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Welcome to AP European History! I am so excited about this course. It will be an

informative and insightful journey through the intellectual, social, political, economic,

and cultural history of Europe. Thank you for joining the class.

Our studies begin in the Renaissance, but since your class this year ended with the

race to space, we will pick up there and then go back to the late Middle Ages. By

covering the last 2 chapters of the book as well as the 1st chapter of the book over the

summer, there will be extra week at the start of the year to introduce terms associated

with the AP curriculum and an extra two weeks at the end of the year to review for the

AP exam. Although AP European History is “only “the history of a continent, the breadth

and depth of the curriculum is challenging. Consequently, we need to get a head start

on our work with an AP Summer Packet. The summer assignment includes map work

and an assignment for chapters 1,21, and 22 of the Kagan text. ALL the work is due on

the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. There will be bonus points for work submitted early.

EARLY dates are included at the end of this introductory letter.

It is imperative that your work be completed and ready to turn in the first day of school. I

intend for the class to be seminar-based, but your preparation by reading the material

and completing assignments out of class is absolutely fundamental. We cannot have

lively, informative discussions if students have not done the readings or the homework.

Preparation for the AP exam requires that we maintain a faithful, rigorous, and timely

adherence to the AP European curriculum framework and schedule. As with all AP

classes, writing will also be a significant component of the class.

Chapter 21— (+5) EARLY date POSTMARKED June 9th

Chapter 22--- (+5) EARLY date POSTMARKED June 23rd

MAPS ---(+5) EARLY date POSTMARKED July 7th

Chapter 1 (+5) EARLY date POSTMARKED July 21st

MAIL to KNOTT OR place in BLUE plastic bin on my front porch (IT will have a SIGN on


513 Springwood Drive N Mobile, Alabama 36608

Be sure to have a return address label and take a picture and email me at knottl@mcgill-toolen.org so I will be expecting your work.

ALL early work will be graded by the 1st day of school.

ANY work NOT submitted early will be due on the FIRST day of school. Late assignments will lose 5 points per day late (so the entire 4 part assignment will lose 20 points PER day late).

Work should begin and end in the following way:

YOUR NAME Chapter 21 PERIOD 4 (1914-present)

YOUR NAME Chapter 22 PERIOD 4 (1914-present)

YOUR NAME Chapter 1 Intro to Period 1 (1450-1648)


a. 1450: YOUR NAME PERIOD 1: (1450-1648)

b. RUSSIA: 1900: YOUR NAME PERIOD 3 (1815-1914)

c. MODERN EUROPE: YOUR NAME Period 4 (1914-2017)

ALL Work MUST have to HONOR Code at the bottom of the paper with your signature beside it.

“ Before God, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment.” Signature : ____________________________

REQUIRED TEXT for this class: This will be needed to complete the summer work. (This is NOT an IBOOK).

The Western Heritage Since 1300: 11th Edition AP Edition Kagan,Ozmont,Turner, and Frank Pearson Publishing Company ISBN: 978-0-13-311475-1

Text information is on McGill website.

AP Review Text Needed: We will start using this book during the 2nd week of school. Please purchase it over the summer so it will be available at the start of school.

ACHIEVER Exam Prep Guide for AP European History By Chris Freiler (published by McGraw Hill Education) ISBN 978-0-07-897642-1

This review text is designed to complement the course and to help students understand the language and format of the redesigned AP European History exam. We will use it as a way to practice AP test taking skills, primary source analysis, and short as well as long essay writing.

Head paper with NAME, Chapter 21 or 22, Period 4 1914-NOW! Chapter 21— (75 points)

Chapter 22--(50 points)

CHAPTER 21:1-11: READ chapter 21 and WHILE READING answer the 11 learning objective questions listed on page 785.

12. LIST 2 examples of DECOLONIZATION ( who, what, when, where, significance)

13. How did the US and USSR come to dominate Europe after 1945? In what areas of the world and with what degree of success did the US attempt to contain Soviet power from 1945 to 1982? Why were 1956-1962 crucial years in the Cold War?

14. READ pages 790-791 READ and answer 6 questions on page 790.

15. READ page 798 and answer 3 questions in BOLD print.

16. List/ describe 2 examples of detente ( who, what ,when, where, significance)

17. How was the Cold War intertwined with sports?

18. How was Catholicism linked to the Cold War?

19. Who was JARUZELSKI (who, when, where, significance)

20. EXPLAIN the term “star wars” as it relates to the Cold War.

21. READ page 807 and answer 3 questions in BOLD print.

22. What was SEATO?

23. EXPLAIN: Vietnamization

24. What internal pressures did the USSR experience in the 1970s and early 1980s? How did the government attempt to repress these protests? What was the link between Gorbachev’s reforms and the collapse off the USSR? What specific events in Eastern Europe ( e.g. POLAND) contributed to the collapse of communism? What are the major domestic challenges for the new confederation of Independent States?

25. READ page 814 and answer 2 questions in BOLD print.

26. READ page 819 and answer 3 questions about the BERLIN WALL COLLAPSE.

27. DESCRIBE Yeltsin and Putin ( who, what, when, where, significance)

28. READ 825 and answer 4 questions in BOLD print.

29. DESCRIBE: Iranian Revolution ( who, what, when, where, significance)

30. DEFINE: jihad, taliban, Al Qaeda

Chapter 221-9 : READ Chapter 22 and answer LEARNING OBJECTIVE questions on page 833.

