300ml air(dimasak dgn 6 helai daun pandan)-sejukkan-(water boiled with 6 pandan leaves)-leaveto cool1/2 sudu besar yis mauripan(dibancuh & dikacau dgn sedikit air)-(1/2 tbsp yeast-mixed withsome water)1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat-( 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda)1/2 sudu teh garam-( 1/2 tsp salt)sedikit pewarna kuning-( some yellow colourings)

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Method:-Telur & gula dipukul sebentar, kemudian masukkan butter dan pukul lagi. Masukkan tepung, air,yis, garam, bikarbonat & pewarna-pukul lagi hingga kembang dan sebati. (masukkan dalamblender jer). Acuan disapukan dengan sedikit minyak. Ambil 1 sudu makan adunan laludituangkan dalam acuan- agak2 nampak keluar gelembung terus masukkan sedikit inti kacang.

    Kemudian tuangkan lagi dengan lagi adunan sehingga penuh acuan. Biarkan masak hinggakekuningan dan bolehlah diangkat. -(Beat eggs and sugar for awhile. Add in butter and beatagain. Add in flour, water, yeast, salt, bicarbonate of soda & colouring and beat again till fluffyand creamy. (just put everyhting in blender easier). Grease some oil to moulds. Add in 1spoonful of mixture. When mixture has 'rise' add in filling. Add another spoonful of mixture tocover. Let it cook till yellowish and ready.)Sources:- Serojakitchen.blogspot.com

    Anda mungkin juga meminati:

    Easier Crispy Waffles

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    This was our tea snack just now...well actuallyalso our breakfast this morning...made this yesterday night so that this morning Mr Hubby canhave this for breakfast..his toppings were kaya and butter.. there were some balance I made againfor tea snacks this time with Milo ice cream as the toppings..ermmm so sedap..berebut makandengan Marsya...Iqram asked me to do again tomorrow!!...Cikgu Zana, I put up the recipe hereya..thank you to Sheryl too..

    The difference within this recipe than other waffles was that it used yeast instead of bakingpowder.. try it to taste the difference..

    Ingredients:-2 cups flour-(tepung gandum)1/2 tsp instant yeast-( yis)1 stick melted butter-(114g mentega cair)2 cups warm milk-(susu suam2 panas)2 eggs-(telur)2 tsp vanilla extract-( kita bantai vanilla essence)1 tbsp sugar-(gula)1/2 tsp salt-(garam)

    The night before:(siapkan malam sebelum)1. Combine and whisk together the dry ingredients in a large bowl: flour, yeast, sugar and salt.2. Combine the melted butter and milk. Add the mixture to the dry ingredients.

    3. Whisk eggs and vanilla together in a separate small bowl. Add the egg-vanilla mixture to theother mixture, and whisk until well-combined.

    3. Cover with plastic wrap and stick in the fridge until tomorrow morning.-(Campurkan bahan2kering :tepung, gula, garam didalam satu mangkuk. Campurkan mentega yang sudah cair dansusu suam dan masukkan kedalam bahan kering. Pukul telur dan vanilla essence didalam

    mangkuk yg lain dan masukkan kedalam adunan yang tadi. Satukan dan pukul semua adunantadi. Tutup dengan plastic cling wrap dan simpan dalam peti ais sampai keesokkan hari.)

    The next morning:(Keesokkan hari)Prepare waffle iron as usual. Stir the batter to deflate it (it should be puffy and frothy). Add to

    waffle iron the same way you would other batter, keeping in mind that this batter will rise morethan batters that use baking powder instead of yeast.-( Sediakan waffle maker dan panaskan.Kacau adunan tadi (ia sepatutnya sudah naik sedikit). Masukkan sesenduk atau dua adunan

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    kedalam waffle maker. Adunan ini akan naik sedikit dari adunan yang lain yang menggunakanbaking powder kerana adunan ini meggunakan yis).Sources:-From dzanariah.blogspot.com

    Crispy Onion Rings

    Made this for afternoon tea yesterday..and youknow what, not bad for a home cooked onion rings!!..the taste was almost there...97% !!maybenext time I should add in breadcrumbs?...will try and explore...

    Ingredients:-(3-4 pac)2 big onions7 tbsp plain flour2 tbsp corn flour1/2 tsp baking powder1/2 tsp castor sugarsalt to tastewhite pepper powder/back pepper to taste1/4tsp chilli powder1 egg125 ml fresh milkoil for deep frying

    Method:-Slice onions like a ring with 1cm thick.Use the onions as in the picture.

