APA and MLA Formatting Guide. Practice




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  • From MLA to APA

    Shaw Fairman, Patricia. English Humour in English Literature. Jan: Universidad de Jan, 1995. Print.

    Brandt, Peter. "In Search of the Eighth Man: A Study of John Fowles." Canadian Journal of

    English Studies, 7 (1983): 39-60. Print.

    Helling, William and David Scott. The Category of Gender in English. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, 2013. Print.

    Dorao Ordua, Marisol. "E. Nesbit's Smile. The Touch of Humour in Three Fairy Tales by E. Nesbit", Actas del VI Congreso Nacional de AEDEAN. Ed. Walter White. Barcelona: Universidad Central de Barcelona, 1983. 125-32. Print.

    From APA to MLA

    Snchez Prez, A. (1991). Keys for an investigation into the origins of the communicative methodology in language teaching" English Studies in Spain, 4(2), 133-144.

    Martnez Cuenca, C., & Johnson, K. (2002). Simulation: Who's to blame: Mercedes or Gonzalo? Teaching English, 5(1), 10-13.

    Brady, S. (2009). Using texts in the degree in English philology. In M. T. Caneda Cabrera & J. Prez Guerra (Eds.), English studies in the context of new technologies (pp. 332-361). Amsterdam: Muyton Gruyter.

    Davies, E. (2013). On the relevance of stylistics for university students of English as a foreign language. Anglo-American Studies, 10, 99-108.

    Present the following texts both in APA and MLA style

    YEAR 1974 JOURNAL college literature ARTICLE commonplace costumes and essential gaudiness: Wallace Steevens poetry PAGES from 230 to 235 AUTHOR John Warren Carrier VOLUME 13 TITLE England and always: Tolkiens world of the rings YEAR 1981 CITY Grand Rapids AUTHOR Jared Lobdell PUBLISHER Eerdmans EDITOR Mercedes Ortega PUBLISHER Oxford University Press PAGES from 157 to 176 AUTHOR Jayne Bacon BOOK Jane Austens influence on modern writers YEAR 1992 CITY Oxford CHAPTER feminist criticism in the wake of Jane Austen