ANTSE Class 6 Previous Year Paper (2008-2013)



ANTSE Class 6 Previous Year Paper (2008-2013)Read more:

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Ajmal National Talent Search (ANTS) Examination, 2008Conducted by : AJMAL FOUNDATION, A Registered Public Charitable Trust

Hojai, Nagaon (Assam)

Class - VI æ ÒSÝ f b�ö


1. Write your Centre Code and Roll No. legibly in the space provided. Do not write your name any where in the book.2. An examinee must not bring any loose paper, book, etc. except the Admit Card to the Examination Hall. Any examinee found in

possession of even loose papers will be EXPELLED.3. No extra sheet will be provided for making notes or calculations. Candidates may use the inner cover pages of this booklet for

this purpose.4. An examinee must not talk to, disturb or seek assistance from a fellow examinee during the examination.5. No leaf of the booklet must be torn out.6. Any mechanical calculating device (calculator, etc.) shall not be used by any examinee during the time of examination.7. Mobile Phones shall not be used by candidates inside the examination hall.8. No candidate will be allowed to leave or go out of the Examination Hall during the first hour of the examination.9. i. Questions are of multiple-choice type carrying one mark each and all questions are compulsory.

ii. Students are required to write the correct answer [i.e. any one of (a), (b), (c) or (d)] in the box provided alongside thequestion.

iii. A candidate having completed his/her question-answer booklet must hand it over, even if blank, to the invigilatorbefore leaving the Examination Hall.

10. Contravention of any of the instructions mentioned above shall render a candidate liable for disciplinary action as per rule.

Y»ÝlùçUÞ» [ýçã[ý ×XãVÛ ç¾_Ý1. Y»ÝlùçUÞãÌ CY»» Fç×_ Pöç+Tö åTöCgã_çEõ» æ$Jô°Oôç» Eõ'Qö %ç»Ó å»ç_ X¶�ö» Y×»�õç»êEõ ×_×F[ý* Eõ'ãTöç ×XL» Xç] ×X×_×F[ý*2. Y»Ýlùç c÷'_Tö "AQö×]Oô EõçQïö'» [ýç×c÷ã» YÒçUÞãÌ åEõçãXç Wý»S» EõçGL, ×EõTöçY %ç×V %ç×X[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý* %ç×Xã_ Y»Ýlùç c÷'_» Y»ç [ý×c÷�õç» Eõ»ç c÷'[ý*3. ×c÷$Jôç[ý [ýç æOôçEõç %ç×V ×_×F[ýê_ %×Tö×»Nþ EõçGL ×VÌ ç Xc÷'[ý* [ýc÷ÝFX» å[ýOÇôYçTö» ×\öTö»»ö YÊ�öç A+ =ã�å`î [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý Yç×»[ý*4. Y»Ýlùç $Jô×_ UEõç a]Ì Tö Eõçã»ç _GTö EõUç-[ýTö»ç Yç×Tö [ýç ac÷-Y»ÝlùçUÞ» Y»ç ac÷çÌ ×[ý$Jôç×» %çXEõ ×[ý»Nþ Eõ»ç X$Jô×_[ý*5. =wø» [ýc÷Ý» YçTö Zõç×_[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*6. Y»ÝlùçUÞãÌ åEõ_EÇõã_Oô» [ýç %çX åEõçãXç Wý»S» ^ç×Ü�öEõ aLÇ×_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*7. Y»Ýlùç c÷_» ×\öTö»Tö Y»ÝlùçUÞãÌ ]'[ýç+_ åZõçX [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç ×XãbWý*8. Y»Ýlùç %ç»�ö åc÷ç¾ç» Y»ç YÒU] H°Oôç å`b åXçãc÷ç¾çê_ãEõ åEõçãXç Y»ÝlùçUÞ [ýç×c÷»ê_ C_ç[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*9. Eõ) YÒ Âa]Éc÷ 1 X¶�ö» ×[ý×`rô [ý§ ×[ýEõ� [ýç$Jô×X Y�ù×Tö»*ö aEõã_ç YÒ Â» =wø» Eõ»ç [ýçWýîTöç]É_Eõ*

F) YÒ×TöäOôç YÒ Â» ×[ýEõ� =wø» ×VÌ ç %çä$K÷* Y»ÝlùçUÞãÌ £�ù =wø»äOôç [ýç×$K÷ =×_Ì ç+ EõçbTö UEõç [ýçEõ$JôTö (a), (b), (c) [ýç (d) ×_×F[ý*G) Y»ÝlùçUÞãÌ Y»Ýlùç» å`bTö C_ç+ å^ç¾ç» %çGãTö YÒä Âçwø» [ýc÷Ý %çX×Eõ =Eõç c÷'ã_C XÝ×»lùEõ» c÷çTöTö L]ç ×V ^ç[ý _ç×G[ý*

10. =Yã»çNþ ×XãVÛ ç¾_Ý» ×^ãEõçãXç AOôç %]çXî Eõ×»ã_ ×XÌ ]]ãTö %XÇ çaX]É_Eõ [ýî¾Ø�öç å_ç¾ç c÷'[ý*

MARKS OBTAINEDGeneral Knowledge

_________________________ _________________________ ___________________________Signature of Examiner Signature of Scrutiniser Signature of the Head Examiner

TOTALGeneral ScienceEnglish

Sl. No.


Centre Code / æ$Jô°Oôç» Eõ'Qö .....................................................

Roll No. / å»ç_ X¶�ö» .............................................................

General Mathematics



Date ...........................

F:\ANTSE_VI P6.5 # 2


Ajmal National Talent Search Examination, 2008Class : VI

Time/a]Ì : 2 hours (H³Oôç) Full Marks/]ÇPö X¶�ö» : (25+25+25+25)=100

INSTRUCTIONS / ×XãVÛ ç¾_Ý f1. Attempt All Questions. / YÒãTöîEõäOôç YÒ Â» =wø» Eõ»ç*2. There are four options to each question. Choose the correct option by putting any one of a, b, c or d,

in the box / YÒ×TöäOôç YÒ Â» $Jôç×»Oôç ×[ýEõ� =wø» ×VÌ ç %çä$K÷* £�ù =wø»äOôç [ýç×$K÷ =×_Ì ç+ EõçbTö UEõç [ýçEõ$JôTö a, b, c [ýç d ×_×F[ýç*

General Knowledge / açWýç»S pûçX

1. The fastest runner among these is–åEõçãX å[ý×$K÷ å[ýGç+ åVì×»[ý Yçã» ?a) Cheetah/Xçc÷»ZÇõOÇôEõÝ b) Ostrich/=OôYlùÝ c) Horse/åHgç»ç d) Camel/=Oô

2. Who wrote the bok ‘Wings of Fire’"%×G» åQö=Eõç' åEõçãX ×_×F×$K÷_ ?a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad/]C_çXç %ç[ýÇ_ Eõç_ç] %çLçVb) Dr. Rajendra Prasad/Qöf »çãL³VÐ YÒaçac) A P J Abdul Kalam/A ×Y åL %ç�Ç_ Eõç_ç]d) None of these/+Ì çã» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

3. Which of the following President of USA was not assassinated?%çã]×»Eõç» åEõçXLX »çrÑôY×TöEõ c÷Töîç Eõ»ç åc÷ç¾ç Xç×$K÷_ ?a) Abraham Lincoln/%ç[ýÐçc÷ç] ×_eEõX b) George Washington/LLÛ ¾ç× �eOôXc) John. F. Kennedy/LX AZõ åEõãX×Qö d) Bill Clinton/×[ý_ ×zõ³OôX

4. Which state does Dr. Monmohan Singh, the present Prime Minister, represent in the Rajya Sabha?[ýTöÛ]çX YÒWýçX]Ü�öÝ Qöf ]Xã]çc÷X ×aeA »çLîa\öçTö åEõçXFX YÒãV`» Y»ç YÒ×Tö×X×Wý±¼ö Eõã» ?a) Panjab/Yçtç¾ b) Assam/%a] c) Uttar Pradesh/=wø» YÒãV`d) Delhi/×V{Ý

5. ‘‘Stapler’’ a simple machine is used for–‘Stapler’ A+ a»Ó Ü�ö×[ýWý ×Eõ Eõç]Tö [ýî[ýc÷ç» c÷Ì ?a) Pinup the papers/EõçGLTö ×YX _ãGç¾ç b) Stab some one/Eõçã»ç[ýçEõ FÇ×$Jô ×VÌ çc) Chop up/Eõç×OôãYã_ç¾ç d) Binding papers/EõçGL ×$Jô_ç+ Eõ»ç

6. Complete the title of the film, the‘‘Tare ____ par’’."" Töçã» ........................ Y»'' ×$JôãX]ç» Xç]äOôç YÉSï Eõ»ç----a) Assman/%ç$K÷]çX b) Zameen/L]ÝX c) Gagan/GGX d) Sky/�õç+

7. ‘‘Ya Ali Raham Ali’’ the song was sung by"+Ì ç-%ç×_-»c÷] %ç×_' GçXäOôç åEõçãX Gç+×$K÷_ ?a) Shaan/ �çX b) Zubin Garg/LÇ[ýÝX GGïc) Zubin Mehta/LÇ[ýÝX å]c÷Töç d) Sonu Nigam/$JôXÇ ×XG]

8. ‘‘Poa Mecca & Haygrib Madhav Mandir’’ is situated at–åYç¾ç ]hõç %ç»Ó c÷Ì GÐÝ[ý ]çWý[ý ]׳V» Eõ'Tö %¾×Ø�öTö ?a) Hojai/åc÷çLç+Tö b) Hajo/c÷çãLçTö c) Hamren/c÷ç]ã»S d) Haldia/c÷ç_×VÌ çTö


F:\ANTSE_VI P6.5 # 3


9. X is saying Y is not my fathar, while Y is saying X is my child. But I am not the father and X is not son. What is therelation between them?X A éEõä$K÷ Y å]ç» åV=Töç Xc÷Ì , Y A éEõä$K÷ X å]ç» aÜ�öçX* ×EõÜ�Çö ]+ åV=TöçC Xc÷Ì %ç»Ó X C å]ç» YÇy Xc÷Ì * åTöCgã_çEõ» ]çLTö a�Eïõ ×Eõ?a) Nephew & Aunty/FÇ»Ý-\ö×TöLç b) Mother & daughter/]çEõ-LÝãÌ Eõc) Teacher & student/×`lùEõ-$K÷çy d) None of these/+Ì çã» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

10. WHO stand for–WHO ]çãX-----a) World Hockey Organisation/×[ý � c÷EõÝ aeGPöX b) World Health Organisation/×[ý � Ø�öçØ�öî aeGPöXc) World Home Organisation/×[ý � Y×»Ì ç_ aeGPöX d) World Human Organisation/×[ý � ]çX¾ aeGPöX

11. ‘‘Namdhapa’’ National Park is located in"Xç]WýçYç' »çrÑôÝÌ =VîçX Eõ'Tö ?a) Assam/%a]Tö b) Sikkim/×$Jô×Eõ]Töc) Meghalaya/å]Hç_Ì Tö d) Arunachal Pradesh/%»ÓSç$Jô_YÒãV`Tö

12. You are travelling by car and the traffic focuses red light, it means–TÇö×] GçQÍöÝTö ZÇõ×» %ç$K÷ç %ç»Ó æ®Ïô×ZõãEõ »Iøç _ç+Oô L_ç+ä$K÷* +Ì ç» %Uï c÷'_---a) Stop the car/GçQÍöÝ »ãFç¾ç b) Move fast/å[ýGç+ å^ç¾çc) Go back/×Y$K÷ê_ å^ç¾ç d) You also focus light/TÇö×]C _ç+Oô L�_ç+ ×VÌ ç

13. King, Queen, Bishop, Knight are used in–×Eõe, EÇõ+X, ×[ý �Y, Xç+Oô %ç×V ×Eõ åF_Tö [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç c÷Ì ?a) Squash/å�õç¾ça b) Chess/V[ýç (`Tö»t) c) Volley ball/\ö_Ý[ý_ d) Base ball/å[ý$Jô[ý_

14. What is the scientific name of ‘Common Salt’?açWýç»S ×X]F» é[ýpûçXÝEõ Xç] ×Eõ ?a) Sodium/æ$Jôç×QöÌ ç] b) Sodium Chloride/æ$Jôç×QöÌ ç] æzõç»ç+Qöc) Sodium Carbonate/æ$Jôç×QöÌ ç] Eõç[ýïãXOô d) None of these/+Ì çã» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

15. Which fruit has the same name as its colour?åEõçX×[ýWý Zõ_» [ý»S %ç»Ó Xç] AãEõOôç+ ?a) Green pea/åa=LÝÌ ç ]Oô» b) Orange/Eõ]_çc) Red chilli/»Iøç L_EõÝÌ ç d) White Berry/[ýGçã[ý»Ý

16. What instrument is used for measuring rainfall?[ý»bÇS åLçFç Ü�ö×[ýWý» Xç] ×Eõ ?a) Lactometer/å_ãkôç ×]Oôç» b) Rain gauge/å»+XGLc) Rain meter/å»+X ×]Oôç» d) Rainograph/å»+ãXçGÐçZõ

17. A fourlane highway construction is going through Assam from Gujrat. What is the official name of it?mL»çOô» Y»ç %a]ê_ $Jôç×»ã_X ÇNþ ]c÷çaQÍöEõ» Eõç] $Jô×_ %çä$K÷* +Ì ç» $Jô»Eõç»Ý Xç] ×Eõ ?a) Super highway/$JÇôYç» c÷ç+ã¾ b) East-West Corridor/+rô-Cã¾rô Eõ×»Qö'»c) West-East Corridor/Cã¾rô-+rô Eõ×»Qö'» d) Assam Corridor/%a] Eõ×»Qö'»

18. Which of the following lives longer?]çFÝ, LßÌ ç %ç»Ó Y×F_ç» åEõçX×[ýãWý VÝHï×VX LÝÌ ç+ UçãEõ--a) House fly/]çFÝ b) Butter fly/Y×F_çc) Dragon fly/LßÌ ç d) None of these/+Ì çã» AOôçC Xc÷Ì


F:\ANTSE_VI P6.5 # 4


19. ‘‘Eleven Plus two’’ can be re-arranged as–Eleven Plus two YÇS» aLçã_ c÷'[ý---a) Twelve plus one/OÇôã¾·\ö YÀç$K÷ C¾çX b) Ten plus three/æOôX YÀç$K÷ ×UÐc) Nine plus four/Xç+X YÀç$K÷ Zõ'» d) Plus one/YÀç$K÷ C¾çX

20. The second lady of Indian origin to go to space was–]c÷çEõç`ê_ å^ç¾ç 2Ì G»çEõÝ \öç»TöÝÌ ]É_» ]×c÷_ç c÷'_-----a) Juhi Chawla/LÇ×c÷ $Jôçã_ç b) Sunita Williams/aÇ×XTöç =+×_Ì ç]$K÷c) Gopi Chawla/åGçYÝ $JôçC_ç d) Binita Rao/×[ýXÝTöç »çC

21. Who is known as ‘‘King of Bihu Geet’’?×[ý§ GÝTö» »Lç [ýÇ×_ EõçEõ åEõç¾ç c÷Ì ?a) Archana Mahanta/%$JôÛXç ]c÷Ü�ö b) Zubin Garg/LÇ×[ýX GçGïc) Khagen Mahanta/FãGX ]c÷Ü�ö d) Keshab Mahanta/åEõ`[ý ]c÷Ü�ö

22. If you are going to the land of Rising Sun, you are going to–TÇö×] ×V aÇã ïçVÌ » åV`ê_ éG %ç$K÷ç åTöãÜ�ö TÇö×] éG %ç$K÷ç----a) Australia/%ärÑô×_ÌÌ çê_ b) Japan/LçYçXê_ö c) Singapore/×$K÷eGçYÇ»ê_ d) China/$JôÝXê_ö

23. Who was the only Speaker in the Lok Sabha from NE region?=wø» YÉ[ýïç�û_» Y»ç AEõ]çy å_çEõa\öç» %Wýîlù %ç×$K÷_---a) Hem Baruah/åc÷] [ý»Ó¾ç b) Debakanta Barua/åV¾EõçÜ�ö [ý»Ó¾çc) P A Sangma/×Y A $Jôçe]ç d) B B Lyngdoh/×[ý ×[ý ×_eãQöç

24. Who was known as ‘‘Desh Bandhu’’?/åV` [ýµÇù [ýÇ×_ EõçEõ LXç çÌ ?a) Bankim Chandra/[ý×áø] $Jô³VÐ b) R. N. Tagore/»[ýݳVÐ XçU PöçEÇõ»c) C. R. Das/×$Jôwø»tX Vça d) Subhash Bose/aÇ\öçb [ýaÇ

25. Who is the Director of the musical contest ‘‘Chote Ustad’’ in Star Plus Channel–rôç» YÀç$Jô æ$JôãX_Tö "æ$JôçäOô =Ø�öçV' aeGÝTö YÒ×Töã^ç×GTöç» ×XãVÛ Eõ åEõçX ?a) Kunal Ganjwala/EÇõXç_ Gçtç¾ç_ç b) Pritam/YÒÝTö]c) Shreya Ghosal/æ ÒÌ ç åHçbç_ d) Gajendra Singh/GãL³VÐ ×ae

English / +e»çLÝ

Complete the following sentences by using suitable words from the given options :

26. ‘‘I’’ ________a word.a) am b) is c) have d) are

27. An empty vessel sounds ___________a) more b) most c) much d) many

28. We _________ to the station on foot.a) Walked b) Went c) had gone d) had walked

29. He thinks he is ___________ Newton.a) the b) a c) no article needed d) None of these


F:\ANTSE_VI P6.5 # 5


30. Irfan Pathan is a fast bowler. Here the word ‘fast’ is an __________.a) adverb b) adjective c) noun d) verb

31. A ‘‘box’’ is to boxes while ‘‘ox’’ is to ___________a) oxes b) oxen c) oxies d) ox

32. Anoop lives in ___________ interior village.a) a b) the c) an d) No article needed

33. The plural form of ‘Mr’ is ________________a) Mrs b) Messrs c) Monsierur d) Mesdames

34. Discipline is an _______________ part of life.a) integrity b) integrated c) integral d) None of these

35. The rhino is _____________ animal as big as an elephant.a) an b) a c) the d) No article needed

36. He is the guest _____________ we have invited to the party.a) who b) which c) whom d) whose

37. Our teachers are on strike, so they are not __________ dutya) on b) in c) at d) to

38. Mathematics ______________ an interesting subject.a) are b) have c) is d) have been

39. Today is Sunday, tomorrow _________ Monday.a) will be b) would be c) is d) shall be

40. If water freezes, it ___________ to ice.a) will turn b) can be turned c) shall turn d) turns

From the given sentences pick up the correct one :

41. a) Wait here until I donot come back b) Donot come back until I wait herec) Come back here until I wait ? d) Wait here until I come back.

42. a) My brother goes to school everyday b) My brother is going to school everydayc) Is my brother going everyday to school d) Everyday goes my brother to school.

43. a) K.K. Handique is a man of little words. b) K.K. Handique is a man of few words.c) K.K. Handique is a man of many a words d) K.K. Handique is a man of much words.

44. a) Little money is better that none b) A little money is better than nonec) None is better than a little money d) Money is little better that none.

45. ‘VI’ is the Roman number of ‘English 6’. Then what is the Roman number of 66 ?a) VIVI b) LX c) LXV d) LXVI


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46. The boys never play at night, ______________ ?a) don’t the boys ? b) do they ? c) don’t they ? d) never they ?

47. Keep the clothes in the ______________a) drawer b) cup-board c) wardrobe d) showcase

Choose the ‘‘antonym’’ of the italicized words in the following sentences :

48. He is proud of his linagea) laughty b) Kind c) polite d) humble

49. The crops grow well in fertile soil.a) wet b) good c) manure d) barren

50. The matter was ‘concealed’a) hidden b) revealed c) supressed d) accepted

General Mathematics / açWýç»S G×STö

51. a, b, c are any three whole numbers. If the successor of ( )cba + is x, then the successor of ( )acab + is–

a, b, c ×^ãEõçãXç ×Tö×XOôç YÉSï aeFîç* ( )cba + » ×Y$K÷» aeFîç x c÷'ã_ ( )acab + » ×Y$K÷» aeFîç c÷'[ý-----

a) x + 1 b) x c) 2x d)2


52. A six digit number of the form 535353, 797979 etc. is always divisible by–$K÷Oôç %eãEõã» G×PöTö aeFîç å^ãX 535353, 797979 +Töîç×V aVçÌ Tö_» åEõçXäOôç» ¥ç»ç ×[ý\öçLî c÷'[ý ?a) 3 b) 7 c) 11 d) 13

53. Which of the following pairs can be the H.C.F. and L.C.M. respectively of two numbers?Tö_» åEõçXã^ç» aeFîç VÇOôç aeFîç» yÔã] Gfaçfmf %ç»Ó _façfmf c÷'[ý Yçã» ?a) 32, 200 b) 14, 240c) 12, 240 d) None of these/+Ì çã» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

54. Which of the following is not true?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç aTöî Xc÷Ì ?a) |5 +3 | = |5| + |3| b) |(–2) + 8| = | –2| + |8|c) |(–3) + (–5)| = | –3| + | –5| d) | 0 | = 0

55. When a certain number is multiplied by 13, the product consists entirely of fives. The smallest such number is–AOôç ×X×VÛrô aeFîçEõ 13 å» YÉ»S Eõ×»ã_ YÉ»SZõ_Tö åEõ¾_ 5 %eEõäOôç UçãEõ* %çOôç+TöêEõ a»Ó AãX aeFîçäOôç c÷'_---a) 41625 b) 42135 c) 42515 d) 42735

56. The additive inverse of 321 xxx +−− is–321 xxx +−− » å^çGç±ÁEõ ×[ýY»ÝTö aeFîç c÷'_---

a) 0 b) 1 c) 321

1xxx +−− d) 32 1 xxx −−+


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57. In a triangle, an exterior angle at a vertex is 100º and one of the interior opposite angles is 55º. What is the measure ofthe other interior opposite angle ?AOôç ×Åy\ÇöLTö AOôç Ýbï ×[ý³VÇTö UEõç [ý×c÷fãEõçS c÷'_ 100º %ç»Ó AOôç ×[ýY»ÝTö %Ü�öfãEõçS c÷'_ 55º * %çXäOôç ×[ýY»ÝTö %Ü�öfåEõçS» ]çY c÷'[ý----a) 155º b) 45º c) 55º d) 100º

58. If n is a natural number, then ( ) ( ) ?11 122 =−+− +nn

n AOôç Ø�öç\öç×¾Eõ aeFîç c÷'ã_ ( ) ( ) ?11 122 =−+− +nn

a) 0 b) –1 c) 1 d) 2n + 1

59. Rima has Rs. 11 and 25 paise and Bima has Rs. 15.75. What is the ratio of their amounts?×»]ç» 11 OôEõç 25 Y+$Jôç %çä$K÷ %ç»Ó [ýÝ]ç» 15.75 OôEõç %çä$K÷* ×acg÷Tö» WýX» %XÇYçTö c÷'_----a) 2:3 b) 4:3 c) 7:5 d) 5:7

60. If the radius of a circle is increased by 3 times, then the diameter increases by–AOôç [ýÊwø» [ýîçaç�ùÛ 3 mS [ýÊ×�ù Eõ×»ã_ Töç» [ýîça ×Eõ]çX mS [ýÊ×�ù c÷'[ý ?a) 3 times/mS b) 4 times/mS c) 6 times/mS d) 8 times/mS

61. If Rs. P is divided into two parts in the ratio x:y, then the two parts are–P OôEõç x:y %XÇYçTöTö VÇ\öçG Eõ×»ã_ \öçG VÇOôç c÷'[ý----

a) yx





Rs. ,P

Rs. b) yx





Rs. ,P


c) y




PRs. ,


++d) yx





++ P

Rs. ,P


62. If two lines intersect each other, the angles formed without a common side are–VÇQöç_ å»Fç+ Y»&» EõOôçEõ×Oô Eõ×»ã_ AOôç açWýç»S [ýç§ XUEõçêEõ G×PöTö åc÷ç¾ç åEõçS VÇOôç c÷'_---a) Obtuse angle/[ýÊc÷d åEõçS b) Complementary angles/Y×»YÉ»Eõ åEõçSc) Vertically opposite angles/×[ýYÒTöÝY åEõçS d) Supplementary angles/a�É»Eõ åEõçS

63. If the S.P. of 10 articles is the same as the C.P. of 11 articles, then which of the following is true?10 Oôç [ýØ�Çö» ×[ýyÔÝVç] 11 Oôç [ýØ�Çö» ×EõXçVç]» a]çX c÷'ã_ Tö_» åEõçXäOôç aTöî ?a) Loss10% / å_çEõ$JôçX10% b) Gain10%/ _ç\ö10%c) No loss, no gain/å_çEõ$JôçX Xc÷Ì , _ç\öC Xc÷Ì d) None of these/+Ì çã» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

64. In what time will a sum of money double itself at 8% per annum simple interest?8% a»_ aÇTöTö åEõçãXç ×X×VÛrô ]É_WýX ×Eõ]çX [ý$K÷»Tö VÇmS c÷'[ý ?

a) 10 years b) 12 years c)2

112 years d) 15 years

65. The simplified value of ( ){ }[ ]22222 +−+−+ aaaaa is–

( ){ }[ ]22222 +−+−+ aaaaa » a»_ÝEÊõTö ]çX c÷'_----a) 7a – 16 b) 15a + 16 c) 15a – 16 d) 7a + 16


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66. If QS is the bisector of PQR∠ and 73ºPQS =∠ , then ?PQR =∠PQR∠ » a]×¥F�øEõ c÷'_ QS, 73ºPQS =∠ c÷'ã_ ?PQR =∠

a) 73º b) 107º c)2

º73d) 146º

67. In BC||PAQ ÄABC, as shown in the following figure. The values of x, y and z are respectively.

×$JôyTö åVFÇ¾ç» Vã», ÄABC Tö BC||PAQ c÷'ã_ x, y %ç»Ó z » ]çX yÔã]----

1 y


B C6 0 º

1 z

1 x

5 0 º

a) 50º, 70º, 60º b) 50º, 60º, 70º c) 70º, 60º, 50º d) 50º, 50º, 60º

68. The difference between the squares of two consecutive odd integers is always divisible by–VÇOôç yÔ×]Eõ % ÇG½ %F�ø aeFîç» [ýGï» YçUïEõî Tö_» åEõçX aeFîçã» aVçÌ ×[ý\öçLî c÷'Ì ----a) 3 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8

69. One-fifth of a number exceeds one-seventh of the same by 10. The number is–AOôç aeFîç» AEõ-a�çe`TöêEõ AEõ-Y�û]çe` 10 å[ý×$K÷ c÷'ã_ aeFîçäOôç c÷'[ý----a) 125 b) 150. c) 175 d) 200

70. In terms of percentage profit, which is the best transaction?_ç\ö» Töçe`Tö Tö_» åEõçXäOôç %çOôç+TöêEõ \öç_ å_XãVX ?a) C.P. = Rs. 36, Profit = Rs. 17 /×EõXçVç] = 36 OôEõç, _ç\ö = 17 OôEõçb) C.P. = Rs. 50, Profit = Rs. 24 /×EõXçVç] = 50 OôEõç, _ç\ö = 24 OôEõçc) C.P. = Rs. 40, Profit = Rs. 19 /×EõXçVç] = 40 OôEõç, _ç\ö = 19 OôEõçd) C.P. = Rs. 60, Profit = Rs. 29 /×EõXçVç] = 60 OôEõç, _ç\ö = 29 OôEõç

71. The area of the following figure is–Tö_» ×$JôyäOôç» ålùyZõ_ c÷'_----

2 cm .2 cm .

4 cm .

4 cm .

2 cm .2 cm .

4 cm .

a) 40Cm.2 b) 44Cm2 c) 48Cm2 d) 32Cm2

72. ( )22 393 mlml ++− is greater than ( )22 852 mlml +− by–

( )22 393 mlml ++− »ç×`äOôç ( )22 852 mlml +− TöêEõ ×Eõ]çX QöçIø» ?

a) 22 5145 mlml ++− b) 22 5145 mlml +−c) 22 5145 mlml −+− d) 22 114 mlml ++−


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73. The value of x satisfying the equation ( )


147 =−x is–

( )21


147 =−xa]ÝEõ»SäOôç ×a�ù åc÷ç¾çêEõ x » ]çX c÷'[ý----

a) 3 b) 4 c) –4d) None of these/+Ì çã» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

74. The largest number which divides 245 and 1029 leaving the remainder 5 in each case is–%çOôç+TöêEõ QöçIø» aeFîçäOôç ×^äOôçã¾ 245 %ç»Ó 1029 Eõ \öçG Eõ×»ã_ YÒãTöîEõ ålùyTö \öçGã`b 5 UçãEõ----a) 5 b) 6 c) 16 d) 61

75. If Rs. 2800 is 7

2 percent of the value of a house, the worth of the house is–

AOôç H»» ]É_î» 7

2 `Töçe` c÷'_ 2800 OôEõç, H»äOôç» ]É_î c÷'[ý----

a) Rs. 800000 b) Rs. 980000 c) Rs. 1000000 d) Rs. 1200000

General Science / açWýç»S ×[ýpûçX

76. Drought is caused because of–F»çe åc÷ç¾ç» Eõç»S c÷'_----a) Deforestation/[ýXç�û_ W[ýeaEõ»S b) Afforestation/[ýÊlùã»çYSc) Lack of rain/[ý»bÇS» %\öç¾ d) None of these/A+ã[ýç»» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

77. The colour of copper sulphate isEõYç» $K÷ç_ãZõOô» [ý»S c÷'_----a) Red/»Iøç b) Brownish red/]ÇGç[ý»SÝÌ ç »Iøçc) Blue/XÝ_ç d) Black/Eõ'_ç

78. The least count of an ordinary scale isaçWýç»S å�õ_» _×H�ö ]çY c÷'_----a) 1 cm/ 1 æ$K÷f×]f b) 1 m/ 1 ×]f c) 1 mm/ 1 ×]f]f d) 1 inch/ 1 +×�û

79. Which of the following gases is poisonousTö_» åEõçXäOôç åG$K÷ ×[ýbçNþ ?ýa) Carbon dioxide/Eõç[ýïX Qöç+ %jç+Qö b) Carbon monoxide/Eõç[ýïX ]X %jç+Qöc) Sulphur dioxide/$K÷ç_Zõç» Qöç+ %jç+Qö d) All of these/%çOôç+ã[ýç»

80. Lime water turns milky due to$JÇôSYçXÝ GçFÝ» [ý»S» åc÷ç¾ç» Eõç»S c÷'_----a) Carbon dioxide/Eõç[ýïX Qöç+ %jç+Qö b) Oxygen/%×jãLXc) Nitrogen/Xç+®Ïô'ãLX d) Water/YçXÝ

81. One light year equals toAEõ %çã_çEõ[ýbï» ]çX c÷'_----a) 9.46 × 1010 km / ×Eõf×]f b) 9.46 × 1012 km / ×Eõf×]fc) 9.46 × 1012 year/ [ý$K÷» d) None of these/A+ã[ýç»» AOôçC Xc÷Ì


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82. The mercury in a barometer rises up because ofAOôç å[ýã»ç×]Oôç»» Yç»ç YÊ�ö CY»ê_ =Pöç» Eõç»S c÷'_--a) Gravity/]çWýîçEõbïS b) Temperature/=bÕTöç c) Pressure/$JôçY d) Volume/%çÌ TöX

83. Weight of a body isAOôç [ýØ�Çö» CLX---a) Always constant/aVçÌ WýÐÓ¾Eõ b) Not constant/WýÐÓ¾Eõ Xc÷Ìc) Equal to mass/\ö»» a]çX d) Independent of mass/\ö»» Y»ç ]ÇNþ

84. Protein is synthesised in which of the following ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôçTö YÒ'×OôX aeä À×bTö c÷Ì ?a) Cytoplasm/åEõçb YÒ»a b) Ribosome/»ç+[ý'L]c) Nucleus/åEõçb åEõ³VÐ d) Mitochondria/]ç+Oô'Eõ׳VÐÌ ç

85. Which one of the following is not a function of proteins ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç YÒ×OôX» Eõç ï Xc÷Ì ?a) Repair of body cells /åEõçb» YÇX» GPöX b) Transport/Y×»[ýc÷Sc) Growth/[ýÊ×�ù d) Energy/ ×Nþ

86. Disease of bone and teeth are caused due to the deficiency of×Eõ å]ì_» %\öç¾Tö VñçTö %ç»Ó c÷çQÍö» å[ý]ç» c÷Ì ?a) Calcium/åEõ_×$K÷Ì ç] b) Phosphorus/Zõ$K÷Zõ»ç$K÷ c) Iron/å_ç d) Iodine/%çÌ ×QöX

87. A water soluble vitamin isYçXÝTö VоÝ\ÉöTö åc÷ç¾ç A×[ýWý ×\öOôç×]X c÷'_---a) Vitamin A/×\öOôç×]X--A b) Vitamin D/×\öOôç×]X--Dc) Vitamin E/×\öOôç×]X--E d) Vitamin B/×\öOôç×]X--B

88. Which of the following is made up of amino acids ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç A×]ãXç A×$K÷Qö» ¥ç»ç G×PöTö ?a) Fats/$K÷×[ýï b) Proteins/YÒ'×OôXc) Carbohydrates/Eõç[ýïc÷ç+äQÎöOô d) Vitamins/×\öOôç×]X

89. An advantage of synthetic fibres is×$K÷XãU×OôEõ Zõç+[ýç»» AOôç aÇ×[ýWýç c÷'_---a) They dry-up more quickly /×acg÷Tö åaçXEõçã_ £EõçÌb) They do not dry rapidly/×acg÷Tö åaçXEõçã_ XÇ£EõçÌc) They are attacked by moths and moulds/×acg÷Tö ZÇõ×Oô-å\öEÇõ»» ¥ç»ç Xrô Xc÷Ìd) They are comfortable for summer/×acg÷Tö G»]» ×VXTö %ç»ç]VçÌ Eõ

90. The stages of growth in a butterfly are respectivelyY×F_ç» [ýÊ×�ù» $JôyÔã[ýç» c÷'_----a) Eggs–Pupae–Larvae–Adults/EõSÝ-×Y=Yç-Y_Ç-YÉSïçeGb) Eggs–Larvae–Pupae–Adults/EõSÝ-Y_Ç-×Y=Yç-YÉSïçeGc) Larvae–Eggs–Pupae–Adults/Y_Ç-EõSÝ-×Y=Yç-YÉSïçeGd) None of these/A+ã[ýç»» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

91. Which part of a flower turns into a fruit ?ZÇõ_» åEõçX %e` Zõ_ê_ »ÖYçÜ�ö×»Tö c÷Ì ?a) Sepals/[ýÊ×Tö b) Petals/Yç×c÷ c) Stamen/YÇeãEõ » d) Ovary/G\öÛç Ì