    Mix all the dry ingredients and stir well.Mix egg and milk in another bowl. Add the mixture to the dry mixture and stir well.Heat oil in wok. Dip the onions in mixture and fry till golden brown. Dont fry the onions toocrowded as it will be difficult to turn over. Dish out and strained on kitchen paper. Serve whilehot.

    Sources :-From Myresepi.com

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Tepung Menggoreng Rangup

    This morning breakfast..tried using this recipe

    for the batter that stays crispy although when cool..instead of using yellow colouring I addedorange colour..huhu...thank you kak royladzem for sharing this recipe..

    Bahan-bahannya:-75 gram tepung naik sendiri -(self raising flour)60 gram tepung beras -(rice flour)1 camca besar tepung jagung -(tbsp corn flour)sedikit serbuk kunyit/ pewarna kuning -(a bit of turmeric powder/or yellow colouring)garam secukupnya -(salt to taste)gula secukupnya (jika mahu) -(sugar if preferred)sedikit air kapur (anggaran 1 sudu kecil - jangan terlalu banyak nanti pahit) -(a bit of white lime

    water-not too much or else bitter- abt 1 tsp)130 ml air-(water)3 - 5 ketul ais (jangan terlalu banyak takut adunan cair) -(ice-not too much or else mixture willbe too runny)

    Cara-caranya:-Satukan bahan kering didalam mangkuk. Buatkan lubang di tengahnya, tuangkan air sambil gaulhingga sebati. Bila pekat dan boleh menyalut belakang sudu, biarkan bancuhan selama 10-15minit. Pastikan minyak untuk menggoreng banyak dan cukup panas supaya pisang digorengmenjadi keemasan dan tidak menyerap minyak. Selepas bancuhan diperab untuk 10 - 15 minitdan minyak cukup panas, masukkan anggaran 3 - 5 ketul ais dalam adunan dan celup pisangdalam bancuhan dan terus goreng. Insyallah pisang akan menjadi ranggupwalaupun telah sejuk. -(Mix all the dry ingredients in a container. Make a well in the centre, andadd in water and mix well. When thickens and covered the back of the spoon, let the mixture for10-15 minutes. Make sure oil for frying is really hot and covered the banana/cempedak/sweetpotatoes to golden yellow and not soggy. After the mixture has set add in 3-5 ice and dip bananasin batter and fry. Bananas will still be crispy although when cool.)Sources:-flickr.com/photos/royladzem

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Ham Jin Peng - Snack Pedas Berinti Kacang Merah

    Have you heard of this snacks which arefamous among the Chinese? Although in Malay it stated 'Snack Pedas Berinti Kacang Merah' butits not pedas at all ..I used to see my ex

    colleagues ate them during my working days, they did offer me but I decline cause was not sureof the ingredients and oil used..but I did smell the 'aroma' of the snacks as they munch away...then the other day saw this at Smart Market in Johore, sold by a Malay lady, my mum bought 2for RM$1, too bad I didnt get to taste it so I cant really tell the difference between the one shebought and the one I made. It should be something like 'JENEKET'?, but the Malay lady called it'Pau goreng'...I am confused..hehe hantam saja lah labu..

    Somehow, I made this morning for Mr Hubby's breakfast and when I texted him, whether is itok, his answer was 'OK , good!'...this snacks are really nice when its hot and fresh.. that was whyI woke up early to 'canai' this snacks this morning as I was afraid if were to rolled out too early inthe night it will stick to the tray... A few things to note if you were to try to make this 'Ham JinPeng', was to use very slow heat, as it gets burnt easily and the inside wont be cooked properly.Maybe next time I will roll out a bit thinner. As of the red beans please soaked them in water atleast a few hours or overnight, as for me I didnt soaked first and it took me almost 2 hours tosoften the red beans. In fact I halved the ingredients for the filling as I still got some balance..

    For my silent readers who are Chinese, did I got it right?..

    Ingredients:-1 sudu besar yis segar(fresh yeast)- saya gunakan 1 packet instant yeast aje-(tbsp fresh yeast- Ijust used 1 packet instant yeast)150g gula halus-( fine sugar)240 ml air suam -(cup warm water)480g tepung gandum serbaguna-( all purpose flour)garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)1/2 sudu teh soda bicarbonate-( tsp bicarbonate of soda)1/2 sudu teh five -spice serbuk-( tsp five-spice powder)1 sudu teh air-(tsp water)*Inti kacang merah-(red bean filling)

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    100g bijan-(sesame seeds)800ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)

    Method:-Larutkan yis dan 2 sudu teh gula dengan air suam. Ketepikan selama 10 minit sehingga berbuih.