10. What was the MOST IMPORTANT accomplishment of the European Community?

11. READ pages 838-839 and answer questions 1-5.

12. DESCRIBE: Margaret Thatcher (who, when, where, significance)

13. READ page 844 and answer 1st 4 questions (I will explain the links to Wakefield and Wollstonecraft in class).

14. EXPLAIN: existentialism and give an example

15. How have college students reacted to recent events—give at least 2 examples.

16. DESCRIBE Americanization and explain why it worries Europe.

17. HOW are TOYS an example of globalization?

18. READ page 854 and answer 4 questions. 19. EXPLAIN the comparison of the 2 paintings on page 855. Which do you prefer? WHY?

20. READ page 856 and answer 3 questions.

21. EXPLAIN: socialist realism

22. READ page 866 and answer 3 questions

23. DESCRIBE: GREEN PARTY (who, what, when, where, significance)

WOW———-YOU JUST FINISHED THE WHOLE TEXT BOOK!!!OOPS—not really! NOW go back to chapter 1 WORK!!

Head this work: NAME, Chapter 1, Intro to Period 1 (1450-1648) CHAPTER 1: KAGAN (75 points TOTAL)

PART 1: Terms and/or Vocabulary (50 points) It is a useful study habit and technique to work with vocabulary/terms/ or people, places

or things. If you do these well, you will have a good set of notes for unit tests, quizzes

and the all-important AP exam. Since we will cover the Renaissance period at the

beginning of school and have a test within the first two-three weeks of school, these

terms provide important foundations for our first unit.

Listed below is a helpful guide to correctly “doing” or completing terms from an AP Euro

site. Please follow this format when completing your list. YOU do NOT have to do this in

chart form—this is just an example!

●Terms do not have to be in complete sentences but they must be in your own words. ●The TERMS are listed in the chart below. Savonarola is already done. You DO NOT

have to rewrite it.

○ Do not copy from the book. Use your own words.

● They can be typed or clearly handwritten and should provide the following information: ○ Who or what is it and when? Where? ○ What happened or what did they do? Was there anyone/anything else involved? ○ Why did it happen? Why is it historically significant? ○ If it is a person, you must include any books/works of art, etc. associated with the person in the text

# Girolamo Savonarola

a. Dominican friar b. Florence (1452-1498) c. Concerned about morality of Florence and the corruption of its leaders, the de’ Medici family, had a large following with his inflammatory sermons that warned about punishment from God, which Savonarola saw as French King Charles VII’s invasion in 1494. Savonarola became a leader of Florence for a time, instigating the “bonfires of the vanities” until he was excommunicated by the Pope & killed. d. Shows instability of Italian city-states, the influence of stronger powers (France), and the start of political domination of the Italian city states by foreign powers (France/ HRE)

PART 2: 5 paragraphs

KAGAN Chapter 1 (5 points each—25 points)

1. In one paragraph, describe the conditions in Europe prior to the outbreak of the plague as well as the causes of the plague.

2. In one paragraph, discuss three economic and three social consequences of the Black Death.

3. In one paragraph explain the causes of the Hundred Years War. 4. In one paragraph explain how the Hundred Years War contributed to the

growing sense of national identity in France and in England.


Year War

Chapter 1




Chapter 1



Kagan page 63 Leonardo da Vinci

Wars of the


Kagan page


Henry V



Chapter 1




Chapter 1

Lorenzo Valla

Kagan pages 66 and 68Raphael

The Black



Chapter 1

The Great



Chapter 1


Kagan page 66Pope Julius II

Joan of Arc


Chapter 1

Philip the



Chapter 1



Kagan 63

Civic humanism

Kagan page 66 and 68Niccolo Machiavelli

Edward III



Chapter 1




Chapter 1






Kagan page 73 Brunelleschi

# Pope




Chapter 1

#Richard II (England) Chapter 1 Kagan #

5. In one paragraph describe the impact of Mongol rule on Russia’s development. Be sure to address the causes of Mongol rule over Russia as well as the effects of Mongol rule on Russia.


1. PERIOD 1 (1450-1648 MAP)—Late Medieval Europe (attached to this handout) Helpful pages in TEXT: 61,103,122,145,164 You can also use the internet

NUMBER and OUTLINE as indicated

a. BODIES of WATER: NUMBER ONLY 1. Atlantic Ocean 2. North Sea 3. English Channel 4. Baltic Sea 5. Mediterranean Sea 6. Black Sea 7. Adriatic Sea

b. COUNTRIES: Number and OUTLINE as indicated 8. Kingdom of Naples (blue outline) 9. Papal States (purple outline) 10.Sicily (red outline) 11.Sardinia (yellow outline) 12.Corsica (green outline) 13. Portugal (black outline) 14.Castile (yellow outline) 15.Aragon (green outline) 16.France (blue outline) 17.England (red outline) 18.Ireland (green outline) 19.Scotland (black outline) 20.Ottoman Empire (brown outline) 21.Russia (purple outline) 22.Holy Roma Empire (red outline) 23.Denmark (black outline) 24.Norway (red outline) 25.Sweden (yellow outline) 26.Poland (pink outline) 27.Hungary (orange outline)


NAME: _______________________________________

PERIOD 1: 1450-1648

HONOR CODE and Signature:




SIGNATURE: _____________________


RUSSIA 1900 ( PERIOD 3: 1815-1914)

DIRECTIONS: Identify the numbered items on NOTEBOOK paper (# 1-12). Staple NB paper to this sheet.

Head paper in the following way:

NAME : ________________________________

Russia in 1900 ( Period 3:1815-1914)

HONOR CODE and Signature:




SIGNATURE: _____________________


MODERN EUROPE ( PERIOD 4: 1914-present)

DIRECTIONS: Identify the numbered items on NOTEBOOK paper (# 1-33). Staple NB paper to this sheet.

Head paper in the following way:

NAME: ___________________________

MODERN EUROPE (Period 4:1914-2000)

HONOR CODE and Signature:




SIGNATURE: _____________________