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92. Micron is a small unit of length. 1 micron equals to]ç+yÔX c÷'_ éV ïî» AOôç a»Ó AEõEõ* 1 ]ç+yÔX» ]çX c÷'_---a) 10–5 m/ 10–5 ×] b) 10–6 m/ 10–6 ×] c) 10–10 m/ 10–10 ×] d) None of these/AOôçC Xc÷Ì

93. Which of the following is used to make a permanent magnet ?Ø�öçÌ Ý $JÇô¶�öEõ [ýXç[ýê_ Tö_» åEõçXäOôç [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç c÷Ì ?a) Steel/TöÝFç b) Iron/å_ç c) Nickel/×XãEõ_ d) Brass/×YTö_

94. The formation of eclipses is based on the principle of formation of$Jô³VÐ GÐc÷S [ýç aÉ ïî GÐc÷S Tö_» åEõçXäOôç» GPöX» CY»Tö ×X\öÛ» Eõã» ?a) Shadow/$Kg÷ç b) Point source/×[ý³VÇ =da c) Medium/]çWýî] d) None of these/AOôçC Xc÷Ì

95. The element ‘Radium’ was discovered by"å»×QöÌ ç]' å]ì_äOôç åEõçãX %ç×¾�õç» Eõ×»×$K÷_ ?a) Joseph Priestley/åLçä$K÷Zõ ×YÒãÌ rô×_ b) Dr. Har Gobind Khurana/Qö0 c÷» åGç×[ý³V åFç»çXçc) Marie Curie/å]Qöç] å]×» åEõç×» c) C. V. Raman/×$Jô.×\ö »]X

96. The constituent elements of ‘Glucose’ areæGÀçEõLTö UEõç å]ì_ã[ýç» c÷'_----a) Calcium, Carbon, Oxygen/åEõ_×$K÷Ì ç], Eõç[ýïX, %×jãLXb) Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen/Eõç[ýïX. c÷ç+QÎöãLX, %×jãLXc) Sodium, Carbon, Oxygen/$K÷×QöÌ ç], Eõç[ýïX, %×jãLXd) Carbon, Oxygen, Chlorine/Eõç[ýïX, %×jãLX, zõ'×»S

97. Sedimentation is the process of%¾ãlùYX YÒ×yÔÌ ç c÷'_----a) Removing sand from sugar/æ$Jô×X» Y»ç [ýç×_ YÊUEõ Eõ»çb) Mixing sand in a substance/YVçUïäOôçTö [ýç×_ ×]c÷_ç+ ×VÌ çc) Allowing sand to mix in liquid/Tö»_Tö [ýç×_ ×]× ÒTö Eõ»çd) Allowing the immiscible impurities to settle down to bottom/%£×�ùã[ýç» Tö_Tö L]ç c÷'[ýê_ ×VÌ ç

98. An example of endothermic change isTöçY å`çbS ×[ý×yÔÌ ç» =Vçc÷»S c÷'_----a) Dissolving of lime in water/YçXÝTö $JÇôS VоÝ\ÉöTö Eõ»çb) Dissolving of chlorine in water/YçXÝTö zõ'×»S VоÝ\ÉöTö Eõ»çc) Dissolving of ammonium chloride in water/YçXÝTö A]×XÌ ç] zõ'»ç+Qö VоÝ\ÉöTö Eõ»çd) Boiling of water/YçXÝ =Töã_ç¾ç

99. Water and mineral salts absorbed by root from the soil is conducted upward byG$K÷» ×`Yç+ ]ç×Oô» Y»ç YçXÝ C F×XL _¾S GÐc÷X YÒ×yÔÌ ç ×Eõc÷» [ýçã[ý =�ùÛGç]Ý c÷Ì ?a) Phloem/nÇõã¾] b) Xylem/Lç+ã_]c) Special tissue/×[ýã`b Eõ_ç d) None of these/A+ã[ýç»» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

100. The presence of Maganesium Chloride in water contributes toYçXÝTö å]GãX×$K÷Ì ç] zõ'»ç+Qö Uç×Eõã_ ×Eõ c÷Ì ?a) Temporary hardness/%Ø�öçÌ Ý Eõ×PöXTöç b) Permanent hardness/Ø�öçÌ Ý Eõ×PöXTöçc) Softness of water/YçXÝ» åEõç]_Töç d) None of these/A+ã[ýç»» AOôçC Xc÷Ì

* * * * * *


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Ajmal National Talent Search Examination, 2009Class : VI

Time/a]Ì : 2 hours (H³Oôç) Full Marks˚ ˜≈ͬ Ú•§1– (25+25+25+25)=100

INSTRUCTIONS ˚ øÚÀ√«˙±ª˘œ –¡

1. Attempt All Questions. õ∂ÀÓ¬…fl¡ÀȬ± õ∂ùü1 ά◊M√√1 fl¡1±º

2. There are four options to every question. Choose the correct option by putting any one of a, b, c or d,

in the box õ∂øÓ¬ÀȬ± õ∂ùü1 ‰¬ø1Ȭ± ø¬ıfl¡ä ά◊M√√1 ø√ ˛± ’±ÀÂ√º qX ά◊M√√1ÀȬ± ¬ı±øÂ√ ά◊ø˘ ˛± ◊√√ fl¡± ∏Ó¬ Ôfl¡± ¬ı±fl¡‰¬Ó¬¡ a, b, c ¬ı±¡ d ø˘ø‡¬ı±º

General Knowledge ˚ ¸±Ò±1Ì :±Ú

1. If BANK is coded as DCPM, how will BOOK be coded? ø√ BANK fl¡ DCPM ¬ı≈ø˘ ø˘‡± √√˚˛ ŒÓ¬ÀôL BOOK ø˘‡± √√í¬ı --


2. Complete the series : 2, 5, 7, 12, 15, 17, 22, ______ ? ‘—‡˘±ÀȬ± •Û”Ì« fl¡1±

a) 25 b) 26 c) 27 d) 28

3. Parrot is to Bird as Lizard is to ø√ Parrot ¬Û鬜 √√ ˛ ŒÓ¬ÀôL Lizard √√í¬ı--

a) Wall ª±˘ b) Snake ±¬Û c) Reptile ø1 ‘¬Û d) Poison ø¬ı ∏

4. ? Complete the series ˙‘—‡˘±ÀȬ±1 õ∂ùüÀ¬ı±Òfl¡ ͬ±˝◊√√Ó¬ øfl¡ √√í¬ı∑

a) b) c) d)

5. Which number button will be pressed first to type ‘umbrella’ on a mobile phone? Œ˜±¬ı± ◊√√ ŒÙ¬±ÚÓ¬ ‘Umbrella’ Ȭ± ◊√√¬Û fl¡ø1¬ıÕ˘

õ∂Ô˜ÀÓ¬ Œfl¡±ÚÀȬ± Ú•§1 ¬ı≈Ȭ±˜ øȬø¬Û¬ı±∑

a) 3 b) 6 c) 8 d) 9

6. The Headquarter of N.E. Frontier Railway is at ¬Û”À¬ı±«M√√1 œ˜±ôL Œ1˘Àª1 ≈‡… fl¡± «±˘ ˛ fl¡íÓ¬∑

a) Lucknow ÀéƬà b) Maligaon ±ø˘·±“› c) Howrah √√±›1± d) Shillong øù´ —

7. ‘Chak de India’ is a film based on the game of– 뉬fl¡À√ ◊√√øG ˛±í fl¡Ô±Â√ø¬ı ‡Ú øfl¡ Œ‡˘1 ›¬Û1Ó¬ øÚø «Ó¬∑

a) Cricket øSêÀfl¡È¬ b) Hockey √√fl¡œ c) Football Ù≈¬È¬¬ı˘ d) Kabadi fl¡±¬ı±√œ

8. Manas wild life Sanctuary is in the district of ±Ú¸ ’ˆ¬˚±1Ì… Œfl¡±Ú øÊ√ ±Ó¬ ’ªø¶öÓ¬∑

a) Baksa ¬ı±'± b) Barpeta ¬ı1À¬ÛȬ± c) Morigaon ø1·±“› d) Jorhat Œ˚±1 √√±È¬

9. ‘Roland Garros’ stadium in France is a venue for Œ1±“ ±-Œ·À1±“, Ùˬ±=1 ¤ ◊√√ Œ©Üøά ˛±˜‡Ú øfl¡ Œ‡˘1 ¬ı±À¬ı-

a) Cricket øSêÀfl¡È¬ b) Football Ù≈¬È¬¬ı˘ c) Lawn Tennis˚˘Ú ŒÈ¬øÚÂ√ d) Hockey˚ √√fl¡œ

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10. The most literate district of India according to 2001 census is 2001 ‰¬Ú1 Ê√1œ¬Û ’Ú≈ ± ˛œ ¬±1Ó¬1 ¬ı«±øÒfl¡ ø˙øé¬Ó¬ øÊ√ ± √√í˘--

a) Aizawl in Mizoram ’± ◊√√Ê√ b) Kottayam in Kerala fl¡íA±˚±˜

c) Mahe in Puducherry ±À √√ d) Ernakulom in Kerala ◊√√1Ú±fl≈¡˘±˜

11. The film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ is based on the story of the slum area of the city of ëù≠±˜ η ø˜ø˘˚øÚ˚±1í ø‰¬ÀÚ˜±‡Ú Œfl¡±Ú ‰¬ √√11

ù≠±˜ ¤À˘fl¡±1 ›¬Û1Ó¬ øÚø «Ó¬∑

a) London GÚ b) Mumbai ≈•§± ◊√√ c) Delhi ø√~œ d) Newyork øÚά◊ ˛fl«¡

12. ASI stands for: ASI ±ÀÚ øfl¡∑

a) Asiatic Society of India ¤ø‰¬˚±øȬfl¡ Œ‰¬±‰¬± ◊√√øȬœ ’ª ◊√√øG˚±

b) Asian Students Institution ¤ø‰¬˚±Ú ¶Ü≈ÀάKI◊‰¬ ◊√√køȬøȬά◊ù´Ú

c) Archaeological Survey of India ’±øfl«¡À˚±˘øÊ√Àfl¡˘ ‰¬±Àˆ¬« ’ª ◊√√øG˚±

d) None of these ¤È¬±› Ú √√ ˛

13. The title ‘Sher - e - Punjab’was given to: Œù´1-¤-¬Û±?±ª ά◊¬Û±øÒ fl¡±fl¡ ø√ ˛± Δ √√øÂ√ ∑

a) Lala Lajpat Rai ±˘± ±Ê√¬ÛÓ¬ 1± ˛ b) Bhagat Singh ¬·Ó¬ ø¸—

c) Rajguru 1±Ê√&1n∏ d) None of them ◊√√ ˛±À1 ¤Ê√ÀÚ± Ú √√ ˛

14. Who discovered planetary motion? Úé¬S1 ·øÓ¬ Œfl¡±ÀÚ ’±øª¶®±1 fl¡ø1øÂ√ ∑

a) Copernicus fl¡¬Û±1øÚfl¡±Â√ b) Sir Issac Newton Â√±1 ’± ◊√√Ê√±fl¡ øÚά◊ȬÚ

c) Alva Addision ’±˘ˆ¬± ¤øά‰¬Ú d) Geleleo Œfl¡ø˘ø˘›

15. 1 foot equals: ¤fl¡ Ù≈¬È¬ ‘ øfl¡˜±Ú∑

a) 10 inches [ ◊√√ø=]¡ b) 12 inches [ ◊√√ø=] c) 14 inches [ ◊√√ø=] d) None of these ¤È¬±› Ú √√ ˛

16. The Tarapur Atomic power station (TAPS) is in Ó¬±1±¬Û≈1 ’±Úø¬ıfl¡ øMê√ Œ©Ü‰¬Ú fl¡íÓ¬∑

a) Gujarat &Ê√1±È¬ b) Karnataka fl¡Ì«±È¬fl¡ c) Maharashtra √√±1±©Ü™ d) Rajasthan 1±Ê√¶ö±Ú

17. Which of the following is not a classification of computer ? Ó¬˘1 Œfl¡±ÚÀȬ± fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±11 Œ|Ìœˆ¬≈Mê√ Ú √√ ∑

a) Analog Computer ¤Ú±˘· fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±1 b) Hybrid Computer √√± ◊√√¬ı˜ά fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±1

c) Electronic Computer ◊√√À˘fl¡¬∏CøÚfl¡ fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±1 d) Super Computer ‰≈¬¬Û±1 fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±1

18. ‘World Cup Football’ in 2010 will be held in 2010 ‰¬Ú1 Ù≈¬È¬¬ı˘ ø¬ıù´fl¡±¬Û fl¡íÓ¬ ’√√Ú≈øá¬Ó¬ √√í¬ı∑

a) England ◊√√—À˘G b) South Africa √øé¬Ì ’±øÙˬfl¡±

c) Sweden ‰≈¬ ◊√√ÀÎ¬Ú d) Brazil ¬ı˱øÊ√

19. The playing time of ‘National Anthem’ is 1±©Ü™œ ˛ —·œÓ¬ øfl¡˜±Ú ˜ ˛1 øˆ¬Ó¬1Ó¬ ·±¬ı ±À·∑

a) Approx 48 sec 48 Œ‰¬Àfl¡G b) Approx 50 sec ˚ 50 Œ‰¬Àfl¡G

c) Approx 52 sec 52 Œ‰¬Àfl¡G d) Approx 54 sec ˚ 54 Œ‰¬Àfl¡G

20. ‘Rajmala’ is the chronicle of: ë1±Ê√ ±˘±í fl¡±1 ‹øÓ¬ √√±ø¸fl¡ ¬ı‘M√√±ôL∑

a) Koch Kings Œfl¡±‰¬ 1Ê√± b) Tripuri Kings øS¬Û≈1œ 1Ê√±

c) Ahom Kings ’±À √√±˜ 1Ê√± d) Manipuri Kings øÚ¬Û≈1œ 1Ê√±

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21. Which planet is called ‘Earth’s Twin’ ? Œfl¡±Ú ¢∂ √√fl¡ ¬Û‘øÔªœ1 ˜Ê√ ¬ı≈ø˘ Œfl¡±ª± √√ ˛∑

a) Mercury ¬ı≈Ò ¢∂ √√ b) Venus qSê c) Mars ˜e˘ d) Jupiter ¬ı‘ √√¶ÛøÓ¬

22. ‘Bharat Ratna’ in 2008 was awarded to 2008 ‰¬ÚÓ¬ fl¡±Õ˘ 눬±1Ó¬¡1Pí ø√ ˛± Δ √√øÂ√ ∑

a) Abhinav Bindra ’øˆ¬Úª ø¬ıf± b) Bhupen Hazarika ¬”À¬ÛÚ √√±Ê√ø1fl¡±

c) Bhimsen Joshi ¬œ˜À¸Ú Œ˚±˙œ d) Manmohan Singh ÚÀ˜± √√Ú ø¸—

23. Which combination of keys in a computer key pad are used to save programmes? fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±1Ó¬ õ∂¢∂±˜ ŒÂ√ ¬ [¸=˚] fl¡ø1¬ıÕ˘

øfl¡ ¬ı≈Ȭ±˜ ¬ı…ª˝√√±1 fl¡ø1¬ı±∑

a) Ctrl + S b) Shift + S c) Ctrl + V d) Shift + V

24. The treaty of Yandaboo was signed between the Burmese and ◊√√ ˛±G±¬ı≈ øg ¬ı± «± ’±1n∏ fl¡±1 ±Ê√Ó¬ •Û±√Ú Δ √√øÂ√ ∑¡

a) The British ø¬ıËøȬÂ√ b) The Ahom ’±À √√±˜ c) Singphoos ø‰¬—À٬à d) None of these ¤È¬±› Ú √√ ˛

25. Murray - Darling river flows through Murry Darling [ ≈1œ ά±ø «—] Ú√œ‡Ú Œfl¡±Ú Œ√ 1 ±ÀÊ√À1 Δ¬ı Δ·ÀÂ√∑

a) Spain Œ¶Û ◊√√Ú b) Australia ’À©Ü™ø˘˚±

c) New Zealand ڜά◊øÊ√À˘G¡ d) Zimbabwe øÊ√•§±Àª

General English ˚ ¸±Ò±1Ì ˝◊√√—1±Ê√œ

Only one option out of the four given, i,e [ ( a) , (b) , (c) and (d) ] applies correctly to the blank space. Put the correct option

in the box on the right hand side.

26. I wish I _____________ taller.

a) had been b) could be c) would be d) were

27. I took that person _____________________ a thief .

a) as b) after c) to d) for

28. The hens have ____________ no eggs today.

a) lain b) lied c) lay d) laid

29. You may be surprised _____________ the news

a) by b) with c) at d) upon

30. His __________________________for money will one day defame him.

a) avarice b) temptation c) greed d) veracity

31. We eat so that we __________________ live.

a) should b) may c) must d) will

32. A student who runs away from the class or school without permission is a

a) delinquent b) sceptic c) juvenile d) truant.

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33. Bees live in beehives, or are kept in the __________________________.

a) apiary b) aviary c) cell d) coop.

34. The feminine gender for stallion is _____________

a) mare b) horse c) foal d) colt

35. The Latin phrase inter alia means

a) international ally b) internal friendship c) among other things d) None of these

36. The adjective connected with the word cat is:

a) ovine b) vulpine c) feline d) lupine.

37. The word correctly spelled in the following options is:

a) coccoa b) cocoa c) coacoa d) cocoae

38. Water _____________ at temperatures below 0 degree C.

a) solidises b) solidates c) ensolids d) solidifies

39. DOG is to FAITHFULNESS as FOX is to _____________

a) cleverness b) intelligence c) cunningness d) devotion

40. BACTERIA is to ILLNESS as _____________ is to EXPLOSION.

a) bomb b) explosive c) fire d) ammunition.

In the following question, a sentence has been given in active voice. Select the choice which best expresses the

sentence in passive form.

41. Darjeeling grows tea.

a) Let the tea be grown in Darjeeling b) Tea is being grown in Darjeeling

c) Tea grows in Darjeeling d) Tea is grown in Darjeeling.

42. Who teaches you English?

a) English is taught by whom? b) By whom will you be taught English?

c) By whom were you taught English? d) By whom are you taught English?

In the following question, a question has been given in Direct Speech. Select the choice which best expresses the

sentence in Indirect speech.

43. He said, “ I have often told you not to waste your time”.

a) He said that he had often suggested to him not to waste his time.

b) He told that he had often told him not to waste his time.

c) He said that he had often told not to waste your time.

d) He said that he had often told him not to waste his time..

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The following sentences are divided in to three parts and each part is underlined and marked a,b,c. Only one part

contains an error. Identify the error part. If there is no error, mark it (d)..

44. The reason for his failure is because he did not work hard. No error.

a b c d

45. A group of friends want to visit the new plant as early as possible. No error.

a b c d

46. I have not played cricket since I have left school. No error.

a b c d

In the following sentences you are required to find synonyms or words having the same meaning for the italicized

word in the sentence. Choose the option which best expresses the same meaning in the context.

47. He was admonished for the consequences.

a) scolded b) praised c) rewarded d) admired.

48. The prisoner made an abortive attempt to escape from the jail.

a) illegal b) futile c) courageous d) furtive

In the following sentences you are required to find antonyms or words having opposite meaning for the italicized

word in the sentence. Choose the option which best expresses the opposite meaning.

49. His timidity proved to be costly.

a) arrogance b) cowardliness c) boldness d) self-confidence.

50. Earthquakes are frequent in Japan.

a) few b) rare c) regular d) extinct.

General Mathematic ˚ ¸±Ò±1Ì ·øÌÓ¬

51. If the radius of a circle is increased 100%, the area is increased: [¤È¬± ¬ı‘M√√1 ¬ı…±¸±X« 100% ¬ı‘øX √√íÀ˘ ◊√√ ˛±1 fl¡±ø˘ ¬ı‘øX √√í¬ı--]

a) 100% b) 200% c) 300% d) 400%

52. Predecessor of natural number 1 [¶§±ˆ¬±øªfl¡ —‡…± 1 1 ¬Û”¬ı«ªM√√œ« —‡…±ÀȬ± √√í¬ı--]

a) 0 b) 2 c) 10 d) does not exit [ŒÚÔ±Àfl¡]

53. If a and b are two whole numbers, then commutative law is applicable to subtraction if and only if– [˚ø√ a ’±1n∏ b ≈√À˚± ¬Û”Ì«

¸—‡…± √√ ˛ ŒÓ¬ÀôL ø¬ıÀ ˛±·1 Sê˜ ø¬ıøÚ˜ ˛ ø¬ıøÒ õ∂À˚±Ê√… √√í¬ı ø√À˝√√--]

a) a = b b) ba ≠ c) a > b d) a < b

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54. If the dividend and divisor have like signs then the quotient will be– [˚ø√ ¬±Ê√… ’±1n∏ ¬±Ê√fl¡ ¤Àfl¡ õ∂fl‘¡øÓ¬1 √√ ŒÓ¬ÀôL ¬±·Ù¬˘1 õ∂fl‘¡øÓ¬


a) Positive [ÒÚ±Rfl¡] b) Negative [Ÿ¬Ì±Rfl¡] c) Zero [ ”Ì…] d) None [¤È¬±› Ú √√ ]

55. Receiprocal of 3

12 is– [


12 1 ’ÀÚ…±ißfl¡ √√í¬ı]




7− c)


3− d)



56. Simplified value of 42







12 ÷−×+ is– [ 4








12 ÷−×+ 1 1˘±fl‘¡Ó¬ ±Ú √√í¬ı]




181− c)


133− d)



57. The ratio of 60 hrs. to 600 min. is– [60 ‚KI◊± ’±1n∏ 600 ø˜øÚȬ1 ’Ú≈¬Û±Ó¬ √√í¬ı]

a) 3600 : 600 b) 1 : 6 c) 6 : 1 d) 5 : 1

58. Marked price of an article is Rs. 50.00 on which 10% discount is allowed. Then the SP of the article is– [¤È¬± ¬ıd1 Â√¬Û± ” …

50.00 Ȭfl¡±, ø√ ¬ıdÀȬ± 10% Œ1 √√± ◊√√ ø√ ˛± √√ ˛ ŒÓ¬ÀôL ◊√√ ˛±1 ø¬ıøSê ” … √√í¬ı--]

a) Rs. 60 [Ȭfl¡±] b) Rs. 45 [Ȭfl¡±] c) Rs. 55 [Ȭfl¡±] d) Rs. 52 [Ȭfl¡±]

59. The instruments used to construct a line segment are– [¤Î¬±˘ Œ1‡±‡G ’±“øfl¡¬ıÕ˘ ¬ı…ª √√±1 fl¡1± ’±ø √√ ± √√í˘--]

a) Compass and scale [fl¡•Û±‰¬ ’±1n∏ Œ¶®˘] b) Divider and protractor [øάˆ¬± ◊√√ά±1 ’±1n∏ Œfl¡±Ì˜±Ì La¡]

c) Set square and scale [ŒÂ√Ȭ ¶≈® ˛±1 ’±1n∏ Œ¶®˘] d) None [¤È¬±› Ú √√ ]

60. Which of the following statement is false? [Ó¬˘1 Œfl¡±ÚÀȬ± ά◊øMê√ ø˜Â√±∑]

a) A line segment has two end points [¤È¬± Œ1‡±‡G1 ≈√Ȭ± õ∂±ôL ø¬ıμ≈ Ô±Àfl¡]

b) A line has no end points [¤È¬± Œ1‡±1 Œfl¡±ÀÚ± õ∂±ôL ø¬ıμ≈ ŒÚÔ±Àfl¡]

c) A ray has only one end point [1øù¨1 ±S ¤È¬± õ∂±ôL ø¬ıμ≈ Ô±Àfl¡]

d) None of these [ ◊√√ ˛±À1 ¤È¬±› Ú √√ ˛]

61. Type of angle between the hands of a clock when the time is 5 : 20 is– [5:20 ¬ıÊ√± ˜˚Ó¬ ‚άœ1 fl¡±È¬± ≈√ά±˘1 ±Ê√1 Œfl¡±ÌÀȬ± √√í¬ı]

a) Right angle [¸˜ Œfl¡±Ì] b) Straight angle [¸1˘ Œfl¡±Ì]

c) Obtuse angle [¶ö≈ Œfl¡±Ì] d) Acute angle [ ”Ñ Œfl¡±Ì]

62. In the given figure, the number of sets of parallel lines are– [Ó¬˘Ó¬ ø√ ± ø‰¬SÀȬ±Ó¬ Œfl¡ ◊√√ Œ˚±1 ˜±ôL1±˘ Œ1‡± ’±ÀÂ√-]

a) 8 b) 6 c) 4 d) 2

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63. Number of exterior angles formed in a triangle– [¤È¬± øSˆ¬≈Ê√Ó¬ ά◊»¬Ûiß Œ √√±ª± ≈ͬ ¬ıø √√–Œfl¡±Ì1 —‡…±--]

a) 5 b) 3 c) 6 d) 8

64. Measure of angle ∠ACD in the given figure is– [›‰¬11 ø‰¬SÓ¬

ACD 1 ±Ú √√í¬ı-]

a) 130º b) 120º c) 150º d) 115º

65. Longest chord of the circle is called– [¬ı‘M√√1 ’±È¬± ◊√√Ó¬Õfl¡ √œ‚˘ Ê√…±fl¡ Œ¬ı±˘± √√ -]

a) Radius [¬ı…¸±X«] b) Diameter [¬ı…±¸] c) Chord [Ê√…±] d) None [¤È¬±› Ú √√ ]

66. 1 Sq. m. = ______________ Sq. cm. [1 ¬ı·« ø˜– ‘ ............. ¬ı·« Œ‰¬–ø˜–]

a) 100 b) 1000 c) 10000 d) 10

67. How many whole numbers are there for which y × y = y where ‘y’ is a whole number? [y ¤È¬± Œ·±È¬± —‡…± √√íÀ˘ y × y = y

Ò1Ì1 øfl¡˜±ÚȬ± Œ·±È¬± —‡…± ’±ÀÂ√∑]

a) One [¤È¬±] b) Two [≈√Ȭ±] c) Three [øÓ¬øÚȬ±] d) Infinite [’¸—‡…]

68. The number of 6 digit numbers is– [6 Ȭ± ’—fl¡À1 ·øͬӬ ≈ͬ øfl¡˜±ÚȬ± —‡…± ’±ÀÂ√∑]

a) 8, 99,999 b) 8,99,998 c) 9,00,000 d) 90,00,000

69. Simplified value of ( ){ }[ ]777777 −−−−−

is– [ ( ){ }[ ]777777 −−−−−

1 1˘fl‘¡Ó¬ ±Ú √√í¬ı]

a) 0 b) 14 c) 7 d) None [¤È¬±› Ú √√ ]

70. Which is the pair of like terms? [Ó¬˘1 Œfl¡±ÚÀÊ√±1 ±‘√ ¬Û√∑]

a) 2ab, 2bc b) bc, 3a c) 3a, 3

cbd) bc,



71. The co-efficient of yzaa22

7in −

is– [ yza2


Ó¬ a2 1 √√· √√í¬ı-]

a) 7 b) –7 c) –7yz d) 7yz

72. (–4.80) ÷ (–32) = ?

a) 0.5 b) 0.15 c) 15 d) –15

73. (–1)562 = ?

a) 1 b) –1 c) Can not be determined [øÚÌ« ˛ fl¡ø1¬ı ŒÚ±ª±ø1]

d) None of these [ ◊√√ ˛±À1 ¤È¬±› Ú √√ ˛]

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74. The difference between the smallest seven digit number and the largest four digit number is– [¸±Ó¬È¬± ’—fl¡À1 ø˘ø‡¬ı ¬Û1±

’±È¬± ◊√√Ó¬Õfl¡ 1n∏ —‡…± ’±1n∏ ‰¬±ø1Ȭ± ’fl¡—Àfl¡À1 ø˘ø‡¬ı ¬Û1± ’±È¬± ◊√√Ó¬Õfl¡ ά±„√√1 —‡…±1 ¬Û±Ô«fl¡… √√í¬ı--]

a) 981001 b) 991000 c) 990001 d) 908001

75. If p = –2, q = –1 and r = 3 then the value of 222rqp −+ is– [˚ø√ p = –2, q = –1 ’±1n∏ r = 3 ˝√√˚˛ ŒÓ¬ÀôL 222

rqp −+ 1

˜±Ú √√í¬ı--]

a) 0 b) 4 c) –4 d) 8

General Science ˚ ¸±Ò±1Ì ø¬ı:±Ú

76. SI unit of temperature is– ά◊ ûÓ¬±1 SI ¤fl¡fl¡ √√í˘--

a) Kelvin (K) b) Celsius (ºC) c) Reumer (ºR) d) Fahrenheit (ºF)

[Œfl¡˘øˆ¬Ú K] [ŒÂ√ ø‰¬˚±‰¬ ºC] [ø1ά◊ ±1 ºR] [Ù¬±À1Ì √√± ◊√√Ȭ ºF]

77. Choose the correct equation– qX ˜œfl¡1ÌÀȬ± ¬ı±øÂ√ ά◊ø˘›ª±--


hightArea = b)


volumeArea = c) d)


areaVolume =









78. As the least count decreases, accuracy of the instrument– ’±ø √√ ± ¤È¬±1 ø‚∏ᬠŒÊ√±‡ fl¡ø˜À˘ ◊√√ ˛±1 Ô±Ô«Ó¬±--

a) Increases ¬ı±øϬˇ¬ı b) Decreases fl¡ø˜¬ı

c) Remains constant ¤Àfl¡ Ô±øfl¡¬ı d) Can’t say Ú±Ê√±ÀÚ±

79. The weight of a body is maximum at– ¬ıd ¤È¬±1 ›Ê√Ú À¬ı±«2‰¬ √√ ˛--

a) Poles Œ˜1n∏Ó¬ b) Equator ø¬ı ∏≈¬ı ’=˘

c) 100 metres above in the air 100 ø˜È¬±1 ά◊2‰¬Ó¬±Ó¬ d) At the center of the earth ¬Û‘øÔªœ1 Œfl¡fÓ¬

80. Which of the following is a repetitive but not a periodic motion? Ó¬˘1 Œfl¡±ÚÀȬ± ¬Û≈Ú1±¬ı‘M√√ øfl¡c ¬Û˚…«±¬ı‘M√√ ·øÓ¬ Ú √√ ∑

a) The oscillations of a swing Œ√±˘fl¡1 Œ√±˘Ú

b) Vibration of the string of a musical instrument ¬ı±Ò…˚La1 Ó¬±“11 fl¡•ÛÚ

c) Rotation of the Earth around itself ¬Û‘øÔªœ1 ‚”Ì«Ú ·øÓ¬

d) Pulse of the heart √√+√¶ÛμÚ

81. A rocket works on the principle of– 1Àfl¡È¬ ¤È¬± ◊√√ Œfl¡±ÚÀȬ± ” ÚœøÓ¬1 ›¬Û1Ó¬ fl¡±˜ fl¡À1∑

a) Atmospheric pressure ¬ı±˚≈ G˘œ˚ ‰¬±¬Û b) Steam engine ¬±¬Û ◊√√ø?Ú

c) Action and Reaction principle øSê˚± ’±1n∏ ¬õ∂øÓ¬øSê˚±1 ÚœøÓ¬

d) All the above ’±È¬± ◊√√Àfl¡ ◊√√Ȭ±

82. Kinetic energy depends on– ·øÓ¬˙øMê√ øfl¡ √√1 ›¬Û1Ó¬ øÚˆ¬«1 fl¡À1∑

a) Position ¶ö±Ú b) Velocity Œ¬ı· c) Shape ˚ ’±fl¡±1 d) Colour 1—

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83. An atomic power station uses ¤È¬± ¬Û±1˜±Úøªfl¡ øMê√ Œfl¡fÓ¬ ¬ı…ª √√±1 √√ ˛--

a) Oxygen ’ø'ÀÊ√Ú b) Coal fl¡ ˛ ±

c) Chromium and Uranium Sêø˜˚±˜ ’±1n∏ ◊√√ά◊À1øÌ˚±˜ d) Uranium ◊√√ά◊À1øÌ˚±˜

84. Kinetic energy of a gas molecule depends on– Œ·Â√œ ˛ ’Ú≈1 ·øÓ¬˙øMê√ øfl¡ √√1 ›¬Û1Ó¬ øÚˆ¬«1 fl¡À1∑

a) Volume ’±˚Ó¬Ú b) Temperature ά◊ ûÓ¬± c) Pressure ‰¬±¬Û d) None of these ¤È¬±› Ú √√ ˛

85. The work done in lifting a 4kg. stone to a height of 12m. is– 4 øfl¡–¢∂±˜ ›Ê√Ú1 ø˙˘ ¤È≈¬fl≈¡1± 12 ø˜È¬±1 ά◊2‰¬Ó¬±Õ˘ ά◊ͬ±›ÀÓ¬ fl¡ø1¬ı ·±

fl¡±˚…«1 ¬Ûø1˜±Ú √√í¬ı--

a) 407.4 J˚Ê≈√˘ b) 470.4 J˚Ê≈√˘ c) 440.7 J˚Ê≈√ ¡ d) 48 J˚Ê≈√ ¡

86. Mechanical advantage of first order lever is– õ∂Ô˜ Œ|Ìœ1 ø˘ˆ¬±11 ±øLafl¡ ≈ø¬ıÒ± √√í˘--

a) >1 b) ≥1 c) <1 d)


87. Ozone layer is present in– ’íÊ√Ú ô¶1 fl¡íÓ¬ ’ªø¶öÓ¬∑

a) Troposphere ¬∏C¬ÛíÀ¶£¬˚±1 b) Stratosphere Œ©Ü™È¬íÀ¶£¬˚±1¡

c) Ionosphere ’±˚ÚíÀ¶£¬˚±1 d) Ozonosphere ’íÊ√ÀÚ±À¶£¬˚±1

88. Weight is– ›Ê√Ú √√í˘--

a) Constant ÒËn∏ªfl¡ b) Not constant ÒËn∏ªfl¡ Ú √√ ˛

c) Equal to its mass ¬11 ˜±Ú d) Equal to its density ‚ÚQ1 ˜±Ú

89. Choose the most elastic substance from the following. ’±È¬± ◊√√Ó¬Õfl¡ Œ¬ıøÂ√ ø¶öøÓ¬¶ö±¬Ûfl¡ ¬Û√±Ô«ÀȬ± Δ √√ÀÂ√--

a) Rubber 1¬ı1 b) Nylon Ú± ◊√√ Ú c) Steel Ó¬œ‡± d) Iron Œ˘±

90. Semiconductors are used in– ’Ò« ¬Ûø1¬ı± √√œ ¬ı…ª √√±1 fl¡1± √√ ˛--

a) Cooking vessels 1gÚ ¬Û±SÓ¬ b) Overhead cables Δ¬ı≈…øÓ¬fl¡ Ó¬±“1Ó¬

c) Electric bulbs Δ¬ı≈√…øÓ¬fl¡ ¬ı±˘¬ıÓ¬ d) Computer chips fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±1 ø‰¬oÓ¬

91. Name the instrument which measures the density of liquids Ó¬1˘ ¬Û√±Ô«1 ‚ÚQ Ê≈√ø‡¬ı ¬Û1± ’±ø √√ ±ÀȬ± Δ √√ÀÂ√--

a) Hydrometer √√± ◊√√E ø˜È¬±1 b) Hygrometers √√± ◊√√¢∂ø˜È¬±1

c) Densitymeter ‚ÚQø˜È¬±1 d) Ammeter ¤ø˜È¬±1

92. Choose the substance which is used as a filter ¬Ûø1¶⁄±ªfl¡ ø √√‰¬±À¬Û ¬ı…ª √√±1 Œ √√±ª± ’±ø √√ ±ÀȬ±--

a) Oil pepar ’ ˛ Œ¬Û¬Û±1 b) Silicon dioxide ø‰¬ø˘fl¡Ú ά± ◊√√’'± ◊√√ά

c) Unglazed porcelain ’¶§26√ ¬Û±ø‰«¬À˘Ú d) Plastic õ≠±ø©Üfl¡

93. In rockets ___________ is used 1Àfl¡È¬Ó¬ ................... ¬ı…ª √√±1 fl¡1± √√ ˛--

a) Hydrogen √√± ◊√√EíÀÊ√Ú b) LPG ˚ ¤˘ ø¬Û øÊ√

c) Coal fl¡ ˛ ± d) Petroleum Œ¬Û¬∏Cø˘˚±˜

94. Smallest beings that cause diseases– Œ1±· ‘ø©Ü fl¡ø1¬ı ¬Û1± é≈¬^Ó¬˜ Ê√œªø¬ıÒ Δ √√ÀÂ√--

a) Ants ¬Û1n∏ª± b) Virus ¬± ◊√√1±Â√ c) Bacteria Œ¬ıÀ"√√ø1˚± d) Lice ›fl¡øÚ

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95. Which of the following is a part of excretory system? Ó¬˘Ó¬ ø√ ± Œfl¡±Úø¬ıÒ Œ1‰¬ÚÓ¬La1 ’—˙∑

a) Kidneys ¬ı‘!¡ b) Lungs √√±“›Ù¬±›“ c) Gills ±Â√1 Ù≈¬˘ d) All the above ’±È¬± ◊√√À¬ı±1

96. The firs part of large intestine is called as– ¬ı‘ √√√±La1 õ∂Ô˜ ’—˙fl¡ Œfl¡±ª± √√ --

a) Rectum ˘ˆ¬±G±1 b) Duodenum˚Î≈¬’Àάڱ˜ c) Colon fl¡í˘Ú d) Intestine ’La

97. Bile is stored in– ø¬ÛM√√1¸ fl¡íÓ¬ Ê√ ± √√ ˛∑

a) Liver fl‘¡Ó¬ b) Stomach ¬Û±fl¡¶ö œ c) Duodenum Î≈¬’Àάڱ˜d) Gallbladder ø¬ÛM√√

98. Mucin ø˜Î¬◊ø‰¬ÀÚ--

a) Lubricates food ‡±√… ø¬ıÊ√ ≈ª± fl¡À1 b) Kills bacteria Œ¬ıÀ"√√ø1˚± ±À1

c) Digests proteins õ∂øÈ¬Ú ¬Û±‰¬Ú fl¡À1 d) Digests fats ‰¬¬ıœ« ¬Û±‰¬Ú fl¡À1

99. Which of the following harm the Ozone layer? Ó¬˘1 Œfl¡±ÚÀȬ±Àª ’íÊ√Ú ô¶11 é¬øÓ¬ fl¡À1∑

a) Oxygen ’ø'ÀÊ√Ú b) Carbon monoxide fl¡±¬ı«Ú íÚ√’'± ◊√√ά

c) Carbon dioxide fl¡±¬ı«Ú ά± ◊√√ ’'± ◊√√ά d) Chlorofluorocarbons flv¡1íÙv¬1í fl¡±¬ı«Ú

100. Fats and carbohydrates are known as– ‰¬¬ıœ« ’±1n∏ fl¡±¬ı« √√±ÀEȬ øfl¡ ø √√‰¬±À¬Û Ê√Ú±Ê√±Ó¬∑

a) Body building foods 1œ1 ·Í¬Úfl¡±1œ ‡±√… b) Energy releasing foods øMê√√±˚fl¡ ‡±√…

c) Protective foods ≈1鬱fl¡±1œ ‡±√… d) Harmful foods ’Ú©Üfl¡±1œ ‡±√…


AJMAL NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH (ANTS) EXAMINATION - 2010Conducted by : AJMAL FOUNDATION, A Registered Public Charitable Trust

Hojai, Nagaon (Assam)

Class / æ ÒSÝ f VI

Centre Code / æ$Jô³RôOç» Eõ’Qö / åa³OôçÌ[ý åEõçQö..........................................................................Roll No. / å»ç_ X=‘ö» / åÌ[ýç_ X¶‘öÌ[ý...........................................................................................