    Ayak tepung gandum, garam, soda bicarbonate dan five- spice serbuk kedalam mangkuk adunan.Tambah baki gula dan buat satu lekukkan ditengah2 campuran ini. Masukkan campuran yis danair, gaul dan uli sehingga mendapat doh yang lembut. Ketepikan doh selama 1 jam sehingga dohnaik sekali ganda. Bahagikan doh kepada 15 bahagian sama banyak dan bulat2kan setiap satu.Canaikan setiap bebola setebal 0.5cm di atas papan canai. Isi dengan bebola Inti kacang Merah.Bawa tepi2 doh ketengah untuk menutupi inti dan bulat2kan lagi. Leperkan dan tabur bijandiatasnya. Ulang proces dengan baki adunan. Goreng terendam kuih didalam minyak sayurpanas.Toskan.-(Mix yeast and 2 tsp sugar in warm water and put side for 10 minutes till bubbles.Sieve flour, salt, bicarbonate of soda and five-spice powder into a mixing bowl. Add the balancesugar and make a well in the middle of mixture. Add in yeast mixture and water. Stir and kneadtill form a soft dough. Put aside for 1 hour and let it proof double in size. Divide dough to 15

    balls. Roll out with 0.5cm thick. Add in filling in the centre. Bring the edges to the centre ofdough to cover the filling and make a ball again. Flatten it and sprinkle sesame seeds on dough.Repeat till finish. Deep fry in a hot oil. Drained.)

    Inti Kacang Merah:-Red Bean Filling300g kacang merah kering-(red bean seeds)1 liter air-(water)240g gula pasir-(fine sugar)125ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)

    Method:-Bubuh kacang merah dan air didalam periuk. rebus selama 45 minit sehingga kacang masak.Masukkan gula pasir dan masak lagi sehingga kacang lembut dan menjadi pes. Campurkanminyak masak dan kacau sehingga kering. Alih inti kedalam mangkuk dan biarkan sejuk.Bahagikan pes kepada 15 bahagian sama banyak dan bulat2kan setiap satu. Ketepikan. -( Put redbeans to boil for 45 minutes or till soften or cooked. Add in sugar and continue to cook till forma paste. Add in cooking oil and stir well till thickens and dry. Let to cool and divide paste to 15balls. Put aside for filling)Sources:-From Buku Masakkan Chef terkemuka-Zaidah Mohd Noor

    Ham Jin Peng - Snack Pedas Berinti Kacang Merah

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Have you heard of this snacks which arefamous among the Chinese? Although in Malay it stated 'Snack Pedas Berinti Kacang Merah' butits not pedas at all ..I used to see my excolleagues ate them during my working days, they did offer me but I decline cause was not sureof the ingredients and oil used..but I did smell the 'aroma' of the snacks as they munch away...then the other day saw this at Smart Market in Johore, sold by a Malay lady, my mum bought 2for RM$1, too bad I didnt get to taste it so I cant really tell the difference between the one shebought and the one I made. It should be something like 'JENEKET'?, but the Malay lady called it'Pau goreng'...I am confused..hehe hantam saja lah labu..

    Somehow, I made this morning for Mr Hubby's breakfast and when I texted him, whether is itok, his answer was 'OK , good!'...this snacks are really nice when its hot and fresh.. that was whyI woke up early to 'canai' this snacks this morning as I was afraid if were to rolled out too early inthe night it will stick to the tray... A few things to note if you were to try to make this 'Ham JinPeng', was to use very slow heat, as it gets burnt easily and the inside wont be cooked properly.Maybe next time I will roll out a bit thinner. As of the red beans please soaked them in water atleast a few hours or overnight, as for me I didnt soaked first and it took me almost 2 hours to

    soften the red beans. In fact I halved the ingredients for the filling as I still got some balance..

    For my silent readers who are Chinese, did I got it right?..

    Ingredients:-1 sudu besar yis segar(fresh yeast)- saya gunakan 1 packet instant yeast aje-(tbsp fresh yeast- Ijust used 1 packet instant yeast)150g gula halus-( fine sugar)240 ml air suam -(cup warm water)480g tepung gandum serbaguna-( all purpose flour)

    garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)1/2 sudu teh soda bicarbonate-( tsp bicarbonate of soda)1/2 sudu teh five -spice serbuk-( tsp five-spice powder)1 sudu teh air-(tsp water)*Inti kacang merah-(red bean filling)100g bijan-(sesame seeds)800ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Method:-Larutkan yis dan 2 sudu teh gula dengan air suam. Ketepikan selama 10 minit sehingga berbuih.Ayak tepung gandum, garam, soda bicarbonate dan five- spice serbuk kedalam mangkuk adunan.Tambah baki gula dan buat satu lekukkan ditengah2 campuran ini. Masukkan campuran yis danair, gaul dan uli sehingga mendapat doh yang lembut. Ketepikan doh selama 1 jam sehingga doh

