Ap Biology Scavenger Hunt power point



A scavenger hunt I had to do for my AP Biology class... it was too big to email. If you are also an AP Bio student doing this assignment, feel free to use my ideas- I can't guarantee they'll get you a good grade.

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AP Biology


HuntCamille Gaty

1. Anther and Filament of


The anther and

filament of this

flower stamen are

where pollen is


2. Ectotherm

This frog is an


because it cannot

maintain its own

body heat.

3. Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial tissue line


throughout the

body. My hand is

an example of

epithelial tissue.

4. Recessive phenotype

My mom’s eye is

blue: blue eyes are

a recessive trait.

Dominant Phenotype

My sister’s eyes are

brown- a good

example of a



5. Amniotic Egg

As opposed to


eggs, with one

membrane, amniot

ic eggs have more

than one


Chicken eggs are

an example of this.

6. Heterotroph

Heterotrophs are

organisms that

have to use

organic carbon for

growth, like my

cat, Riley.

7. k-strategist

A k-strategist is an

organism that has

few offspring and

takes care of them

until they are

grown. Cats are a

good example of


8. Autotroph

Autotrophs are

organisms that can

produce their own

food, and don’t

need to consume


compounds, like

these flowers.

9. Frond

A long string of

leaves on a plant,

or a large divided

leaf. This picture is

the former.

10. Eukaryote

Eukaryotes, like this


plant, have a

nuclear envelope.

As opposed to

prokaryotes, which

do not.

11. Meristem

The part of a plant

that is

growing, consisting

of undifferentiated

cells, like these

budding flowers.

12. Cuticle layer of a plant

The protective

waxy covering on

most plant leaves.

13. Gynosperm leaf

Gynosperms are

plants that store

their seeds in

cones, like conifers.

This is a twig of one

in my yard.

14. Gynosperm cone

This pinecone from

my yard is an

example of the

cone from a plant

that stores its seed


15. Hydrophobic

A hydrophobic

substance is

nonpolar, so it does

not bond with

water- like a lipid.

16. Hydrophilic

A substance that is

polar, so it readily

bonds with water-

like NaCl, or table


17. Flower ovary

A flower ovary is

inside the small

green circular part

at the base of the


18. Animal Adaptation

This conch shell

that I found in the

Gulf of Mexico

would have


protection for a

sea snail

19. Glycogen

A polysaccharide

that can serve as

energy storage.

Bread and other

starchy foods can

boost glycogen

levels after rigorous


20. Introduced Species

A species that is

not native to the

environment but is

introduced. This

tree in my yard is a


Birdcherry… not

native to America.

21. Fermentation

This glass of beer has alcohol in it, and it went through a process called fermentation, which gives the beer its carbonation and alcohol content.

22. Parenchyma cells

Parenchyma cells

form the ground

tissue in plants, like

in these alfalfa


23. Basidiomycetes

Basidiomycetes are

a type of fungi that


sexually, via club-

like ends, such as

the chopped-up


pictured here.

24. Auxin-producing area of a


Auxin is produced

at the tip of the

stem, and at the

tip of wherever the

plant is growing.

25. Connective tissue

Connective tissue

supports and

connects different

tissues or organs.

Cartilige and bone

are both types of

connective tissue

26. Endotherm

An endotherm is

an organism that

can keep its own

body temperature

level, like me.

27. Ethylene

Ethylene is a




commonly found in


28. Rhizome

A rhizome is the

subterranean stem

of a plant, like

ginger. This ginger

has been peeled

but is still a rhizome.

29. Redox reaction

A redox reaction is

a reaction is which

the oxidation state

is changed.

Rust, like on this

shower curtain

rod, is a good


30. Lipid used for energy


Lipids are often

used for energy

storage, and can

be found in fatty

things like this stick

of butter.