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE1. Write your Centre Code and Roll No. legibly in the space provided. Do not write your name any where in the book.2. An examinee must not bring any loose paper, book, etc. except the Admit Card to the Examination Hall. Any examinee

found in possession of even loose papers will be EXPELLED.3. No extra sheet will be provided for making notes or calculations. Candidates may use the inner cover pages of this booklet

for this purpose.4. An examinee must not talk to, disturb or seek assistance from a fellow examinee during the examination.5. No. leaf of the booklet must be torn or detatched.6. Any mechanical or digital calculating device (calculator etc.) shall not be used by the examinee during the examination.7. Mobile Phones shall not be used by candidates inside the examination Hall.8. No candidate will be allowed to leave or go out of the Examination Hall during the first hour of the examination.9. i. Questions are of multiple-choice type carrying one mark each and all questions are compulsory.

ii. Students are required to write the correct answer [i.e. any one of (a), (b), (c) or (d)] in the box provided alongside the question.iii. A candidate having completed his/her question-answer booklet must hand it over, even if blank, to the invigilator before

leaving the Examination Hall.10. Contravention of any of the instruction mentioned above shall render a candidate liable for disciplinary action as per rule.

Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ» [ýçã[ý ×XãVÛ ç¾_Ý1* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ CY»» Fç×_ Pöçc÷OTö åTöCgã_çEõ» æ$Jô³RôOç» Eõ’Qö, å»ç_ X=‘ö» Y×»•õç»êEõ ×_×F[ý* Eõ’ãTöç ×XL» Xç] ×X×_×F[ý*2* Y»Ýlùç c÷’_Tö ‘AQö×]$RôO EõçQïö’» [ýç×c÷ã» YÒçUÝÛãÌ åEõçãXç Wý»S» EõçGL, ×EõTöçY %ç×V %ç×X[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý* %ç×Xã_ Y»Ýlùç c÷’_» Y»ç [ý×c÷›õç» Eõ»ç c÷’[ý*3* ×c÷$Jôç[ý [ýç æ$RôOçEõç %ç×V ×_×F[ýê_ %×Tö×»Nþ EõçGL ×VÌ^ç Xc÷’[ý* Ac÷O [ýc÷ÝFX» å[ý$RÇôOYçTö» ×\öTö»» YÊœöç [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç Eõ×»[ý Yç×»[ý*4* Y»Ýlùç $Jô×_ UEõç a]Ì^Tö Eõçã»ç _GTö EõUç-[ýTö»ç Yç×Tö [ýç ac÷-Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ» Y»ç ac÷çÌ ×[ý$Jôç×» EõçãEõç ×[ý»Nþ Eõ»ç X$Jô×_[ý*5* QöOwø» [ýc÷Ý» YçTö Zõç×_[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*6* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ åEõ_EÇõã_$RôO» %ç×V åEõçãXç Wý»S» ^ç×Ü—öEõ aLÇ×_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*7* Y»Ýlùç c÷’_» ×\öTö»Tö Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ ]’[ýçc÷O_ åZõçX [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç ×XãbWý*8* Y»Ýlùç %ç»Þö åc÷ç¾ç» Y»ç YÒU] H³RôOç å`b åXçãc÷ç¾çê_ãEõ åEõçãXç Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ [ýç×c÷»ê_ C_ç[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*9* Eõ) YÒ`Âa]Éc÷ 1 X=‘ö» ×[ý×`rô [ý§ ×[ýEõ” [ýç$Jô×X Yˆù×Tö»* aEõã_ç YÒ`» QöOwø» Eõ»ç [ýçWýîTöç]É_Eõ*

F) YÒ×Töä$RôOç YÒ Â» QöOwø» ×VÌ ç %çä$K÷* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ £ˆù QöOwø»ä$RôOç EõçbTö UEõç [ýçEõ$JôTö (a), (b), (c) [ýç (d) ×_×F[ý*G) Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ Y»Ýlùç» å`bTö C_çc÷O å^ç¾ç» %çGãTö YÒä Âçwø» [ýc÷Ý %ç×V QöOEõç c÷’ã_C XÝ×»lùEõ» c÷çTöTö L]ç ×V ^ç[ý _ç×G[ý*

10* QöOYã»çNþ ×XãVÛ`ç¾_Ý» ×^ãEõçãXç A$RôOç %]çXî Eõ×»ã_ ×XÌ^]]ãTö %XÇ`çaX]É_Eõ [ýî¾Øšöç å_ç¾ç c÷’[ý*

MARKS OBTAINEDGeneral Knowledge General English General Mathematics General Science Total

__________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________

Signature of Examiner Signature of Scrutiniser Signature of the Head Examiner




Script No.

General Knowledge / açWýç»S pûçX / açWýçÌ[ýX pûçX1. The Brahmaputra is also Known as :

[ýСùYÇy» %Xî Xç] ×Eõ ?[ýСùYÇäyÌ[ý %YÌ[ý Xç] ×Eõ ?a) Dibang b) Tsangpo c) Lohit d) Dikhoi

×V[ýe $JôçeãYç å_ç×c÷Tö ×VãFì×V[ýe açeãYç å_ç×c÷Tö ×VãFì

2. The night and day are of equal duration all over the Earth on :

åEõ×TöÌ^ç YÊ×U[ýÝ» aEõã_ç Pöçc÷OãTö ×VX-»ç×Tö a]çX c÷Ì^ :YÊ×U[ýÝÌ[ý a[ýïy ×VX-Ì[ýç×Åy a]çX c÷Ì :a) 21 March b) 31 June c) 20 August d) 20 November

21 ]ç$JôÛTö 31 LÇXTö 20 %çGrôTö 20 Xã[ýý=‘ö»Tö21 ]çäJôÛ 31 LÇãX 20 %çGärô 20 Xã\ö=‘öãÌ[ý

3. Kolkata is situated on the bank of the river :

Eõ’_EõçTöç åEõçX XVÝ» Yç»Tö ?Eõ_EõçTöç åEõçX XVÝÌ[ý TöÝãÌ[ý %[ý×ØšöTö ?a) Ganga b) Hoogly c) Padma d) None of these

G†ç §G_Ý Y²¿ç A$RôOçC Xc÷ÌG†ç §G_Ý Y²¿ç AEõ×OôC Xç

4. The Province which is a part of the U.A.E. is

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç (ae ÇNþ %ç]Ý» Ÿçc÷Ý) c÷OQöOXçc÷Oä$RôOQö %ç»[ý %ç×]»ç$RôO (U.A.E.)» %eG ?XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô ae ÇNþ %çÌ[ý[ý %ç×]Ì[ý Ÿçc÷ÝÌ[ý %eGÌ[ýçLî ?a) Kuwait b) Sharjah c) Iran d) Iraq

EÇõã¾c÷O$RôO Ÿç»Lçc÷ c÷O»çS c÷O»çEõEÇõãÌ Tö `çÌ[ýLç +Ì[ýçS +Ì[ýçEõ

5. The opening ceremony of DLF IPL III was held in

DLF IPL III EõTö QöOã¥çWýX Eõ»ç éc÷×$K÷_ ?DLF IPL III AÌ[ý =å¥çWýXÝ %XÇœöçX åEõçUçÌ c÷Ì :a) Kolkata b) Mumbai c) Chennai d) Delhi

Eõ_EõçTöç ]Ç=‘öçc÷O æ$Jô~çc÷O ×V{ÝEõ_EõçTöç ]Ç=‘öçc÷O æ$Jô~çc÷O ×V{Ý


Time/a]Ì^ : 2 hours/ H³RôOç Full Marks/ ]ÇPö X=‘ö» / å]çOô X¶‘öÌ[ý f (25+25+25+25)=100INSTRUCTIONS / ×XãVÛ`ç¾_Ý / ×XãVÛ`ç[ý_Ý1. Attempt All Questions / YÒãTöîEõä$RôOç YÒ Â» QöOwø» Eõ»ç / YÒãTöîEõ×Oô YÒä ÂÌ[ý =wøÌ[ý VçC2. There are four options to every question. Choose the correct option by putting any one of a, b, c or d, in the box

YÒ×Töä$RôOç YÒ`» $Jôç×»$RôOç ×[ýEõ” QöOwø» ×VÌ^ç %çä$K÷* £ˆù QöOwø»ä$RôOç [ýç×$K÷ QöO×_Ì^çc÷O EõçbTö UEõç [ýçEõ$JôTö a, b, c [ýç d ×_×F[ýç*YÒ×Tö×Oô YÒä ÂÌ[ý JôçÌ[ý×Oô ×[ýEõ” =wøÌ[ý åVCÌ ç %çäK÷* a×PöEõ =wøÌ[ý×Oô å[ýäK÷ Yçã » UçEõç [ýçåj a, b, c A[ýe d ×_F*


6. ‘JAGO GRAHOK JAGO’ is for

‘‘LçG’ GÐçc÷Eõ LçG’’ ÀGçX Eõç» QöOã©`î ×VÌ ç c÷Ì ?‘LçãGç GÐçc÷Eõ LçãGç’ æ ÀçGçX×Oô EõçÌ[ý LXî ?a) Buyer b) Seller c) Donor d) None of these

åyÔTöç ×[ýãyÔTöç VñçTöç A$RôOçC Xc÷ÌåyÔTöç ×[ýãyÔTöç VçTöç AEõ×OôC Xç

7. The Finance Minister of Assam is :

%a]» ×[ýwø]Ü—öÝ åEõçX ?%çaçã]Ì[ý %Uï]Ü—öÝ c÷ã_Xa) Rockybul Hussain b) Himanta Biswa Sharama c) Tarun Gogoi d) Nurjamal Sarkar

»×Eõ[ýÇ_ §ä$K÷c÷OX ×c÷]Ü™ö×[ý Ÿ ]ïç Tö»ÓX GêG XÇ»Lç]ç_ $Jô»Eõç»Ì[ý×Eõ[ýÇ_ §ãa+X ×c÷]Ü™ö×[ý Ÿ ]ïç Tö»Ì[ýÓX GêG XÇÌ[ýLç]ç_ aÌ[ýEõçÌ[ý

8. Niagara falls is in :

XçãÌ^GÐç L_YÒYçTö EõTö ?XçãÌ GÐç L_YÒYçTö åEõUçÌ ?a) Canada b) England c) U.S.A. d) France

EõçXçQöçTö c÷Oeã_‰øTö %çã]×»EõçTö ZÐõç³aTöEõçXçQöçãTö +eã_ã‰ø %çã]×Ì[ýEõçãTö ZÐõçã³a

9. The maximum number of Grand Slam in Tennis is won by

æ$RôO×X$JôTö a[ýïç×WýEõ aeFîEõ GÐç‰ø `Àç] åEõçãX ×L×Eõ×$K÷_ ?åOô×Xãa a[ýïç×WýEõ aeFîEõ GÐîç‰ø Àçã]Ì[ý ×[ýLåÌ Töça) Pete Sampras b) Roger Federer c) Boris Becker d) Rafeel Nadal

×Y$RôO $K÷ç+Òç$K÷ å»Lç» åZõãQö»ç» [ý×»$Jôã[ýEõç» »çãZõ_ XçQöç_×YOô aç¶YÒça Ì[ýLçÌ[ý åZõãQöÌ[ýçÌ[ý [ý×Ì[ýa å[ýEõçÌ[ý Ì[ýçåZõ_ XçQöç_

10. Adam Gilchrist a crickter hails from

×yÔãEõ$RôOç» %çQöç] ×G_FÐÝrô åEõçX åV`» éF_Çã¾ ?×yÔãEõOôçÌ[ý %çQöç] ×G_FÐÝrô åEõçX åVã Ì[ý åFã_çÌ çQÍö ?a) England b) Newzealand c) Australia d) South Africa

c÷Oeã_‰ø ×XQöO×Lã_‰ø %ärÑô×_Ì ç V×lùS %ç×ZÐõEõçc÷Oeã_‰ø ×XQöO×Lã_‰ø %ärÑô×_Ì ç V×lùS %ç×ZÐõEõç

11. The organ of the human body that is affected by hepatitis is :

åc÷Yç$RôOçc÷O×$RôOä$Jô åVc÷» Eõ’Tö %çyÔ]S Eõã» ?åc÷YçOôç+×Oôa Ì[ýÝãÌ[ýÌ[ý åEõçX %e`ãEõ %çyÔ]X EõãÌ[ý ?a) Pancreas b) Spleen c) Stomach d) Liver

%GÂîç`Ì^ YÀÝc÷ç YçEõØšö_Ý ×_\öç»%GÂîç Ì YÀÝc÷ç YçEõØšö_Ý ×_\öçÌ[ý


12. ‘Too many cooks spoil the :

%×WýEõ »çμùXÝãÌ^ ................. Xrô Eõã»%×WýEõ a~îçaÝãTö .................. Xrôa) Dish b) Broth c) Food d) Curry

açWýX GçLX å\öçLX Ø‘öLX

13. 2nd October is observed as :

2 %ãkôç[ý» ×Eõ ×c÷$JôçãY Yç_X Eõ»ç c÷Ì^ ?2 %ãkôç[ýÌ[ý ×Eõ ×c÷açã[ý Yç_X EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì ?a) Gandhi Jayanti b) International Day of Non-violence

GçμùÝ LÌ Ü™öÝ %çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ %×c÷eaç ×V¾aGçμùÝ LÌ Ü™öÝ %çÜ™öLÛç×TöEõ %×c÷eaç ×V[ýa

c) Both a & b d) None of them

a %ç»Ó b QöO\öãÌ A$RôOçC Xc÷Ìa %çÌ[ý b =\öãÌ AEõ×OôC Xç

14. Nobel Prize is not awarded in which of the following area :

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç ×[ý\öçGTö åXçã[ý_ [ýg$RôOç ×VÌ^ç Xc÷Ì^ ?XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX ×[ý\öçãG åXçã[ý_ YÇÌ[ý•õçÌ[ý åVCÌ ç c÷Ì Xç ?a) Literature b) Physics c) Chemistry d) Music

aç×c÷Töî YVçUï ×[ýpûçX »açÌ S ×[ýpûçX aeGÝTöaç×c÷Töî YVçUï ×[ýpûçX Ì[ýaçÌ X ×[ýpûçX aeGÝTö

15. Google ( is a :

Google ×Eõ ?

a) Number in maths b) Search Engine c) Directory of Images d) Chat service on the web

Gç×STöÝEõ aeFîç %XÇaμùçX c÷O×tX YÒ×Tö]É×TöÛ» YÇØ™öEõ Cã¾[ý$K÷çc÷O$RôOTö [ýçTöÛç_çYGç×STöÝEõ aeFîç %XÇaμùçX c÷O×tX YÒ×Tö]É×TöÛÌ[ý YÇØ™öEõ CãÌ [ýaç+åOô [ýçTöÛç_çY

16. In colour blindness with which colour is red confused :

[ýSï %μùTöçTö »Iøç »Iø» _GTö åEõçX »Iø» ×[ý}ç×Ü™ö c÷Ì^ ?[ýSï %μùTöçÌ _ç_ Ì[ýåIøÌ[ý açãU åEõçX Ì[ýåIøÌ[ý ×[ý}ç×Ü™ö c÷Ì ?

a) White b) Green c) Yellow d) Blue

[ýGç åaQöOLÝÌ ç c÷ç_WýÝÌ ç XÝ_çaçVç a[ýÇL c÷_ÇV XÝ_

17. The metal that is the main constituent of both bronze and brass :

[ýÐt %ç»Ó ×YTö_Tö UEõç WýçTÇö» ]ÉFî QöOYçVçXä$RôOç c÷_ :[ýÐt A[ýe ×YTöã_ UçEõç WýçTÇöÌ[ý ]É_ =YçVçX c÷_ :a) Copper b) Iron c) Zinc d) Aluminium

Töç] / Töç]ç å_ç / å_çc÷ç ×LeEõ A_Ç×]×XÌ ç](3)

18. The wood of the tree that is used especially for making cricket bats :

×yÔãEõ$RôO» å[ý$RôO éTöÌ^ç» Eõ×»[ýê_ ×[ýã`bêEõ ×Eõ G$K÷» EõçPö [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç c÷Ì^ ?×yÔãEõOô [ýîçãOô å^ EõçPö [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõÌ[ýç c÷Ìa) Birch b) Sycamore c) Willow d) Hazel

\ÇöLÛ $Jôçc÷OEõç]Ç» QöOc÷Oã_ç åc÷c÷O _[ýçJôÛ [ýÊlù aç+Eõçã]çÌ[ý =+ã_ç åc÷+^_

19. ‘Desh Ki Dhadkan’ is the punchline of

‘åV` EõÝ WýQÍöEõX’ æ`ÀçGçX ×Eõc÷» _GTö L×QÍöTö ?‘åV` EõÝ WýQÍöEõX’ æ ÀçGçX ×EõãaÌ[ý açãU L×QÍöTö ?a) Hero Honda b) TVS c) Bajaj d) Yamaha

×c÷ã»ç åc÷ç‰øç ×$RôO.×\ö.A$K÷. [ýçLçL Ì ç]çc÷ç×c÷ãÌ[ýç åc÷ç‰øç ×Oô.×\ö. Aa. [ýçLçL +Ì ç]çc÷ç

20. The brand Started by Mahesh Gupta and endorsed by Hema Malini is

]ãc÷` mŠç» QöOdYç×VTö åEõçX×[ýWý aç]GÐÝ» ×[ýpûçYXTö åc÷]ç ]ç×_XÝãÌ^ %×\öXÌ^ Eõ×»ä$$K÷ ?]ãc÷` mŠçÌ[ý åEõçX aç]GÐÝÌ[ý ×[ýpûçYãX åc÷]ç ]ç×_XÝãEõ åVFç ^çÌa) Aquaguard b) Kent c) Bajaj d) Khaitan

AEÇõ¾ç GçQïö åEõ³RôO [ýçLçL éFTöçXAãEõçÌ ç GçQïö åEõ³Oô [ýçLçL éFTöçX

21. What statutory warning is given in the cigarate packets ?

×$K÷Gçã»$RôO» åYãEõ$RôOTö ×[ý×WýaX½Tö ×Eõ aTöEõÝÛEõ»S Eõ»ç c÷Ì^ ?×aGçãÌ[ýãOôÌ[ý åYãEõãOô ×[ý×WýaX½Tö aTöEõÝÛEõ»Ì[ýS ×c÷açã[ý ×Eõ å_Fç UçãEõ ?a) cigarate smoking is injurious to health b) Tobacco causes cancer

WýÇ]YçX Ø‘öçØšöî» [ýçã[ý lù×TöEõç»Eõ WýYçãTö åEõ‡ûç»» aÊ×rô Eõã»WýÉ]YçX Ø‘öçãØšöîÌ[ý Yãlù lù×TöEõÌ[ý Töç]çEõ Eõîç³açåÌ[ýÌ[ý aÊ×rô EõãÌ[ý

c) smoking is prohibited d) smoking causes AIDS

WýÇ]YçX ×X×bˆù WýÇ]YçãX AIDS » aÊ×rô Eõã»WýÉ]YçX ×X×bˆù WýÉ]YçãX AIDS AÌ[ý aÊ×rô EõãÌ[ý

22. The river flows through the city of London :

_‰øX» ]çãLã» é[ý å^ç¾ç XVÝ_³QöX c÷ãÌ[ýÌ[ý ]Wýî ×VãÌ YÒ[ýç×c÷Tö XVÝa) Thames b) Severn c) Trent d) Ouse

åU]$K÷ æ$K÷\öçXï æ®Ïô³RôO CB$K÷åOô]a åa\öçXï æ®Ïô³O Da

23. The ruler who constructed the Grand Trunk Road :

GÐç‰ø ®Ïôçáø å»çQö åEõçãX aç×L×$K÷_ ?GÐîç³Qö ®Ïôçáø åÌ[ýçãQöÌ[ý ×X]ïçTöç åEõ ?a) Akbar b) Shivaji c) Rana Pratap d) Sher Shah Suri

%çEõ[ý» ×`¾ýçLÝ »çSç YÒTöçY å Ÿ» Ÿçc÷ $JÇô»Ý%çEõ[ýÌ[ý ×`[ýçLÝ Ì[ýçSç YÒTöçY å Ì[ý çc÷ aÇÌ[ýÝ


24. Official residence of the Prime Minister of India is at :

\öç»Tö» YÒWýçX]Ü—öÝ» $Jô»Eõç»Ý %ç[ýça Eõ’Tö ?\öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý YÒWýçX]Ü—öÝÌ[ý aÌ[ýEõçÌ[ýÝ %ç[ýça åEõçUçÌ ?a) Feroze Shah Road b) 7 Race Coures Road c) Mahatma Gandhi Road d) Parliament Road

×Zõã»çL `Ÿçc÷ å»çQö 7 å»$Jô åEõç$JôÛ å»çQïö ]c÷ç±Áç GçμùÝ å»çQö Yç×_ïÌ^çã]³RôO å»çQö×ZõãÌ[ýçL Ÿçc÷ åÌ[ýçQö 7 åÌ[ýa åEõçaôÛ åÌ[ýçQö ]c÷ç±Áç GçμùÝ åÌ[ýçQö Yç×_ïÌ çã]³Oô åÌ[ýçQö

25. Kalyan, Emon, Bhairavi and Maalhar are type of

Eõ_îçX-c÷O]S-é\ö»[ýÝ %ç»Ó ]ç_c÷ç» ×Eõc÷» YÒEõç»Eõ_îçX, +]X, é\öÌ[ý[ýÝ, ]{çÌ[ý ×EõãaÌ[ý YÒEõçÌ[ýa) Mangoe b) Raaga c) Season d) Dance

%ç] »çG @TÇö Xç$Jô%ç] `çØ—öÝÌ Ì[ýçG @TÇö XÊTöî

General English

26. I want you to tell me the ....... truth

a) all b) exact c) real d) whole

27. Do you want ....... sugar in your coffee ?

a) some b) much c) any d) little

28. I ....... go now because I am already late for my class.

a) must b) had to c) am d) should

29. She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be ........

a) doctor b) a doctor c) the doctor d) surgeon

30. Next time you ....... to my house, you must bring that book.

a) come b) will come c) are coming d) may come

31. Lucy talked over the phone for five minutes and finally ........

a) hanged up b) hang over c) hung up d) hung over


32. This summer we went ....... holiday to Greece.a) in b) on c) for d) by

33. Which of these is an adjective? It is ........a) hard b) hardly c) harden d) hardship

34. If you have a question please feel ....... to ask.a) good b) well c) free d) nice

35. ....... is a person who has taken an apartment or house on rent.a) Landlord b) Tenant c) Houseguest d) Host

Find the appropriate response from Mira in the following three questions :

36. Anil : They went on strike last week.Mira : ................a) What on earth for ? c) Do they live on earth ? b) Are they on earth ? d) Why on earth to ?

37. Anil : You know he failed all his examinations?Mira : .......a) I must believe it. c) I might believe it. b) I don’t believe it. d) I ought to believe it.

38. Anil : ’Thank you very much for helping me.’Mira : ‘.......’a) You don’t mention it. c) You mention it. b) No mention of it. d) Don’t mention it.

39. Directions: Which is the best way to write the underlined portion of each sentence?I have rang her doorbell several times today.

a) have rang b) have rung c) am ringing d) rung

40. Directions: In the following choose the correct option to balance and complete the sentence.Henry is not only a good doctor………..

a) but also an excellent friend. b) but he is also an excellent friend.c) but he is an excellent friend also. d) but is also an excellent friend.

Pick out the word that is most similar in meaning ( Synonym) to the word given in bold capitals :

41. Deforestation destroys the HABITAT of many species of animals and birds.a) Locality b) Habits c) Area d) Home

42. The ABRUPT stopping of the car annoyed us.a) Sudden b) Violent c) Irritating d) Noisy


Pick out the word that is most opposite in meaning ( antonym) to the word given in bold capitals :

43. The canal was CONSTRUCTED during the first Five Year Plan.a) Made b) Erected c) Constructed d) Destroyed

44. The teacher always spoke to her students in a SHARP tone.a) Sweet b) Fine c) Soft d) Blunt

Choose a single word from the options to replace the words in underlined italics :

45 Sanjay has a fascination for animals living in water.a) Watery b) Aquatic c) Amphibian d) Anthropoid

46. A person who is a hundred years old must be a very experienced man.a) Centenarian b) Centurion c) Centenary d) Grand old man

Mark the right choice on the basis of the relationship shown in the first part of the question :

47. SPORTS is to STADIUM as ................. is to STAGE :a) Novel b) Play c) Poetry d) Song

48 CLOTH is to TAILOR as LEATHER is to ……….a) Designer b) Carpenter c) Cobbler d) Furniture

Mark the choice which gives the correct spelling :

49. a) dialogue b) dilogue c) diloug d) Dailougue

50. a) admission b) admision c) addmition d) addmission

General Mathematics / açWýç»S G×STö / açWýçÌ[ýX G×STö

51. The missing number in 1+23

+ 4+56

= 7 + 89 - ?

is ................


+ 4+56

= 7 + 89 - ?

» _ÇŠ aeFîçä$RôOç c÷_ :


+ 4+56

= 7 + 89 - ?

AÌ[ý _ÇŠ aeFîç×$$RôO c÷_ :

a) 0 b) 3 c) 6 d) 12

52. Find the odd number out :

%×]_ä$RôOç [ýç×$Jô QöO×_C¾ç :%×]_ aeFîç×Oô [ýç×c÷Ì[ý EõÌ[ý :3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 17, 19

a) 19 b) 17 c) 13 d) 12


53. In the given diagram the value of N is equal to :

EõçbTö ×VÌ^ç ×$Jôyä$RôOçTö N » ]çX :

Yçã Ì[ý ×Jôy×OôåTö N AÌ[ý ]çX :

a) 900 b) 1000 c) 1100 d) 1300

54. What must be added to x2 to get 1

x2 » _GTö ×Eõ å^çG Eõ×»ã_ 1 c÷[ý ?x2 AÌ[ý açãU ×Eõ å^çG EõÌ[ýå_ 1 c÷Ì ?a) 1 + x2 b) -1 -x2 c) 1 - x2 d) x2 - 1

55. The cost price of 24 pens is same as the selling price of 20 pens. The gain percent is :

24 $RôOç Eõ_]» ×EõXçVç] 20 $RôOç Eõ_]» å[ý$K÷çVç]» a]çX c÷ã_ `TöEõ»ç %çÌ c÷[ý :24 Oôç Eõ_ã]Ì[ý yÔÌ VÌ[ý 20 Oôç Eõ_ã]Ì[ý ×[ýyÔÌ VãÌ[ýÌ[ý a]çX c÷ã_ `TöEõÌ[ýç _ç\ö c÷_ :

a) 15% b) 18% c) 20% d) 22%

56. (20 ÷ 5) ÷ 2 + (16 ÷ 8) x 2 +(10 ÷ 5) x (3 + 2) = ..............

a) 12 b) 15 c) 18 d) 16

57. Radius of the given circle is 14 cm and angle between OM an ON is 450. What is the area of

the shaded portion ?