    naik sekali ganda. Bahagikan doh kepada 15 bahagian sama banyak dan bulat2kan setiap satu.Canaikan setiap bebola setebal 0.5cm di atas papan canai. Isi dengan bebola Inti kacang Merah.Bawa tepi2 doh ketengah untuk menutupi inti dan bulat2kan lagi. Leperkan dan tabur bijandiatasnya. Ulang proces dengan baki adunan. Goreng terendam kuih didalam minyak sayurpanas.Toskan.-(Mix yeast and 2 tsp sugar in warm water and put side for 10 minutes till bubbles.Sieve flour, salt, bicarbonate of soda and five-spice powder into a mixing bowl. Add the balancesugar and make a well in the middle of mixture. Add in yeast mixture and water. Stir and kneadtill form a soft dough. Put aside for 1 hour and let it proof double in size. Divide dough to 15balls. Roll out with 0.5cm thick. Add in filling in the centre. Bring the edges to the centre ofdough to cover the filling and make a ball again. Flatten it and sprinkle sesame seeds on dough.Repeat till finish. Deep fry in a hot oil. Drained.)

    Inti Kacang Merah:-Red Bean Filling300g kacang merah kering-(red bean seeds)1 liter air-(water)240g gula pasir-(fine sugar)125ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)

    Method:-Bubuh kacang merah dan air didalam periuk. rebus selama 45 minit sehingga kacang masak.Masukkan gula pasir dan masak lagi sehingga kacang lembut dan menjadi pes. Campurkanminyak masak dan kacau sehingga kering. Alih inti kedalam mangkuk dan biarkan sejuk.Bahagikan pes kepada 15 bahagian sama banyak dan bulat2kan setiap satu. Ketepikan. -( Put redbeans to boil for 45 minutes or till soften or cooked. Add in sugar and continue to cook till forma paste. Add in cooking oil and stir well till thickens and dry. Let to cool and divide paste to 15balls. Put aside for filling)Sources:-From Buku Masakkan Chef terkemuka-Zaidah Mohd Noor

    Red Bean Cake

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Tried making this cakes for Mr Hubby's breakfast...He brought about 18 pcs and told hiscollegues that he bought it along the way to office.. reasons was he wanted his colleguescomments and reactions before he tell them the truth...hehehe..One of them did asked him wherehe bought the cakes and wanted to buy it the next time round!!!.. Well Mr Hubby, told the truth

    and now she asked whether I can make it again for her..huawa....

    Auntie ate 2 and she tapau 5 back!!!..The red bean paste recipe I took from here. Made quite asome and balance I put in the fridge for my next used..

    Ingredients:-30 floral baking tins-(30 acuan bunga)300g red bean paste-(300g pes kacan merah)7 eggs-(7 biji telur)300g sugar- I used 210g-(300g gula-saya gunakan 210g aje)2 tbsp honey-(2 sudu besar madu)

    350g plain flour-(350g tepung gandum)50g corn flour-(50g tepung jagung)25g ovalette-(25g ovalette)2 tsp baking powder-(2 sudu kecil baking powder)90ml water-(90ml air)1 tsp vanilla essence-( 1 sudu kecil esence vanilla)100ml oil-(100ml minyak)50g almond slice-(50g hirisan badam)

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    Method:-Grease each baking cup with a little oil and put in 1 tsp red bean paste. Beat eggs, sugar andhoney in a mixer for 2 minutes. add plain flour, corn flour, ovalette and baking powder and mixtill fuffy. Add water and vanilla essence. mix well then remove from mixer. pour in 100ml oil

    and mix well by hand. Pour mixture into baking cups. sprinkle some almond slice on top. Bakein oven for 20 minutes at 175C.- (Sapukan minyak kedalam acuan bunga dan letak 1 sudu kecilpes kacang merah didalamnya. Pukul telur, gula dan madu selama 2 minit. Masukkan tepunggandum, tepung jagung, ovalette dan baking powder dan pukul hingga gebu. Masukkan air danvanilla esen. Kacau rata then alihkan mangkuk. Tuangkan minyak dan kacau menggunakantangan. Tuangkan adunan kedalm acuan bunga dan hiaskan dengan hirisan badam. Bakardidalam oven selama 20 minit dengan 175C.)Sources:- Local Kueh-Joy Of Cooking

    RED BEAN PASTE:-Inti Kacang Merah:-Red Bean Filling

    300g kacang merah kering-(red bean seeds)1 liter air-(water)240g gula pasir-(fine sugar)125ml minyak masak-(cooking oil)

