AP Human Geography. What is religion? Religion is a set of common beliefs and practices generally...


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ReligionAP Human Geography

What is religion?Religion is a set of common beliefs and practices

generally held by a group of people.Religion is human beings' relation to the things

that they regard as holy, sacred, spiritual, or divine.Humans often get their sense of purpose and moral

values from religion.Religious beliefs are found in virtually every society

throughout human history.Geographers study the conflict that arises between

religions and also religious influence on cultural landscape.

Universalizing vs. Ethnic ReligionsUniversalizing Ethnic

Global Appeals to all peopleLocation does not matterEx. Christianity,

Buddhism, Islam

LocalAppeals to one group of

people in one placeEx. Judaism, Hinduism,

Taoism, Shinto

Mono vs. Poly TheismMonotheism Polytheism

Belief in one god.Ex. Judaism, Christianity,


Belief in multiple gods.Ex. Hinduism, Animism.

Divisions Within a ReligionBranch- large and fundamental division

within a religion.Ex. Islam in divided into Sunni and ShiaEx. Christianity is divided into Catholic,

Protestant, and East OrthodoxDenomination- division of a single branch.

Ex. Protestant denominations include Baptist, Lutheran, and Methodist.

Sect- a small group that has broken away from the larger denomination.

Major Branches Within Christianity

Universalizing: ChristianityOrigin: Jerusalem (30 AD)Founder: Jesus Christ (based on Judaism)Diffusion: Roman Empire, European Colonization, MissionariesHoly Book: Bible (Old and New Testament)Major Branches: Catholic, Protestant, E. OrthodoxCore Beliefs/ Teachings:

Jesus was messiah that the Jews were waiting for/ son of GodDied on the cross to save humans from sinBelief in Resurrection=heaven

Holy Places: Vatican, Church of Holy Sepulchre.Modern Locations: All continents, predom. In NA, SA, EUR,

AUS.Followers: Over 2 billion

Jesus, is that you?

Holy Site

Universalizing: IslamOrigin: Saudi Arabia (622 AD)Founder: Mohammad (based on Judaism)Diffusion: Arab armiesHoly Book: QuranMajor Branches: Sunni, Shiite (Shia)Core Beliefs/ Teachings:

5 Pillars of IslamMohammed is most impt. ProphetJesus is prophet, but not as impt. As Mohammed

Holy Places: Mecca (Ka’ba), MedinaModern Locations: SW Asia (Middle East), N. Africa,

Central Asia, Southern Asia. Also Europe and NA.Followers: 1.3 billion


Universalizing: BuddhismOrigin: Nepal (530 BC)Founder: Siddhartha Gautama, original Buddha. Diffusion: Magadhan Empire, merchants (China)Holy Book: n/aMajor Branches: Mahayana, Theravada, Tantrayana.Core Beliefs/ Teachings:

Four Noble Truths (Desire= Suffering) Eightfold Path Nirvana Can follow other religions

Holy Places: 8 holy shrines, 4 miracle sites, all connect to Buddha.

Modern Locations: China, SE AsiaFollowers: 400 million


Buddhist Temple and Monks

Ethnic: HinduismOrigin: 2500-1500 BCFounder: No specific founderDiffusion: Little diffusion, relocationHoly Book: no single holy bookCore Beliefs/ Teachings:

Individual decides best way to worship godMany paths to godPolytheisticNo rigid rules

Holy Places: many (natural features, shrines, Ganges river)Modern Locations: India (97%), NepalFollowers: 900 million


Ganges River

Ethnic: JudaismOrigin: Canaan (Israel) (2000 BC)Founder: AbrahamDiffusion: Diaspora to Europe, to U.S. and Israel post- WWIIHoly Book: Torah (Old Testament)Core Beliefs/ Teachings:

Ten CommandmentsMonotheismStill waiting for Messiah

Holy Places: Jerusalem, Western Wall, Mt. SinaiModern Locations: Israel (1/3), U.S. (1/3), rest of world

(1/3)Followers: 14 million

Abraham and Moses

Western Wall and Orthodox Jews

Other Ethnic ReligionsConfucianism (China)Daoism/ Taoism (China)Shinto (Japan)Animism (Africa)