YÒVwø [ýÊwø» [ýîçaçWýï 14 æ$K÷.×]. %ç»Ó OM %ç»Ó ON » ]çL» åEõçX 450 c÷ã_ $Kg÷çã» %ç[ýÊTö %e`» Eõç×_ ×Eõ]çX c÷[ý ?YÒVwø [ýÊãwøÌ[ý [ýîçaçWýï 14 åa.×]. A[ýe OM C ON AÌ[ý ]ãWýî 450 åEõçS c÷ã_ K÷çÌ ç[ýÊTö %eã Ì[ý Eõç×_ EõTö ?a) 91 cm.2 (æ$K÷.×] 2) b) 77 cm.2 (æ$K÷.×] 2) c) 72 cm.2 (æ$K÷.×] 2) d) 112 cm.2 (æ$K÷.×] 2)

91 æ$K÷.×] 2 77 æ$K÷.×] 2 72 æ$K÷.×] 2 112 æ$K÷.×] 2

91 æ$a÷.×] 2 77 æa÷.×] 2 72 æ$a÷.×] 2 112 æa÷.×] 2

58. Descending order of 1.01, 1.323, 1.414, 1.21 is ...............

1.01, 1.323, 1.414, 1.21 » %WýfyÔ] .............................1.01, 1.323, 1.414, 1.21 AÌ[ý %WýfyÔ] .............................a) 1.21, 1.323, 1.414, 1.01 b) 1.323, 1.414, 1.21, 1.01

c) 1.01, 1.21, 1.323, 1.414 d) 1.414, 1.323, 1.21, 1.01

59. One cm. is equal to 10mm. How many square mm are there is one square cm. ?

AEõ æ$K÷.×]. a]çX 10 ×]. ×]. c÷ã_ AEõ [ýGï æ$K÷. ×].Tö ×Eõ]çX [ýGï ×]. c÷[ý :AEõ åa. ×]. a]çX 10 ×]. ×]. c÷ã_ AEõ [ýGï åa.×].åTö EõTö ×].×] c÷ã[ý :a) 10 b) 1000 c) 100 d) 5

60. Which of the following fractions represents a whole number ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç \öGÂçe`c÷O A$RôOç YÉSï aeFîçEõ [ýÇLçÌ^ ?XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX \öGÂçe` AEõOôç YÉXï aeFîç [ýÇMõçÌ ?

a) 1827

b) 17212

c) 18917

d) 17821









61. A girl weighs 56.74 kg. If her mother is 1.5 times heavier than her daughter, then the weight of the mother is

ALXÝ æ$K÷ç¾ç_Ý» CLX 56.74 ×Eõ.GÐç.* ×V Töçc÷O» ]çEõ» CLX Töçc÷OTöêEõ 1.5 mS å[ý×$K÷ c÷Ì^ åTöãÜ™ö ]çEõ» CLX c÷[ý ............. ×Eõ.GÐç.å]ãÌ Ì[ý CLX 56.74 ×Eõ.GÐç.* ×V ]çãÌ »Ì[ý CLX å]ãÌ »Ì[ý Jôç+ãTö 1.5 mX å[ý`Ý c÷Ì Töçc÷ã_ ]çãÌ Ì[ý CLX :

a) 85 b) 85.11 c) 85.20 d) 85.15

62. Time taken by the car while travelling 81 Km. at 10m/sec is .........

AFX GçQÍöÝ 10 ×]/æ$K÷ å[ýãGã» G×Tö Eõ×»ã_ 81 ×Eõ.×]. VÉ»±¼ö %×TöyÔ] Eõã»çãTö a]Ì^ _ç×G[ý :AEõ×ÌOô GçQÍöÝ 10 ×]/åa G×TöãTö åGã_ 81 ×Eõ ×] VÉÌ[ý±¼ö %×TöyÔ] Eõ×Ì[ýåTö a]Ì _çGã[ý :a) 2 hrs 20 min b) 2 hrs c) 2 hrs 30 min d) 2 hrs 15 min

2 H³RôOç 20 ×]×X$RôO 2 H³RôOç 2 H³RôOç 30 ×]×X$$RôO 2 H³RôOç 15 ×]×X$RôO

63. The product of 2514

and additive inverse of -75



%ç»Ó -75

» å^çGç±ÁEõ %ãXçSîEõ» å^çGZõ_ c÷[ý :2514

A[ýe -75

AÌ[ý å^çGç±ÁEõ %ãXîç~ãEõÌ[ý å^çGZõ_ c÷ã[ý :

a) 12598

b) -12598

c) 52

d) None of these A$RôOçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC Xç

64. If a, b & c are the lengths of sides of a triangle ABC then which of the following is true ?

^×V ABC ×Åy\ÉöL» [ý移 éVHïî a, b, %ç»Ó c c÷Ì^ åTöãÜ™ö Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç QöO×Nþ aTöî ?^×V ABC ×Åy\ÇöãLÌ[ý [ýç§Ì[ý éV»»Hïî a, b, %çÌ[ý c c÷Ì , Töçc÷ã_ XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô £ˆù :a) a + b < c b) a - b > c c) a + b > c d) a - b ≤ c

65. The L.C.M. of two numbers is ‘p’ and their H.C.F. is ‘q’. Their product is ‘r’. Then the statement which is true from the following is :

VÇ$RôOç aeFîç» _façfmf ‘p’ %ç»Ó Gfaçfmf ‘q’ c÷Ocg÷Tö» YÇ»SZõ_ “r” c÷ã_ Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç QöO×Nþ aTöî ?VÇ×Oô aeFîçÌ[ý _façfmf ‘p’ Gfaçfmf ‘q’ %çÌ[ý CãVÌ[ý mXZõ_ “r” c÷ã_ XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô aTöî ?

a)Pq = r b) p +q = r c) p -q = r d) pq = r

66. 8888 + 7777 + 666 + ? = 19000

a) 2719 b) 2679 c) 0 d) None of these A$RôOçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC Xç

67. If (-1)n + (1)n = 0 then n is :

^×V (-1)n + (1)n = 0 c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö ‘n’ :

^×V (-1)n + (1)n = 0 c÷Ì , Töçc÷ã_ ‘n’ :

a) An odd number b) An even number c) Neither even nor odd d) None of these

A$RôOç % ÇG½ aeFîç A$RôOç ÇG½ aeFîç ÇG½ %U[ýç % ÇG½ Xc÷Ì A$RôOçC Xc÷ÌAEõ×Oô % ÇG½ aeFîç AEõ×Oô ÇG½ aeFîç ÇG½ %U[ýç % ÇG½ XÌ AEõOôçC XÌ

68. Find the product of the largest and the smallest number of the following 98, -13, 49, 1

98, -13, 49, 1 aeFîç åEõc÷O$RôOç» %ç$RôOçc÷OTöêEõ QöçIø» %ç»Ó %ç$RôOçc÷OTöêEõ a»Ó aeFîç» YÇ»SZõ_ c÷[ý :98, -13, 49, 1 A+ aeFîçmã_çÌ[ý ]ãWýî a[ýJôç+ãTö [ýQÍö %çÌ[ý a[ýJôç+ãTö æK÷çOô aeFîç¥ãÌ Ì[ý mXZõ_ c÷ã[ý- :a) -13 b) -1274 c) 0 d) 98


69. The triangle ABC represents a/an :

ABC ×Åy\ÉöLä$RôOç éc÷ä$K÷ :ABC ×Åy\ÇöL×Oô c÷_ :

a) equilateral triangle b) scalene triangnle c) isosceles triangle d) None of these

a][ýç§ ×Åy\ÉöL ×[ýb][ýç§ ×Åy\ÉöL a]׈ù[ýç§ ×Åy\ÉöL A$RôOçC Xc÷Ìa][ýç§ ×Åy\ÉöL ×[ýb][ýç§ ×Åy\ÉöL a]׈ù[ýç§ ×Åy\ÉöL åEõçX$RôOçc÷O XÌ

70. Which of the following best represents the location of point A on the number line shown below ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOçã¾ aeFîç å»FçTö A ×[ý³VÇ» ØšöçXçeEõ a×PöEõ \öçã[ý ×XWýïç»S Eõã» ?aeFîç ã»Ì[ýFçÌ A ×[ý³VÇÌ[ý ØšöçXçeEõ a×PöEõ\öçã[ý ×XWýïç»X EõåÌ[ý XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô ?

0 1 2-2 -1A

a) -2E b) -2D c) -1A d) -1D

71. The simple interest on a certain sum for 3 years at 14% per annum is Rs. 235.20. The sum is Rs. ...........

14% a»_ aÇTöTö åEõçãXç ×X×VÛrô ]É_WýX» ×Tö×X[ý$K÷»» aÇTö 325.20 $RôOEõç c÷ã_ ]É_WýX» Y×»]çX c÷[ý ...................... $RôOEõç14% aÌ[ý_ aÇãV åEõçãXç ×X×VÛrô ]É_WýãXÌ[ ×TöX [ýK÷åÌ[ýÌ[ý aÇV 325.20 OôçEõç c÷ã_ ]É_WýãXÌ[ Y×Ì[ý]çX .................. ÌOôçEõça) 480 b) 560 c) 650 720

72. The smallest 5 digit number having three different digits is .............

×Tö×X$RôOç ×\ö~ %eEõã» ×_×F[ý Y»ç %ç$RôOçc÷OTöêEõ a»Ó 5 $RôOç %eEõ ×[ý×`rô aeFîçä$RôOç ......................×TöXOôç ×\ö~ %eãEõ ×_×FãTö YçÌ[ýç 5 %eãEõÌ[ý a[ýJôç+ãTö æK÷çOô aeFîç :a) 10000 b) 10001 c) 10002 d) 12311

73. Difference between the face values of 5 and 9 in 1, 65, 234 and 8, 42, 928 is ..........

1, 65, 234 %ç»Ó 8, 42, 928 Tö 5 %ç»Ó 9 » açe×FîEõ ]çX» YçUïEõî c÷[ý ........1, 65, 234 A[ýe 8, 42, 928 A 5 %çÌ[ý 9 AÌ[ý açe×FîEõ ]çãXÌ[ý YçUïEõî c÷_--a) 4 b) 14 c) 4100 d) 5900

74. If X & Y are whole numbers, then which of the following is true ?

^×V X %ç»Ó Y %F‰ø aeFîç c÷Ì^ åTöãÜ™ö Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç QöO×Nþ aTöî ?^×V X %çÌ[ý Y %F‰ø aeFîç c÷Ì Töçc÷ã_ XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ×Oô aTöî :a) X ÷ Y is a whole number b) X ÷ Y = Y÷ X c) Both a & b c) None of these

X ÷ Y A$RôOç %F‰ø aeFîç X ÷ Y = Y÷ X ‘a’ %ç»Ó ‘b’ QöO\öãÌ A$RôOçC Xc÷ÌX ÷ Y AEõ×Oô %F‰ø aeFîç X ÷ Y = Y÷ X ‘a’ %çÌ[ý ‘b’ =\öãÌ + ÌåEõçXOôç+ XÌ

75. A rectangle whose width is 3 unit has the same area as a square whose side is 9 unit. What is the perimeter

of this rectangle ?

A$RôOç %çÌ Töãlùy» YÒØšö 3 AEõEõ %ç»Ó c÷OÌ^ç» Eõç×_ 9 AEõEõ [ýç§ ×[ý×`rô [ýGïãlùy A$RôOç» Eõç×_» a]çX* %çÌ^Töãlùyä$RôOç» Y×»aÝ]ç ×Eõ]çX ?3 AEõEõ YÒãØšöÌ[ý AEõ×Oô %çÌ TöãlùäyÌ[ý Eõç×_ 9 AEõEõ [ýç§ ×[ý×`rô AEõ×Oô [ýGïãlùäyÌ[ý a]çX* %çÌ TöãlùäyÌ[ý Y×Ì[ôaÝ]ç EõTö ?

a) 81 b) 60 c) 36 d) 27






General Science / açWýç»S ×[ýpûçX / açWýçÌ[ýX ×[ýpûçX

76. Which of the following gases is poisonous ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç åG$K÷ ×[ýbçNþ ?XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX Gîça×Oô ×[ýbçNþ ?a) carbon dioxide b) carbon monoxide c) sulphur dioxide d) All of the above

Eõç[ýïX Qöçc÷O %jçc÷OQö Eõç[ýïX ]X’%jçc÷OQö $Jôç_Zõç» Qöçc÷O %jçc÷OQö %ç$RôOçc÷OãEõc÷O$RôOçEõç[ýïX Qöçc÷O %jçc÷OQö Eõç[ýïX ]ãXç%jç+Qö aç_ZõçÌ[ý Qöç+%jç+Qö a[ýEõÌ Oôç

77. Hardest substance in our body is :

%ç]ç» `»Ý»» %ç$RôOçc÷OTöêEõ Eõ×PöX [ýØ™Çöä$RôOç éc÷ä$K÷ :%ç]çÌ[ý Ì[ýÝå»Ì[ýÌ[ý a[ýJôç+ãTö Eõ×PöX [ýºwø c÷_ :

a) nail b) bone c) enamel d) cartilage

XF c÷çQÍö AXçã]_ QöOYç×ØšöXF c÷çQÍö AXçã]_ åEõç]_ç×Øšö

78. From ‘life cycle’ point of view the most important part of a plant is :

LݾX $JôyÔ» ×V`» Y»ç QöO×àöV» %ç$RôOçc÷OTöêEõ V»Eõç»Ý %eGä$RôOç éc÷ä$K :

LÝ[ýX JôãyÔÌ[ý VÊ×rôãEõçX åUãEõ =×àöãVÌ[ a[ýJôç+ãTö mÌÌ[ý»Ó±¼öYÉXï %e` c÷_ :

a) root b) stem c) leaf d) flower

×`Yç Eõç‰ø YçTö ZÇõ_]É_ Eõç‰ø YçTöç ZÇõ_

79. Which of the following vegetable is actually a fruit ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç çEõ-Yç$Jô×_ YÒEÊõTöãTö Zõ_ ?XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX a‹Ý %çaã_ AEõ YÒEõçÌ[ý Zõ_ ?a) potato b) lettuce c) bean d) cabbage

%ç_Ç Yçã_e ]çc÷ [ýμùçEõ×[ý%ç_Ç Yç_e aÝ] [ýgçWýçEõ×Y

80. Find the incorrect match ?

%×]_ä$RôOç [ýç×$Jô QöO×_C¾ç ?%×]_ =wøÌ[ý×Oô å[ýäK÷ XçC-a) china rose - simple leaf b) cucurbita - reticulate venation

L[ýçZÇõ_-a»_ Yy _çQöO-Lç_×`»ç×[ýXîçaL[ýçZÇõ_-aÌ[ý_ Yy _ç=-Lç_× Ì[ýç×[ýXîça

c) bamboo - compound leaf d) palm - parallel venation

[ýgçc÷-å^ì×GEõ Yy Töç_-a]çÜ™ö»ç_ ×`»ç×[ýXîça[ýçg -å^ì×GEõ Yy Töç_GçK÷-a]çÜ™öÌ[ýç_ × Ì[ýç×[ýXîça


81. In which state of matter, the molecules are at a greater distance from one another ?

YVçUï» åEõçXä$RôOç %¾ØšöçTö %XÇã[ýç»» ]çL» VÇ»±¼ö %×WýEõ c÷Ì^ ?YVçãUïÌ[ý åEõçX %[ýØšöçãTö %XÇmã_çÌ[ý ]ãWýî VÉÌ[ý±¼ö %×WýEõ c÷Ì ?a) solid b) gas c) liquid d) All the state of matter

Eõ×PöX åG$K÷ Tö»_ YVçUï» aEõã_ç %¾ØšöçãTöEõ×PöX Gîça TöÌ[ý_ YVçãUï»Ì[ý aEõ_ %[ýØšöçãTö

82. Which of the following element is a non-metal ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç å]ì_ %WýçTÇö ?XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX å]ì_×Oô WýçTÇö XÌ ?a) copper b) mercury c) aluminium d) sulphur

EõYç» Yç»ç A_Ç×]×XÌ ç] $K÷ç_Zõç»Töç]ç YçÌ[ýV A_Ç×]×XÌ ç] aç_ZõçÌ[ý

83. The element that does not form compound is :

å^ìG GPöX Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç»ç å]ì_ä$RôOç éc÷ä$K÷ :å^ìG GPöX EõÌÌ[ýãTö Xç YçÌ[ýç å]ì_×Oô c÷_ :

a) hydrogen b) oxygen c) nitrogen d) neon

c÷çc÷OQÎöãLX %×jãLX Xçc÷O®ÏôãLX ×XÌ^X

84. A stapler is a lever of which kind ?

ærôY_ç» åEõçX æ`ÒSÝ» ×_\öç» ?ærôY_çÌ[ý åEõçX æ ÒXÝ»Ì[ý ×_\öçÌ[ý ?a) i order b) ii order c) iii order d) iv order

YÒU] æ ÒSÝ» ×¥TöÝÌ æ ÒSÝ» TÊöTöÝÌ æ ÒSÝ» $JôTÇöUï æ ÒSÝ»YÒU] æ ÒSÝÌ[ý ×¥TöÝÌ æ ÒSÝÌ[ý TÊöTöÝÌ æ ÒSÝÌ[ý JôTÇöUï æ ÒSÝÌ[ý

85. Which of the following occurrences is responsible for the twinkling of lights that are far away from us ?

VÉ»» %çEõç`» Tö»çã[ýçã» ×Tö»×[ý»çc÷O UEõç» Eõç»S éc÷ä$K÷ :VÉã»Ì[ýÌ[ý %çEõçã Ì[ý TöçÌ[ýçm×_ ×MõEõ×]Eõ EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý EõçÌ[ýX c÷_ :

a) refraction b) movement of air c) reflection d) None of the above

YÒ×Töa»S [ýçÌ Ç» a‡ûç_X YÒ×TöZõ_X A$RôOçC Xc÷ÌYÒ×TöaÌ[ýX [ýçÌ ÇÌ[ý a‡ûç_X YÒ×TöZõ_X AEõOôçC XÌ

86. When we go deeper into the earth, What happened to the temperature and pressure ?

\ÉöG\öÛê_ Gã_ QöObÕTöç %ç»Ó $JôçY» ×Eõ Y×»[ýTöÛX c÷Ì^ ?\ÉöGã\öÛ ×\öTöÌ[ý =bÕTöç %çÌ[ý JôçãYÌ[ý ×Eõ Y×Ì[ý[ýTöÛX _lùî EõÌ[ýç çÌ :

a) Temperature increases, pressure decreases b) Temperature decreases, pressure increases

QöObÕTöç [ýçä$RÍô, $JôçY Eõã] QöObÕTöç Eõã], $JôçY [ýçä$RÍôQöObÕTöç [ýçäQÍö, $JôçY Eõã] QöObÕTöç Eõã], $JôçY [ýçäQÍö

c) Temperature increases, pressure increases d) Temperature decreases, pressure decreases

QöObÕTöç [ýçä$RÍô, $JôçY [ýçä$RÍô QöObÕTöç Eõã], $JôçY Eõã]QöObÕTöç [ýçä$QÍö, $JôçY [ýçäQÍö QöObÕTöç Eõã], $JôçY Eõã]


87. Which of the following can be categorized as protective foods ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç \öçG YÒ×Töã»çWýEõ FçVî ?XÝäJô»Ì[ý åEõçX GÐÓãYÌ[ý FçVî aÇÌ[ýlùçVçÌ Eõ :a) Fats, vitamins & minerals b) Carbohydrates, vitamins & fats

$Jô×[ýï, ×\ö$RôOç×]X %ç»Ó F×XL _¾X `Eïõ»ç, ×\ö$RôOç×]X %ç»Ó $Jô×[ýïJô×[ýï, ×\öOôç×]X %çÌ[ý F×XL _[ýX `EïõÌ[ýç, ×\öOôç×]X %çÌ[ý Jô×[ýï

c) Minerals, fats & carbohydrates d) Vitamins, minerals & proteins

F×XL _¾X, $$Jô×[ýï %ç»Ó YÒ×$RôOS ×\ö$RôOç×]X, F×XL _¾X %ç»Ó YÒ×$RôOSF×XL _[ýX, Jô×[ýï %çÌ[ý æYÒç×OôX ×\öOôç×]X, F×XL _[ýX %çÌ[ý æYÒç×OôX

88. Green revolution means :

åaQöOL ×[ýYÀ¾ ]çãX :

a[ýÇL ×[ýYÀ[ý c÷_ :

a) planting more trees b) deforestation

%×WýEõ [ýÊlù å»çYS ×X[ýïXçXÝEõ»S%×WýEõ [ýÊlù åÌ[ýçYX ×X[ýïXÝEõÌ[ýS

c) increasing food production d) none of the above

FçVî» QöOdYçVX [ýÊ׈ù Eõ»ç A$RôOçC Xc÷ÌFçãVîÌ[ý =dYçVX [ýÊ׈ù EõÌ[ýç åEõçXOôç+ XÌ

89. Which of the following is not a unit of pressure ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç $JôçY» AEõEõ Xc÷Ì^ :

XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô JôçãYÌ[ý AEõEõ XÌ :

a) Pascal b) Nm-2 c) Kg wt m-2 d) Kg2 m-2

Yç$$JôãEõ_ ×XQöO$RôOX ×] -2 ×Eõ.GÐç. CLX ×] -2 ×Eõ.GÐç2 ×] -2

YçaãEõ_ ×XQöO$RôOX ×] -2 ×Eõ.GÐç. CLX ×] -2 ×Eõ.GÐç2 ×] -2

90. The organ most affected due to air pollution by smoke and poisonous gases is :

åWýgç¾ç %ç»Ó ×[ýbçNþ åG$K÷» Y»ç åc÷ç¾ç [ýçÌ^Ç YÒVÉbS» [ýçã[ý åEõçXä$RôOç %eG å[ý×$K÷ lù×TöGÐØšö c÷Ì^ :

åWýgçÌ ç %çÌ[ý ×[ýbçNþ Gîça åUãEõ c÷CÌ ç [ýçÌ Ç YÒVÉbãSÌ[ý LXî Ì[ýÝãÌ[ýÌ[ý åEõçX %eG a[ýJôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý lù×TöGÐØ™ö c÷Ì :

a) heart b) ear c) stomach d) lung

c÷ÖV^Ü—ö EõçX YçEõØšö_Ý c÷çCgZõçCgc÷ÖV×Y‰ø EõçX YçEõØšö_Ý ZÇõaZÇõa

91. Which of the following tissue is usually functionless in aquatic plants ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç Eõ_ç L_L QöO×àöV» ålùyTö ×X×›˜õÌ^ :

XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX Eõ_ç L_L =×àöãVÌ[ý ålùäy ×X×›˜õÌ :

a) Aerenchyma b) Xylem c) Collenchyma d) sclerenchyma

Aã»XEõçc÷O]ç Lçc÷Oã_] Eõã_XEõçc÷O]ç æ Àã»SEõçc÷O]çAãÌ[ýXEõç+]ç Lç+ã_] Eõã_XEõç+]ç æ ÀãÌ[ýSEõç+]ç


92. ................. is done to separate the lighter components in the top layer

CY»» Ø™ö»» YçTö_ QöOYçVçX å[ýç» ..................... » ¥ç»ç YÊUEõ Eõ»ç c÷Ì^*=YãÌ [ýÌ[ý Ø™öãÌ[ýÌ[ý YçTö_ç =YçVçXmã_ç ..................... ¥çÌ[ýç YÊUEõ EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì *a) sedimentation b) decantation c) evaporation d) condensation

%¾ãlùYX %ç؃öç¾X [ýç¹YÝ\ö¾X HSÝ\ÉöTö Eõ»S%[ýãlùYX %ç؃öç[ýX [ýç¹YÝ\ö[ýX HSÝ\ÉöTö EõÌ[ýS

93. Breathing is a physical process and respiration is a ................. process

`Ÿça YÒ`Ÿça éc÷ä$K÷ å\öì×TöEõ YÒ×yÔÌ^ç %ç»Ó ŸaX éc÷ã$K÷ ..................... YÒ×yÔÌ^çŸça YÒ Ÿça c÷_ å\öì×TöEõ YÒ×yÔÌ ç %çÌ[ý ŸaX c÷_ .................. YÒ×yÔÌ ç

a) Biochemical b) Natural d) Supernatural d) Chemical

éL¾ »çaçÌ ×XEõ YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ %×Tö YÒçEÊõTö »çaçÌ ×XEõéL[ý Ì[ýçaçÌ^×XEõ YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ %×Tö YÒçEÊõTö Ì[ýçaçÌ^×XEõ

94. The stalk of the flower is called ...

ZÇõ_» Pöç×»Qöç_ éc÷ä$K :

ZÇõã_Ì[ý [ýÊÜ™ö c÷_ :

a) corolla b) calyx c) stamen d) None of above

Yç×c÷ [ýÊ×Tö YÇeV‰ø CY»» A$RôOçC Xc÷ÌV_]‰ø_ [ýÊ×Tö YÇeV‰ø AEõOôçC XÌ

95. Example of composite flower is :

å^ì×GEõ ZÇõ_» QöOVçc÷»S éc÷ä$K÷ :å^ì×GEõ ZÇõã_Ì[ý =Vçc÷Ì[ýS c÷_ :

a) Lotus b) Rose d) Marigold d) China Rose

YVÇ] åGç_çY XçLÝÛ L[ýçY²¿ åGç_çY GgçVçZÇõ_ L[ýç

96. Which of the following can not be called as a matter ?

Tö_» åEõçXä$RôOç YVçUï Xc÷Ì^ :

XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô YVçUï XÌ :a) Gases b) solutions c) Energy d) weight

åG$K÷ VоX `×Nþ CLXGîça ÌVÐç[ýX `×Nþ CLX

97. Which of the following changes when we heat a gas ?

TöçY YÒãÌ çG Eõ×»ã_ åG$K÷» ×Eõ Y×»¾TöÛX c÷Ì^ ?TöçY YÒãÌ çG Eõ×Ì[ýã_ GîçãaÌ[ý ×Eõ Y×Ì[ý[ýTöÛX c÷Ì ?a) mass b) volume c) density d) Both b & c

\ö» %çÌ^TöX HX±¼ö b %ç»Ó c QöO\öãÌ^\öÌ[ý %çÌ^TöX HX±¼ö b A[ýe c VÇ×Oô+


98. Which of the following was important in making life possible on earth ?

YÊ×U¾ÝTö Lݾ» %×Ø™ö±¼ö aÞö¾ éc÷×$K÷_ :

YÊ×U[ýÝãTö YÒçãXÌ[ý %×Ø™ö±¼ö aÞö[ý c÷Ì :

a) The distance of the earth from the sun b) The gravitational pull of the earth

YÊ×U¾Ý %ç»Ó aÉ ïî» VÉ»±¼ö» [ýçã[ý YÊ×U¾Ý» ]çWýîEõbïSõ`×Nþ» [ýçã[ýYÊ×U[ýÝ C aÉã ïîÌ[ý VÉÌ[ýå±¼öÌ[ LXî YÊ×U[ýÝÌ[ý ]çWýîçEõbïX ×NþÌ[ý LXî

c) The period of rotation of earth d) All of the above

YÊ×U¾Ý» %ç×c÷ÔEõ G×Tö» [ýçã[ý %ç$RôOçc÷OãEõc÷O$RôOçYÊ×U[ýÝÌ[ý %ç×c÷ÔEõ G×TöÌ[ý LXî a[ýEõÌ ×Oô

99. ............... is a mixture of water droplets, air dust.

.............. éc÷ä$K÷ YçXÝ» Eõ×SEõç, [ýçÌ^Ç %ç»Ó WýÇ×_EõSç» ×]`ÒS

.............. c÷_ Lã_Ì[ý Eõ×SEõç, [ýçÌ Ç %çÌ[ý WýÉ×_EõXçÌ[ý ×] ÒXa) ice b) soil c) water d) cloud

[ý»Zõ ]ç×$RôO YçXÝ Qöç¾»[ýÌ[ýZõ ]ç×Oô L_ å]H

100.When we say that the cheetah is the fastest among living things, we are talking about its :

×$JôTöç [ýçH éc÷ä$K÷ %ç$RôOçc÷OTöêEõ VÐTöã[ýGÝ YÒçSÝ, Töç» ]çãX %ç×] Töç» .................. » ×[ýbãÌ^ éEõä$K÷ç*×JôTöç [ýçH ^×V a[ýJôç+ãTö VÐÓTöGç]Ý YÒçXÝ c÷Ì , Töçc÷ã_ TöçÌ[ý ×EõãaÌ[ý EõUç [ý_ç c÷ãÌ äK÷ ?a) velocity b) acceleration c) energy d) force

å[ýG ±¼ö»S `×Nþ [ý_å[ýG ±¼öÌ[ýS `×Nþ [ý_




Time/a]Ì : 2 hours/ H³RôOç Full Marks/ ]ÇPö X=‘ö» / å]çOô X¶‘öÌ[ý f (25+25+25+25)=100

General Knowledge / açWýç»S pûçX / açWýçÌ[ýS pûçX1. The black box in an aeroplane is usually coloured

açWýç»SãTö =»çLçc÷çL» "æ[ýÀEõ [ýj'» »e=äQÍöçLçc÷çãLÌ[ý æ[ýÀEõ [ýãjÌ[ý Ì[ýe-

a) Black b) Orange c) Green d) Red

Eõ_ç Eõ]_ç åa=LÝÌ ç »IøçEõç_ç Eõ]_ç a[ýÇL _ç_

2. Which of these sports is also the name of an insect in English

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç åF_ +e»çLÝTö A×[ýWý YTöeGã»ç Xç]XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX åF_ç +eÌ[ýçLÝãTö AEõ×Oô YTöã†Ì[ýC Xç] -

a) Polo b) Cricket c) Hockey d) Tennis

Y_' ×yÔãEõOô c÷EõÝ æOô×X$K÷åYçã_ç ×yÔãEõOô c÷×Eõ æOô×Xa

3. Bones and teeth are mostly composed of -c÷çQÍö %ç»Ó VñçTö ]É_Töf ×Eõc÷» ¥ç»ç G×PöTö ?cg÷çQÍö A[ýe VñçTö ]É_Tö ×EõãaÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç G×PöTö ?

a) Protein b) Calcium c) Vitamin d) PotassiumYÒ×OôX åEõ_×$JôÌ^ç] ×\öOôç×]X YOôç×$K÷Ì ç]æYÒç×OôX åEõ_×aÌ ç] ×\öOôç×]X YOôç×aÌ ç]

4. The city located on the two continents of Europe and Asia is :-

åEõçXFX XG» +=ã»çY %ç»Ó A×$JôÌ ç VÇ+ ]c÷çãV`ãTö %¾×ØšöTö ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX XGÌ[ý +=ãÌ[ýçY A[ýe A×`Ì ç A+ VÇ×Oô ]c÷çãVã`+ %[ý×ØšöTö ?

a) Riyadh b) Moscow c) Istanbul d) Cairo

×»Ì^çWý ]ã•õç +rôçX[ýÇ_ Eõç+ã»ç×Ì[ýÌ^çWý ]ã•õç +Ø™öçX[ýÇ_ EõçÌ ãÌ[ýç

5. Arrange the following in ascending order

Tö_Tö =ä{F EõÌ[ýçã[ýçÌ[ý =¥Û yÔ]Tö aãLç¾ç -XÝä»JôÌ[ý Œm×_ãEõ =ˆùÛyÔã] açLçC f-i) Bihu Kuwari ii) Bihu Samragyee iii) Bihu Rani

×[ý§ EgÇõ¾»Ý ×[ý§ a¶ƒöçGÝ ×[ý§ »çSÝ×[ý§ EgÇõÌ Ì[ýÝ ×[ý§ a¶ƒöçpûÝ ×[ý§Ì[ýçXÝ

a) ii / iii / i b) i / ii / iii c) ii / i / iii d) i / iii / ii

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6. The Picture alongside is the logo of -EõçbTö UEõç YÒTöÝEõ ×$Jôc÷ÔäOôç ×Eõc÷» _GTö L×QÍöTö ?Yçã` UçEõç YÒTöÝEõ ×»Jôc÷Ô ×EõãaÌ[ý açãU L×QÍöTö ?

a) Chain food restaurant b) Garments Company c) Car Manufacturing d) Shoes Maker

æ$Jô+X ZÇõQö å»rÇô㻳Oô åYçJôçEõ YÒºwøTö åEõç¶YçXÝ GçQÍöÝ =dYçVX åEõç¶YçXÝ åLçTöç =dYçVEõæ»Jô+X ZÇõQö åÌ[ýrÇôãÌ[ý³Oô åYç`çEõ YÒºwøTö åEõç¶YçXÝ GçQÍöÝ =dYçVX åEõç¶YçXÝ LÇTöç =dYçVEõ

7. To stay healthy the heaviest meal should beaÇ-Ø‘öçØšöî» [ýçã[ý åEõçXäOôç m»Ó %çc÷ç» åc÷ç¾ç =×$JôTö ?aÇØ‘öçãØšöÌ[ý LXî åEõçX×Oô mÌ[ýÓ %çc÷çÌ[ý c÷CÌ ç =×»JôTö ?

a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Tiffin d) Dinner»ç×Tö YÇ¾ç» %çc÷ç» VÇY»ÝÌ ç» %çc÷ç» ×Oô×ZõX »ç×Tö» %çc÷ç»YÒçTöfÌ[ýç` ]Wýîçc÷Ô %çc÷çÌ[ý ×Oô×ZõX ÌÌ[ýçäyÌ[ý %çc÷çÌ[ý

8. 'Rashtriya Janata Dal' is a political party based in

"»çrÑôÝÌ LXTöç V_' Xç]» »çLêX×TöEõ V_ ]É_Töf åEõçXäOôç YÒãV`» ?"Ì[ýçrÑôÝÌ LXTöç V_' Xçã]Ì[ý Ì[ýçLêX×TöEõ V_ ]É_Töf åEõçX YÒãVã`Ì[ý ?

a) Andhra Pradesh b) Bihar c) Maharashtra d) Assam

%µÐù YÒãV` ×[ýc÷ç» ]c÷ç»çrÑô %a]%µÐù YÒãV` ×[ýc÷çÌ[ý ]c÷çÌ[ýçrÑô %çaç]

9. 'Empty Hand' is the meaning of which game ?