    Method:-Bubuh kacang merah dan air didalam periuk. rebus selama 45 minit sehingga kacang masak.Masukkan gula pasir dan masak lagi sehingga kacang lembut dan menjadi pes. Campurkanminyak masak dan kacau sehingga kering. Alih inti kedalam mangkuk dan biarkan sejuk.Ketepikan. -( Put red beans to boil for 45 minutes or till soften or cooked. Add in sugar andcontinue to cook till form a paste. Add in cooking oil and stir well till thickens and dry. Let tocool and put aside for filling)

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Anda mungkin juga meminati:

    Chocolate Banana Swirl Cake

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Bake this last week actually, straight after the kids finished their exams..hahaha..cause reallymissed baking..this time tried this recipe from Aunty Yochana. I adjusted some to suits my taste..didnt add the

    base ingredients as my kids dont like walnuts in their cake.. When making this my advice is toreally beat the sugar and butter to really creamy and pale to get that soft, melt in your mouthcake!..

    Remember too, that since the cake uses banana in the ingredients, the quantity of sugar is alsoimportant, of course up to your preference lah ya...as for me 185g that I used, Mr Hubby said itwas still quite sweet..so maybe next time I will use 175g?..Apa2 pun this cake meets myexpectations!..I like it.

    ps:- For Lin, this is the cake that I passed it to you the other day..only today then I updatedhere!..haha

    Glad you like it, and more cakes to be shared if there are enough for everyone!..

    Ingredients for the base of the pan: (Bahan untuk bawah loyang)Mix together and sprinkle at base of pan-(Campurkan bahan2 dan taburkan dibawah loyang)2 Tbsp. Butter-(2 sudu besar mentega)1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts-(1/3 cawan walnut cincang)2 Tbsp. castor sugar-(2 sudu besar gula kastor)(Ayu omit this)-(Ayu tak bubuhkan ini)

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    Ingredient for cake:-250 gm. Cake flour-(250g tepung kek)2 tsp. baking powder-(2 sudu kecil baking powder)1/4 tsp. Bicarbonate of Soda-(1/4 sudu kecil bicarbonate soda)

    1/4 tsp. salt-(1/4 sudu kecil garam)185 gm. Butter-Ayu used 200g-(185g mentega -Ayu gunakan 200g)200 gm. sugar-Ayu used 185g-(200g gula-Ayu gunakan 185g)1 tsp. vanilla essence-(1 sudu kecil vanilla esen)3 large eggs-( 3 telur size besar)3 very ripe bananas - peeled and mashed till fine-Ayu used 190g-(3 pisang yang masak dilecekhalus- Ayu gunakan 190g)6 Tbsp. ( 3 ozs.) Buttermilk or sour cream-Ayu used 90g sour cream-(6 sudu besar buttermilkatau sourcream- Ayu gunakan 90g sour cream)120 gm. Dark chocolate - melted + Ayu used 1/2 tsp cocoa powder-(120g coklat masakan pahitdicairkan +Ayu tambahkan 1/2 sudu kecil serbuk koko)

    Method:Sprinkle ingredients for the base into the pan. Sieve flour, baking powder, salt and bicarbonate ofsoda toghether and leave aside. Beat butter and sugar together till creamy and pale.Add inmashed bananas and vanilla essence and mix well. Add in eggs one at a time beating till justincorporated. Fold in the flour mixture alternately with the buttermilk. Divide mixture into 2parts. Mix one part of the mixture with melted chocolate. Scoop mixture one on top of the othertill finished, gently run the spatula through the batter to slightly swirl the batter. Slightly tap thepan on the table.Bake at 175C(Ayu used 170C) for about 45 mins. or till skewer inserted comesout clean. Remove from oven and set aside for 5 mins. before removing from the pan. Leave on awire rack to cool.-(Taburkan bahan2 untuk bawah loyang. Ayak tepung, baking powder, garamdan bicarbonate soda dan ketepikan. Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang dan putih.Masukkan pisang yang dilecek dan vanilla esen dan gaul rata. Masukkan telur satu persatu danteruskan putar hingga sebati. Masukkan tepung, berselang seli dengan buttermilk atau sourcream. Bagikan dua bahagian. Campurkan 1 adunan dengan coklat yang telah dicairkan+(serbukkoko). Ceduk adunan berselang seli warna hingga habis. Perlahan2, gunakan spatula buatpusingan didalam adunan. Ketuk loyang sedikit diatas meja. Bakar 175C(Ayu bakar dalam170C)selama 45 minit atau bila dicucuk dengan lidi keluarnya bersih. Keluarkan dari oven, danketepikan selama 5 minit sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang. Biarkan diatas rack untuk sejuk.)Sources:-From auntyyochana.blogspot.com

    Kek Marble Susu

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    This was another cake that I baked last week for Auntie...ontop of the brownies was for myneighbour ..I made 2 of those .. 1 for auntie and 1 for the family...got the recipe from Bro Rozzan

    which he took from CMG's blog...the sweetness is OK for me, as I didnt adjust the sugarquantity for this...to me it taste better the next day as it tastes moist and soft....

