TWO · “To win a Beauty contest it is most important that you have a lovely, light, clear, sm...


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ZONK, December 1956

South Africa’s Most Beautiful Girl —

Take Miss South Africa’s advice, she should know. Use Karroo Matt Cream in the daytime, it gives you a smooth, non-shiny complexion. It does not make you feel and look hot and patchy.

Every night simply rub Karroo Freckle Cream gently into your face. Always remember the way YOU look tomorrow depends on YOUR Beauty treatment tonight. Karroo Freckle Cream will remove those ugly, blemishes and pimples. Karroo Freckle Cream will give you a light, clear, smooth complexion that everybody admires, and every woman wants.

says “ You M ust Use

M iss South A frica says : “To w in a Beauty contest i t is m ost im portant tha t you have a lovely, ligh t, clear, s m o o t h complexion. M y B eauty secret, like th a t o f m any another B eauty Queen, is the two Karroo Creams. Y es ! the w ay to im prove YO U R complexion is to use the creams o f the Beauty

Q ueens'’

M iss I S A B E L L A P R E T O R IU S w a s cro w n ed M iss S o u th A fr ic a on O c to b e r 27, a t th e B a n tu S p o r ts G ro u n d , J o h a n ­n esb u rg , b y th e w ife o f th e P a ra m o u n t C h ie f o f th e Z u lu s . S h e w a s chosen a s Q ueen o f o u r B e a u tie s po p u la r v o te o u t o f m a n y B e a u ty Q ueens fr o m all over.

: /

TWOK A R R O O CREAM S for Beauty”

KARROO MATT CREAM for daytime use

At night use KARROO FRECKLE CREAM............

This American familyo n the very

T h e y a lw a y s buy co m p lete ly pure, depend able

V a s e lin e brand Petro leu m J e l ly in the B lu e S e a l jar.

SEAL Petroleum Jelly. It’s so clean and clear. No impurities. No grit. Good for cuts, burns and baby’s


V aseline*‘“* B L U E S E A L• VASELINE is the registered trade mark of P e t r o l e u m J e l l i e s

/ 9 / ' / V P / # J 9 6 7 p ^ T T

by HayneCr.

HI-NOTE, January, 1957

‘Stop Headaches and other kinds ofpain Q U I C K L Y with

KARROO’S Pink SNELLERIN T A B L E T S !”says Mrs. Tukulu

They also keep the pain away and make you feel better!

1\/IRS. MATILDA TUKULU is a "Trigger Action” means no waitii

p g g p l i l i s n i f i

3 R em em b^

New K A R R O O Nerve Pain T A B LET S with SN ELLERIN

Large Size bottle 3/6 Small Size bottle 1/9

Nobody knows I ’m w earing

T A M PA X ’’

“How can they know ? Even in my thinnest or most tight-fitting frock it doesn’t show, because I wear it inside me. tampax is so comfortable even you forget you’re wearing it. It’s so simple to use and so safe . . . a doctor made it. In America, and all the world modem and educated women use tampax” . tampax makes no bulges. It doesn’t hinder your movements. You can work and play and dance and lead a full and happy life all month long. So cool No bells, no pins, no pads, no odour, no rubbing when you u

KUSUKE NYEMBEZINI KUSIYA ENTOKOZWENI Nxa umntwana vrako ekala sonke isikati, umnike ukezo olugcweleyo lwe WOOD­WARD’S GRIPE WATER ngokupangisa uzakujabnla athabe.

TAMPAXTo find out whether you should S AN IT A RY P R O T E C T I O N


HI-NOTE, January, 1957.


Secret can be

Here’s Miss Cynthia Nembula, winner of the Miss Bona ! Beauty Competition held recently. She is really lovely — and charming too. She aks— “Do you see a light, clear, smooth skin when you gaze into your mirror? I f not, you

must use the Two Karroo Creams !”

Hiss Caroline Soci was the winner oj 3rd Prize in the “Miss Bona !” Beauty competition. She says— “Everybody admires a light, clear, smooth com­plexion. You should know the Two Karroo Creams will help you to be


Regular skin care with the Two Karroo Creams will give your complexion that wonderful young look — that’s what every woman wants. All you have to do is — use Karroo Freckle Cream at night — every night. You simply rub it gently into your face last thing at night before you go to bed. In the morning wash it off again. After repeating this beauty treatment every night, for a few days, you will soon begin to see the difference in your mirror. Your friends will notice it too.

In the daytime use Karroo Mott Cream. This wonderful matt cream is non-shiny. That is whot ‘matt’ means. Only Karroo make this special matt cream. It does not make you feel and look hot and patchy. It is made to go with that light, clear complexion you get from Karroo Freckle Cream. You must use the two Karroo Creams to be beautiful. They are made to go together.

Two KARROOCreams21- per jar

per jar


6d. tn stamps to KARROO AFTEEK, P.O. Box 30, Middelburg, Cape. W ith you

1 ‘‘JSS.'TJSUtTU r̂ ” ”

Miss Yours. . ..





She is a new woman since taking

BILE BEANSL a x a t i v e Plus

Are you constipated, sluggish, liverish, troubled with indigestion ? The accumulation of undigested fats and harmful food wastes can be the cause of many common ills, even auto-intoxication (upset of the bloodstream). A single-purpose laxative brings only limited relief. Bile Beans Laxative;Plus contain an extra ingredient, sodium tauro- glycocholate, recommended by doctors everywhere for breaking up and disposing of undigested fats, and giving you the full benefits of the valuable A,D and E vitamins they had contained.

You d be better taking BILE BEANS LAXATIVE PLUS*



Collection Number: A427

Collection Name: African newspaper advertisements, 1953-1957

PUBLISHER: Publisher: Historical Papers Research Archive Location: Johannesburg ©2014


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This document is part of a private collection held at the Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