åEõçXäOôç åF_» %Uï A¶Y×Oô åc÷‰ø (Fç×_ c÷çTö) ?åEõçX ãF_çÌ[ý %Uï "Fç×_ c÷çTö' ?

a) Judo b) Kabaddi c) Karate d) Kho-Kho

LÇãQöç Eõç[ýçQöÝ Eõç»çäOô / EõçÌ[ýçäOô åFç-ãFç

10. Carnatic Music is the music of -

EõSïçOôEõ a†ÝTö ........................ » aeGÝTöEõXïçOôEõ a†ÝTö ............ a†ÝTö

a) North India b) South India c) East India d) West India

=wø» \öç»Tö» V×lùS \öç»Tö» YÉ[ýï \öç»Tö» Y׸Jô] \öç»Tö»=wøÌ[ý \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý V×lùS \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý YÉ[ýï \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý Y׸Jô] \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý

11. Which of the following is an amphibian ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç YÒçSÝ =\ö$Jô» ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX YÒçSÝ =\öJôÌ[ý ?

a) Whale b) Turtle c) Frog d) Octopus

×Tö×] ]çK÷÷ Eõç$K÷ å\öEÇõ_Ý %ãkôçYç$K÷×Tö×] ]ç»K÷ Eõ¬K÷Y [ýîçI %ãkôçYça

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12. The word 'wall street' is associated with

""¾ç_×rÑôOô'' ŒäOôç ×Eõc÷» _GTö L×QÍöTö ?"CÌ ç_ rÑôÝOô' Œ×Oô ×EõãaÌ[ý açãU L×QÍöTö ?

a) Trading of gold b) Trading of crops c) Trading of tea d) Trading of stocks & sharesåaçS» [ýî¾açÌ `aî» [ýî¾açÌ $Jôçc÷» [ýî¾açÌ rôEõ %ç»Ó å`ŸÌ ç» [ýî¾açÌåaçXçÌ[ý [ýî[ýaç `ãaîÌ[ý [ýî[ýaç »JôçãÌ Ì[ý [ýî[ýaç rôEõ A[ýe å`ŸÌ çÌ[ý [ýî[ýaç

13. Ram is taller than Babul but shorter than Dilip. Karim is taller than Ram and Dilip. Who is the tallest among all ?

»ç] [ýç[ýÇ_TöêEõ CF ×Eõ³wø ×V_ÝYTöêEõ $JôçY»* Eõ×»], »ç] %ç»Ó VÝ×_YTöêEõ CF* åTöCgã_çEõ» ]çLTö %çOôç+TöêEõ CF åEõçX ?Ì[ýç] [ýç[ýÇ_ åUãEõ _¶‘öç ×Eõ³wø ×V_ÝY åUãEõ FçäOôç* Ì[ýç] A[ýe VÝ×_Y åUãEõ Eõ×Ì[ý] _¶‘öç* a[ý»Jôç+ãTö _¶‘öç åEõ ?

a) Karim b) Ram c) Dilip d) BabulEõ×»] / Eõ×Ì[ý] »ç] / Ì[ýç] ×V_ÝY [ýç[ýÇ_

14. Which is the largest district of Assam%a]» %çOôç+TöêEõ QöçIø» ×L_çFX -%çaçã]Ì[ý a[ý»Jôç+ãTö [ýQÍö åL_çÌ[ý Xç] -

a) Nagaon b) Karbi Anglong c) Sonitpur d) Chirang

XGçCg Eõç×[ýï%çe_e å`ç×STöYÇ» / å`ç×XTöYÇÌ[ý ×$Jô»çe / ×»JôÌ[ýçe

15. Which of the following is not a native of Nagaland ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç XGçã_‰ø» ØšöçXÝÌ %×Wý[ýçaÝ Xc÷Ì ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô XçGçã_ã³QöÌ[ý ØšöçXÝÌ %×Wý[ýçaÝ XÌ^ ?

a) Angami b) Sema c) AO d) Adi

%ç†ç]Ý åK÷]ç/ åa]ç %çC %ç×V

16. Who is the President of Asom Sahitya Sabha ?

%a] aç×c÷Töî a\öç» a\öçY×Tö åEõçX ?%a] aç×c÷Töî a\öçÌ[ý a\öçY×Tö åEõ ?

a) Padma Nath Gohainbaruah b) Rongbong Terang c) Kanaksen Deka d) Homen Borgohain

Y²¿XçU åGçc÷ç×AÕ [ý»Ó¾ç »e[ýe åTö»çe EõXEõãaX åQöEõç åc÷çã]X [ý»ãGçc÷ç×AÕY²¿XçU åGçcg÷ç+ [ýÌ[ýÓÌ ç Ì[ýe[ýe åTöÌ[ýçe EõXEõãaX åQöEõç åc÷çã]X [ýÌ[ýåGgçc÷ç+

17. Who was the writer of 'Gitanjali' ?GÝTöçt_Ý» å_FEõ åEõçX ?GÝTöçt_ÝÌ[ý å_FEõ --

a) Bankim Chandra b) Rabindra Nath Tegore c) Sree Sree Sankar Dev d) Amrita Pritam

[ýׇû] $Jô³VÐ »×[ý³VÐ XçU PöçEÇõ» `ÒÝ ÒÝ eEõ»ãV¾ %]ÊTöç ×YÒTö][ý×áø] »Jô³VÐ Ì[ý[ýݳVÐ XçU PöçEÇõÌ[ý `ÒÝ ÒÝ eEõÌ[ýãV[ý %]ÊTöç YÒÝTö]

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18. Pure drinking water means -×[ý£ˆù åFç¾ç YçXÝ ]çãX -×[ý£ˆù YçXÝÌ L_ ]çãX -i) Germsless water ii) Colourless water iii) Tasteless water iv) Odourless water

[ýÝLçXÇ]ÇNþ YçXÝ »e×[ýc÷ÝX YçXÝ Ø‘öçV×[ýc÷ÝX YçXÝ åGçµù]ÇNþ YçXÝ[ýÝLçXÇ]ÇNþ L_ Ì[ýe×[ýc÷ÝX L_ Ø‘öçV×[ýc÷ÝX L_ Gµù]ÇNþ L_

a) I & II b) II & III c) I & IV d) all of the above

I %ç»Ó II II & III I %ç»Ó IV CY»» %çOôç+ãEõ+OôçI A[ýe II II & III I A[ýe IV a[ýEõÌ^Oôç

19. The full form of E-mail is+ å]+_» YÉSï »ÖY+-ã]+ã_Ì[ý YÉXï Ì[ýÖY -

a) Electric mail b) Electronic mail c) Elaborate mail d) Easy mail

+ã_×kôEõ å]+_ +ã_k˜ô×XEõ å]+_ +_ç[ýã»Oô å]+_ / +_ç[ýãÌ[ýOô å]+_ +×L å]+_

20. A zebra has combination of two colours on its body. Try to identify the colour

AOôç åL[ýÐç» GçTö VÇOôç »Iø» ae×]`ÒS %çä$K÷* »e VÇOôç ×X׸JôTö Eõ»çAEõ×Oô åL[ýÐçÌ[ý GçãÌ VÇ+×Oô Ì[ýeãÌ Ì[ý ae×]`ÒX %çä»K÷* Ì[ýe VÇ+×Oô c÷+_ -

a) Black with white stripes b) White with black stripes

Eõ_çTö [ýGç %ç$gJô [ýGçTö Eõ_ç %çg$JôEõç_çÌ[ýㆠaçVç åQöçÌ[ýç açVçÌ[ý ]ãWýî Eõçã_ç åQöçÌ[ýç

c) Black with grey stripes d) White, white with grey stripes

Eõ_ç %ç»Ó [ýGçTö åWýç¾ç[ý»S» %çg$Jô [ýGç, %ç»Ó [ýGçTö åWýç¾ç[ý»S» %çg$JôEõçã_çÌ[ý açãU WýÉaÌ[ý åQöçÌ[ýç açVçãTö WýÉaÌ[ý åQöçÌ[ýç

21. What will be the next number in the given series ?

Tö_Tö ×VÌ ç æ`ÒSÝäOôç» Y»[ýTöÞ aeFîçäOôç ×Eõ ?XÝä»Jô åVCÌ ç æ`ÒXÝÌ[ý YÌ[ý[ýTöÞ aeFîç ×Eõ ?4, 7, 11, 16, ..........

a) 25 b) 22 c) 27 d) 28

22. Which of the following is known as 'The nightingale of India' ?\öç»Tö» Xç+×Oôã†_ EõçEõ åEõç¾ç c÷Ì ?\öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý Xç+×OôeãG_ EõçãEõ [ý_ç c÷Ì ?

a) Asha Bhonsle b) Lata Mangeskar c) Noorjahan d) Parbin Sultana

%ç`ç å\göçaã_ _Töç ]çã†`Eõ» XÇ»Lçc÷çX Yç»×[ýX $KÇ÷_TöçXç%ç`ç å\göçaã_ _Töç ]ã†`EõÌ[ý XÇÌ[ýLçc÷çX YçÌ[ý×[ýX »aÇ_TöçXç

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(5)23. Who was the first president of the Indian National Congress ?

\öç»TöÝÌ LçTöÝÌ EõeäGÐ$K÷» YÒU] a\öçY×Tö åEõçX %ç×$K÷_ ?\öçÌ[ýTöÝÌ LçTöÝÌ EõeäGÐãaÌ[ý YÒU] a\öçY×Tö åEõ ×»K÷ã_X ?

a) A.O. Hume b) W.C. Banerjee c) Anni Basanta d) Gandhiji

A.%. ×c÷=] =ã]` $Jô³VÐ å[ýXçLÞ A×X ã[ý$JôçÜ™ö/ A×X ã[ý$açÜ™ö Gç×µùLÝ/ GçµùÝ×L

24. Which of the following group is known as 'Trimurti' in Assamese literature ?

Tö_» åEõçX aEõ_Eõ %a]ÝÌ ç aç×c÷Töî» ×Åy]ÉTöÞ åEõç¾ç c÷Ì ?%a]ÝÌ ç aç×c÷ãTöîÌ[ý ×Åy]É×TöÛ Eõçc÷çãVÌ[ýãEõ [ý_ç c÷Ì ?a) Lakshmi Nath Bezbauah, Hemchandra Goswami and Chandra Kr. Agarwala

_©¿ÝXçU å[ýL[ý»Ó¾ç, åc÷]$Jô³VÐ åGçØ‘öç]Ý %ç»Ó $Jô³VÐ EÇõ]ç» %çG»¾ç_ç_©¿ÝXçU å[ýL[ýÌ[ýÓÌ ç, åc÷]$Jô³VÐ åGçØ‘öç]Ý A[ýe »Jô³VÐ EÇõ]çÌ[ý %çGÌ[ýCÌ ç_ç

b) Lakshmi Nath Bezbauah, Hemchandra Goswami and Ananda Chandra Agarwala

_©¿ÝXçU å[ýL[ý»Ó¾ç, åc÷]$Jô³VÐ åGçØ‘öç]Ý %ç»Ó %çX³V $Jô³VÐ %çG»¾ç_ç_©¿ÝXçU å[ýL[ýÌ[ýÓÌ ç, åc÷]$Jô³VÐ åGçØ‘öç]Ý A[ýe %çX³V Jô³VÐ %çGÌ[ýCÌ ç_ç

c) Lakshmi Nath Bezbauah, Hemchandra Goswami and Jyoti Prasad Agarwala

_©¿ÝXçU å[ýL[ý»Ó¾ç, åc÷]$Jô³VÐ åGçØ‘öç]Ý %ç»Ó åLîç×Tö YÒaçV %çG»¾ç_ç_©¿ÝXçU å[ýL[ýÌ[ýÓÌ ç, åc÷]$Jô³VÐ åGçØ‘öç]Ý A[ýe åLîç×Tö YÒaçV %çGÌ[ýCÌ ç_ç

d) None of the above

åEõçãXçäOôçã¾+ Xc÷ÌåEõçX×Oô XÌ^

25. Which of the following computer is most popular ?Tö_» åEõçX×[ýWý Eõ׶Y=Oôç» %çOôç+TöêEõ LX×YÒÌ ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX Eõ׶Y=OôçÌ[ý a[ý»Jôç+ãTö LX×YÒÌ^ ?

a) Super Computer b) Mini Computer c) Micro Computer d) All the above

$JÇôYç» Eõ׶Y=Oôç» ×]×X Eõ׶Y=Oôç» ]ç+yÔ' Eõ׶Y=Oôç» +Ì ç» %çOôç+ãEõ+OôçaÇYçÌ[ý Eõ׶Y=OôçÌ[ý ×]×X Eõ׶Y=OôçÌ[ý ]ç+yÔ' Eõ׶Y=OôçÌ[ý a[ýEõÌ^Oôç

General English

26. The following negative sentence has been written in a different way. Find the correct one."We can wait here no longer."

a) We can wait here not longer. b) We can not wait here any longer.c) We can not wait here no longer. d) We can wait not here no longer.

27. The following sentence has been changed to negative. Only two sentences are correct. Find them.

"He told me something about it."i) He did not tell me anything about it. ii) He told me not anything about it.iii) He didn't tell me something about it. iv) He told me nothing about it.

a) i & iii b) ii & iv c) iii & iv d) i & iv

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28. A large number of ships is called a ------------- of ships.

a) dock b) port c) fleet d) crew

29. We stopped there a little. The word 'stopped' here is :

a) transitive verb b) intransitive verb c) adverb d) adjective

30. Tomorrow ………………. Sunday.

a) Is b) Will be c) Was d) May

31. ………………. Believe in the caste system

a) Hindus b) The Hindus c) All Hindu d) Some Hindu

32. We ourselves served the guests. In this sentence 'ourselves' is ;

a) reflexive pronoun b) demonstrative pronoun. c) distributive pronoun d) emphasizing pronoun.

33. To the question , "Don't you like tea ?" there are two correct answers below. Find them.

i) Yes. I don't like tea. ii) No, I like tea. iii) Yes, I like tea. iv) No, I do not like tea.

a) i & ii b) ii & iii c) i & iii d) iii & iv

34. "Please tell me a tale about a tall tail." In this sentence :

a) 'tell' is noun, 'tale' is verb and 'tall' is adverb. b) 'tell' is verb, 'tale' is noun and 'tall' is adjective.

c) 'tell' is adverb , 'tale' is noun and 'tall' is adjective d) 'tell' is verb , 'tale' is adjective and 'tall' is noun.

35. select the correct sentence.

a) Each of the girls was given a rose. b) Each of the girl was given a rose.c) Each of the girls were given roses. d) Each girls were given roses.

36. Select the correct sentence.

a) who are you speaking to ? b) whom are you speaking to ?

c) who is you speaking to ? d) whom is you speaking ?

37. Fill the bottle ----------- hot water.

a) in b) by c) with d) of

38. He is negligent -------------- his work.

a) to b) at c) in d) of

39. Hardly had we reached school ---------------- the bell rang.

a) than b) when c) then d) for

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40. Work hard ----------------- you should fail.

a) because b) although c) or d) lest

41. Mr. Saikia has three -----------------.

a) son-in-laws b) sons-in-law c) sons-in-laws d) son inlaws.

42 Pick up the correct sentence :

a) The cattle are grazing in the field. b) The cattle is grazing in the field.

c) The cattles are grazing in the field. d) The cattles is grazing in the field.

43. Pick up the correct sentence :

a) I and you and he can never get on well together. b) You and I and he can never get on well together.

c) You and he and I can never get on well together. d) I and he and you can never get on well together.

44. The given sentence in Direct Narration has four choices in Indirect Narration. Choose the correct one.

He said, " I must go now".

a) He said that he must go then. b) He said that he had to go then.

c) He said he must go now. d) He said that he had to go now.

45. A Red Indian's ( native American) home is called -----------------.

a) igloo b) hutches c) cottage d) wigwam

46. The Latin phrase 'inter alia' means --------------------- in English.

a) in the middle b) in between c) among other things d) in the whole

47. There are black sheep in every community. " black sheep' means :

a) sheep of black colour b) sheep that has lost its wool.

c) bad character d) talented persons.

48. There are people who do not get a square meal a day. 'square meal' means :

a) for times a normal meal. b) a meal for four persons.

c) a full meal d) a meal in a five star hotel.

49. 'Morning' is to 'Noon' as 'Youth' is to :

a) Energy b) Childhood c) Love d) Old age

50. 'Nainital' is to Hills as Jaisalmer is to :

a) Fort b) Border c) Desert d) Security

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General Mathematics / açWýç»S G×STö / açWýçÌ[ýS G×STö

51. Roman numeral for the smallest four digit number is .............$Jôç×»Oôç %eEõ ×[ý×`rô %çOôç+TöêEõ a»Ó aeFîç [ýÇãLç¾ç å»ç]çX aeFîçäOôç ............»Jôç×Ì[ý %eEõ×[ý×`rô a[ý»Jôç+ãTö æ»K÷çOô aeFîç [ýÇMõçãXç åÌ[ýç]çX aeFîç×Oô ×Eõ ?

a) X b) M c) C d) D

52. If 'x' and 'y' are whole numbers, then x - y is .........^×V 'x' %ç»Ó 'y' %F‰ø aeFîç c÷Ì , åTöãX x - y ............

^×V 'x' A[ýe 'y' %F‰ø aeFîç c÷Ì , Töã[ý x - y ............

a) A whole number b) A natural number c) Can not be determined d) None of these

AOôç %F‰ø aeFîç AOôç Ø‘öç\öç×¾Eõ aeFîç ×XSïÌ Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×» AOôçC Xc÷Ì^AEõ×Oô %F‰ø aeFîç AEõ×Oô Ø‘öç\öç×[ýEõ aeFîç ×XSïÌ Eõ×Ì[ýãTö YçÌ[ýç çÌ^Xç AEõ×OôC Xç

53. The largest 3 digit number divisible by 19 is ...............

×Tö×XOôç %eEõã» G×PöTö %ç»Ó 19 å» ×[ý\öçLî %çOôç+TöêEõ QöçIø» aeFîçäOôç ...........19 ¥çÌ[ýç ×[ý\öçLî ×TöX %eãEõÌ[ý a[ý»Jôç+ãTö [ýQÍö aeFîç×Oô -

a) 988 b) 998 c) 999 d) 969

54. A prime number is .................

å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç éc÷ä$K÷ ..................AEõ×Oô å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç ................

a) An even number b) An odd number c) Composite number d) None of theseAOôç ÇG½ aeFîç AOôç %^ÇG½ aeFîç å^ì×GEõ aeFîç AOôçC Xc÷Ì^AEõ×Oô ÇG½ aeFîç AEõ×Oô % ÇG½ aeFîç å^ì×GEõ aeFîç åEõçXOôç+ XÌ

55. The number 3,116,365 is divisible by ..................

3,116,365 aeFîçäOôç .................. å» ×[ý\öçLî3,116,365 aeFîç×Oô ................ ¥çÌ[ýç ×[ý\öçLî

a) 5 b) 7 c) Both 5 & 7 d) None of these

5 %ç»Ó 7 AOôçC Xc÷Ì^5 A[ýe 7 AEõ×OôC XÌ^

56. A line segment joining the centre and any point on the circle is called .......[ýÊwø» ×^ãEõçãXç AOôç ×[ý³VÇ %ç»Ó åEõ³VÐ aeã^çGÝ å»Fç Qöç_Eõ åEõç¾ç c÷Ì ............[ýÊãwøÌ[ý AEõ×Oô ×[ý³VÇ A[ýe åEõ³VÐ aeã^çGÝ åÌ[ýFçãEõ ............... [ý_ç c÷Ì

a) Chord b) Radius c) Arc d) Diameter

Lîç [ýîçaçWýï $JôçY [ýîça

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57. Number of line segments possible with three collinear points is ...........×Tö×XOôç AãEõ å»FÝÌ ×[ý³VÇ aeã^çG Eõ×»ã_ ............. Oôç å»FçF‰ø Yç[ý Yç×»*×TöXOôç a]ãÌ[ýFÝÌ ×[ý³VÇ ac÷ã^çG c÷+ã_ ............... Oôç åÌ[ýFçF³Qö Yç+ãTö Yç×Ì[ý*

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) Infinite (%aeFî)

58. 910 is an example of .................

910 ................. åEõçX» =Vçc÷»S*910................ åEõçãSÌ[ý =Vçc÷Ì[ýS*

a) Obtuse b) Acute c) Right d) NoneØšöÉ_ aÉ©¿ a] AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC Xç

59. Which of the following figure has six faces ?

Tö_Tö ×VÌ ç åEõçXäOôç ×$Jôy» $K÷Oôç ×Y×Pö %çä$K÷ ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX ×»Jôäy »K÷Ì Oôç ×YPö %çä»K÷ ?

a) b) c) d)

60. Reciprocal of 2 is ...............2» %ãXîç~Eõ .......................2AÌ[ý %ãXçSîEõ ....................

a) 73

b) - 73

c) - 37

d) 37

61. Smallest negative number ............%çOôç+TöêEõ a»Ó @Sç±ÁEõ aeFîç.....................a[ý»Jôç+ãTö æ»K÷çOô @Sç±ÁEõ aeFîç .....................

a) -1 b) -10 c) 0 d) Does not exist / Xç+

62. 3 112

- [1+ +{2-(1 - )}]

a) b) 2 c) 1 d) 0

63. 58 + 3100

+ 71000

= ....................

a) 58.0037 b) 58.37 c) 58.037 d) None of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ

64. The length of a rectangle is 65th of its breadth. If its perimeter is 132m, its area will be ...................

AOôç %çÌ Tö ålùy» VÝH YÒØšö» 65 %e` %ç»Ó Y×»aÝ]ç 132 ×]Oôç» c÷ã_ %çÌ TöãlùyäOôç» Eõç×_ ..............

AEõ×Oô %çÌ TöãlùäyÌ[ý éVHïî YÒãØšöÌ[ý 65 %e`* ×V Y×Ì[ýaÝ]ç 132 ×]f c÷Ì Töã[ý %çÌ TöãlùyÌ[ý Eõç×_ ?

a) 1080 m2 (×]2) b) 640m2 (×]2) c) 1620 m2 (×]2) C d) 2160m2 (×]2)

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65. Number of variables in a simple linear equation ...............

a»_ é»×FEõ a×]Eõ»STö $Jô_Eõ» aeFîç ....................aÌ[ý_ éÌ[ý×FEõ a]ÝEõÌ[ýãS »Jô_ãEõÌ[ý aeFîç .....................

a) Two b) One c) 0 d) None of these

VÇOôç AOôç AOôçC Xc÷Ì^VÇ+Oôç AEõOôç AEõ×OôC XÌ^

66. In P - 2= 3, the value of P is .........

P - 2= 3Tö P » ]çX .......................

P - 2= 3åTö P AÌ[ý ]çX ......................

a) -9 b) +6 c) +9 d) 0

67 The ratio of the least prime number to the least composite number is .................

%çOôç+TöêEõ a»Ó å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç %ç»Ó %çOôç+TöêEõ a»Ó å^ì×GEõ aeFîç» %XÇYçTö ............a[ý»Jôç+ãTö æ»K÷çOô å]ì×_Eõ A[ýe å^ì×GEõ aeFîç¥ãÌ Ì[ý %XÇYçTö ..............

a) 1 : 2 b) 2 : 3 c) 1 : 4 d) 1 : 3

68. A quadrilateral is a rectangle but not a square when ...................

AOôç $JôTÇö\ÉöÛL %çÌ Töãlùy c÷Ì ×EõÜ™Çö [ýGïãlùy Xc÷Ì å^×TöÌ ç .........................AEõ×Oô JôTÇö\ÉöÛL %çÌ Töãlùy c÷Ì ×EõÜ™Çö [ýGïãlùy c÷Ì Xç ×V ...........................

a) Its diagonals do not bisect each other b) Its diagonals are not perpendicular+Ì ç» EõSï+ Y»&ã» Y»•õ»Eõ a]×¥F׉øTö XEõã»* +Ì ç» EõSïã[ýç» Y»&» _¶‘ö Xc÷Ì+c÷çÌ[ý EõSïm×_ YÌ[ý&Ì[ýãEõ a]×¥F׉øTö EõãÌ[ý Xç +c÷çÌ[ý EõSïm×_ YÌ[ý&Ì[ý _¶‘ö XÌ

c) All angles are not equal d) Its diagonals are not equal

%çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç åEõçX ]çX Xc÷Ì +Ì ç» EõSïã[ýç» a]çX Xc÷Ìa[ým×_ åEõçS a]çX XÌ +c÷çÌ[ý EõSïm×_ a]çX XÌ

69. Circumference of a circle is approximately equal to ........... time diameter.

[ýÊwø» Y×»aÝ]ç +Ì ç» [ýîça» YÒçÌ ................ mS[ýÊãwøÌ[ý Y×Ì[ýaÝ]ç +c÷çÌ[ý [ýîçãaÌ[ý YÒçÌ ............. mX

a) 4 b) 6 c) 3 d) 5

70. The measure of AOB in the following figure is ...............Tö_Tö ×VÌ ç ×$JôyTö AOB » ]çY ..........XÝä»Jô åVCÌ ç ×»Jôäy AOB AÌ[ý ]çY .........

a) 900

b) 440

c) 2240

d) 1340






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- 28

= ................

a) b) c) d)

72. 1545

= ?9

a) 15 b) 9 c) 5 d) 3

73. The sum of two numbers is 31.021. If one of them is 11.56, then the other number is ................

VÇOôç aeFîç» å^çGZõ_ 31.021 Töçã» AOôç aeFîç 11.56 c÷ã_ %çXäOôç aeFîç c÷'[ý ...................VÇ+×Oô aeFîçÌ[ý å^çGZõ_ 31.021* ×V AEõ×Oô aeFîç 11.56 c÷Ì Töã[ý %YÌ[ý×Oô c÷+ã[ý .................

a) 19.461 b) 17.461 c) 18.641 d) 19.561

74. The ratio of 0.12 kg and 180 g is ...............0.12 ×EõfGÐçf %ç»Ó 180 GÐç]» %XÇYçTö ...................0.12 ×EõfGÐçf A[ýe 180 GÐçã]Ì[ý %XÇYçTö .....................

a) 0.01:1.8 b) 1:5 c) 2:3 d) none

AOôçC Xc÷Ì^/AEõ×OôC XÌ^

75. A play ground which is 250 m long and 20 m broad is to be fenced with wire. How much wire is needed ?

250 ×]Oôç» VÝH_ %ç»Ó 20 ×]Oôç» [ýc÷_ åF_ YUç» AFX» $Jôç×»CZõçã_ Töçä»ä» å[ý» ×VCgãTö ×Eõ]çX Töç» _ç×G[ý ?250 ×]f éVãHïîÌ[ý A[ýe 20 ×]OôçÌ[ý YÒãØšöÌ[ý AEõ×Oô åF_çÌ[ý ]çäPöÌ[ý »Jôç×Ì[ý×VãEõ TöçãÌ[ýÌ[ý å[ýQÍöç ×Vã_ EõTöOÇôEÇõ TöçÌ[ý _ç×Gã[ý ?a) 270 m (×]f) b) 230 m (×]f) c) 540 m (×]f) d) None AOôçC Xc÷Ì^/AEõ×OôC XÌ^

General Science / açWýç»S ×[ýpûçX / açWýçÌ[ýS ×[ýpûçX

76. Which of the following has the highest potential energy ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç» ×Øšö×Tö ×Nþ %çOôç+TöêEõ å[ý×$K÷ ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×OôÌ[ý ×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ a[ý»Jôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý

a) 10 kg stone at a height of 20 m b) 100 kg stone at a height of 2 m20 ×]Oôç» =¬JôTöçTö UEõç 10 ×Eõf GÐç] CLX» ×`_»ô 2 ×]Oôç» =¬JôTöçTö UEõç 100 ×Eõf GÐç] CLX» ×`_»20 ×]OôçÌ[ý =¬JôTöçÌ UçEõç 10 ×EõfGÐçf CLãXÌ[ý YçUãÌ[ýÌ[ý 2 ×]OôçÌ[ý =¬JôTöçÌ UçEõç 100 ×EõfGÐçf CLãXÌ[ý YçUãÌ[ýÌ[ý

c) 40 kg stone at a height of 5 m d) 30 kg stone at a height of 7 m

5 ×]Oôç» =¬JôTöçTö UEõç 40 ×Eõf GÐç] CLX» ×`_»ô 7 ×]Oôç» =¬JôTöçTö UEõç 30 ×Eõf GÐç] CLX» ×`_»5 ×]OôçÌ[ý =¬JôTöçÌ UçEõç 40 ×EõfGÐçf CLãXÌ[ý YçUãÌ[ýÌ[ý 7 ×]OôçÌ[ý =¬JôTöçÌ UçEõç 30 ×EõfGÐçf CLãXÌ[ý YçUãÌ[ýÌ[ý

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77. The energy stored in food is ..............FçVîTö ............... ×Nþ ×X×c÷Tö éc÷ UçãEõ*FçãVî ................ ×Nþ ×X×c÷Tö c÷+Ì ç UçãEõ*

a) electrical b) heat c) chemical d) muscular

é[ýVÇî×TöEõ TöçY »çaçÌ^×XEõ/Ì[ýçaçÌ^×XEõ åY`Ý

78. Which of the following is a third order lever ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç TÊöTöÝÌ æ`ÒSÝ» ×_\öç» ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô TÊöTöÝÌ æ`ÒSÝÌ[ý ×_\öçÌ[ý ?

a) Growbar b) Scissors c) Tongs. d) All of these

×JôY»çe åEõ×Jô æJôãYXç %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç`ç[ý_ Eõç×»Jô agçQÍöç×_ a[ýEõÌ^×Oô

79. Which of the following statement is true ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ aTöî ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ×Oô aTöî ?

a) Electricity can be created b) Electricity flows is a circuit with gaps.

×[ýVÇîTö ×Nþ aÊ×rô Eõ×»[ý Yç×» %a¶YÉSï [ýTöÛSÝTö ×[ýVÇîd YÒ¾ç×c÷Tö c÷Ì *×[ýVÇîTö ×Nþ aÊ×rô Eõ×Ì[ýãTö Yç×Ì[ý %a¶YÉSï [ýTöÛXÝãTö ×[ýVÇîd YÒ¾ç×c÷Tö c÷Ì *

c) Electricity is the flow of negative charge. d) All of the above×[ýVÇîd éc÷ä$K÷ @Sç±ÁEõ %çWýçX» YÒ¾çc÷ CY»» %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç×[ýVÇîd c÷+_ @Sç±ÁEõ %çWýçãXÌ[ý YÒ[ýçc÷ a[ýEõÌ^Oôç

80. The instrument that can measure current is called a/an ................

×[ýVÇî YÒ¾çc÷ åLçFç ^Ü—öäOôç» Xç] .......................×[ýVÇîd YÒ[ýçc÷ ]çYç ^Ü—ö×OôÌ[ý Xç] ..........................

a) Tester b) Resistor c) Voltameter d) AmmeteræOôrôç» å»çWýEõ \ö·Oô×]Oôç» A×]Oô$ç»æOôrôçÌ[ý åÌ[ýçWýEõ \ö·Oô×]OôçÌ[ý A×]OôçÌ[ý

81. Erg is a unit for ................................... » AEõEõ %çGï*%çGï c÷+_ ................ AEõEõ*

a) energy b) work c) force d) both a & b`×Nþ Eõç^ïî [ý_ a %ç»Ó b =\öÌ`×NþÌ[ý Eõçã ïîÌ[ý [ýã_Ì[ý a A[ýe b =\öãÌ Ì[ý

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82. By dropping a drop of water on a glowing electric bulb, it bursts. This is because glass is a ............ .L�×_ UEõç é[ýVÇî×TöEõ [ýç_Ÿ AOôçTö YçXÝ AäOôçYç_ Y×»ã_ [ýç_ŸäOôç Zõç×Oô çÌ Eõç»S Eõç$Jô .................AEõ×Oô é[ýVÇî×TöEõ [ýçã_Ÿ AEõ åZgõçOôç L_ Y×Ì[ýã_ [ýç_Ÿ×Oô Zõç×OôÌ ç çÌ , EõçÌ[ýS Eõç»Jô ...................

a) good conductor of heat b) bad conductor of heatTöçY» aÇY×»[ýçc÷Ý TöçY» EÇõY×»[ýçc÷ÝTöçãYÌ[ý aÇY×Ì[ý[ýçc÷Ý TöçãYÌ[ý EÇõY×Ì[ý[ýçc÷Ý

c) transparent substance d) good conductor of electricity.

Ø‘ö¬Jô YVçUï ×[ýVÇîd» aÇY×»[ýçc÷ÝØ‘ö¬K÷ YVçUï ×[ýVÇîãTöÌ[ý aÇY×Ì[ý[ýçc÷Ý

83. Choose the most elastic substance from the following.Tö_» åEõçXäOôç a[ýïç×WýEõ ×Øšö×TöØšöçYEõ YVçUï ?a[ý»Jôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý ×Øšö×TöØšöçYEõ YVçUï×Oô c÷+_ -

a) Rubber b) Nylon c) Steel d) Iron»[ý» Xç+_X TöÝFç å_çÌ[ýç[ýçÌ[ý Xç+_X +&çTö å_çc÷ç

84. Which radiation is used to purify water ?åEõçXäOôç åTöLוõÌ YÒ×yÔÌ ç» ¥ç»ç YçXÝ Y×»ã`çWýX Eõ»ç c÷Ì ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX åTöLו˜õÌ YÒ×yÔÌ çÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç L_ãEõ Y×Ì[ýã`çWýX EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì ?

a) Infrared radiation b) ultraviolet radiation c) X - rays d) Microwaves%¾ã_ç×c÷Tö »×`½ %×Töã[ýIÇøXÝÌ ç »×`½ Ajã» ]ç+yÔã¾[ý%[ýã_ç×c÷Tö Ì[ý×`½ %×Töã[ýmXÝ Ì[ý×`½ AjãÌ[ý ]ç+yÔCãÌ^[ý

85. In our body, ................... act as catalysts.%ç]ç» `»Ý»Tö ................ %XÇHOôEõ» Eõç] Eõã»*.............. %ç]çãVÌ[ý Ì[ýÝãÌ[ý %XÇHOôãEõÌ[ý EõçL EõãÌ[ý*

a) Vitamins b) minerals c) enzymes d) water×\öOôç×]ãX F×XL _¾ãS =dåa$JôãEõ YçXÝãÌ^×\öOôç×]X F×XL_[ýX =dåa»JôEõ L_

86. Physical changes require ................. energy than chemical changes.»çaçÌ ×XEõ Y×»[ýwïøXTöêEõ å\öì×TöEõ Y×»[ýwïøX» ålùyTö ................. ×Nþ» YÒãÌ^çLX c÷Ì *Ì[ýçaçÌ ×XEõ Y×Ì[ý[ýTöÛãXÌ[ý TÇö_XçÌ å\öì×TöEõ Y×Ì[ý[ýTöÛãX ................ ×NþÌ[ý YÒãÌ^çLX*

a) less b) more c) equal amount d) very high amount ofEõ] å[ý×$K÷ a] Y×»]çS» %×WýEõ Y×»]çX»Eõ] å[ý`Ý a]Y×Ì[ý]çX %ãXEõ å[ý`Ý Y×Ì[ý]çX

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87. Saline water is useful for ...............æ$Jô_ç+X ....................... » [ýçã[ý [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç c÷Ì *åa_ç+X ................. [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì *

a) washing clothes b) drinking c) for agriculture d) none of these

EõçãYç» åWýç¾ç åFç¾ç YçXÝ EÊõ×b AOôçC Xc÷Ì^EõçYQÍö åWýçÌ çãTö YçãXÌ[ý LXî EÊõ×bEõçã^ï AEõ×OôC XÌ^

88. The density of water is maximum at ............................. Tö YçXÝ» HX±¼ö %çOôç+TöêEõ å[ý×$K÷*................... åTö Lã_Ì[ý HX±¼ö a[ý»Jôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý*

a) 00C b) 40C c) 400C d) 1000C

89. Which of the following is combustible ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç L�_X`Ý_ÌXÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô L�_X`Ý_

a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Hydrogen d) All of these%×jãLX Eõç[ýïX Qöç+-%jç+Qö c÷ç+QÎö'åLX %çOôç+ åEõ+Oôç/a[ýEõÌ Oôç

90. The fruits of this plant are used as spices in food. Name the plant.A×[ýWý G$K÷» Zõ_ FçVîTö ]$K÷_ç ×c÷$JôçãY [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç c÷Ì * G$K÷ ×[ýWý» Xç] .................å^ Gçä»K÷Ì[ý Zõ_ãEõ FçãVîÌ[ý ]`_ç ×c÷açã[ý [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì , åa Gç»K÷×Oô c÷+_ ...............

a) Brinjal b) Chilly c) Onion d) Ginger

å[ýãIøXç L_EõÝÌ ç ×YÌ^çL %çVçå[ýmX ]×Ì[ý»Jô ×YÌ^çL %çVç

91. Which of the following vitamins is required in healing of wounds ?Hç £Eõç[ýê_ åEõçXäOôç ×\öOôç×]X» YÒãÌ çLX ?`Ì[ýÝãÌ[ýÌ[ý Hgç £EõçãXçÌ[ý LXî åEõçX ×\öOôç×]ãXÌ[ý YÒãÌ^çLX ?

a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C d) Vitamin D

×\öOôç×]X A ×\öOôç×]X B ×\öOôç×]X C ×\öOôç×]X D

92. What materials were used as clothes in ancient times ?

YÒç$JôÝX Eõç_Tö ×Eõc÷Eõ [ýºy ×c÷$JôçãY [ýî¾c÷ç» éc÷×$K÷_ ?YÒçJôÝX Eõçã_ XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô [ýØ—ö ×c÷açã[ý [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõÌ[ýç c÷+Ì ç×»K÷_ ?

a) Animal skins b) Grass c) Vines d) All of these

L³wø» $K÷ç_ Hgçc÷ _Töç %çOôç+ åEõ+OôçL³wøÌ[ý »Jôç]QÍöç Hça _Töç a[ýEõÌ^Oôç

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93. Plant that reserves its food in its root system is .............