    Ingredients:-250g mentega-(250g butter)230g gula halus-(230g fine sugar)2 sudu teh ovalette-(2 tsp ovalette)4 biji telur saiz besar-(4 large eggs)*270g tepung halus(saya gunakan tepung hong kong flour)-(270g fine flour(I used hong kongflour)*1 sudu teh baking powder-(1 tsp baking powder)

    *disatukan dan diayak-(*mixed together and sieved)60g susu pekat manis-(60g condensed milk)2 sudu besar serbuk koko-(2 tbsp cocoa powder)2 sudu besar susu cair(saya gunakan susu segar)-(2 tbsp evaporated milk- I used fresh milk)1 sudu teh coklat emulco-(1 tsp chocolate emulco)1 sudu teh esen vanilla(saya masukkan ini)-(1 tsp vanilla essence- I added in this)


  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Pukul mentega, ovalette dan gula halus hingga kembang/putih. Masukkan telur satu persatusambil terus pukul hingga gula larut. Masukkan susu pekat dan gaul rata. Perlahankan kelajuanmixer dan masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis. Satu bahagian dibiarkan plain dansatu bahagian lagi di bubuh susu cair, serbuk koko dan coklat emulco. Gaul hingga sebati. Tuangadunan secara berselang seli antara adunan plain dan adunan coklat dalam loyang yang dialas

    dengan kertas tracing dan telah digris dengan mentega disekelilingnya. Bakar dalam oven yangtelah dipansakan pada suhu 175C selama 30-35 minit(saya bakar selama 40-45 minit). Sejukkan5-10 minit sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang dan diletak di redai kek. Hiaslah mengikut citarasaanda.-(Beat butter, ovalette and sugar till creamy and white. Add in eggs one by one while themixer still beating till sugar dissolves. Add in condensed milk and mix well. Slow down themixer and add in flour bit by bit till finish. Divide one portion to be palin and the other add infresh milk, cocoa powder and chocolate emulco. Fold till incorporated. Pour the mixturealternately with the plain and the chocolate one into a greased tray at the sides and which hasbeen placed with greaseproof paper. Bake the cake in a pre heated oven for 175c for 30-35minute(I baked for 40-45 minutes). Let it cool for 5-10 minutes before taking out from the trayand put on the cooling rack. Decorate to preferrence.)

    Sources:-From rozzan.blogspot.com

    Anda mungkin juga meminat

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Kek Marble Susu

    This was another cake that I baked last week for Auntie...ontop of the brownies was for my neighbour

    ..I made 2 of those .. 1 for auntie and 1 for the family...got the recipe from Bro Rozzan which he took

    from CMG's blog...the sweetness is OK for me, as I didnt adjust the sugar quantity for this...to me it

    taste better the next day as it tastes moist and soft....


    250g mentega-(250g butter)

    230g gula halus-(230g fine sugar)

    2 sudu teh ovalette-(2 tsp ovalette)

    4 biji telur saiz besar-(4 large eggs)*270g tepung halus(saya gunakan tepung hong kong flour)-(270g fine flour(I used hong kong flour)

    *1 sudu teh baking powder-(1 tsp baking powder)

    *disatukan dan diayak-(*mixed together and sieved)

    60g susu pekat manis-(60g condensed milk)

    2 sudu besar serbuk koko-(2 tbsp cocoa powder)

    2 sudu besar susu cair(saya gunakan susu segar)-(2 tbsp evaporated milk- I used fresh milk)

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Steam Chocolate Cake

    Salam, I guessed by this time most of the housewives and mothers are busy preparing the makan2 for

    tomorrow Eidul Adha..same goes to me here..my family are actually preparing to cross over the

    Causeway to celebrate the raya with my brother there..so basically I wont be updating till at least next

    week...will upload pictures if I were to take and update in my blog Ok.