åEõçXäOôç =×àöãV ]É_-TöÜ—öTö FçVî a‡ûÌ Eõ×» »çãF ?åEõçX =×àöãVÌ[ý FçVî Töçc÷çÌ[ý ]É_TöãÜ—ö a‡ûÌ c÷+Ì ç UçãEõ ?

a) brinjal b) bean c) carrot d) sugar caneå[ýãIøXç ]çc÷ GçL» EÇõ×c÷Ì ç»å[ýmX [ýÌ[ý[ý×Oô GçLÌ[ý +lÇù

94. Which of the following has simple leaves ?

Tö_» åEõçX×[ýWý =×àöVTö a»_ Yy åYç¾ç çÌ ?XÝæ»JôÌ[ý åEõçX Gçä»K÷Ì[ý YçTöç aÌ[ý_ ?

a) Mango b) Rose c) Gram d) Neem

%ç] åGç_çY [ýÇOô]çc÷ ×X]%ç] åGç_çY æ»K÷ç_ç ×X]

95. Which of the following manufacture food and supply it to other floral parts ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôçã¾ FçVî YÒºwøTö Eõ×» ZÇõ_» ×[ý×\ö~ %e`ê_ å^çGçX Wýã» ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô FçVî YÒºwøTö EõãÌ[ý A[ýe ZÇõã_Ì[ý ×[ý×\ö~ %eã` aÌ[ý[ýçÌ[ýc÷ EõãÌ[ý ?

a) Sepals b) Petals c) Anther d) Stigma

[ýÊ×Tö Yç×c÷/ YçY×QÍö Y»çGWýçSÝ/ YçÌ[ýGWýçXÝ G\öÛ]ljøø

96. Which of the following statements is not true ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ aTöî Xc÷Ì ?XÝäJôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ aTöî XÌ -

a) The cartilage is not as hard as bones b) A snake moves by making loops=Yç×Øšö, %×Øšö» Vã» Eõ×PöX Xc÷Ì açãY AEõç-ã[ýEõç éEõ $Jô_ç$Jô_ Eõã»=Yç×Øšö %×ØšöÌ[ý ]Tö Eõ×PöX XÌ açY %çEõç[ýgçEõç \öçã[ý Jô_çJô_ Eõã»Ì[»

c) All animals show exactly similar movements d) Snails move with the help of their muscular feet

aEõã_ç YÒçXÝ» $Jô_X» açVÊ î %çä$K÷ `ç]ÇãEõ åY`Ý^ÇNþ YV» ¥ç»ç $Jô_ç$Jô_ Eõã»aEõ_ YÒçXÝÌ[ý Jô_ãX açVÊ î %çäK÷ `ç]ÇEõ åY`Ý^ÇNþ Yç ¥ç»Ì[ýç Jô_çJô_ Eõ»ã»Ì[»

97. Find the statement that is not true for plastics.

åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ YÀç×rôEõ» ålùyTö aTöî Xc÷Ì ?YÀç×rôãEõÌ[ý ålùäy XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ aTöî XÌ ?

a) Plastics are used in most of the articles. b) Plastics are light and attractiveYÒçÌ aç]GÐÝTö YÀç×rôEõ [ýî¾c÷ç» c÷Ì YÀç×rôEõ YçTö_ %ç»Ó %çEõbïSÝÌã[ý`ÝÌ[ý\öçG aç]GÐÝãTö YÀç×rôEõ [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý c÷Ì YÀç×rôEõ c÷ç_Eõç A[ýe %çEõbïXÝÌ

c) Plastics can be burnt to dispose the waste d) All of these

YÀç×rôEõ» [ýLÛî YVçUï Vc÷X Eõ×» ×X]Çï_ Eõ×»[ý Yç×» %çOôç+ åEõ+OôçYÀç×rôãEõ»Ì[ý [ýLÛ YVçUï Vc÷X ¥çÌ[ýç ×X]Éï_ Eõ×Ì[ýãTö YçÌ[ýç çÌ a[ýEõÌ^Oôç

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98. Nicotine present in cigarettes and beedies stimulate the ...............

×$JôGçã»Oô %ç»Ó ×[ýQÍöÝTö UEõç ×XEõ'×OôãX ............. Eõ =ãwø×LTö Eõã»*×aGçãÌ[ýOô A[ýe ×[ý×QÍöãTö UçEõç ×XEõ'×OôX ................. åEõ =ãwø×LTö EõãÌ[ý*

a) respiratory system b) productive system c) nervous system d) blood circulatory system`ŸaX TöÜ—ö LXX TöÜ—ö ØoöçÌ Ç TöÜ—ö »Nþ a‡ûç_X TöÜ—ö / Ì[ýNþ a‡ûç_X TöÜ—ö

99. An example of monocot plant ..............

........... AEõ [ýÝL YyÝ =×àöV» AOôç =Vçc÷»S*

............... AEõ [ýÝL YyÝ =×àöV*

a) coconut b) almond c) sun flower d) mango

Xç×»Eõ_ / Xç×Ì[ýãEõ_ [ýçVç] aÉ»Ó^]ÉFÝ / aÉ^ïî]ÇFÝ %ç]

100.The energy releasing process in living organism is ..............

Lݾ+ ............... » ¥ç»ç `×Nþ ×XGïTö Eõã»*LÝ[ý .................. ¥çÌ[ý»ç `×Nþ ×XGïTö Eõã»Ì[ý

a) reflex action b) respiration c) blood circulation d) reproduction

YÒ×TöY ×yÔÌ ç ŸaX »Nþ a‡ûç_X / Ì[ý»Nþ a‡ûç_X YÒLXX


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Time : 2 Hours / a]Ì f 2 H³Oôç Full Marks / ]ÇPö X¶‘ö» / å]ç»Oô X¶‘öÌ[ý f (25+25+25+25)=100

General Knowledge / açWýç»S pûçX / açWýç»Ì[ýS pûçX

1. The Indian state that has only two districts is ...................åEõçXFX \öç»TöÝÌ »çLîTö ]çy VÇFX ×L_ç %çä$K÷ ?VÇ×»Oô åL_ç UçEõç AEõ]çy \öçÌ[ýTöÝÌ Ì[ýçLî ...................*(a) Tripura (b) Goa (c) Jharkhand (d) Sikkim

×ÅyYÇ»ç åGç¾ç Mõç»F‰ø ×$K÷×Eõ]×ÅyYÇÌ[ýç åGçÌ ç MõçÌ[ýF‰ø ×a×Eõ]

2. Which one of the following countries has the largest population ?Tö_Tö =ä{F Eõ»ç åEõçXFX åV`» LXaeFîç a[ýïç×WýEõ ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åV`m×_Ì[ý ]ãWýî åEõçX åVã`Ì[ý LXaeFîç a[ýïç×WýEõ ?(a) Brazil (b) Bangladesh (c) Indonesia (d) Pakistan

[ýÐç×L_ [ýçe_çãV` +ã³VçãX×$K÷Ì ç/+ã³VçãX×$ Ì^ç Yç×EõØ™öçX

3. The girl in the picture is associated with ...............Tö_» $K÷×[ý» æ$K÷ç¾ç_ÝLXÝ åEõçX×[ýWý aç]GÐÝ» _GTö L×QÍöTö ?»K÷×[ýãTö åVFçãXç å]ãÌ ×»Oô ................................... AÌ[ý açãU L×QÍöTö*

(a) Toy Products (b) Dairy Product (c) Cartoon Character (d) Beauty ProductYÇTö_ç aç]GÐÝ VÇ„ùLçTö aç]GÐÝ Eõç$OÇôÛX $Jô×»y åaì³V ïî aç]GÐÝåF_Xç VÇ„ùLçTö aç]GÐÝ Eõç»OÇôÛX »Jô×Ì[ýy

4. Find the next letter of the following series.Tö_Tö =ä{F Eõ»ç `ÊeF_çä$Oôç» ×YK÷» [ýSïä$Oôç ×Eõ ?XÝä»Jô åVCÌ ç Ê…_ç×»OôÌ[ý YãÌ[ýÌ[ý [ýSï ............................*J, F, M, A, M, J, J, ..............................(a) J (b) A (c) S (d) O

5. ....................... is known as man's most useful tree............................ G$K÷ ]çXÇãc÷ %ç$Oôç+TöêEõ %×WýEõ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõã»*......................... Gç»K÷ ]çXÇãbÌ[ý a[ý»Jôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý [ýîc÷çãÌ[ýÌ[ý =Yã^çGÝ*(a) walnut (b) teak (c) mango (d) coconut

%çFã»ç$Oô / %çFã Ì[ýç$Oô æ$JômS / åamS %ç] Xç×»Eõ_ / Xç× Ì[ýãEõ_

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6. The first city in India with an underground railway system is ............\öç»Tö» åEõçX ]c÷çXG»ÝTö a[ýïYÒU] \Éö-Tö_ å»_ åa¾ç %ç»�ö éc÷×$K÷_ ?\öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý åEõçX ]c÷çXGÌ[ýÝãTö YÒU] å]®Ïô åÌ[ý_ãa[ýç £Ì[ýÓ c÷Ì ?(a) Delhi (b) Kolkata (c) Bangaluru (d) Chennai

×V{Ý Eõ_EõçTöç [ýç†ç_Ç»Ó / [ýç†ç_ÇÌ[ýÓ æ$Jô~ç+

7. Death by 'Guillotine' was very common in ................."×Gã_ç×$OôX'» ¥ç»ç c÷Töîç Eõ»ç Yˆù×Tö åEõçX åV`Tö açWýç»S ×XÌ ] %ç×$K÷_ ?×G_×»OôãXÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç ]ÊTÇöî ................................... åVã`Ì[ý açWýçÌ[ýS ×XÌ ] ×»K÷_*(a) America (b) France (c) England (d) Russia

%çã]×»Eõç / %çã]×Ì[ýEõç ZÐõç³a +eã_‰ø »ç×$K÷Ì ç / [ýç×`Ì ç

8. Humayun, the second Mughal Emperor of India, died when he .........×¥TöÝÌ å]çG_ a¶ƒöç$Oô §]çÌ ÇS» ]ÊTÇöî ..................................*×¥TöÝÌ å]çGç_ a¶ƒöç»Oô §]çÌ ÇãXÌ[ý ]ÊTÇöî ............................*(a) was in Battle (b) suffered a heart attack

Ç ùTö éc÷×$K÷_ c÷ÖVã»çG %çyÔçÜ™öTö ]ÊTÇöî éc÷×$K÷_Ç ùãTö c÷ãÌ ×»K÷_ c÷ÖV %çyÔçãÜ™ö ]ÊTÇöî c÷ãÌ ×»K÷_

(c) was assassinated by his son (d) broke his neck after falling down the stairsYÇy» ¥ç»ç c÷Töîç Eõ»ç éc÷×$K÷_ ×$K÷×»» Y»ç [ýçG×» Y×» éc÷×K÷_YÇäyÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç c÷Töîç EõÌ[ýç c÷ãÌ ×»K÷_ ×a×QÍö åUãEõ YäQÍö c÷Ì

9. The people of which country have climbed Mount Everest the most ?åEõçX åV`» å_çãEõ a[ýïç×WýEõ A\öçã»rô `ÊeG %çã»çc÷S Eõ×»ä$K÷ ?........................ åVã`Ì[ý å_çEõ a[ý»Jôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý A\öçãÌ[ýrô `Êㆠ%çãÌ[ýçc÷S EõãÌ[ý*(a) India (b) Nepal (c) New Zealand (d) Australia

\öç»Tö / \öçÌ[ýTö åXYç_ ×X=×Lã_‰ø %ärÑô×_Ì ç

10. In which famous book do we find the little men of Lilliput ?åEõçXFX ×[ýFîçTö GÐÜšöTö %ç×] "×_×_YÇ$Oô'» [ýçCXç ]çXÇc÷ã[ýç»» EõUç YçCg ?åEõçX ×[ýFîçTö GÐãÜšö %ç]Ì[ýç "×_×_YÇ»Oô'åEõ Yç+ ?(a) Treasure island (b) Alice in Wonderland (c) Gulliver's travels (d) Robinhood

11. The tales of 'Jatakas' are in .............."LçTöEõ' Eõç×c÷XÝã[ýç» .......................... » %Ü™ö\ÇöÛNþ*LçTöãEõÌ[ý G” %çä»K÷ .................................*(a) Hinduism (b) Islam (c) Buddhism (d) Jainism

×c÷³VÇWý]ï / ×c÷³VÇWýã]ï +$K÷_ç] Wý]ï / +a_ç]Wýã]ï å[ýìˆù Wý]ï / å[ýìˆùWýã]ï éLX Wý]ï / éLXWýã]ï

NB. : Q.6. %ç»�ö (Arombha)

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12. The full form of E-mail is .....................+-ã]+_» YÉSï »ÖY .........................+-ã]+ã_Ì[ý YÉSï Ì[ýÖY ......................(a) Electric mail (b) Electronic mail (c) Elaborate mail (d) Easy mail

+ã_Eõ×®ÏôEõ å]+_ +ã_Eõ®Ïô×XEõ å]+_ +_ç[ýä»Oô å]+_ / +_ç[ýãÌ[ý»Oô å]+_ +×L å]+_

13. In the year 2011, 'Dada Saheb Phalke' Award was awarded to .............2011 $JôX» "VçVç $Jôçãc÷[ý Zõç_ãEõ' YÇ»•õç» ×[ýLÌ Ý ........................2011 aãXÌ[ý "VçVç açãc÷[ý Zõç_ãEõ' YÇÌ[ý•õçÌ[ý ×[ýLÌ Ý ......................(a) Manna Dey (b) Shyam Benegal (c) Soumitra Chatterjee (d) Bhupen Hazarika

]ç~ç åV `îç] å[ýãXGç_ å$aì×]y $Jôîç$OôçLÞ \ÉöãYX c÷çL×$»Eõç\ÇöãYX c÷çLç×Ì[ýEõç

14. Which of the following lies both in India and Bangladesh ?Tö_» åEõçXä$Oôç \öç»Tö %ç»Ó [ýçe_çãV` =\öÌ ãTö %çä$K÷ ?\öçÌ[ýTö A[ýe [ýçe_çãVã` A+ VÇ+ åVã`+ %çä»K÷ .....................*(a) Sundarban (b) Manas (c) Nanda devi (d) Nandan Kanan

adzV»[ýX ]çXçc÷ X³VçãV[ýÝ X³VX EõçXXadzVÌ[ý[ýX ]çXa X³VçãV[ýÝ X³VX EõçXX

15. The British museum where the wax models of Amitabh Bachchan and Kareena Kapur are keptis named after ....................[ýÊ×$Oô$Jô ×]=×LÌ ç]Tö %×]Töç\ö [ý¬K÷X %ç»Ó Eõ×»Sç EõçYÇ»» YÒ×Tö]Ç×wïø Eõç» Xç]Tö ae»×lùTö Eõ»ç éc÷ä $K÷ ?[ýÊ×»Oô` ×]=×LÌ çã] %×]Töç\ö [ý¬JôX A[ýe Eõ×Ì[ýSç EõçYÇãÌ[ýÌ[ý YÒ×Tö]É×TöÛ Xç]çEõÌ[ýS EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì .. .......................... Xç] %XÇaçãÌ[ý*(a) Marie Tussand (b) William Caxton (c) Maria Montessori (d) Samael Morse

å]»Ý $OÇô$Jô' =+×_Ì ç] åEõjOôX ]ç×»Ì ç ]ä³Oô`Ÿ»Ý æ$Jô]Çã¾_ ]Ç»$Jôå]Ì[ýÝ »OÇô»Jô' =+×_Ì ç] åEõjOôX ]ç×Ì[ýÌ ç ]ä³Oô`ŸÌ[ýÝ åa]ÇãÌ _ ]»JôÛ

16. Official residence of the Prime Minister of India is at ..................\öç»Tö» YÒWýçX]Ü—öÝ» $Jô»Eõç»Ý %ç[ýça Eõ'Tö ?\öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý YÒWýçX]Ü—öÝÌ[ý aÌ[ýEõçÌ[ýÝ %ç[ýça åEõçUçÌ ?(a) Feroze Shah Road (b) 7 Race Course Road (c) Mahatma Gandhi Road (d) Parliament Road

×Zõã»çL `Ÿçc÷ å»çQö 7 å»$Jô åEõç$JôÛ å»çQö ]c÷ç±Áç GçµùÝ å»çQö Yç×_ïÌ çã]³Oô å»çQö×Zõã Ì[ýçL `Ÿçc÷ å Ì[ýçQö 7 å Ì[ýJô åEõç$JôÛ å Ì[ýçQö ]c÷ç±Áç GçµùÝ å Ì[ýçQö Yç×_ïÌ çã]³Oô å Ì[ýçQö

17. The first Musician to win the Bharat Ratna is ...............åEõçXLX a†ÝTö×`”ÝãÌ a[ýïYÒU] \öç»Tö »±óö _ç\ö Eõ×»×$K÷_ ?\öçÌ[ýTöÌ[ý±óö YÒçŠ YÒU] aeGÝTö×`”Ý ..............................*(a) Ravi Shankar (b) M.S. Subulakshmi (c) Bismillah Khan (d) Lata Mangeskar

»×[ý `eEõ» A]. A$Jô. £\ö_©¿Ý ×[ý$K÷×]{çc÷ FgçX _Töç ]çã†`ŸEõç»Ì[ý×[ý `eEõÌ[ý A]. Aa £\ö_©¿Ý ×[ýa×]{ç FçX _Töç ]ã†`EõçÌ[ý

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18. '104' service of State Government of Assam is meant for information regarding ............%a] $Jô»Eõç» ¥ç»ç YÒ¾×wïøTö 104 åa¾ç ×Eõ TöUî» [ýçã[ý [ýî¾c÷ç» c÷Ì ?%çaç] aÌ[ýEõçãÌ[ýÌ[ý 104 åa[ýç ×Eõ TöUîÌ[ý LXî [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý c÷Ì ?(a) Employment (b) Health (c) Market (d) Train Service

LÝ×¾Eõç / LÝ×[ýEõç Ø‘öçØšöî [ýLç» / [ýçLçÌ[ý å»_ åa¾ç / åÌ[ý_ åa[ýç

19. Apart from being observed as "Childrens' Day", 14th November is also observed as :14 Xã\ö¶‘ö»Eõ ×`£ ×V¾a»ÖãY Yç_X Eõ»ç» =Y×»C %Xî ×Eõ ×V¾a ×c÷$JôçãY Yç_X Eõ»ç c÷Ì ?14 Xã\ö¶‘öÌ[ý ×`£ ×V[ýa »K÷çQÍöçC ............................. ×c÷açã[ý Yç_X EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì *(a) World Pneumonia Day (b) World Diabetes Day

×[ý`Ÿ ×X=ã]çXÝÌ ç ×V¾a ×[ý`Ÿ ]WýÇã]c÷ ×V¾a×[ý`Ÿ ×X=ã]ç×XÌ ç ×V[ýa ×[ý`Ÿ QöçãÌ ã[ý×»Oôa ×V[ýa

(c) World Tourism Day (d) World Habitat Day×[ý`Ÿ Y ï$OôX ×V¾a ×[ý`Ÿ [ýçaØšöçX ×V¾a×[ý`Ÿ Y ï»OôX ×V[ýa ×[ý`Ÿ [ýçaØšöçX ×V[ýa

20. You are standing in a queque and your number is 17 when counted from the beginning as wellas from the end. How many persons are in the queque ?TÇö×] ^×V A$Oôç `ç»ÝTö ×UÌ^ åc÷ç¾ç %ç»Ó VÇãÌ^çZõç_» Y»ç åTöç]ç» yÔ×]Eõ X¶‘ö» 17 c÷Ì , åTöãXc÷ã_ `ç»Ýä$OôçTö åEõ+LX ]çXÇc÷ %çä$K÷ ?TÇö×] AEõ×»Oô _ç+ãX Vç×»RÍôãÌ %ç»K÷ A[ýe VÇ×VEõ åUãEõ TÇö]çÌ[ý yÔ×]Eõ X¶‘öÌ[ý 17 c÷+ã_ _ç+X×»OôãTö EõTöLX å_çEõ %çä»K÷ ?(a) 17 (b) 33 (c) 34 (d) 35

21. The campaign launched by the Tourism Ministry to attract foreign tourists is ....................×[ýãV`Ý Y ï$OôEõEõ %çEõ×bïTö Eõ×»[ýê_ Y ïîOôX ]Ü—öç_ãÌ ×Eõ %×\ö^çX %ç»�ö Eõ×»ä$K÷ ?×[ýãV`Ý Y ï»OôEõãVÌ[ý %çEõbïS EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý LXî Y ïîOôX ]Ü—öç_ãÌ Ì[ý ¥çÌ[ýç %çÌ[ý�ö EõÌ[ýç %×\ö^çX .................*(a) Come India (b) Incredible India (c) See and Feel India (d) Visit India

\öç»Tö ^çyç %TÇö_XÝÌ \öç»Tö \öç»Tö V`ïX %ç»Ó %XÇ\ö¾ \öç»Tö }]S\öçÌ[ýTö ^çyç %TÇö_XÝÌ \öçÌ[ýTö \öçÌ[ýTö V`ïX A[ýe %XÇ\ö[ý \öçÌ[ýTö }]S

22. .............................. is a cold-blooded animal ?.............................. ÝTö_ »NþÝ YÒçSÝ / ......................... AEõ×»Oô ÝTö_Ì[ýNþÝ YÒçSÝ*(a) Penguin (b) Whale (c) Otter (d) Tortoise

åY†Ç+X ×Tö×]]ç$K÷ =V Eõç$K÷ / Eõ¬K÷Y

23. 'Aadha Lekha Dastabez' was wtitten by ....................""%çWýç å_Fç VØ™öçã[ýL'' Eõç» ¥ç»ç »×$JôTö ? / %çWýçã_Fç VØ™öçã[ýãLÌ[ý Ì[ý»JôXçEõçÌ[ý ....................*(a) Bhupen Hazarika (b) Mamoni Roisom Goswami

\ÉöãYX c÷çL×»Eõç / \ÉöãYX c÷çLç×Ì[ýEõç ]ç]×X »Ì $Jô] åGçØ‘öç]Ý / ]ç]×X Ì[ýÌ a] åGçØ‘öç]Ý

(c) Homen Borgohain (d) Hiren Gohainåc÷çã]X [ý»ãGçc÷ç×AÕ / åc÷çã]X [ýÌ[ýãGçc÷ç×AÕ c÷Ýã»X åGgçc÷ç+ / c÷ÝãÌ[ýX åGgçc÷ç+

NB. : Q.21. %ç»�ö (Arombha)

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24. 'Baakar Putek' is a controversial Assamese movie which is based on the theme of ............"[ýçgEõ» YÇãTöEõ' ×[ýTö×EïõTö %a]ÝÌ ç $Jô_×$Jôy ×Eõc÷» CY»Tö ×X×]ïTö ?"[ýçEõÌ[ý YÇãTöEõ' AEõ×»Oô ×[ýTö×EïõTö %a]ÝÌ ç »K÷×[ý ×EõãaÌ[ý =YÌ[ý ×X×]ïTö ?(a) Superstition (b) Ghost (c) Cultural Myth (d) Rural Life

%µù×[ý`Ÿça \ÇöTö / \ÉöTö açe•Êõ×TöEõ Eõ”Xç GÐç]î LݾX

25. India's longest Railway Tunnel is in ...................\öç»Tö» VÝHïTö] å»_ aÇ»eG ............................ Tö %¾×ØšöTö*\öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý VÝHïTö] åÌ[ý_ aÇQÍö† .......................... Ì[ýçãLî*(a) Goa (b) Assam (c) Jammu & Kashmir (d) Himachal Pradesh

åGç¾ç %a] L¶ö‚Ç %ç»Ó Eõç`½Ý» ×c÷]ç$Jô_ YÒãV`åGçÌ ç %çaç] L¶ö‚Ç A[ýe Eõç`½ÝÌ[ý ×c÷]ç»Jô_ YÒãV`

General English

26. .................... newspapers support the government, but most do not.(a) All (b) some (c) no (d) most

27. You don't take sugar in tea, .................... (add proper question tag )(a) Don't you (b) isn't it (c) do you ? (d) do you not ?

28. It costs .................... much.(a) so (b) too (c) very (d) all of them can be used

29. I will travel .................... world to find her.(a) All (b) whole (c) the whole (d) the all

30. They were .................... to leave the school when we arrived.(a) Nearly (b) almost (c) about (d) all but

31. "You are good .................... nothing" , the mother shouted at the boy.(a) at (b) on (c) for (d) with

32. Stop acting .................... a fool.(a) like (b) as (c) nothing is required (d) for

33. "Courage" is to a man .................... "beauty" is to a woman.(a) Like (b) as (c) but (d) at the same time

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34. I asked my teacher whether I .................... Join the tutorial class.(a) Would (b) can (c) could (d) will

35. It is admitted that he is the greatest leader. ( the passive form of this sentence will be ..)

(a) That he is the greatest leader is admitted. (b) He admits that he is the greatest leader.(c) All admit that he is the greatest leader. (d) All admits that he is greatest leader

36. I .................... the dog for a walk because it was raining.(a) Haven't taken (b) shall be taking (c) should take (d) didn't take

37. I have never .................... anybody as polite as Mrs. Agatha.(a) Came by (b) come across (c) meet with (d) come along

38. I .................... my share of the room. You complete the rest.(a) Painted (b) have painted (c) was painting (d) shall have painted

39. I wish I .................... more time to finish the work.(a) am having (b) have (c) had (d) was having

40. Father said he .................... on a trip to Srilanka.(a) Is going (b) would go (c) will go (d) goes

41. I .................... to Goa three times this year.(a) Have been (b) have gone (c) went (d) was

42. If you get up early, you .................... time for homework.(a) have (b) will have (c) got (d) would have

43. There may be as .................... as ten guests to the dinner.(a) many (b) much (c) few (d) more.

44. Samrat is .................... young .................... drive the car.(a) not only / but also (b) so / that(c) enough / to (d) too / to

45. animals living in water are known as ......... (substitute one word for the bold italics)(a) Amphibians (b) aquatic (c) oceanic (d) rainy

46. One who sacrifices his life for a cause is called a ................ (substitute one word for the bolditalics.(a) Patriot (b) revolutionary (c) soldier (d) martyr

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Find out the word that is opposite in meaning to the word written in italics in the following two sentences

47. We must realize the futility of wars.(a) usefulness (b) urgency (c) meaninglessness (d) stupidity

48. There are reports that many poor people abandon their children.(a) Reject (b) keep (c) help (d) drive away

Find out the word that is similar in meaning to the word written in italics in the following two sentences

49. I asked him not to meddle in my affairs.(a) enter (b) interfere (c) involve (d) entangle

50. We should always try to maintain and promote communal amity.(a) understanding (b) harmony (c) friendship (d) welcome

General Maths / açWýç»S G×STö / açWýç»Ì[ýS G×STö

51. CDI + V + C + IX is equal to ....................................CDI + V + C + IX » a]çX ........................................CDI + V + C + IX AÌ[ý a]çX ..........................................(a) 506 (b) 401 (c) 415 (d) 516

52. The smallest 7 digit number is ..................................7 Oôç %eEõ ×[ý×`rô %ç$Oôç+TöêEõ a»Ó aeFîçä$Oôç ...............................7 ×»Oô %eEõ ×[ý×`rô a[ý»Jôç+ãTö æ»K÷ç»Oô aeFîç ....................(a) 1000000 (b) 1 + greatest 6 digit number

1+6Oôç %eEõ ×[ý×`rô %ç$Oôç+TöêEõ QöçIø» aeFîç1+6 ×»Oô %eEõ ×[ý×`rô a[ý»Jôç+ãTö [ýQÍö aeFîç

(c) 1111111 (d) either 'a' or 'b''a' %U[ýç 'b'

53. If 'a' & 'b' are two whole numbers, then commutative law is applicable to subtraction if andonly ....................^×V 'a' %ç»Ó 'b' VÇ$Oôç %F‰ø aeFîç c÷Ì , åTöãÜ™ö ×[ýãÌ çG» yÔ] ×[ý×X]Ì ×[ý×Wý YÒã^çLî c÷[ý ^×V...........................*^×V 'a' A[ýe 'b' VÇ×»Oô %F‰ø aeFîç c÷Ì , Töã[ý ×[ýãÌ çãGÌ[ý yÔ] ×[ý×X]Ì ×[ý×Wý YÒã^çLî c÷ã[ý ^×V ...............................*(a) a > b (b) a b (c) a = b (d) a < b

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54. Which least number must be subtracted from 13,601 to get a number exactly divisible by 87 ?13,601 » Y»ç XÇXîTö] ×Eõ aeFîç ×[ýãÌ çG Eõ×»ã_, ×[ýãÌ çGZõ_ä$Oôç 87 å» ×[ý\öçLî c÷[ý ?13,601 åUãEõ XÉXîTö] ×Eõ aeFîç ×[ýãÌ çG EõÌ[ýã_ ×[ýãÌ çGZõ_ 87 ¥çÌ[ýç ×[ý\öçLî c÷ã[ý ?(a) 25 (b) 23 (c) 27 (d) 29

55. Which of the following is a prime number ?Tö_» åEõçXå$Oôç å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×»Oô å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç ?(a) 137 (b) 143 (c) 396 (d) both a & b

'a' %ç»Ó 'b' =\öÌ'a' A[ýe 'b' VÇ×»Oô+

56. The LCM of two numbers is 3718. Which of the following numbers cannot possibly be the HCFof these numbers ?VÇ$Oôç aeFîç» _.aç.m. 3718 c÷ã_ Tö_» åEõçXä$Oôç aeFîç a�öö¾Tö aeFîç VÇ$Oôç» G.aç.m Xc÷[ý ?VÇ×»Oô aeFîçÌ[ý _açm 3718 c÷ã_ XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX aeFî×»Oô VÇ×»Oô aeFîçÌ(a) 13 (b) 26 (c) 143 (d) 104

57. A ray has .......................... number of end points.»×`½» YÒçÜ™ö ×[ý³VÇ» aeFîç ........................................... AQöç_*Ì[ý×`½Ì[ý YÒçÜ™ö×[ý³VÇÌ[ý aeFîç ..............................................*(a) three (b) two (c) one (d) none

×Tö×X$Oôç / ×TöX VÇ$Oôç / VÇ×Oô A$Oôç / AEõ×»Oô A$OôçC Xç+ / AEõ×»OôC XÌ

58. Which of the following statements is false ?Tö_» åEõçXä$Oôç =×Nþ %aTöîXÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ×»Oô %aTöî ?(a) AB

= BA (b) AB = BA (c) AB

= BA (d) None

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ

59. Instruments used to draw a pair of parallel lines are ......................Aã^ç» a]çÜ™ö»ç_ å»Fç %eEõX Eõ×»[ýê_ ........................................ aLÇg×_ ×c÷$JôçãY [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç c÷Ì *AEõãLçQÍöç a]çÜ™öÌ[ýç_ åÌ[ýFç %çg×EõãTö ..................... ^Ü—ö ×c÷açã[ý [ýç^[ýc÷ÖTö c÷Ì *(a) Protractor and scale (b) Compass and scale

åEõçS]çX^Ü—ö %ç»Ó å•õ_ Eõ¶Yç$K÷ %ç»Ó å•õ_åEõçS]çX^Ü—ö A[ýe å•õ_ Eõ¶Yça A[ýe å•õ_

(c) Set square and scale (d) Noneæ$Jô$Oô å•õçÌ ç» %ç»Ó å•õ_ A$OôçC Xc÷Ìåa»Oô å•õçÌ çÌ[ý A[ýe å•õ_ AEõ×»OôC XÌ

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60. Measure of angle ACD in the following figure is .............................Tö_Tö ×VÌ ç ×$JôyTö ACD åEõçS» ]çY ........................XÝä»Jô åVCÌ ç ×»Jôäy ACD åEõçãSÌ[ý ]çY ................


B C D)




(a) 1300 (b) 1200 (c) 1500 (d) 1150

61. A quadrilateral is a rhombus but not a square if ............................A$Oôç $JôTÇö\ÉöÛL »¶‘öç$K÷ ×EõÜ™Çö [ýGï Xc÷Ì , ^×V ....................................*AEõ×»Oô »JôTÇö\ÉöÛL Ì[ý¶‘öça ×EõÜ™Çö [ýGï XÌ ×V .................................*(a) Its diagonals do not bisect each other (b) Its diagonals are not perpendicular

+Ì ç» EõSï VÇ$Oôç Y»&» a]׈ùF׉øTö Xc÷Ì +Ì ç» EõSï VÇ$Oôç Y»&» _¶‘ö Xc÷Ì+c÷çÌ[ý EõSï VÇ+×»Oô YÌ[ý&Ì[ý a]׈ùF׉øTö XÌ +c÷çÌ[ý EõSï VÇ×»Oô YÌ[ý&Ì[ý _¶‘ö c÷Ì Xç

(c) Its opposite angles are not equal (d) The length of diagonals are not equal×[ýY»ÝTö åEõçXã[ýç» a]çX Xc÷Ì EõSïã[ýç»» éVHïî a]çX Xc÷Ì+c÷çÌ[ý ×[ýYÌ[ýÝTö åEõçSm×_ a]çX c÷Ì Xç +c÷çÌ[ý EõSïm×_Ì[ý éVHïî a]çX c÷Ì Xç

62. Difference of sums of 998 and -486 and sum of 290 and 732 is ......................290 %ç»Ó 732 » Y»ç 998 %ç»Ó -486 » å^çGZõ_ %Ü™ö» c÷[ý ...............................290 A[ýe 732 AÌ[ý 998 åUãEõ -486 A[ýe å^çGZõ_ãEõ ×[ýãÌ çG EõÌ[ýã_ ........................(a) -510 (b) 510 (c) -1022 (d) 512

63. 1 5 3 12 3 4 ..................

2 7 13 2

(a) 188

56(b) 188

56 (c) 13


(d) 133


64. How many one-fourths need to be added to 13

2 to make 7 ?


2 » _GTö ×Eõ]çX aeFîEõ AEõ $JôTÇöUïçe` å^çG Eõ×»ã_ 7 c÷[ý ?


2AÌ[ý açãU EõÌ ×»Oô AEõ »JôTÇöUïçe` å^çG EõÌ[ýã_ 7 c÷Ì ?

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 14

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65. Two-fifth of 100 km = ............... m100 ×Eõ.×]$Oôç»» VÇ+ Y‡û]çe` = ....................... ×]$Oôç»100 ×Eõ.×]»OôçÌ[ý AÌ[ý VÇ+ Y‡û]çe` = ....................... ×]»OôçÌ[ý(a) 4 (b) 40 (c) 400 (d) 4000

66. 143.8 2000 = .............(a) 0.1718 (b) 7.18 (c) 0.0719 (d) 0.0718

67. 10 sq m = ............. sq mm10 [ýGï ×]. = .................... [ýGï ×].×].(a) 10,000 (b) 1,000 (c) 10,00,000 (d) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì /AEõ×»OôC XÌ

68. Area of a rectangle is 200 sq m and the breadth is 5m. Then its perimeter is ............ mA$Oôç %çÌ Töãlùy» Eõç×_ 200 [ýGï ×]$Oôç» %ç»Ó +Ì ç» YÒØšö 5 ×]. c÷ã_, +Ì ç» Y×»aÝ]ç ...................×]$Oôç» c÷[ý*AEõ×»Oô %çÌ TöãlùäyÌ[ý Eõç×_ 200 [ýGï ×]»OôçÌ[ý A[ýe +c÷çÌ[ý YÒØšö 5 ×]. c÷ã_ +c÷çÌ Y×Ì[ýaÝ]ç .................. ×]»OôçÌ[ý c÷ã[ý*(a) 204 (b) 90 (c) 205 (d) None

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì /AEõ×»OôC XÌ

69. If 20% of 60% of a number is 144, then the number is ..................A$Oôç aeFîç» 60% » 20% » ]çX 114 c÷ã_, aeFîçä$Oôç .......................*AEõ×»Oô aeFîçÌ[ý 60% AÌ[ý 20% AÌ[ý ]çX 114 c÷ã_ aeFî×»Oô c÷ã[ý ............................*(a) 1200 (b) 2880 (c) 8640 (d) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì /AEõ×»OôC XÌ

70. In 38 17

4x value of x is ................

38 17

4x Tö x » ]çX .........................

38 17

4x a]ÝEõÌ[ýãS x AÌ[ý ]çX ........................

(a) -12 (b) 36 (c) 12 (d) -36

71. In India the ratio of number of states to the number of Union Territories is ..............\öç»Tö[ýbïTö »çLî» aeFîç %ç»Ó åEõ³VÐÝÌ `ç×aTö %‡û_» aeFîç» %XÇYçTö ...........................\öçÌ[ýTö[ýãbï Ì[ýçãLîÌ[ý aeFîç A[ýe åEõ³VÐÝÌ ç×aTö %‡ûã_Ì[ý aeFîçÌ[ý %XÇYçTö ..................(a) 7 : 28 (b) 25 : 7 (c) 4 : 1 (d) None

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì /AEõ×»OôC XÌ

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72. 0.1 0.001.............................

0.01 0.1

(a) 10.1 (b) 1.10 (c) 1.01 (d) 10.01

73. The ratio of incomes of kamala and Vimala is 2 : 3. If Kamala's income is ®ú 9000 thenVimala's income is ®ú.............Eõ]_ç %ç»Ó ×[ý]_ç» %çÌ » %XÇYçTö 2 : 3 ^×V Eõ]_ç» %çÌ 9000 $OôEõç c÷Ì , åTöãX ×[ý]_ç» %çÌ ..................... $OôEõç*Eõ]_ç A[ýe ×[ý]_çÌ[ý %çãÌ Ì[ý %XÇYçTö 2 : 3 ^×V Eõ]_çÌ[ý %çÌ 9000 »OôçEõç c÷Ì Töã[ý ×[ý]_çÌ[ý %çÌ ....................... »OôçEõç*(a) 13,500 (b) 6,000 (c) 12,000 (d) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì /AEõ×»OôC XÌ

74. Measure of an obtuse angle is ..............A$Oôç ØšöÇ_ åEõç» ]çY ..................AEõ×»Oô ØšöÉ_ åEõçãSÌ[ý ]çY ...........................(a) >00,<900 (b) >900,<1800 (c) >00,<2700 (d) >00,<1800

75. If a,b and c are the sides of a triangle, then ...............^×V a, b %ç»Ó c A$Oôç ×Åy\ÉöL» [ýç§ c÷Ì , åTöãÜ™ö .............................*^×V a, b A[ýe c AEõ×»Oô ×Åy\ÉöãLÌ[ý [ýç§ c÷Ì , Töã[ý ...........................*(a) a b c (b) c a b (c) c a b (d) b c a

General Science / açWýç»S ×[ýpûçX / açWýç»Ì[ýS ×[ýpûçX

76. When an aeroplane takes off from the ground ...............å^×TöÌ ç AFX =»çLçc÷çL ]ç×$Oô» Y»ç =»ç ]çã», åTö×TöÌ ç Töç» .....................*^FX AEõ×»Oô AãÌ[ýçäYÀX ]ç×»Oô åUãEõ =YãÌ[ý ^çÌ TöFX +c÷çÌ[ý .............................*(a) Kinetic energy increases and potential energy decreases

G×Tö`×Nþ [ýçä$RÍô %ç»Ó ×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ Eõã]G×Tö`×Nþ [ýçäQÍö A[ýe ×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ Eõã]

(b) Potential energy increases and kinetic energy remains constant.×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ [ýç×$RÍô[ý %ç»Ó G×Tö`×Nþ AãEõ Uç×Eõ[ý×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ [ýçäQÍö A[ýe G×Tö`×Nþ AEõ+ UçãEõ

(c) Both kinetic energy and potential energy remain constantG×Tö`×Nþ %ç»Ó ×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ =\öÌ AãEõ Uç×Eõ[ýG×Tö`×Nþ A[ýe ×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ =\öãÌ + AEõ+ UçãEõ

(d) Both kinetic energy and potential energy increaseG×Tö`×Nþ %ç»Ó ×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ [ýçäRÍôG×Tö`×Nþ A[ýe ×Øšö×Tö`×Nþ [ýçäQÍö

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77. The units of energy are the same as those of ..............`×Nþ» AEõEõ .................... » AEõEõ» éaãTö AãEõ*`×NþÌ[ý AEõEõ ............................ AÌ[ý AEõãEõÌ[ý açãU AEõ+*(a) Work (b) Force (c) Power (d) Acceleration

Eõç ïî [ý_ lù]Töç ±¼ö»S / ±¼öÌ[ýS

78. The bat of a batsman in a game of cricket acts like the lever of the ...................×yÔãEõ$Oô åF_Tö å[ý$Oô$KË÷å]X» å[ý$$OôFX ..................... ×_\öç» ×c÷$JôçãY Eõç] Eõã»*×yÔãEõ»Oô åF_çÌ [ýîç»Oôaã]ãXÌ[ý [ýîç»Oô×»Oô .................... ×_\öçÌ[ý ×c÷açã[ý EõçL EõãÌ[ý*(a) First class (b) Second class (c) Third class (d) Fourth class

YÒU] æ`ÒSÝ» ×¥TöÝÌ æ`ÒSÝ» TÊöTöÝÌ æ`ÒSÝ» $JôTÇöUï æ`ÒSÝ»YÒU] æ`ÒSÝÌ[ý ×¥TöÝÌ æ`ÒSÝÌ[ý TÊöTöÝÌ æ`ÒSÝÌ[ý »JôTÇöUï æ`ÒSÝÌ[ý

79. The components required to make a simple series circuit to light a bulb are .............[ýç_Ÿ A$Oôç L_ç[ýê_ GPöS Eõ»ç a»_ æ`ÒSÝ[ýˆù [ýwïøSÝ A$Oôç» _çG×TöÌ ç_ =Yçe`ã[ýç» ................... ......AEõ×»Oô [ýç_Ÿ L�ç_ç+ãTö GPöX EõÌ[ýç aÌ[ý_ æ`ÒSÝ[ýˆù [ýTöÛXÝ AEõ×»OôÌ[ý VÌ[ýEõçÌ[ýÝ =YçVçX ..........................(a) Wire and cell (b) Cell and switch (c) Bulb and wires (d) Both b and c

Töçg» %ç»Ó å[ý$Oôç»Ý å[ý$Oôç»Ý %ç»Ó KÇ÷+Jô [ýç_Ÿ %ç»Ó Töçg» b %ç»Ó c =\öÌTöçÌ[ý A[ýe å[ý»OôçÌ[ýÝ å[ý»OôçÌ[ýÝ A[ýe aÇ+»Jô [ýç_Ÿ A[ýe TöçÌ[ý b A[ýe c VÇ×»Oô+

80. Which of the following does not contain a magnet in it ?Tö_» åEõçXä$OôçTö $JÇô¶‘öEõ XçUçãEõ ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×»OôãTö »JÇô¶‘öEõ UçãEõ Xç ?(a) Radio (b) Torch (c) Fan (d) Both a and b

å»×Qö% $Oô$JôÛ YçeFç a %ç»Ó b =\öÌåÌ[ý×QöC »Oô»JôÛ ZõîçX a A[ýe b VÇ×»Oô+

81. A boy held a book of 1kg at a height of 1 metre for 60 seconds. Calculate the work done.ALX _'»ç+ 1 ×Eõ. GÐç] CLX» AFX ×EõTöçY 1 ×]$Oôç» =¬JôTöçTö 60 æ$JôãEõ‰ø» [ýçã[ý Wý×» »ç×Fã_ Eõç ïî» Y×»]çS ×Eõ]çX c÷[ý*AEõ×»Oô æ»K÷ã_ 1 ×EõGÐç CLãXÌ[ý AEõ×»Oô [ý+ 1 ×]»OôçÌ[ý =¬JôTöçÌ 60 åaãEõã³QöÌ[ý LXî WýãÌ[ý Ì[ýçFã_ Eõçã ïîÌ[ý Y×Ì[ý]çX c÷ã[ý ............(a) 60 J (LÇ_) (b) 30 J (LÇ_) (c) 15 J (LÇ_) (d) 0 J (LÇ_)

82. Metals are usually .............WýçTÇö açWýç»SãTö ................................*WýçTÇö açWýçÌ[ýSTö ......................*(a) Good conductors of heat (b) Good conductors of electricity

TöçY» aÇY×»[ýçc÷Ý ×[ýVÇîd» aÇY×»[ýçc÷ÝTöçãYÌ[ý aÇY×Ì[ý[ýçc÷Ý ×[ýVÇîãTöÌ[ý aÇY×Ì[ý[ýçc÷Ý

(c) Good elastic substances (d) All of theseaÇ-×Øšö×Tö ØšöçYEõ YVçUï %ç$Oôç+ãEõ+$OôçaÇ-Øšö×Tö ØšöçYEõ YVçUï a[ýEõÌ^×»Oô

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83. Name the instrument that measures the density of liquids.Tö»_» HX±¼ö åLçFç aLÇ×_ä$Oôç» Xç] ..............................*TöÌ[ýã_Ì[ý HX±¼ö ]çYçÌ[ý Ü—ö×»OôÌ[ý Xç] ............................*(a) Hydrometer (b) Ammeter (c) Densitymeter (d) None of these

c÷ç+QÎö'×]$Oôç» A×]$Oôç» åQöX×$Jô×$Oô×]$Oôç» AOôçC Xc÷Ìc÷ç+QÎö×]»OôçÌ[ý A×]»OôçÌ[ý åQöX×»a×»Oô×]»OôçÌ[ý AEõ×»OôC XÌ

84. A compound has .............................A×[ýWý å^ìGTö ......................................*AEõ×»Oô å^ìãG ...........................*(a) Only one kind of atom (b) Only one kind of element

åEõ¾_ AEõ Wý»S» Y»]çSÇ UçãEõ åEõ¾_ AEõ Wý»S» å]ì_ UçãEõ£WýÇ AEõ WýÌ[ýãSÌ[ý YÌ[ý]çSÇ UçãEõ £WýÇ AEõ WýÌ[ýãSÌ[ý å]ì_ UçãEõ

(c) A mixture of elements and molecules (d) Only one kind of moleculeså]ì_ %ç»Ó %XÇ ×]`Ò UçãEõ åEõ¾_ AEõ Wý»S» %XÇ UçãEõå]ì_ A[ýe %XÇÌ[ý ×]`Ò UçãEõ £WýÇ AEõ WýÌ[ýãSÌ[ý %XÇ UçãEõ

85. Evaporation followed by condensation occurs in ........................................................ » ålùyTö [ýç¹YÝ\ö¾S» _ãG _ãG HSÝ\ö¾X c÷Ì *........................ AÌ[ý ålùäy [ýç¹YÝÌ \ö[ýãXÌ[ý açãU HXÝ\ö[ýX c÷Ì *(a) Filtration (b) Sublimation (c) Evaporation (d) Distilation

Y׻؃öç¾S >W[ýïYçTöX [ýç¹YÝ\ö¾X YçTöXY×Ì[ý؃öç[ýX >W[ýïYçTöX [ýç¹YÝ\ö[ýX YçTöX

86. In photosynthesis, the catalyst is .............................açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbSTö %XÇH$OôEõ éc÷ä$K÷ .........................................açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbãS %XÇH»OôEõ c÷_ ..................................(a) Water (b) Sunlight

YçXÝ / L_ aÉ ï» åYçc÷» / aÉã ïÌ[ý %çã_ç

(c) Chlorophyll (d) Carbon dioxidezõ»'×Zõ_ / æzõçÌ[ý×Zõ_ Eõç[ýïXQöç+-%jç+Qö

87. Water is a kind of ........................... oxideYçXÝ A×[ýWý ............................... %jç+QöL_ AEõ YÒEõçÌ[ý ................................... %jç+Qö(a) acidic (b) basic (c) neutral (d) metal

%ç׶ÚöEõ lùç»EõÝÌ / lùçÌ[ýEõÝÌ YÒ`] WýçTö¾ / WýçTö[ý

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88. Which of the following statements is true regarding the properties of air ?[ýçÌ Ç» é[ý×`rôî %XÇa×» Tö_» åEõçXä$Oôç =×Nþ aTöî ?[ýçÌ ÇÌ[ý é[ý×`rôî %XÇaçãÌ[ý XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×»Oô aTöî ?(a) It is a good conductor of electricity (b) It is a a good conductor of heat

+ ×[ýVÇîTö» aÇY×»[ýçc÷Ý + TöçY» aÇY×»[ýçc÷Ý+c÷ç ×[ýVÇîãTöÌ[ý aÇY×Ì[ý[ýçc÷Ý +c÷ç TöçãYÌ[ý aÇY×Ì[ý[ýçc÷Ý

(c) It is translucent in nature (d) None of these+Ì ç» YÒEÊõ×Tö éc÷ä$K÷ <bd Ø‘ö¬K÷ A$OôçC Xc÷Ì+c÷çÌ[ý YÒEÊõ×Tö c÷_ +bd Ø‘ö¬K÷ AEõ×»OôC XÌ

89. All the plants require nitrogen for ......................aEõã_ç =×àöVEõ .............................» [ýçã[ý Xç+®ÏôãLX» YÒãÌ çLXaEõ_ =×àöãVÌ[ý Xç+®ÏôãLãXÌ[ý YÒãÌ çLX ............................. AÌ[ý LXî*(a) reproduction (b) photosynthesis (c) transpiration (d) growth

YÒLXX açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbS YÒãØ‘öVX [ýÊ׈ù

90. Which of the following is an edible stem ?Tö_» åEõçXä$Oôç Eõç‰ø FçVî ×c÷$Jôçã[ý [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý Yç×» ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX Eõç‰ø×»Oô Fç+ãTö YçÌ[ýç ^çÌ ?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

91. Which of the following are energy-giving foods ?Tö_» åEõçX ã[ýç» `×NþVçÌ Eõ FçVî ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçXm×_ `×NþVçÌ Eõ FçVî ?(a) Groundnut and eggs (b) Eggs and milk

[ýçVç] %ç»Ó EõSÝ EõSÝ %ç»Ó GçFÝ»[ýçVç] A[ýe ×Qö] ×Qö] A[ýe VÇWý

(c) Soyabean and groundnut (d) Potatoes & rice$K÷Ì ç×[ýX %ç»Ó [ýçVç] %ç_Ç %ç»Ó $Jôç=_åaçÌ ç×[ýX A[ýe [ýçVç] %ç_Ç A[ýe »Jôç=_

92. In which part of India is jute grown ?\öç»Tö[ýbï» åEõçXä$Oôç %e`Tö ]»çYç$Oô =dY~ c÷Ì ?\öçÌ[ýTö[ýãbïÌ[ý åEõçX %eã` Yç»Oô =dY~ c÷Ì ?(a) Assam (b) West Bengal (c) Bihar (d) All of these

%a] Y׸Jô][ý† ×[ýc÷ç» / ×[ýc÷çÌ[ý %ç$Oôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ ×»Oô

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93. Which of the following contains parallel venation ?Tö_» åEõçXä$OôçTö a]çÜ™ö»ç_ ×`»ç×[ýXîça %çä$K÷ ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×»OôãTö a]çÜ™öÌ[ýç_ ×`Ì[ýç×[ýXîça %çä»K÷ ?(a) Mustard (b) Cabbage (c) Banana (d) None of these

a×»Ì c÷ [ýµùçEõ×[ý Eõ_ AOôçC Xc÷Ìa×Ì[ýbç [ýçgWýçEõ×Y Eõ_ç AEõ×»OôC XÌ

94. Tendrils are .......................%çEõbï éc÷äK÷ ......................................%çEõbï c÷_ ...............................(a) stems modified to store food (b) stems modified into coiled wire

FçVî a‡ûÌ Eõ×»[ýê_ »ÖYçÜ™ö×»Tö åc÷ç¾ç Eõç‰ø EÇõ‰ø_Ýê_ »ÖYçÜ™ö» åc÷ç¾ç Eõç‰øFçVî a‡ûÌ Eõ×Ì[ýãTö Ì[ýÖYçÜ™ö×Ì[ýTö c÷CÌ ç Eõç‰ø EÇõ‰ø_ÝãTö Ì[ýÖYçÜ™ö×Ì[ýTö c÷CÌ ç Eõç‰ø

(c) stems modified into prop roots (d) roots modified to perform photosynthesisJÇô×_ ×`Yçê_ »ÖYçÜ™ö» åc÷ç¾ç Eõç‰ø açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbS» [ýçã[ý »ÖYçÜ™ö» åc÷ç¾ç ]É_*»JÇô_ ×`YçãTö Ì[ýÖYçÜ™ö×Ì[ýTö c÷CÌ ç Eõç‰ø açã_çEõ aeä`ÀbãSÌ[ý LXî Ì[ýÖYçÜ™ö×Ì[ýTö c÷CÌ ç ]É_

95. The outskin of a fruit is called ..................Zõ_» [ý×c÷f$K÷ç_Eõ ................................................ å[ýçã_*Zõã_Ì[ý [ýç×c÷ãÌ[ýÌ[ý åFçaçãEõ ..................................... [ýã_*(a) Mesocarp (b) Endocarp (c) seed (d) None of these

]Wýî±¼öEõ %Ü™öf±¼öEõ [ýÝL AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ

96. In which of the following properties does an animal and a plant differ ?Tö_» åEõçXä$Oôç$ é[ý×`rôî+ YÒçSÝ %ç»Ó =×àöVEõ YÊUEõ Eõã» ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX é[ý×`ãrô YÒçSÝ A[ýe =×àöV YÊUEõ c÷Ì ?(a) Presence of organs (b) Growth

%eG» =Y×Øšö×Tö [ýÊ׈ù%eãGÌ[ý =Y×Øšö×Tö [ýÊ׈ù

(c) Reproduction (d) Synthesis of foodYÒLXX FçVî aeä`ÀbSYÒLXX FçVî aeä`ÀbS

97. The walls of plant cells are made of a hard substance called ......................=×àöV» åEõçbã[ý» ................................... Xç]» A×[ýWý Eõ×PöX YVçUïã» G×PöTö*=×àöãVÌ[ý åEõçbm×_ .......................... Xçã]Ì[ý AEõYÒEõçÌ[ý Eõ×PöX YVçUï ¥çÌ[ýç G×PöTö*(a) glucose (b) cellulose (c) fructose (d) starch

GÀÇ'EõL æ$Jô_Ç_ÇL ZÐÇõEõ$OôL `Eïõ»ç / `EïõÌ[ýç

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98. In our body, carbon monoxide interferes with the transport of ....................%ç]ç» »Ý»Tö ................................ » Y×»[ýc÷STö Eõç[ýïX ]X'%jç+ãQö c÷Ø™öãlùY Eõã»*%ç]çãVÌ[ý Ì[ýÝãÌ[ýÌ[ý ......................... AÌ[ý Y×Ì[ý[ýc÷ãX Eõç[ýïX ]X %jç+Qö c÷Ø™öãlùY EõãÌ[ý*(a) carbon dioxide (b) ammonium sulphate

Eõç[ýïX Qöç+ %jç+Qö A]'×XÌ ç] $Jôç_ãZõ$OôEõç[ýïX Qöç+-%jç+Qö Aã]ç×XÌ ç] aç_ãZõ»Oô

(c) oxygen (d) hydrogen peroxide%×jãLX c÷ç+QÎöãLX åY»jç+Qö%×jãLX c÷ç+QÎöãLX åYÌ[ýjç+Qö

99. About 50% of those who die with of following disease are smokersTö_Tö ×VÌ ç å[ý]ç»Tö ]ÊTÇöî åc÷ç¾ç å»çGÝ» YÒçÌ 50%åÌ + WýÉ]YçXEõç»Ý ?...................... åÌ[ýçãG ]ÊTÇöî c÷CÌ ç åÌ[ýçGÝÌ[ý 50% WýÉ]YçXEõçÌ[ýÝ*(a) Tuberculosis (b) Lung cancer (c) Malaria (d) Polio

^©¿ç c÷çCg-ZõçCg» EõEïõ$Oô å]ã_»ÝÌ ç Y×_%'^©¿ç ZÇõaZÇõãaÌ[ý Eõîç³açÌ[ý å]ã_×Ì[ýÌ ç Y×_C

100. Which of the following non-flowering plants cannot synthesize food on their own ?Tö_» åEõçX×[ýWý %YǹYEõ =×àöãV ×XL» FçVî ×XãL éTöÌ ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾çã» ?.......................... %YǹYEõ =×àöV ×XãLÌ[ý FçVî ×XãL éTöÌ çÌ[ý Eõ×Ì[ýãTö YçãÌ[ý Xç*(a) Ferns (b) Fungi (c) Algae (d) None

æ$RôgEõÝÌ ç å\öEgÇõ» å`_ç+ A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ


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Time : 2 Hours / a]Ì f 2 H³Oôç Full Marks / ]ÇPö X¶‘ö» / å]ç»Oô X¶‘öÌ[ý f (25+25+25+25)=100

General Knowledge / açWýç»S pûçX / açWýç»Ì[ýS pûçX1. Raisina Hill houses the residence of India's ................

"»ç+×$K÷Xç ×c÷_' YÒçaçVäOôç \öç»Tö» ....................» [ýça\ö¾X* / "Ì[ýç+×aXç ×c÷_' A \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý ................................ [ýça\ö[ýX*(A) President (B) Prime Minister (C) CM of Delhi (D) None of these

»çrÑôY×Tö / Ì[ýçrÑôY×TöÌ[ý YÒWýçX]Ü—öÝ / YÒWýçX]Ü—öÝÌ[ý ×V{Ý» ]ÉFî]Ü—öÝ/×V{ÝÌ[ý ]ÇFî]Ü—öÝÌ[ý AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ2. The disease that is classified into type-1 and type-2 is ..................

Oôç+Y-1 %ç»Ó Oôç+Y-2 ×c÷$JôçãY ×[ý\öNþ Eõ×»[ý Y»ç å»çG×[ýWý éc÷ä$K÷ ...............* / Oôç+Y-1 A[ýe Oôç+Y-2 ×c÷açã[ý ×[ý\öNþ Eõ×Ì[ýãTö YçÌ[ýç åÌ[ýçG×Oô c÷_ ................*(A) common cold (B) diabetes (C) hepatitis (D) night blindness

$JôVÞ / a×VÛ QöçÌ ã[ý×Oô$K÷ / QöçÌ ã[ý×Oôa åc÷YçOôç+×Oô$K÷ / åc÷YçOôç+×Oôa EÇõEÇõ»Ý EõSç / Ì[ýçTöEõçXç3. The state in India that has the longest coastline of about 1600 km is :

%çOôç+TöêEõ VÝH_ÝÌ ç %Uïçd YÒçÌ 1600 ×Eõ.×]. =YEÉõ_ÝÌ %‡û_ UEõç \öç»Tö» »çLîFX éc÷ä$K÷ ......................a[ý»Jôç+ãTö éVHïîTö] TöOôãÌ[ýFç YÒçÌ 1600 ×Eõ.×]. \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý ............................ Ì[ýçLî %çä»K÷*(A) Odisha (B) Maharashtra (C) Gujarat (D) Tamilnadu

=×QÍöbç ]c÷ç»çrÑô / ]c÷çÌ[ýçrÑô mL»çOô / mLÌ[ýçOô Töç×]_XçQÇö4. The comedian who directed the television shows 'Flop Show' and 'Ulta Pulta' is ...............

VÉ»V ïXTö YÒV× ïTö åc÷ç¾ç "nõY Ÿ' %ç»Ó "=·Oôç-YÇ·Oôç'» ×XãVÛ Eõ %ç×$K÷_ åEõìTÇöEõ %×\öãXTöç ....................VÉÌ[ýV ïãX YÒV× ïTö c÷CÌ ç "nõY Ÿ' A[ýe "=·Oôç-YÇ·Oôç'Ì[ý ×XãVÛ Eõ ×»K÷ã_X ...............................*(A) Satish Shah (B) Raghubir Yadav (C) Rakesh Bedi (D) Jaspal Bhatti

aTöÝ` Ÿçc÷ »HÇ[ýÝ» ^çV¾ / Ì[ýHÇ[ýÝÌ[ý ^çV[ý »çãEõ` å[ýVÝ/Ì[ýçãEõ` å[ýVÝ ^`Yç_ \övôÝ5. Choose the correct answer for the box with '?'

'?' UEõç [ýçEõ$JôTö c÷[ý_GÝÌ ç £ˆù =wø»äOôç éc÷ä$K÷ .......................* / '?' UçEõç [ýçãj £ˆù =wøÌ[ý×Oô c÷ã[ý .................................*


(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. 'Like', 'Comments', 'Share' used in ................._ç+Eõ, Eõã]°Oô, å ŸÌ ç» %ç×V ........................ Tö [ýî¾c÷ç» c÷Ì * / "_ç+Eõ', "Eõã]³Oô', "å Ì çÌ[ý' A+m×_ ........................ A [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý c÷Ì *(A) Orkut (B) Twiter (C) Facebook (D) None of these

%EÇïõOô OÇô+Oôç» / OÇô+OôçÌ[ý åZõ+$Jô[ýÇEõ / åZõa[ýÇEõ AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ7. Head Quarters of the UNO is situated at ..................

»çrÑôaeH» ]ÉFî Eõç ïîç_Ì ................................ Tö %¾×ØšöTö* / Ì[ýçrÑôaeãHÌ[ý ]ÇFî Eõç ïîç_Ì ................................. A %[ý×ØšöTö*(A) Washington (B) London (C) New York (D) Geneva

¾ç× ŸeOôX / CÌ ç×`eOôX _‰øX ×X=Ì Eïõ åLãX\öç

- 2 -

8. In 'Pin Code' the word 'PIN' stands for ..................×YX åEõçQöTö UEõç 'PIN' `ŒäOôç» a¶YÉSï »ÖY éc÷ä$K÷ ..............................* / "×YX åEõçQö' Œ×OôãTö 'PIN' AÌ[ý a¶YÉSï %Uï .............................*(A) Postal Index Number (B) Private Income Number

åYçärô_ +XãQöj X綑öç» / åYçäºOô_ +XãQöj X綑öçÌ[ý YÒç+ã\öOô +XEõç] X綑öç» / YÒç+ã\öOô +XEõç] X綑öçÌ[ý(C) Permanent Income Number (D) Postal Indian Number

Yç»]çãX°Oô +XEõç] X綑öç» / YçÌ[ý]çãX³Oô +XEõç] X綑öçÌ[ý åYçärô_ +׉øÌ çX X綑öç» / åYçäºOô_ +׳QöÌ çX X綑öçÌ[ý9. Indian Constitution was adopted on ....................

\öç»TöÝÌ ae×[ýWýçX ............................... Töç×»ãF GÊc÷ÝTö éc÷×$K÷_* / \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý ae×[ýWýçX ................................. Töç×Ì[ýãF GÊc÷ÝTö c÷Ì *(A) 26 January, 1950 (B) 26 November, 1949 (C) 15 August, 1947 (D) None of these

$1950 JôX» 26 LçXǾç»Ý 1949 $JôX» 26 Xã\ö¶‘ö» 1947 $JôX» 15 %çGrô AOôçC Xc÷Ì$1950 aãXÌ[ý 26 LçXÇÌ^çÌ[ýÝ 1949 aãXÌ[ý 26 Xã\ö¶‘ö Ì[ý 1947 aãXÌ[ý 15 %çGrô AEõ×OôC XÌ

10. Find the odd one :%×]_äOôç [ýç×$K÷ =×_C¾ç f / %×]_×Oô å[ýä»K÷ XçC f(A) Nike (B) Reebok (C) Puma (D) Foot wear

Xç+Eõ ×»[ýEõ / ×Ì[ý[ýEõ YÇ]ç LÇTöç11. The main source of irrigation of agricultre land in India is ..................

\öç»TöTö EÊõ×b \Éö×]» [ýçã[ý L_×a‡ûX» YÒWýçX =da éc÷ä$K÷ ................* / \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý EÊõ×b\Éö×]Ì[ý LXî L_×a‡ûãXÌ[ý YÒWýçX =da c÷_ ......................*(A) Tanks (B) Rivers (C) Wells (D) Canals

L_çWýç» / YÇEÇõÌ[ý XVÝ EÇõg¾ç / EÇõÌ ç X_ç / Fç_12. 'Direct cool' and 'Frost free' are types of which household equipment ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç H»Ó¾ç aç]GÐÝ» é[ý×`rô éc÷ä$K÷ "Qöç+ã»kô EÇõ_' %ç»Ó ZÐõrô ×ZÐõ ? / "×QöãÌ[ýkô EÇõ_' A[ýe "ZÐõrô ×ZÐõ' XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX HãÌ[ýçÌ ç aÌ[ýtçã]Ì[ý é[ý×`rô ?(A) Washing Machine (B) Micro wave (C) Refrigerator (D) Air conditioner

¾ç× Ÿe å]×$K÷X / CÌ ç×`e å]×`X ]ç+yÔã¾[ý / ]ç+yÔCãÌ \ö å»×ZÐõLçã»Oô» / åÌ[ý×ZÐõLçãÌ[ýOôÌ[ý AÌ ç» Eõ׉ø$JôXç» / AÌ çÌ[ý Eõ׳Qö`XçÌ[ý13. The planet that is called the twin of the earth :

YÊ×U¾Ý» ^]L GÐc÷äOôç éc÷ä$K÷ ............................* / YÊ×U[ýÝÌ[ý ^]L GÐc÷ ........................... GÐc÷ãEõ [ý_ç c÷Ì *(A) Mercury (B) Venus (C) Mars (D) Jupiter

[ýÇWý £yÔ ]†_ [ýÊc÷&×Tö14. The wildlife sanctuary 'Chakrasheela', famous for golden langur, is in the district of :

åaçSç_Ý[ýç³V»» [ýçã[ý ×[ýFîçTö $JôyÔ`Ý_ç %\öÌ ç»Sî ............................. ×L_çTö %¾×ØšöTö*åaçSç_Ý[ýçXãÌ[ýÌ[ý LXî ×[ýFîçTö »JôyÔ`Ý_ç %\öÌ çÌ[ýSî ......................... ×L_çÌ %[ý×ØšöTö*(A) Sonitpur (B) Morigaon (C) Cachar (D) Dhubri

å`ç×STöYÇ» / å`ç×STöYÌ[ý ]×»GçCg / ]×Ì[ýGçCg Eõç$K÷ç» / Eõç»K÷çQÍö WýÇ[ýÇ»Ý / WýÇ[ýÇÌ[ýÝ15. Who was known as Deshbhakta ?

åV`\öNþ [ýÇ×_ EõçEõ LXç çÌ ? / åV`\öNþ EõçãEõ [ý_ç c÷Ì ?(A) Nabin Chandra Bordoloi (B) Tarunram Phukan

X[ýÝX$Jô³VÐ [ý»Vê_ / X[ýÝX»Jô³VÐ [ýÌ[ýVê_ Tö»ÓS»ç] ZÇõEõX / TöÌ[ýÓSÌ[ýç] ZÇõEõX(C) Anandaram Barua (D) Bhagat Sing

%çX³V»ç] [ý»Ó¾ç / %çX³VÌ[ýç] [ýÌ[ýÓÌ^ç \öGTö ×ae

- 3 -

16. Which of these can not be the same for two different persons ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç VÇLX [ýî×Nþ» ålùyTö åEõ×TöÌ çC AãEõ Xc÷Ì ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô VÇLX [ýî×NþÌ[ý ålùäy EõFXC AEõ c÷Ì Xç ?(A) Fingerprints (B) Skin colour (C) Eye colour (D) Blood group

×ZõeGç» ×YÒ°Oô / %ç†Çã_Ì[ý K÷çY $K÷ç_» »e / ±¼öãEõÌ[ý Ì[ýe $JôEÇõ» »e / æJôçãFÌ[ý Ì[ýe åTöL» GÐÓY / Ì[ýãNþÌ[ý GÐÓY17. In the panchayat system, 'ANCHALIK PANCHAYAT' is formed with the voters of the ............... area

Y‡ûçÌ TöÝ »çL [ýî¾ØšöçTö ""%ç‡û×_Eõ Y‡ûçÌ Tö GPöX Eõ»ç c÷Ì .................... Aã_Eõç» å\öçOôç» aEõ_» ¥ç»ç*''Y‡ûçÌ TöÝ [ýî[ýØšöçÌ "%ç‡û×_Eõ Y‡ûçÌ Tö' GPöX EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì ................................... A_çEõçÌ[ý å\öçOôçÌ[ý aEõã_Ì[ý ¥çÌ[ýç*(A) Zila Parishad (B) Gaon Panchayat (C) Town Committee (D) None of these

×L_ç Y×»bV / ×L_ç Y×Ì[ýbV GçCg Y‡ûçÌ Tö Oôç=X Eõ×]×Oô AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ18. 'Monarchy' in its limited form still prevails in :

aÝ×]Tö\öçã[ý c÷ã_C »çLTöÜ—ö A×TöÌ çC ..................... Tö $Jô×_ %çä$K÷* / Ì[ýçLTöÜ—ö aÝ×]Tö\öçã[ý AFXC ..................... A YÒ»Jô×_Tö %çä»K÷*(A) England (B) Saudi Arabia (C) Nepal (D) Sweden

+eã_‰ø / +eã_³Qö æ$K÷ì×V %ç»[ý / æaì×V %çÌ[ý[ý åXYç_ $KÇ÷+ãQöX / aÇ+ãQöX19. World Peace Day is observed on :

×[ý Ÿ `ç×Ü™ö ×V¾a ........................ Töç×»ãF Yç_X Eõ»ç c÷Ì * / ×[ý Ÿ `ç×Ü™ö ×V[ýa ............................. Töç×Ì[ýãF Yç_X EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì *(A) March 21 (B) June 17 (C) September 21 (D) November 17

21 ]ç$JôÛ 17 LÇX 21 æ$K÷㊶‘ö» / åaä´Oô¶‘öÌ[ý 17 Xã\ö¶‘ö» / Xã\ö¶‘öÌ[ý20. The Women Cricket World Cup Final, 2013 was played between ........................

2013 $JôX» ]×c÷_ç ×yÔãEõOô ×[ý ŸEõçY» Zõç+ãX_ åF_FX ............................ » ]çLTö %XÇלöTö éc÷×$K÷_*2013 aãXÌ[ý ]×c÷_ç ×yÔãEõOô ×[ý ŸEõçãYÌ[ý Zõç+ãX_ åF_ç×Oô .......................... ]ãWýî %XÇלöTö c÷Ì *(A) India & Australia (B) West Indies & Australia

\öç»Tö %ç»Ó %ärÑô×_Ì ç / \öçÌ[ýTö C %ärÑô×_Ì çÌ[ý å¾rô +׉øL %ç»Ó %ärÑô×_Ì ç / CãÌ rô +׳QöL C %ärÑô×_Ì çÌ[ý(C) England & West Indies (D) England & Newzeland

+eã_‰ø %ç»Ó å¾rô +׉øL / +eã_³Qö C CãÌ^rô +׳QöåLÌ[ý +eã_‰ø %ç»Ó ×X=×Lã_‰ø / +eã_³Qö C ×X=×Lã_ã³QöÌ[ý21. 'Kumbha Mela 2012' was held in ...........