    Anyway, I made this Steam Chocolate Cake for my 16th Wedding Anniversary today. Alah, just cake no

    fancy dinner or what so ever...just makan lontong ajelah malam ni ..hehe..so this cake can for our

    makan2 tomorrow also.. 2-in-1 cake....dah tua2 ni, semuanya 'wholesale' borong lah gitu..haha.. this

    cake is very moist and soft baru tadi potong..SEDAPPPPP!!...ini tak bedek cakap-:)


    1 cup cocoa powder(sieved)-(serbuk koko-diayak)

    3/4 cup fine sugar-(gula halus)

    250g butter-(mentega)

    1 cup fresh milk-(susu segar)

    1/2 cup condensed milk-(susu pekat)

    160g plain flour-sieved 2x -(tepung gandum-diayak 2 kali)

    1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

    3 eggs-(telur)


    Double boil cocoa powder, condensed milk, fresh milk, butter and sugar til l incorporated. Let cool andput aside. Sieve flour and bicarbonate of soda together and put aside. Whisk eggs no need to be too

    fluffy. Add in cocoa mixture and mix well. Add in flour/bicarbonate of soda bit by bit and fold lightly.

    Grease baking tray with butter, add batter into mould and steam with a medium heat for about 1 hour

    45 minutes. Cover mould with aluminium foil.-(Masukkan serbuk koko, susu pekat, susu segar, mentega

    dan gula kedalam mangkuk dan masak dengan kaedah double boil. Bila semua bahan cair, matikan api

    dan biarkan ia sejuk sebentar. Ayak tepung bersama bicarbonate soda ketepikan. Pukul telur tak payah

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    sampai kembang. Masukkan adunan coklat tadi dan gaul rata. Masukkan tepung sikit demi sedikit. Gaul

    menggunakan spatula. Sapukan loyang dengan sedikit butter dan tuangkan aduna kedalamnya. Kukus

    kek dengan menggunakan api pertengahan selama 1 jam 45 minit. Tutup loyang dengan aluminium foil.)

    Chocolate Ganache:-

    125g dark chocolate100g whipping cream

    1/2 tbsp butter


    Using double boiler method again, add whipping cream, dark chocolate and butter and let them melt

    and let cool slightly before decorating.

    Meanwhile take care and and Happy Holidays.

    Miss me Ok.hehe

    Pau Gebu Berinti Ayam

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    The name Pau Gebu(Fluffy) but mine not gebu at all..hahaha...reasons maybe I only made 40g balls each

    and filled the filling a bit too much...next time maybe I should do 50g each....anyway I made half theingredients ..what I can say about this buns ..they are really soft..like cotton ..huhu...

    Since my dad and me yang like the chicken fillings, compared to my mum and Mr Hubby who preferred

    the red beans filling..we ate more ler..hehehe...when I kneaded the dough, my mum said that she

    actually preferred the traditional pau..which use plain flour, yeast, salt , water and oil...well to me I

    wanted to try this recipe and it definitely worth the keeping..

    Ingredients A:-

    300g air suam-( warm water)

    220g gula(saya gunakn gula kastor)-(sugar-I used castor sugar)

    18g yis segera-(instant yeast)

    Ingredients B:-

    920g tepung pau(saya gunakan tepung hong kong)-(Pau flour- I used hong kong flour)

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    60g Vegetable fat special for Pau(saya gunakan krimwell)-(I used krimwell)

    180g air-(water)

    1 sudu teh bread softerner-(1 tsp bread softener)

    2 sudu teh crescent baking powder(saya gunakan baking powder royal aje)-( 2 tsp baking powder)

    2 sudu teh minyak masak-(2 tsp oil)


    Masukan semua Bahan A, air suam kedalam mangkuk tambah yis segera dan gula. Campurkan hingga

    sebati dan biarkan selama 10 minit. Ayak tepung bersama baking powder. Kemudian campurkan tepung

    tadi bersama bahan B yang lain dan campurkan dengan bahan A tadi. Uli dengan tangan atau masukkan

    kedalam breadmaker sehingga sebati dan menjadi doh. Rehatkan doh 20 minit. kemudian bahagikan

    30g -50g. Rehatkan lagi 10 minit. Bulatkan doh masukkan inti ikut suka-(kacang, kaya, kari daging ikut

    suka). Dah siap masuk inti. Tutup dengan plastik semua doh. Rehatkan lagi 20-40 minit. Untuk naikkan

    doh tadi 2 kali ganda.kukus sehingga 10-15 minit. Pau ini boleh digoreng kalau tak nak kukus.-(Mix ingredients A, warm water,

    yeast and sugar in a bowl. Mix well and let it for 10 minutes. Sieve flour and baking powder.Combine

    ingredients B to A. Knead with hands or bread machine to form a dough. Let it rest for 20 minutes.

    Divide dough to 30-50g each. Rest again for 10 minutes. Fill in filling(red beans, kaya, beef curry or to

    preference). When ready cover with plastic all the doughs. Let it rest again for 20-40 minutes to let it

    proof double in size. Steam for 10-15 minutes. This bun can be fried if preferred.)

    Sources:-From lan_ieza@myresipi.com

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun




    300g isi ayam (potong dadu kecil)-(chicken breast diced)

    3 biji kentang(potong dadu kecil)-(3 potatoes diced)1 lobak merah kecil(potong dadu kecil)-(1 small carrot dice)

    2 sudu besar serbuk kari ayam- ( 2 tbsp meat curry powder)

    1 cawan air-(1 cup water)

    garam, gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)

    daun sup(racik)-(chinese celery chopped)

    Bahan tumis:- Sauted ingredients:-

    minyak-(oil )

    1 ulas bawang putih hiris-(1 garlic sliced)

    3 ulas bawang merah hiris-(3 shallots sliced)


    Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan tumis sehingga wangi. Masukkan rempah kari yang telah

    dibancuh dengan sedikit air, isi ayam dan kacau rata. Masukkan kentang, carot, garam dan air. Biarkan

    mendidih dan pekat. Bila telah lembut dan pekat boleh masukkan inti dalam mangkuk.-(Heat oil and

    saute ingredients till fragrants. Add in meat curry powder which has been mix with a bit of water to forma paste, chicken meat and stir well. Add in potaotes, carrots, salt and water. Let it cook till boil and thick.

    When potoatoes are soft and cooked, dish out and let cool. ready for filling)

    Sources:-From Hanieliza.blogspot.com

    Anda mungkin juga meminati:

  • 8/7/2019 Apam Jepun


    Kuih Lapis + Pes Kacang Merah

    There are quite an amount of balance of red bean paste that I made the other day for the Red BeanCakes, that I've decided to make this newly found recipe from myresipi.com....I've adjusted the sugar

    amount and that pleases my parents..hehe...as usual, no complete baking stuff, I thought I have red

    colour at home, sekali tengok, only this rose pink available...bantai ajelah...mum's comments was

    SEDAP...not too sweet, lemak and lembut. Thank you dear owner for this recipe.!

    Ingredients:-(27cm tray- I used 26cm)

    1 cawan tepung gandum-(1 cup plain flour)

    1 cawan tepung beras-(1 cup rice flour)

    200ml santan -(200ml coconut milk-small box)

    sedikit garam-(some salt)3/4 cawan gula-saya gunakan 1/2 cawan saja kerana pes kacang dah manis-(3/4 cup sugar, I used 1/2

    cup only since the red bean paste are already sweet)

    400 gram pes kacang merah-(400g red bean paste)

    pewarna merah dan kuning star brand-(red and yellow colouring)

    1 cawan air panas untuk larutkan gula-(1 cup hot water to dissolve the sugar)

    3 cawan air biasa-(3 cups room temperature water)

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    Larutkan gula dengan 1 cawan air panas.Masukkan santan dan 3 cawan air.

    Masukkan tepung dan kacau hingga sebati.Tapis adunan untuk hilangkan bintil-bintil yang tidak larut.

    Bahagikan adunan kepada 3 bahagian. Pertama, warnakan dengan 1/4 sudu teh pewarna merah, yang

    kedua ditambahkan dengan pes kacang merah dan dikacau hingga sebati, dan yang ketiga warnakan

    dengan 1/4 sudu teh pewarna kuning.Sapu loyang dengan minyak masak supaya kuih tak melekat pada

    loyang nanti.

    Masukkan setengah daripada adunan warna merah ke dalam loyang dan kukus selama 5 minit.

    Buka penutup pengukus dan lap wap air pada penutupnya. Masukkan setengah daripada adunan yang

    dicampur pes kacang merah. Kukus 5 minit.Buka penutup pengukus dan lap wap air pada penutupnya.

    Masukkan setengah daripada adunan warna kuning. Kukus 5 minit.Ulang langkah di atas untuk lapisan

    pes kacang merah, kuning dan akhir sekali merah.Setelah selesai semua lapisan, kukuskan lagi selama 30

    minit.-(Dissolves sugar in 1 cup hot water. Add in coconut milk and the other 3 cups of water. Add in

    flours and stir till incorporated. Strained mixture so that it wont cuddle. Divide mixture to 3 parts. First

    add 1/4 tsp red colouring, 2nd add in the red bean paste and stir till incorporated. 3rd, add in 1/4 tsp

    yellow colouring. Grease tray with some oil so that it wont stick. Add 1/2 of the red mixture into tray

    and steam for 5 minutes. Uncover the l id and wipe away the vapour. Add in 1/2 red bean paste mixture.

    Steam for 5 minutes. Uncover lid and wipe away vapour. Add in 1/2 of yellow mixture. Steam for 5

    minutes. Repeat the steps, red bean paste, yellow and lastly red. After finish the last layer, steam for

    another 30 minutes.)

    Sources:-From eja_mh@myresipi.com