2012 $JôX» EÇõ•öã]_ç ................. Tö %XÇלöTö éc÷×$K÷_* / 2012 aãXÌ[ý EÇõ•öã]_ç .............................. %XÇלöTö c÷Ì *(A) Nasik (B) Ujjain (C) Haridwar (D) Allahabad

Xç×$JôEõ / Xç×aEõ QöO#×Ì^SÝ / QöO#×Ì^SÝ c÷×»¥ç» / c÷×Ì[ý¥çãÌ[ýA_çc÷ç[ýçV

22. Rip Van Winkle sleeps through :»ÝY \öX =+eEõ_ ............................. » a]Ì Tö ×XVÐç éG×$K÷_* / ×Ì[ýY å\öX =+eEõ_ ............................ a]Ì HÇ]çÌ *(A) Dinner (B) Civil war (C) War of 1812 (D) American Revolution

»ç×Tö» %çc÷ç» åFç¾ç GÊc÷ Ç ù 1812 $JôX» Ç ù %çã]×»Eõç» ×[ýYÀ¾Ì[ýçãTöÌ[ý FçCÌ çÌ[ý GÊc÷^ÇãˆùÌ[ý 1812 aãXÌ[ý ÇãˆùÌ[ý %çã]×Ì[ýEõç ×[ýYÀã[ýÌ[ý

23. The television show 'Satyamev jayate' was anchored by ..............."aTöîã]Ì LÌ ãTö' %XÇœöçXäOôç æOô×_×\ö$JôXTö .................. A =YØšöçYX Eõ×»×$K÷_* / "aTöîã][ý LÌ ãTö' %XÇrôçX×Oô æOô×_×\ö`ãX .................. =YØšöçYX EõãÌ[ýX*(A) Shahrukh Khan (B) Salman Khan (C) Amir Khan (D) Ayushman Khurana

Ÿçc÷»ÓF FçX $K÷_]çX FçX %ç×]» FçX %çÌ Ça]çX FÇ»çXç

`çc÷Ì[ýÓF FçX a_]çX FçX %ç×]Ì[ý FçX %çÌ Ç ½çX FÇÌ[ýçXç- 4 -

24. Find the old one out :%×]_äOôç [ýç×$K÷ =×_C¾ç f / %×]_×Oô å[ýä»K÷ XçC f(A) Brother-Sister (B) Mother-Father (C) Uncle-Aunt (D) Husband-Wife

\öç+-\ö×X / \öç+-ã[ýçX ]ç-ãV=Töç / ]ç-[ýç[ýç FÇQÍöç-FÇQÍöÝ / EõçEõç-EõçEõÝ Ø‘öç]Ý-Ø—öÝ / Ø‘öç]Ý-Ø—öÝ25. Mughal Empress Mumtaz Mahal died at ......................

å]çG_ a¶ƒöçpûÝ ]]TöçL ]c÷_» ]ÊTÇöî .................................. Tö éc÷×$K÷_*å]çG_ a綃öçpûÝ ]]TöçL ]c÷ã_Ì[ý ]ÊTÇöî ....................................... A c÷ãÌ ×»K÷_*(A) Delhi (B) Agra (C) Burhanpur (D) None of these

×V{Ý %çGÐç [ýÇ»c÷çXYÇ» / [ýÇÌ[ýc÷çXYÇÌ[ý AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ

General English

26. Pick out the correct one :(A) Every poet is not Rabindranath (B) Every poet is not a Rabindranath(C) Every poet is not the Rabindranath (D) None of the above is correct.

27. Pick out the correct one :(A) Each of the girls was given a rose. (B) Each of the girl was given a rose.(C) Each of the girls were given roses. (D) Each girls were given roses.

28. A ''box'' is to boxes while ''ox'' is to :(A) oxes (B) oxen (C) oxees (D) ox

29. An empty vessel sounds ...........................(A) more (B) most (C) much (D) many

30. The hens have ........................... no eggs today.(A) lain (B) laid (C) lay (D) lied

31. I took him ........................... our guest .(A) as (B) to (C) for (D) after

32. We eat so that we ........................... live.(A) must (B) could (C) may (D) should

33. We were all surprised ........................... the news.(A) by (B) at (C) with (D) for

34. Next time you ........................... to my house, you must bring that book.(A) will come (B) are coming (C) may come (D) come

35) Fill the bottle ----------- hot water.(A) in (B) by (C) with (D) of

36. Hardly had we reached school ---------------- the bell rang.(A) than (B) when (C) then (D) and

37. A student who runs away from school without permission is called a ...........................

(A) juvenile (B) truant (C) delinquent (D) convict- 5 -

38. Beautiful handwriting can be expressed in one word as ...........................(A) cartography (B) ethnography (C) calligraphy (D) handicraft

39. Pick out the correct passive voice form of the sentence -"Who teaches you English ?"(A) English is taught by whom ? (B) By whom will you be taught English ?(C) By whom were you taught English (D) By whom are you taught English ?

40. The correct active voice form of the sentence - "He is known to be a rich man" is :(A) It is known that he is a rich man (B) Everyone knows that he is a rich man.(C) who doesn't know that he is a rich man ? (D) It is known by all that he is a rich man.

41. If the following sentence is converted to indirect narration, it will read :Mummy said, " I shall write a letter".(A) Mummy said that she will write a letter. (B) Mummy said she should write a letter.(C) Mummy said that she would write a letter (D) Mummy said that she should write a letter.

42. If the following sentence is converted to Direct speech , it will read like :" He asked me how I was ?"(A) He asked , "How you are ?" (B) He said, " How am I ?"(C) He asked to me, " How are you ?" (D) He said to me, " How are you?"

Pick out the correct meaning of the idiom in the following sentence.43. At last he found his rival at bay.

(A) He found him near the sea beach (B) He found him in a tight corner.(C) He found him at a restaurant named Bay. (D) None of the above

44. I am quite in the dark, so I can not give any comment on this.(A) There is a power failure now. (B) I have not brought a torch, so I can not see anything.(C) I am ignorant about the matter. (D) None of the above.

45. Give the correct meaning of the word in bold underline.She is an obstinate child.(A) Stubborn (B) Pretty (C) Clever (D) Dull

46. I must get it done by means fair or ...........................(A) good (B) bad (C) foul (D) smooth

47. A prefix is a letter or number of letters which can be added at the beginning of a word to get a new word.Which

of the following prefixes can be put before the words to get meaningful words ?Operate, exist, ordinate, existence

(A) Co (B) in (C) non (D) de48. A suffix is a letter or number of letters which can be added at the end of a word to get a new word. Which of the

following suffixes can be put after the following words to get meaningful words?hill bull butt padd

(A) Y (B) ow (C) ock (D) er

49. Thermometer is to temperature as Barometer is to ...........................(A) height (B) pressure (C) speed (D) depth

- 6 -

50. Peel is to banana as .. is to nut.(A) covering (B) rind (C) kernel (D) shell

General Maths / açWýç»S G×STö / açWýç»Ì[ýS G×STö

51. Roman numeral for the greatest three digit number is .................×Tö×XOôç %eEõ ×[ý×`rô %çOôç+TöêEõ QöçIø» aeFîç [ýÇãLç¾ç å»ç]çX aeFîçäOôç éc÷ä$K÷ .......................*×TöX %eEõ ×[ý×`rô a[ýï[ýÊc÷d aeFîç [ýÇLçãXç åÌ[ýç]çX aeFîç×Oô c÷_ ...........................*(A) IXIXIX (B) CMIXIX (C) CMLXIX (D) CMXCIX

52. The difference between the place value and face value of 5 in 91,25,678 is ....................91,25,678 is .................... Tö 5 » ØšöçXÝÌ ]çX %ç»Ó açe×FîEõ ]çX» YçUïEõî .......................91,25,678 åTö 5 AÌ[ý ØšöçXÝÌ ]çX A[ýe açe×FîEõ ]çãXÌ[ý YçUïEõî .......................................*(A) 0 (B) 4995 (C) 4095 (D) 5000

53. If 'a' and 'b' are whole numbers then which of the following is true ?^×V 'a' %ç»Ó 'b' YÉSï aeFîç c÷Ì åTöãÜ™ö Tö_» åEõçXäOôç aTöî ? / ×V 'a' A[ýe 'b' YÉSï aeFîç c÷Ì^, Töã[ý XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô aTöî ?(A) a÷b is a whole number (B) a÷b = b÷a

a÷b AOôç YÉSï aeFîç / a÷b AEõ×Oô YÉSï aeFîç(C) both A & B (D) None of these

A %ç»Ó B =\öÌ / A A[ýe B =\öãÌ AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ54. The value of 498 x 73 + 498 x 27 is ................................

498 x 73 + 498 x 27 » ]çX .........................* / 498 x 73 + 498 x 27 AÌ[ý]çX ...........................*(A) 4980 (B) 49,800 (C) 498,000 (D) None of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ55. Number of prime numbers from 1 to 50 are .................

1 » Y»ç 50 é_ãEõ å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç» aeFîç éc÷ä$K÷ ..........................* / 1 åUãEõ 50 AÌ[ý å\öTöãÌ[ý UçEõç å]çOô å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç ......................*(A) 20 (B) 14 (C) 15 (D) None of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ56. The hour hand of a clock is rotated clockwise from 11 to 2. Determine by what degree the hour hand is rotated

clockwiseAOôç HQÍöÝTö H°Oôç» EgõçÅOôçQöç_ 11 » Y»ç 2 é_ãEõ HQÍöÝ» EgõçÅOôç HÉ»ç ×V`Tö HÉ×»ã_* EõçgOôçQöç_ ×Eõ]çX ×QöGÐÝ HÉ×»ã_ ×XSïÌ Eõ»ç*AEõ×Oô H×QÍöãTö H³OôçÌ[ý EgõçÅOôç×Oô 11 åUãEõ 2 Oôç V×lùSç[ýãTöÛ åHçÌ[ýã_ EgõçÅOôç×Oô EõTö ×QöGÐÝ åHçÌ[ýã_ç ?(A) 30 (B) 60 (C) 90 (D) None of these

AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ57. Number of line segments used in the figure of a cuboid is ...................

%çÌ TöÝÌ HXEõ AOôçTö UEõç å»FçF‰ø» aeFîç ................* / %çÌ TöÝÌ HXãEõ UçEõç åÌ[ýFçFã‰øÌ[ý aeFîç ..........................*

(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) None of theseAOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ

- 7 -

58. In the given figure the area of the circle is 9π m2. Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD.×$JôyTö åVFÇC¾ç [ýÊwø» Eõç×_ ×V 9π ×]Oôç»2 c÷Ì , åTöãÜ™ö $ABCD JôTÇö\ÉöÛL» Eõç×_ =×_C¾ç*×»Jôäy åVFçãXç [ýÊãwøÌ[ý Eõç×_ ^×V 9π ×]OôçÌ[ý2 c÷Ì , Töã[ý ABCD »JôTÇö\ÇöÛãLÌ[ý Eõç×_ c÷ã[ý .....................*



(A) 9m2 (×].)2 (B) 36m2 (×].)2 (C) 81m2 (×].)2 (D) None of theseA$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ

59. Which of the following statements is false ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ ×]$K÷ç ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ×Oô ×]Uîç ?(A) A line segment has two end points (B) A line has no end points

AQöç_ å»FçF‰ø» VÇOôç YÒçÜ™ö ×[ý³VÇ %çä$K÷ AQöç_ å»Fç» åEõçãXç YÒçÜ™ö ×[ý³VÇ Xç+AEõ×Oô åÌ[ýFçFã³QöÌ[ý VÇ×Oô YÒçÜ™ö×[ý³VÇ %çä»K÷ AEõ×Oô åÌ[ýFçÌ[ý åEõçX YÒçÜ™ö ×[ý³VÇ Xç+

(C) A ray has only one end point (D) None of theseAQöç_ »×`½» YÒçÜ™ö ×[ý³VÇ ]çy AOôç / A$OôçC Xc÷ÌAEõ×Oô Ì[ý×`½Ì[ý YÒçÜ™ö×[ý³VÇ ]çy AEõ×Oô AEõ×»OôC XÌ

60. Measure of ∠Y is ..................∠Y » ]çY ........................ / ∠Y AÌ[ý ]çY ................



B C DY0 1150


(A) 650 (B) 750 (C) 450 (D) 550

61. 1 5 3 12 3 4 ..............

2 7 13 2+ × − ÷ =

(A) 18856



(C) 133

56(D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ62.


th of a number is 8. Find its two third.AOôç aeFîç»


%e`» ]çX 18 c÷ã_ aeFîçäOôç» VÇ+-TÊöTöÝÌ çe`» ]çX ..........................

AEõ×Oô aeFîçÌ[ý


%eã`Ì[ý ]çX 18 c÷ã_ aeFîç×OôÌ[ý VÇ+-TÊöTöÝÌ çeã Ì[ý ]çX ........................................*(A) 68 (B) 32 (C) 102 (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ63.

( ) ( )0.8 0.4243 243 ..........................÷ =

(A) 9 (B) 3 (C) 27 (D) None of theseA$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ

64. In IPL T-20 match 7 teams have joined. Each team played twice with each of the remaining teams in the firstround. Find the total number of games in the first round.IPL T-20 åF_Tö 7 Oôç Vã_ %e` GÐc÷S Eõ×»ä$K÷* ×V YÒ×TöäOôç Vã_ [ýçEõÝ V_» éaãTö VÇ[ýç»êEõ åFä_ åTöãÜ™ö YÒU] »ç=‰øTö ]ÇPö ×Eõ]çXFX åF_%XÇלöTö c÷_ ×XSïÌ Eõ»ç*

IPL T-20 åF_çÌ 7 ×Oô V_ %e` GÐc÷S EõãÌ[ý A[ýe YÒ×Tö×Oô V_ [ýçEõÝ Vã_Ì[ý açãU VÇ[ýçÌ[ý EõãÌ[ý åFã_* YÒU] Ì[ýç=ã‰ø å]çOô EõÌ ×Oô åF_ç %XÇלöTö c÷Ì ?(A) 14 (B) 60 (C) 28 (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ- 8 -

65. A lawn is in the form of a rectangle having its sides in the ratio 3:5. The area of the lawn is 115

hectare. Findthe length and breath of the lawn.AFX %çÌ TöçEõç» [ýç×G$K÷ç» VÝH %ç»Ó YÒØšö» %XÇYçTö 3:5, ×V Eõç×_


åc÷kô» c÷Ì , åTöãÜ™ö [ýç×G$Jôç» VÝH %ç»Ó YÒØšö ×XSïÌ Eõ»ç*

AEõ×Oô %çÌ TöçEõçÌ[ý [ýçGçãXÌ[ý éVHïî C YÒãØšöÌ[ý Eõç×_ 3:5, ^×V Eõç×_


åc÷kôÌ[ý c÷Ì^, Töã[ý [ýçGçãXÌ[ý éVHïî C YÒØšö ×XSïÌ^ EõÌ[ý*(A) 3, 5 (B)








(D) None of theseA$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ

66. 1 sq cm = ........................... sq mm1 [ýGï ×]. = .................... [ýGï ×].×].(A) 100 (B) 10 (C) 1000 (D) 10000

67. In

6(2 1) 8 14x − + =

, the value of

' 'x

is .................

6(2 1) 8 14x − + =

' 'x

» ]çX éc÷ä$K÷ .................* /

6(2 1) 8 14x − + =


' 'x

AÌ[ý ]çX c÷_ ............................*(A) -1 (B)






(D) +168. First, third and the fourth terms of a proportion are 6, 12 and 36. Then the second term is ................

A$Oôç a]çXÇYçTö» YÒU], TÊöTöÝÌ %ç»Ó $JôTÇöUï YV 6, 12 %ç»Ó 36 c÷ã_ ×¥TöÝÌ YVäOôç c÷[ý ..................AEõ×Oô a]çXÇYçãTöÌ[ý YÒU], TÊöTöÝÌ A[ýe »JôTÇöUï YV 6, 12 A[ýe 36 c÷ã_ ×¥TöÝÌ YV×Oô c÷ã[ý ................................*(A) 12 (B) 18 (C) 24 (D) 108

69. Instruments used to bisect a given line segmentAQöç_ å»FçF‰øEõ ×¥F׉øTö Eõ×»[ýê_ ........................... agLÇ×_ ×c÷$JôçãY [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç c÷Ì *AEõ×Oô åÌ[ýFçF‰øãEõ ×¥F׉øTö Eõ×Ì[ýãTö ................................... [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì *(A) scale and protractor (B) scale and compasses (C) scale and setsquare (D) scale

å•õ_ %ç»Ó åEõçS]çX Ü—ö å•õ_ %ç»Ó Eõ¶Yç$K÷ å•õ_ %ç»Ó æ$JôOô•ÇõÌ ç» å•õ_å•õ_ A[ýe åEõçS]çX Ü—ö å•õ_ A[ýe Eõ¶Yç»a å•õ_ A[ýe åaOôã•õçÌ çÌ[ý å•õ_

70. Sum of two integers is +62. If one of the integer is -48 then the other is .................VÇOôç %F‰ø aeFîç» å^çGZõ_ +62, ×V Töçã» AOôç aeFîç -48 c÷Ì åTöãÜ™ö %çXäOôç aeFîç .......................*VÇ×Oô %F‰ø aeFîçÌ[ý å^çGZõ_ +62, ^×V +c÷çÌ[ý AEõ×Oô aeFîç -48 c÷Ì , Töã[ý %YÌ[ý×Oô .............................*(A) +14 (B) -14 (C) -110 (D) +110

71. A man distributes 0.375 of his money to his wife and 0.4 to his son. He has still 3,375 left with him.How much initial money did the man have ?ALX ]çXÇc÷ åTöCg» WýX» 0.375 %e` Y±óöÝEõ %ç»Ó 0.4 %e` YÇyEõ ×VÌ çTö 3,375 OôEõç [ýçEõÝ Uç×Eõ_* åTöCg» ]ÇPö WýX ×Eõ]çX %ç×$K÷_ ?AEõLX ]çXÇb ×XãLÌ[ý WýãXÌ[ý 0.375 %e` Y±óöÝãEõ A[ýe 0.4 %e` YÇyãEõ åVCÌ^çÌ[ý YÌ[ý 3,375 OôçEõç [ýçEõÝ UçãEõ* =XçÌ[ý å]çOôWýãXÌ[ý Y×Ì[ý]çS .....................................*(A) 13,750 (B) 15,000 (C) 7,750 (D) None

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì /AEõ×»OôC XÌ72. The ascending order of 6411, 6144, 6344, 6744 is ...............

6411, 6144, 6344, 6744 » =WýïyÔ] éc÷ä$K÷ ..................................* / 6411, 6144, 6344, 6744 AÌ[ý =WýïyÔ] c÷_ ..............................*(A) 6144, 6344, 6411, 6744 (B) 6744, 6411, 3644, 6144(C) 3644, 6411, 6144, 6744 (D) 6144, 6411, 6744, 6344

73. 36(8-3)=................(A) (36x8)-3 (B) (36x8)x(36-3) (C) (36x8)-(36x3) (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì /AEõ×»OôC XÌ- 9 -

74. Which of the following number is divisible by 11 ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç aeFîç 11 å» ×[ý\öçLî ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX aeFîç 11 ¥çÌ[ýç ×[ý\öçLî ?(A) 31,16,365 (B) 9,01,351 (C) 87,90,322 (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì /AEõ×»OôC XÌ75. Observe the following sums. Then find the sum of 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + ..................... + 19 ?

Tö_» å^çGZõ_ åEõ+Oôç %WýîçÌ X Eõ×» 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + ..................... + 19 » å^çGZõ_ ×XSïÌ Eõ»ç*XÝä»JôÌ[ý å^çGZõ_ m×_ åVãF 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + ..................... + 19 AÌ[ý å^çGZõ_ ×XSïÌ EõÌ[ýç*

11 + 3

1 + 3 + 51 + 3 + 5 + 7

= 1 x 1 = 1= 2 x 2 = 4= 3 x 3 = 9= 4 x 4 = 16

(A) 121 (B) 81 (C) 100 (D) 64

General Science / açWýç»S ×[ýpûçX / açWýç»Ì[ýS ×[ýpûçX

76. Kinetic energy of a gas molecule depends on ................åG$K÷ÝÌ %XÇ» G×Tö`×Nþ ................................. » CY»Tö ×X\öÛ» Eõã»* / GîçãaÌ[ý %SÇÌ[ý G×Tö`×Nþ ............................ AÌ[ý =YÌ[ý ×X\öÛÌ[ý EõãÌ[ý*(A) volume (B) temperature (C) pressure (D) None of these

%çÌ TöX =bÕTöç $JôçY A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ77. What is the least amount of energy required by a man to lift an object weighing (32)0.8 N to a height of 3m ?

ALX ]çXÇãc÷ (32)0.8 ×X=OôX CLX» [ýØ™Çö AOôç 3 ×]Oôç» =‡ûTöçê_ =Pöç[ýê_ XÇXîTö] ×Eõ]çX ×Nþ» YÒãÌ çLX ?AEõLX ]çXÇb (32)0.8 ×X=OôX CLãXÌ[ý AEõ×Oô [ýØ™Çö 3 ×]. =¬JôTöçãTö =Pöçã_ XÉXîTö] EõTöOÇôEÇõ `×NþÌ[ý YÒãÌ çLX ?(A) 64J (B) 48J (C) 48N (D) None of these

64 LÇ_ 48 LÇ_ 48 ×X=OôX A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ78. The handle of a tubewell is a ...................

×Oô=[ýã¾_» c÷çTö_Qöç_ .....................................* / ×Oô=[ýã_Ì[ý c÷çTö_×Oô ...........................................*(A) 1st order lever (B) 2nd order lever (C) 3rd order lever (D) None of these

YÒU] æ ÒSÝ» ×_\öç» ×¥TöÝÌ æ ÒSÝ» ×_\öç» TÊöTöÝÌ æ ÒSÝ» ×_\öç» $A$OôçC Xc÷ÌYÒU] æ ÒSÝÌ[ý ×_\öçÌ[ý ×¥TöÝÌ æ ÒSÝÌ[ý ×_\öçÌ[ý TÊöTöÝÌ æ ÒSÝÌ[ý ×_\öçÌ[ý AEõ×»OôC XÌ

79. Which of the following instruments is used to check whether electricity is flowing through a substance or not ?[ýØ™Çö AOôç» ]çãL×V ×[ýVÇîd YÒ[ýç×c÷Tö éc÷ä$K÷ãX Xç+ Lç×X[ý» [ýçã[ý Tö_» åEõçXäOôç agLÇ×_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç c÷Ì ?[ýØ™Çö AEõ×OôÌ[ý ]Wýî ×VãÌ^ ×[ýVÇîd YÒ[ýç×c÷Tö c÷+Ì^çä»K÷ Xç Xç+ Töçc÷ç LçXçÌ[ý LXî XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX ^Ü—ö×Oô [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì^ ?(A) Voltmeter (B) Ammeter (C) Cell (D) None of these

\ö·Oô×]Oôç» / \ö·Oô×]OôçÌ[ý A×]Oôç» / A×]OôçÌ[ý åEõçb $A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ80. The CGS Units of speed is ..................

VÐÓ×Tö» CGS AEõEõ éc÷ä$K÷ ..........................* / VÐÓ×TöÌ[ý CGS AEõEõ c÷_ ............................*(A) cm/g (B) m/s (C) m/g (D) cm/s

æ$K÷.×]./GÐç (æ$a.×]./GÐç) ×]./æ$K÷ãEõ‰ø (×]./æ$aãEõ‰ø) ×]./GÐç. æ$K÷.×]./æ$K÷ãEõ‰ø (æ$a÷.×]./æ$aãEõ‰ø)81. The capacity to do work is called ..................

Eõç ïî Eõ»ç» aç]UïîEõ .............................. å[ýçã_* / Eõç ïî EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý aç]UïãEõ .................................... [ýã_*(A) energy (B) force (C) motion (D) speed

`×Nþ [ý_ G×Tö VÐÓ×Tö- 10 -

82. Equal volumes of different substances .................a] %çÌ TöX» aEõã_ç [ýØ™Çö» .....................................* / a] %çÌ TöãXÌ[ý aEõ_ [ýØ™ÇöÌ[ý ..................................*(A) have equal weights (B) have equal densities

CLX a]çX %çÌ TöX a]çX(C) need not have equal weights (D) None of these

CLX a]çX Xc÷[ýCg Yçã» / CLX a]çX XçC c÷ãTö YçãÌ[ý $A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ83. Pure water is a ..................... conductor of electricity.

×[ý£ˆù YçXÝ ×[ýVÇîd» ............................... Y×»[ýçc÷Ý* / ×[ý£ˆù L_ ×[ýVÇîãTöÌ[ý ......................... Y×Ì[ý[ýçc÷Ý*(A) good (B) bad (C) semi (D) None of these

aÇ EÇõ %Wýï AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ84. To separate a mixture of two or more gases ...................... method is used.

VÇ+ [ýç TöçãTöç×WýEõ åG$K÷» ×] ÒEõ YÊUEõ Eõ×»[ýê_ .......................... YÒ×yÔÌ ç YÒãÌ çG Eõ»ç c÷Ì *VÇ+ [ýç TöãTöç×WýEõ GîçãaÌ[ý ×] ÒSãEõ YÊUEõ Eõ×Ì[ýãTö ............................. YÒ×yÔÌ ç YÒãÌ çG EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì *(A) sedimentation (B) distillation (C) decantation (D) None of these

%¾ãlùYS / %[ýãlùYS YçTöX %ç؃öç¾S / %ç؃öç[ýçX $A$OôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×»OôC XÌ85. Municipality officials use chlorine in water purification. Why ?

åYì» ×XG]» ×[ýbÌ çaEõã_ YçXÝ ×[ý£ˆù Eõ»STö zõ'×»S [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõã»* ×EõÌ ?åYìÌ[ý ×XGã]Ì[ý Eõ]ï»JôçÌ[ýÝÌ[ýç L_ ×[ý£ˆù EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý LXî åEõX æzõç×Ì[ýS [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõãÌ[ýX ?(A) Chlorine cleans water (B) Chlorine helps water to cool easily

zõ×»ãS YçXÝ Y×»›õç» Eõã» / zõ×Ì[ýS L_ãEõ Y×Ì[ý•õçÌ[ý EõãÌ[ý zõ×»ãS YçXÝ Pöç‰øç Eõ»çTö ac÷çÌ Eõã» / zõ×Ì[ýS L_ Pöç‰øç EõÌ[ýçÌ ac÷çÌ EõãÌ[ý(C) Chlorine kills harmful bacteria (D) None of these

zõ×»ãS %×XrôEõç»Ý å[ýãkô×»Ì ç W[ýea Eõã» $A$OôçC Xc÷Ìzõ×Ì[ýS %×XrôEõçÌ[ýÝ å[ýãkô×Ì[ýÌ^ç W[ýe` EõãÌ[ý AEõ×»OôC XÌ

86. Photo synthesis requires .......................açã_çEõ aeä ÀbSTö .....................................» %ç¾`îEõ* / açã_çEõ aeä ÀbãS ................................. AÌ[ý %ç[ý`îEõ*(A) Water (B) Sunlight (C) Chlorophyll (D) All of these

YçXÝ / L_ aÉ^ï» åYçc÷» / aÉã ïÌ[ý %çã_ç zõ»'×Zõ_ / æzõçÌ[ý×Zõ_ %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ ×Oô87. The process of losing water by plants is called .....................

=×àöãV ................................ YÒ×yÔÌ ç» ¥ç»ç YçXÝ A×» ×VãÌ * / =×àöV ............................. YÒ×yÔÌ çÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç L_ »K÷çäQÍö*(A) evaporation (B) transpiration (C) condensation (D) All of these

[ýç¹YÝ\ö¾X / [ýç¹YÝ\ö[ýX YÒãØ‘öVX HXÝ\ö¾X / HXÝ\ö[ýX %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ ×Oô88. The melting point of ice is ...................

[ý»Zõ» G_XçeEõ ..........................* / [ýÌ[ýãZõÌ[ý G_XçeEõ ................................*(A) 00C (B) 370C (C) 400C (D) 1000C

89. A compass can be used to .................................................... Eõ¶Yç$K÷ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý Yç×»* / .................................. Eõ¶Yça [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõÌ[ýãTö Yç×Ì[ý*(A) find the altitude of a place (B) find only the north of a place

åEõçãXç AFX Pöç+» =¬JôTöç =×_Ì ç[ýê_ åEõçãXç Pöç+» åEõ¾_ =wø» ×V` =×_Ì ç[ýê_åEõçX ØšöçãXÌ[ý =¬JôTöç ]çYãTö åEõçX ØšöçãXÌ[ý £WýÇ =wøÌ[ý ×VEõ ×XSïÌ EõÌ[ýãTö

(C) find all the directions of a place (D) make artificial magnetsåEõçãXç Pöç+» aEõã_ç ×V` =×_Ì ç[ýê_ EÊõ×Åy] $JÇô¶‘öEõ aç×L[ýê_åEõçX ØšöçãXÌ[ý aEõ_ ×VEõ ×XSïÌ EõÌ[ýãTö* EÊõ×Åy] »JÇô¶‘öEõ açLçãTö

- 11 -

90. Global warming is the resulf of the increase in .................... in air.åGç_EõÝÌ ç =bÕTöç» Eõç»S éc÷ä$K÷, [ýçÌ ÇTö ......................... [ýÊ׈ù åc÷ç¾ç*åGç_EõÝÌ =bÕTöçÌ[ý EõçÌ[ýS c÷_ [ýçÌ ÇãTö ................................ [ýÊ׈ù c÷CÌ ç*(A) nitrogen (B) oxygen (C) water vapour (D) carbon dioxide

Xç+®ÏôãLX %×jãLX L_ÝÌ [ýç¹Y Eõç[ýïX Qöç+%jç+Qö91. Which of the following processes can not take place in the absence of oxygen ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç YÒ×yÔÌ ç %×jãLX» %XÇY×Øšö×TöTö aeG×PöTö c÷[ý åXç¾çã» ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX YÒ×yÔÌ ç %×jãLãXÌ[ý %XÇY×ØšöãTö aeG×PöTö c÷Ì Xç ?(A) combustion (B) respiration (C) oxidation (D) All of these

Vc÷S ŸaX Lç»S / LçÌ[ýS %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ ×Oô92. Which of the following is not insectivorous ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç YTö†ã\öçLÝ Xc÷Ì ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô YTö†ã\öçLÝ XÌ ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)93. Guava is a source of Vitamin .....................

]WýÇ»Ý %ç] éc÷ä$K÷ ×\öOôç×]X ............................ » =da* / åYÌ çÌ[ýç c÷_ ×\öOôç×]X ........................................ AÌ[ý =da(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

94. Mohan has a cup of rice, two chappatis, two vegetable curries and ghee in his plate of meals. What is missingin his meals ?å]çc÷X» FçVî Töç×_EõçTö AEõçY \öçTö, VÇOôFX »Ó×Oô, VÇ+ Wý»S» Yç$$Jô×_» %çtç %ç»Ó ×H= Uç×Eõã_, åTöCg» FçVîTö ×Eõc÷» XçOô×X éc÷ä$K÷ ?å]çc÷ãXÌ[ý FçVî Töç×_EõçÌ AEõEõçY \öçTö, VÇ×Oô Ì[ýÓ×Oô, VÇ+ WýÌ[ýãSÌ[ý a‹ÝÌ[ý åMõç_ A[ýe ×H UçEõã_, TöçÌ[ý FçãVî ×EõãaÌ[ý %\öç[ý Ì[ýãÌ ä»K÷ ?(A) fats (B) proteins (C) salt (D) water

$Jô[ýÞ / »Jô×[ýï YÒ'×OôX / æYÒç×OôX ×X]F / _[ýS YçXÝ / L_95. The two main processes of making fabrics are ......................

EõçãYç» éTöÌ ç» Eõ»ç» ]ÉFî YÒ×yÔÌ ç VÇOôç éc÷ä$K÷ ....................*EõçYÌ[ý éTöÌ çÌ[ý EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý ]ÇFî YÒ×yÔÌ ç VÇ×Oô c÷_ ..........................*(A) ginning and weaving (B) weaving and knitting (C) weaving and spinning (D) None of these

EõYçc÷ WýÉXç %ç»Ó [ýÌ X [ýÌ X %ç»Ó mgPöç [ýÌ X %ç»Ó aÉTöçEõOôç AOôçC Xc÷ÌTÇö_çWýÇXç C [ýÌ X [ýÌ X C WýÇXç [ýÌ X C aÇTöçEõçOôç AEõ×OôC XÌ

96. In monocots, ..................... system is observed.AEõ[ýÝL YyÝTö .............................. GgçU×X åVFç çÌ^*AEõ[ýÝL YyÝãTö ............................. GgçU×X åVFç çÌ *(A) tap root (B) fibrous root (C) both A and B (D) None of these

]ÉFî ]É_ m¬K÷]É_ A %ç»Ó B =\öÌ /A A[ýe B =\öÌ AOôçC Xc÷Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ97. Which of the following contains reticulate venation on its leaves ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç» YçTöTö Lç_×a»ç×[ýXîça UçãEõ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×OôÌ[ý YçTöçÌ Lç_× Ì[ýç×[ýXîça UçãEõ ?(A) Bamboo (B) Sugarcane (C) Mango (D) Date palm

[ýgçc÷ / [ýgç` EgÇõ×c÷Ì ç» / EÇõ× Ì çÌ[ý %ç] åFLÇ» / åFLÇÌ[ý- 12 -

98. Kidneys, lungs, gills and sweat glands are parts of ..................... system in animals.YÒçSÝ» [ýÊhõ, c÷çCg-ZõçCg, ZÇõ_ %ç»Ó H]ï GÐ×Üšö éc÷ä$K÷ ............................. TöÜ—öл AãEõçOôç %e`*YÒçSÝÌ[ý [ýÊhõ, ZÇõaZÇõa, ZÇõ_Eõç A[ýe H]ï GÐ×Üšö c÷_ .......................... TöãÜ—öÌ[ý AEõ×Oô %e`*(A) digestive (B) excretory (C) blood circulation (D) nervous

Yç$JôX å»$JôX / åÌ[ýJôX »Nþ Y×»[ýc÷X / Ì[ýNþY×Ì[ý[ýc÷X ØoöçÌ Ç99. Obesity can be caused by the over intake of ..............

........................ å[ý×$K÷êEõ Fçã_ å]V [ý§_Töç c÷Ì * / ......................... å[ý`ÝEõãÌ[ý åFã_ å]V[ý§_Töç c÷Ì *(A) carbohydrates (B) vitamins (C) minerals (D) fats

Eõç[ýï c÷ç+äQÎöOô ×\öOôç×]X F×XL _¾S / F×XL _[ýS åØoöc÷ YVçUï100. Which part of our body has pivotal joint ?

%ç]ç» åVc÷» åEõçXäOôç %e`Tö åEõ³VÐÝÌ a×µù %çä$K÷* / %ç]çãVÌ[ý åVãc÷Ì[ý åEõçX %eã` åEõ³VÐÝÌ a×µù %çä»K÷ ?(A) shoulder (B) knees (C) ribs (D) neck

Eõçµù / EgõçWý %çgPÇö / c÷çOÇô Eõç×]c÷çQÍö / YgçLÌ[ý ×Qö×Iø / G_ç

